1984-04 April IBEW Journal.pdf - International Brotherhood of ...

1984-04 April IBEW Journal.pdf - International Brotherhood of ... 1984-04 April IBEW Journal.pdf - International Brotherhood of ...


40 Union-Built Showli h ~ ' f aft ",me of Ibt building' of tht Armand Hammel Untied Wn.ld Colle,. of .bt Ameriun WUI, which "u built b, union labo •. IPhoto . uhmitltd b~ Polito C rint , member of Loul 6 11 , Al buquUqUf, N. M.I mc. United World COJl~'f o~nfd In doon 10 10l nudentS hom 46 (OuntrlU The 'all of 19M $;I W the College obtam 115 mUlmum .lIlotlmen. ,,1200 students ,ep,ucnllng DV". 60 CDun.un The C

' bers with any new additions to their iamlltu Also fat tbose members aod their familIes who have been sick or hOIPuali:ed, ler '. see you 00 your feet rul sooo Don't forset we hive i very .cuve ~ Commuolty ServIce Commmee who are always rudy and wllltoS to help those In Med. Unul latCf let's thInk brothNhood, Ind leI's hear from wme of you reund memben R.u POLHKY, P S Scribe Urges Members • To 'Build Our Union' LU. 647 (u), LITTLE ROCK, ARK.-Dropouu ,nd people who WIll not lOin the unIon m,y nOt re,lIze !hat the unIon sull controls them IS long u they . hold a lob wHhln the barplnlnS unit The umon \I also legally requued to represem them Non· membe .. cannot Vote on proposed eonuacu or elect Iheu oUkers ,nd Icplcsemallvu They do .., ~ot haH Ihe Aceldenul Death and DIsmember mem Insurance from Amcncan Income Life thaI is coooecled 10 UOIOO membershIp Also, they may not rullze that union due. aoe lax deduel1ble l. It 15 our lob as umon members to comact every Dew workef and explain that the nbry aod benefits we enlDy hne b«n negotiated over many ye", by !he unIon ThIS 'sn'l expl,med by m,nagement We ale fon unlle If they even menllon the uOion . TherefOle, illS up to us, ,fter new employeu have been told by mausemeot of the salary and benefits they cao receIve, to explain Ihal the eomp'oy ,5 DOt !lvln,; these of Ihelr own Inc Will They are ~ pall of the un,on eootract New emrloyen frequently uk. "Whlt Sood " the unum!" Wnhout , umon, the employer can be a dlct,uor People who have worked for nOll' uruon employers reahze the Import,nce of a umon .... JI they ha"e been .duKd a lalK, we.e replaced by some new automated equlpmeOt 01 dlupeed with Ihel1 emplo)'er's pohc,cs and dCClSlons Wllhoula uruon md,vldWlIs arc SUb'KI 10 cvery llrbnrllry deCISIon 01 mana,;ement The umon prOVIdes Ihem wnh a ,"cvance procedure $0 they are nOI subJecl ~ tOarb,trllrydeCLSIOnS. Managcmenl dee'5mns must ab,de by Ihe conllactual slindards. Without .. uOlon mana,;emeOl can promOte theu favorltcs UnIons provIde, scOlomy system for qualified "'orker~ of lon~ servIce Without II UnIOn Ihe A :mployer seu the salary aod hours of work In wmc CiSCI a minimum wage law 5en Ihe mInImum wage A5 pall of a unIon you have s!lenglh 10 numben, and through colltttl~e bar,;alnm,; you ot negotiate wa,;u, houn and wo.k",g (ondmons wllh members of managemeOl on II bUls app.oach- 109 equahty. You WOO 'I find answclI 10 all your problems by beeomln,; a unIon member; but as a unIon membe., you WIll hive Ihe light to cxP'C$s • your ,ob problems and have them consldcred The ongm of !lade un Ions IS usually dated alound ,he late 17005 You could say Ihey were born oul of necessHY, and mOjI 01 oul general10n has 10' ... gorten Ihe v,olent employer reSlSliince 10 union OfpOIUIIOn. BuslOUS and profeSSIOnS havc Iheu "unIons" by Ihe ddinlt10n of the word In Webner's d,Cllonary, "a coniederlllon of mdlvlduals las na· .... lIons o. JlCrsonsl lor $Orne common purpOse. " althou,;h they arc known as ISSOClatlons O. $Orne other ",Ie The National ubor Rclallons Act s,~n emrloyecs Ihc ",;hI to self·o' g.;IOIutlOn, to form, ,om o. - aSSISI labor or,;antZil10nS .nd It makes It an unlau labo. praCllce for Iny employer 10 IntCrlele with, rcstulO or coerCe employees 10 Ihe exerCIK of theu IIghn ,;uarllnteed 10 the ACI .,. It IS Imperative Ihat we remam a $lIon,; union to be able to mllntliln OUI standard 01 llvml(, rrosperny. sccumy and mdlvldual dlgnuy 801 Moon, P ~ Apprentices Graduate; New President AppOinted " L.U. 649 li,o,u,rtS,spa&'caty), ALTON , ILL.