1984-04 April IBEW Journal.pdf - International Brotherhood of ...

1984-04 April IBEW Journal.pdf - International Brotherhood of ... 1984-04 April IBEW Journal.pdf - International Brotherhood of ...


20 In Tunnel A'" I hoWIi in the lunnr l Ir' Of:llob W"'W'I'_I, lear,,] fonmallo , Kt:ilo KarpP;olll,lupe,intudrnl, ' lId funk UMfUII' I, !"'''Iun. "P", JO clr..,110mc .. ana nCr mC$ulc "I'u.• nd .n "MfM amenn. w,1I be r'ov,ded lor (ommu nlL.II",,, OV~ I 410 mIl"" of IU1.1 ,)"n:m, "'11m, wjJl 1M: ""eded for wmpleuon of the Foley PI()Jerl .Ione The ,ener.1 IDleman II Ih,s time " IX"nI' WUYfr Dlolhers frank Llbe,~to,e ~l1d Bob H .. ~­ !lOp are !oremen Sob Rankm 15the shop &lcward The Foley phue lUlled In runc, 1983, and II tcheduled 10 flnl.h In Augusl, 1985 n ...", .re 10 men on the ,Db nOW .nd 11 .5 uJI"cled 10 'f\C'.k" .\ around 80 men In 1985 I would hkt 10 thank Gen"".! Supcnmcndcnt Kel,o K'rppmen 101 hi, cooJICratlon and UItMlve Informallon I'UII dUlin, the lOur The I 7'm,l", fon McHenry Tunnel II the IllICit plOJIct evel unden.kr" 10 the history 01 Ihe N. Ilonal Inter$ule and DdcnK H,gh""y DI~lllOn II is .1.$0 Ihe lal,Cn under ... uel Iunnel In Ihe ","r1d Thc III,al COli on comple,,"n IS Cfl1ma.ed II S815 m,llion Many eOllllaellll5 "'111 be lO~olved on Ihe lunnel P I OIC~ I aud ... e ... ill mOnilOllhcll plo,ren 10 lutu.e anidca IIf Ihe lournal Local Has Active, Productive December ROCla M LAs .. , I~ P 5 L U. 2S II.0,tuIl.ClIVI. LONG ISLAND, N.Y.- Ik cembel ... as I busy mOlllh 101 many of the com mlttcn 01 Local 15. In ,ddu,on 10 the legulll meeting' 01 the va n llUI committees, the '0110"'10, evenn "'cle held Slaning ... ith the elec',on of the electrified "Su IOn', Cleeting'" si,n by Ihe apP,cnllcn, Ihe Chliumu Commlllce undel the chailmansh,p of John Cou,n had Ihe .... nnual Ch" "mu Pany on December 4 The.e ... as cmcnlmment and enough food .IId ICC cleam to 10 around Santa Claus p,"en,ly hSiened to the leqUtS" 01 the child.cn. .nd II Ihe end of Ihe mornlOll Ind lilernO(ln KU'on. (lch ch,'d rece,ved 111ft In IlIlhe.e ... ere • 10tal of 406 boys Ind J9J girls ... ho '!lended Ihese KSSlons. .... 1 Ihe .e8ular meeting on ~eembc l 13. the Commullhy ServlcC5 Commhlee p.esented Mr. CUrry , di.eciol of the BOlld of Cennal Sullolk Hoapita[, ... ilh a check fo r S[O,671 to be ul ed fOl Ihe pu.chase uf a dialysis machine. This Commit· tct. chahed by BIl] Myen. wu formed fm Ihe PU' pOK of elCltins I pOlilive im.ge of o. gamnd DonatIon Bill Myels, chalrm. n of Ihe Commun;l, Servicu Commillce 01 Loul 25, lollll Island, N.Y., piC· u .nlin,' ch«k 10 Mr. Cuu )', direClor oltht Board nl CUllal Suffolk lIolphal, lor thtil pUlch.se of • dialysis machine. Pklu.ed i1 a pollion 01 tht Clowd thai alluded Local 25's Ch.btmn Pan,. labor 10 tbt communltYI ,nd undcl fhothe. Myel! they hue done a ~Iut Inb On ~cember 17, the Entcnamment Commillu .an a bus "'P III RadiO Clly MU$'c Hall lONe ... Yo,k CIlY 10 5(e Ihel' Chlillmas Sho ....... h,eh h.~ become a elulle After Ihe sho ... the.e "'31 a tOUI IIf back.nagc RadIO ellY .nd the equ'pmenl undrl thc 51age ... hele the mechan'sm IS localed that operates the 5lage 10 m.ke fIO",on5 of" d,f,apPCII dUllng the sho ... It .1.,0 lOciuded 5«'", the largesl theale, 01l'./ln5 In Ihe world and Ihe plO\eeuon booths ... hele Ihc stage Lop"n,'s ellnlfolled Irom .... hel Rad.o CII1, ,he gloup hid .:I Ie ... houlS 10 spend on Ihell own 5(elnll the lights IIf New YOlk Cuy at Chll,.mas Kason before lelum.nll: til Ihe bus lor lhe I1dc back to the local The Enltlliin men. Commltlee to ehallcd by John Clanton On IXcembel 18 the 8]ood Bank Committee, challed by JellY Mcycl, had Ihe!! sem,·annual Blood DI1~ e IXsp .. e. ve ly nuty d.y that &flected Ihe tU.nOUI. Ihe Commtllcc dId a good Job of keeping thinp movms The Createl Ne ... York Blood Plogum Irp.eeulcs us hav.ng Ihc dllve on thl~ tlay as Ih.5 " Ihc lime Ihat Iheu 5url"Iy Is .. its lowesl ebb Til top the month ofl, Waite. , Sk.elch lellled IS VIce p.n.denl and chai.man of Ihe Eueullvc Board. Wahc. had done an taeellenl lob, and the members Wish h,m .11 the beu In hIS .(t!lcment The E:reeullvc Board . ppo.nled An.hony Vaeeh!o 10 selve Ihe .cmamd(1 of Waltel" telm U v'ce plcsldent Scribe Writos About Union Participation LU. 34 li,em .I1I,lplllCllvl, PEORIA, ILL-Th" monlh I would hke 10 .epnnl an arucle "''''tCn by Mark AyelS that appeared In OUI loc,1 I.bo • paper. [Ieclthat thc meISISC " "'ollh .cpealing. "'Just Ca.d Carne", The Downlal! 1If .... 1! Union •. ' A great ploblem I. lac'nll our olgamzallon and othcr organizations across ,he nation. It " not. new problem. but .alher one ... hich ,s lut KCl1inS eomple.dy OUt of lund It II no, a popular subicct 10 m.ny 0/ us, bUI III Importance " conll~nlly SlowIng and buildIng. and ". efieci is dcva".lmg IU uu' IIrull,c.I",.,.J .. uti ~1I ulhc. lI .mh ~ l huo

