1984-04 April IBEW Journal.pdf - International Brotherhood of ...

1984-04 April IBEW Journal.pdf - International Brotherhood of ... 1984-04 April IBEW Journal.pdf - International Brotherhood of ...


tended OUt thanks to B.otheu Bob ~nd Russell Solleder, committee chalrmcn and Ihelt commit ree lor another fine holiday celebra"on Abo at thIS bollday party, pillS were prc:sen.ed 10 members ""ho have atumed IS th.ou,h 45 yurs """h the IIrotherhood Thc Annual Ch,ldren 's Chnstmu Party was hdd on Deccmber II, 1983 It was a fine afternoon for all Ihe eh.ldren '"'ho allended, "",th ~n ahundanl ~mount of .d.c,hmenu and g.fts fOI Ihe hohday oc:cu,on A /inc ,ob Wa~ done by Sinta Claus, and our Ihanh tn Brothel lor Gaus.dms and h.1 com mttler lor thl< Rn~ holiday celebrallon KEN"'ETII T N"'(;EC P S Members E. Meye., N~ncy II Mlchehn., Helen M M.hahe. Jack L M.lle •. Frcd F ,'I.10nd., Sr Charles I' Moran. Hury P MU'phy, LO •• lne M Newmes. lobn II. Nord. IOKph C. OUonntll. Harold Opthoh, Thornas E OUtc, lohn I O'Shu, Roulle O·SuU,un, Teresa Pauhn&. Charles A Pe.kms, Vl1pma I I'el.;l.venlo. LA. Pcre:.scn, R.chard F PIerce, Ch ... les I Qu«n.n Charles T Relchwald, Datle~n F Rogers, luha A 11.""', lohn D Auge, Lou,,.., V Saffold, StanLey W Sahcl, heiyn S Sands, Lola M Schultz. Bogum.1 M Stachurskt. Thomas L Stah., lohn I Stanton. Raymund C Strudeman, V,nccnt SWan,",n, Ches· ttr SWldenk., Donald II.' Tnckle, W,lllarn R Two· hlg. He:.ben Vuth, Glady, M W.ianus, luhn Walsh, Margaret E WaLsh, M.nhew Walsh. Roy Wessman Ignauu, S woln.k. Cenrudc L Yumel and Harry K Zer,.., tht local un.on rnceung., has been a memb.r til '!t! sood standIng for 36 years Imllllled May 17, 1948). and has made many contnbuuons 10 the lucees. and ol\lom~ of .hlS tude. WIlbur shared wllh me that II would take .11 of hIS "rne now 10 tab calc of hIS caule: and ke:cp the larm Ul' God's best 10 you, B.othe. w.lbur B.Other 11m W"p' lone 01 rny apprcntlce: class matn, 19721 •• the p.oud grandf.ther of. hulthy '1 8 Ib ~ 0% baby boy. All ale healthy and well Makes UJ, upecully me, know that wc are leu,ng older A b" of w,sdom Tru.h.s DOl only 5uangtr than fictton these daY_II's a 10' deanel, tOO Expcllenee The brttemeu 01 poorqu.luy l.ogelS lOll, after the sweetnen of a cbeap pnee .s 101gOl- "" Buy union. buy Amcncan and k«p JOM here: at ,. home. whe.e Ihe:y belong. May God bless' C·U at Ihe nnl un.on m«"I\I. c.r. DuNr..'1NC, P S KEN ,....'l.U, A.!sT P.S 28 Shown in this photo are, leflto lithl, lIob Cuen.her, lim O'Malley and lIob Askin 01 Loul 16S. Scribe Announces 1983 Re1irees LU. 165 111. CIIlCAGO,ILL-AIl Local16S Broth · en and S".c" who rtllled lut yur j1 9831 from the I1ltnolS IIdl Telephone Company were honored at the lecenl dmner·dance held In thell honor a. .he Sable Room m H,ckory H,li., IIhnOI! Due .0 the lel'Up of matenallor the Journal. the p,cture 01 the youp won'l be pnnted unltl lune Hnwever, I have mcluded a puna] ItSt of those lelUlnl wllh .h.1 leue. Th.1 be,nl elecuOll yUr, nom.natlons 101 ,11 unu)tf oUkes w,ll be accepled al the May mem be"hlp meellnl Ele:clton w.1I be by ma,1 ballo. on lune The lollowlng a.e SOme 01 Ihe 198J IIhno,' IIdl .eureu lUyrnond P Aplew, ErnUllne Ak,nl, Fredrtck P Beals, Leonud G Berenl, Lawrence F IIlehl, Gerald W Bowker, R E Boye., lohn M Brennan, Mlrtha A Bretsnyder, Kenneth H IIUII' ne., Robert E, C ... I, frank I Charbonnuu, luSlc II CO:l, Edw.n I Cummmg5, Ch.rln A DaVIson, losephine D. Dudek, Robel! I Dunne, 10lel'h A Egan, lohn P Egan, Beny M Fernandez, lames I FOlies., C.nel 11., forsberg. Robe .. A Frane.s, CLarence W Fredetlck, Charles R Frey, Thomas E. Fllne, AljI;crd A G.llls, EUlene I Colden, Ir , f.cdench W GOllman, Robert B C"dL, lohn Gruchol, N.ck I G,uszynsk., francIS H Hall, George: M Hancoc:k, Alb." Harmsen, M.,vm S Hamson, lohn W Hawk, Thomas I Hendcnon, Dorothy C. H'&lml, Leroy II. Hodgman, Raymond G HogCl, loan Hldllcka, Rob." II.' Humer,Ioleph I Huslcldt, Clare E Johnson, Rose ~h'y John,on, I. Motion lohnnone, Anthony L K.sky, Robe .. F K,df~r , lo.eph KleIn, Edwud L Kohlc., M~ry , Landem, DoIOlc. Lang. Roben II. Lapkiewict, v,,· gm,a A Le,melltr and Carole L Lin Aho reliring were BernIce M,.unew, kl , Ed mund T McHuKh, Ri chard L McMillon. Ravmond Local Kicks Off "Share And Care" Program IIHlth". Wilbu. Keyn, ont 01 Ihe faithful few 01 Local 175, Chan" noola, T"nn., nlitfli. We will miss you, Wil· bUI, 175 li,o,em,cA n'I ), CII ATTANOOGA, TENN._The "Calc and Sharc Prog.am";s a Com· mUni ty scrVlCe project for .he dderly and handl· capped, ,nHlated In the I rea,c. Chattanooga area by Local 115, to plov,de frcc repall lor mmOl eLe,,"eal prublcms Sponsorcd by Local 175 and the NECA COntraCiOlS of the Ent Ttnntssec Ch~p· 'e, of NECA, the plan wtli p.ovlde a 24·hour Itlephone numb.1 1892 WORK), to field any elcc· Inul .eqUUt w"hlll a fou, county rad,us, III and around the Challanoop area Members of 175 donalC thelT IImc to handle thc5c problem. aDd NECA conUactors p.ovlde ma.enals and equlpmen, ThIs IS one of the prtme uDmpJes of labor and management 5lnv,nl and uempltfytng to our community .. 