1984-04 April IBEW Journal.pdf - International Brotherhood of ...

1984-04 April IBEW Journal.pdf - International Brotherhood of ... 1984-04 April IBEW Journal.pdf - International Brotherhood of ...


34 Mos. 01 the BlOth .., hood hu known hlln n "P., 131 "buSlnesl mlnag ..' " 0 1 "I"' geanl at arms' or olhe. labor rel a,ed ,e. ml and '1I1u 1o0me ,un kn .....· h,m as a "I".. nd "These lie very r .oper md ,usuAd wayt of ••'mcmbe.m, h,m beeauu ,11... IBEW was hot h,e He worked IUclenly ,nd w"h u .., "",ul,I~'n'n,l:'" \o"ucYe•• nkal ~",I .. uulol alwaYI be counled on 10 do the lob th.t needed '0 be done ,\1y mother Ann knew h,m n "Ern,e" Ind always aflecuonat .. ly called h,m thaI They had a specIal rclauon$h,p and .ehe 5100d by h,m throu,l:h IhlCk and thm II .. v ... Ihe uyon" 'fIehlnll eve.y ,nod man naods a ,nod woman" had mumn~ ".1•.1 In their very spectal.e!auon,h,p I bave known Pa t E Oamtam 10. d~ ,,, Ihllly " " yeall I have called hIm "Oaddy,'·D.d and, .n ,he last uveral yurs "PO "The B ... t WO namn lie obvious m thell munon, bu, " PO" hnld, the m OSI n casu.ed memo"u for II , . m Ihe 1.51 yUIi of hIS hfe thai Ih'l n.ckname Jlnod for a new bond be tWeen us We d'Kuucd many ,hou,hll on many Jub,eCl! hom very pe. sonal 10 Ihe h,Slo,y of Ihe tBEW UK of ,he mcknMme " PO" stood for • more mal ure me and I very !flCcial adult relationship be tween f"he. and IOn, him ,hc "Mcntor," me the " Prole,e." It WIS alloO .n l/feCIlona,e name thll could be used for him, In public, Ihat sho .... d IUflCCI for III thaI he had aceomrhlhed wh.1t lull ma.n'a,n,n, IoOme IOn of plolullonahim around my place of wo.k, the imemallonal Office My WIfe Mary, and I both rtlerr .. d 10 h.m .n th.s way be ... 4UrK" ,u~1 ~«me.J..u ,,&'11 II ...... ,11 be ,",,,... cd durly Thll specIII twmkle In h,s eyn, thar seemed espec,ally bll,l:hl when he ~Isfled Ihe In lemall{)na/ OfB«, w,lI never ~ lorltolltn and WIll a/way. be UUlured Inlemlltonal Rerr..,..,nt.Ilve Robel! A D.tm,~m ,member 01 Loul 363, a$Sll\J\rd 10 1M Imemlllon.1 Ofhce B-Day Pickets Local 1" , Rockford, III" memb ~ 1Ii p k k~1 Pru id ~ nl Rca,an in IUb'lCIO .... Cllh~r in Dixon, III. left to ri,hl arf Mikr fra,u, u sbllnl bUl inu. maU Kttr Grr, 8ladlburnl lerry Meyerhofn, plnlden" .nd Mikr Ton, ut, ruordin, lu r e l~'y , Undu Ihe Irehu in Dixon, Ill .. for f' ruidenl Ru,an'.71rd birthd.y lit, Idl 10 .IKhl, Roy BabIn, It£! Green ..... It, l ' rr y Ki ~ .K ... d and IIo.old Wi" d tb. Labor Must Act to Improve Programs l .U. 164 (I,em,rn,sTI.&catv), ROC KfORD, Ill.­ Ma l" " " lllon, I.ck 01 med.cal eove '~ l\e 10 ' Ihe dderly Ind IOU jew ,Obi a,e ">lne I,t ,he UJOCC IDS .h~r ~re fac.n, Ihe American fI

