1984-04 April IBEW Journal.pdf - International Brotherhood of ...

1984-04 April IBEW Journal.pdf - International Brotherhood of ...

1984-04 April IBEW Journal.pdf - International Brotherhood of ...


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•• I Ill\.<br />

<strong>1984</strong> A Most Important Year for Working People<br />

l.*<br />

w. Make Certain You and Your Family Are Registered To Vote<br />

Vote in the Primaries and on Election Day for Friends <strong>of</strong> Labor<br />

Be Active in Your local Union's <strong>IBEW</strong>-COPE Program<br />




The Failing<br />

Economic Recovery<br />

Dictates A Change<br />

In The White House<br />

"A full economic<br />

recovery will never<br />

take place until there<br />

is full employment,<br />

with substantiallyreduced<br />

federal deficits<br />

and low interest<br />

rates,"<br />

• At the recent Mid-Winter Meetings <strong>of</strong> the AFL-CIO Executive<br />

Council, the Council was furni shed with valid statistical evidence<br />

proving that the unrealistic budget and economic policies<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Reagan Administration are still threatening the soundness<br />

<strong>of</strong> our economy for years to come.<br />

So, in spite <strong>of</strong> the Reagan Administration's highly publicized<br />

claims that the nation is fast on the road to a real economic<br />

recovery, that road the Administration is so proudly following<br />

and ballyhooing is running out <strong>of</strong> correct directional signposts<br />

and is still the wrong road to follow.<br />

A full economic recovery will never take place until there is<br />

full employment, with substantially reduced federal deficits and<br />

low interest rates. These economic factors are needed now in<br />

order to bring about a real recovery.<br />

However, the ever-rising high federal deficits are pushing up<br />

the already too high interest rates and threa ten to soon start us<br />

on an even worse "Reaganomic" recession.<br />

The so-called economic experts cannot deny that huge budget<br />

deficits raise interest rates causing curtailment <strong>of</strong> public and<br />

private job-creating investments. High interest rates also contribute<br />

to the over-valuation <strong>of</strong> the dollar, which prices U.S.<br />

goods out <strong>of</strong> overseas markets and encourages more flooding <strong>of</strong><br />

imports, which ca uses more American workers to lose their<br />

jobs. When workers lose their jobs billions <strong>of</strong> dollars are lost in<br />

production, which in turn means billions and billions <strong>of</strong> dollars<br />

are lost in badly needed revenues.<br />

Exorbitant interest rates, coupled with high unemployment,<br />

is .lIsa not the way to fight inflation, which robs workers am<br />

<strong>of</strong> realizing full value <strong>of</strong> their wages earned. This lowers their<br />

buying power on the consumer markets. Today the buying<br />

power <strong>of</strong> the worker's paycheck is lower than in 1979.<br />

When President Reagan goes 0 11 TV and smilingly sa ys,<br />

" Everything is going to be rosy, just have patience, stay the<br />

course," those and other innuendoes are simply used to cover<br />

up his supply-side, trickle-down experiment that has failed, and<br />

will continue to fail, unless the direction <strong>of</strong> the nation's economic<br />

policy is reversed and the fundamental problems are<br />

addressed.<br />

It is very evident that the Reagan Administration has no<br />

intentions <strong>of</strong> changing its policies. Therefore, it is time for a<br />

change in the White House. Jobs, fairness, and opportunities for<br />

the future are the key issues in the forthcoming November<br />

elections for workers and for all the peoples <strong>of</strong> our nation. Only<br />

the election <strong>of</strong> a new president will restore a proper administration<br />

<strong>of</strong> workers' basic rights that are being undermined by the<br />

Reagan Administration.<br />

..<br />

Charles H. Pillard<br />

<strong>International</strong> President

.<br />

.<br />

.<br />

.<br />



•<br />


I<br />

Volume 83, No. 4<br />


CHARLES H. PILLARD , Editor<br />

AFL·CIO Mid-Winter Meetings<br />

<strong>1984</strong> NJATC Annual Meeting<br />

Mandale Rebuilding America<br />

Mondale-Fact Sheet on the Future<br />

<strong>International</strong> Representative John W. Dalton Dies<br />

Eleventh District Holds Manufacturing Conference<br />

U.S. Savings Bonds<br />

Supreme Cour1 Bankruptcy Ruling Threatens<br />

Collective Bargailling<br />

Annual Statement <strong>of</strong> EWBA<br />


Editorial Comment<br />

Research and Education<br />

Safety Tips<br />

Local Lines<br />

• <strong>1984</strong><br />

<strong>April</strong>, <strong>1984</strong><br />

2<br />

4<br />

6<br />

8<br />

9<br />

9<br />

10<br />

12<br />

13<br />

Inside Front Cover<br />

Pension and Death Benefit Payment Report 62<br />

In Memoriam<br />

63<br />

Reflections<br />

ON OUR COVER-NaliOna/ elections,<br />

stale pnmalies, and caucuses are<br />

"elY much In the news these days<br />

November 6 WIn be a mosl IfT\portant<br />

election day IOf wonung people and<br />

thelf families<br />

Our lronl cover In<br />

photographs and ecluOfIal copy urges<br />

aJi<br />

ISEW members to be active<br />

partJClpanlS in the enllre pollllcal<br />

process.<br />

15<br />

17<br />

18<br />

InSide Back Cover<br />

POSTMASTER: Chlollge 01 ___ on Form 3579.nouk1De ... ID __ &_ 01 a.a ... W--.<br />

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WhII. Pi&.m, Nfl ... YOi'!< 10605<br />

I'ounh Dos1ricl. 8 . G. WILLIMoI SOtl<br />

n,o R ... dW>g Road<br />

A.n1Otr1a ...... E.tcv\ro'e 6IcIg<br />

....<br />

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I"rfII\ 0IslrcI. DAN It. WATERS<br />

No 2 MetropIet Orwe<br />


AFL-CIO<br />

-:\,4<br />

r~<br />

Mid-Winter<br />

Meetings<br />

,-<br />

Pictured sealed on the upper righ t Is Internationsl<br />

President Charles H. Pillard partic­<br />

Ipating in the Mid-Winter sessiOf'ls 01 the<br />

AFl-CIO ExectJllve Council. President Pillard<br />

is also a vice president 01 the AFL­<br />

CIO. The Council considered matters pertaining<br />

to unemployment, wages. high In·<br />

lerest rales. Innation, housing. health care,<br />

Social Security, civil rights. <strong>International</strong><br />

trade, OSHA and other issues important to<br />

organized labor and all WOO(lng people.<br />

Several members <strong>of</strong> Congress appeared<br />

before the Counal 10 discuss theIr policies<br />

and posillOOS on lebo(s issues<br />

Ounng tho AFl-CIO Executive Council<br />

sessions. a most Important meeting was<br />

held by the standing AFL·CIQ Committee<br />

on HOUSIng Chairman 01 the Committee is<br />

PreSIdent Pillard, who is pictured preSiding<br />

0'0'91 the meeting <strong>of</strong> the AFL-CIO Housing<br />

CommlnM President Pillard made the repoll<br />

01 the Committ ee to the AFL·CIO Executive<br />

Council<br />

..<br />

During the Mid-Winter AFL-CIO Meellngs, the ExecutIVe Board 01 the AFL-CtO Metal Trades<br />

Department met In seSSlOll. President Pillard Is pictured sea.led to the right <strong>of</strong> Dopanmont President<br />

Pa.ul Bumsky, who is seate

...<br />

During the AFL-CIO Executive Council Mid-Winter Meelmgs, Ihe<br />

AFL-CIO Mantime Trades Department mel in sessioo Shown on<br />

the left attending the Depar1menfs meeting is George Knaly, di·<br />

rector, <strong>IBEW</strong> Government Operations Director Knaly is a member<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Man\lme Trades Department Execullve Council. Sealed<br />

next to him is Justin 05110. VICe president, Machinists Union and<br />

Western Area E)(8C\Jlrve Board member. Manbme Trades Depart­<br />

-,<br />

..<br />

.<br />

President Pillard Is<br />

shown In diSCUSSion<br />

dunng a break <strong>of</strong> [he<br />

AFl·CIO Executive<br />

Council Meeting with<br />

United Association<br />

President MaNin<br />

Boed.<br />

The <strong>IBEW</strong>-Carpentsr's JUrisdiction Committee hetd a meeung dUring<br />

the AFl-CIO Mid-Winter Meetings Shown seated at the meeting<br />

represenllng the <strong>IBEW</strong> are. lel1 to right. InternatIOnal Aepresentatlve<br />

Arlie Heald. Director 01 <strong>IBEW</strong> ConstruclJOn and Maintenance Ted<br />

Moseley. Second OIsmct VICe PreSIdent John E Flynn. <strong>International</strong><br />

Execuwe Counol member Harry Bexley and Ninth DlStr1Ct Interna­<br />

Iional Representative Ken Johnson<br />

,IIHa;<br />

wINS<br />

II S ZOO nAfiS<br />

<strong>of</strong> HOMtS T<br />

CO NSTAu t flON<br />

DOWN \<br />

THlOII Al "<br />

AFl·CIO President Lane Kirkland and President Pillard are shown<br />

being interviewed while on the informational piCket line at the Fontainebleau<br />

Hotel during the ABC Contractors meellng. Directly behind<br />

President PlliaH:! is Ed Stephenson. preSident. South Florida AFl·<br />

CIO. who arranged lor the Council's parllCipatlon Brother Stephen·<br />

son is a member <strong>of</strong> the <strong>IBEW</strong><br />

AFL-CfO President Lane<br />

Kirkland and President Pil·<br />

lard are shown leading the<br />

AFL-CIO Execullve Council<br />

members who JOined<br />

the Miami Building Trades<br />

Counal In picketing the<br />

ABC Contractors meellng<br />

being held at the Fontainebleau<br />

HOlel<br />

Prior to the AFl-CIO Meetings. President Pillard and <strong>International</strong> Secretary lelgon mel With the <strong>IBEW</strong> <strong>International</strong><br />

Vice Presidents and <strong>International</strong> Executive CounCil members to dlSCllss policies and plans <strong>of</strong> programs lor the<br />

progress 01 the <strong>Brotherhood</strong>. Shown is the entire group 01 <strong>of</strong>ficers attending one <strong>of</strong> the sessions<br />

<strong>IBEW</strong> JOURNAL APRil t984 I 3

j<br />

1<br />

Shown In sessions during the NJA TC Annual Meeting are members 01 the CommUl88 during a dlscusslOfl Of\ a training Issue <strong>of</strong> vital Interest to the<br />

electncal industry<br />

<strong>1984</strong> NJATC ANNUAL MEETING<br />

Center is <strong>International</strong> PreSident Charles<br />

H P,Uard, who serves as co-chalrman 01<br />

the NJATC. On his right is C W Stocker,<br />

Jr", also co-d'lalnnan, who repreS8f\1$<br />

NECA on the CommfUee. On the len Is<br />

Anthony Salamone, Adminlstrallve AsSIII·<br />

aol 10 President Pillard, who serves as<br />

secretary <strong>of</strong> the NJATC.<br />

The Annual <strong>IBEW</strong>-NECA<br />

National<br />

' Oint Apprenticeship and<br />

Tramlng Committee Meeting was<br />

held in Washington, D.C., on March<br />

19, <strong>1984</strong>. The meeting was Jointly<br />

co-chatred by <strong>IBEW</strong> <strong>International</strong><br />

President Charles H. Pillard and C.<br />

W. Stocker, JT ., vice president, District<br />

5, National Electrical Contrac-<br />

tors Association.<br />

The Important meeting covered<br />

numerous sub,ects relating to the<br />

aCllvltics <strong>of</strong> the NJATC. Nallonal<br />

Director A. J. Phillips gave a comprehensive<br />

report concerning man·<br />

power training. further courses<br />

planned, BAT regulations and o ther<br />

important NJATC activities Vital to<br />

the tralnlOg In the electrical con·<br />

struction industry.<br />

The members <strong>of</strong> the Committee<br />

who were present contnbuted to thc<br />

meaningful discussions concerning<br />

the development and programs <strong>of</strong> the<br />

NJATC.<br />

..<br />

4 I <strong>IBEW</strong> JOURNAL I APRIL <strong>1984</strong>

4<br />

.<br />

.<br />

Pictured here are the members <strong>of</strong> the National Join! APO'enlic:eshlp and Training Committee lor the Electrical Industry. who attended the <strong>1984</strong><br />

Annual Meelmg held in Washington, DC<br />



.<br />

.<br />


c. W. Stocker, Jr., Co·Chm.<br />

Thomas A. Powell Wilham D. Shlrd Gary Bruno<br />

Burlon Brothers Elcc. Co .<br />

Powell Elcc., Inc. Waleo Elccme Company Bruno Electric<br />

P.O. Box 9071<br />

III S. 21st St ree t 4707 S.W. Kelly Avenue P.O. Box 9399<br />

Fon Worth, TX 76107<br />

Newark, OH 43055 Portland, OR 97201 Fresno, CA 93792<br />

Anton KiLngcr Robert E. Doran, III Robert B. Hoppe<br />

Mark W. Hughes, Treasurer Klmger Elcc. Corp Capital Elcc . Const. Co. <strong>of</strong> The L. E. Meyers Company<br />

Oir., Labor Relations, NECA P.O. Box 6803 Kansas, Inc. POSI Offke Box 27<strong>04</strong>6<br />

7315 Wlsconsm Avenue Jackson, MS 39211 Post Office Box 148 Salt Lake City, UT 84127<br />

Bethesda, MD 20814<br />

Leavenworth, KS 6(,().l8<br />

James R Solem<br />

Leonard L Kevclder<br />

Henry P. Scalfo Barker-Fowler Elecmc Z"ck Brewer, Ir High Voltage Systems<br />

Scalia Electnc, Inc. Company Elcclric Service Co. POSt Office Sox 92<br />

POSt Office Box 802 500 North Larch Street POSt Office Box 420 192 Marc Avenue<br />

Vineland, NI 08360 Lansmg, MI 48914 Casper, WV 82602 Cuyahoga Falls, O H 44222<br />


.<br />

Charles H. Pillard, Co.-Chm.<br />

lnternauonal PreSident, <strong>IBEW</strong><br />

1125- 15th Sueet, N.W.<br />

Washmgton, D.C 20005<br />

Anthony I. Salamone,<br />

Secretary<br />

mEW<br />

112S-15th Street, N.W.<br />

Washmgton, D.C 20005<br />

Robert F. Regan, DIl.·IATC<br />

Local Umon No. 10.3, <strong>IBEW</strong><br />

80 Crescent Avenue<br />

NeWlOn Center, MA 02159<br />

Howard Grabert, S.M.<br />

Local Umon 126, <strong>IBEW</strong><br />

2827 West Ridge Pike<br />

NOITIstown, PA 19401<br />

Neal Boyce, 8.M .<br />

Local Umon 972, <strong>IBEW</strong><br />

3 II Second St rcet<br />

Manetta, OH 45750<br />

Doug WatkinS, 8.M .<br />

Local Umon No. 558, lBEW<br />

Post Office Box 578<br />

Sheffield, AL 35660<br />

Fred J. Smith, B.M<br />

Local Umon No. 117, !BEW<br />

400 Federation Pbce<br />

Elglll, IL 60 120<br />

Kenneth R Edwards, I R<br />

!BEW<br />

1l2S-15th Suect, N W<br />

Washington, D.C 2000')<br />

Robert D. Grinstead, 8.M .<br />

Local Umon No. 12, <strong>IBEW</strong><br />

818 East 4th Street<br />

Pueblo, CO 8100 I<br />

A. J. PhilliPS, Director<br />

Roben M. Chessler, ASSlst;l.nt Director<br />

A. J. Pearson, Assistant Director<br />

Wilham J. Grosuck, B.M<br />

Local Umon No. 76, <strong>IBEW</strong><br />

3<strong>04</strong>9 South 36th<br />

Tacoma, \VA 9840-1<br />

Emil Ducoulombler, 8.M<br />

Local Umon 124, !BEW<br />

P.O. Box 8727<br />

Kansas City, MO 641 14<br />

B I Lowery, B.M<br />

Local Umon No. 175, !BEW<br />

2922 Volunteer Drive, Suite 9<br />

Chaltanooga. TN 37416<br />

<strong>IBEW</strong> JOURNAL I APRIL <strong>1984</strong> I 5

lUI<br />

The best leaders. history lell:,<br />

us time llnd again, are tho:,c who<br />

cam tl"U!:'t. reiipcct and ~upport<br />

by doing. by building. Th~tl':, why<br />

the AFL·CIO endorsed the<br />

candidacy <strong>of</strong> Waller F. ~Ionclah.·<br />

to be Prc:-;idcnt <strong>of</strong> the<br />

United St;lte:-;,<br />

WalleI' ~ l ondale i:-; a budder.<br />

He welcomes the future a)o\ an<br />

opportunity to rebuild America<br />

Like any builder. he know:< ,vou<br />

can't erecl :I ~ol1nd and :-;aft, ~l l"u e·<br />

ture without a firm foundation.<br />

The foundation Wahel' :'Ilondale<br />

bclicvfJ:; Amcl'ita IllU"l I't'ly<br />

on i~ the ~t l'ength anel well-twill!!<br />

<strong>of</strong> all <strong>of</strong> its people. Thl' buildillK<br />

block:, <strong>of</strong> this foundation al'l~ full<br />

employment and ,1 I'i:;ill~ :;tandal'(I<br />

<strong>of</strong> living fo r workel':'.<br />

Waller i\londale belic\'l':- that<br />

when people \\"ork hard. pay<br />

their laxe:;, ;\I'C g'ood parent:- and<br />

CilizCIl~, obcy the law and play<br />

by the 1'Ulc~, they have a I'ilrht to<br />

expect ('cl'tain thin~:;. from th('ir<br />

country - thing:;.. ~uch

.<br />

-<br />

. I<br />

1<br />

Walwr )Iondalc ha~<br />

-,<br />

F o R p R E s I D E N T<br />


Walter Mondale says:<br />

Every generation has itS own special<br />

challenge. But each generation has the<br />

same baSIC responsibility: to leave [heir<br />

children a beHer world than the one they<br />

inherited. We cannOt go back We cannot<br />

)olv(: uur children's problems by rcpc:n-<br />

109 our parents' answers.<br />

Walter Mondale has a plan to build<br />

for America's future.<br />

• Renew our comffillmCnt 10 educational<br />

access and excellence, from pn·<br />

mary school 10 graduate school<br />

• Ensure fair treatment fo r every member<br />

<strong>of</strong> our workJorcc by vigorously en·<br />

forcmg all anudlscrlmmatlon statutes,<br />

lla .~" lng the FRA. ami workmg toward<br />

pay equity.<br />

• Promote sCience and technology by<br />

restoring a proper balance between Clvlhan<br />

and military acuvIIICS, and by<br />

refurblshmg laboratones In our n3110n's<br />

grea t univerSity research ccnters<br />

• Return to full cllfulLcmcnl <strong>of</strong> all en ­<br />

vlronmcntallaws and regula lions, renew<br />

the altack on tOXIC wastes, and address<br />

I ~n o red probl ems such as aCid ram.<br />

• Recommit our COUntry 10 energy secunty,<br />

through Innovallve technologies<br />

and new energy sou rces, more conser·<br />

vallon, and stepped-up filling 01 the Stra·<br />

teglc Petroleum Reservc.<br />

• PromOte small bUSiness with meas·<br />

ures to reduce Interest r,lIes, foster cap­<br />

Ital formation, and mcrease the supply<br />

<strong>of</strong> skilled researchers and engineers.<br />

• Improve cooperation with our allies<br />

by :<br />

• abandonmg diVIsive expon control<br />

policies,<br />

• acting more firmly to address and<br />

resolve divisive trade issues,<br />

• renewing our suppon for human rights<br />

and democratic values around the world,<br />

• dc-escalating the rhetoric <strong>of</strong> military<br />

eonlronl3tion with the Soviet Union and<br />

working firmly and p:ltIcntly to reduce<br />

tensions.<br />

8 I <strong>IBEW</strong> JOURNAL I APRIL <strong>1984</strong><br />

• Gel serious once again about nuclear<br />

arms con trol by:<br />

• ratifymg SALT H,<br />

• adhering to the ARM Treaty,<br />

• tightly controllmg the flow <strong>of</strong> weap'<br />

ons-grade matenal,<br />

• re-emphaslzmg non-proliferation,<br />

• ralsmg the nuclear threshold In Eu·<br />

rope,<br />

• Improving cnsls commumcatlons<br />

with the SOV iet Umon,<br />

• beginmng to b:argaln toward a mu·<br />

tual and venfiable freeze on strategIC<br />

arms,<br />

• convening a summit conference to<br />

gCI the START and TNF talks back on<br />

track<br />

The Reagan Administration has<br />

failed to build for the future.<br />

• The future requITes the beSt educated<br />

and tramed generation m Amencan hiStory.<br />

But the Reagan Admlmstratlon has<br />

slashed fundmg for educallon by S2 hll ­<br />

hon (13 percent] m FY <strong>1984</strong> alone.<br />

• The future requuc.'i Amentan ~rlrncc<br />

and technology second to none, across<br />

the board. But the administration has<br />

radica ll y skewed rcse3rch and develop·<br />

ment funds toward nulttary acuvltles a<br />

24 percent re31 IOcrease In FY <strong>1984</strong> mt! ­<br />

Itary R & 0 , and a four percent decrease<br />

III the civlitan sector.<br />

• The future reqUires unpolluted land,<br />

water and :ur. But the Admintstratton<br />

has faded to enforce environmental laws<br />

and regulations now on the books and<br />

has hlatantly betrayed the publi c truSt<br />

10 li S management <strong>of</strong> the EnVironmental<br />

Protection Agency .<br />

• The future requITes renewed movement<br />

toward energy Independence. nUt<br />

the Admintstrallon has slashed funding<br />

fo r programs that promote conservation<br />

and the development <strong>of</strong> new and renewable<br />

cnergy sources.<br />

• The future requ ires ;I healthy small<br />

bUSiness sec tor- the pnllle sou rce <strong>of</strong> innovallon<br />

and jobs in our economy, But<br />

the Admimstrallon's poltcies have de·<br />

prlved small busmcss <strong>of</strong> affordable credit,<br />

( -<br />

reduced theIT access to trained personnel.<br />

and lilted the tax codes In favor 01 cor<br />

porate giants<br />

• The future requITes revlla!tzed haslc<br />

mduStrles. But the Admmlstrauon has<br />

preSided over their decItne while dOing<br />

almost nothmg to hah and reverse n<br />

• The future requires the full, fau, and ...;<br />

equal partlClp:mon <strong>of</strong> all Amen cans In<br />

our economy. But the AdmlOiStratlon<br />

has backtracked on mmorllY employment,<br />

weakened support for mlnomy<br />

smail busmess, and opposed measures<br />

such as the ERA that would help ensure<br />

fairness for women<br />

• The fUlure reqUires s tro n~ alhanccs<br />

and diplomacy based squarely on Amer· (/I<br />

Ica 's values. But the Admlnlstratton has<br />

weakened our tradlllonal alliances with<br />

the wOlld '!o detnO{;rac ies and undermIned<br />

the credlbtlllY <strong>of</strong> our commitment to<br />

human nghts around the world<br />

• Above all, the future dcmanrl~ dfreli<br />

ve nuclea r arms control. But the .,.<br />

Administration has moved us away<br />

from-not toward- thiS vnal goa l<br />



by AI Goodfader<br />

"One <strong>of</strong> the real Issues In <strong>1984</strong> IS<br />

whether we're gomg to restore a nallon<br />

10 which people h3ve the nght In fa ctthe<br />

umnumldated right-to p3rtlCIpate<br />

In the fullest sense <strong>of</strong> the word under<br />

the nghts and prOVisions <strong>of</strong> the National<br />

Labor Relattons Act ... I stand strongly<br />

for mdependent. effective umons."<br />

With those words, Walter F. MondaJc<br />

reaffirmed his conSIstent belief III the<br />

nght <strong>of</strong> Amencan working people to<br />

meet their employers fallly across the<br />

b3Tgaining table and to have a vOice In<br />

deciding the condItions under which they<br />

work. His commitment to free collecllve<br />

Continued on Page 14<br />

-<br />

<strong>International</strong> Representative John W. Dalton Dies<br />

.<br />

The <strong>Brotherhood</strong> was saddened by<br />

the death <strong>of</strong> <strong>International</strong> Representative<br />

John W. Dahon, who passed<br />

away suddenly on March 8, <strong>1984</strong>.<br />

Brother Dahon was born on March<br />

17, 1926, and was initiated mto Local<br />

175, Chattanooga, TClmcsscc, on May<br />

17, 1948. Brother Dalton became active<br />

10 the affairs <strong>of</strong> Local 175 and<br />

served as a member <strong>of</strong> the ExecutIve<br />

Board from lune 1961 unul July 1963.<br />

Brother Dalton became bUSiness<br />

manager-financ ial secretary In July<br />

1963 and served III that <strong>of</strong>fice until<br />

February 1, 1974. While serving Local<br />

175 as business manage r-financial<br />

secretary, he also served as a<br />

member <strong>of</strong> the Apprenticeship and<br />

Training Committee and trustee <strong>of</strong><br />

the Health and Welfare Committee.<br />

Brother Dalton became a well-known,<br />

active trade unionist in the Chattanooga<br />

area and worked hard to promote<br />

the trade union movement as<br />

a member <strong>of</strong> the Chattanooga Build­<br />

Ing Trades and Chattanooga Central<br />

Labor CouncIl. <strong>International</strong> PreSIdent<br />

Charles H Pillard appointed<br />

BrOlher Dalton as an <strong>International</strong><br />

RepreSentative and assigned him to<br />

the internatIOnal Office In Washington,<br />

D.C., effecllve February i, 1974.<br />

At the lime <strong>of</strong> hiS death, Brother<br />

Dalton was serving the Brmherhood<br />

as a member <strong>of</strong> the Agreement Approval<br />

Department at the <strong>International</strong><br />

Office, where he proved to be<br />

a great asset to that department.<br />

Sincere sympathy IS expressed to<br />

Brother Dalton's famdy and friends<br />

Eleventh District Holds Manufacturing Conference<br />

,<br />

.<br />

Leaders <strong>of</strong> the Manufactunng Branch In the <strong>IBEW</strong> Eleventh<br />

DIStrict 3t!cnded 3 one-day workshop on FcbruMY 21, <strong>1984</strong>,<br />

held In Springfield, MISSOUri. Eleventh DISlTlct VICC Presidcnt<br />

Jack Moore welcomed the variOUS loca ls attending and partie·<br />

Ipated In the vanous topiCS covered throughout the day.<br />

lnternauonal Representative Craig Hoepner chatred the workshop<br />

and was assisted by <strong>International</strong> Representative Doug<br />

Wiegand <strong>of</strong> the Research Department. Representative Wiegand<br />

covered Work Measurements and Job Evaluation. Representauve<br />

Hocpner covered the new Alcohol and Drug Test just<br />

Introduced at Alcoa, the tcehnol<strong>of</strong>:lcal change concerning<br />

malllten:lOce, arbitration trends and the selection <strong>of</strong> arbllrators,<br />

stnke sanctions, local umon elecllons and, most Importantly,<br />

COPE and the politics <strong>of</strong> <strong>1984</strong>. Thlrt~,- threc delegates from<br />

aeross the Eleventh District attended and partiCipated aCllvely<br />

throughout the day. Due 10 active participation <strong>of</strong> the delegates,<br />