- The monlh 01 December brought the gradUilon 01 10 app.entlces. A dinner Wall given In th eir honor by the Local 649 App.entlceship C"mrmltee and WaS Graduates M.m ...... ol the 1983 Local 649, Aholl, III" lopp.cntieuhip Craduating Clan arc _hown with guulI;. Fro llt row, IcEtlo ri ght, iIIf Brian McMllhonr R.lph Bechtold, Robert Whitlock, business m,n· .ger; fred Redd, apprentieu hip ullinins dilfetOI chai.man; Rick Corman, App.tnticeship Com· mittte !;tcrelary/treasu. er. Back row, lelt 10 .ight, arc D.ve McGivtl, G,ry lenki,,!, It .. D"'ayne Stllars, W,yne Robeen. lohn Mi lloy Ind Randy Malone. 30-Year Members Thirty·year-pin rnipienlS sho ..·" here II Ihe Local 6-19 , No\"Cmber of, ]913, Pin Prcunlation Aw.rds arf, f.ont row, kneelin" lefl 10 ri,hl, Rod Bailey, lohn Downn, Hen.,. ,~ cCoy, Howard Siever ,lid John Stricklin; back row, lefl In riSht, Vic Wtber, Don lIorney, Dale Barttls, Calt B.imer, Bob Coli· man ,nd Bob Kulp. held at Lottco ' ~ Rntau'~nt 10 Codlrty, IIhoolS Dinner Inv"allons were extendC'Cl to Ihe aprren nces' ...·Ives, luche.s and thell SpOUKS. wllh PlcstS ",clud",g Busmess M,nager Roben Whtllock, Wegman Eteclllc V,ce p.es,dent Doo Wegman and hl~ WIle BellY, and former Apr'CnIlU,hlp Commlllee member lack Tuclh and hIS WIle Charla Our cong ' ~lul,"ons ale extended 10 the new lourneyman Wiremen for completion of theu .p' prenllceshlp tr~mlOg, The oe .... w"emen arc Den n,s Underwood, Wayne Robeen, John Malloy, Bllao McMahoo. Dwayne Scll •• s, Ron Cllomen, Cary Jenkm,. Ir, R,ndy Malone, Dave McClvel and R,lph 8echlold The A .... a.d' Dmner held Novembel 4, 1983, prOVided II muns to g.;Ilher members of Local 649 loselhe. and ~y tIlbu.e to IhOje members wllh miny lUIS of stU"eC to the IBEW I know I have meolloned the pm prcsenUllon preVIously, how eve., there Ire members slIlI yet 10 be lecoSOlZed In thiS column Shown In the photo arc members WIth 30 yeau of KrVlce. Brothers, thaI IS qune a long span 10 thIS mduslfY_ The pm p.esenlitlOn award, hllYC gIven thiS local a ehaoce aod a stall 10 pthe. loose IlU wllhln the un,OO body C,,'en time, IhlSIISk WIll be IceomphshC'Cl I would hke 10 apoloSlze to Brother 8,11 Downey for m1Ssrclllng hIS name. 8111'5 pholo for 4.0 years ,e,Vlce was featured III the Februuy Issue of "Local Lmcs." A sad note was brought 10 everyonc's .lIenllon at ,he February 10, 1984, umOn mceting BIOIher James 8asl, a hneman al Umon Elcctllc, passed away In February. Brother But was another of the long lisl of 649 members With 35 ytan of 5clVICe 10 the umon. At ,he regular umon meetmg m lanu~.y, PIes, dent Ga r)' Walker's reSlgnallon Ictte. w~ . ,ud to the union body. Brother w al ker, elccled in the 1993 clecflons, hiS chosen to leave the duties 0/ president As many know, BrOlhe. walker pel fOlmed hi. duties well 10. the short time he "O'ed A flne electriciao and good umoo BrOlher, Cary is thanked for hll Involvement and WIshed Ihe best 10 the lutule B.other Cordon Admue was appOInted by the Eucutlve Board 10 fill Brother Walker', term IS prC$ldenl Cordon has been IOvolved in the local 10. many yean sC!vlOg dlllerent funellons, such