'hat Can be done when We wOl k ,ogether lor a cOmmon ;ntC' CSI and cause We arc dec ply gratdul.o OU r eon.ractors lor thelt ,nvolve· ment and Comrn,trnent to thIS program and lII'erc:51 m Ih,s Kl!!:ment of ou. cornrnunuy, Thll prograrn has proven to b. vcry succcssful III the Atlanta, Ccmg,a, area, and we a.e Indebled 10 Brotber Harry Be_Icy, busmen manage., Loul 61J, lor hIS hell' and su"csuons. To Our mernbers who are do,n, th,s wOlk aftcI hours, and on Ihell own ume, We $.Iy, "Thank you 10' you. eDtln,-you arc specill 10 rhlS Brotherhood May Ihe good Lord ,ncruse your !libe'" B,other B,ll Lowtty, OUI buslnc," manaler, .e· cently rccc.vtd, lellel of eommendauon from the M t':. M Man Candy Company. concern'ng a lob Insulled by Duncan Eleem. Co, 0' Cha11anooga, TcnnC55ce, one of our NECA COnllaCI015. Th,s partleub, d,vlS,on 01 M a M IS localed In ,he Cleve:land, Tenncssee, area and the letter hllhly cornrnendcd Duncan Ele:cttlc Co, and thclt em· ploycc:s 101 a JOb well done AI our las. unIOn meellng. Brother Lowery ,ud a letter 01 com' mendauoo from Brother Ben Pa'nter, Cooslruclloo lupenntendcnt at the Bellelonle Nuclear Planr [TVA ), commendllll the elecure"ns on that lob tor a bUll installation prOlect complctcd thele. It IS refreshing and, yel, lewaldlng to hu. Ih,s Iype of newS ,nstead 01 ,ome of the o.hcl kind we hear mO re fr equently, We commend you al50, feLlows-­ you know who you ne, Thankll 1Ir.he. W.C. " Wilbu," Keye, . cccrn!y IC'II.d to h,s farm In CLeveland, Tennulee, and we w.nt to w .. h hIm .he very best of everything, Brother Kcyes has heen one of nu, f."hful memhers .0 a11end Business Manager Becomes CIR Member LU. 181 [il. UTICA, N,Y.-The work ",ene IS unchanged StIlce lut Willing. A spircmg Ichool was held recen.ly, and 37 Journtymen look .dvan uge of Ihe courK ..·h,eh was complettd 10 tWO eye:nlng Kn.on, 10slluclO'S fo, the course wert: Wayne Busoc:k, Al Cor and Chuck Paul. All 01 them dl~ I gle" lob. More courSes should be offcred on the nea. future ,,; The PolitIcal ACllon Commlllce 01 181 , aJong with the Ioc:al COn trlclors, d.d SOme advertlSmg on b,Hboard$ The billboards we.~ located through· out Ihc Cl tics of Uuca and Rom~ Those . dverti'lOl along with Local !81 were Onc,da Eleclric, Waten Electric, Engler Electnc, Bud Smith Elccttlc, Cu· a.eH, Electflc and Kogut Elccllic. A~vclltstng like this il a •• ep toward geltlng back ,orne 01 the work lost Ove r the past few years to non·unton Ihops The nC~1 thIng pLanncd .s to PUt up "grli at job Sties nOlin, the contractor and Local 181 'o"! BUSiness Manager Ken W,lham, ha, been ap· po,nled 10 the Coune,1 on Indu,"flal Relations by Inlernattonal Pre:"den. Charles Pllla,d ThIS " , g'Cat honor fOI Ken a5 " 'ell as the eottre loc,1 Also, con""uluions tollrother Georle Walen, S', ""ho has been appointed to Ihe Nallonal Code CommIttee, He Is onc of 2J COntraC tOrS appointed to the 10'ycar POSI They couldn't have made, belle. chOIce, and we wuh h,m the b.st of luck. .. StIlee the las. wn.m&, t"'"o rnote Brother. have deCIded 10 hang up the lools BrOlhel Lee FUI.a Icured as of lanuary I, 1984. He was initiated Ap.il 12, 1946 lI,olher Mark Wheaton ,elllcd lune I. 19s..J, Mark was Inmated ID March, 1946 A few months 1&0 ""e recerved the Slicker, Ihlt ,ud, "TillS ~ymen. made poss.ble by Un,OlI la· bo. " Plea,.., UK Ihem on your check. or paymenl nOllces In !aCI. ,f you ~ste them on .11 of your .. ehe:cks before:hand, you won 'I have 10 Ih.nk aboul II, they w,ll already be there: whe:n you WIne: nul ~ou r checks to banks, bus,nesses, CIC 11M O'LlAU, la , PS Secrelary Re1ires; Blood Drive a Success LU. 212 [i .. o), CINCINNATI, OHlO--L,1 Koc:h .ell/ed the firSt of lanuary. 1984, after 15 yUrI of devoted SerVice 101 Local 212 as offi ce tc:c reury Th.oupout he. lCrv,ee .o Loc:al212, Lil has K'vcd !lve bu,mess managell ',"hlully We can be.t remember Ltl Koc:b by the SUtementS rn.de.1 her rell/cment parly on I.nuary 18 by F,nancul Sec· retary Bob Webmann "Throupou, her .ery,CC to .... Loc:al 212, L.l hu leen our membenhip grow .nd P' OSPCI She will be remembe. ed by the younlel mcmhers as • grandmother; to Ihe eu.bli.hed membe • • he w,1t be remembcrcd as mom. Ind .0 the lenlot d. ,e,i.ed memb.r s h~ will be reca lled .. thelt union girlfnend." As a lu.ing tribute to Lt!, .he mcmberlhip of Local 212 unanimously ptlilioned the mEW 10 altow Local 212 to accept