kno ... n O'~ I .he YUI$, and hopdulI~, Ih~ uniting of Ih~ Dufblo BUI ld,ng T .. du wIll be ~tr~ngthenrd by Ih'IIOInt Vtnlu,e As IUllhel newl 01 the famIly Plcn,c devdop" It ... ,11 be ~nt OUI It stem, II If ... e all gc t I 101 01 mall f,om the local In III v.no.1S uraclllu I kno ... that we all keep every p,cee 01 mall on file In III propcr pb~c If you have m'spbced IoOmeth,n" O. haven" Ie (elnd tome,hlO, becauK you haven" nOllncd uS 01 you. addlus ch.n,e, I'U lIy and bllng you up .0 IU.C on .ame OIhe. (venU m Loul 41 The C'edll UnIon ha. now PUt luelf 10 I POS'tiOn ,,·he.e 1\ tin Ind WIll be .ble to ItrVlce 'he mem be.shlp even be.,er ,h.n belOle When you IhlOk you WI ll nced money 1011 CII, boa., ulvd home, o •• ruck, check Wllh the C.ed .. UnIon Arn lor the be.1 .ates In 'Own lourneymen Eduullon II ~jt;l1n olftnn, ~ "'Ide .,oge of ell,emdy ImpofllOl COUrKI for you 10 • ake pan 10 The Idus 01 ,he COmmmee and Ihe Anal ItCp, th.t of "amnl ,he dUI Itstlf, playa ,'U' pall In Ihe nevel endml hallie to keep ahead 01 Ihe chlnln In OUI IOdu5IIY The Telephone Proglam w,1I ~glO '" Ap r,] .nd concl ud e in May. After 32 hO"'1 ul tr~""ng, il IS hoped Ih.1 Ihe yurs 01 It hoolln~ and Acid expe· "ence of Ihole who attend w,lI be able to adapI 10 ,h.s ne ... Acid 01 OUI IOdusny Hands·on namlOg WIll be • I:'cat pall 01 Ihe p' og.,m and thould hdp than who allend I'UP the .nd,Ully much fOOnel The . esponK to attend ,he p.opam hIS been "cat .nd plans I .e under .... y '0 h,vc .ddlllon.1 KUlOns to handle.ll Ihose ... ho hue upleued.n Inlelest On~ Ana! ,hlOg- ,he Eiecunn '84 Camp"", IS .n h,ll,wIOg, have you and you. f.m.ly taken Ihe IlISI slep necessalY 101 vounl: 10 1984 have you .e"s,e.ed! If yoo have .ny que""onl le1-'ldlO, .e"suallon, elll the lOCI! unIOn olAee and you ... ,11 be "ven all .he dttatb yoo need Labo. mo)t .cally be o.,~nl2Cd ,h" yur .nd elect ou r fllends Please do YOUI shale Local Nominations To Be Held May 2 L U. 42 !0,u ,,·, tlb&.'0~11, II ARTfORD, co .........· It IS thlt lime al:~IO' Th.n yca" hai ce ltalnly nown by Local umon tl~ellonl lie 10 bt held thIS yeu NomlO.tlonS .hall be moved up On~ week 101110'" . addillona! lime fOI Ihe mall billols Thclefore, nomlnallon, shall be held on Mol' 2, IY84, at a p,m. in Ihe I