IS the App.enueuhlp Commlnee and u:ccuuve Board. He 15 wlShC'Cl the ben IS he executes hiS new dUlln 1983 was qUlle a yu. 101 Local 649 No! oilly have we seen Ihe beSlnn.nl ala ne .... localadmm· 15111110n .nd the forw~.d movement 01 tbe local IIself, but every malor eonUICI was up lor nego· nation. The lasl conuact belO'; worked On was Apu Oli llormerly Clark Olil. The new manage meO! was very ,ough to deal with and a few (onces lion. wele made. bur In all, the plant elKtllCtanS malOtalned an alleeahle worklOg cOntract A5 mentlooed p.evlously 10 Ihe last irucle, Union Eleelllc .. IIf1ed thell COntract as dId Shell Oil and the Olin Corpor.llon The Wileman agreement bem,; sell lcd, thln~s may qUlel down a bit, bUI neve. lor IonS A personal oOle to D~d Rawwn, your lime IS coming up neKI, Pop More latel TU.R" WILI1ITE P S Scribe Urges Members To Become Involved LU. 659 (I,o,u,cml!t.eatv), MED FORD, ORE.-Well here we go on a new yell I certnnly hope 11 15 a belief one allifound lor organu:ed labor. He.e, as everywhere, thlnl5 are pretty bad Seems hke we're n,;ht back to the same " bull c.ap" that our ex Prn,dent NIxon was shovehng OU1, only Ih .. lime they don'l evrn 5peak ola pnce Iteeze-II '5 Slllctiy drop Ihose wll';CS' It's worklOg~lhcy a.e d,v,dlO'; Ihe worklO'; class mOle each day. All seCllons of Ihe loc.1 are under attack by Ihe employers who want 10 like advantage 01 !he limeS On Ihe bn,;hlel Side, the Central Labo. Council 10 the Rosehu.,; I.ea appealS 10 be gCl1lng , hnle betlc.orpnlt-ed Throu,;h a combmed dlort of the different local unIons, a nIce. Chllstmu "'as en loyed by members 01 the Woodworkers fam,hn that lie 51111 on slnke aploS! lOUls,ana Pac,fic Corporallon. Donations 01 everylhlOg Itom cloth· lOS and food '0 toys for the kIds mide Ihmgs a lillie OICer dunn,; Ihe holidays for Ihose IOvolved The employe •• are IIkm,; advan'age of hard times 10 lurther d, ... de Ihe trOOpS by semng up MIckey-Mouse arbllra1lon cases to PUI financ .. 1 burden, on unions, It seems_ Everyone should Ihlnk about these Ihlngs when problems come up on the ,ob. Don'l play mto the umon bustelS' hands Rcad YOUI ag.eemenl and know where you lIand. It's you. umon and II only ..·,11 Clast II liS membets arc In!(rested m 11 It's not lust an office clew and ElICCUllve Board aod dues thar ale "neve. low enou,;h "Gel 011 your buns, become IOvolvcd So to a meeun" go 10 Ihe polls and ICI 's look like Ihe grut organ,zallon we a.e' The work SlIuauon lemllns the same Uoem ployment 10 th .. local umon IS hlghe. Ihan (Ve. U rverywhere elst HOpelully. IhlS win chin,;e In the luture. I luess If nothlllg else, the Amellcan people can take p"de 10 the fact thar Ihey hne fioally made Ronald Rugao Ihe ictOr be neHI was In Holly .... ood. bu. It sure a5 hell IS cosunl them mare Ihan a matinee ticket. As everywhere ciS(, walcs arc ';010'; down and pncn arc gaIn, up NegotlatlOnS lie harder Ihan e"cr Ihls )'ur It seems as though Ihe employers "',11 g~d Ihe hands 1010 more .nd mOre "blllltlon In an ellort to b.eak umons The Wlremeo have lUst completed another loor' neyman HalOlOg class III ,hell effort 10 upgrade Iherr craft I would hke to mentlon here that the Oregon ilale license qu~lIflcatlons are changms as 01 thl' year They lie gOlOg ' A requlle code and othcr ~I"OU' classes belore lenew'ng O r ~goo JOU l' neyman inSIde wileman licenses SlllllOg In 1985, So, you Brolhe.s and SISters from out·ol·stare locals holding Oregon license, may want to contaCI Ihe Departmen t 01 Commerce to gel ill the detaIls. Dun't leI your liecnse uplre! I've been thlough that 10 mnother 51ate and u', no. wOll h lhe husle "