Ih(' conference was most mformallve a.nd very successful<br />

Eleventh DIS1rict Vice PresIdent Jack Moore is shown addreSSing 1he<br />

Eleventh DIS1rict ManufactUring Workshop Seated on his right is Inter·<br />

national Represen1atJVe Doug Wiegand. and seated on his teh is Inter·<br />

national Representative CraIg Hoepner<br />

--<br />

Partial views 01 the local union leaders who participated In the Eleventh<br />

District Manufacturing Conference.<br />

<strong>IBEW</strong> JOURNAL I APRil <strong>1984</strong> I 9

<strong>IBEW</strong> Q<br />


l125-Fifteenth St. N,W.<br />

Washington. D.C. 20005<br />

Charles H. Plilard<br />

<strong>International</strong><br />

President<br />

Relph A. Lelgon<br />

<strong>International</strong><br />

Secretary<br />

i<br />

I<br />

Dear Brothers and Sisters ,<br />

The United States Savings Bonds Program has long had the support<br />

<strong>of</strong> this union , and all organized labor. That's because Savings Bonds<br />

help protect working men and women and their families from financial<br />

hardship while also strengtheni ng the nation ' s economy.<br />

Always a good deal in the past. Savings Bonds are now better than<br />

ever thanks to market- based interest. This interest formula gives<br />

bonds the flexibility to keep pace with market rates, no matter how<br />

high they may go. If rates pl ummet, bonds have the added protection<br />

<strong>of</strong> a guaranteed minimum return <strong>of</strong> 7.5 percent. All bonds held at least<br />

five years are eligibl e for this variable rate, including old Series<br />

£ and £E Bonds and Savings Notes.<br />

Savings Bonds can be purchased at banks or through the popular<br />

payroll savings plan. The plan provides an easy , convenient, systematic<br />

method <strong>of</strong> accumulating financial reserves. You decide how much to<br />

set aside from each paycheck to buy bonds, and when the purchase price<br />

is met , the bond is issued.<br />

Every bond you buy helps build a more secure future for you and<br />

for America, too. Bond sales help reduce the Treasury's need to borrow<br />

in the open market, making more funds available for business expansion<br />

and modernization, which creates new jobs.<br />

Bonds are also guaranteed safe. If they<br />

they are replaced free <strong>of</strong> charge with no loss<br />

are lost , stolen<br />

<strong>of</strong> interest.<br />

or destroyed,<br />

The <strong>International</strong> <strong>Brotherhood</strong> <strong>of</strong> Electrical Workers has been a<br />

longtime friend and enthusiastic supporter <strong>of</strong> the Savings Bonds Program ,<br />

and we urge you to join us in supporting the program. If you are presently<br />

enrolled in the payroll savings plan for Savings Bonds, consider increasing<br />

your rate <strong>of</strong> saving. If you are not enrolled in the plan, think about<br />

how bonds can help you and your family to a more prosperous future ,<br />

and then sign up.<br />

..<br />

Fraternally yours,<br />

.-<br />

CHP: cm<br />

~)II.i?~<br />

Charles H. Pil lard<br />

<strong>International</strong> Pres i dent<br />

...<br />

10 I <strong>IBEW</strong> JOURNAL I APRIL <strong>1984</strong>

.<br />

.<br />

Get more mileage<br />

for your moneywith<br />

New Variable Rate<br />

U.S. Savings Bonds<br />

Now <strong>of</strong>fering you:<br />

* Excellent market-based rates<br />

* Guaranteed minimum return<br />

* Maximum security<br />

... and as always. YOU choose<br />

how much to save in the<br />

easy Payroll Savings Planl<br />

Savings Bonds<br />

can take you where<br />

you w ant to go. ,..,.. iIi ........... .<br />

:"p:!!<br />

~ :~r ·'l[ "·<br />

.-.,-.. . ........ .<br />

.<br />

<strong>IBEW</strong> JOURNAL APRIL <strong>1984</strong> I 11



Organized labor will step up ItS efforts<br />

to move Congress to amend the federal<br />

bankruptcy code as a result <strong>of</strong> the recem<br />

U.S. Supreme Court mhng which permits<br />

even solvent compames to ImmedIately<br />

cancel umon contracts by Ahog<br />

for bankruptcy.<br />

Pluggmg what labor considers to be a<br />

gaping and unfair loophole In the bankruptcy<br />

law now "has the lOp prlom)' on<br />

labor's agenda, -, AFL-C10 Legislative DIrector<br />

Ray ncm.~on hll .~ ~:l1cl<br />

Labor leaders attendmg the AFL·CIO<br />

Executive Council meeting In Sal Harbour,<br />

Florida, when the deciSion was<br />

handed down expressed dismay Imd anger.<br />

Bm they added that the ruling W3S<br />

not u nexpected and thaI legislation has<br />

been introduced to correct H .<br />

The AFL-CIO, saId the Council, will<br />

"do everything in ItS power to ensure<br />

that Congress corrects the Supreme Court<br />

mistakc and vindicates national labor<br />

policy."<br />

The CounCil declared, "The Supreme<br />

Court <strong>of</strong> the United St:ltes, in accordance<br />

with It s normal pro-business lealllngs,<br />

has now granted employers Wide permission<br />

to use the banknlptcy laws to<br />

destIoy collecuve bargallllng agreements_<br />

"The Supreme Court was able to make<br />

tlll:S JCI.:ISlon because Congress has not<br />

spelled out the proper relationship between<br />

the bankruptcy laws and the labor<br />

laws," the Council continued.<br />

"Given an opening. the Court'S conservative<br />

majority fashioned a legal rule<br />

that is best for busllless and worst for<br />

workers," it said.<br />

The high Court's February 22 rullllg<br />

carne in two parts, the first part unanimous<br />

and the second spin ;'j-4.<br />

In the unanimous deCision, the Court<br />

ruled that a bankruptcy COUrt may free<br />

a company from Its union contracts with­<br />

Out requITIng pro<strong>of</strong> that the COntr3CtS<br />

thre3ten the comp3ny's survival. The<br />

company must Simply show that the<br />

contracts arc a financial "burden."<br />

In the closely spilt rullllg. the Coun<br />

said a company m3Y abrogate a coll ccllve<br />

bargaimng agreement as soon as It files<br />

for bankruptcy while awaltlllg the deci'<br />

sion <strong>of</strong> a bankruptcy Judge . The hank·<br />

ruptcy court could later restore the<br />

contract by rejecting the bankruptcy<br />

petition.<br />

The Council noted that the COUrt rnaiority<br />

in the 5-4 ruling h3d ignored lhe<br />

reasoning <strong>of</strong> a minority dissent written<br />

by Associate lustlee Wilham I. Brennan,<br />

J" Brcn n"" Wlute that the malorlty "Ius<br />

completely Ignored Important poliCies<br />

that underlie the National whor Rela ·<br />

tlons ACt " <strong>of</strong> 1935 In pcrn1lttlng a com·<br />

pany " Unilaterally to alter ;I collective<br />

bargaining agreement "<br />

Pernllttlng thiS, s[lId Brennan, l!o a<br />

"threat to bbor peace." He added 1113t<br />

the mllng will mean that " resolution <strong>of</strong><br />

the parlles' disputes will indeed be left<br />

to the relative slfcngth <strong>of</strong> the comendlll)::<br />

forces. "<br />

A~ I'xamplcs, Hrennan notes that the<br />

union workers at Continental Airlines<br />

and Wilson Foods had gone on strike<br />

after the compames last year tore up<br />

their contracts.<br />

The effect <strong>of</strong> the rullllg on the Conti·<br />

nental case was uncle:I!. Airlines 3re<br />

covered by the Railway Labor Act rather<br />

than the NLRA. The Court noted that<br />

Its ruling pertained to contracts under<br />

the N LRA, not the Railway Labor Act,<br />

where the bonkmptcy l:iw is specially<br />

restricted from being used to get OUI <strong>of</strong><br />

union contracts.<br />

AFL-CIO Spl.: .... lal Ce wa.,><br />

movlllg through the coun s, Contlllental<br />

Alrltnes last September used the bank·<br />

ruptcy petition deVIce 10 cancel colleclive<br />

ba rg:lllllllg agreements with pilots,<br />

flJght 3t!endants and machinists even<br />

though the company wasn't short <strong>of</strong> cash<br />

or :lbout 10 collapse. The :lidines' unions<br />

arc sull on Strike and the AFL-CIO has<br />

c311ed a national boycol! 10 support them.<br />

AFL-CIO attorney Gold noted that followlllg<br />

the enactment <strong>of</strong> b:mkruptcy law<br />

amendments in 1978, making it easier<br />

for both companies and individuals to<br />

declare -bankmptey, there has been a<br />

trend by employers to usc bankruptcy to<br />

break or weaken ItS unIOns.<br />

Gold s;ud the Supreme Court ruling,<br />

unless reversed by Congress, will " Lll ­<br />

crease the level <strong>of</strong> distress between employers<br />

and unIOns, lllercase the number<br />

uf lalNI Jll>pl,Jlt;~, "ud ClcalC greater lli'<br />

stabilIty in coll ective bargallling."<br />

Regardlllg the court 'S standard that<br />

companies seeking to void thelT union<br />

contracts through bankruptcy need only<br />

show that the contracts 3fe a "burden,"<br />

Cold said "collective bargaming agree·<br />

ments arc always, If they're worth the<br />

paper they're wnttcn Oil, an economic<br />

burden on employers-cverybody would<br />

Itkc 10 pay the mmlmum wage or<br />

below."<br />

Edllor'. NOle : As this issue <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Journal</strong><br />

was going to press late in March the U.S.<br />

House <strong>of</strong> Representatives passed legis·<br />

lation 10 save bankruptcy COl/rlS lrom a<br />

March 30 shutdown while saleguarding<br />

labor oonllacts from lirms that want them<br />

scrapped during bankruptcy proceedings.<br />

Similar legislation hali been passed by<br />

the Senate. The legislation. which is elfpected<br />

to go to joint Conference Committee<br />

shorlly to Iron out any dil/erences<br />

botween the House and Senate versions.<br />

is aimed at rescuing a bankruptcy system<br />

that the Supreme Court declared unconstitutional.<br />

Eventual passage <strong>of</strong> such leg·<br />

Islliliun is a top priority for organized labor.<br />

Nelft month's <strong>Journal</strong> will carry more de·<br />

ta!!s on this importa nt legislation as it<br />

moves toward enactment Into law.<br />

•<br />

12 \ <strong>IBEW</strong> JOURNAL I APRIL <strong>1984</strong>

..<br />


In compliance ""'111 the requirements or the Fraternal Act 01 vanous<br />

stales, we afe publlshmg below Inlormallon conlalned In the annual slatemeni<br />

01 the Electnai Wor1

NOTICE<br />


This is a summary <strong>of</strong> tha annual report lor the <strong>IBEW</strong> Members<br />

Pension Plan, Employer tdenlJlication Number 53-0088380. lor the<br />

fiscal year ending June 30, 1983. The annual report has been liled<br />

with the Inlemal Revenue Service, as required under the Employee<br />

Retirement Income Security Act 01 1974 IERISA)<br />

Basic Financial Statement<br />

I. An accountant's report<br />

2. Assets held fOf Investment;<br />

3 Loans or other obligations in default.<br />

4 Transactions In excess <strong>of</strong> three percent (3%) <strong>of</strong> plan assets<br />

Benefits under tha ptan are prOVided by members' dues and<br />

investment income Plan expenses were $54,442.571 Thesa ex·<br />

penses included $1 ,539,497 in administratIVe expenses and SSI. 780, 743<br />

In benefits paid to participants and beneficiaries, and $1 ,122.331 in<br />

other expenses. A tOlal 01 351.168 persons were parliclpanls in or<br />

beneficiaries 01 the plan at the and <strong>of</strong> the plan year, although not all<br />

01 H19se persons had yet earned the right 10 receive benefits.<br />

The value 01 plan assets. after subuacting liabilities 01 the plan. was<br />

$353.270.379 as <strong>of</strong> June 30.1983. compared to 5270.<strong>04</strong>1.557 as <strong>of</strong><br />

July I. 1982. During the year the plan experlen~ed an Increase in its<br />

net assets <strong>of</strong> 583,228,822. This Increase includes unrealized appreelatiOn<br />

or depreciation In the value 01 the plan assets. thaI is. the<br />

dlHererlCe between the value <strong>of</strong> lhe plan's assets at the end <strong>of</strong> Ihe<br />

year and the value <strong>of</strong> the assets al the beginning <strong>of</strong> the year or the<br />

cost <strong>of</strong> assets aCQUIred dunng the year. The plan had a tOlal income<br />

<strong>of</strong> 571 ,402,402. Including members' dues contnbutions <strong>of</strong> $33.018,357.<br />

gains <strong>of</strong> 53.632.342 from the sale <strong>of</strong> assets. and earnings from<br />

mvestments <strong>of</strong> $34.75t.703<br />

Your Rights to Additional Inlormatlon<br />

You have the nght to receive a copy <strong>of</strong> the full annual report. or<br />

any part there<strong>of</strong>. on reQuest l'he Items I.sted below are irICluded In<br />

that report<br />

To obtain a copy <strong>of</strong> the lull annual report, or any pan there<strong>of</strong>. write<br />

or call the <strong>of</strong>fice <strong>of</strong> Ralph A Leigon, who Is the Plan Administrator.<br />

1125-t5th Street, N.W,. Washington. D.C. 20005. Telephone: (2021<br />

833·7000. The charge to cover the copying costs will be $11.00 for<br />

the full annual report. or $.25 per page for any pan there<strong>of</strong>.<br />

You also have the right to receive from the plan administrator, on<br />

request and at no charge. a statement 01 the assets and liabilities 01<br />

the plan and accompanying notes, or a statement <strong>of</strong> income and<br />

expenses <strong>of</strong> the plan and accompanying notes. or both. lf you request<br />

a copy <strong>of</strong> the full annual rePOn from the plan administrator. these two<br />

statements and accompanying notes will be included as pan <strong>of</strong> thaI<br />

repon The charge \0 cover copying costs given above does not<br />

Include a charge for the copying <strong>of</strong> these portions <strong>of</strong> the rapon because<br />

these por1ions are furnished wlthoul charge<br />

You also have the legally protected light to e~amlne the annual<br />

repon at the main oNice 01 the plan. I 125-15th SlIeet. N W. Wash·_<br />

jngton, D.C. 20005. and at theU S Oepanment <strong>of</strong> lab<strong>of</strong> in Washinglon,<br />

DC., Of to obtain a copy Irom the U.S. Department 01 Labor upon<br />

payment <strong>of</strong> COpying costs Requests to the Department should be<br />

addressed 10: Public Disclosure Room .. N4677, PenSIon and Welfare<br />

Benefll Programs. Depanment <strong>of</strong> Labor. 200 Conslnutlon Avenue.<br />

N W . Washington. DC 20216<br />


Continued /mm Po}.:(' R<br />

hargalOlOg ~lIld to the goal s <strong>of</strong> soc]:11 and<br />

economic progress for which the trade<br />

unton movcment works has never wav '<br />

ered dunng his long and well·docu·<br />

menled career III publtc Itfe.<br />

II siems from a life long conVictIOn that<br />

a decent, productive lob fo r all who want<br />

to work, and a faIT share <strong>of</strong> the frUitS <strong>of</strong><br />

thcIT la bor, arc baS IC clemen IS <strong>of</strong> Amcr·<br />

lcan prosperu y, and Ihal our federal gov·<br />

ernment must reassert Its central role III<br />

the just stewardship <strong>of</strong> labor·manage<br />

men! affairs.<br />

From hiS entry on the nallonal scene<br />

as a U.S. senatOf 10 1965, Mondale has<br />

fough t for falf pi:ly m the enactment and<br />

enforcement <strong>of</strong> federal labor·manage·<br />

ment law. At the same lime, he has<br />

supported programs to bnng our nallonal<br />

goal <strong>of</strong> full employment closer to reahty.<br />

In the Senate, Mondale stood at the<br />

Side <strong>of</strong> workers on repc-1I1 <strong>of</strong> Secllon 14(bl<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Taft· Hartley Act which pamlts<br />

states to negate federal guaT:llltecS <strong>of</strong> the<br />

nght to organtze; on endmg <strong>of</strong> the bracero<br />

program which exploited foreign migrant<br />

farm workers; on stTengthelllllg <strong>of</strong> federal<br />

OSHA programs) and on the preservation<br />

<strong>of</strong> umon rights to partlCl p:II C in the po·<br />

lillcal process<br />

Mondale never fatled to defend respon·<br />

sLble trade Unionism from ever'1Ilcreastng<br />

attacks by radI cal :mu-unton forces<br />

seebng to stnp workers <strong>of</strong> theIr umon<br />

nghts. He helped to beat hack ~ I senes <strong>of</strong><br />

assaults on the Davls·Bacon Act, whIch<br />

now is being undermined hy the Reagan<br />

Adm1lllstration. He opposed repeated attempts,<br />

fostered by the Nallonal "Rlghtto·<br />

Work" CommLttee, to cripple union<br />

voter registrallon and poltocal educallon<br />

aCIlVllles. And he was on labor's SIde 111<br />

cfforts to reform the Hatch Act, which<br />

restncts polillcaJ actlvltles by federal<br />

employees.<br />

Through the yea rs, Mondale has demonstrated<br />

hIS conV Iction that th e fedeT:lI<br />

government has a responSIbility 10 fosler<br />

job· training and lob·creallon programs as<br />

a means <strong>of</strong> moving toward lull employ·<br />

ment. He 10lned with labor In support <strong>of</strong><br />

a Wide range <strong>of</strong> measures to create,<br />

strengthen and maintain federal iobs and<br />

iob·tralnmg programs; to aid Victims <strong>of</strong><br />

technological change, <strong>of</strong> reeeSSLon ' m­<br />

duced unemployment, <strong>of</strong> dLscnmmallon;<br />

and to overcome other roadblocks to<br />

gainful employment.<br />

He continues to show a pracllcal un·<br />

derstanding <strong>of</strong> the role <strong>of</strong> labor utllons<br />

in American society. Speaking al the<br />

1983 AFL-CIO Convenllon, Mondale de·<br />

clared that, as preSident, "I'd enforce<br />

workers' nghts and Aght for the adoption<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Labor Law Reform Act. "<br />

HIS publtc statements hammer at the<br />

theme that workmg people have a right<br />

to partiCipate, through thetr utlLOns, III<br />

the rebUIlding <strong>of</strong> a strong AmeTican econ·<br />

amy and faIr social climate- that orga·<br />

IlIzed labor is, III his words, "a legitimate,<br />

propcr, and necessary pan <strong>of</strong> a healthy<br />

America." He makes it clear that he<br />

Lntends to end the usc <strong>of</strong> federal agenelcs<br />

as uillon busters, which has become rou·<br />

tine praclLee III the Reagan AdmllllStra·<br />

lion.<br />

" When (the Reagan) Administration<br />

says what our country needs is a uOlon·<br />

free ntlllOn, I tell them what we need IS<br />

a nalLon <strong>of</strong> free unions," Mondale de·<br />

c1ares.<br />

The AFL·CIO's endorsement <strong>of</strong> Walter<br />

F. Mondale's presidennal candIdacy,<br />

whIch was based on conSldera\lon <strong>of</strong> a<br />

Wide variety <strong>of</strong> Issues and grassroots<br />

consuitalLons among union members,<br />

reflects the conViction that worklllg peopte<br />

must be Illvolved dtrectly and can·<br />

!lnually Ln the ciecllon campaign from<br />

ItS beginning.<br />

It also allies the t rade union movement<br />

with a program and effective national<br />

kadcr in a drive to return American<br />

government to its proper role <strong>of</strong> promot·<br />

Lng the well·being <strong>of</strong> all Amcncans.<br />

..<br />

,.<br />

14 I <strong>IBEW</strong> JOURNAL / APRIL 1964

department <strong>of</strong> Research<br />

and Education<br />

.<br />


The Executive Branch and Legislation<br />

.<br />

The IradUlonal rHC <strong>of</strong> clt.'UIll~ the<br />

President <strong>of</strong> the United St.lIes IS under<br />

way, as pn::sldcnual hopefuh VIC for the<br />

nom mating VOtes <strong>of</strong> Amerlcll '!> registered<br />

voters. Voters should be carefully eva l·<br />

uatlng the candld:w.::s, looklll!: beyond<br />

the photogenic, humorous, chan'>m:lIIC,<br />

personable characteristics <strong>of</strong> the IlllhvuJ.<br />

ual candidate-to seck a camhd:Hc who<br />

IS hcalthy, able to wHhM:lIld the Jcm:mrJs<br />

<strong>of</strong> the <strong>of</strong>fice, ltltclltgcnt, experienced,<br />

accountable to the voters, knowledgeable<br />

and understanding <strong>of</strong> the problems <strong>of</strong> the<br />

U.S. and the world, and responsIble III<br />

his exercise <strong>of</strong> preSidential powers.<br />

Voters must look beyond the facadebeyond<br />

the mdlvldual c;ulllHJatc at wh,1t<br />

the preSidency cl\l:l1ls. For, 11\ addu Ion<br />

to the obV IOUS reference to thc <strong>of</strong>fice <strong>of</strong><br />

the PreSident, the pn.!'>Idency, tl!o defined<br />

In Webster's DictIOnary, IS " the Amencan<br />

governmental Institution comprL!olng<br />

the <strong>of</strong>fice <strong>of</strong> PreSIdent and v:tnous :t!o!oo'<br />

ci:tted admllllswltlve :tnd polLcy-makmg<br />

agencies." That, rcfcrnng to the current<br />

preSidency, would be synonymous with<br />

the Reagan Admmlstratlon, The Ineffec·<br />

tual, uncanng performance <strong>of</strong> the Reagan<br />

Admllllstr:1I10n (the PreSIdent, hIS dulyappomted<br />

Cabmet, hiS allPolllted While<br />

House staH, hIS appoll1ted fedcmlludges,<br />

and hIS hundreds <strong>of</strong> al)pOllltees to fedc r:tl<br />

agencIes, comnUSSLOns, task fo rces,<br />

worklllg groups, etc.lls one <strong>of</strong> the malll<br />

reasons why organized labor has endorsed<br />

Walter Mondale 10 be the next<br />

PreSident <strong>of</strong> the United Stales<br />

The President's I'owers<br />

The PreSident <strong>of</strong> the United St3U;S has<br />

the power 10 propose leglslatlon and to<br />

have leglslatlon lIltrodueed III Congress<br />

easLly, 10 veto \eglsJauon that has been<br />

. passed by Congress; and, through hiS<br />

appolmees 10 federal agencies, bureaus,<br />

and commISSions, to change eXI~tlllg regula<br />

tlons and to affect Ihe Implement:I'<br />

tlon and enforcement <strong>of</strong> eX isting legIS'<br />

lauon. The PreSident also Issues<br />

presldenllal documents, usulIlly III the<br />

form <strong>of</strong> prochllnlltlons or executLve orde<br />

rs, both <strong>of</strong> which have an IIlcreaSlIlg<br />

Impact on the dally li fe and activit ies <strong>of</strong><br />

Amen cans and which <strong>of</strong>ten involve ne i­<br />

ther consultatI on wit h Congress nor su b­<br />

stantial nou fica tion to the pubt. c.<br />

Under the Creull Cuntrol A(,;t uf 1%1),<br />

the PreSident has the authonty to direct<br />

the Federal Reserve Board to reduce interest<br />

r;lIes :lnd It) allocate credit We<br />

have :tll suffen::d throllgh these Ihn:e<br />

ye.LrS <strong>of</strong> the Reagan Admlll l ~tr.lll1m, a~<br />

the slow growth <strong>of</strong> the money ~upp l y<br />

and high IIltere", r.L1es dev:l.,t,lted the<br />

Amenc.m economy :md PUt the ~4ueeze<br />

on employment and a!o the lobs <strong>of</strong> mdhans<br />

<strong>of</strong> Amencan~ were lo~t bee.lu,e nf<br />

cutbacks Itl constrUctIOn, manufaLturmg,<br />

and salcs_ It appe;\!s now th.u the<br />

Federal Rc!oerve I~ under pre~~llre to keep<br />

the money supply IIlcre;l!>lng III .111 dton<br />

to expand ecotlnnllC growth through<br />

Elecllon D.IY<br />

The Executive Brandl ahu doc, the<br />

actual negotiating <strong>of</strong> tr.lde agreements,<br />

lind Amenca's worker .. h.IYC seen the<br />

export market for U.S plOduct~ eroded<br />

by unf.llr and IcStncttve trade pra(';lIces<br />

<strong>of</strong> cenam countries, whLle IInport·sen­<br />

Sluve IIlJustnes III the U.S .LTe at a<br />

comllCtllu'C dl~JdvJnt.lge bee.IUse <strong>of</strong> the<br />

relax.lt lun <strong>of</strong> U.S. tanffs and the ullw!llmgness<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Re;lgJIl Adlllllll~tr'Hlon to<br />

enforce our tr.lde IJws.<br />

Abi lit y to Get Leg islation<br />

T IL rough C on J,: r es~<br />

The Pres uJent and hIS allies III Cun·<br />

gress use .tli uf thcl r persuasive powers,<br />

Slnnegy, and lohhYlllg to sway legls\;HLon<br />

their WJy. MO~I n:cent PreSidents hilve<br />

depended on strong lohhYlng III Congress<br />

to enact theH lcg"lallve proposals, and<br />

Presillent Re.lgJI1 'S 10hbY IM has been no<br />

excellllOll, mdeed, he ha::. heen credited<br />

wnh many successes III getting the Pres·<br />

Idenl's Jcgl~latlon passed In the carl)'<br />



JANUARY, <strong>1984</strong><br />

1981 '" 100<br />

He/lllh' RIte.e.-<br />

AIl It. ml T./ln,po.· p ••, onal lion &<br />

M."," V .., Comblnea 'ood Houllng CIOlhlng 1I IIon C ... R.adlng<br />

January <strong>1984</strong> 1202 1146 1231 1090 1242 1203 1164<br />

December 1983 1196 1125 122.7 111 1 1227 120,0 117.5<br />

November 1983 119,2 1121 1223 111 4 121.3 120,1 118,0<br />

October '983 119,2 1127 1222 111 1 121 1 119,7 1179<br />

Seplember '983 118,5 111 5 121 4 1106 121,6 1195 117.7<br />

August '983 1185 1126 t208 110,3 1226 119,0 1173<br />

July ' 983 1179 112.7 1199 1097 1220 1188 116,9<br />

June '983 117 d 1120 1195 1102 1214 118.2 115,3<br />

January 1983 114 1 '06 5 1175 1055 1170 115 1 112 1<br />

January 1982 1054<br />

January 1981 946<br />

January 1980 845<br />

January 1979 77.<br />

NOTE Canada s COntumef PfIce Inde~ !<strong>of</strong> /Ill ".ms .--e••• MII 06 points 00,.09 tile paSt monln. or 0 S·.<br />

ThI$ equalled an aMu/l1 .ale 01 1FICI'.as. 016 0" 10!i' 12) TIle.nerease '" CPI OOn"9 tile paS!<br />

year was 6 I pooIlts orS 1<br />


days <strong>of</strong> hL!> adLnlOiStla tlOll, PreSIdent<br />

Reagan dectu red that he had a mandate<br />

for chanKc from the VOIeTS, even thouKh<br />

he had won only 50.7 percent <strong>of</strong> the<br />

popular vote 11\ 1980. Congress, with Its<br />

RepublIcan-controlled Senate, rubberstaml)cd<br />

his legislative program and<br />

qUI ckly passed the baSIC Jaws establish·<br />

mg Rcagan0I111 CS, whIle dCSlroYlIlg the<br />

progresSIve social IcgLslalinn !)f til(' p:l~'<br />

50 years.<br />

Presldem RCllgan's hudgel pobcH.!s, tax<br />

poliCIes, tr:lde poliCies, monetary pob·<br />

CICS, and regulatory policlcs h:lvC a common<br />

goal- take from the average Amer­<br />

Ican worker and from the poor and give<br />

10 the nch and 10 powerful bUSinesses.<br />

One <strong>of</strong> the ildmlnlStraliOn's first acts was<br />

to slash tax niles for hUSlIlCSS and the<br />

wealthy. The Reagan budget CUIS destroyed<br />

the essence <strong>of</strong> social and welfare<br />

progr:II11S, unfavorably affecting badly<br />

needed housmg programs, unemploy·<br />

ment compcn5allOn, black lung pro·<br />

grams, Jobs programs, Medicare and Med·<br />

Icald funds, dlsabdlty bencfhs, SOCial<br />

Security and penSion benefits, ellVlron·<br />

mental and lob safety rules, civd service<br />

and nuhtary rctlrement beneAu, and<br />

federal workers' pay. The President's re·<br />

peated efforts to create a youth sub·<br />

mllllmum wage arc iust another example<br />

<strong>of</strong> the cxplOitatlon <strong>of</strong> those who need<br />

work.<br />

Presidential Appointees<br />

The PreSident hasthe power to appoint<br />

hundreds <strong>of</strong> people to CablllCt poSitiOnS,<br />

federal agencies, com nUSSlOns, task lorccs,<br />

workmg groups, etc. HIS appollltments<br />

mvanably reflect hi S own philosophy,<br />

and many, <strong>of</strong> COUfse,;He polillcal pay<strong>of</strong>fs.<br />

Since It is Impossible for the White House<br />

to check everythl1l~ that IS done by the<br />

Pn::sldent's appOllltees, sume <strong>of</strong> hiS ap·<br />

pam led people 1.lke adv:lllta~e <strong>of</strong> the<br />

OpportUlllty 10 promote their own phd·<br />

osophlcal gOJ\s, whIch may be even more<br />

extreme than the President's. Some <strong>of</strong><br />

these people do not consider the Jaws<br />

and progr:llns entrusu::d 10 theu care<br />

worth enforcmg. Some display theIT anll·<br />

unwn bias through their lack <strong>of</strong> enforce·<br />

ment and through their admllllStrallve<br />

deCISIOns. (Sec "NLRll N:ltlon:11 Labor<br />

Rq,'l.Ilations I~u s t e rs!" m th" M:lrch, <strong>1984</strong>,<br />

18EW /o!lflllll.1<br />

The lIIali illlPUlllted hy PreSident Rca·<br />

gan to head the Occupational Safery and<br />

Hc.:Jlth AdmInistration (OSHA lc:lme from<br />

a firm that had been cllcd 2.l tlm"~ fnr<br />

OSHA safety viOlatHlns. Workers no<br />

longer can dcpend on OSIIA to ensure<br />

thelT safety and heJlth on the lob. The<br />

Reagan Admlnlstral10n hilS tried to un·<br />

dcrmllle the Inw by nlterlllE: the rules<br />

throllE:h wluch It IS enforced. Budget cms<br />

have forced th e AnnA <strong>of</strong> comrlt'1nce <strong>of</strong>·<br />





REFERENCE eASE, u.s. AVERAGE 1967 • 100<br />

JANUARY. <strong>1984</strong><br />

Appa.al<br />

AIL Ltaml<br />

•<br />

Tla"lpo,· Medlnl<br />

Monl!! Vel' Comblned Fooa Housing Upkeep lallo" Cant<br />

January 1964 302.7 2994 324 7 195.3 3079 367.5<br />

December t983 301 .5 294.0 324.2 198.1 308.2 364.3<br />

November 1983 301.4 2926 324.5 1997 308.2 362.9<br />

October 1983 301.3 292.9 325.2 1998 3069 360.9<br />

Seplember 1983 300.8 292.6 325.3 1993 3055 359.2<br />

AugUSI 1983 299.5 292.2 324.3 1963 3<strong>04</strong>1 357.9<br />

July 1983 298.2 292.1 323.1 1940 301.9 355.6<br />

June 1983 297 .2 292.2 322.3 1947 299.6 353.3<br />

January 1983 292. 1 2884 317 .0 190.0 2943 345.3<br />

January 1982 282. 1<br />

January 1981 260.7<br />

January 1980 233.3<br />

January 1979 2<strong>04</strong>7<br />

NOTE ConllUmllf Pllce IfIde. lor an l1emS !tIC"ased I 2 poonts dunng lhe pest monll! Of 0 4' ThI$ equaned<br />

en e.nnual 'Ile at increase 01 • 8". 10 4 '( 12) The !tIC.ease m CPI Ourlng lilt past 1'11" was 106<br />

potfllS, Of 3 So ..<br />

Percent lnC"ase between two dates IS calculated by IlUbilaCilng lilt 0Ilde. numDe, lor lIIe earlie<<br />

date lrom lhat lor the la te. dale and dividing i/Ie "suI! by lhe index number IoIlhe ea,l"