20<br />

In Tunnel<br />

A'" I hoWIi in the lunnr l Ir' Of:llob W"'W'I'_I,<br />

lear,,] fonmallo , Kt:ilo KarpP;olll,lupe,intudrnl,<br />

' lId funk UMfUII' I, !"'''Iun.<br />

"P", JO clr..,110mc .. ana nCr mC$ulc "I'u.• nd<br />

.n "MfM amenn. w,1I be r'ov,ded lor (ommu<br />

nlL.II",,, OV~ I 410 mIl"" <strong>of</strong> IU1.1 ,)"n:m, "'11m,<br />

wjJl 1M: ""eded for wmpleuon <strong>of</strong> the Foley PI()Jerl<br />

.Ione<br />

The ,ener.1 IDleman II Ih,s time " IX"nI'<br />

WUYfr Dlolhers frank Llbe,~to,e ~l1d Bob H .. ~­<br />

!lOp are !oremen Sob Rankm 15the shop &lcward<br />

The Foley phue lUlled In runc, 1983, and II<br />

tcheduled 10 flnl.h In Augusl, 1985 n ...", .re 10<br />

men on the ,Db nOW .nd 11 .5 uJI"cled 10 'f\C'.k"<br />

.\ around 80 men In 1985<br />

I would hkt 10 thank Gen"".! Supcnmcndcnt<br />

Kel,o K'rppmen 101 hi, cooJICratlon and UItMlve<br />

Informallon I'UII dUlin, the lOur<br />

The I 7'm,l", fon McHenry Tunnel II the IllICit<br />

plOJIct evel unden.kr" 10 the history 01 Ihe N.<br />

Ilonal Inter$ule and DdcnK H,gh""y DI~lllOn<br />

II is .1.$0 Ihe lal,Cn under ... uel Iunnel In Ihe<br />

","r1d Thc III,al COli on comple,,"n IS Cfl1ma.ed<br />

II S815 m,llion<br />

Many eOllllaellll5 "'111 be lO~olved on Ihe lunnel<br />

P I OIC~ I aud ... e ... ill mOnilOllhcll plo,ren 10 lutu.e<br />

anidca IIf Ihe lournal<br />

Local Has Active,<br />

Productive December<br />

ROCla M LAs .. , I~ P 5<br />

L U. 2S II.0,tuIl.ClIVI. LONG ISLAND, N.Y.- Ik<br />

cembel ... as I busy mOlllh 101 many <strong>of</strong> the com<br />

mlttcn 01 Local 15. In ,ddu,on 10 the legulll<br />

meeting' 01 the va n llUI committees, the '0110"'10,<br />

evenn "'cle held<br />

Slaning ... ith the elec',on <strong>of</strong> the electrified "Su<br />

IOn', Cleeting'" si,n by Ihe apP,cnllcn, Ihe<br />

Chliumu Commlllce undel the chailmansh,p <strong>of</strong><br />

John Cou,n had Ihe .... nnual Ch" "mu Pany on<br />

December 4 The.e ... as cmcnlmment and enough<br />

food .IId ICC cleam to 10 around Santa Claus<br />

p,"en,ly hSiened to the leqUtS" 01 the child.cn.<br />

.nd II Ihe end <strong>of</strong> Ihe mornlOll Ind lilernO(ln<br />

KU'on. (lch ch,'d rece,ved 111ft In IlIlhe.e ... ere<br />

• 10tal <strong>of</strong> 406 boys Ind J9J girls ... ho '!lended<br />

Ihese KSSlons.<br />

.... 1 Ihe .e8ular meeting on ~eembc l 13. the<br />

Commullhy ServlcC5 Commhlee p.esented Mr.<br />

CUrry , di.eciol <strong>of</strong> the BOlld <strong>of</strong> Cennal Sullolk<br />

