1984-04 April IBEW Journal.pdf - International Brotherhood of ...

1984-04 April IBEW Journal.pdf - International Brotherhood of ...

1984-04 April IBEW Journal.pdf - International Brotherhood of ...


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30<br />

JO yu.s Vmeent Delolcn~o , 10hn P hssd, Frank<br />

Scheller, 1' , lamn Schmu~, Thomas ShomelS,<br />

Allan Smuh, Robe .. SIcwan, Go.don Wallaee and<br />

RIchard Woolcult, 3S yea.~ RONrt C!uks.on, lames<br />

Lowes and .... thu. McCill<br />

The followmg .etl.ees also rccc.vcd SUVlte Plll$<br />

Scan O'Shea, 2S yurs, V,elO. McBride, 30 yurs,<br />

F.ank D ...·o.eek" 3'; yur~, Theodo.e Bottlcelh, 40<br />

yean, James Butler, 40 YUrs, Donald Calle., Sr,<br />

40 years, LoU I' Rosen, 40 years, Joseph Werne.,<br />

40 YUIS, and Robe .. yo.k, S., 40 years<br />

[BEW walches were presented ro the 11183 .ell<br />

IteS, Harold Allen, Ron P,e.ee, Chades Moyt.,<br />

Rod MOYN, GUido Colucc. and Charles Augerol<br />

BClIlgan avId movie fan, I can'l help rebtlIlgour<br />

local B.OIh.,rs' ncapades .... lIh the Iate5t mOVIC5<br />

"Uncommnn Valor"-advcnture <strong>of</strong> "Dyna·man"<br />

DIC k, "Sudden Impacl"-Dan Lowes dockIng hIS<br />

boat and dnving loh pickup truCki, "Scarhcc"­<br />

namng Ed Johnson, only .he scar locallon has<br />

Nen changed, "Neve. Say Never AI-".n"-A.n,e<br />

Littlewood's announcemenl <strong>of</strong> h,s new marnage,<br />

''To Be Or No. To Be"-Jack Kcnnedy and hIS<br />

loremanshlp deCISIons, "Blade Runner"-Dave<br />

Kllld~la 'l SIdeline advcnturcs, "Two <strong>of</strong>. Kllld"­<br />

The CaMdlln capers 0/ Je/f Lown and Brran Park·<br />

hIli , "The BIg Chlll"-" A'Iuanum" JIm SlOneham<br />

lalll llltO a flooded d1lch,'Reckless"-Blll "Moun·<br />

lalll·Top" Chowboy sho .... s how to bottom out a<br />

truck<br />

Don'l fo.ge. Ihe thIFd Thursday al Ihe Elk's, II'S<br />

vour Unlnn meellng<br />

riM n"RtR'.RRV, pS<br />

Pins<br />

Receiving lS·yut i ervie~ aw. rds al Ihe rtcent<br />

Local 246, Situbenvillf, Ohio, Chr iU n,as Dinnt .·<br />

Oane~ we'f, '.ont . ow, lell 10 d,hl, Brolhers John<br />

H.buh .nd H"old ay~t 5; bnk . ow, lell to .ighl,<br />

B.olhers Clyde Shelton, a"sinns Manale. Ken<br />

GantT, Phil Brtls, Intetnational Rfp.estnlll;v.<br />

Gto.g~ Chapple, Chuck Do.sey, Tom Slraighl and<br />

John MOI,.n,<br />

The lO-yeu se. vice awa.d .... inn~" include, lelt 10<br />

ri,hl, Brolhers Geo . ~e Brindle,.. Jim Devlin and<br />

Chuck Rilchie.<br />

Local Awards Service Pins<br />

At Christmas Party<br />

L U, N6 [i,o,rt$,eu8llU, V P P S<br />

New Assistant Business<br />

Manager AppOinted<br />

L.U. 266 (u ), PHOENIX, ARIZ,-WILh th!S new<br />

~u r , our local has a newly appoInted aSSIStant<br />

bUSIness managcr T CII,. MIller hn been named to<br />

IhlS POSI, Terry recently lelll his time and talents<br />

10 the form.non 0/ the Salt River PloleCt <strong>1984</strong><br />

EI.c\IIc Safely Pouel Calendar The calend4l, plO' '1<br />

duced by Ihe O"IIIel Cenual Safety Commlltee,<br />

.s probably one 01 the moSt unusual and appealing<br />

p,eces eVef dc~clopcd Vanou, ~afcty themcs and<br />

slo,.ns, whIch lie drawn ~nd tilled by Phoenix,<br />

Clendale, Tempe, Mesa, Tolleson and Guadalupe<br />

studcnlS )glldes 2 through 6), .ep,es.1II each <strong>of</strong> the<br />

12 months, Nor only arc Ihese ch.ldren talenled,<br />

bUI II'S amaz.ng how well Ihey clearly e""p'us<br />

POllltS <strong>of</strong> safety , It would be wi,e <strong>of</strong> U5 10 he.d ."<br />