Blood Drive Trophy ,.....,..---. Business Managers Solidarity 2 12 C hairman I).n lunker of Loul 2 12, ... Cincinnati, Ohio, is 5hown hC' f u .h wcro 8100d D ...· ~ on I.nuary 19, 198.1. L.l Koch as an huu(uuy rn~mbcr 01 Lheu uIlIun Si mply stated, "Thank you lor a illh .... ell d"n~ " In an attempt W Improve lhe pubhc Itn.)(" of organized labll' In [he C"'CUlnali comrnunllY, Ihe Sohd.m y 212 CO'nmll,ce, chaired by nan IlInhr, .. toopcrJ lcd with WCI'O tc!evLSlOn at .hell Annu.,1 Ill ooJ Dlive 10 help make thu evCnt • success. So m ~ 78 mcmb,·rs ol the local can proudly say thaI they were responSIble for malong Ib.s bli,.,d dnvc a buge .... Cct5~ As lor Ihe crnpJuymcnt IOlccas! w,.h'lI Ihe Loc al 111,uJls ia Avenue Car ShoPJ. CNW Restores Atl Suburban Runs LU. 214 !u ), C IilCAGO, Il l . In I-cbruary "I I \I~~ the CNW ~dded back all the subu.ban d"'15IOn run~ Ihat II had .aken away a YUI ago Wllh these l\lnS back In ou. d~tly ,chedule. the compallY WIll be lo.ced tu rebuJletm .he lobs that we'e abuhshed . Every lob Ihu We can recover 15 " ery 5lglllfic~nt In the lurnmg around of .he present p"lIcy .he camer 15 trym/l 10 uphold That polICy 15. whCIl a lob 15 abolished and a man ,s ludou~hed .• hal ,ub and thot man WIll ncV