y- enem,es h~ven ' t rcally dC5uoyed the mob.llty of the ISEW. 10 we have ~ lot of Brot hers u guests In s,sler locals Ihroughout Ihe country The advant~ge to the out·of·work Brother m the IBEW is Ihe .btl"y to And work somewhere, . lso meeung Ihe Brothe., 01 other locals and Ihel r mput on how slm.lar problems are sol"ed etC_. etc_ II can he an enhgiltenmg expelJence, provIdIng yoo bnng thIS added kno .... ledge home' . The bIg di !iadvanlage 10 Ihe local ...."h a hard corps of Brothers In "an$" •• thc loss of Inpot at the local onIon meell ng. My ob'ef"allon, regard leu of the confhct 01 md,vtdlul idus, or solutIons Ihat these BrothelS possess, IS thac as a groop, Ihey arc the most on.on-orlented of .ny local and the most suppo/Uve to uDlon progreu. There lie m~ny ways .... e pay for the b ck 01 econom,c .cllVlty . Income IS only one lacetl [woold I'ke 10 make some Com men" on a pll>lul ' Idcshow of one world hlstoncal movement, n,mely. Ihe Slupld atllons of ~ prcsldent electcd 20 years aher h,. death at Ih e box office. Ahhou~h elccted wllh the lie of balanclII K the budKel and redUCing the nUlonal deht, by February 198~ we WIll h~ve IIIcrcased the national deht 30, 7 percent, the lugest 10 our short hi ~ t o ry Unltke FDR. who had a !July . global war of survIval, makIng a tW O occan Navy Irom sCla!(h. 50,000 plane$ a ycar and [3 nulbon se r~ln g m ,he Aimed Forces, he hu, tcg3rdlll~ Ihe nallon's !iulvival, (om bat W!SC, a fc "" lD ' trn~'wnal skllrnlshu, He has redlstrlbu!ed Our n"IUnal, rcu, ure. Redlstllbullon, in word spukesc, can me~n thdt! Regardmg world hlstoflcal facts- no capltaltsl country has, In the 20th C~ntO I Y, come OU t of a depreSSIon .elYlDg On the b05IDCSS (Ommunlly ' 0 provide the muns of Iccovery But your president plans thlS. Regardless of the results of ,he 1984 eleellon, Ihe Federal Reserve Notes fOI thIS huge deficit WIll bJJ due around lanuary, February and March 1985 It WIll he a debt IDc r e~se of ollc-thud ovcrmght ThIS WIll compet~ w"h and, ID my op,n,on, dcsuoy ~Jl venture capHal ID oU r country Th,s "',ll cause a nlaS51Ve dcp.esslon, probably "",-pled .. ·"h e:uremc mUallon Even manlVe pomp· pllmmg. If wllhour controls to the tnlCflllllonal flow of funds, w.ll foel the fites. Hc coold uke thc CnU re weSlern wo rld down wllh hIm/us. PremIer MJlterand Stated Ihe abovc also at Wt! lIamshu,g. VUglllta, but w~sn't leally I[uoted 10 the Amclltan med". Why! The really scary solullun uf the past, If such a SI1 UallOn ansu, " war Wc he tter push out !hc VOle fOi Mondalc and then reUC Cllvely thmk how wc can pIck lip the l\ piecu In 19H5. Rona ld, you fUlIl cd fuu r Ch ri,,· males tn a row for the AmCllc~n people, if we don 't plan, you could rUIn Chds!mu 19~5 l!l ab.enlla. Le ch Wal esa, the Pohsh cleeUlClan. 15 the "Man of the Year." nOI yuul Au EN M ( E"cHl"