SWlIlg open the door <strong>of</strong> any med­<br />

ICInC chest and you'll find :I colleelion<br />

<strong>of</strong> pills, salves and lotions for<br />

headaches. upset stomach, Insomma,<br />

hemorrhoids and other conditions<br />

afnlcling modern man and<br />

woman. Actually, there are over<br />

250,000 non-prescription or over-thecounter<br />

(OTC) drugs aV;l1lablc to the<br />

pubhc, and Americans spend some<br />

$3.5 billion a yeaT on them.<br />

OTC drugs can <strong>of</strong>fer rebel for many<br />

minor conditions and ,u lmcnts not<br />

warrantlllg a visit to the doctor.<br />

However, with incrcasmgiy more<br />

powerful drugs rcaching the market,<br />

careful thought is necessary for selfadministering<br />

these drugs. Improper<br />

usc <strong>of</strong> even sa fe preparations can<br />

result in problems fOJ the lIser.<br />

People arc taking the art <strong>of</strong> diagn<br />

OS IS IIHO thelT hands more than<br />

ever. Contributing to thiS, <strong>of</strong> course,<br />

is the recent trend towards self·health<br />

care and greater interest In lust what<br />

IS gOing on in our bo

LOCflL LII\IES<br />

"<br />

A Description <strong>of</strong><br />

Union-Busting Tactics<br />

L U. 1II,f.RI •• p.a.nsJ. ST. LOU1S, MO.- A prevIous<br />

&lucie dCKnbtd, 10 I ~CDCIII OIIUlf, the role <strong>of</strong><br />

.he mlna,cmcm conlultlnn In (11..11111 the to­<br />

Cliled " union-I'e" cnvuonmcm " To brio, .he<br />

lub;c:CI inl0 I more IpcdRc 1I&ht.. il may 1M: boncftciaitoiocul<br />

on the;. Hmman Allcnliance: ,anlu<br />

froRl JO to 100 mln'I:cmcnl rep.nenlilivu wilh<br />

feu vuym, from $WO 10 $500 101 the Iwo-day<br />

IIth"'!n", .nd ;lucelo" normally Ill. I psychol<br />

opu I nd. II"'YCI, ~lIh vcry well vcned in theu<br />

rClpccuvc Rclds<br />

Th" induurill psychologill usually begm5 .he<br />

forum Ind Is lomcwhat dn,rmmg in appearance,<br />

he: I, cUllllly d.ened, open shin, sleevn rolled<br />

up, Ind comn ac,o •• In I cool, 10v,al malmcr ,hal<br />

il • villi 1001 <strong>of</strong> hi, ulde The openmg approach<br />

11 thllaU.ncmblcd hue I common problem with<br />

ors:anL~ed labo. and Ihal Ihe P05111VC tltp. 10 Ihit<br />

lie 10 make union. unm:ee"a,y The types uf<br />

" dulr~ble " ~ •• onnd needed in ~ wo.kforce. Ie<br />

lecl;vlIy In ind!vldual .olu. and a!lliude mamp·<br />

ulaiion .. e the p.olo,ue 10 Ihe methodo!olY The<br />

nUl theme n.und IS Ihll lOb lecumy hes In<br />

workin, la, I lueeenlul eomp~ny Ind nOI In ~In'<br />

I p~n <strong>of</strong> In o',lnlted wo.kfo.ee Eumplcs de<br />

pitied cneourase I deep. peuonal eomp~ny com<br />

rnilrnent, e I . if you hlp~n 10 wo.k 10. lntern~<br />

Ilonal BUI!nen MleMne Corpora lion. you lie<br />

rdenllAed as an IBM ·e,. if II Tun Inluumenrs<br />

you Ire I n ·e,. tiC II i. Ihe eomflanYlhll 1110 be<br />

rdenuAed wllh on a pe' lonal hUll, nOI the labo.<br />

O.pniUllon Thil concludes the fillt nUlon<br />

The .eeond pelloo beS1n1 wnh the plyeholollil<br />

iOleo,IIyin, hi' p.ueorallon via Ihe ,ole <strong>of</strong> the<br />

irnmediate IUperv150. Thll i. the frool hnc, II 1$<br />

Ihe lupe.VllOr who h .. the day ·to·day contael Wllh<br />

.he wo.klo.t;e. On a contlou'"g bUI' the ,upe.Vl5o.<br />

i. to be ernita] 01 the uOion. prUSUle il 10 be<br />

ine.eued. w!llk dlnupllonl Ire .0 be bllmed on<br />

the "IIlelfl~je"'" U'"O'\ lulu. co ... uactllall~n,uale<br />

i. 10 be pOln.cd 10 .. "ouldated" and Ihc,dole<br />

detrimental to indivldll.llecurlIY, the luperVISUI<br />

il 10 p,omole ICir Ind anxlclY. c.pilliite on pc,·<br />

lon~1 InICCllnty, and IIl1lin Ihe lupenor .ole 10<br />

emphu!te the benlsn potirlon 01 the company as<br />

Oppond to the IOmewh" diuant potlllon <strong>of</strong> the<br />

I.bor o'lanlullon At thll po,nt the p,ycholollSI<br />

tUrDl the p'oteed'n., ovel 10 the iawyel.<br />

The NUII,e,', appur~oce I. in .hup conllan<br />

'0 hi. rredcculOr_ true-c ·pICCC lUll (neutral wlo ••<br />

Ituched eollarl. a luther bndc'K from which<br />

.pceeh no.u ale laken, "Dice and ,ont colde. Ind<br />

mo.e method!tll. HIJ P'(Jf:DIaIlUn be,lnS p.edom<br />

Inanlly .lIon, the hnu <strong>of</strong> management nJhIl Ihe<br />

company h .. , nJh' to leplace slIIkelS. a n,hl 10<br />

'UIS' un.on demand •• , n,ht to sh,ft opcfillloni<br />

and therdo.e the wo,kJo'Ct. and a nJh' ' a dcl~y<br />

and ,dun This \I followed by ,he melhodolop<br />

<strong>of</strong> enlo,eemtnl What is the Itlll w~y to delele<br />

people. whl! cireumvenu Ihe Itlll Inltot 01 a<br />

labu. bw..d hUlln&. huw 'u 'c. around ~emotlly<br />

darml. how to .pp.oacb dect:rllficanon d'KOIlion,<br />

and lI.y wllh,o .he lechnltaJ JegalllY <strong>of</strong> the<br />

NlRB. t I. luve Iile' llu.e luneled around the<br />

lunch lira or the .eSl .oom•• and If ~me one -sh<br />

~bou, i, ,he . upontc II. " We tin tell you whit<br />

,he I,w IIY'''' lrom the. t the SUb,eCI II open<br />

The .ynop. b " siven 10lnlly wi lh Ibe l.wyer<br />

d,Yerlln! from an urlan.nnn nl the law Imn a<br />

pmt pl.n lor the avoid.nce 01 ,h.t vcry I,w Ind<br />

the S,mmlckt Inibble 10t;IICUmveo" t while the<br />

psychololiu olten CDmpI.U m.nallcment·, ~p .<br />

proleh to worke .. with ,he p.llem. uled In Ihe<br />

dinitll Dblcrv.nce <strong>of</strong> cKperimenlll anImal,<br />

Pluu be advised 01 the lollowins member deaths<br />

dUllnllhe rn onthl<strong>of</strong> Decembe. and ' I nullY Theo<br />

d<strong>of</strong>f Flamm. malO'en.nce on pen~. o n . IOlUlled<br />

Apnl IllS.!, Adnao W,lli. wneman on peMlon.<br />

o.:tobe. 1952, Marp.el Clark.l'.oouellon on pen<br />

lion. Octobe. 1114.3, Lloyd Ihllebllnd. m'lOlen~n C e<br />

on penslon. lune 11111, RiChard Hlkt. m.,nlenanee<br />

on penSIOn. lune 11142. Gco.,c G.yda.. Wileman<br />

on penllon. Oc'Obe, 11162, Harold BailY. Wllem.n<br />

on pension. M~y 1926; N o 'm~n MOil. IU ldenul1<br />

un pcn~lon . lune 11152, Orren Tate, Wllcman on<br />

penSIOn, June 11142/ Alvah Phocnl~ maIntenance<br />

on (ltnSlon. May 1944, Howard !'y'II. Wileman on<br />

pen' lon, AUIUII 1940, ~ml Geo'le Wille. m.lOle<br />

nlnce on penSIon. lune 19n<br />

Local 3 Honors<br />

Over 300 Members<br />

LU. j (l.o.~ m , u .'Q.. ta.mo). NEW YO RK. N. Y.- A<br />

sudden .~nnWMo.m on Sund~y . Fehru .. y S. 19114<br />

dId not dampto .he IpmlS <strong>of</strong> Ihe 300 plu. honor<br />

mcmbc.s. who we.e loined by thell famlhu and<br />

SUUII. from a"endlol tbe p.esentallon <strong>of</strong> tlono,<br />

Sc.olls to those memberl 01 Local J '. m~nula c lu,<br />

101 d,VIsion who have .cached Ihe ',e 01 60 yuu<br />

and have accumulated 20 yea.s 01 CODJeeutrve<br />

Krv.ce The cvent marked the 17th ilonol Scioli<br />

Ceremooy aod • loul <strong>of</strong> 10.268 I"onol Sc,olll<br />

Iwuded<br />

On these occasIons. membe'_Aath~ 1 l o~ethe l to<br />

hono' Ihe men and women <strong>of</strong> locll J fur thell<br />

loyalty and Illth/ulnn, 10 the tilde uOl on mov~ ·<br />

meo, Th.oush IhdlllruMlu and .,crIAen. fired<br />

by tbe tul <strong>of</strong> common purpose 10. the '1I11nmtni<br />

<strong>of</strong> ,he common good. they h .... e bUIlt thll orllOl<br />

UIIon, and Local J laku pride In the Slory ...<br />

honor mcmbers .ymbohu In the .. ~de Un.On<br />

movemen.<br />

The honu'en we,e Cum mended lUI thell ,elVlce<br />

to loc.1 J and the unlOo movement by George<br />

Schutk. " . p.esident <strong>of</strong> Loc.1 J. who na.ed Ihlt<br />

;. IS ooly th,ougb the colleellve dlolll <strong>of</strong> , hos

t( 01 Enruv,lIe on Decembel 16 As IS alwaY5 the<br />

un, the .. IInce was a hu~e IUCCUI wllh a bountiful<br />

amount 01 lood and 1pm .. on hand for ~ueM I<br />

The Winner <strong>of</strong> Ihe danceconlut was Pam Rlchler<br />

whod.d. ,.nl " Watus. ·' "op one oI.he fouma,"s<br />

It', h •• d '0 .maglne that elgin yea.s a.(0 the<br />

dance WIS $ILII being held al our unIOn hall WLlh<br />

JO o. 40 couplc:~ In allendanct AI Ihat lime I don't<br />

r-, Ihlnk anyoot envuloneo;! that such a small pally<br />

... ould evolve InlO whal has b«:ome a p ia eVem<br />

Ih.t a J .ut malomy <strong>of</strong> our local looks 10 ... ·a.J tu<br />

yu ... lte. yea.<br />

On February J, IS a!,!,renuee w"cmen took the<br />

oath 01 Illeglance u admm15lered to Ihem by Our<br />

pru.dent, Brother larry ScOIl, and .... ere "'ek omed<br />

InIO the mEW lold<br />

While I stood IIsten.ng to the yuung m~n reput<br />

... the (),1 th olohligation, many thoupus raced Ihruugh<br />

my mmd [wondered what they felt a$ they uttered<br />

the ... ords hurd by UI so many ILmu belore I<br />

IhlllK Ihat some 01 thcm mIght have felt ap pre<br />

hellllYC, lor evcn though they were now pUI uf<br />

Ihe o'ganlzatlon, they WCIC unsu.e II Ihey .... ould<br />

be IUdlly aeccpled a5 one 01 the body I also thInk<br />

that Ihey lelt wme pnde for ach,eYlng th e s\a'u,<br />

01 a unIOn eleetncun<br />

I would uk <strong>of</strong> Ihem nevel 10 let Ihe ~ I o ... 01<br />

p"de .hat ... as Idt thaI nlpll to d.m o. dun,nuh<br />

In any way Don'1 rUlt be a membcr, bUI bc ~n<br />

"clive member <strong>of</strong> you. loc.1 Ge. 1010 rhe habll <strong>of</strong><br />

eommg to umon mccung,. If .here \I 10mc.h.n,<br />

thaI you don'l undc.nand. uk quulIOnJ<br />

AI .... ay.'emembe. that YOUI unton o ... es you b"<br />

.eprucntauon and an orronunny 10 make a "lOll<br />

hVln&. but that oppnnunlly won 't alwaYI be thele<br />

.f you beGomc paSSIYC and decldc 10 let t h~ o.hc.<br />

,uy make your deCISIon, for you<br />

The newut mem"" •• <strong>of</strong> loc.116a.e R.ck DiYld<br />

R, ch .. d DtlL Scon Glrflnd. Ron Gtnet, MIke<br />

Kuester. lohn lasher, '1m t.ocsch. RIchard Mayo.<br />

RobclI M"wry. NIck Rcbnock. Rick Rog ers. Idl<br />

Seng, Mike Spacl11. Alan Staple! and T.m Unllled<br />

COnl. llulalto"" men, .nd always lemcm""t<br />

that our futulc .Ut5 0" the ,houldcrs <strong>of</strong> cach 01<br />

you Ind mny mOre hke you who .... 11 foll" w<br />

ST[vt lit "'NINe, P S<br />

Safety Awards Presented;<br />

Negotiations Continuing<br />

LU. 17 lo"u), DETROIT, MICH.-There wu I<br />

,olOt Safety A ... uds D,nn(I for Bad All' and San<br />

dUSKY Serv.ce Ccnlc., Dcccm"", 1. 19SJ. B.ld Au<br />

. WII awarded a T .... o· Yur Safe w ".k.n, Cen .flcalc.<br />

and thc men "fSanduIKY .... elc .....,ded a ccrn ficlle<br />

101 II ycan <strong>of</strong> oUl5land,nl ulety practlcc ~ . Con<br />

"atulallons, men <strong>of</strong> Sandusky. 10' YOUI saft wOlk<br />

LOI Pla CUCCI<br />

Negollallons a.e contlnu'ng wIth thc 6'17-A<br />

Ag. eemcnt Also. B,othclI who arc lIavelin" 11>01.<br />

closely thiS year II the deductions 10. trayellO,<br />

Jo. Many deducllons that a !,ellon Wli ablc to datm<br />

In Ihe paSt cannot"" clalmcd thIS yur and. II Ihe<br />

same time. many new tlcms may he ded ucted<br />

when II comn to 1 ...,dlnS<br />

Wo.k I' slowly be,lOnlnl on the 6,17-8 A,ree<br />

men! The Sellndgc All Ban bId was aw arded to<br />

an <strong>IBEW</strong> cnnllacto. OUI 01 C.hlo.011. and mllny<br />

small iob, have been bid .nd awarded to our<br />

Contr.ctors<br />

Wc anllclpate pUlnn, on I lew mOle cre ... s <strong>of</strong><br />

lice mmmeu ""fore srnn" and 'anuary .. Ihe<br />

Ulllny Tne Tnmmcrs had a ClimbIng Clan al<br />

the un,on hall as pall <strong>of</strong> thell .pprcntlcesh,p<br />

At Thumb ElecIrle, mlnl,ement has a, recd ' 0<br />

• lop Lobo./Manaccmcnt Conferencc as a mtthod<br />

01 Kuhnl .ssuu bclolc they ""come rloblems<br />

The ,tcwa,d, II Ihe Co-op lie In favor 01 thIS<br />

Three Importanl lIems have Ilready ""en ,ched<br />

ultd to "" dlKuncd at thc fial meetIng<br />

On O'pnlZlnL £kilO" D,VI.,OO Macomb Mete.<br />

Ruden met wllh UJ .luling the hollda.,.. and<br />

Inothe, m~c"nl IJ K hcdulcd lOOn. Also du""g<br />

Ihe hulidaYI, we con"nu~d ou' dlort' 10 o'ganlZlllg<br />

cable comp.nies<br />

AI the lanuary ,enelll mem""nhlfl mee. in&.<br />

loc.l 17 had Iheu Wheelbarro ... <strong>of</strong> Chee. Dllwin,;<br />

The winner <strong>of</strong> the wheelbarrow Ih,s year ...., Run<br />

Shevnock and the neward who IOld Ihe "'lOnl",<br />

lIekct was Mike Scheible 01 Ma.ysv.lle<br />

For II~Yclen on Ihe .oad, to update you, "'e arc<br />

plann.n, on a,am hum, I RCllrtment ~mmar m<br />

btc Sp"'" alon, "'L1h a CPR Cia" fo. f,mlioc. 10<br />

partlClpatc m. We .1,., arc plan01n, on hlYln, an<br />

App.enllCC G,adu.tlon Dmner/Dance SOmet.me<br />

m AplIl <strong>of</strong> <strong>1984</strong><br />

Until nut \slue, ... ork »fe and God blus<br />

Pnu I Mc;M"NIIS, B M F S<br />

Discussion<br />

Shown in thi! pieltlle a.c, ltlt to ri,ht, Paul M.an _<br />

ninL ~en;o, apprt nlituhi p con~u lt. ntl La"" S u ~­<br />

m.n, pfu onnel ,"illaot III l ylt E . lek~o n , public<br />

fadl;I;fl admini)ttalo' l SltVf ," OIO, public ladl,<br />

iliu f lecu iul foltmAn, and AI luko, auiSlant<br />

bUiinui mana,t._<br />

Apprenticeship Program,<br />

Agency Shop Begin<br />

L.U, 18 luI. lOS ANGELES, CAI..-The loc.l and<br />

Ihe ellY 01 ru.deu IU5t ilgned the neGen"y<br />

documents to bc&ln In deetnClan~' 'rp,cnucuh.p<br />

plOlum, Ihe fiul In .lmo,1 15 yun Pnu. 10 thiS<br />

p.ogram. the cLlY 1J11'.~ adena u$ed to contract OUt<br />

ItS complcx electrIcal work, lU~' UVlIIg the rouline<br />

mamten.nee 1m (tu. OmOn Blolhc., Wllh Ihe<br />

,dvcn. <strong>of</strong> UUI a"cement, mOre <strong>of</strong> the clly's ... ork<br />

WIll slay "'lIhlO Ihe local's IUII5dl(l111n, ~nd "'lIh<br />

lime the technlc.1 upelll5c dCYeloped by the<br />

'pprent",eJ and Halllcd lourneymen wLlJ r~ma.n<br />

w"h,n thc local purvle'" 10 the bcllermenr <strong>of</strong> .11<br />

our union Bltlh.en<br />

On Ihe l{>1: An,tlu scene, the pnor neIOl"'~<br />

.,enGy·,hop r,ov,slOn IS ,om, ",to dfeCl, helpIng<br />

the local cope wllh ,he mc.ca~d UpcndUUICS <strong>of</strong><br />

leprescnun, almou , thud mo.e members Thu<br />

.gency ihop pro~,,'oo OJ bnnglllg .he local .nll)<br />

the lOth ccntu,y .... lIh the purchaH 01. new mIni<br />

compute. _ mOle sraff 10 adiusl ,,,ev.nces and more<br />

dCllul hdp to .nswer the .ncrened .dephone<br />

calls<br />

The elllu <strong>of</strong> lO1 An,cles, Pasadena and Azut.l<br />

all conduded 198J negOllal1onl ...."h conllaet,<br />

tolal"" ove. 6 pelcenl per year '" cach 01 thc<br />

emu The CIIlU <strong>of</strong> lIurhank and AtUil w,]1 enle.<br />

.ntO Iheu 1964 Contract negoll.uon, III I few<br />

monlh,<br />

TurnIng tU anC/lher 8ub1GCI. II any <strong>of</strong> uur B.othe"<br />

and SISltl5 in Olhe. locals need a lob. the CIlY 01<br />

['asadena needs an IIUtrumcnt tech'lIClan 111 Ihe<br />

powel plant and I couple 01 d""lbullon hnemen<br />

o. cahle spltcer, 10 the Power DePUlmMI I'lcase<br />

call the luul fOI .he .cicnal<br />

At lMKu, I' S<br />

Xmas Party, Elections And<br />

Recent Deaths Are Outlined<br />

LU, 22 (i.ru'hpa), O M. AII A, NE B,_On £kccmhe.<br />

18 thc Annual Chllllmas Party .... u hcld for the<br />

ch,ldren 01 local n mem""n Each Ghlld had a<br />

chance 10 ~lsLl and put In thell .cqUCSt 101 Chlln,<br />

mas MOYln werc !ihown and .tflcshmellls were<br />

scr~ed A uck <strong>of</strong> un.Jy was handed OUt 10 the<br />

chIldren<br />

Thc unemployment "tC 01 locd nls 11111 about<br />

JO to JS pc,ecnl Wc Ire hop",g thl' WIll Improve<br />

th .. ~pnng when the wcalher brelk., There 'ii a<br />

lot <strong>of</strong> d,scussiQn IboUI the amOunt ul work Ihat .s<br />

com"'g up Ihis SP''''g But as we .11 know, a 101<br />

<strong>of</strong> th15 ",,11 ,0 11.1 the non·ulllOn .. de<br />

" lot <strong>of</strong> Important things are comins up One <strong>of</strong><br />

Santa<br />

Dlyll, l(elle, I nd Micharllhmihon vi)itin, ,,'ilh<br />

S.nta, The, arf Iht eh;ld'fn 01 Bro. het lim H.miLton<br />

<strong>of</strong> LoCl I 11, Omah., Neb,<br />

Ihem I. the clceuon <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>flcc •• IOJ Loul 2.l The<br />

mo., .mpo't.lnt thtn! " Iht clccuon 01 a Dc'"<br />

p.CJldent lor Ihe UnLled StatU Eve.y BrOlhe. and<br />

S.SICt and thelf lam.ltu and frIends hu tU ,Ct oul<br />

and "ote lUI Waltel Mondale /I We don't gel thiS<br />

rob donc II'S lOIn, to "" a vcry rough nut lou.<br />

YUrs,<br />

Local 12 Went lor quae ~ while without losm.<br />

~ny oltht Urothcrs The mumh 01 Decembel ... a~<br />

rou~h ., we lost three Drothers They lie lohn<br />

KOC Il. llcnntnl leth and Wliitan. McW.lllaml We<br />

cxprct, our .ymr~thy wlhell .cI.,,'·es and Inends<br />

Talktng to a lor <strong>of</strong> Brolher, .nd Smeu, hapPIness<br />

II 10 be _hIe to ~o out and wurk 40 hours I ... eek,<br />

but 10 a lot <strong>of</strong> casu Ih'l "nOI polS.ble any more<br />

So We a.e harpy to bc ablc .0 work whatevel hours<br />

arc aV~llable Ind try .0 make ends mecl<br />

He surt fO VOIC<br />

Scribe Outlines<br />

Huge Tunnel Job<br />

LU. H (i,ipa,U"Cllvl, BAl T I.'otORf, ,"'D.-WOlk<br />

pro!luscd !lud.ly throuK,h thc wlntc. at B.[u<br />

more', fort Mcllenry Tunnel r'OICCt The tunnel.<br />

now undel COIISIIUCIIOn .... Ill pr OVIde I \'lIal hnk<br />

to complele Interstate 9S Ihrou,"" the Baltlmo,e<br />

Irea The area tcleGtcd fo, the roadway (fonts Ihe<br />


20<br />

In Tunnel<br />

A'" I hoWIi in the lunnr l Ir' Of:llob W"'W'I'_I,<br />

lear,,] fonmallo , Kt:ilo KarpP;olll,lupe,intudrnl,<br />

' lId funk UMfUII' I, !"'''Iun.<br />

"P", JO clr..,110mc .. ana nCr mC$ulc "I'u.• nd<br />

.n "MfM amenn. w,1I be r'ov,ded lor (ommu<br />

nlL.II",,, OV~ I 410 mIl"" <strong>of</strong> IU1.1 ,)"n:m, "'11m,<br />

wjJl 1M: ""eded for wmpleuon <strong>of</strong> the Foley PI()Jerl<br />

.Ione<br />

The ,ener.1 IDleman II Ih,s time " IX"nI'<br />

WUYfr Dlolhers frank Llbe,~to,e ~l1d Bob H .. ~­<br />

!lOp are !oremen Sob Rankm 15the shop &lcward<br />

The Foley phue lUlled In runc, 1983, and II<br />

tcheduled 10 flnl.h In Augusl, 1985 n ...", .re 10<br />

men on the ,Db nOW .nd 11 .5 uJI"cled 10 'f\C'.k"<br />

.\ around 80 men In 1985<br />

I would hkt 10 thank Gen"".! Supcnmcndcnt<br />

Kel,o K'rppmen 101 hi, cooJICratlon and UItMlve<br />

Informallon I'UII dUlin, the lOur<br />

The I 7'm,l", fon McHenry Tunnel II the IllICit<br />

plOJIct evel unden.kr" 10 the history 01 Ihe N.<br />

Ilonal Inter$ule and DdcnK H,gh""y DI~lllOn<br />

II is .1.$0 Ihe lal,Cn under ... uel Iunnel In Ihe<br />

","r1d Thc III,al COli on comple,,"n IS Cfl1ma.ed<br />

II S815 m,llion<br />

Many eOllllaellll5 "'111 be lO~olved on Ihe lunnel<br />

P I OIC~ I aud ... e ... ill mOnilOllhcll plo,ren 10 lutu.e<br />

anidca IIf Ihe lournal<br />

Local Has Active,<br />

Productive December<br />

ROCla M LAs .. , I~ P 5<br />

L U. 2S II.0,tuIl.ClIVI. LONG ISLAND, N.Y.- Ik<br />

cembel ... as I busy mOlllh 101 many <strong>of</strong> the com<br />

mlttcn 01 Local 15. In ,ddu,on 10 the legulll<br />

meeting' 01 the va n llUI committees, the '0110"'10,<br />

evenn "'cle held<br />

Slaning ... ith the elec',on <strong>of</strong> the electrified "Su<br />

IOn', Cleeting'" si,n by Ihe apP,cnllcn, Ihe<br />

Chliumu Commlllce undel the chailmansh,p <strong>of</strong><br />

John Cou,n had Ihe .... nnual Ch" "mu Pany on<br />

December 4 The.e ... as cmcnlmment and enough<br />

food .IId ICC cleam to 10 around Santa Claus<br />

p,"en,ly hSiened to the leqUtS" 01 the child.cn.<br />

.nd II Ihe end <strong>of</strong> Ihe mornlOll Ind lilernO(ln<br />

KU'on. (lch ch,'d rece,ved 111ft In IlIlhe.e ... ere<br />

• 10tal <strong>of</strong> 406 boys Ind J9J girls ... ho '!lended<br />

Ihese KSSlons.<br />

.... 1 Ihe .e8ular meeting on ~eembc l 13. the<br />

Commullhy ServlcC5 Commhlee p.esented Mr.<br />

CUrry , di.eciol <strong>of</strong> the BOlld <strong>of</strong> Cennal Sullolk<br />

Hoapita[, ... ilh a check fo r S[O,671 to be ul ed fOl<br />

Ihe pu.chase uf a dialysis machine. This Commit·<br />

tct. chahed by BIl] Myen. wu formed fm Ihe<br />

PU' pOK <strong>of</strong> elCltins I pOlilive im.ge <strong>of</strong> o. gamnd<br />

DonatIon<br />

Bill Myels, chalrm. n <strong>of</strong> Ihe Commun;l, Servicu<br />

Commillce 01 Loul 25, lollll Island, N.Y., piC·<br />

u .nlin,' ch«k 10 Mr. Cuu )', direClor oltht Board<br />

nl CUllal Suffolk lIolphal, lor thtil pUlch.se <strong>of</strong><br />

• dialysis machine.<br />

Pklu.ed i1 a pollion 01 tht Clowd thai alluded<br />

Local 25's Ch.btmn Pan,.<br />

labor 10 tbt communltYI ,nd undcl fhothe. Myel!<br />

they hue done a ~Iut Inb<br />

On ~cember 17, the Entcnamment Commillu<br />

.an a bus "'P III RadiO Clly MU$'c Hall lONe ...<br />

Yo,k CIlY 10 5(e Ihel' Chlillmas Sho ....... h,eh h.~<br />

become a elulle After Ihe sho ... the.e "'31 a tOUI<br />

IIf back.nagc RadIO ellY .nd the equ'pmenl undrl<br />

thc 51age ... hele the mechan'sm IS localed that<br />

operates the 5lage 10 m.ke fIO",on5 <strong>of</strong>" d,f,apPCII<br />

dUllng the sho ... It .1.,0 lOciuded 5«'", the largesl<br />

theale, 01l'./ln5 In Ihe world and Ihe plO\eeuon<br />

booths ... hele Ihc stage Lop"n,'s ellnlfolled Irom<br />

.... hel Rad.o CII1, ,he gloup hid .:I Ie ... houlS 10<br />

spend on Ihell own 5(elnll the lights IIf New YOlk<br />

Cuy at Chll,.mas Kason before lelum.nll: til Ihe<br />

bus lor lhe I1dc back to the local The Enltlliin<br />

men. Commltlee to ehallcd by John Clanton<br />

On IXcembel 18 the 8]ood Bank Committee,<br />

challed by JellY Mcycl, had Ihe!! sem,·annual<br />

Blood DI1~ e IXsp .. e. ve ly nuty d.y that &flected<br />

Ihe tU.nOUI. Ihe Commtllcc dId a good Job <strong>of</strong><br />

keeping thinp movms The Createl Ne ... York<br />

Blood Plogum Irp.eeulcs us hav.ng Ihc dllve on<br />

thl~ tlay as Ih.5 " Ihc lime Ihat Iheu 5url"Iy Is ..<br />

its lowesl ebb<br />

Til top the month <strong>of</strong>l, Waite. , Sk.elch lellled<br />

IS VIce p.n.denl and chai.man <strong>of</strong> Ihe Eueullvc<br />

Board. Wahc. had done an taeellenl lob, and the<br />

members Wish h,m .11 the beu In hIS .(t!lcment<br />

The E:reeullvc Board . ppo.nled An.hony Vaeeh!o<br />

10 selve Ihe .cmamd(1 <strong>of</strong> Waltel" telm U v'ce<br />

plcsldent<br />

Scribe Writos About<br />

Union Participation<br />

LU. 34 li,em .I1I,lplllCllvl, PEORIA, ILL-Th"<br />

monlh I would hke 10 .epnnl an arucle "''''tCn<br />

by Mark AyelS that appeared In OUI loc,1 I.bo •<br />

paper. [Ieclthat thc meISISC " "'ollh .cpealing.<br />

"'Just Ca.d Carne", The Downlal! 1If .... 1! Union •. '<br />

A great ploblem I. lac'nll our olgamzallon and<br />

othcr organizations across ,he nation. It " not.<br />

new problem. but .alher one ... hich ,s lut KCl1inS<br />

eomple.dy OUt <strong>of</strong> lund It II no, a popular subicct<br />

10 m.ny 0/ us, bUI III Importance " conll~nlly<br />

SlowIng and buildIng. and ". efieci is dcva".lmg<br />

IU uu' IIrull,c.I",.,.J .. uti ~1I ulhc. lI .mh ~ l huo

kno ... n O'~ I .he YUI$, and hopdulI~, Ih~ uniting<br />

<strong>of</strong> Ih~ Dufblo BUI ld,ng T .. du wIll be ~tr~ngthenrd<br />

by Ih'IIOInt Vtnlu,e As IUllhel newl 01 the famIly<br />

Plcn,c devdop" It ... ,11 be ~nt OUI<br />

It stem, II If ... e all gc t I 101 01 mall f,om the<br />

local In III v.no.1S uraclllu I kno ... that we all<br />

keep every p,cee 01 mall on file In III propcr pb~c<br />

If you have m'spbced IoOmeth,n" O. haven" Ie<br />

(elnd tome,hlO, becauK you haven" nOllncd uS<br />

01 you. addlus ch.n,e, I'U lIy and bllng you up<br />

.0 IU.C on .ame OIhe. (venU m Loul 41<br />

The C'edll UnIon ha. now PUt luelf 10 I POS'tiOn<br />

,,·he.e 1\ tin Ind WIll be .ble to ItrVlce 'he mem<br />

be.shlp even be.,er ,h.n belOle When you IhlOk<br />

you WI ll nced money 1011 CII, boa., ulvd home,<br />

o •• ruck, check Wllh the C.ed .. UnIon Arn lor the<br />

be.1 .ates In 'Own<br />

lourneymen Eduullon II ~jt;l1n olftnn, ~ "'Ide<br />

.,oge <strong>of</strong> ell,emdy Imp<strong>of</strong>llOl COUrKI for you 10<br />