' bers with any new additions to their iamlltu Also<br />

fat tbose members aod their familIes who have<br />

been sick or hOIPuali:ed, ler '. see you 00 your<br />

feet rul sooo Don't forset we hive i very .cuve<br />

~ Commuolty ServIce Commmee who are always<br />

rudy and wllltoS to help those In Med. Unul latCf<br />

let's thInk brothNhood, Ind leI's hear from wme<br />

<strong>of</strong> you reund memben<br />

R.u POLHKY, P S<br />

Scribe Urges Members<br />

• To 'Build Our Union'<br />

LU. 647 (u), LITTLE ROCK, ARK.-Dropouu ,nd<br />

people who WIll not lOin the unIon m,y nOt re,lIze<br />

!hat the unIon sull controls them IS long u they<br />

. hold a lob wHhln the barplnlnS unit The umon<br />

\I also legally requued to represem them Non·<br />

membe .. cannot Vote on proposed eonuacu or<br />

elect Iheu oUkers ,nd Icplcsemallvu They do<br />

.., ~ot haH Ihe Aceldenul Death and DIsmember<br />

mem Insurance from Amcncan Income Life thaI<br />

is coooecled 10 UOIOO membershIp Also, they may<br />

not rullze that union due. aoe lax deduel1ble<br />

l. It 15 our lob as umon members to comact every<br />

Dew workef and explain that the nbry aod benefits<br />

we enlDy hne b«n negotiated over many ye", by<br />

!he unIon ThIS 'sn'l expl,med by m,nagement<br />

We ale fon unlle If they even menllon the uOion<br />

. TherefOle, illS up to us, ,fter new employeu have<br />

been told by mausemeot <strong>of</strong> the salary and benefits<br />

they cao receIve, to explain Ihal the eomp'oy ,5<br />

DOt !lvln,; these <strong>of</strong> Ihelr own Inc Will They are<br />

~ pall <strong>of</strong> the un,on eootract<br />

New emrloyen frequently uk. "Whlt Sood "<br />

the unum!" Wnhout , umon, the employer can<br />

be a dlct,uor People who have worked for nOll'<br />

uruon employers reahze the Import,nce <strong>of</strong> a umon<br />

.... JI they ha"e been .duKd a lalK, we.e replaced by<br />

some new automated equlpmeOt 01 dlupeed with<br />

Ihel1 emplo)'er's pohc,cs and dCClSlons Wllhoula<br />

uruon md,vldWlIs arc SUb'KI 10 cvery llrbnrllry<br />

deCISIon 01 mana,;ement The umon prOVIdes Ihem<br />

wnh a ,"cvance procedure $0 they are nOI subJecl<br />

~ tOarb,trllrydeCLSIOnS. Managcmenl dee'5mns must<br />

ab,de by Ihe conllactual slindards. Without ..<br />

uOlon mana,;emeOl can promOte theu favorltcs<br />

UnIons provIde, scOlomy system for qualified<br />

"'orker~ <strong>of</strong> lon~ servIce Without II UnIOn Ihe<br />

A :mployer seu the salary aod hours <strong>of</strong> work In<br />

wmc CiSCI a minimum wage law 5en Ihe mInImum<br />

wage A5 pall <strong>of</strong> a unIon you have s!lenglh<br />

10 numben, and through colltttl~e bar,;alnm,; you<br />

ot negotiate wa,;u, houn and wo.k",g (ondmons<br />

wllh members <strong>of</strong> managemeOl on II bUls app.oach-<br />

109 equahty. You WOO 'I find answclI 10 all your<br />

problems by beeomln,; a unIon member; but as a<br />

unIon membe., you WIll hive Ihe light to cxP'C$s<br />

• your ,ob problems and have them consldcred<br />

The ongm <strong>of</strong> !lade un Ions IS usually dated alound<br />

,he late 17005 You could say Ihey were born oul<br />

<strong>of</strong> necessHY, and mOjI 01 oul general10n has 10'<br />

... gorten Ihe v,olent employer reSlSliince 10 union<br />

OfpOIUIIOn. BuslOUS and pr<strong>of</strong>eSSIOnS havc Iheu<br />

"unIons" by Ihe ddinlt10n <strong>of</strong> the word In Webner's<br />

d,Cllonary, "a coniederlllon <strong>of</strong> mdlvlduals las na·<br />

.... lIons o. JlCrsonsl lor $Orne common purpOse. "<br />

althou,;h they arc known as ISSOClatlons O. $Orne<br />

other ",Ie<br />

