1984-04 April IBEW Journal.pdf - International Brotherhood of ...

1984-04 April IBEW Journal.pdf - International Brotherhood of ...

1984-04 April IBEW Journal.pdf - International Brotherhood of ...


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.hat will help. Why not tall .hc )ATC <strong>of</strong>lh:c ond<br />

put your name on the liS! for Ihe next clanr<br />

I overh u rd onc <strong>of</strong> the <strong>of</strong> Ace secretaries Idling<br />

another, " [t's strangc how u",mponanl you, lob<br />

is when you·re askIng for .. rlue. bUI how imponant<br />

It can be when you w.nt to takc a day <strong>of</strong>! "IHow<br />

u\le 1<br />

Th" Imele may well b.:; my lUI one 10 Wille.<br />

. due to my assuming the poSitIOn <strong>of</strong> OIlCClor <strong>of</strong><br />

TrainIng fOl Local 666 In RIchmond. Vllg,nla I<br />

must"y that o"cr Ihe past 16 yurs as yoor pres.<br />

M:c rc'JlY, .t hu been .cwardlng 10 me In many<br />

w.ys I've ,ecc.ved many letters, not only from<br />

our member' and thell famIlies, bUI from BrothelS<br />

and Slller$ <strong>of</strong> ,he <strong>IBEW</strong>.II over Ih.s great bnd <strong>of</strong><br />