• ake pan 10 The Idus 01 ,he COmmmee and Ihe<br />

Anal ItCp, th.t <strong>of</strong> "amnl ,he dUI Itstlf, playa<br />

,'U' pall In Ihe nevel endml hallie to keep ahead<br />

01 Ihe chlnln In OUI IOdu5IIY<br />

The Telephone Proglam w,1I ~glO '" Ap r,] .nd<br />

concl ud e in May. After 32 hO"'1 ul tr~""ng, il IS<br />

hoped Ih.1 Ihe yurs 01 It hoolln~ and Acid expe·<br />

"ence <strong>of</strong> Ihole who attend w,lI be able to adapI 10<br />

,h.s ne ... Acid 01 OUI IOdusny Hands·on namlOg<br />

WIll be • I:'cat pall 01 Ihe p' og.,m and thould hdp<br />

than who allend I'UP the .nd,Ully much fOOnel<br />

The . esponK to attend ,he p.opam hIS been "cat<br />

.nd plans I .e under .... y '0 h,vc .ddlllon.1 KUlOns<br />

to handle.ll Ihose ... ho hue upleued.n Inlelest<br />

On~ Ana! ,hlOg- ,he Eiecunn '84 Camp"", IS<br />

.n h,ll,wIOg, have you and you. f.m.ly taken Ihe<br />

IlISI slep necessalY 101 vounl: 10 <strong>1984</strong> have you<br />

.e"s,e.ed! If yoo have .ny que""onl le1-'ldlO,<br />

.e"suallon, elll the lOCI! unIOn olAee and you<br />

... ,11 be "ven all .he dttatb yoo need Labo. mo)t<br />

.cally be o.,~nl2Cd ,h" yur .nd elect ou r fllends<br />

Please do YOUI shale<br />

Local Nominations<br />

To Be Held May 2<br />

L U. 42 !0,u ,,·, tlb&.'0~11, II ARTfORD, co .........·<br />

It IS thlt lime al:~IO' Th.n yca" hai ce ltalnly<br />

nown by<br />

Local umon tl~ellonl lie 10 bt held thIS yeu<br />

NomlO.tlonS .hall be moved up On~ week 101110'"<br />

. addillona! lime fOI Ihe mall billols Thclefore,<br />

nomlnallon, shall be held on Mol' 2, IY84, at a<br />

p,m. in Ihe I

"<br />

~udlfncf ,like ... c.e ~n.h"~II'II" .n hmh P"u",­<br />

pallon and co'fce ""nklnl<br />

[conom" lcu'Hry has ~en slo ... 10 V'tll (kn<br />

~el ho\oeve" .he '~neh" eount " S660 ~n<br />

Stree, d,d drop by about tOO m 'he rUt mon,h<br />

Thlt .... . , due I",cly '0 sub,,,n,,a] hm nl on the<br />

IIlInalOUnd II Ihe FOil SI. "',I.n IPbnulllej Nu<br />

dur Po ... er ptanl Ind u the Amellcan Bell Com·<br />

pute, CeOle, Thne twO lobs uc shon Itrm bUI<br />

lome 'malle, )olK h~ve also been hm nS Howeve.,<br />

.helc I,C still (lveT SOO on Ihe ou\·<strong>of</strong> "'o,k hst and<br />

full employmen .... m be slow in .c, urnlnjl<br />

The Anh.:use, lIusch Brewery clea, cd InOlher<br />

hurdle on February 1, ... hen , he fOil Coli"" ClIY<br />

CounCIl voud to Innu the proposed bu.ld.n, ,IIC<br />

Th,. will a/fo,d Ihe brewery the eny le'VlCn, If<br />

.a"fled, 10 I euy· ... ,de deellon on May I 19U<br />

Recent slCkncssel and dlulnhun lie u follow,<br />

Bob 5

.hat will help. Why not tall .hc )ATC <strong>of</strong>lh:c ond<br />

put your name on the liS! for Ihe next clanr<br />

I overh u rd onc <strong>of</strong> the <strong>of</strong> Ace secretaries Idling<br />

another, " [t's strangc how u",mponanl you, lob<br />

is when you·re askIng for .. rlue. bUI how imponant<br />

It can be when you w.nt to takc a day <strong>of</strong>! "IHow<br />

u\le 1<br />

Th" Imele may well b.:; my lUI one 10 Wille.<br />

. due to my assuming the poSitIOn <strong>of</strong> OIlCClor <strong>of</strong><br />

TrainIng fOl Local 666 In RIchmond. Vllg,nla I<br />

must"y that o"cr Ihe past 16 yurs as yoor pres.<br />

M:c rc'JlY, .t hu been .cwardlng 10 me In many<br />

w.ys I've ,ecc.ved many letters, not only from<br />

our member' and thell famIlies, bUI from BrothelS<br />

and Slller$ <strong>of</strong> ,he <strong>IBEW</strong>.II over Ih.s great bnd <strong>of</strong><br />

ours, m rega rds 10 my Willing. Ilhank you all It<br />

- has been a pleuure "mltng for our local untOn and<br />

I will m,H " 111 sl1l1 be .. member <strong>of</strong> Local 80<br />

and w,]] be IItendlng the Saturday meellngs <strong>of</strong> ou,<br />

<strong>Brotherhood</strong> Should oor prcsident. lack HICks,<br />

wllnl me to connnue bemg .he prus Seerctlry,<br />

even thou,l\h myfull·ume lob WIll be In RIchmond,<br />

I'd be h.ppy 10 cont.nue God bles, you all, and<br />

Ihank you for ht-mg ,uch 'althfu! readers and<br />

cont" butor.<br />

Rememht-r our s,ck BrolhelS Ind S,slers m you,<br />

pllyers and V,SII when you can Someone once<br />

uid. "It's 50 n"e loget nowers wh,le you can st.ll<br />

.mell the fragrance." Eutel Sund.y IS only a few<br />

day, away Ilow aboutllk.ng you. bm.ly to church<br />

• Clv.ees ,h" special day In the hfe <strong>of</strong> Chl1sllan,<br />

cvuy ...·here, EUle. IS a Hry spe(i~l day-ClmS!<br />

arose WOld 10 the WISC· For God .w loved the<br />

world, that he ga~c hIS only begolten Son, that<br />

~ whosoevel In b,m should nOI pCTlsh. but h~vc<br />

.ve.lulln~ lile lohn 316<br />

1 0 II()Ll<strong>04</strong>QN, II< . I'S<br />

Local Wi ll Miss<br />

Bishop O'Connor<br />

t.U. 81 H!. SCRANTON, [, A.-The members <strong>of</strong><br />

Local 81, as well a all <strong>of</strong> the Union tradesmen In<br />

OUI commumty, w,1I dearly Illin Bishop lobn r<br />

. O'Connor who bas bccn deSIgnated 10 succeed th.<br />

latc Cardmal Terence Cooke., ArchbIshop <strong>of</strong> Ihe<br />

Archdloctse <strong>of</strong> New York B"hop O'Conno, wu<br />

a true f"end <strong>of</strong> the working men and women In<br />

01,1. communny. and particularly the bUIlding and<br />

conStruction I"dts. The bishop" late falhe. had<br />

been a member <strong>of</strong> the hUlldln~ tradn, .ffllllied<br />

with ' he P,.nteu and held I gold ca.d fOJ 50 yean<br />

~ (If membc"hlp<br />

BIshop O 'Connor was an ,nsp,rallon to all 01 uS<br />

.n Scran ton and would wUlk with us '0 ;ssure Ihal<br />

OUI memht-rs w.re g.ven 'he 0rportunlty to work<br />

on any Ind .11 diocesan conSllU.l!on and renova·<br />

liOn. HIS comrassl(ln for the homeless and th.<br />

poor ,n our community led to the CreallOn 0/<br />

,helteu to house the homeless and Ihe expans,on<br />

<strong>of</strong> laellmes 10 feed 'he poor<br />

.. Recently he ~tabhshtd. Oooce511n Synod. charged<br />

w"h revamp.n& Ihe Dloce~'s Canon l..aw '" hne<br />

wnh th •• ecenl .ev".On5 '" Rome I was honored<br />

10 ht- ,nv.ted ' 0 partICipate to Ih. Synod along with<br />

a number <strong>of</strong> labor rep,uenta\lvu. whIch was an<br />

other "gJI <strong>of</strong> h.s ",'erUI 10 h .... labor people<br />

.e.ogOlled Deltv.llng the malar address a1 our<br />

Labor Day Rally In 198.3, "'e ""II n.ve.lorgel h.5<br />

word5, "Any Industry who w,ll 001 locate," the<br />

• Scran,on area lor I.a r <strong>of</strong> ht-Ing o.g;tnl:ed InlO a<br />

bbo. unIOn does nOI d.5.,ve 10 be In Ih!s tom·<br />

mUOlty .... nh you. fine people"<br />

We WISh Ih. new Archh!shop <strong>of</strong> New York the<br />

but <strong>of</strong> luck. W. wao, all <strong>of</strong> th.mEW.n New York<br />

10 know Ihat 01,1. Ion IS eelt:unly your g;ttn. The<br />

cOlile communilY he •• has upressed Ih." SlIdn."<br />

at lusing luch an inspIrational ind.vidual One <strong>of</strong><br />

Our local news repon ers summed It up for all <strong>of</strong><br />

. us when he wrote, " Johnny, w. hardly knew you"<br />

lOIiN I Mc:::Nul n, B M<br />

Scribe Gives Insights<br />

On Politics and Economics<br />

L.U. 84 10,u.t&'caIY), ATLANTA, G A . - L oc~! 84<br />

members 01 Un;, 84. U ae Statesbo. o. Geo rgll,<br />

Club<br />

Member$ 01 "T he Rodtin& Cha;r Club" <strong>of</strong> Local<br />

84, Atlanta, Ga.<br />

recently donaled cwo .ocklllg chaus 10 two d.fin<br />

ent ~onvale5cenl hnmeo Th.5 IS the ,hlld donallon<br />

ChallS have been p.eYlOusly donlled 10 .he Bullock<br />

COUnlY Memon.l HO$pllal The Slatuboro mem o<br />

ber, voluntaltly cOntnbule One dollar pcr member<br />

I! the clOM: <strong>of</strong> uch monthly Untl mcellOlIo. Mem·<br />

bers who conmbule c.lIlhem~el ves "The Rocklllg<br />

ChI." Club " The club ha~ been 10 UlSlence lor<br />

aboul 'wo yurs now Members <strong>of</strong> Un" 84 12<br />

should cenatn!y be reeogntzed for thell commend·<br />

able purpo~5 <strong>of</strong> "The Rock,ng Ch.l" Club."<br />

I ",ould Itke 10 announce Ihal the.e " a !tmllcd<br />

number <strong>of</strong> [BEW hats 10' ",Ie 10 Oil. membersh,p .<br />

Theeo,I" $4 OOeach II you would hke 10 pUlchase<br />

a hal, scc your unil chaIrman or shop 51ewud and<br />

arrangements can be made 10 deltyer your ha, a,<br />

one <strong>of</strong> our 18 unu mcellngs. The buslneu manage.<br />

or one <strong>of</strong> hl5 "SIStants WIll ht- glad 10 hltnllo Ihem<br />

co the mCC lt n~<br />

S,nce th" IS • ~rC5ldentlai clecllon yen, 'here<br />

are a few ,hlOgS I would ltl

24<br />

We u-ttml to DorOlhy, hi' wife, Ind 10 h'$<br />

d.u~llIen Ann and Lynn, OUI .mcele .ympathy.<br />

C"d. un be sen. 10 Do. olhy Sommers, 529 S<br />

Penlnsul. Ave .. New Smyrna Beach, Flonda, 32069<br />

R'OIAIW M'TClnLl .. P S<br />

Local Endorses Mondale<br />

For President<br />

LU. 9Q ,i6.em), N EW IIA VEN, CONN.-AI ou,<br />

Feb.u .. y meellng OUI local announced I .. 5upporl<br />

101 Waller Mondale .n .he upcomIng p,u.denlial<br />

e1ecllon The dec.slOn was unanimous among the<br />

member.Mp in ancndance. OUI local'. dcc"ion<br />

Wit ~nd on Mr. Mondale'. pUI I>C'riOlmance<br />

When he wu • U.S Sen .. o., he comp.led .. 93<br />

I>C'tcenl " 10 fno. ol labol" vOllng leco.d on libo.<br />

endOr1Cd blilt. H.! $Upp<strong>of</strong>l 01 the Oult·Bacon loCI,<br />

n wellu many other ,mpolunt labo. bills, r ' oves<br />

he baa been I "cal uset 10 organiZEd labo.<br />

Ruh;ulg Ibe strength Reagan hu ",ned In<br />

luecumbmg to the demands <strong>of</strong> bl, buslnc,., .nd<br />

the onuldednell <strong>of</strong> hIS admmllu llion, we must<br />

.~cepl Ihe bel thai If we'.e IIU"'5 tu dclClOt RUII ~ "<br />

we mUI, concentrate OUI effo. ts by supporting<br />

Waite. Mondale.<br />

The Dav.a·Bacon loCI, which hal come under<br />

wonant cn UCI!m by Ibe Rugen admmlstratlon,<br />

wu .ecemly dealt a selback. FOUl <strong>of</strong> the five<br />

.e",launa p.oposalt made by See.et ..,. <strong>of</strong> Labo.<br />

Rlymond Donovan had the bl""i,,,. <strong>of</strong> the U S<br />

COUll <strong>of</strong> Appub for the O'StllCI <strong>of</strong> Columbia<br />

Dupne Reagan's man,. .nempts Ind fa,lules 10<br />

elimlnale or weaken Ihe law th.ou,h Con"UI,<br />

OUr country' •• ep rescntallvcs IUltio:

,<br />

Ih~<br />

college cdueilion <strong>of</strong> 1""0 0/ our members'<br />

ch,ld'en Duc 10 tht newly founded tDEW Local<br />

tOJ SchoJauhlP fund, our local was .ble to awa rd<br />

Donn. Bowser Idllughtt. <strong>of</strong> B'Olhe. Mike Bowse. ,<br />

and lohn O'Oonnel (.on <strong>of</strong> Brolher lolln O'Donnell<br />

IWO ~ Jl.lraI C S 1,(X)(l check. Congululal'OIlI, Donna<br />

and lobn, we ",,'Jh you Iud. and I p.O$J>C'Ous<br />

future<br />

t· On Milch I the burden <strong>of</strong> runmng and management<br />

ruponJlb,lmu .... u J.fted from the Ihnulde.s<br />

<strong>of</strong> our BUlldmg Commlllcc Pc. hop, Ihe decIsIon<br />

10 leuc the !uncllon h.1I and lounge 10 In outsIde<br />

firm ,s ,n the Ixll Lnu:rulJ <strong>of</strong> ,II By PUSIn' sl.Ich<br />

• mouon, we w,]] now Ix .«elvm,. ,u,unlt~ed<br />

Income on 01.11 bClllly, and QUI <strong>of</strong>fice •• and Enc­<br />

UIIYC Boa,d memM" ... ,11 be able 10 deyole Ihell<br />

~ lime 10 more Import.nl IUUU Hopdully Ih.s .5<br />

Ihe .MWCI we h,ye been .carchlng 1m Lei 's ho~<br />

11 .... Dlk, DUll bt:CIUse ., mcc IS OUI bUilding IS,<br />

.... c can't ,fford 10 lei au. decled oIRCI,I. _pend<br />

v,luable IImc on rnaue" concernIng .UIaU"nI5<br />

and funcuon halls Thcle •• c III too man~ mou<br />

Important IJSues which muSt be conllomd b~ Ihe<br />

people .... ho hold olRer 10 1.«..1 100 Flnaneul<br />

Sec. Clary John Fandl has .cpolled thai Ihc rno"<br />

.... pge on OUI bUlldlng.hould bt: paid <strong>of</strong>f In a Intlc<br />

ove. IWO ycus So m.ybt:, IUS! maybe. We mlshl<br />

srilliu Ihc da~ when 1S6 Frceport Street .... 111 hdp<br />

suppon Loca! 100 Innnd nl sceklng fln,ncl'!<br />

IUPPOI! from the members 01 our loc,1 unIon<br />

I a,k Ihal ~OU keep In mind the S69 ,b,lhon trade<br />

deficit the Umted Stalu Iw,lIowed m 198J ,nd<br />

Ihe prolecled SI OO billton !lade gap the US Will<br />

be bomb"dd with In 1\11\4 PluJe do not look II<br />

ilt.. tbue Agu lu as melt It.tl,IIe.. but rathe. look at<br />

Ihern IS lob" 1051 ,ob,' !-low rnucb mo.e un thlt<br />

country lakd h '. lime 10 fight back_buy unIOn,<br />

buy Amellcao made plothlCIS<br />

KrNNV NI\lIll\U. I'S<br />

Brothers Retire;<br />

Work is Picking Up<br />

L U. 1<strong>04</strong> [oAt.ul, BOSTON, MA SS.- h ', been a<br />

'l whIle SlOct my last lelle •. 10 I would like 10 say<br />

htllo 10 . lIthe Brmhers who have mined the 1rx:.1<br />

newsletter<br />

The hl,hltghl 01 nur Ch""mlS mcellng ... ·u Ihe<br />

prcscntluon <strong>of</strong> I 35·yur pin 10 Brolhe. F,ed"c\.<br />

"Sh,pwTeck ' Kelley un hiS .etlremenl by Imer<br />

nalloui Rep.uenllllvc Pili! loushl.n BlolheT<br />

Harold LaRose .ho lecelved • SC.VICC ptn for J3<br />

... yU., I would like 10 Wish Brolhc. Kelley a lon,r;<br />

and happy IClllcmenl After Ih~ meelln, a buffci<br />

and holidlY cheel WCle cnloyed by .11<br />

At thiS lime I would I,kf 10 lake. belated<br />

orpo"unny to wl)h D.~e B.g Din Dlnle], a<br />

long .od happy IClllemCnl<br />

The wOlk rlctu.c hun'l ch.nged much Itn~e my<br />

Ian ICllrl, hUI <strong>1984</strong> looks a ILItIe b",htt. with.<br />

few lobs n.nlOg up I'm Iiso harpy to 1~r

26<br />

arn Hopefully, Ihlllpllng will uke adyalluge <strong>of</strong><br />

lowered IDle rest IItn, .nd the peOI 'UP dem.nd for<br />

new ~ru.ru",on will brnk loose There were<br />

·.boUI 350 ,ourneymen on Book I JI Ihe turn <strong>of</strong> Ihe<br />

yur<br />

Spe.k,ng <strong>of</strong> lower .nurut rues, they arc u ·<br />

pt'cled '0 conILnue and perh.ps evell to drop more<br />

throu&hout 1911

.: Stewards Seminar Held;<br />

Board Screens Proposals<br />

l.U. 131 (II), ALBANY, N. Y.-On Suurday. Feb·<br />

luary 4,<strong>1984</strong>, a slcwards scmmar wos held al the<br />

Thru,uy H~ a t l Houst In Albany Stewards and<br />

ollken wc,e ,n ... ""d fr om locals JJl, 1369, 1311<br />

and IJ8S <strong>of</strong> our hSltrn D,vls10n, and In splle <strong>of</strong><br />

" the "'mIn ,,·cathe. conrlulOns, auendan .... w.s<br />

very good<br />

Dave Wnghr, Don Ragone and Ri ll Cu"e., prt~<br />

.denlS <strong>of</strong> locols 137. 1385 and 1371, rc~pccllvdy.<br />

",mdy presIded Over the JllOg. am, whIch was pre<br />

sented by the New YOlk School <strong>of</strong> Indu5mal anJ<br />

labor ReiatlOnso! Cornell Unlyelsr.y. The m~"uc<br />

.,,1$ were Bernard Flaherty. boor relauons 51'"<br />

111._ claliu, .nd Alice Brody. Jalm. educatlun spec,.),sl ,<br />

both 0/ Cornell Unlv • • ~"y<br />

Ms. 810dy opened the Semma. ","h a pw~r.m<br />

on the PlOP'" h.ndhn~ <strong>of</strong> gll ...... ncu, whIch con<br />

SISlcd <strong>of</strong>. que!lJon and an~w~r sess,,;m with ..ome<br />

d~balt amQng Ihe rarllC;lpant~ Mr f1ah~rly Ih~n<br />

p r e.en t ~d .n instruCtive $e5510n on " The UnIon 's<br />

Duty <strong>of</strong> Fall Representallon " ThIS, 100, consIsted<br />

... 01 ud,cnce palll(lp3110n Df qU(StloM, answerS and<br />

de bale, along WI th .ome val u .b l ~ InSUUCllon Irom<br />

MI flah~lIy _ Ms Brody Ihen presc;nted. blld 'hde<br />

Jl log .. m enlltled " VDT'S and the WOIkplact "<br />

Th" IMtruCllon period waS lollowed by IWO<br />

gucsi speakers who sharcd SOme <strong>of</strong> thell own<br />

Inslghl anJ CXPC II ISC on loday" Uluon mallCU<br />

flank M. n saId a few WOlds on havIng mOl e<br />

seminan 01 ,h,s type IIIvolvlng • g, cat" ' numbe l<br />

. <strong>of</strong> u"l lt y unlOM throughoot the Thlld D'SUltland<br />

Jl lovldmg • wldN !lnge for the exchange 01 Ideas<br />

Ed laspel, [nIClnallon.[ Rep lell"nlatlV( and mem·<br />

1>1:. 01 Local IJ7, Ihen spoke briefly .oout Ihc<br />

dangers In loday's Con UaCI negotiations 01 "take·<br />

>way'" by companlU, Illoleby weakening the ba.·<br />

ga""ng pOJ IU On 01 t h~ U nlOIl . nd, <strong>of</strong> course, .e·<br />

sultmg In wtahl Contlacts Ed .Iso mcnUOlled the<br />

ImPO'lanCe <strong>of</strong> olganl~mg a~ many new groups as<br />

poSSIble, especl.lly m Ihese days <strong>of</strong> dec.easlng<br />

umon membe. shlp A buffel lunch wu plov,ded,<br />

'/' making Ihe entlle p.opam ~(ty Informauve, ~n<br />

t~nalning and enloyable<br />

On Monday, lanuary 30, <strong>1984</strong>, Ihe Executive<br />

Boald mel in a special .eulon for th~ ,,,.ecmng 0/<br />

p.oposal. submlllcd by the mcmbe.~hlp 1m our<br />

~ pcomlnC conn.ct negotlallons_ The!;e proposals<br />

We le Sent to the Easlern D'VISlon 100ni 8oa.,d for<br />

lunhel .clccnlng and Ihen to System Coulicll U ·<br />

.. 11 10l finahzatlon bdo. e being exchanged wnh the<br />

company ,n Malch<br />

ThaI '. all 10' now See you al Ihe nnt umon<br />

meeung<br />


Unions and Contractors<br />

Must Work Together<br />

L. U, 119 li &ul, ELM IR A, N. V._Thl~ ~p'lOg Ih(<br />

wOl k P'CtUIC In our arc. IS a bn b" ,hlel. W,th<br />

wOl k al St loseph'. Ho'pnal and upcommg wOl k<br />

,n otbel pa" , 01 QO. t~ .. nory, we m.y sec SQme<br />

01 our lonc· travelilng B,olhe.s coming home<br />

The Sialt <strong>of</strong> ou. ,ndustry IS not whal any 01 u,<br />

would h ke il to bc The ad ve nt <strong>of</strong> Reaganom,cs IS<br />

lUst one morc arrow In Ihe backs <strong>of</strong> unions and<br />

wm ktng men and wOmen <strong>of</strong> OUr counllY_ T be laoo.<br />

pol]cIU 01 thIS dmlnlSllallOn h,nt <strong>of</strong> 19th·centory<br />

Ihlnk,ng Ann-unton and anu·labo. arc wltcb·<br />

words 01 Ih,s .dmlnl5t.auon Anyl hlOS Ihat sop·<br />

portS Ot guards the working force <strong>of</strong> IhlS counuy<br />

" now ,ub,(el to slanderous SC lutlny and unbe·<br />

lievable degradallon<br />

Tht union conS!rUCIlOIl penon IS sublecled 10<br />

speclalanenllOn /rom thlS nOn·umOn f.ellon T he<br />

thmking 01 10 yurs ago or evCn five year. ago<br />

muSt be ebanged ,f We arc 10 sUJv'~e ,n many<br />

areas Non·un lon .hop' have taken OVe r most II<br />

nO I .11 <strong>of</strong> Ihe res,den lial .nd hghl comme. clal<br />

work . These a.e the blcad' l nd·buttc' accounn Ihat<br />

union COnll.cI015 depended on fOI so many yu. s.<br />

Now IhlS wOlk " fil lin& the bank acc;ounlS 01 non·<br />

umon contratlon en abling them 10 grow lugcr<br />

and l."el, thus .. kIng th., wOlk away to"m Iht<br />

trllned un,on ("It,n,an<br />

Thc dlY, <strong>of</strong> conttactors and unIOns S,tlU'j( on<br />

oppUSHe "des 01 the I~ble ~ r c (o m m~ 10 all end.<br />

The wodd and OUI IIIdu$uy are ch.nglng bSICI<br />

than We lie kecrlllK up with II The.~ lie W'Y',<br />

and we must find them !O ,ecoplure Ihe wurk thn<br />

We have losl and are losmg<br />

The unIon contlaetot ~nd un,on membe. have a<br />

vested In le''''1 \0 Ih,s bus,ness We prov,de a<br />

"~Incd and suptl"" wo,ker The contl.tlu. agrees<br />

10 hlle unly union ~mp l uycu Tlus .g.cemenl can<br />

work unly ,f Ihe CQntr.clulalld unUIII. can t aplure<br />

Ihe work aVailable<br />

Throullh Ihe yca". unlun member. have had to<br />

lace many advelsarlCS and SC;lbaek. We nlU'1. lnd<br />

we ""II 11)111 togelhr as In Ihe put, In uverCume<br />

IhlS late.t th,e3t 10 Ihe hc~ collcct""~ bJIj(JIn108<br />

.ystem<br />

The Annual Stag OUIlng w,ll be hdd un luly 21,<br />

<strong>1984</strong>, .t Ihe H~IfIS H,ll Youth Camp 1 bave 1\ un<br />

gd soo.ce that Ih,S IS gom& to be Ihe be" oOllng<br />

In ,everal years_ The Outm~ Commlilee IS wOl k,ng<br />

hald to plOv,de mOl" .ellYlIIU .nd betlcr food and<br />

dllnk to r the best lime ever, 10 ma.k thu dale 011<br />

your calcnd., and we will ~ee you Ihele<br />

TOM B~£ClII:K_ I' ~<br />

Members<br />

Shown at Ih Decembel mtt ting 01 Local 141 ,<br />

Wh u ling, W. Va., wht l t tht y let tind Ihri. 1C,,·ic;t<br />

pin ~, alt, left 10 tight, Rob"l L. I"cuughlin, 20<br />

YU ISI Cha.les S"ahl, 1S yu n; Robert L itelfer,<br />

lS run, and Geolge E, Nc" 30 yurs.<br />

MOlt mt mbt n who rfetl~ td pins at Iht mutiog<br />

&It, Irft 10 light, Ironl l OW: Louis W. Youlkoyic;h,<br />

30 yun, I.'an Lu Lewis,)5 YU'" u(Ond .ow:<br />

Btrnard P. Kdly,)O yu u , lIarr y T. Ollh, 25 yu •• ,<br />

Ch .. lu Kni ght, 25 yca,,] Il ro.y C. MiliCI, lS yca," ,<br />

,\trlvio A, Fankhou$tl, )5 YUI., Chu tt . A. Lapin.<br />

kl,)S yurs; and, back row: Myles B. Wilchey,<br />

35 YU ll.<br />

Christmas Party Held ;<br />

Service Pins Awarded<br />

L.U. 14 1 Ii,o,u& eatv), WIt EEUN G, W.VA .- AI our<br />

Ircul .. meellng<strong>of</strong> December 16, a Christmas pany<br />

lor the membersh'p wu held WIth the dual pu .pose<br />

<strong>of</strong> dI Smbut!l1S1cnK,h·<strong>of</strong> 'setvICe p,ns to Ihote d~·<br />

se. VlO g NO I all ihole eligIble we I

tended OUt thanks to B.otheu Bob ~nd Russell<br />

Solleder, committee chalrmcn and Ihelt commit<br />

ree lor another fine holiday celebra"on<br />

Abo at thIS bollday party, pillS were prc:sen.ed<br />

10 members ""ho have atumed IS th.ou,h 45 yurs<br />

"""h the IIrotherhood<br />

Thc Annual Ch,ldren 's Chnstmu Party was hdd<br />

on Deccmber II, 1983 It was a fine afternoon for<br />

all Ihe eh.ldren '"'ho allended, "",th ~n ahundanl<br />

~mount <strong>of</strong> .d.c,hmenu and g.fts fOI Ihe hohday<br />

oc:cu,on A /inc ,ob Wa~ done by Sinta Claus, and<br />

our Ihanh tn Brothel lor Gaus.dms and h.1 com<br />

mttler lor thl< Rn~ holiday celebrallon<br />

KEN"'ETII T N"'(;EC P S<br />

Members<br />

E. Meye., N~ncy II Mlchehn., Helen M M.hahe.<br />

Jack L M.lle •. Frcd F ,'I.10nd., Sr Charles I' Moran.<br />

Hury P MU'phy, LO •• lne M Newmes. lobn II.<br />

Nord. IOKph C. OUonntll. Harold Opthoh, Thornas<br />

E OUtc, lohn I O'Shu, Roulle O·SuU,un, Teresa<br />

Pauhn&. Charles A Pe.kms, Vl1pma I I'el.;l.venlo.<br />

LA. Pcre:.scn, R.chard F PIerce, Ch ... les I Qu«n.n<br />

Charles T Relchwald, Datle~n F Rogers, luha A<br />

11.""', lohn D Auge, Lou,,.., V Saffold, StanLey W<br />

Sahcl, heiyn S Sands, Lola M Schultz. Bogum.1<br />

M Stachurskt. Thomas L Stah., lohn I Stanton.<br />

Raymund C Strudeman, V,nccnt SWan,",n, Ches·<br />

ttr SWldenk., Donald II.' Tnckle, W,lllarn R Two·<br />

hlg. He:.ben Vuth, Glady, M W.ianus, luhn Walsh,<br />

Margaret E WaLsh, M.nhew Walsh. Roy Wessman<br />

Ignauu, S woln.k. Cenrudc L Yumel and Harry<br />

K Zer,..,<br />

tht local un.on rnceung., has been a memb.r til '!t!<br />

sood standIng for 36 years Imllllled May 17, 1948).<br />

and has made many contnbuuons 10 the lucees.<br />

and ol\lom~ <strong>of</strong> .hlS tude. WIlbur shared wllh me<br />

that II would take .11 <strong>of</strong> hIS "rne now 10 tab calc<br />

<strong>of</strong> hIS caule: and ke:cp the larm Ul' God's best 10<br />

you, B.othe. w.lbur<br />

B.Other 11m W"p' lone 01 rny apprcntlce: class<br />

matn, 19721 •• the p.oud grandf.ther <strong>of</strong>. hulthy '1<br />

8 Ib ~ 0% baby boy. All ale healthy and well<br />

Makes UJ, upecully me, know that wc are leu,ng<br />

older<br />

A b" <strong>of</strong> w,sdom Tru.h.s DOl only 5uangtr than<br />

fictton these daY_II's a 10' deanel, tOO<br />

Expcllenee The brttemeu 01 poorqu.luy l.ogelS<br />

lOll, after the sweetnen <strong>of</strong> a cbeap pnee .s 101gOl-<br />

"" Buy union. buy Amcncan and k«p JOM here: at ,.<br />

home. whe.e Ihe:y belong. May God bless'<br />

C·U at Ihe nnl un.on m«"I\I.<br />

c.r. DuNr..'1NC, P S<br />

KEN ,....'l.U, A.!sT P.S<br />

28<br />

Shown in this photo are, leflto lithl, lIob Cuen.her,<br />

lim O'Malley and lIob Askin 01 Loul 16S.<br />

Scribe Announces<br />

1983 Re1irees<br />

LU. 165 111. CIIlCAGO,ILL-AIl Local16S Broth ·<br />

en and S".c" who rtllled lut yur j1 9831 from<br />

the I1ltnolS IIdl Telephone Company were honored<br />

at the lecenl dmner·dance held In thell honor a.<br />

.he Sable Room m H,ckory H,li., IIhnOI! Due .0<br />

the lel'Up <strong>of</strong> matenallor the <strong>Journal</strong>. the p,cture<br />