34<br />

Mos. 01 the BlOth .., hood hu known hlln n "P.,<br />

131 "buSlnesl mlnag ..' " 0 1 "I"' geanl at arms' or<br />

olhe. labor rel a,ed ,e. ml and '1I1u 1o0me ,un<br />

kn .....· h,m as a "I".. nd "These lie very r .oper md<br />

,usuAd wayt <strong>of</strong> ••'mcmbe.m, h,m beeauu ,11...<br />

<strong>IBEW</strong> was hot h,e He worked IUclenly ,nd w"h<br />

u .., "",ul,I~'n'n,l:'" \o"ucYe•• nkal ~",I .. uulol alwaYI<br />

be counled on 10 do the lob th.t needed '0 be done<br />

,\1y mother Ann knew h,m n "Ern,e" Ind always<br />

aflecuonat .. ly called h,m thaI They had a specIal<br />

rclauon$h,p and .ehe 5100d by h,m throu,l:h IhlCk<br />

and thm II .. v ... Ihe uyon" 'fIehlnll eve.y ,nod<br />

man naods a ,nod woman" had mumn~ ".1•.1 In<br />

their very spectal.e!auon,h,p<br />

I bave known Pa t E Oamtam 10. d~ ,,, Ihllly<br />

" " yeall I have called hIm "Oaddy,'·D.d and,<br />

.n ,he last uveral yurs "PO "The B ... t WO namn<br />

lie obvious m thell munon, bu, " PO" hnld, the<br />

m OSI n casu.ed memo"u for II , . m Ihe 1.51 yUIi<br />

<strong>of</strong> hIS hfe thai Ih'l n.ckname Jlnod for a new bond<br />

be tWeen us We d'Kuucd many ,hou,hll on many<br />

Jub,eCl! hom very pe. sonal 10 Ihe h,Slo,y <strong>of</strong> Ihe<br />

tBEW UK <strong>of</strong> ,he mcknMme " PO" stood for • more<br />

mal ure me and I very !flCcial adult relationship<br />

be tween f"he. and IOn, him ,hc "Mcntor," me<br />

the " Prole,e." It WIS alloO .n l/feCIlona,e name<br />

thll could be used for him, In public, Ihat sho .... d<br />

IUflCCI for III thaI he had aceomrhlhed wh.1t lull<br />

ma.n'a,n,n, IoOme IOn <strong>of</strong> plolullonahim around<br />

my place <strong>of</strong> wo.k, the imemallonal Office My<br />

WIfe Mary, and I both rtlerr .. d 10 h.m .n th.s way<br />

be ... 4UrK" ,u~1 ~«me.J..u ,,&'11 II ...... ,11 be ,",,,... cd<br />

durly Thll specIII twmkle In h,s eyn, thar<br />

seemed espec,ally bll,l:hl when he ~Isfled Ihe In<br />

lemall{)na/ OfB«, w,lI never ~ lorltolltn and WIll<br />

a/way. be UUlured<br />

Inlemlltonal Rerr..,..,nt.Ilve Robel! A D.tm,~m<br />

,member 01 Loul 363, a$Sll\J\rd<br />

10 1M Imemlllon.1 Ofhce<br />

B-Day Pickets<br />

Local 1" , Rockford, III" memb ~ 1Ii p k k~1 Pru id ~ nl<br />

Rca,an in IUb'lCIO .... Cllh~r in Dixon, III. left to<br />

ri,hl arf Mikr fra,u, u sbllnl bUl inu. maU Kttr<br />

Grr, 8ladlburnl lerry Meyerh<strong>of</strong>n, plnlden" .nd<br />

Mikr Ton, ut, ruordin, lu r e l~'y ,<br />

Undu Ihe Irehu in Dixon, Ill .. for f' ruidenl<br />

Ru,an'.71rd birthd.y lit, Idl 10 .IKhl, Roy BabIn,<br />

It£! Green ..... It, l ' rr y Ki ~ .K ... d and IIo.old Wi"<br />

d tb.<br />

Labor Must Act to<br />

Improve Programs<br />

l .U. 164 (I,em,rn,sTI.&catv), ROC KfORD, Ill.­<br />

Ma l" " " lllon, I.ck 01 med.cal eove '~ l\e 10 ' Ihe<br />

dderly Ind IOU jew ,Obi a,e ">lne I,t ,he UJOCC IDS<br />

.h~r ~re fac.n, Ihe American fI

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