The National ubor Rclallons Act s,~n emrloyecs<br />

Ihc ",;hI to self·o' g.;IOIutlOn, to form, ,om o.<br />

- aSSISI labor or,;antZil10nS .nd It makes It an unlau<br />

labo. praCllce for Iny employer 10 IntCrlele with,<br />

rcstulO or coerCe employees 10 Ihe exerCIK <strong>of</strong><br />

theu IIghn ,;uarllnteed 10 the ACI<br />

.,. It IS Imperative Ihat we remam a $lIon,; union<br />

to be able to mllntliln OUI standard 01 llvml(,<br />

rrosperny. sccumy and mdlvldual dlgnuy<br />

801 Moon, P ~<br />

Apprentices Graduate;<br />

New President AppOinted<br />

" L.U. 649 li,o,u,rtS,spa&'caty), ALTON , ILL.- The<br />

monlh 01 December brought the gradUilon 01 10<br />

app.entlces. A dinner Wall given In th eir honor by<br />

the Local 649 App.entlceship C"mrmltee and WaS<br />

Graduates<br />

M.m ...... ol the 1983 Local 649, Aholl, III" lopp.cntieuhip<br />

Craduating Clan arc _hown with<br />

guulI;. Fro llt row, IcEtlo ri ght, iIIf Brian McMllhonr<br />

R.lph Bechtold, Robert Whitlock, business m,n·<br />

.ger; fred Redd, apprentieu hip ullinins dilfetOI<br />

chai.man; Rick Corman, App.tnticeship Com·<br />

mittte !;tcrelary/treasu. er. Back row, lelt 10 .ight,<br />

arc D.ve McGivtl, G,ry lenki,,!, It .. D"'ayne<br />

Stllars, W,yne Robeen. lohn Mi lloy Ind Randy<br />

Malone.<br />

30-Year Members<br />

Thirty·year-pin rnipienlS sho ..·" here II Ihe Local<br />

6-19 , No\"Cmber <strong>of</strong>, ]913, Pin Prcunlation Aw.rds<br />

arf, f.ont row, kneelin" lefl 10 ri,hl, Rod Bailey,<br />

lohn Downn, Hen.,. ,~ cCoy, Howard Siever ,lid<br />

John Stricklin; back row, lefl In riSht, Vic Wtber,<br />

Don lIorney, Dale Barttls, Calt B.imer, Bob Coli·<br />

man ,nd Bob Kulp.<br />

held at Lottco ' ~ Rntau'~nt 10 Codlrty, IIhoolS<br />

Dinner Inv"allons were extendC'Cl to Ihe aprren<br />

nces' ...·Ives, luche.s and thell SpOUKS. wllh PlcstS<br />

",clud",g Busmess M,nager Roben Whtllock,<br />

Wegman Eteclllc V,ce p.es,dent Doo Wegman and<br />

hl~ WIle BellY, and former Apr'CnIlU,hlp Commlllee<br />

member lack Tuclh and hIS WIle Charla<br />

Our cong ' ~lul,"ons ale extended 10 the new<br />

lourneyman Wiremen for completion <strong>of</strong> theu .p'<br />

prenllceshlp tr~mlOg, The oe .... w"emen arc Den<br />

n,s Underwood, Wayne Robeen, John Malloy, Bllao<br />

McMahoo. Dwayne Scll •• s, Ron Cllomen, Cary<br />

Jenkm,. Ir, R,ndy Malone, Dave McClvel and<br />

R,lph 8echlold<br />

The A .... a.d' Dmner held Novembel 4, 1983,<br />

prOVided II muns to g.;Ilher members <strong>of</strong> Local 649<br />

loselhe. and ~y tIlbu.e to IhOje members wllh<br />

miny lUIS <strong>of</strong> stU"eC to the <strong>IBEW</strong> I know I have<br />

meolloned the pm prcsenUllon preVIously, how<br />

eve., there Ire members slIlI yet 10 be lecoSOlZed<br />

In thiS column Shown In the photo arc members<br />

WIth 30 yeau <strong>of</strong> KrVlce. Brothers, thaI IS qune a<br />

long span 10 thIS mduslfY_ The pm p.esenlitlOn<br />

award, hllYC gIven thiS local a ehaoce aod a stall<br />

10 pthe. loose IlU wllhln the un,OO body C,,'en<br />

time, IhlSIISk WIll be IceomphshC'Cl I would hke<br />

10 apoloSlze to Brother 8,11 Downey for m1Ssrclllng<br />

hIS name. 8111'5 pholo for 4.0 years ,e,Vlce was<br />

featured III the Februuy Issue <strong>of</strong> "Local Lmcs."<br />

A sad note was brought 10 everyonc's .lIenllon<br />

at ,he February 10, <strong>1984</strong>, umOn mceting BIOIher<br />

James 8asl, a hneman al Umon Elcctllc, passed<br />

away In February. Brother But was another <strong>of</strong> the<br />

long lisl <strong>of</strong> 649 members With 35 ytan <strong>of</strong> 5clVICe<br />