01 the youp won'l be pnnted unltl lune Hnwever,<br />

I have mcluded a puna] ItSt <strong>of</strong> those lelUlnl wllh<br />

.h.1 leue.<br />

Th.1 be,nl elecuOll yUr, nom.natlons 101 ,11<br />

unu)tf oUkes w,ll be accepled al the May mem<br />

be"hlp meellnl Ele:clton w.1I be by ma,1 ballo. on<br />

lune<br />

The lollowlng a.e SOme 01 Ihe 198J IIhno,' IIdl<br />

.eureu lUyrnond P Aplew, ErnUllne Ak,nl,<br />

Fredrtck P Beals, Leonud G Berenl, Lawrence F<br />

IIlehl, Gerald W Bowker, R E Boye., lohn M<br />

Brennan, Mlrtha A Bretsnyder, Kenneth H IIUII'<br />

ne., Robert E, C ... I, frank I Charbonnuu, luSlc<br />

II CO:l, Edw.n I Cummmg5, Ch.rln A DaVIson,<br />

losephine D. Dudek, Robel! I Dunne, 10lel'h A<br />

Egan, lohn P Egan, Beny M Fernandez, lames I<br />

FOlies., C.nel 11.,<br />

forsberg. Robe .. A Frane.s,<br />

CLarence W Fredetlck, Charles R Frey, Thomas<br />

E. Fllne, AljI;crd A G.llls, EUlene I Colden, Ir ,<br />

f.cdench W GOllman, Robert B C"dL, lohn<br />

Gruchol, N.ck I G,uszynsk., francIS H Hall,<br />

George: M Hancoc:k, Alb." Harmsen, M.,vm S<br />

Hamson, lohn W Hawk, Thomas I Hendcnon,<br />

Dorothy C. H'&lml, Leroy II. Hodgman, Raymond<br />

G HogCl, loan Hldllcka, Rob." II.' Humer,Ioleph<br />

I Huslcldt, Clare E Johnson, Rose ~h'y John,on,<br />

I. Motion lohnnone, Anthony L K.sky, Robe .. F<br />

K,df~r , lo.eph KleIn, Edwud L Kohlc., M~ry ,<br />

Landem, DoIOlc. Lang. Roben II. Lapkiewict, v,,·<br />

gm,a A Le,melltr and Carole L Lin<br />

Aho reliring were BernIce M,.unew, kl , Ed<br />

mund T McHuKh, Ri chard L McMillon. Ravmond<br />

Local Kicks Off "Share<br />

And Care" Program<br />

IIHlth". Wilbu. Keyn,<br />

ont 01 Ihe faithful few<br />

01 Local 175, Chan"<br />

noola, T"nn., nlitfli.<br />

We will miss you, Wil·<br />

bUI,<br />

175 li,o,em,cA n'I ), CII ATTANOOGA,<br />

TENN._The "Calc and Sharc Prog.am";s a Com·<br />

mUni ty scrVlCe project for .he dderly and handl·<br />

capped, ,nHlated In the I rea,c. Chattanooga area<br />

by Local 115, to plov,de frcc repall lor mmOl<br />

eLe,,"eal prublcms Sponsorcd by Local 175 and<br />

the NECA COntraCiOlS <strong>of</strong> the Ent Ttnntssec Ch~p·<br />

'e, <strong>of</strong> NECA, the plan wtli p.ovlde a 24·hour<br />

Itlephone numb.1 1892 WORK), to field any elcc·<br />

Inul .eqUUt w"hlll a fou, county rad,us, III and<br />

around the Challanoop area Members <strong>of</strong> 175<br />

donalC thelT IImc to handle thc5c problem. aDd<br />

NECA conUactors p.ovlde ma.enals and equlpmen,<br />

ThIs IS one <strong>of</strong> the prtme uDmpJes <strong>of</strong> labor<br />

and management 5lnv,nl and uempltfytng to our<br />

community .. 'hat Can be done when We wOl k<br />

,ogether lor a cOmmon ;ntC' CSI and cause We arc<br />

dec ply gratdul.o OU r eon.ractors lor thelt ,nvolve·<br />

ment and Comrn,trnent to thIS program and lII'erc:51<br />

m Ih,s Kl!!:ment <strong>of</strong> ou. cornrnunuy, Thll prograrn<br />

has proven to b. vcry succcssful III the Atlanta,<br />

Ccmg,a, area, and we a.e Indebled 10 Brotber Harry<br />

Be_Icy, busmen manage., Loul 61J, lor hIS hell'<br />

and su"csuons. To Our mernbers who are do,n,<br />

th,s wOlk aftcI hours, and on Ihell own ume, We<br />

$.Iy, "Thank you 10' you. eDtln,-you arc specill<br />

10 rhlS <strong>Brotherhood</strong> May Ihe good Lord ,ncruse<br />

your !libe'"<br />

B,other B,ll Lowtty, OUI buslnc," manaler, .e·<br />

cently rccc.vtd, lellel <strong>of</strong> eommendauon from the<br />

M t':. M Man Candy Company. concern'ng a lob<br />

Insulled by Duncan Eleem. Co, 0' Cha11anooga,<br />

TcnnC55ce, one <strong>of</strong> our NECA COnllaCI015. Th,s<br />

partleub, d,vlS,on 01 M a M IS localed In ,he<br />

Cleve:land, Tenncssee, area and the letter hllhly<br />

cornrnendcd Duncan Ele:cttlc Co, and thclt em·<br />

ploycc:s 101 a JOb well done AI our las. unIOn<br />

meellng. Brother Lowery ,ud a letter 01 com'<br />

mendauoo from Brother Ben Pa'nter, Cooslruclloo<br />

lupenntendcnt at the Bellelonle Nuclear Planr<br />

[TVA ), commendllll the elecure"ns on that lob<br />

tor a bUll installation prOlect complctcd thele. It<br />

IS refreshing and, yel, lewaldlng to hu. Ih,s Iype<br />

<strong>of</strong> newS ,nstead 01 ,ome <strong>of</strong> the o.hcl kind we hear<br />

mO re fr equently, We commend you al50, feLlows-­<br />

you know who you ne, Thankll<br />

1Ir.he. W.C. " Wilbu," Keye, . cccrn!y IC'II.d to<br />

h,s farm In CLeveland, Tennulee, and we w.nt to<br />

w .. h hIm .he very best <strong>of</strong> everything, Brother Kcyes<br />

has heen one <strong>of</strong> nu, f."hful memhers .0 a11end<br />

Business Manager Becomes<br />

CIR Member<br />

LU. 181 [il. UTICA, N,Y.-The work ",ene IS<br />

unchanged StIlce lut Willing. A spircmg Ichool<br />

was held recen.ly, and 37 Journtymen look .dvan<br />

uge <strong>of</strong> Ihe courK ..·h,eh was complettd 10 tWO<br />

eye:nlng Kn.on, 10slluclO'S fo, the course wert:<br />

Wayne Busoc:k, Al Cor and Chuck Paul. All 01<br />

them dl~ I gle" lob. More courSes should be <strong>of</strong>fcred<br />

on the nea. future ,,;<br />

The PolitIcal ACllon Commlllce 01 181 , aJong<br />

with the Ioc:al COn trlclors, d.d SOme advertlSmg<br />

on b,Hboard$ The billboards we.~ located through·<br />

out Ihc Cl tics <strong>of</strong> Uuca and Rom~ Those . dverti'lOl<br />

along with Local !81 were Onc,da Eleclric, Waten<br />

Electric, Engler Electnc, Bud Smith Elccttlc, Cu·<br />

a.eH, Electflc and Kogut Elccllic. A~vclltstng like<br />

this il a •• ep toward geltlng back ,orne 01 the work<br />

lost Ove r the past few years to non·unton Ihops<br />

The nC~1 thIng pLanncd .s to PUt up "grli at job<br />

Sties nOlin, the contractor and Local 181<br />

'o"!<br />

BUSiness Manager Ken W,lham, ha, been ap·<br />

po,nled 10 the Coune,1 on Indu,"flal Relations by<br />

Inlernattonal Pre:"den. Charles Pllla,d ThIS " ,<br />

g'Cat honor fOI Ken a5 " 'ell as the eottre loc,1<br />

Also, con""uluions tollrother Georle Walen,<br />

S', ""ho has been appointed to Ihe Nallonal Code<br />

CommIttee, He Is onc <strong>of</strong> 2J COntraC tOrS appointed<br />

to the 10'ycar POSI They couldn't have made,<br />

belle. chOIce, and we wuh h,m the b.st <strong>of</strong> luck. ..<br />

StIlee the las. wn.m&, t"'"o rnote Brother. have<br />

deCIded 10 hang up the lools BrOlhel Lee FUI.a<br />

Icured as <strong>of</strong> lanuary I, <strong>1984</strong>. He was initiated Ap.il<br />

12, 1946 lI,olher Mark Wheaton ,elllcd lune I.<br />

19s..J, Mark was Inmated ID March, 1946<br />

A few months 1&0 ""e recerved the Slicker, Ihlt<br />

,ud, "TillS ~ymen. made poss.ble by Un,OlI la·<br />

bo. " Plea,.., UK Ihem on your check. or paymenl<br />

nOllces In !aCI. ,f you ~ste them on .11 <strong>of</strong> your ..<br />

ehe:cks before:hand, you won 'I have 10 Ih.nk aboul<br />

II, they w,ll already be there: whe:n you WIne: nul<br />

~ou r checks to banks, bus,nesses, CIC<br />

11M O'LlAU, la , PS<br />

Secrelary Re1ires;<br />

Blood Drive a Success<br />

LU. 212 [i .. o), CINCINNATI, OHlO--L,1 Koc:h<br />

.ell/ed the firSt <strong>of</strong> lanuary. <strong>1984</strong>, after 15 yUrI <strong>of</strong><br />

devoted SerVice 101 Local 212 as <strong>of</strong>fi ce tc:c reury<br />

Th.oupout he. lCrv,ee .o Loc:al212, Lil has K'vcd<br />

!lve bu,mess managell ',"hlully We can be.t<br />

remember Ltl Koc:b by the SUtementS rn.de.1 her<br />

rell/cment parly on I.nuary 18 by F,nancul Sec·<br />

retary Bob Webmann "Throupou, her .ery,CC to ....<br />

Loc:al 212, L.l hu leen our membenhip grow .nd<br />

P' OSPCI She will be remembe. ed by the younlel<br />

mcmhers as • grandmother; to Ihe eu.bli.hed<br />

membe • • he w,1t be remembcrcd as mom. Ind .0<br />

the lenlot d. ,e,i.ed memb.r s h~ will be reca lled<br />

.. thelt union girlfnend." As a lu.ing tribute to<br />

Lt!, .he mcmberlhip <strong>of</strong> Local 212 unanimously<br />

ptlilioned the mEW 10 altow Local 212 to accept

Blood Drive<br />

Trophy<br />

,.....,..---.<br />

Business Managers<br />

Solidarity 2 12 C hairman I).n lunker <strong>of</strong> Loul 2 12,<br />

... Cincinnati, Ohio, is 5hown hC' f u .h wcro<br />

8100d D ...· ~ on I.nuary 19, 198.1.<br />

L.l Koch as an huu(uuy rn~mbcr 01 Lheu uIlIun<br />

Si mply stated, "Thank you lor a illh .... ell d"n~ "<br />

In an attempt W Improve lhe pubhc Itn.)(" <strong>of</strong><br />

organized labll' In [he C"'CUlnali comrnunllY, Ihe<br />

Sohd.m y 212 CO'nmll,ce, chaired by nan IlInhr,<br />

.. toopcrJ lcd with WCI'O tc!evLSlOn at .hell Annu.,1<br />

Ill ooJ Dlive 10 help make thu evCnt • success.<br />

So m ~ 78 mcmb,·rs ol the local can proudly say thaI<br />

they were responSIble for malong Ib.s bli,.,d dnvc<br />

a buge .... Cct5~<br />

As lor Ihe crnpJuymcnt IOlccas! w,.h'lI Ihe Loc al<br />

111,uJls ia Avenue Car ShoPJ.<br />

CNW Restores Atl<br />

Suburban Runs<br />

LU. 214 !u ), C IilCAGO, Il l . In I-cbruary "I I \I~~<br />

the CNW ~dded back all the subu.ban d"'15IOn<br />

run~ Ihat II had .aken away a YUI ago Wllh these<br />

l\lnS back In ou. d~tly ,chedule. the compallY WIll<br />

be lo.ced tu rebuJletm .he lobs that we'e abuhshed<br />

.<br />

Every lob Ihu We can recover 15 " ery 5lglllfic~nt<br />

In the lurnmg around <strong>of</strong> .he present p"lIcy .he<br />

camer 15 trym/l 10 uphold That polICy 15. whCIl a<br />

lob 15 abolished and a man ,s ludou~hed .• hal ,ub<br />

and thot man WIll ncV

30<br />

JO yu.s Vmeent Delolcn~o , 10hn P hssd, Frank<br />

Scheller, 1' , lamn Schmu~, Thomas ShomelS,<br />

Allan Smuh, Robe .. SIcwan, Go.don Wallaee and<br />

RIchard Woolcult, 3S yea.~ RONrt C!uks.on, lames<br />

Lowes and .... thu. McCill<br />

The followmg .etl.ees also rccc.vcd SUVlte Plll$<br />

Scan O'Shea, 2S yurs, V,elO. McBride, 30 yurs,<br />

F.ank D ...·o.eek" 3'; yur~, Theodo.e Bottlcelh, 40<br />

yean, James Butler, 40 YUrs, Donald Calle., Sr,<br />

40 years, LoU I' Rosen, 40 years, Joseph Werne.,<br />

40 YUIS, and Robe .. yo.k, S., 40 years<br />

[BEW walches were presented ro the 11183 .ell<br />

IteS, Harold Allen, Ron P,e.ee, Chades Moyt.,<br />

Rod MOYN, GUido Colucc. and Charles Augerol<br />

BClIlgan avId movie fan, I can'l help rebtlIlgour<br />

local B.OIh.,rs' ncapades .... lIh the Iate5t mOVIC5<br />

"Uncommnn Valor"-advcnture <strong>of</strong> "Dyna·man"<br />

DIC k, "Sudden Impacl"-Dan Lowes dockIng hIS<br />

boat and dnving loh pickup truCki, "Scarhcc"­<br />

namng Ed Johnson, only .he scar locallon has<br />

Nen changed, "Neve. Say Never AI-".n"-A.n,e<br />

Littlewood's announcemenl <strong>of</strong> h,s new marnage,<br />

''To Be Or No. To Be"-Jack Kcnnedy and hIS<br />

loremanshlp deCISIons, "Blade Runner"-Dave<br />

Kllld~la 'l SIdeline advcnturcs, "Two <strong>of</strong>. Kllld"­<br />

The CaMdlln capers 0/ Je/f Lown and Brran Park·<br />

hIli , "The BIg Chlll"-" A'Iuanum" JIm SlOneham<br />

lalll llltO a flooded d1lch,'Reckless"-Blll "Moun·<br />

lalll·Top" Chowboy sho .... s how to bottom out a<br />

truck<br />

Don'l fo.ge. Ihe thIFd Thursday al Ihe Elk's, II'S<br />

vour Unlnn meellng<br />

riM n"RtR'.RRV, pS<br />

Pins<br />

Receiving lS·yut i ervie~ aw. rds al Ihe rtcent<br />

Local 246, Situbenvillf, Ohio, Chr iU n,as Dinnt .·<br />

Oane~ we'f, '.ont . ow, lell 10 d,hl, Brolhers John<br />

H.buh .nd H"old ay~t 5; bnk . ow, lell to .ighl,<br />

B.olhers Clyde Shelton, a"sinns Manale. Ken<br />

GantT, Phil Brtls, Intetnational Rfp.estnlll;v.<br />

Gto.g~ Chapple, Chuck Do.sey, Tom Slraighl and<br />

John MOI,.n,<br />

The lO-yeu se. vice awa.d .... inn~" include, lelt 10<br />

ri,hl, Brolhers Geo . ~e Brindle,.. Jim Devlin and<br />

Chuck Rilchie.<br />

Local Awards Service Pins<br />

At Christmas Party<br />

L U, N6 [i,o,rt$,eu8llU, V P P S<br />

New Assistant Business<br />

Manager AppOinted<br />

L.U. 266 (u ), PHOENIX, ARIZ,-WILh th!S new<br />

~u r , our local has a newly appoInted aSSIStant<br />

bUSIness managcr T CII,. MIller hn been named to<br />

IhlS POSI, Terry recently lelll his time and talents<br />

10 the form.non 0/ the Salt River PloleCt <strong>1984</strong><br />

EI.c\IIc Safely Pouel Calendar The calend4l, plO' '1<br />

duced by Ihe O"IIIel Cenual Safety Commlltee,<br />

.s probably one 01 the moSt unusual and appealing<br />

p,eces eVef dc~clopcd Vanou, ~afcty themcs and<br />

slo,.ns, whIch lie drawn ~nd tilled by Phoenix,<br />

Clendale, Tempe, Mesa, Tolleson and Guadalupe<br />

studcnlS )glldes 2 through 6), .ep,es.1II each <strong>of</strong> the<br />

12 months, Nor only arc Ihese ch.ldren talenled,<br />

bUI II'S amaz.ng how well Ihey clearly e""p'us<br />

POllltS <strong>of</strong> safety , It would be wi,e <strong>of</strong> U5 10 he.d ."<br />

.heil safelY tips and adv.ce' We all ntend our<br />

haods and OC$! w\Shes to B.other MIller In his neW<br />

capaclly'<br />

Our local IS pleucd tn announc. the follo .... lIIg<br />

memocrs have completed thell apl".enlLcesh.p<br />

tll,nlllg Gilhert Napoleon, aulOmOtlVe mcchanlc,<br />

r.nuarV I, 19B4, Sue N Lashbrook, cleelfician,<br />

December JI, 198J, la"'Tence A EXnef, cleelllcal<br />

hneman, November 7, 1983, RIChaid Overfidd,<br />

e1cClILullrncman, Novembe. 7, 198J, and Ccorge<br />

llaycs, plant mechanIC, December 2, 1983. Con·<br />

gralulationS, B.olhelS and Sister' The many bours<br />

<strong>of</strong> hald work and $ludy .hat you.ll PUt fOllh have<br />

ocen worth all your effons, .nd we uc all proud<br />

<strong>of</strong> YOUI ...·cll·earn.d accomphshmenll<br />

Welcome aboard 10 Ihe ne ...... members <strong>of</strong> ou'<br />

unIOn· from OUI Page Unll, M,ch.el Begay, /Iom<br />

our S •. John's Unll, Jeuy Anaya, TellY DeMoss.<br />

Don Evans, Allen ,anke, Edwatd Uhballl, ClLspln<br />

Rodllgue:, Roben Ron, Rlcha.d Wl1kllls, Mary<br />

Koger, Dan McKcnzie. Ralph Sanchez, Thoma,<br />

SlOne511 •• I, Paul Ackerman. DaVId McMullen.<br />

WLllllm Johnson and Raymond Sec, hom Ihe Val·<br />

ley, Marlene Edel, Tammy FIllmnre, Bobby len·<br />

killS. W,ll,am McCausl,n, loe Rubcrry, [s.hel<br />

Rleh~rdson, Georgc Santa Cruz, Gary Hogsed,<br />

CeOTge ,almes, Rick Joy, Mae JOIne., Mall KInch,<br />

Paul Tones. HenlY Co.k.ll, Tom Crawford, Mar·<br />

celino FIgueroa, Carl Fisher, Manucl l.mlnez. Jnhn<br />

Johnson. Jeuy Lnn~, James Neilson and Jernld<br />

Pcrera<br />

Four <strong>of</strong> our Brothers . ~ tll ~d In 'anuIfY· John<br />

Bllee, Power OpelaUOnS, local 266 m.mbe. smce<br />

1953, Orner Lee Ho&~n, Jr, Westcrn Cl'l.M, Local<br />

266 membcl "nce 19';0, Andy Eoas. Soulhslde<br />

Cl'l.M, Local 266 member since 1948, and Wilocr<br />

H Thrash, Sou.hsrde C&M, Local 266 m~mbe,<br />

smtt 1966. We join in wlshmg you the best <strong>of</strong><br />

he~hh and happmess III the years ahead'<br />

The 19B4 Centr.1 Safety Commillee Co·Cha,,·<br />

men ."cnded a Safely Plann.ng Meetlnll m Feb,<br />

. ua.y Rep. esentmg Salt RI~el PrOleC! Managemen.<br />

we te Dave SIan ley, Photnul llTlgallnn, Ed Ponel,<br />

MaIn tenance, ' ohn R,ley, Engmeel1ng; and Keuh<br />

McClanahan, llu,ld"'g SCrVICe$, Local 266 repre·<br />

SClllativts fo.labor were lohn Reeves, KYlene land<br />

OUt VICC prcs.den!). 11m Morn" Mamlenanee, Jot<br />

ROlh, Support S. r~leu, and Don PaJlY, Ground·<br />

Water Cl'l.M A ICpo .. <strong>of</strong> rhe 1983 ACllvl11ul<br />

AceomphshmenIJ and a prevIew 0/ <strong>1984</strong> Goals<br />

and ObleCtlVeS we. e among n"mernuS ISSUes d, s,<br />

cus~ed<br />

au. h~arl f elt sympalhy and prayers go .0 the<br />

families <strong>of</strong> ou r deceased Brnthe". David Cervanles<br />

and Donald F Shc.ts<br />

fu. .. cu M I'I.TTu.aH" P S<br />

Members Laid Off ;<br />

Contract Expires<br />

LU. 294 !i,,,,~m, rtb , rtdupa ), IIII1BING, ,,"INN.­<br />

The one lob that was pUlling on m.n and .... 45<br />

gOIng very well hn Illd <strong>of</strong>f all bur a handful 01<br />

men Hleplpas Inc., whIch has a eOntratt III the<br />

lIorse Cascade I'aP~1 MIll ,n Inlerna.ional F.lls,<br />

had If) SlOp ConS n uellOn We hope .hey "'Ill be<br />

call1llg for m~n In th~ ncar IUlure Even when"<br />

WlS fullv manned Ou r oul <strong>of</strong>· work lisl still had<br />

many names on" Fnr Ihe .eS! <strong>of</strong> Ihe ru"sdlclion<br />

II" Sill! very slow<br />

I<br />

)<br />


Many ot ou. locil lhothe., h~~c been wOlk.n&<br />

amOn& the 5J)(JO fJtcltlcians, 1I0ile.m~kell, P.pe·<br />

filters, lIOn Wo. ke., lnd olhe. un.on cflhsmen at<br />

the huge coal gUIAcallon pbnl in Beulah, Nonh<br />

Oa koll One Local 194 8IOthc., Roge. Be.glund <strong>of</strong><br />

Eveleth, Mlnnnotl, hu been runn'ng I bus brlnS'<br />

109 conStruCllon wnrke .. lIome on weekends hom<br />

Ihe ikul.h lob There h.ve been layolfs the. e IOU<br />

.,. as Ihat lob It m In IInal lugu<br />

OU t contract wllh Ihe Northern Electric Coop·<br />

eraUve .an Out on December Jl 1983 We ha~e<br />

uhd fOl a wase h ene but the company II pushIng<br />

for a wage Cut The Brot he.s and 51 "ell ore 11111<br />

wOlkmg on Ihe old contu , t We lIope Ihele w.1l<br />

be a settlement loon<br />

We lie ve ly p.oud \0 announce Iwo .eCent hlllhs<br />

. - lI'Olher Telry S-eh,cle. and hit w.le I_k, 0/ I li hb,ng.<br />

Minnesota, h.d • baby gill named B. yanna born<br />

on Fehnmy 2, <strong>1984</strong>, and on January 23, <strong>1984</strong>,<br />

S.olher Roge r lIellqulst and h.s WIle R05e had a<br />

baby gill namcd Etndy Ma"e. Certainly we extend<br />

our healllCS' c,m~rali.LlatlOnl 10 ou r tWO SfOth~ ..<br />

and Ihell WIVU on the luut addllltlni \0 thell<br />

faml h.s<br />

.. B.o,her Huw."d Eme ry 01 Local 194 .s In J edd~h,<br />

Saodl A,ab,., working lur 'he SaudI Alahian /:"v·<br />

e,nmcnt', du tn ca llnln"l~ de palllnen, llowa,d<br />

Will be JOIned by hIS wife Madd~lne and h,s Ion<br />

le.n P.ul In the vc,y ntal fUlu,e It hu t~ken m.ny<br />

mnnth. <strong>of</strong> I~d tape to ~ct ~ISU 1m h" lamily<br />

Th,. yell Ou r ve,y uIU(ncc, as wOlkc" who<br />

belong ro org.nued lallor, w,1I be ,n Oil' hand,<br />

We must get ' fl end, 0/ lallt;Jl In all politlcsl <strong>of</strong>A ccs<br />

