1984-04 April IBEW Journal.pdf - International Brotherhood of ...

1984-04 April IBEW Journal.pdf - International Brotherhood of ...

1984-04 April IBEW Journal.pdf - International Brotherhood of ...


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.: Stewards Seminar Held;<br />

Board Screens Proposals<br />

l.U. 131 (II), ALBANY, N. Y.-On Suurday. Feb·<br />

luary 4,<strong>1984</strong>, a slcwards scmmar wos held al the<br />

Thru,uy H~ a t l Houst In Albany Stewards and<br />

ollken wc,e ,n ... ""d fr om locals JJl, 1369, 1311<br />

and IJ8S <strong>of</strong> our hSltrn D,vls10n, and In splle <strong>of</strong><br />

" the "'mIn ,,·cathe. conrlulOns, auendan .... w.s<br />

very good<br />

Dave Wnghr, Don Ragone and Ri ll Cu"e., prt~<br />

.denlS <strong>of</strong> locols 137. 1385 and 1371, rc~pccllvdy.<br />

",mdy presIded Over the JllOg. am, whIch was pre<br />

sented by the New YOlk School <strong>of</strong> Indu5mal anJ<br />

labor ReiatlOnso! Cornell Unlyelsr.y. The m~"uc<br />

.,,1$ were Bernard Flaherty. boor relauons 51'"<br />

111._ claliu, .nd Alice Brody. Jalm. educatlun spec,.),sl ,<br />

both 0/ Cornell Unlv • • ~"y<br />

Ms. 810dy opened the Semma. ","h a pw~r.m<br />

on the PlOP'" h.ndhn~ <strong>of</strong> gll ...... ncu, whIch con<br />

SISlcd <strong>of</strong>. que!lJon and an~w~r sess,,;m with ..ome<br />

d~balt amQng Ihe rarllC;lpant~ Mr f1ah~rly Ih~n<br />

p r e.en t ~d .n instruCtive $e5510n on " The UnIon 's<br />

Duty <strong>of</strong> Fall Representallon " ThIS, 100, consIsted<br />

... 01 ud,cnce palll(lp3110n Df qU(StloM, answerS and<br />

de bale, along WI th .ome val u .b l ~ InSUUCllon Irom<br />

MI flah~lIy _ Ms Brody Ihen presc;nted. blld 'hde<br />

Jl log .. m enlltled " VDT'S and the WOIkplact "<br />

Th" IMtruCllon period waS lollowed by IWO<br />

gucsi speakers who sharcd SOme <strong>of</strong> thell own<br />

Inslghl anJ CXPC II ISC on loday" Uluon mallCU<br />

flank M. n saId a few WOlds on havIng mOl e<br />

seminan 01 ,h,s type IIIvolvlng • g, cat" ' numbe l<br />

. <strong>of</strong> u"l lt y unlOM throughoot the Thlld D'SUltland<br />

Jl lovldmg • wldN !lnge for the exchange 01 Ideas<br />

Ed laspel, [nIClnallon.[ Rep lell"nlatlV( and mem·<br />

1>1:. 01 Local IJ7, Ihen spoke briefly .oout Ihc<br />

dangers In loday's Con UaCI negotiations 01 "take·<br />

>way'" by companlU, Illoleby weakening the ba.·<br />

ga""ng pOJ IU On 01 t h~ U nlOIl . nd, <strong>of</strong> course, .e·<br />

sultmg In wtahl Contlacts Ed .Iso mcnUOlled the<br />

ImPO'lanCe <strong>of</strong> olganl~mg a~ many new groups as<br />

poSSIble, especl.lly m Ihese days <strong>of</strong> dec.easlng<br />

umon membe. shlp A buffel lunch wu plov,ded,<br />

'/' making Ihe entlle p.opam ~(ty Informauve, ~n<br />

t~nalning and enloyable<br />

On Monday, lanuary 30, <strong>1984</strong>, Ihe Executive<br />

Boald mel in a special .eulon for th~ ,,,.ecmng 0/<br />

p.oposal. submlllcd by the mcmbe.~hlp 1m our<br />

~ pcomlnC conn.ct negotlallons_ The!;e proposals<br />

We le Sent to the Easlern D'VISlon 100ni 8oa.,d for<br />

lunhel .clccnlng and Ihen to System Coulicll U ·<br />

.. 11 10l finahzatlon bdo. e being exchanged wnh the<br />

company ,n Malch<br />

ThaI '. all 10' now See you al Ihe nnt umon<br />

meeung<br />


Unions and Contractors<br />

Must Work Together<br />

L. U, 119 li &ul, ELM IR A, N. V._Thl~ ~p'lOg Ih(<br />

wOl k P'CtUIC In our arc. IS a bn b" ,hlel. W,th<br />

wOl k al St loseph'. Ho'pnal and upcommg wOl k<br />

,n otbel pa" , 01 QO. t~ .. nory, we m.y sec SQme<br />

01 our lonc· travelilng B,olhe.s coming home<br />