Blood Drive<br />

Trophy<br />

,.....,..---.<br />

Business Managers<br />

Solidarity 2 12 C hairman I).n lunker <strong>of</strong> Loul 2 12,<br />

... Cincinnati, Ohio, is 5hown hC' f u .h wcro<br />

8100d D ...· ~ on I.nuary 19, 198.1.<br />

L.l Koch as an huu(uuy rn~mbcr 01 Lheu uIlIun<br />

Si mply stated, "Thank you lor a illh .... ell d"n~ "<br />

In an attempt W Improve lhe pubhc Itn.)(" <strong>of</strong><br />

organized labll' In [he C"'CUlnali comrnunllY, Ihe<br />

Sohd.m y 212 CO'nmll,ce, chaired by nan IlInhr,<br />

.. toopcrJ lcd with WCI'O tc!evLSlOn at .hell Annu.,1<br />

Ill ooJ Dlive 10 help make thu evCnt • success.<br />

So m ~ 78 mcmb,·rs ol the local can proudly say thaI<br />

they were responSIble for malong Ib.s bli,.,d dnvc<br />

a buge .... Cct5~<br />

As lor Ihe crnpJuymcnt IOlccas! w,.h'lI Ihe Loc al<br />

111,uJls ia Avenue Car ShoPJ.<br />

CNW Restores Atl<br />

Suburban Runs<br />

LU. 214 !u ), C IilCAGO, Il l . In I-cbruary "I I \I~~<br />

the CNW ~dded back all the subu.ban d"'15IOn<br />

run~ Ihat II had .aken away a YUI ago Wllh these<br />

l\lnS back In ou. d~tly ,chedule. the compallY WIll<br />

be lo.ced tu rebuJletm .he lobs that we'e abuhshed<br />

.<br />

Every lob Ihu We can recover 15 " ery 5lglllfic~nt<br />

In the lurnmg around <strong>of</strong> .he present p"lIcy .he<br />

camer 15 trym/l 10 uphold That polICy 15. whCIl a<br />

lob 15 abolished and a man ,s ludou~hed .• hal ,ub<br />

and thot man WIll ncV

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