1984-04 April IBEW Journal.pdf - International Brotherhood of ...

1984-04 April IBEW Journal.pdf - International Brotherhood of ... 1984-04 April IBEW Journal.pdf - International Brotherhood of ...


" ~udlfncf ,like ... c.e ~n.h"~II'II" .n hmh P"u",­ pallon and co'fce ""nklnl [conom" lcu'Hry has ~en slo ... 10 V'tll (kn ~el ho\oeve" .he '~neh" eount " S660 ~n Stree, d,d drop by about tOO m 'he rUt mon,h Thlt .... . , due I",cly '0 sub,,,n,,a] hm nl on the IIlInalOUnd II Ihe FOil SI. "',I.n IPbnulllej Nu dur Po ... er ptanl Ind u the Amellcan Bell Com· pute, CeOle, Thne twO lobs uc shon Itrm bUI lome 'malle, )olK h~ve also been hm nS Howeve., .helc I,C still (lveT SOO on Ihe ou\·of "'o,k hst and full employmen .... m be slow in .c, urnlnjl The Anh.:use, lIusch Brewery clea, cd InOlher hurdle on February 1, ... hen , he fOil Coli"" ClIY CounCIl voud to Innu the proposed bu.ld.n, ,IIC Th,. will a/fo,d Ihe brewery the eny le'VlCn, If .a"fled, 10 I euy· ... ,de deellon on May I 19U Recent slCkncssel and dlulnhun lie u follow, Bob 5