The Sialt <strong>of</strong> ou. ,ndustry IS not whal any 01 u,<br />

would h ke il to bc The ad ve nt <strong>of</strong> Reaganom,cs IS<br />

lUst one morc arrow In Ihe backs <strong>of</strong> unions and<br />

wm ktng men and wOmen <strong>of</strong> OUr counllY_ T be laoo.<br />

pol]cIU 01 thIS dmlnlSllallOn h,nt <strong>of</strong> 19th·centory<br />

Ihlnk,ng Ann-unton and anu·labo. arc wltcb·<br />

words 01 Ih,s .dmlnl5t.auon Anyl hlOS Ihat sop·<br />

portS Ot guards the working force <strong>of</strong> IhlS counuy<br />

" now ,ub,(el to slanderous SC lutlny and unbe·<br />

lievable degradallon<br />

Tht union conS!rUCIlOIl penon IS sublecled 10<br />

speclalanenllOn /rom thlS nOn·umOn f.ellon T he<br />

thmking 01 10 yurs ago or evCn five year. ago<br />

muSt be ebanged ,f We arc 10 sUJv'~e ,n many<br />

areas Non·un lon .hop' have taken OVe r most II<br />

nO I .11 <strong>of</strong> Ihe res,den lial .nd hghl comme. clal<br />

work . These a.e the blcad' l nd·buttc' accounn Ihat<br />

union COnll.cI015 depended on fOI so many yu. s.<br />

Now IhlS wOlk " fil lin& the bank acc;ounlS 01 non·<br />

umon contratlon en abling them 10 grow lugcr<br />

and l."el, thus .. kIng th., wOlk away to"m Iht<br />

trllned un,on ("It,n,an<br />

Thc dlY, <strong>of</strong> conttactors and unIOns S,tlU'j( on<br />

oppUSHe "des 01 the I~ble ~ r c (o m m~ 10 all end.<br />

The wodd and OUI IIIdu$uy are ch.nglng bSICI<br />

than We lie kecrlllK up with II The.~ lie W'Y',<br />

and we must find them !O ,ecoplure Ihe wurk thn<br />

We have losl and are losmg<br />

The unIon contlaetot ~nd un,on membe. have a<br />

vested In le''''1 \0 Ih,s bus,ness We prov,de a<br />

"~Incd and suptl"" wo,ker The contl.tlu. agrees<br />

10 hlle unly union ~mp l uycu Tlus .g.cemenl can<br />

work unly ,f Ihe CQntr.clulalld unUIII. can t aplure<br />

Ihe work aVailable<br />

Throullh Ihe yca". unlun member. have had to<br />

lace many advelsarlCS and SC;lbaek. We nlU'1. lnd<br />

we ""II 11)111 togelhr as In Ihe put, In uverCume<br />

IhlS late.t th,e3t 10 Ihe hc~ collcct""~ bJIj(JIn108<br />

.ystem<br />

The Annual Stag OUIlng w,ll be hdd un luly 21,<br />

<strong>1984</strong>, .t Ihe H~IfIS H,ll Youth Camp 1 bave 1\ un<br />

gd soo.ce that Ih,S IS gom& to be Ihe be" oOllng<br />

In ,everal years_ The Outm~ Commlilee IS wOl k,ng<br />

hald to plOv,de mOl" .ellYlIIU .nd betlcr food and<br />

dllnk to r the best lime ever, 10 ma.k thu dale 011<br />

your calcnd., and we will ~ee you Ihele<br />

TOM B~£ClII:K_ I' ~<br />

Members<br />

Shown at Ih Decembel mtt ting 01 Local 141 ,<br />

Wh u ling, W. Va., wht l t tht y let tind Ihri. 1C,,·ic;t<br />

pin ~, alt, left 10 tight, Rob"l L. I"cuughlin, 20<br />

YU ISI Cha.les S"ahl, 1S yu n; Robert L itelfer,<br />

lS run, and Geolge E, Nc" 30 yurs.<br />

MOlt mt mbt n who rfetl~ td pins at Iht mutiog<br />

&It, Irft 10 light, Ironl l OW: Louis W. Youlkoyic;h,<br />

30 yun, I.'an Lu Lewis,)5 YU'" u(Ond .ow:<br />

Btrnard P. Kdly,)O yu u , lIarr y T. Ollh, 25 yu •• ,<br />

Ch .. lu Kni ght, 25 yca,,] Il ro.y C. MiliCI, lS yca," ,<br />

,\trlvio A, Fankhou$tl, )5 YUI., Chu tt . A. Lapin.<br />

kl,)S yurs; and, back row: Myles B. Wilchey,<br />

35 YU ll.<br />

Christmas Party Held ;<br />

Service Pins Awarded<br />

L.U. 14 1 Ii,o,u& eatv), WIt EEUN G, W.VA .- AI our<br />

Ircul .. meellng<strong>of</strong> December 16, a Christmas pany<br />

lor the membersh'p wu held WIth the dual pu .pose<br />

<strong>of</strong> dI Smbut!l1S1cnK,h·<strong>of</strong> 'setvICe p,ns to Ihote d~·<br />

se. VlO g NO I all ihole eligIble we I

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