ours, m rega rds 10 my Willing. Ilhank you all It<br />

- has been a pleuure "mltng for our local untOn and<br />

I will m,H " 111 sl1l1 be .. member <strong>of</strong> Local 80<br />

and w,]] be IItendlng the Saturday meellngs <strong>of</strong> ou,<br />

<strong>Brotherhood</strong> Should oor prcsident. lack HICks,<br />

wllnl me to connnue bemg .he prus Seerctlry,<br />

even thou,l\h myfull·ume lob WIll be In RIchmond,<br />

I'd be h.ppy 10 cont.nue God bles, you all, and<br />

Ihank you for ht-mg ,uch 'althfu! readers and<br />

cont" butor.<br />

Rememht-r our s,ck BrolhelS Ind S,slers m you,<br />

pllyers and V,SII when you can Someone once<br />

uid. "It's 50 n"e loget nowers wh,le you can st.ll<br />

.mell the fragrance." Eutel Sund.y IS only a few<br />

day, away Ilow aboutllk.ng you. bm.ly to church<br />

• Clv.ees ,h" special day In the hfe <strong>of</strong> Chl1sllan,<br />

cvuy ...·here, EUle. IS a Hry spe(i~l day-ClmS!<br />

arose WOld 10 the WISC· For God .w loved the<br />

world, that he ga~c hIS only begolten Son, that<br />

~ whosoevel In b,m should nOI pCTlsh. but h~vc<br />

.ve.lulln~ lile lohn 316<br />

1 0 II()Ll<strong>04</strong>QN, II< . I'S<br />

Local Wi ll Miss<br />

Bishop O'Connor<br />

t.U. 81 H!. SCRANTON, [, A.-The members <strong>of</strong><br />

Local 81, as well a all <strong>of</strong> the Union tradesmen In<br />

OUI commumty, w,1I dearly Illin Bishop lobn r<br />

. O'Connor who bas bccn deSIgnated 10 succeed th.<br />

latc Cardmal Terence Cooke., ArchbIshop <strong>of</strong> Ihe<br />

Archdloctse <strong>of</strong> New York B"hop O'Conno, wu<br />

a true f"end <strong>of</strong> the working men and women In<br />

01,1. communny. and particularly the bUIlding and<br />

conStruction I"dts. The bishop" late falhe. had<br />

been a member <strong>of</strong> the hUlldln~ tradn, .ffllllied<br />

with ' he P,.nteu and held I gold ca.d fOJ 50 yean<br />

~ (If membc"hlp<br />

BIshop O 'Connor was an ,nsp,rallon to all 01 uS<br />

.n Scran ton and would wUlk with us '0 ;ssure Ihal<br />

OUI memht-rs w.re g.ven 'he 0rportunlty to work<br />

on any Ind .11 diocesan conSllU.l!on and renova·<br />

liOn. HIS comrassl(ln for the homeless and th.<br />

poor ,n our community led to the CreallOn 0/<br />

,helteu to house the homeless and Ihe expans,on<br />

<strong>of</strong> laellmes 10 feed 'he poor<br />

.. Recently he ~tabhshtd. Oooce511n Synod. charged<br />

w"h revamp.n& Ihe Dloce~'s Canon l..aw '" hne<br />

wnh th •• ecenl .ev".On5 '" Rome I was honored<br />

10 ht- ,nv.ted ' 0 partICipate to Ih. Synod along with<br />

a number <strong>of</strong> labor rep,uenta\lvu. whIch was an<br />

other "gJI <strong>of</strong> h.s ",'erUI 10 h .... labor people<br />

.e.ogOlled Deltv.llng the malar address a1 our<br />

Labor Day Rally In 198.3, "'e ""II n.ve.lorgel h.5<br />

word5, "Any Industry who w,ll 001 locate," the<br />

• Scran,on area lor I.a r <strong>of</strong> ht-Ing o.g;tnl:ed InlO a<br />

bbo. unIOn does nOI d.5.,ve 10 be In Ih!s tom·<br />

mUOlty .... nh you. fine people"<br />

We WISh Ih. new Archh!shop <strong>of</strong> New York the<br />

but <strong>of</strong> luck. W. wao, all <strong>of</strong> th.mEW.n New York<br />

10 know Ihat 01,1. Ion IS eelt:unly your g;ttn. The<br />

cOlile communilY he •• has upressed Ih." SlIdn."<br />

at lusing luch an inspIrational ind.vidual One <strong>of</strong><br />

Our local news repon ers summed It up for all <strong>of</strong><br />

. us when he wrote, " Johnny, w. hardly knew you"<br />

lOIiN I Mc:::Nul n, B M<br />

Scribe Gives Insights<br />

On Politics and Economics<br />

L.U. 84 10,u.t&'caIY), ATLANTA, G A . - L oc~! 84<br />

members 01 Un;, 84. U ae Statesbo. o. Geo rgll,<br />

Club<br />

Member$ 01 "T he Rodtin& Cha;r Club" <strong>of</strong> Local<br />

84, Atlanta, Ga.<br />

recently donaled cwo .ocklllg chaus 10 two d.fin<br />

ent ~onvale5cenl hnmeo Th.5 IS the ,hlld donallon<br />

ChallS have been p.eYlOusly donlled 10 .he Bullock<br />

COUnlY Memon.l HO$pllal The Slatuboro mem o<br />

ber, voluntaltly cOntnbule One dollar pcr member<br />

I! the clOM: <strong>of</strong> uch monthly Untl mcellOlIo. Mem·<br />

bers who conmbule c.lIlhem~el ves "The Rocklllg<br />

ChI." Club " The club ha~ been 10 UlSlence lor<br />

aboul 'wo yurs now Members <strong>of</strong> Un" 84 12<br />

should cenatn!y be reeogntzed for thell commend·<br />

able purpo~5 <strong>of</strong> "The Rock,ng Ch.l" Club."<br />

I ",ould Itke 10 announce Ihal the.e " a !tmllcd<br />

number <strong>of</strong> [BEW hats 10' ",Ie 10 Oil. membersh,p .<br />

Theeo,I" $4 OOeach II you would hke 10 pUlchase<br />

a hal, scc your unil chaIrman or shop 51ewud and<br />

arrangements can be made 10 deltyer your ha, a,<br />

one <strong>of</strong> our 18 unu mcellngs. The buslneu manage.<br />

or one <strong>of</strong> hl5 "SIStants WIll ht- glad 10 hltnllo Ihem<br />

co the mCC lt n~<br />

S,nce th" IS • ~rC5ldentlai clecllon yen, 'here<br />

are a few ,hlOgS I would ltl

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