Hoapita[, ... ilh a check fo r S[O,671 to be ul ed fOl<br />

Ihe pu.chase uf a dialysis machine. This Commit·<br />

tct. chahed by BIl] Myen. wu formed fm Ihe<br />

PU' pOK <strong>of</strong> elCltins I pOlilive im.ge <strong>of</strong> o. gamnd<br />

DonatIon<br />

Bill Myels, chalrm. n <strong>of</strong> Ihe Commun;l, Servicu<br />

Commillce 01 Loul 25, lollll Island, N.Y., piC·<br />

u .nlin,' ch«k 10 Mr. Cuu )', direClor oltht Board<br />

nl CUllal Suffolk lIolphal, lor thtil pUlch.se <strong>of</strong><br />

• dialysis machine.<br />

Pklu.ed i1 a pollion 01 tht Clowd thai alluded<br />

Local 25's Ch.btmn Pan,.<br />

labor 10 tbt communltYI ,nd undcl fhothe. Myel!<br />

they hue done a ~Iut Inb<br />

On ~cember 17, the Entcnamment Commillu<br />

.an a bus "'P III RadiO Clly MU$'c Hall lONe ...<br />

Yo,k CIlY 10 5(e Ihel' Chlillmas Sho ....... h,eh h.~<br />

become a elulle After Ihe sho ... the.e "'31 a tOUI<br />

IIf back.nagc RadIO ellY .nd the equ'pmenl undrl<br />

thc 51age ... hele the mechan'sm IS localed that<br />

operates the 5lage 10 m.ke fIO",on5 <strong>of</strong>" d,f,apPCII<br />

dUllng the sho ... It .1.,0 lOciuded 5«'", the largesl<br />

theale, 01l'./ln5 In Ihe world and Ihe plO\eeuon<br />

booths ... hele Ihc stage Lop"n,'s ellnlfolled Irom<br />

.... hel Rad.o CII1, ,he gloup hid .:I Ie ... houlS 10<br />

spend on Ihell own 5(elnll the lights IIf New YOlk<br />

Cuy at Chll,.mas Kason before lelum.nll: til Ihe<br />

bus lor lhe I1dc back to the local The Enltlliin<br />

men. Commltlee to ehallcd by John Clanton<br />

On IXcembel 18 the 8]ood Bank Committee,<br />

challed by JellY Mcycl, had Ihe!! sem,·annual<br />

Blood DI1~ e IXsp .. e. ve ly nuty d.y that &flected<br />

Ihe tU.nOUI. Ihe Commtllcc dId a good Job <strong>of</strong><br />

keeping thinp movms The Createl Ne ... York<br />

Blood Plogum Irp.eeulcs us hav.ng Ihc dllve on<br />

thl~ tlay as Ih.5 " Ihc lime Ihat Iheu 5url"Iy Is ..<br />

its lowesl ebb<br />

Til top the month <strong>of</strong>l, Waite. , Sk.elch lellled<br />

IS VIce p.n.denl and chai.man <strong>of</strong> Ihe Eueullvc<br />

Board. Wahc. had done an taeellenl lob, and the<br />

members Wish h,m .11 the beu In hIS .(t!lcment<br />

The E:reeullvc Board . ppo.nled An.hony Vaeeh!o<br />

10 selve Ihe .cmamd(1 <strong>of</strong> Waltel" telm U v'ce<br />

plcsldent<br />

Scribe Writos About<br />

Union Participation<br />

LU. 34 li,em .I1I,lplllCllvl, PEORIA, ILL-Th"<br />

monlh I would hke 10 .epnnl an arucle "''''tCn<br />

by Mark AyelS that appeared In OUI loc,1 I.bo •<br />

paper. [Ieclthat thc meISISC " "'ollh .cpealing.<br />

"'Just Ca.d Carne", The Downlal! 1If .... 1! Union •. '<br />

A great ploblem I. lac'nll our olgamzallon and<br />

othcr organizations across ,he nation. It " not.<br />

new problem. but .alher one ... hich ,s lut KCl1inS<br />

eomple.dy OUt <strong>of</strong> lund It II no, a popular subicct<br />

10 m.ny 0/ us, bUI III Importance " conll~nlly<br />

SlowIng and buildIng. and ". efieci is dcva".lmg<br />

IU uu' IIrull,c.I",.,.J .. uti ~1I ulhc. lI .mh ~ l huo

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