t. such as fedetal, 'Ule, County and City elected scats<br />

5() when you ate uked to buy Ihose COI'E tickets<br />

please be gene.ous II well as w.th your time to<br />

help our pollliul CamlUlgllI We can gCI IlIendJ<br />

<strong>of</strong> labo. mtO those olficu wuh youl help<br />

Unlll nUl month buy Amcllun becauBe yuu<br />

ue one .• nd look 1m thMe union label.<br />

E LLRo¥ LA"t)L, I' 5<br />

Unit Meeting<br />

Pinu.cd at a reeellt Conuructlon Unit mrellng<br />

are, left to right , Iholhrn John " B. be" Glgnr,<br />

ltalph Sc hman ~ " and All Gllod.kh <strong>of</strong> Loul 300,<br />

Montpelirr, VI.<br />

Agreements Settled ;<br />

Construction Work Steady<br />

LU. JOO (i~ul, MONTPELIeR, VT,_BrOlhet John<br />

W Man.RrJd <strong>of</strong> Ihe COnltlU(ILOn Unll I. home<br />

.etoVCllng h om a heall IlIack lie stopped .n at<br />

h the hall to let UJ .11 knuw he wa, leelmg beltCI<br />

Bell 01 luck to you, John' 8wthers MUll TaylOl<br />

and Ralph T.ylm are bolh home .ecove. lIl, from<br />

!ulKery We UpeCI they'll both be b~ck to wmk<br />

~o<br />

Work In Ihe Con'"ucllnn Unll .emaLns "e~dy<br />

wllh moS! member, working The loc.I·, arp.en·<br />

IIcuhlp prug.am took In seven new 1Il •• de ~r pl cn<br />

IIeeS leeeMly They ile Jun Ba" , Raymond B.ad<br />

ISh, Kelly Ible, David Hughes, 0"11011 L.w. y,<br />

David Muster and Bllan W.mble All Goodllch,<br />

long·time lupervlsor 01 the IATC, hn handed ,he<br />

.einl o ~ c . 10 Tom Zcno as the ncw SUpe.vlSor Art<br />

w,1I continue IU Sr lVe Ihe JATC as a \lustec<br />

Wa ge ·o p~n clS at W.,hlll!lton Elec,,,e Co-op and<br />

CLlizens U\Llit;es hut been ~e ttled , The Ntso\l'<br />

adng Committee 101 WEC included T,m I'udvah.<br />

I'e.cy Bft .., Robert L.CI~II .nd Jim Me.rlgan The<br />

Recuperating<br />

B.Olhel John W, t\hnsAdd, Irh, Itoppt"d by Ihe<br />

hall to let Businru Maug •• lim M r rr l~a n know<br />

hr wu fc.lin~ better.<br />

Committee 101 CLI.~c n $ Indudctliltucc Munlllllny,<br />

MIke Alla.d .nd JIm M tlllg~n<br />

Lyndonville [leetlle an d Ve"nolll Elec tll c Co<br />

0 1' have new agreements, Lyndnn~.llc wllh I IW U­<br />

year connact wllh wag ~·o p .ne. III one relll and<br />

VermOnl Eject". with a one·yeO! cnnllael VCI<br />

mon' Electric's NeguII.llng Comm!lI ~e wu SIan<br />

Ell"w, Bruce Lamb, BIll Lamb, h>e ".chette, Cordon<br />

Smilh (Enginee.lIlg DcpOllmenlllnd 11m M c"'~.n<br />

The Cummitlee at L yndnn~,lle tl.etlle wu com<br />

p"sed 01 lenna,d Ca,HIIl, Ken Newman and 11m<br />

Me."~.n<br />

Ill( HAIlI) I

32<br />

co honll. IIU' eoncr~el The T·J Sysl~rn CouncIl<br />

local. 134, IloS, 336, and 399 h~ve filed an unlau<br />

tabor r"CIlCe charge IgllnSC A T& T, Inc. with the<br />

NlRB A rtilUInmll orde r wu requelled bued on<br />

che new entity ag.cement elgned by ludsc G.eene<br />

1'''01 '" dIVe~I"ule<br />

mlnoi, Bell Communicallons, In Co.pOl.led, a<br />


Fruit Baskets<br />

Given to Retirees<br />

L. U. l S4 !i,cm,ml ,. u Mu pl), SALT LAK £ CITY,<br />

UTAH-This ras! Cbn $lmu uur betullv,", Board<br />

decided, J&~m , 10 g,ve frUIt bukcIs ,o each .t\Hed<br />

member <strong>of</strong> Our local who lives In the Salt lah<br />

aDd Provo "us ..... nd now smee local 217, OBdcn,<br />

was amalpm"cd IntO Loclt 354, Ihose .clUcd<br />

members receIved /rUIi basket$ ,15

34<br />

Mos. 01 the BlOth .., hood hu known hlln n "P.,<br />

131 "buSlnesl mlnag ..' " 0 1 "I"' geanl at arms' or<br />

olhe. labor rel a,ed ,e. ml and '1I1u 1o0me ,un<br />

kn .....· h,m as a "I".. nd "These lie very r .oper md<br />

,usuAd wayt <strong>of</strong> ••'mcmbe.m, h,m beeauu ,11...<br />

<strong>IBEW</strong> was hot h,e He worked IUclenly ,nd w"h<br />

u .., "",ul,I~'n'n,l:'" \o"ucYe•• nkal ~",I .. uulol alwaYI<br />

be counled on 10 do the lob th.t needed '0 be done<br />

,\1y mother Ann knew h,m n "Ern,e" Ind always<br />

aflecuonat .. ly called h,m thaI They had a specIal<br />

rclauon$h,p and .ehe 5100d by h,m throu,l:h IhlCk<br />

and thm II .. v ... Ihe uyon" 'fIehlnll eve.y ,nod<br />

man naods a ,nod woman" had mumn~ ".1•.1 In<br />

their very spectal.e!auon,h,p<br />

I bave known Pa t E Oamtam 10. d~ ,,, Ihllly<br />

" " yeall I have called hIm "Oaddy,'·D.d and,<br />

.n ,he last uveral yurs "PO "The B ... t WO namn<br />

lie obvious m thell munon, bu, " PO" hnld, the<br />

m OSI n casu.ed memo"u for II , . m Ihe 1.51 yUIi<br />

<strong>of</strong> hIS hfe thai Ih'l n.ckname Jlnod for a new bond<br />

be tWeen us We d'Kuucd many ,hou,hll on many<br />

Jub,eCl! hom very pe. sonal 10 Ihe h,Slo,y <strong>of</strong> Ihe<br />

tBEW UK <strong>of</strong> ,he mcknMme " PO" stood for • more<br />

mal ure me and I very !flCcial adult relationship<br />

be tween f"he. and IOn, him ,hc "Mcntor," me<br />

the " Prole,e." It WIS alloO .n l/feCIlona,e name<br />

thll could be used for him, In public, Ihat sho .... d<br />

IUflCCI for III thaI he had aceomrhlhed wh.1t lull<br />

ma.n'a,n,n, IoOme IOn <strong>of</strong> plolullonahim around<br />

my place <strong>of</strong> wo.k, the imemallonal Office My<br />

WIfe Mary, and I both rtlerr .. d 10 h.m .n th.s way<br />

be ... 4UrK" ,u~1 ~«me.J..u ,,&'11 II ...... ,11 be ,",,,... cd<br />

durly Thll specIII twmkle In h,s eyn, thar<br />

seemed espec,ally bll,l:hl when he ~Isfled Ihe In<br />

lemall{)na/ OfB«, w,lI never ~ lorltolltn and WIll<br />

a/way. be UUlured<br />

Inlemlltonal Rerr..,..,nt.Ilve Robel! A D.tm,~m<br />

,member 01 Loul 363, a$Sll\J\rd<br />

10 1M Imemlllon.1 Ofhce<br />

B-Day Pickets<br />

Local 1" , Rockford, III" memb ~ 1Ii p k k~1 Pru id ~ nl<br />

Rca,an in IUb'lCIO .... Cllh~r in Dixon, III. left to<br />

ri,hl arf Mikr fra,u, u sbllnl bUl inu. maU Kttr<br />

Grr, 8ladlburnl lerry Meyerh<strong>of</strong>n, plnlden" .nd<br />

Mikr Ton, ut, ruordin, lu r e l~'y ,<br />

Undu Ihe Irehu in Dixon, Ill .. for f' ruidenl<br />

Ru,an'.71rd birthd.y lit, Idl 10 .IKhl, Roy BabIn,<br />

It£! Green ..... It, l ' rr y Ki ~ .K ... d and IIo.old Wi"<br />

d tb.<br />

Labor Must Act to<br />

Improve Programs<br />

l .U. 164 (I,em,rn,sTI.&catv), ROC KfORD, Ill.­<br />

Ma l" " " lllon, I.ck 01 med.cal eove '~ l\e 10 ' Ihe<br />

dderly Ind IOU jew ,Obi a,e ">lne I,t ,he UJOCC IDS<br />

.h~r ~re fac.n, Ihe American fI

y- enem,es h~ven ' t rcally dC5uoyed the mob.llty <strong>of</strong><br />

the ISEW. 10 we have ~ lot <strong>of</strong> Brot hers u guests<br />

In s,sler locals Ihroughout Ihe country<br />

The advant~ge to the out·<strong>of</strong>·work Brother m the<br />

<strong>IBEW</strong> is Ihe .btl"y to And work somewhere, . lso<br />

meeung Ihe Brothe., 01 other locals and Ihel r mput<br />

on how slm.lar problems are sol"ed etC_. etc_ II<br />

can he an enhgiltenmg expelJence, provIdIng yoo<br />

bnng thIS added kno .... ledge home'<br />

. The bIg di !iadvanlage 10 Ihe local ...."h a hard<br />

corps <strong>of</strong> Brothers In "an$" •• thc loss <strong>of</strong> Inpot at<br />

the local onIon meell ng. My ob'ef"allon, regard<br />

leu <strong>of</strong> the confhct 01 md,vtdlul idus, or solutIons<br />

Ihat these BrothelS possess, IS thac as a groop, Ihey<br />

arc the most on.on-orlented <strong>of</strong> .ny local and the<br />

most suppo/Uve to uDlon progreu. There lie m~ny<br />

ways .... e pay for the b ck 01 econom,c .cllVlty<br />

. Income IS only one lacetl<br />

[woold I'ke 10 make some Com men" on a pll>lul<br />

' Idcshow <strong>of</strong> one world hlstoncal movement, n,mely.<br />

Ihe Slupld atllons <strong>of</strong> ~ prcsldent electcd 20 years<br />

aher h,. death at Ih e box <strong>of</strong>fice. Ahhou~h elccted<br />

wllh the lie <strong>of</strong> balanclII K the budKel and redUCing<br />

the nUlonal deht, by February 198~ we WIll h~ve<br />

IIIcrcased the national deht 30, 7 percent, the lugest<br />

10 our short hi ~ t o ry Unltke FDR. who had a !July<br />

. global war <strong>of</strong> survIval, makIng a tW O occan Navy<br />

Irom sCla!(h. 50,000 plane$ a ycar and [3 nulbon<br />

se r~ln g m ,he Aimed Forces, he hu, tcg3rdlll~ Ihe<br />

nallon's !iulvival, (om bat W!SC, a fc "" lD ' trn~'wnal<br />

skllrnlshu, He has redlstrlbu!ed Our n"IUnal, rcu,<br />

ure. Redlstllbullon, in word spukesc, can me~n<br />

thdt!<br />

Regardmg world hlst<strong>of</strong>lcal facts- no capltaltsl<br />

country has, In the 20th C~ntO I Y, come OU t <strong>of</strong> a<br />

depreSSIon .elYlDg On the b05IDCSS (Ommunlly ' 0<br />

provide the muns <strong>of</strong> Iccovery But your president<br />

plans thlS. Regardless <strong>of</strong> the results <strong>of</strong> ,he <strong>1984</strong><br />

eleellon, Ihe Federal Reserve Notes fOI thIS huge<br />

deficit WIll bJJ due around lanuary, February and<br />

March 1985 It WIll he a debt IDc r e~se <strong>of</strong> ollc-thud<br />

ovcrmght ThIS WIll compet~ w"h and, ID my<br />

op,n,on, dcsuoy ~Jl venture capHal ID oU r country<br />

Th,s "',ll cause a nlaS51Ve dcp.esslon, probably<br />

"",-pled .. ·"h e:uremc mUallon Even manlVe pomp·<br />

pllmmg. If wllhour controls to the tnlCflllllonal<br />

flow <strong>of</strong> funds, w.ll foel the fites. Hc coold uke thc<br />

CnU re weSlern wo rld down wllh hIm/us. PremIer<br />

MJlterand Stated Ihe abovc also at Wt! lIamshu,g.<br />

VUglllta, but w~sn't leally I[uoted 10 the Amclltan<br />

med". Why! The really scary solullun uf the past,<br />

If such a SI1 UallOn ansu, " war<br />

Wc he tter push out !hc VOle fOi Mondalc and<br />

then reUC Cllvely thmk how wc can pIck lip the<br />

l\ piecu In 19H5. Rona ld, you fUlIl cd fuu r Ch ri,,·<br />

males tn a row for the AmCllc~n people, if we<br />

don 't plan, you could rUIn Chds!mu 19~5 l!l<br />

ab.enlla. Le ch Wal esa, the Pohsh cleeUlClan. 15<br />

the "Man <strong>of</strong> the Year." nOI yuul<br />

Au EN M ( E"cHl"

36<br />

congptubt ol~ lemarks. some old tales ~nd some<br />

sound ~ dvI ~t. Good luck wishu go 10 app . cnll~n<br />

B~rt Andu'on. W.lham BIsch<strong>of</strong>f. Con~n Bowers.<br />

M.chael FItt~ . Dale Holden. Robert Johnson. DavId<br />

Poorbaugh. aradford Seh.llmg and R.ck S!"'ocer.<br />

A pat 00 tbe back also gocs to aus.ness Manager<br />

Bo"'en and the other fathe.s pr~ ~nt. Brolhers<br />

Doug fltts. Paul Poorbaujth and Wally Schllhng.<br />

A s!",clal thankJ to Brothers SIeve Lo!"'z and<br />

Denn" W ,lh~ms lor Ihe" dfort s wIth the bee.­<br />

bust<br />

Our annual Spllng A ...·a.d' Dmner-Dance will<br />

tJt, held on Apl11 14, <strong>1984</strong>. m Santa I'ohna, Cahfor·<br />

mOl. M yron Robertson, our only hvmg challer<br />

member w.1l be our spec.al guest <strong>of</strong> honor Myron,<br />

wllh cleven other members, slgncd the Local 4 L3<br />

chane. On December I , 1911. I h ope to See the<br />

DES Hall filled WIth membe.s to sha re thIS C"enln,<br />

...·lIb reu.ed Brothe . Roben son<br />

RICl1I\IlD I Loru. P S<br />

Work Slow;<br />

True <strong>Brotherhood</strong> Shown<br />

LU. u s (i,spd:.rts1, BAITtI CREEK . MICH.­<br />

Greenngs to all OUI Brothe.s and Sisters m umon·<br />

ISm lrom Local 44S. Work IS slow be.e In Battle<br />

Creek, whicb 15 natu.al 10. Wm tel months hcre<br />

A!J fa. as future work goes, Kelloggs let the bIds<br />

for theu new <strong>of</strong>fice comple ~ the fiut <strong>of</strong> Ma.ch<br />

F.om rumo.s gomg around hele. it's gomg to be<br />

"ery plush, whIch IS natural lor Kelloggs. Plus. the<br />

Clly 01 Battle Creek.s plannmg a five,slO ry parkmg<br />

complu ncxt to Ihe Kellogg Arena and Stouffe. 's<br />

Hotd which WIll allevlale quite a few <strong>of</strong> the<br />

parking pr obltm~ for the downtown a.ea wh,ch<br />

has been a sore SpOI lor qUlle a long lime<br />

A I~w 01 Ou r membe.s saw true fellowshIp and<br />

concern for each OIhe. IhlS monlh. Alone 01 the<br />

lobs here In OUr local, th.ee men we.e asked !U<br />

uke IWO weeks <strong>of</strong>f IMtead <strong>of</strong> a lay·olf, .eason<br />

bemg Ihat Ihe.e wun'l enough wotk to keep<br />

eyerybody gomg for Ihe lime bemg, but takIng the<br />

lime <strong>of</strong>f would hdp 10 a lleVIate Ihe problem until<br />

th.ngs d.d pIck up. The .UI <strong>of</strong> Ihe c.ew, unde.·<br />

standing the general loteman's poSItion, wanted<br />

to help; Ml they .equested Ihal e"erybody take IWO<br />

day ~ <strong>of</strong>f rather than Ihree men lake IWO ...·eeks <strong>of</strong>f<br />

If Ihat '5n't what Url100l5m IS aboUI, I'm glavely<br />

'OIstakcn about my Idea~ <strong>of</strong> the BlOthcrhood. UnIOn<br />

membershIp 10 me ISn't, " I don't care whal happens<br />

to you as long as I gel my check." II'S eon cern for<br />

each other's well beIng and health. In the world<br />

loday there IS Strife tn the Middle East, deterio.at·<br />

Ing rclallons with the $oYlet UnIOn. and murdel<br />

and bloodshed all o~e r . We need everybody 10 stand<br />

up together and say, " Yes. I ~m concerned about<br />

you and I want 10 hdp you .... Ih your problems."<br />

We Can 'I keep On wnh the back-stabbing and Ihe<br />

childIsh pIcking and fighting amongSt each other<br />

One <strong>of</strong> the besl laclles to dissolve any o.gamzalion<br />

15 to d,VIde and conque. Well, righl now ... ·e arc<br />

becommg dIVIded, and we w.lI be conquered .f ",'e<br />

Conllnue 101l0wlOg the palh IhaT we' re on We ha"e<br />

to sllck togethu In the bad umes as "'ell as the<br />

,nod. Try uym, someth.ng n;ce to you. neIghbor<br />

rather Ihan cumng hIm down, and smtle when<br />

you JTe ha","g problems, Ihey WIll be eaSlel 10<br />

face<br />

Have a good mon.h and keel' smlitn,.<br />

'OW" F Mc AI.lUfFE P.S<br />

Work Scene Gloomy;<br />

Fruit Baskets Distributed<br />

LU. 449 (i,o.nb.n dupa), POCATEll O, IOA.­<br />

When I agleed.o Wtlle ,he arllcJcs to the/oumal.<br />

[ wanled 10 wrlle some gnod news each month.<br />

Hete ,s my filSI leiter and Ihele isn'l any good<br />

oe ...·• this Ume.<br />

Thc weather IS very cold right now, and work 10<br />

the local 1& almost non ·e ~i5Ienl A lew small jobs,<br />

bU I nOlhlng substant",1 ProjeCt X has staned bUI<br />

mOSt 01 the wo.k will be broken down into s mall<br />

busmess package. llOder $100,000. Weslinghouse<br />

at the site has taken a fe ...· men, but "'t sllli have<br />

Baskets<br />

local 449, Pocatello. Ida., memben shown wilh<br />

Ih~ fruil buk~ 1I thaI we.e dislfibu.ed 10 trliled<br />

mcmbfls, (OntUCIO.S Ind widows. From left 10<br />

right are Ed ,. Shepard ; Roben Reno, Tfd C. ' In.en,<br />

pluident, and Neil Tillouon.<br />

O"cr 80 mfn on the book Ou. local Isgmng through<br />

some hard limes WI" t can "'C do to change 111<br />

One way would be 10 altend unIOn mee1lngs_ Last<br />

meellng I was dlsappomted to see lrss than 15<br />

Brothen attending. II we don 't care about au.<br />

unIon. who WIll i We need all member. to aHend<br />

and get Involved<br />

Elecllon tlmelsgro"'mg ncal We need 10SU pport<br />

and elect people who Cafe aboul Ihe wo.klDg man<br />

There also ale many upgude JOurneyman classes<br />

5tallmg. Let's g~t SIgn ed up and become Ihe best<br />

qualified ...·ucme n we can We need to be the beM<br />

Ihere IS In oldcr 10 gCI work and draw good w3ge ~<br />

Dunng the hohda)' season, NECA, local mem o<br />

bets and the ApPlenliceshlp Commlllee under the<br />

direction <strong>of</strong> Don Ivory gave OUt hUll baskets 10<br />

.ctlred membe.s and COntraC tors. This was a small<br />

loken <strong>of</strong> our app.CClallon to those who have wo.ked<br />

so hard for us so we may enjoy a hIgh standard 01<br />

ltVlDg, May we lake ca.e <strong>of</strong> our IDhe"lance.<br />

Local 456 Holds<br />

Annual Picnic<br />


l.U. 456 (iAn), NEW BR UNSWI CK, N.J.--On Sep·<br />

tember \7, 19SJ, Local 456 held 115 plcmc at<br />

Reichlel Park In South Bl\lDSWICk, New lersey<br />

The ...·calhe. waS ...·a.m and the sky clea., maklDg<br />

II a wonderful day for outdoor festlvlllcs. The<br />

P'CnIC got nnder way at 11,00 a.m. wllh breakfast<br />

belDg served to the ea rl y arr.vals and the P,cn.c<br />

Comm,,'ee, As Ihe af ternoon arl1"cd, so dId mo.e<br />

<strong>of</strong> OUI local BlOlhers. Plenty <strong>of</strong> aC1I"lIIelt, from<br />

card games and horseshoes 10 egg IOSsn and s<strong>of</strong>t<br />

ball, filled the day .... Ih both fun and laughte.<br />

Pr,zes ...·e.e awa.ded to ~IC t OIl0US COnteStanlS 10<br />

games and evems. If you prc/errcd 10 sil back and<br />

watch, plemy <strong>of</strong> Int e re~ung conyersauon and re '<br />

mmlscmg were heard where.·el a gloup <strong>of</strong> Brothers<br />

was gathe.ed The alOma 01 fine food and the<br />

abundance <strong>of</strong> good cheer uused many <strong>of</strong> us 10<br />

Indulge OU' selves, and a few 01 us 10 ovenndulge<br />

~ bl! II was qUlle a pleasure 10 See many <strong>of</strong> OUT<br />

.et"ccS presem and enloymg themseh'c,<br />

Slnce.e thanks go OUI from us all 10 the PICniC<br />

Committee, who once agam 01.01 an outstanding<br />

,ob 01 OrgaDlZmg a wonderful c,'em You. hard<br />

wOlk and I1me Invesled pay<strong>of</strong>f III great dl"idends<br />

when one can look around and see all <strong>of</strong> the local<br />

B.olhers m allendance that day wllh $m.le~ on<br />

thell /aees and happlOess lO the IT heans<br />

Get Organized<br />

And Vote, Writer Says<br />

KEVIN S'·'£CKER. P_S.<br />

L.U. ~ 59 (u,emAees1, JOH NSTOWN, PA.- T he<br />

election yea. bittz " currently being ca rried OUt<br />

by all <strong>of</strong> Ih~ media. Th,. bhl% IS pfOb.bly onc 01<br />

the ,"asonS the medIa has liS conslilllllonal "ght<br />

<strong>of</strong> f.ee speech conSlantly PIOICClcd by Ihe couns<br />

<strong>of</strong> \he land. Theil "Clive cove ra~c , reponing, and<br />

'ld·blowlOg keeps many a polll,cI.n aWarf <strong>of</strong> \he '"<br />

IaCI that his actions arc being wa lched and Ihus<br />

ca n Iccounl lor SO me 01 the .. WOO lOg <strong>of</strong> the p.ess<br />

Othe. groups do Ihe same-coahllons for Ih,s and<br />

thai. nallonal g.oups concerned aboul this and<br />

Ihal. freedom gfOUpS, Nc<br />

We. too. can aher the pohllcal thoughts and<br />

actiOnS <strong>of</strong> OU I representallves First we must leg'<br />

Is ler 10 vote. We can'l leave the voting p

n (\<br />

Meeting<br />

\<br />

Graduates<br />

Honored<br />

Picnnt d . 1 the l. n ulfY mudn, 01 the Reli,ers<br />

CI"b 01 Loci' 47'. lIullmonl, Tn., 1ft, Idt 10<br />

'is hl, Lr l ll y Fa il, Ollt MIlI,r, Ihe .pUhf ' Flre/dl<br />

Nonl.) . o cl lohn C. No" I •.<br />

Shown ,n Ihis plNu re Itf, lell 10 .il hl, Tom<br />

SpOrt,n" 1' ., lay Spollinl, lI iII L,ndsey, bu,lnu,<br />

"UI, Lot al l5, Thomu Spollini. St., ,nd Frank<br />

J. Cau oll, l." b.ulnul man'ltc. , LouI 488, 8. ,dltf·<br />

po. t, Coon.<br />

.<br />

Hut 1ft the mtmbtn who . Htndtd the I'n" .. ,.<br />

meeli "l . F,onl,ow, Id t lo .I,h',.re HOliet Hcath·<br />

man, lI ow .. d Nubile!, " lI uu "n,ilk" M.,,;·<br />

OIlU"., Lu MeNul, Ind Dick H.nuln, Itcond<br />

'O W, IUld.1 Ihr I, blt, Irt Wilton Glro .... d, Loyd<br />

Ra y ancl M. I. lhmlh on , II.nellnl, 1.11 10 .I,hl , I.t<br />

lock Ball • • d, Joh .. C. NOIII., M.rnell lIu thm. n,<br />

.'\~il d r t d hil, Std.li. 8.II. rd, I.,tod. Coptl. nd, Vi.<br />

olt t Girolllld, lunt III,nllion, htdtll Norr;" Sibyl<br />

Ray. Norm. IIndricb Ind hmet lI ud,lckl.<br />

Work Improves;<br />

S<strong>of</strong>tball Season Under Way<br />

L U. 4ao li t-em), JACKSON, ""55.-0111 work has<br />

. Improycd .I'ghlly We h.ve app.u~lmucly JJ m(n<br />

left On UnJl II at Crand Culf UnH I hu pIcked up<br />

SOrne <strong>of</strong> OUr men that were Ilid <strong>of</strong>f hom URI! II<br />

Fonunucly I was one <strong>of</strong> Ihem A few Journeymen<br />

h'Ye been lent to ,obi In IOWn, hut there lie stili<br />

.bout 20 men on the bookl. I've been IOld the.e ..<br />

a good amount ul wmk commll UU I m lown this<br />

spring and lummel Hope/lilly we WIll ge t somc<br />

<strong>of</strong> th'I, Non-Union contlaClOn ore .ca lly K,Yin~ u5<br />

Some ha.d co mpet'110n<br />

! would like 10 Ule",j uu r deepUI 'Y"'l'a,hy to<br />

Ihe lamilt es uf tWO III IIU I local BrothelS. BIOthel<br />

Charles B Wll eo~, SI , p~ned ~w.y un Decem"el<br />

30,1983 B' Olhel W,k o~ wu Inlu.ted on August<br />

8, 1913. BrOt"(1 W,lcol will I>c m"led .,y hll<br />

I.iends and B'olheu Brolhe' W D McDanIel<br />

passed away on lanuary II , <strong>1984</strong> Blother MeDanic!<br />

wu ,nullted on July 15, 195 I, and reli' ed ,n lune,<br />

1916 Brolhe. MeDan,el w,1l be nllued by h,.<br />

friends and B.olhers<br />

We haye twolQftb_U tum._,aln Ih'l yur They<br />

, el tucked up w"h their fi . " lIa me Ih" month I<br />

know they have been pr.ctlc'"K hard and are .cady<br />

to ,0 They made. good Ihow,", I.n YUI and I'm<br />

Su.e they w.1I th •• yur Lalry Nipper •• dOln, a<br />

t:ood lob <strong>of</strong> head,ng up the telmS aga,n th .. yel.<br />

,. Any 01 you who can, come OUt and luppon Ihe<br />

team •. They arc . ep. esenlL ng our locI I<br />

In thue limn <strong>of</strong> bad unemployment We really<br />

need 10 pull 108elhe. So plelSe . ttend you. loc.l<br />

meellngl<br />

., Local Honors Graduates;<br />

Offers Courses<br />

LU, 48 1 (l,em ,lpduul, INIlIANAPOI,I S, IN I).­<br />

Tht 34th ApPlcnl1cuhip Cumplc'"," Banquet was<br />

held ,ecently, and Ihelt wu quite . luge glOUp,<br />

Thue ne w lourneymell Ind WOmen .eplCle nt two<br />

clanes dUI completed the proglam 10 1983, Smce<br />

tWO clasl g' oup. WCle lep.ucn tcd, the Commlt. ee<br />

Bob De nny and R;c h. ,d Ri le ICfdvlnJ their Applenl;u<br />

01 th~ Yu. AWlld"<br />

honored IWO mcmbc", R,chu.J RLfe and Bob [xMny,<br />

WHir Ihe "Outstand'ng App.enllce <strong>of</strong> Ihe Vea r<br />

AWlld " Also honored fm pOlII( 'pa"On .n theu<br />

local unLOn were r.m Pillerson Ind Ku Edward •<br />

Conglatulatlons lie In o.de. 10. au. Kraduatel 101<br />

I lob wdl done<br />

ThcO( men and women represent Ihe Ix:II named,<br />

rnost·qual.fled people ,n our .ndustry Thuc e.e<br />

denu.ls come only Ihloullh hard work .nd lIudy<br />

W,, 1r Ihe .ap,dly cxp.ndmK tcchnoloKlcs We "'e<br />

laced WHir tod.y, ,II <strong>of</strong> UI un bcndh from 10UI<br />

neyman .mrrovcmerll CQu.,n 0". lutal un"m<br />

has many courses on hne al Ih.s lime. Elccllon.c.,<br />


Party<br />

Outing<br />

Hopefully 10' "'. th" WIll be Ihe yur 10,,, lId 01 "<br />

Ihe IIU<br />

Unul n(ll month, lellow members • • uppon yoo,<br />

loc.1 by ,,'endllll the meelln"<br />

ScoTT L ConlAlID. P oS<br />

0"", H ConlAlID. P 5<br />

Brothers With 132 Years<br />

Total Experience Retire<br />

•<br />

Thnc If' tomt: <strong>of</strong> tht ''''Illi who rn;o)'d tht<br />

Anoull Chth tmu '1", <strong>of</strong> Local 50S, Mobilr, Ala.,<br />

br'oI 00 D«tmwl ,•. 1911.<br />

1m nOl Uylne ,hi, polouCJ IS .he whnk an)wr,<br />

bUI n " • nan WI: mu~1 makr I concrnlll":',J<br />

dlon 10 put undld~t~s In oiflce who art lavo'.ibk<br />

10 labor Wc h.v( I Anc Polmcal ACllon Commu<br />

Ire. <strong>of</strong> which I am proud to be a mrmM" .lon,<br />

wl,h Brothe .. James SWlflZ oul (h.llman, RIch<br />

mood Htodellon. lo~erh Romagnano and MIchael<br />

Fuhel If any <strong>of</strong> my 10.:,1 BrOlhe,,; hay, any !juts<br />

lion) .bout the current pohuc,1 program w, a.e<br />

1nuoduc1n~ contact one <strong>of</strong> the (ommm!:r mcm<br />

"'" 0". Annu.' Chllslmu Pany wu held Detcmb..,<br />

18, 1911J A 1I00d ume wu had by alJ 1 wan, 10<br />

UP/UI OUI 'prICt,"uon and thanks 10 the follow<br />

.n, brothe, members Ind .he" wIVes '0' hdplng<br />

In the p'rr'"lInn ol.he pany. They lie toIr and<br />

Mrl Leo I C~In, 51, M" Clemelll H 5eelhol5t<br />

MI and M" laeob GodWIn, Mu Ronald Mc '<br />

CormIck and ou r Santa Cbu •. Mr lack Walker<br />

Campaign lor Ih.., candidates Ihat you. loul<br />

unroll cndo.sn Buy Unlon. buy Amc"un Attend<br />

your union mectr ngs IInd partlClrarC<br />

DoN"Ul L An"M) I' ~<br />

Campaigning<br />

,\t tm~n <strong>of</strong> Loul 508 tnlorio, Iht 'pi.il <strong>of</strong> Itl·<br />

lowship ,nd ~unlh;nt dIllin, I.nu,ry', Family<br />

OUlin,. lelt 10 .i,hl lie I. let, M. tbllison. W.<br />

Crawfo.d. T. M"lunel', M Ra lntl', I. ~ hi" . 8u ~ i.<br />

neSi MIUler Counih.n and A, "lImtl.<br />

COn$,ruCtlon Induit.y N.chols blamed the Na<br />

lIon,l tabor Reb"ons Bo.;rrd .nd rht courr, ·'The<br />

SY'lem, he walllcd '·IS collap5lng "ound OUI<br />

ear ... He .1,0 llaled Ihar '·lon,·C5labh, hcd collec·<br />

IIV", b"ltll"III, •..,lallon1h,pl lh .. hue bern bo.h<br />

UPO" • multI employe. hUll a ... bem, d,sr"ptcd<br />

by labor co"sulran" who have eUIly acqUired<br />

the ' !,ec!al ry <strong>of</strong> "§III, rhe NIIIOIIIIL.bol Rdallon,<br />

ACI to aVOId (olltctrve hllgammg Inpon5.b,h·<br />

IICS ,.<br />

One oh..,oul rnull. he uld, '1' 10 lUI up well ,<br />

C5"bl.,hrd ba rgalnlnK pattellls Ind promole ma]!}r<br />

Slnku ~nd lockour. " Iic (lied .• masSIve Incrc ....,<br />

In 1"'l'IlIon anJ IR ",olk hOUB 1lKllh.ough smku. ~<br />

NIchol, »Id In 19/10 rhelt were .bour 6.000 sep·<br />

aralt agleemenn m Ihe Conurut\lon Indu"ry Ht<br />

predIcted Ihe number mlghl lkYlocktl If rhe trend<br />

to b,eak up multr employer "II>.. conlin un. ahcl<br />

ted by Ihe '· Laool Hoard'i Igno. ante <strong>of</strong> ou r IIIdu,<br />

try·· Collcecive ba rgaining In ,hc constructlOO<br />

Industry "I~ at I ""Icuhed," NIchol, testified<br />

"SICPS must be taken 10 .cstore collccuve bargam·<br />

In& •. The ah ern.trve. he Slid, would h( ro lepeal<br />

the fcderal la", .nd "let u, .ccrrate bargamlng<br />

StrUCIUrU III rhe fre e, "n!cgulaled market .. "'C<br />

dId IInor HI the W.ltner .... CI ..<br />

T",o loc.1 iamltrel celebllled ne'" 1I1I,·al,. lay<br />

and S~nd) Whlfe, a Ion. T,ey Eldcl, and lohn and<br />

Kelley Por:IO. IV, a Ion. lohn Domlnrck, V<br />

Nom,n,uoM 10' loc.1 unIon <strong>of</strong>ficer' II.., sched<br />

uJed fOI May <strong>of</strong> <strong>1984</strong> followed by the elecllon '"<br />