10 the umon.<br />

At ,he regular umon meetmg m lanu~.y, PIes,<br />

dent Ga r)' Walker's reSlgnallon Ictte. w~ . ,ud to<br />

the union body. Brother w al ker, elccled in the<br />

1993 clecflons, hiS chosen to leave the duties 0/<br />

president As many know, BrOlhe. walker pel<br />

fOlmed hi. duties well 10. the short time he "O'ed<br />

A flne electriciao and good umoo BrOlher, Cary is<br />

thanked for hll Involvement and WIshed Ihe best<br />

10 the lutule<br />

B.other Cordon Admue was appOInted by the<br />

Eucutlve Board 10 fill Brother Walker', term IS<br />

prC$ldenl Cordon has been IOvolved in the local<br />

10. many yean sC!vlOg dlllerent funellons, such IS<br />

the App.enueuhlp Commlnee and u:ccuuve Board.<br />

He 15 wlShC'Cl the ben IS he executes hiS new<br />

dUlln<br />

1983 was qUlle a yu. 101 Local 649 No! oilly<br />

have we seen Ihe beSlnn.nl ala ne .... localadmm·<br />

15111110n .nd the forw~.d movement 01 tbe local<br />

IIself, but every malor eonUICI was up lor nego·<br />

nation. The lasl conuact belO'; worked On was<br />

Apu Oli llormerly Clark Olil. The new manage<br />

meO! was very ,ough to deal with and a few (onces<br />

lion. wele made. bur In all, the plant elKtllCtanS<br />

malOtalned an alleeahle worklOg cOntract A5<br />

mentlooed p.evlously 10 Ihe last irucle, Union<br />

Eleelllc .. IIf1ed thell COntract as dId Shell Oil and<br />

the Olin Corpor.llon The Wileman agreement<br />

bem,; sell lcd, thln~s may qUlel down a bit, bUI<br />

neve. lor IonS A personal oOle to D~d Rawwn,<br />

your lime IS coming up neKI, Pop More latel<br />

TU.R" WILI1ITE P S<br />

Scribe Urges Members<br />

To Become Involved<br />

LU. 659 (I,o,u,cml!t.eatv), MED FORD, ORE.-Well<br />

here we go on a new yell I certnnly hope 11 15 a<br />

belief one allifound lor organu:ed labor. He.e, as<br />

everywhere, thlnl5 are pretty bad Seems hke we're<br />

n,;ht back to the same " bull c.ap" that our ex<br />

Prn,dent NIxon was shovehng OU1, only Ih .. lime<br />

they don'l evrn 5peak ola pnce Iteeze-II '5 Slllctiy<br />

drop Ihose wll';CS' It's worklOg~lhcy a.e d,v,dlO';<br />

Ihe worklO'; class mOle each day. All seCllons <strong>of</strong><br />

Ihe loc.1 are under attack by Ihe employers who<br />

want 10 like advantage 01 !he limeS<br />

On Ihe bn,;hlel Side, the Central Labo. Council<br />

10 the Rosehu.,; I.ea appealS 10 be gCl1lng , hnle<br />

betlc.orpnlt-ed Throu,;h a combmed dlort <strong>of</strong> the<br />