.heil safelY tips and adv.ce' We all ntend our<br />

haods and OC$! w\Shes to B.other MIller In his neW<br />

capaclly'<br />

Our local IS pleucd tn announc. the follo .... lIIg<br />

memocrs have completed thell apl".enlLcesh.p<br />

tll,nlllg Gilhert Napoleon, aulOmOtlVe mcchanlc,<br />

r.nuarV I, 19B4, Sue N Lashbrook, cleelfician,<br />

December JI, 198J, la"'Tence A EXnef, cleelllcal<br />

hneman, November 7, 1983, RIChaid Overfidd,<br />

e1cClILullrncman, Novembe. 7, 198J, and Ccorge<br />

llaycs, plant mechanIC, December 2, 1983. Con·<br />

gralulationS, B.olhelS and Sister' The many bours<br />

<strong>of</strong> hald work and $ludy .hat you.ll PUt fOllh have<br />

ocen worth all your effons, .nd we uc all proud<br />

<strong>of</strong> YOUI ...·cll·earn.d accomphshmenll<br />

Welcome aboard 10 Ihe ne ...... members <strong>of</strong> ou'<br />

unIOn· from OUI Page Unll, M,ch.el Begay, /Iom<br />

our S •. John's Unll, Jeuy Anaya, TellY DeMoss.<br />

Don Evans, Allen ,anke, Edwatd Uhballl, ClLspln<br />

Rodllgue:, Roben Ron, Rlcha.d Wl1kllls, Mary<br />

Koger, Dan McKcnzie. Ralph Sanchez, Thoma,<br />

SlOne511 •• I, Paul Ackerman. DaVId McMullen.<br />

WLllllm Johnson and Raymond Sec, hom Ihe Val·<br />

ley, Marlene Edel, Tammy FIllmnre, Bobby len·<br />

killS. W,ll,am McCausl,n, loe Rubcrry, [s.hel<br />

Rleh~rdson, Georgc Santa Cruz, Gary Hogsed,<br />

CeOTge ,almes, Rick Joy, Mae JOIne., Mall KInch,<br />

Paul Tones. HenlY Co.k.ll, Tom Crawford, Mar·<br />

celino FIgueroa, Carl Fisher, Manucl l.mlnez. Jnhn<br />

Johnson. Jeuy Lnn~, James Neilson and Jernld<br />

Pcrera<br />

Four <strong>of</strong> our Brothers . ~ tll ~d In 'anuIfY· John<br />

Bllee, Power OpelaUOnS, local 266 m.mbe. smce<br />

1953, Orner Lee Ho&~n, Jr, Westcrn Cl'l.M, Local<br />

266 membcl "nce 19';0, Andy Eoas. Soulhslde<br />

Cl'l.M, Local 266 member since 1948, and Wilocr<br />

H Thrash, Sou.hsrde C&M, Local 266 m~mbe,<br />

smtt 1966. We join in wlshmg you the best <strong>of</strong><br />

he~hh and happmess III the years ahead'<br />

The 19B4 Centr.1 Safety Commillee Co·Cha,,·<br />

men ."cnded a Safely Plann.ng Meetlnll m Feb,<br />

. ua.y Rep. esentmg Salt RI~el PrOleC! Managemen.<br />

we te Dave SIan ley, Photnul llTlgallnn, Ed Ponel,<br />

MaIn tenance, ' ohn R,ley, Engmeel1ng; and Keuh<br />

McClanahan, llu,ld"'g SCrVICe$, Local 266 repre·<br />

SClllativts fo.labor were lohn Reeves, KYlene land<br />

OUt VICC prcs.den!). 11m Morn" Mamlenanee, Jot<br />

ROlh, Support S. r~leu, and Don PaJlY, Ground·<br />

Water Cl'l.M A ICpo .. <strong>of</strong> rhe 1983 ACllvl11ul<br />

AceomphshmenIJ and a prevIew 0/ <strong>1984</strong> Goals<br />

and ObleCtlVeS we. e among n"mernuS ISSUes d, s,<br />

cus~ed<br />

au. h~arl f elt sympalhy and prayers go .0 the<br />

families <strong>of</strong> ou r deceased Brnthe". David Cervanles<br />

and Donald F Shc.ts<br />

fu. .. cu M I'I.TTu.aH" P S<br />

Members Laid Off ;<br />

Contract Expires<br />

LU. 294 !i,,,,~m, rtb , rtdupa ), IIII1BING, ,,"INN.­<br />

The one lob that was pUlling on m.n and .... 45<br />

gOIng very well hn Illd <strong>of</strong>f all bur a handful 01<br />

men Hleplpas Inc., whIch has a eOntratt III the<br />

lIorse Cascade I'aP~1 MIll ,n Inlerna.ional F.lls,<br />

had If) SlOp ConS n uellOn We hope .hey "'Ill be<br />

call1llg for m~n In th~ ncar IUlure Even when"<br />

WlS fullv manned Ou r oul <strong>of</strong>· work lisl still had<br />

many names on" Fnr Ihe .eS! <strong>of</strong> Ihe ru"sdlclion<br />

II" Sill! very slow<br />

I<br />

)<br />


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