' une Absenlee b~lIou arc avall,ble llpon lequut<br />

Ma,l rht reqllelt 10 fflEW Locil Unron 50S. PO<br />

1Io~ 91S4 Sn.nnlh. CeooK" 31412<br />

CnAW r\\ CntJN"I"N, P S<br />

LU. 551 (l.o,lI,ulV,nb,n l,em&'.p' ), SHEFfiELD •<br />

.... LA.-C.ecl/np. BrothelS Wllb lhe com III, 01<br />

'r"n.:. "'e have hopei our consrlUcllon wOlk w,ll<br />

pIck up We lI,ve had luch, long out <strong>of</strong> "'ork loll<br />

fOlIO long now Ih,r tVen • hllle .ehd wOllld be<br />

welcome Wllh m"o. decllo", (Omlll, IhlS fall.<br />

we w.ll hopefully 60 our p.n 10 ehln&e Ihe Iilu ..<br />

a"on 101 the belle. Th" WIll hi: a golden appa.<br />

lunrty for labo. 10 show Ihue fanc, ntWSp~pel<br />

"'II.n.I"" Ind butlnenmtn IU. I how well I.bo,<br />

tan dehvel SUlci, Ih"", <strong>of</strong> u. who make OU.1rYlIll<br />

IhlOOgh Jabo, lit Imarl enOUllh to kno", Ihar III<br />

order ro ,ur"'v..,. we mull hue polltlc.1 ludels<br />

",ho bvo. labor III <strong>of</strong>fice I know a min hu to<br />

thInk lbout mo re Ihan hl5 ,ob dUlln,!: electron., .A<br />

bur] .IM! know hll ,ob belt.." h.v.., lOp pnonlY I<br />

Un wnte 10 my elecled <strong>of</strong>ficlIll hom the pruldent<br />

on down when I di .. g".., "'irh lopin 1uch IS the<br />

IIml bUIld up, rroop mvolvemenl III 8ellul, 01<br />

Irquor berng .erved In rhe While HOUle, bUI when<br />

my ,ob IS le.ked Dill from "nder mt bec.ule Ihe<br />

,!:o.. ernmcm " <strong>of</strong>fclln&' till ,ncentlve fOil IIla nr<br />

dOlIng Dr Ihe company" movln, OVtr«u. I juSl<br />

don't h.ve lime for corrcspondence. dISCUSS Ions <strong>of</strong> J<br />

dec.Slon. We mlIJ! Iteltogcther 10 slren,then I,bol<br />

aod lei thl' .treo,lh be shown '<br />

The Elccillcal IXIlIrlmenl at Rcynolds Alloy.<br />

Ll stClhl1i Planr "'ill m,n the III years <strong>of</strong> c.rr:~rr ·<br />

cnce Ihat Almon Wh itehead. Raymond Cro",e ll<br />

Em cry McDonald, Ind Lou IS S"l1ivan rook ""th<br />

them ",hen they !ellred III January . Thne four<br />

Brothers ga ined 98 rOil) yells upcncnce ","h<br />

Reynolds These men w~ . e a bIg lIar r <strong>of</strong> the local<br />

as wdl as th.., Elecmul Department <strong>of</strong> Reynolds<br />

They WIll bo:o lo.dy m'5$cd by Ih~ planl u wdlu<br />

,he Blothers who have had rhe pleuu. t <strong>of</strong> wOlklll&<br />

wllh Ihem B.othel Tommy Wall.ce, Ihe eleclli<br />

Clan Slew.rd , wanted 10 $ubmn I P'CI"lt <strong>of</strong> these<br />

fou r ~Iong wllh Ihll IIlform.llon, bUI wu unab!e<br />

'0 do so bcca"J~ <strong>of</strong> the !CCC'PI <strong>of</strong> rcqutfll born<br />

several d,ffercnl camera manufaclulell uklng that<br />

Ihell PloduCI nOt be used to ," ~m pr Ih" task<br />

Cong.atlllallOnS, Brothcrs, on yaur r~lII emtn r May<br />

" be • long .nd tntoy~ble one !IIi<br />

ClVNrt Mu" ...... v PS<br />

38<br />

81Uintu Mana,u Miehatl I. Counih,n, loc,1 SOl,<br />

Sn' ..... h. Ga., di)euuio, camp,j, n luun ... i, 1I<br />

prtsidfo,i.1 1I0pdui Frill ,\tood,lf,<br />

Scribe Notes Unionist's<br />

Comments on NLRB<br />

L U. SOl U&.ol, SA VANNA II , G .....-On Sunday<br />

lanuary I, Loul SOSlIdd liS Annual family OUlln,<br />

" 5unbC'.m Park, loe"ed In Sav,nnall A fully<br />

ca,e.ed ba,bC'eue dlnne. ","h hOI dOIS on rile "de<br />

.nd I vlllcry <strong>of</strong> beveralc, m.de for an cnloy~b!e<br />

d~y for all Tht pl'Yllound "'as ,,·ell equI!,ped. and<br />

u one mOlher PUI n. '·a bleuln,·· There WIS One<br />

nOl.ble .ch,cyemenl for Ihe day lay Whiff was<br />

only ,ble to ea, thlee barbecue pl.,u .nrl four hor<br />

dOIS heryonc ... ho ."ended enjoyed the food.<br />

ftllowlhlp.nd lunshlne. Ananlement, were made<br />

by 8u)lne., MaulCI CouOlh,n and Prnldelll<br />

Crawford BrOlhcr Robert Kramel asslsled III rhe<br />

setlln, up md deanup <strong>of</strong> rhe arU<br />

The m.nrpul.llon <strong>of</strong> fedelll labor law .nd man<br />

'gemelli "lthts hn placed Ihe con"rucllon "'Dike.<br />

III .n unforrun'I e poslllon An d .ccordlng to Char·<br />

Ue NIChob, CarpelllcU·llc~~U r C' In Scartle fo r Ihe<br />

unwn. In rhe lUI Ave yUII buildln.r: uades unions<br />

h.ve leen "Ihc hclllllnhlg <strong>of</strong> the colilpl.., <strong>of</strong> muh,·<br />

employe! collecllve ba.gtlnllll III the construction<br />

IIIdu~tr y .nd I ,eplac..,ment <strong>of</strong> that sYStem by a<br />

CO ntlnu . n go~n ,nd".tnal bUlle" Ihroolhout rhe<br />

Weather Helps Work ;<br />

Negotiations to Begin<br />

LU. 55 1 11,0 &.~m ), S .... I\'TA IIOSA, CAL-Creer·<br />

111';5 BrolhelS .Ind Slueri. from Iht home,owlI <strong>of</strong><br />

LUlhtr Burb.nk The wfllher has been OnSUIoOII·<br />

,bl, good As. result, thelt wne mOlt drsparches<br />

III ,anll"y Ihan In lOme <strong>of</strong> the 'prmg ~nd summer<br />

monlh$ Ho",ucr. wOlk I. 'till not qUlle ,ood<br />

enough to b .., lbout<br />

A Cencl,1 Pre"dentS r.h,ntcnancc AI •..,emenl<br />

h .. been l1"ned by Ihe 10 and SMUD for Iheu<br />

geolherm~1 po ... el pl.m, lohn Ifoldene. <strong>of</strong> Kel·<br />

scyvlllc has uken ,hll ull ,ohn'. experlcnce III<br />

the "ad..,. hIS kno",ledge <strong>of</strong> geolhnm.1 plams. ~nd<br />

h'l generally I.,d b.ck "IIludc ,hould m~k.., hIm<br />

rhe perfeci m.n fUI the ,ob The!e IS nO news on,<br />

Ilmllu Igreemenl with I>C&E<br />

Speak"" 01 a,,,..,menl •. ne,olllllonl ,,·,11 soon<br />

hI:"n On our local .greemrnl For those <strong>of</strong> th..,<br />

~"ulS,on. I,,·. P"y fOI those who IIen't .h.s<br />

may be .,ood lime to "lit<br />

Tht wrrrrIS 01 thll alllcic hate to keep butin&<br />

Ihe same drum uch lime. but II shoold be made<br />

dcaf to .11 01 the mcmh

Honorees<br />

.....---<br />

-Sho WII I I the .fll "ia. union mct'lInl I .e COLlnt,<br />

CommiuiOIl"" MI .,tet Dennilon . nd "nlony<br />

Lalnl, on Iht It' h , ",hh Drill he.! Tom Wain" and<br />

William M. ki, fur,<br />

lI~m Mak._ Ken Hecke. and Tom W~II1C rcec,v~,j<br />

plaquu and IClle.s <strong>of</strong> commcnd~tion fur Ih~ w",k<br />

they did 10 rUlorc our courthouse bt:JI til w, CA L,·-The lulllt Ap<br />

p.cnucuhlp ~nd Tramlllg Commlllee "ATCI t1pclll<br />

up lor Ippliuuo"s every IWO years. The pasl hn<br />

brought as m~ny as 1.000 applicants Intu Ihe 1,0. TC<br />

<strong>of</strong>fi ce 111 I IO·day peuod The Ilgn up daY510r the<br />

.n"de Wileman arp.enuccship p.Ofl.Iam were March<br />

S Ih.ouxh March 16 J\ the IATC olflce<br />

The ' A TC, al ..·.y.lookmg 1m Improved "'''"''g<br />

10' apprenllces .IId Ihe luurneyman w1lemen <strong>of</strong><br />

L()(:.I W~, hu Se t Ill' one 01 the m01l1 (umpletc<br />

lJalnlll~ bCII,ue' \U be l!lond anywhe. e The center<br />

conslSU <strong>of</strong> clU5100nU, lab arca, IUIll arca, and<br />

WIIIIIII arc. tn Ihe !ah a.ea we have 10 lah volt<br />

units ~"d rcl~led e

40<br />

Union-Built<br />

Showli h ~ ' f aft ",me <strong>of</strong> Ibt building' <strong>of</strong> tht<br />

Armand Hammel Untied Wn.ld Colle,. <strong>of</strong> .bt<br />

Ameriun WUI, which "u built b, union labo •.<br />

IPhoto . uhmitltd b~ Polito C rint , member <strong>of</strong> Loul<br />

6 11 , Al buquUqUf, N. M.I<br />

mc. United World COJl~'f o~nfd In doon 10 10l<br />

nudentS hom 46 (OuntrlU The 'all <strong>of</strong> 19M $;I W<br />

the College obtam 115 mUlmum .lIlotlmen. ,,1200<br />

students ,ep,ucnllng DV". 60 CDun.un<br />

The C

' bers with any new additions to their iamlltu Also<br />

fat tbose members aod their familIes who have<br />

been sick or hOIPuali:ed, ler '. see you 00 your<br />

feet rul sooo Don't forset we hive i very .cuve<br />

~ Commuolty ServIce Commmee who are always<br />

rudy and wllltoS to help those In Med. Unul latCf<br />

let's thInk brothNhood, Ind leI's hear from wme<br />

<strong>of</strong> you reund memben<br />

R.u POLHKY, P S<br />

Scribe Urges Members<br />

• To 'Build Our Union'<br />

LU. 647 (u), LITTLE ROCK, ARK.-Dropouu ,nd<br />

people who WIll not lOin the unIon m,y nOt re,lIze<br />

!hat the unIon sull controls them IS long u they<br />

. hold a lob wHhln the barplnlnS unit The umon<br />

\I also legally requued to represem them Non·<br />

membe .. cannot Vote on proposed eonuacu or<br />

elect Iheu oUkers ,nd Icplcsemallvu They do<br />

.., ~ot haH Ihe Aceldenul Death and DIsmember<br />

mem Insurance from Amcncan Income Life thaI<br />

is coooecled 10 UOIOO membershIp Also, they may<br />

not rullze that union due. aoe lax deduel1ble<br />

l. It 15 our lob as umon members to comact every<br />

Dew workef and explain that the nbry aod benefits<br />

we enlDy hne b«n negotiated over many ye", by<br />

!he unIon ThIS 'sn'l expl,med by m,nagement<br />

We ale fon unlle If they even menllon the uOion<br />

. TherefOle, illS up to us, ,fter new employeu have<br />

been told by mausemeot <strong>of</strong> the salary and benefits<br />

they cao receIve, to explain Ihal the eomp'oy ,5<br />

DOt !lvln,; these <strong>of</strong> Ihelr own Inc Will They are<br />

~ pall <strong>of</strong> the un,on eootract<br />

New emrloyen frequently uk. "Whlt Sood "<br />

the unum!" Wnhout , umon, the employer can<br />

be a dlct,uor People who have worked for nOll'<br />

uruon employers reahze the Import,nce <strong>of</strong> a umon<br />

.... JI they ha"e been .duKd a lalK, we.e replaced by<br />

some new automated equlpmeOt 01 dlupeed with<br />

Ihel1 emplo)'er's pohc,cs and dCClSlons Wllhoula<br />

uruon md,vldWlIs arc SUb'KI 10 cvery llrbnrllry<br />

deCISIon 01 mana,;ement The umon prOVIdes Ihem<br />

wnh a ,"cvance procedure $0 they are nOI subJecl<br />

~ tOarb,trllrydeCLSIOnS. Managcmenl dee'5mns must<br />

ab,de by Ihe conllactual slindards. Without ..<br />

uOlon mana,;emeOl can promOte theu favorltcs<br />

UnIons provIde, scOlomy system for qualified<br />

"'orker~ <strong>of</strong> lon~ servIce Without II UnIOn Ihe<br />

A :mployer seu the salary aod hours <strong>of</strong> work In<br />

wmc CiSCI a minimum wage law 5en Ihe mInImum<br />

wage A5 pall <strong>of</strong> a unIon you have s!lenglh<br />

10 numben, and through colltttl~e bar,;alnm,; you<br />

ot negotiate wa,;u, houn and wo.k",g (ondmons<br />

wllh members <strong>of</strong> managemeOl on II bUls app.oach-<br />

109 equahty. You WOO 'I find answclI 10 all your<br />

problems by beeomln,; a unIon member; but as a<br />

unIon membe., you WIll hive Ihe light to cxP'C$s<br />

• your ,ob problems and have them consldcred<br />

The ongm <strong>of</strong> !lade un Ions IS usually dated alound<br />

,he late 17005 You could say Ihey were born oul<br />

<strong>of</strong> necessHY, and mOjI 01 oul general10n has 10'<br />

... gorten Ihe v,olent employer reSlSliince 10 union<br />

OfpOIUIIOn. BuslOUS and pr<strong>of</strong>eSSIOnS havc Iheu<br />

"unIons" by Ihe ddinlt10n <strong>of</strong> the word In Webner's<br />

d,Cllonary, "a coniederlllon <strong>of</strong> mdlvlduals las na·<br />

.... lIons o. JlCrsonsl lor $Orne common purpOse. "<br />

althou,;h they arc known as ISSOClatlons O. $Orne<br />

other ",Ie<br />

The National ubor Rclallons Act s,~n emrloyecs<br />

Ihc ",;hI to self·o' g.;IOIutlOn, to form, ,om o.<br />

- aSSISI labor or,;antZil10nS .nd It makes It an unlau<br />

labo. praCllce for Iny employer 10 IntCrlele with,<br />

rcstulO or coerCe employees 10 Ihe exerCIK <strong>of</strong><br />

theu IIghn ,;uarllnteed 10 the ACI<br />

.,. It IS Imperative Ihat we remam a $lIon,; union<br />

to be able to mllntliln OUI standard 01 llvml(,<br />

rrosperny. sccumy and mdlvldual dlgnuy<br />

801 Moon, P ~<br />

Apprentices Graduate;<br />

New President AppOinted<br />

" L.U. 649 li,o,u,rtS,spa&'caty), ALTON , ILL.- The<br />

monlh 01 December brought the gradUilon 01 10<br />

app.entlces. A dinner Wall given In th eir honor by<br />

the Local 649 App.entlceship C"mrmltee and WaS<br />

Graduates<br />

M.m ...... ol the 1983 Local 649, Aholl, III" lopp.cntieuhip<br />

Craduating Clan arc _hown with<br />

guulI;. Fro llt row, IcEtlo ri ght, iIIf Brian McMllhonr<br />

R.lph Bechtold, Robert Whitlock, business m,n·<br />

.ger; fred Redd, apprentieu hip ullinins dilfetOI<br />

chai.man; Rick Corman, App.tnticeship Com·<br />

mittte !;tcrelary/treasu. er. Back row, lelt 10 .ight,<br />

arc D.ve McGivtl, G,ry lenki,,!, It .. D"'ayne<br />

Stllars, W,yne Robeen. lohn Mi lloy Ind Randy<br />

Malone.<br />

30-Year Members<br />

Thirty·year-pin rnipienlS sho ..·" here II Ihe Local<br />

6-19 , No\"Cmber <strong>of</strong>, ]913, Pin Prcunlation Aw.rds<br />

arf, f.ont row, kneelin" lefl 10 ri,hl, Rod Bailey,<br />

lohn Downn, Hen.,. ,~ cCoy, Howard Siever ,lid<br />

John Stricklin; back row, lefl In riSht, Vic Wtber,<br />

Don lIorney, Dale Barttls, Calt B.imer, Bob Coli·<br />

man ,nd Bob Kulp.<br />

held at Lottco ' ~ Rntau'~nt 10 Codlrty, IIhoolS<br />

Dinner Inv"allons were extendC'Cl to Ihe aprren<br />

nces' ...·Ives, luche.s and thell SpOUKS. wllh PlcstS<br />

",clud",g Busmess M,nager Roben Whtllock,<br />

Wegman Eteclllc V,ce p.es,dent Doo Wegman and<br />

hl~ WIle BellY, and former Apr'CnIlU,hlp Commlllee<br />

member lack Tuclh and hIS WIle Charla<br />

Our cong ' ~lul,"ons ale extended 10 the new<br />

lourneyman Wiremen for completion <strong>of</strong> theu .p'<br />

prenllceshlp tr~mlOg, The oe .... w"emen arc Den<br />

n,s Underwood, Wayne Robeen, John Malloy, Bllao<br />

McMahoo. Dwayne Scll •• s, Ron Cllomen, Cary<br />

Jenkm,. Ir, R,ndy Malone, Dave McClvel and<br />

R,lph 8echlold<br />

The A .... a.d' Dmner held Novembel 4, 1983,<br />

prOVided II muns to g.;Ilher members <strong>of</strong> Local 649<br />

loselhe. and ~y tIlbu.e to IhOje members wllh<br />

miny lUIS <strong>of</strong> stU"eC to the <strong>IBEW</strong> I know I have<br />

meolloned the pm prcsenUllon preVIously, how<br />

eve., there Ire members slIlI yet 10 be lecoSOlZed<br />

In thiS column Shown In the photo arc members<br />

WIth 30 yeau <strong>of</strong> KrVlce. Brothers, thaI IS qune a<br />

long span 10 thIS mduslfY_ The pm p.esenlitlOn<br />

award, hllYC gIven thiS local a ehaoce aod a stall<br />

10 pthe. loose IlU wllhln the un,OO body C,,'en<br />

time, IhlSIISk WIll be IceomphshC'Cl I would hke<br />

10 apoloSlze to Brother 8,11 Downey for m1Ssrclllng<br />

hIS name. 8111'5 pholo for 4.0 years ,e,Vlce was<br />

featured III the Februuy Issue <strong>of</strong> "Local Lmcs."<br />

A sad note was brought 10 everyonc's .lIenllon<br />

at ,he February 10, <strong>1984</strong>, umOn mceting BIOIher<br />

James 8asl, a hneman al Umon Elcctllc, passed<br />

away In February. Brother But was another <strong>of</strong> the<br />

long lisl <strong>of</strong> 649 members With 35 ytan <strong>of</strong> 5clVICe<br />

10 the umon.<br />

At ,he regular umon meetmg m lanu~.y, PIes,<br />

dent Ga r)' Walker's reSlgnallon Ictte. w~ . ,ud to<br />

the union body. Brother w al ker, elccled in the<br />

1993 clecflons, hiS chosen to leave the duties 0/<br />

president As many know, BrOlhe. walker pel<br />

fOlmed hi. duties well 10. the short time he "O'ed<br />

A flne electriciao and good umoo BrOlher, Cary is<br />

thanked for hll Involvement and WIshed Ihe best<br />

10 the lutule<br />

B.other Cordon Admue was appOInted by the<br />

Eucutlve Board 10 fill Brother Walker', term IS<br />

prC$ldenl Cordon has been IOvolved in the local<br />

10. many yean sC!vlOg dlllerent funellons, such IS<br />

the App.enueuhlp Commlnee and u:ccuuve Board.<br />

He 15 wlShC'Cl the ben IS he executes hiS new<br />

dUlln<br />

1983 was qUlle a yu. 101 Local 649 No! oilly<br />

have we seen Ihe beSlnn.nl ala ne .... localadmm·<br />

15111110n .nd the forw~.d movement 01 tbe local<br />

IIself, but every malor eonUICI was up lor nego·<br />

nation. The lasl conuact belO'; worked On was<br />

Apu Oli llormerly Clark Olil. The new manage<br />

meO! was very ,ough to deal with and a few (onces<br />

lion. wele made. bur In all, the plant elKtllCtanS<br />

malOtalned an alleeahle worklOg cOntract A5<br />

mentlooed p.evlously 10 Ihe last irucle, Union<br />

Eleelllc .. IIf1ed thell COntract as dId Shell Oil and<br />

the Olin Corpor.llon The Wileman agreement<br />

bem,; sell lcd, thln~s may qUlel down a bit, bUI<br />

neve. lor IonS A personal oOle to D~d Rawwn,<br />

your lime IS coming up neKI, Pop More latel<br />

TU.R" WILI1ITE P S<br />

Scribe Urges Members<br />

To Become Involved<br />

LU. 659 (I,o,u,cml!t.eatv), MED FORD, ORE.-Well<br />

here we go on a new yell I certnnly hope 11 15 a<br />

belief one allifound lor organu:ed labor. He.e, as<br />

everywhere, thlnl5 are pretty bad Seems hke we're<br />

n,;ht back to the same " bull c.ap" that our ex<br />

Prn,dent NIxon was shovehng OU1, only Ih .. lime<br />

they don'l evrn 5peak ola pnce Iteeze-II '5 Slllctiy<br />

drop Ihose wll';CS' It's worklOg~lhcy a.e d,v,dlO';<br />

Ihe worklO'; class mOle each day. All seCllons <strong>of</strong><br />

Ihe loc.1 are under attack by Ihe employers who<br />

want 10 like advantage 01 !he limeS<br />

On Ihe bn,;hlel Side, the Central Labo. Council<br />

10 the Rosehu.,; I.ea appealS 10 be gCl1lng , hnle<br />

betlc.orpnlt-ed Throu,;h a combmed dlort <strong>of</strong> the<br />

different local unIons, a nIce. Chllstmu "'as en<br />

loyed by members 01 the Woodworkers fam,hn<br />

that lie 51111 on slnke aploS! lOUls,ana Pac,fic<br />

Corporallon. Donations 01 everylhlOg Itom cloth·<br />

lOS and food '0 toys for the kIds mide Ihmgs a<br />

lillie OICer dunn,; Ihe holidays for Ihose IOvolved<br />

The employe •• are IIkm,; advan'age <strong>of</strong> hard<br />

times 10 lurther d, ... de Ihe trOOpS by semng up<br />

MIckey-Mouse arbllra1lon cases to PUI financ .. 1<br />

burden, on unions, It seems_ Everyone should<br />

Ihlnk about these Ihlngs when problems come up<br />

on the ,ob. Don'l play mto the umon bustelS'<br />

hands Rcad YOUI ag.eemenl and know where you<br />

lIand. It's you. umon and II only ..·,11 Clast II liS<br />

membets arc In!(rested m 11 It's not lust an <strong>of</strong>fice<br />

clew and ElICCUllve Board aod dues thar ale "neve.<br />

low enou,;h "Gel 011 your buns, become IOvolvcd<br />

So to a meeun" go 10 Ihe polls and ICI 's look like<br />

Ihe grut organ,zallon we a.e'<br />

The work SlIuauon lemllns the same Uoem<br />

ployment 10 th .. local umon IS hlghe. Ihan (Ve.<br />

U rverywhere elst HOpelully. IhlS win chin,;e In<br />

the luture. I luess If nothlllg else, the Amellcan<br />

people can take p"de 10 the fact thar Ihey hne<br />

fioally made Ronald Rugao Ihe ictOr be neHI was<br />

In Holly .... ood. bu. It sure a5 hell IS cosunl them<br />

mare Ihan a matinee ticket. As everywhere ciS(,<br />

walcs arc ';010'; down and pncn arc gaIn, up<br />

NegotlatlOnS lie harder Ihan e"cr Ihls )'ur It<br />

seems as though Ihe employers "',11 g~d Ihe hands<br />

1010 more .nd mOre "blllltlon In an ellort to b.eak<br />

umons<br />

The Wlremeo have lUst completed another loor'<br />

neyman HalOlOg class III ,hell effort 10 upgrade<br />

Iherr craft I would hke to mentlon here that the<br />

Oregon ilale license qu~lIflcatlons are changms as<br />

01 thl' year They lie gOlOg ' A requlle code and<br />

othcr ~I"OU' classes belore lenew'ng O r ~goo JOU l'<br />

neyman inSIde wileman licenses SlllllOg In 1985,<br />

So, you Brolhe.s and SISters from out·ol·stare locals<br />

holding Oregon license, may want to contaCI Ihe<br />

Departmen t 01 Commerce to gel ill the detaIls.<br />

Dun't leI your liecnse uplre! I've been thlough<br />

that 10 mnother 51ate and u', no. wOll h lhe husle<br />


BU ~ lnU I Man ~ge . MtLun senl OUI a " Mal~ 01<br />

lhe local leuer" 10 the lotal unlOll members In<br />

lanuary. [t hued thai Exe cu li~e Board meellngs<br />

WIll be held on the Ilut Saturday <strong>of</strong> each month<br />

n 100 p m In the UntOn oUlte In Medfo. d, wllh<br />

the txcepllon <strong>of</strong> S.:-ptemlJ.er 7, <strong>1984</strong>, October 13,<br />

<strong>1984</strong>, and lanuary 5, 1985. HI' fellC . also covered<br />

thanges In (he lOE W COnnHuuon and ~ome faclS<br />

concerning Unton membershIp<br />

Remember Ihls 15 an e!e(1l0n yur_ both In your<br />

lotal union and on Ihe government level. Everyone<br />

ge l oul and gel regUI(red 10 Vote and remmd your<br />

nelghbo" and Inends to do the ume We tan'l<br />

stand another lour yurs 01 the grut plOspelllY' It<br />

WIll be a 101 tbupel to walth RonnIe on the lale<br />

Olght mOVIes Ihan on .he SII o'd ock news TIll<br />

nt~1 lime<br />

New Jail<br />

H .... ot.O I K ~Lvt. P S<br />

Local Cetebrates<br />

70th Anniversary<br />

L U, 669\i&f.m), SPRINGFIELD, O IlIO-Fcb. uary<br />

2S was Ihe 10th AnnIversary 01 Local 669. It i,<br />

abo the b

~ ~n d 8. L~st ye~l, the inItIal show was a Ilemcnduus<br />

success. wuh mOrc mcmbcn than e~pected exhib·<br />

!ling Ihdl hobbles. We expect this yCH'S show to<br />

be bigger and beller.<br />

l ocal 683 members have been don~tul~ ume to<br />

Icpall some <strong>of</strong> the laullY Wiling at our lot~1 Hu·<br />

mane Society animal shelle, We need to do Ihis<br />

kmd <strong>of</strong> vol un leer work 10 build organtzed labol's<br />

image w,th Ihe public. We arc happy ~nd proud<br />

~ Ihal our membels ale WIllIng 10 duoate umc to<br />

worthy causes<br />

Our local Union eJeclion IS commg up, wllh<br />

nomin~t\ons nen mOlHh and Ihe clecuun in lune.<br />

~ W e hope all IllE W mcmbefS exc'tlse Ihe" oplion<br />

to vole. The lBEW Can only be as gre", U Ihe<br />

members make it<br />

Members Vote on Plan<br />

To Increase Local's Work<br />

• L. U. 6\l2Iil!i",~p ' I, RAY CITY , MI CII ._ A .peelal<br />

meeling was held January 30. Bus,,'en di~cu~sed<br />

was Ih. ma/kel recovery outlook A eommll'te<br />

:lo was hllmed and vO led 011 by the body and ~pl'rovcd<br />

The ,dea <strong>of</strong> Ihe rna/hI recovery " 10 find way,<br />

for conl/aclors 10 be able to go and bId smalle,<br />

)ohs al a more C(lmpClltlve ,calc In orJC! 10 rc~",n<br />

4 ' larger pOll1on 0/ Ihe work In Ihe 3rC3. whIch We<br />

currently, a. ullmn member ~, have 10", Ihrough<br />

non'union shops'lowel hld s. The VUte was p","cd<br />

unall1mously and hope/uUy Ihe nurkel recovtry<br />

~ concepl WI ll produce more work 101 our h)c.1<br />

• Again, ple.se make >u'C y,jU rc· .. gn ~hc buuk<br />

the firol day 0/ each monlh, OJ semi in a post~ard<br />

da,.J after Ih~ 10lh <strong>of</strong> Ihe monlh and before Ihe<br />

JOth ollhe month rherc He 3ppt be SIC k Is Ihal 100<br />

much 10 uk filiI I don'~ Ih",k '0 and I'll "and on<br />

Ihat pickel line .s long u it uku III gOI what I<br />

Mllevc 1$ bIT It won 'I be easy. My landlord n ys<br />

If I'm 1~lc with Ihe ,ent ~galll he'll leal down my<br />

home, and my b,lIs ue uverdue. lIul lomehow<br />

we'll P'Y every penny .nd yuu CI" b

e(HlU'''O'. No. there "'" no r~.,.,., .n ... a~e. to<br />

speak <strong>of</strong> or any <strong>of</strong> the multLlude <strong>of</strong> OIlICI Items<br />