different local unIons, a nIce. Chllstmu "'as en<br />

loyed by members 01 the Woodworkers fam,hn<br />

that lie 51111 on slnke aploS! lOUls,ana Pac,fic<br />

Corporallon. Donations 01 everylhlOg Itom cloth·<br />

lOS and food '0 toys for the kIds mide Ihmgs a<br />

lillie OICer dunn,; Ihe holidays for Ihose IOvolved<br />

The employe •• are IIkm,; advan'age <strong>of</strong> hard<br />

times 10 lurther d, ... de Ihe trOOpS by semng up<br />

MIckey-Mouse arbllra1lon cases to PUI financ .. 1<br />

burden, on unions, It seems_ Everyone should<br />

Ihlnk about these Ihlngs when problems come up<br />

on the ,ob. Don'l play mto the umon bustelS'<br />

hands Rcad YOUI ag.eemenl and know where you<br />

lIand. It's you. umon and II only ..·,11 Clast II liS<br />

membets arc In!(rested m 11 It's not lust an <strong>of</strong>fice<br />

clew and ElICCUllve Board aod dues thar ale "neve.<br />

low enou,;h "Gel 011 your buns, become IOvolvcd<br />

So to a meeun" go 10 Ihe polls and ICI 's look like<br />

Ihe grut organ,zallon we a.e'<br />

The work SlIuauon lemllns the same Uoem<br />

ployment 10 th .. local umon IS hlghe. Ihan (Ve.<br />

U rverywhere elst HOpelully. IhlS win chin,;e In<br />

the luture. I luess If nothlllg else, the Amellcan<br />

people can take p"de 10 the fact thar Ihey hne<br />

fioally made Ronald Rugao Ihe ictOr be neHI was<br />

In Holly .... ood. bu. It sure a5 hell IS cosunl them<br />

mare Ihan a matinee ticket. As everywhere ciS(,<br />

walcs arc ';010'; down and pncn arc gaIn, up<br />

NegotlatlOnS lie harder Ihan e"cr Ihls )'ur It<br />

seems as though Ihe employers "',11 g~d Ihe hands<br />

1010 more .nd mOre "blllltlon In an ellort to b.eak<br />

umons<br />

The Wlremeo have lUst completed another loor'<br />

neyman HalOlOg class III ,hell effort 10 upgrade<br />

Iherr craft I would hke to mentlon here that the<br />

Oregon ilale license qu~lIflcatlons are changms as<br />

01 thl' year They lie gOlOg ' A requlle code and<br />

othcr ~I"OU' classes belore lenew'ng O r ~goo JOU l'<br />

neyman inSIde wileman licenses SlllllOg In 1985,<br />

So, you Brolhe.s and SISters from out·ol·stare locals<br />

holding Oregon license, may want to contaCI Ihe<br />

Departmen t 01 Commerce to gel ill the detaIls.<br />

Dun't leI your liecnse uplre! I've been thlough<br />

that 10 mnother 51ate and u', no. wOll h lhe husle<br />


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