1984-04 April IBEW Journal.pdf - International Brotherhood of ...

1984-04 April IBEW Journal.pdf - International Brotherhood of ...

1984-04 April IBEW Journal.pdf - International Brotherhood of ...


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<strong>International</strong> Representative John W. Dalton Dies<br />

.<br />

The <strong>Brotherhood</strong> was saddened by<br />

the death <strong>of</strong> <strong>International</strong> Representative<br />

John W. Dahon, who passed<br />

away suddenly on March 8, <strong>1984</strong>.<br />

Brother Dahon was born on March<br />

17, 1926, and was initiated mto Local<br />

175, Chattanooga, TClmcsscc, on May<br />

17, 1948. Brother Dalton became active<br />

10 the affairs <strong>of</strong> Local 175 and<br />

served as a member <strong>of</strong> the ExecutIve<br />

Board from lune 1961 unul July 1963.<br />

Brother Dalton became bUSiness<br />

manager-financ ial secretary In July<br />

1963 and served III that <strong>of</strong>fice until<br />

February 1, 1974. While serving Local<br />

175 as business manage r-financial<br />

secretary, he also served as a<br />

member <strong>of</strong> the Apprenticeship and<br />

Training Committee and trustee <strong>of</strong><br />

the Health and Welfare Committee.<br />

Brother Dalton became a well-known,<br />

active trade unionist in the Chattanooga<br />

area and worked hard to promote<br />

the trade union movement as<br />

a member <strong>of</strong> the Chattanooga Build­<br />

Ing Trades and Chattanooga Central<br />

Labor CouncIl. <strong>International</strong> PreSIdent<br />

Charles H Pillard appointed<br />

BrOlher Dalton as an <strong>International</strong><br />

RepreSentative and assigned him to<br />

the internatIOnal Office In Washington,<br />

D.C., effecllve February i, 1974.<br />

At the lime <strong>of</strong> hiS death, Brother<br />

Dalton was serving the Brmherhood<br />

as a member <strong>of</strong> the Agreement Approval<br />

Department at the <strong>International</strong><br />

Office, where he proved to be<br />

a great asset to that department.<br />

Sincere sympathy IS expressed to<br />

Brother Dalton's famdy and friends<br />

Eleventh District Holds Manufacturing Conference<br />

,<br />

.<br />

Leaders <strong>of</strong> the Manufactunng Branch In the <strong>IBEW</strong> Eleventh<br />

DIStrict 3t!cnded 3 one-day workshop on FcbruMY 21, <strong>1984</strong>,<br />

held In Springfield, MISSOUri. Eleventh DISlTlct VICC Presidcnt<br />

Jack Moore welcomed the variOUS loca ls attending and partie·<br />

Ipated In the vanous topiCS covered throughout the day.<br />

lnternauonal Representative Craig Hoepner chatred the workshop<br />

and was assisted by <strong>International</strong> Representative Doug<br />

Wiegand <strong>of</strong> the Research Department. Representative Wiegand<br />

covered Work Measurements and Job Evaluation. Representauve<br />

Hocpner covered the new Alcohol and Drug Test just<br />

Introduced at Alcoa, the tcehnol<strong>of</strong>:lcal change concerning<br />

malllten:lOce, arbitration trends and the selection <strong>of</strong> arbllrators,<br />

stnke sanctions, local umon elecllons and, most Importantly,<br />

COPE and the politics <strong>of</strong> <strong>1984</strong>. Thlrt~,- threc delegates from<br />

aeross the Eleventh District attended and partiCipated aCllvely<br />

throughout the day. Due 10 active participation <strong>of</strong> the delegates,<br />

Ih(' conference was most mformallve a.nd very successful<br />

Eleventh DIS1rict Vice PresIdent Jack Moore is shown addreSSing 1he<br />

Eleventh DIS1rict ManufactUring Workshop Seated on his right is Inter·<br />

national Represen1atJVe Doug Wiegand. and seated on his teh is Inter·<br />

national Representative CraIg Hoepner<br />

--<br />

Partial views 01 the local union leaders who participated In the Eleventh<br />

District Manufacturing Conference.<br />

<strong>IBEW</strong> JOURNAL I APRil <strong>1984</strong> I 9

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