.hat will help. Why not tall .hc )ATC oflh:c ond put your name on the liS! for Ihe next clanr I overh u rd onc of the of Ace secretaries Idling another, " [t's strangc how u",mponanl you, lob is when you·re askIng for .. rlue. bUI how imponant It can be when you w.nt to takc a day of! "IHow u\le 1 Th" Imele may well b.:; my lUI one 10 Wille. . due to my assuming the poSitIOn of OIlCClor of TrainIng fOl Local 666 In RIchmond. Vllg,nla I must"y that o"cr Ihe past 16 yurs as yoor pres. M:c rc'JlY, .t hu been .cwardlng 10 me In many w.ys I've ,ecc.ved many letters, not only from our member' and thell famIlies, bUI from BrothelS and Slller$ of ,he IBEW.II over Ih.s great bnd of ours, m rega rds 10 my Willing. Ilhank you all It - has been a pleuure "mltng for our local untOn and I will m,H " 111 sl1l1 be .. member of Local 80 and w,]] be IItendlng the Saturday meellngs of ou, Brotherhood Should oor prcsident. lack HICks, wllnl me to connnue bemg .he prus Seerctlry, even thou,l\h myfull·ume lob WIll be In RIchmond, I'd be h.ppy 10 cont.nue God bles, you all, and Ihank you for ht-mg ,uch 'althfu! readers and cont" butor. Rememht-r our s,ck BrolhelS Ind S,slers m you, pllyers and V,SII when you can Someone once uid. "It's 50 n"e loget nowers wh,le you can st.ll .mell the fragrance." Eutel Sund.y IS only a few day, away Ilow aboutllk.ng you. bm.ly to church • Clv.ees ,h" special day In the hfe of Chl1sllan, cvuy ...·here, EUle. IS a Hry spe(i~l day-ClmS! arose WOld 10 the WISC· For God .w loved the world, that he ga~c hIS only begolten Son, that ~ whosoevel In b,m should nOI pCTlsh. but h~vc .ve.lulln~ lile lohn 316 1 0 II()Ll04QN, II< . I'S Local Wi ll Miss Bishop O'Connor t.U. 81 H!. SCRANTON, [, A.-The members of Local 81, as well a all of the Union tradesmen In OUI commumty, w,1I dearly Illin Bishop lobn r . O'Connor who bas bccn deSIgnated 10 succeed th. latc Cardmal Terence Cooke., ArchbIshop of Ihe Archdloctse of New York B"hop O'Conno, wu a true f"end of the working men and women In 01,1. communny. and particularly the bUIlding and conStruction I"dts. The bishop" late falhe. had been a member of the hUlldln~ tradn, .ffllllied with ' he P,.nteu and held I gold ca.d fOJ 50 yean ~ (If membc"hlp BIshop O 'Connor was an ,nsp,rallon to all 01 uS .n Scran ton and would wUlk with us '0 ;ssure Ihal OUI memht-rs w.re g.ven 'he 0rportunlty to work on any Ind .11 diocesan conSllU.l!on and renova· liOn. HIS comrassl(ln for the homeless and th. poor ,n our community led to the CreallOn 0/ ,helteu to house the homeless and Ihe expans,on of laellmes 10 feed 'he poor .. Recently he ~tabhshtd. Oooce511n Synod. charged w"h revamp.n& Ihe Dloce~'s Canon l..aw '" hne wnh th •• ecenl .ev".On5 '" Rome I was honored 10 ht- ,nv.ted ' 0 partICipate to Ih. Synod along with a number of labor rep,uenta\lvu. whIch was an other "gJI of h.s ",'erUI 10 h .... labor people .e.ogOlled Deltv.llng the malar address a1 our Labor Day Rally In 198.3, "'e ""II n.ve.lorgel h.5 word5, "Any Industry who w,ll 001 locate," the • Scran,on area lor I.a r of ht-Ing o.g;tnl:ed InlO a bbo. unIOn does nOI d.5.,ve 10 be In Ih!s tom· mUOlty .... nh you. fine people" We WISh Ih. new Archh!shop of New York the but of luck. W. wao, all of th.mEW.n New York 10 know Ihat 01,1. Ion IS eelt:unly your g;ttn. The cOlile communilY he •• has upressed Ih." SlIdn." at lusing luch an inspIrational ind.vidual One of Our local news repon ers summed It up for all of . us when he wrote, " Johnny, w. hardly knew you" lOIiN I Mc:::Nul n, B M Scribe Gives Insights On Politics and Economics L.U. 84 10,u.t&'caIY), ATLANTA, G A . - L oc~! 84 members 01 Un;, 84. U ae Statesbo. o. Geo rgll, Club Member$ 01 "T he Rodtin& Cha;r Club" of Local 84, Atlanta, Ga. recently donaled cwo .ocklllg chaus 10 two d.fin ent ~onvale5cenl hnmeo Th.5 IS the ,hlld donallon ChallS have been p.eYlOusly donlled 10 .he Bullock COUnlY Memon.l HO$pllal The Slatuboro mem o ber, voluntaltly cOntnbule One dollar pcr member I! the clOM: of uch monthly Untl mcellOlIo. Mem· bers who conmbule c.lIlhem~el ves "The Rocklllg ChI." Club " The club ha~ been 10 UlSlence lor aboul 'wo yurs now Members of Un" 84 12 should cenatn!y be reeogntzed for thell commend· able purpo~5 of "The Rock,ng Ch.l" Club." I ",ould Itke 10 announce Ihal the.e " a !tmllcd number of [BEW hats 10' ",Ie 10 Oil. membersh,p . Theeo,I" $4 OOeach II you would hke 10 pUlchase a hal, scc your unil chaIrman or shop 51ewud and arrangements can be made 10 deltyer your ha, a, one of our 18 unu mcellngs. The buslneu manage. or one of hl5 "SIStants WIll ht- glad 10 hltnllo Ihem co the mCC lt n~ S,nce th" IS • ~rC5ldentlai clecllon yen, 'here are a few ,hlOgS I would ltl

"<br />

~udlfncf ,like ... c.e ~n.h"~II'II" .n hmh P"u",­<br />

pallon and co'fce ""nklnl<br />

[conom" lcu'Hry has ~en slo ... 10 V'tll (kn<br />

~el ho\oeve" .he '~neh" eount " S660 ~n<br />

Stree, d,d drop by about tOO m 'he rUt mon,h<br />

Thlt .... . , due I",cly '0 sub,,,n,,a] hm nl on the<br />

IIlInalOUnd II Ihe FOil SI. "',I.n IPbnulllej Nu<br />

dur Po ... er ptanl Ind u the Amellcan Bell Com·<br />

pute, CeOle, Thne twO lobs uc shon Itrm bUI<br />

lome 'malle, )olK h~ve also been hm nS Howeve.,<br />

.helc I,C still (lveT SOO on Ihe ou\·<strong>of</strong> "'o,k hst and<br />

full employmen .... m be slow in .c, urnlnjl<br />

The Anh.:use, lIusch Brewery clea, cd InOlher<br />

hurdle on February 1, ... hen , he fOil Coli"" ClIY<br />

CounCIl voud to Innu the proposed bu.ld.n, ,IIC<br />

Th,. will a/fo,d Ihe brewery the eny le'VlCn, If<br />

.a"fled, 10 I euy· ... ,de deellon on May I 19U<br />

Recent slCkncssel and dlulnhun lie u follow,<br />

Bob 5

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