sought by the body But the,c "'15 no ""&C "CU t"<br />

a, 'n some loc:als. and ... c Itlll hueou. contrac. ors<br />

and oUl loca! Wh cn ... e own.he footbaU. then we<br />

tan be qu,Jle,back, h.1I IIl0then. It IS aU we tan<br />

do no ... 10 SIIY rn the game<br />

A true tU I <strong>of</strong> our Brothcrhood ., y~t tl) tomc<br />


appreciated VIce PresIdent HightllW" r being ab le<br />

to be wIth llJ 101 Ihls event.<br />

As everyone know!. wOlk IS temble and I dun't<br />

see a light at the cnd <strong>of</strong> the tunnel Everywhere I<br />

call the locals havc hundreds on Ih clr books. many<br />

1~ bf them their own membu!. TVA', Dlvis'on <strong>of</strong><br />

Power Construction 16 in the midst <strong>of</strong>layinj: nil<br />

and Dillard Smith COn6lfuction Company hn been<br />

workmg 32 hours a week fnr qUite a while.<br />

We IIOve becn In negOllallon. wl\h ,evual <strong>of</strong> our<br />

co-ops. and ra ises have been in the 4 percent range.<br />

We arc turr ently in negollations wah the Chat·<br />

lanooga ElecIIie Powel Board. OUI Negotiallng<br />

.. Committee COOSIS" <strong>of</strong> Huold Beckum. Pat Mauldto.<br />

10m GIlliam. Lemon Thomas. lohnny Robells.<br />

John Noll and myself.<br />

We have seen attendance at OUr regular umon<br />

mcetings /all <strong>of</strong>f. Everyone that can needs to attend_<br />

Regubr meetings u e the third Thursday <strong>of</strong> every<br />

month and the Executive Boord mecling 15 thf firSt<br />

Thursday 0/ evcry month. See you there<br />

•<br />

Scribe Calls For Retirement<br />

Of Reagan, Republicans<br />

L.U. 861 (j&.ol, LAKE CIlARLES, LA.- We cllt~nd<br />

OU I condolencu to the bmily <strong>of</strong> IlrO!her Ronnie<br />

Lane Ronme died In a moto"yde aC'-'ldent lanuary<br />

21.<br />

.... It seem!! Amellca Isn·t slandlng u tall as I'lesl'<br />

dent Reagan would hh us to believe nOr is Ihe<br />

economy on Ihe ups wlllg at th~ ra le he would hke<br />

us to believe. If II I' 18 Mr. Reagan says. then why<br />

~ are linu at the employmem 01 should I say unemployment<br />

<strong>of</strong>fice so IOIl~1 These good people<br />

aren'l standIn g tall. They have to swallow thclI<br />

plide and ask fOI unemployment benefits which<br />

some have never bdorc;n thc lI lives had to do. In<br />

.... the Ihree months I was <strong>of</strong>f work I drove by the<br />

unemploymem <strong>of</strong>fice ahnost daily gom~ III and<br />

fr om the doclOl, therapIst and ou r union hall and<br />

not once did I see anyone who looked happy to be<br />

there. These people Want \0 wOlk bUI can't find a<br />

lob because Mr. Reagan and M. Tleen gave Ihelr<br />

~ lobs 10 non-union and oUI -o/-state wOlkers. You<br />

won't find Mr. Reagan nOI Mr Trcen III any <strong>of</strong><br />

these lincs. You won't see th"m 10 the soup kItchen<br />

lines. commodi lY hnes. Ilgmng up for food stam ps<br />

_ Or welfare. SlIlce they're nOl III any <strong>of</strong> these Iincl,<br />

.... how can they sec the hunger in the ution. These<br />

non-union and out-n/"tUe workers didn't gel the<br />

jobs because they work for leu, but because thcy<br />

don't b~long \0 a unwn. They are n't asktd to lake<br />

• pay cuts. Ooly ulllon members arc. I quOtc in pMt<br />

from an amcle whIch appeared III the Lake Cha rles<br />

Ameflean Press recently. datelmed Washington.<br />

IThe BUleau <strong>of</strong> Labol Sta"~lic5 . III anothcr rcpOIl<br />

• ~~~~~~;i;fgl~~ee~~nn:ml;~~:~ t;aa!'~i~~s~~~a~!~:<br />

beeo heaVily uOlorl1zed. said Ihc findlllgs reflected<br />

" lower avoragc pay gains for blue-collar workcrs. '·1<br />

The Republicans want tWO c1asscs 0/ pcoplc-<br />

...: the rich and the poor, and Brothers. if We Sli on<br />

OU r hands and don·t get out th., yur and retire<br />

M,. Reagan and a lot <strong>of</strong> olhcr Republicans they<br />

Will have It thCH way bdo.e 1989. So IIrothers.<br />

... let·, gel out and do in Washmgtnn ... h31 ... e did<br />

helc to LOUISiana lut October-give Mr. Rcagan<br />

and Ihe OIhel Republican, ea rly I~urement They·"c<br />

ram ed it. They ....·orked hard day and night for<br />

three yeau to ge t u' and Ih,s nallOn mlO the mess<br />

we are today with unemployment and hunger<br />

When they get ud <strong>of</strong> us they will tum on the non·<br />

UIIIOn WOlkers and everyone w,1I wOlk for minimum<br />

wage Or less. It 's not go"'g to be usy.<br />

Brothers. If it·5 good fm Ihe wQ.king people. u',<br />

ne vu easy to accompli sh. bUI logethcI we can<br />

achIeve our Koal-early .etiremcnt for RcpubHcans<br />

NC~I month_ hunger In Amenca<br />

M"Ml·IN T~ov. I' .S<br />

Local Struggling for<br />

Full Employment<br />

L. U. 873 (iacml, KOKOMO.IND.- Atlhis "'flling<br />

Local 873 is 5lrugghng to kee p full cmployment<br />

for our "'SIde wircmen We have only I~ local<br />

hands on Ihe bench. we hope only tcrnporalily. All<br />

01 our apprenllce. arc work",&. bUI Ihe thud-ye ar<br />

dan., 51111 IfY"'!,: to get enough ltme In to be<br />

Indentured In\(} the unIon I rcgret to rcp<strong>of</strong>t the<br />

unpredi ctability <strong>of</strong> the ncar futu re/ what', new I<br />

Local IJ7J had hoped HI employ mOlt travde.s than<br />

II seems we WIll. Maybe work wUl pIck up<br />

The manufactullng sector <strong>of</strong> Our local at Kolux<br />

Is nO w in ncgoliatloO$. We w,sh Ih em the best <strong>of</strong><br />

lu ck and all <strong>of</strong> ou . support<br />

I can'l help bUI menllon the evcr prescnt fact<br />

tbat this local. like many othe rs. IS loslIlg most <strong>of</strong><br />

the small constr"Clion lobs such .s reStaurantS<br />

an d small m.nuf.Clurers. 11 Seem! .hat all 01 .he<br />

lo ... ·pr<strong>of</strong>lt lobs 10 tJus area get overlooked or IUSI<br />

dls.egarded Many <strong>of</strong> these lobs have been brllu~ht<br />

to the allcnllon 01 ou r contr'C\(}1! and 51111 no bids<br />

turned In and no contrac.s ,worded. "Tou small.<br />

no pr Onl," IS all I hear Th .. rea lly maku me JO re.<br />

bu t I don 'l have a 50lu\lon I wISh! did We used<br />

to make money on tlllS work I H~" e we "15t ~"tten<br />

g.eedy. accepllng ,,"ly Ihe '· b,~ " lob./<br />

See you all at the UOlOII nlectln~<br />

Workload Increases;<br />

Forrestal Refloated<br />

M"'fl~ llll"'''ti I'S<br />

L. U. 902 lsoV II, I'IIILADELPIIIA . PA .-One <strong>of</strong> the<br />

nrSt malar m.tc9tonc' to be achieved In the l)VCr<br />

h~ul <strong>of</strong> thc USS f'o "e$l~1 wu ~ c~llmplished on<br />

lanulry 26. <strong>1984</strong>. Appr O~llllatc!y IWO monlhs ahuJ<br />

<strong>of</strong> sthedule, the f"0"f51~1 was tJken OUt <strong>of</strong> drydock<br />

and scta/loa! Her bollom work, propdlc". shafts.<br />

sea va lves. palr ll "'~. CIC .• wa~ completed and .e&ted<br />

,allsfactorily The emph ~s " ,s now on getlln~ her<br />

ens",cellng space re~dy lor "Ught <strong>of</strong>f e,,"mlOalion."<br />

Shuing Ihe spolitghl "'I\h the cngmeerlllg<br />

spaces arc Ihe catapull •• wupons c!evatou, raJlrs.<br />

commumcallons equipment anJ missile SyStems.<br />

Thnc arcn now I re 10 Ihe I1ls .. 1lallon phase <strong>of</strong><br />

h~ r overhaul There 15 pl enty <strong>of</strong> work to be done<br />

doWn5tream. bu t Ihe push is un '0 complete Ihe<br />

1'011(5111/ ahead <strong>of</strong> schedule<br />

Munwh,le wmk on the waterfront contlOUCS 10<br />

be heavy. At presenl three w~r shi p s arc in Ihe<br />

,h,pyard fo t thell regulat ovclhaols, WI th mOle<br />

sc heduled 10 amve wllhln thc next few months<br />

The work furct III Ihe Electflcal Group (onllnue5<br />

10 Inc reast as Ou r wOlkload incrcasu Let ' ~ hope<br />

thi' tr cnd con\lnue,<br />

Due to lhe Illcreue <strong>of</strong> eieetrllnlc mechamcs and<br />

~ l cc ll itl~ns wOlklllg oUl5Ide the Electrical GIOUp,<br />

BUSiness Mana;:cr Steve DiTomo has appointed<br />

many new ! l c w~ld s \() covel 0111 Il5ter shops. The<br />

101l0wIIIg I!! a new. upd~ted LOCAl 902 st(ward~<br />

USI showing thell areas <strong>of</strong> re ,poll5lhilllY CI. rk<br />

LUZI er. Shop No 3. High Vohage Seell"n/ Alan<br />

TUllle, Shop No. 6. Num""c~1 Control/lohn Doyle.<br />

Shop No.7, Public SyS tem , T,m U. banskl. elec-<br />

1I0nic lU~II11 C lOr. Appren\lee Sehoul/ John Annan,<br />

Shop No 51. Roild"l~ 1000, Rob I). Icy. Shop No<br />

51. USS Forre lw/I Paul Gu.nacma. Shop No 5 1.<br />

USS 1'011 (.11111/ !oe Natarclla, Shop No. 51, USS<br />

Forlnra// [)~nni8 1\~I\ler. Shop No 51. USS For<br />

rtJla/, Eulonce I'olk. Shop No 67. BUlldlO~ Il l ,<br />

and LallY PackMd. Shop No. 99. USS FOlres!al<br />

1' ... 1J1 I 1'f.MI·U.lI .... F S<br />

NLRB Issues<br />

Anti-Worker Decisions<br />

L.U. 915 (;&'ml). TAMI'A, FLA.- The I\e~/:an<br />

admlnlsuolion c"nllnuu lt~ anll-workc. poliCIes<br />

The new Nallon.1 Labor Rel~llon~ nOlld (NLRll!<br />

maiolllY ithree mcn,bers appOInted by Reaganl has<br />

jU5t recently overlUfIl~d a 1975 precedent redU CIng<br />

job prot(ctirllliur wmkcrs No longer con ..... e count<br />

on the NLFlJl f'lI rceour$C ah cr belnll fir ed for<br />

plole~tin/: unsa fe worklll8 conditions. Recent de·<br />

clsions affect a truck dllver re/us"'l; 10 dllvc a<br />

Iruck because <strong>of</strong> malfunct luninl\ brakes. which<br />

caused hIS firing The truck could not be nHd and<br />

... as scrapped. AccordlnK \0 Ihe NLRB 110 /edc r ~1<br />

law was broken! They tunher uld. " We arc nM<br />

empowcred U) correC t all Im morall ly··1 The con, '<br />

Bell Ringers<br />

Shown, leh to ri ght, Irf Brothers Mihon Peru.<br />

Thomu Kaistr. Marcclino Rodriguez Ind Chulie<br />

Wadf, part 01 our annual Solvation Arm)· workforce.<br />

Once again Local 915, Tampa. Fla., . urp" . ed<br />

. Il othH labo. unions in Iht .' e ~ ;n .oul coll tc­<br />

I;ons.<br />

pany responded by ,"YIn!;. ·· We Can t have people<br />

calli n~ Ihe poitte all the t"n~ .. Althou~h Ihi. case<br />

did not Involve any unIOn Or organizing clfon. II<br />

was deAnllc1y a poltey .eversal from prevIOus<br />

admlnlStrallons. Only one Demoerotlc oppmntce<br />

opposed Ihlll dccmon. He was a holdover from the<br />

Carter admllliStratlon<br />

These kllld! <strong>of</strong> dec,slOlu ~I e bccomlOg mOre and<br />

mote commonplac e wilhln the frame ..... ork <strong>of</strong> the<br />

current rro - bu~lnu$ IclmintSlfallon Often we don't<br />

always hcar<strong>of</strong> every m.ndate that alters our qualilY<br />

<strong>of</strong> IHe, we only Itve wllh the consequences <strong>of</strong> nOl<br />

beIng able 10 have mcantll~/ ul Input If polllies<br />

have , lt ercd OUr hfe /or Ih e worse. Ih en poJiIl~<br />

can aho alter our h fe for Ihe bellerl The time fOf<br />

change IS rapidly ap plflach,ng. Our opportunity 10<br />

http ou15el"e5 comes nn Ihc IlrSI Tuesday <strong>of</strong> No·<br />

vembe. ne sure you ore quahned 10 make thIS<br />

change by nnt only reglstcflng, but vOllng as ..... ell<br />

We need to sUP POrt Ihose people who have a proven<br />

hiStory 0/ hclplllg Ihe ... or king people The AFL·<br />

CIQ has endorsed Walter MOlldale as Ihe m~n who<br />

can make Ihe d,fference Ithlllk he can.<br />

Bo~ K,,"£Il. P S<br />

Brother<br />

licit Is I pJc.u.~ olllrOlher lIu.eh Glau 01 Local<br />

953. bu Cllirf. Wi ~ .• with . ht sn,;lt thai madt<br />

him h iend~ ... hercvtr he Wfnl.<br />

Brother Glass Retires;<br />

Scribe Stresses Unity<br />

L.U. \153 (i.o, t .~ m .cat'·&.5p'l. EAU CLAIRE. WI5.­<br />

from all the memb~r s <strong>of</strong> th" grca. local to our<br />

good IIl(lld an d U!uon IIrothtr. Butch Gbss. we<br />

wanl 10 say drank, Thanks for your many COnt,,·<br />

bUlluns du"n~ Ih ose m~ny thankless yurs you<br />

served Uf on lhe E~ ecu "ve Board. Our sincele<br />

wishes 10 you and yours Ih •• logelher you Will<br />

ell!0Y many hiPPY and hC3lthy. well ·deserved ye~"<br />

<strong>of</strong> !("rement We ..... on't lor~c. you. BUlch. and<br />

when you 're "oveltng .ruund the good old USA.<br />

dlllp uS ~ card W"h Ih,~ arllclc IS a pIcture 01<br />

Hu.ch wllh Ihat smile he had 1m evelybody. Th.<br />

smile that made Jum f"ends wherever h~ Went<br />

Kecp on ,mllin!;. Bmchl<br />

Wdl. looks hke Howard and hIS cummlttee<br />

settled the Dalfyland I'owe. AII;rce.ncnl . Mort on<br />

thn next time<br />

Oenllls and hi' commlttCe arC Sill! gIVIng If hell<br />

wllh Ihe "'''cmen', ~gr~emcnt What can 1 .ay; 45

Hlnglll thClc docsn't scem quite applopllate. We<br />

all know that togtther, united as one, you'll do<br />

the iob When the economy srallS to gel back 10<br />

normal 'altel the neu eleclionl and Ihe wOlk<br />

plClurr staltS 10 look beller and Ihe recession<br />

comes 10 a hah, Ihen and only Ihen will ""e know<br />

thaI you succeeded Remembel, Blothels and SISleIS,<br />

unllY IS the backbone <strong>of</strong> OUI ,,"cat unIOn and<br />

unnrd "'e ,hall lema",<br />

Ag"n as a rcmmder 10 .11, I(gisle. and VOle<br />

Your onc VOle docs count. You hive an obhga"on<br />

to YOUISc!VU as free American C'''%.tnS 10 eXerCiSe<br />

Ihn one freedom you .,,11 haYe left Do it! Vote!<br />

Ahuys look for Ihe olllon label and buy Amel'<br />

• can made Support YOut Brothen .nd S.uus<br />

Attend your union meet.ngs, Kel IIIvolved. You arc<br />

Ihl' nnr, I h~1 m~kr it ~"nng Thl~ 1~ ynur ulllnn.<br />

B Lt.uc~ M'CHAU£, ASST. II.M<br />

Instructor<br />

Mdv; 1I and Gladys h de u on at the Retirement<br />

B.nquet Kivu in their hOllor by Loc.1 970,<br />

Kdso-lonKv ir w, W'lh<br />

Banquet<br />

Aplil hn IWO mam holidays Kno ... whal they<br />

lid 80\h Involve a lamb Look up Genu.s: 11 and<br />

[ Pelc. 1'9 Our proyerb fOI thc moolh IS, " A fool<br />

veolS all his feelings, but a W,J( man holds Ihem<br />

back" PR 19· 11<br />

1.0 " HODCIE" HODGu, P.S<br />

Award<br />

ShOwn prutnl;ng Iht IB EW life S. ~in g<br />

Ri cha,d Long, Ct nler, . rt Pru idtOI David<br />

Rogers, ItI., , "d Buslutu r\hn. gcr Nul S. 8yu,<br />

'ight, .11 <strong>of</strong> Loul 972, Mariena, Ohio.<br />

Member Receives<br />

Ufe Saving Award<br />

L U. 972 (I), MARIETTA, 0 1110-1.1 the January<br />

4, 111114, 'f_I!"lal meeting nf tocal 971, an IflE W<br />

L,fe Savmg Award was presenled 10 BrOlhel R.ch·<br />

lid L Lon" along ... "h a lette. f'om <strong>International</strong><br />

Pre"denl P.llard .nd Intelnatlonal Secretary LeI'<br />

gon commendm~ Brolher Lon~ lor h,s qUick re·<br />

sponst 10 c.lls 101 help and h,s dec.s.vc ICl10n .n<br />

pulltng lohn 8,edenback and VllleeOl ,..\tlle, from<br />

Ihe wuer ahel Ihell boal had caps.zed on IUM 4,<br />

1983. and was luponsrble 101 s.vlllg thell 11ves<br />

DAVW B ANe ERT, P S<br />

On the Job ,<br />

lillf men Irom Lou1988, SIdney, Monl., t mployed<br />

by Monllna-Dlkou Utililin II!d lowtl Yellow,<br />

StOnt RE C, wo.k 10gClhf' to ciUI' pole during .<br />

h ou~e mOHo<br />

aVOId havmg somcone Iry 10 s ... ay YOUI vo te. it'S "<br />

my hope Ihal you will huen 10 all the .ssues.<br />

bo ring .nd . epMilive 38 Ihey may be. m.ybe even<br />

do a lillIe home·study, and th~n gc t Out .nd vO le<br />

There ale Ih05e who .,C belling on you nO I 10<br />

vote, betting Ihll you won 't become involved and<br />

try 10 make. difference They lIand 10 gain .f you<br />

don'l vote Our prcsent .dmmisuiuon would be<br />

Included 'n th,s gloup belling apm" you s.-<br />

In fUlure articles I WIll be poLIIling 10 ploblems<br />

wllh cunent government po11cy .nd 111 III effects<br />

on I.bo, (Ihat's usl _ Please don 'l Ihro ....... ay you.<br />

,uue lUSI 10 1Y0.d Ihe poILues<br />

As summtr i. app r ~thlllg .nd wOlk will be<br />

plcbng up, lel' •• 11 make.n dfort 10 ""olk safely<br />

In Summer Ihere lie alway. plenty <strong>of</strong> dislr.cuons<br />

10 keep you, mmd mmepiace Olher Ihan whe.e II ,<br />

should be Work logelhel with YOU I crew members<br />

10 nOld h.vlIIg those dllllacllons hUll mmeOnt<br />

STCVR C_ MlRRllL, B.M.<br />

•<br />

46<br />

Fifty ,foul Luul970 members and "I"ndl lurn oul<br />

lor Ihe b. nqutl hunoring Mel', 22 yu .s <strong>of</strong> lelching<br />

' pp.enlicel.<br />

Instructor Retires;<br />

Negotiations Continue<br />

U I. 9711 I I ~rI.Ol , "f.U O-LONGVIEW, WASH.­<br />

Melv.n Pede.son completd 22 yurs as .ppren­<br />

Ilcrsh.p ,nstructOI 10' Local 1170. He has laughl all<br />

fOUl yeals, and for several ycars all four glldcs at<br />

one I1mr, spend.nlt lour n.lthts a week ,n class. We<br />

Ihank h.m and h,s ... ite Gladys for Iheil slIong<br />

eonmbul1on 10 Ihis Joc.l Among Ihe S4 pelSons<br />

allendmg Ihe banquel [mosl <strong>of</strong> whom we.e h,s<br />

aprrenllCU at One IImc) wne several e,,·busLDen<br />

"""nlS and !nlemananal ReprtsentallVes, such as<br />

Woody Woods, Hank Conovtr and E IL &avers<br />

Dan Jacobs ... u the maIn speaker. Md, may YOUI<br />

rell rement be ,real, and if ... t know you, il won 'l<br />

be spent 111 a lockm' chall' Mel has taught Over<br />

100 'ppICnl.CU OUI <strong>of</strong> a 2.s0·man local, Ihal'S nOI<br />

bad!<br />

At thIS wlllmg there 11 nothmg ne ... 10 repoll<br />

on th~ WEveO ~glCeUlcul n.ey ~1J1l tb,h'''" 'u<br />

go open shop In qUUllon is $1.50-600 million <strong>of</strong><br />

wOlk. Loss <strong>of</strong> money by g01ll8 union! I douht II<br />

wllh lut yeu', WEyeO pl<strong>of</strong>i15 up In pelCent!<br />

The hosp,ce IS completc ~nd functionmg. Tht<br />

Cnllre bu.ld.ng ... as done by ~olon\Ccr umOn cr.fts,<br />

lIIc1udmg mOle th.n 34 volulllcers from <strong>IBEW</strong> 970<br />

Thank!, Idln"".1<br />

We '''' C wQuld I.ke 10 gel ou, IOQ·plus Book<br />

Ont mm back til wOlk Wish I could give a good<br />

report, but the work p.clu.e nill looks down.<br />

Scribe Asks All To<br />

Get Involved and Vote<br />

LU. 988 (u), SID NE Y, MONT.-It hn been ~veral<br />

months Imee I wrOle one <strong>of</strong> Ihue ILltle eompO~i·<br />

1I0n~ lorihe /oulna/ I IIUU' I lacked the .nsp"llIon<br />

10 sil do""n 10 Ihl' lype ..."ltl) bUI "nce Mr. Reagan<br />

has announced h,s fOlmal 'nltnllOn 10 seek re·<br />

cl~cllon, IIIspII.tion "n'l hud to find We must<br />

VO l e him OUt <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>flct<br />

h's probably gOLOgtc) be a d.,mal sum me l, with<br />

all <strong>of</strong> us bemg ovelwhelmed by politicians and<br />

poltucal advertising lIelicvc me, I'd ralhe. be<br />

fish.nR, bu. hc'n~ mvolved m politlc~ IS un. void<br />

ahle. You ... ould haYe 10 be • complete hClmJ( 10<br />

Many Honored Guests<br />

AMend Christmas Party<br />

L U. 993 (i,O,Cllvllem ), KAM LOO PS, B.C.-On<br />

Decemhel 16, \1183, Loca!993 ... n honoled 10 hlvr<br />

m me speclII guests p,cselll II our Annual eh",,· ..<br />

mas PallY<br />

Brothers LauILe ROlison . nd Hllry S.mp&On lie<br />

two out <strong>of</strong> II membe., who chartered Local 993<br />

on November 1, I!N7 80th Brothers arc the only"<br />

aellve chartci membe.s slLll wo.king II !ourneyman<br />

wiremen 8,0Ihe,s HallY .nd laUriC ""tIC<br />

pru.nled "".Ih plaquu <strong>of</strong> 'PPlccial1on. The <strong>of</strong>fl.<br />

CtTS and membel. would like 10 thank them for ..<br />

,----------------------------------------1<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I Address CHANGED? :<br />

I Brothers and SIsters, we NAME ............. , ..................... ... ...... . I<br />

want you to have your E ADDRESS ~<br />

I JOURNALI When you N W ............................... ... . . I<br />

I have a change <strong>of</strong> ad-<br />

....................... , ............. I<br />

I dress, please lei us C'I)' Sill. I Ip Coda I<br />

I know. Be sure to in- ~<br />

elude your old address PRESENT LOCAL UNION NO .......... . ............ . . I<br />

and please don't forget CARD NO . . _.............. .. ....................... I<br />

to fill in l. U. and Card (II un~n .... n - cll.ck Willi Loc.! UnIon, I<br />

No. This information will PENSION MEMBER 0 '"<br />

be helpful in checking<br />

and keeping Our rec. OLD ADDRE SS . . .. .. ........ .. . ....... . I<br />

:rd:o:ra~:: changed ...... C;I; ............... '5;~'; . . . . .... ii p ' i:od. !'<br />

loca' union •• ... e mu.'<br />

FORMER LOCAL UNION NUMBER . . .. .. •.•...... I<br />

have numbe,. 0' bolh. Mail To· Circulation Department I<br />

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Brotherhood</strong> .f Electrical Wolten :~<br />

1125 151b Street, N.W., WashlnltOll, D. C. 20005 I<br />

I<br />

~___________ ---------------------______ 1

Charter Members<br />

La.it Rori~oD . Idr, Ind tlarry SimplOD, ." 1"'0<br />

cha,,,, mtmbeu <strong>of</strong> loul 9'1J, Kamloopt, B.C.,<br />

who art l,iII workins II iourntymln wiremen.<br />

Hut Ih,y a.t "UtDld wilh plaquu 01 .pp.td.·<br />

lioll_<br />

, Award<br />

•<br />

Peu. P~ .chc" ..... p.ueow:l wllh the IB EW lile<br />

$.aviol "word lor hil ItKllf 01. woman from ;'"<br />

WI'tn. from It II 10 rich • .,t Rllilorn ."'.n'lt'<br />

W • .,at de Oflle1'. Ptlf' PM-until, and ',uldtol<br />

Aioh Hovt.<br />

th,,, lona. hl.d foulht blnlu wh.eh maku th'J<br />

o'l!:an'UlIon .. plu,u" 10 M • p.ft 01<br />

B,o,he. PtlU Pouchtk wu p.ucmw with Ihc<br />

. IRFW 1,1 .. "'''111£ ,,"... anl Ptu:, I11l1 k hiS hfe Inlll<br />

h,s own hand, when he dOH mtO ICy walt" 10<br />

""e I woman from d,owDml ahe. ,he had dnven<br />

hc, car over an embankment mUI Mart Lakf The<br />

OffiCCIS and mcmb

48<br />

Gifts<br />

lI.~tiru Pauline Winklrr 01 Loul 1106, Muon,<br />

Mich., 5bows <strong>of</strong>f ont 01 many 8;£1, lino 10 hn by<br />

olher membcts ,nd hirnds. A parly Wat 1'Illd lor<br />

htl On 'anuuy 6 which mlny m rm b ~ n , hiuds<br />

and reline. lurndrd.<br />

January brought the rClIIcmcnl <strong>of</strong> P~ulinc Wink·<br />

In P~uhnc was • ]ong'llmc member_ and served<br />

'5 a steward and traffie delegatc 10 SyStem CouncIl<br />

T -3, whLch preceded our present on

~<br />

Costumes<br />

Some <strong>of</strong> Ihe IK.I', "It druled up lor IlIlIowun.<br />

The, Ire, back row, It il 10 .I, hl, Amy l unol,<br />

Donn. Hamlin .nd ".,b k h"d\, illih f.on t row<br />

is TUI POIU.<br />

ctmMr ]0. Then SIRI ••.rInd and rallr.td 10 III<br />

the chIldren and pa n d 0111 .,ft, The dinner wu<br />

followed by , dAnce and lun WI' h.d by .11<br />

Runl 1 '''UflUk~T, P S<br />

On Job<br />

Hou~ and Senate and WI) "I:ned by Govern ul<br />

Cuomo. However. he made 1\ p!.m tha, he wu<br />

SIgnIng" wnh a5'U,anCCI tha, the b,ll wouldn,<br />

It. uud CO Inte.fe.e wllb Marcy·Soulh In addrnon,<br />

Governor Cuomn and Po ....,. AUlho."y Char rman<br />

Dy!;On leccntly made a!lan~emcnu 10 pu,ehaJC<br />

IdJruonal powe, h om Qucll«, 10hn Dyson ,e'<br />

cently l uned up Ihe "nollh country·· by w C'"n .... ~~.\ ta nt<br />

bus,on. m,na,e, .nd Ulrnln, d" .. cto. , 10. hll<br />

leceHl apllUlOlm.n. by the ,ovcrno,.o Ihe po.lILon<br />

<strong>of</strong> member, Milne AdVIsory CounCIl on Voe.ILonal<br />

Edu~allon<br />


50<br />

<strong>of</strong> the h~cuuye B ~I(I. w~ ~II mIss JIm and h,s<br />

knowledge <strong>of</strong> $I~am StatiOns and other uen To<br />

»y r,m is OUlspohn would be an understatement,<br />

but thIs trait I p e r ~o nally mlU. In hll <strong>of</strong>f hours,<br />

Ihe raismg, Ixurdmg, and training <strong>of</strong> horses, and<br />

hrs recent vcnture In ralsmg reJllslcred Polled<br />

Herefords [hts plldc and lOY), along wilh 97 acres<br />

to fa rm, kecp 11m, h,s father, ',m, SI" and brother<br />

DaYid, who now "vu m OhIO, on the run 11m and<br />

hi, WIfe MIlly haye two daughtcn, Denls.c and<br />

Tncla, who have Ihell own pony "Doc" to care<br />

fOI .<br />

In NIagara Fall, lut Ch"Slmn leuon the city<br />

put On a " festlyal Of llghl'" dIsplay, thanles 10<br />

OUI members from Ihe Falls. Besldu In utide .n<br />

Ihe Falls papel thanking them lor the ll help, a<br />

leiter wu sent to Vice President Sob Cleary com·<br />

mending those who helped 101 their community<br />

Splilt. In ,hatletlel Henry I Kallas, fesllval eha,,·<br />

man, staled hIS npllmism on the continued success<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Fes1JHI<br />

Now that "'e have a home, Buslnen Managcr<br />

flanagan and Pruident Banks ale trymg to locate<br />

p,ClUrl'S 01 Ou r pUt and present members on the<br />

lob. II you should have any and thm k they would<br />

be usefulm doc umenting the h,story <strong>of</strong> thIS loul,<br />

please gCt m touch w.th the <strong>of</strong>fice. larger pnnn<br />

arc deslled, and prov.s.on, may haye 10 be made<br />

for those warllmg to keep their O1iginals Morc on<br />

thIS later<br />

[will close WIth a commenl For ycars no",' large<br />

Amellcan corporations have been movmg thel'<br />

manu(actunng operation! oyerseu Ruson cheap<br />

labor Now that labor force whIch rece,yed uten<br />

live ua,mng by thc Amencan corporations are<br />

busy counterfellmg and drasllcally under~dllng<br />

the s.ame Who losul Not lUst Amencan I.bor, but<br />

Amencan bu.mus .n tums 01 bl/horlS <strong>of</strong> dollars<br />

III pr<strong>of</strong>itl<br />

MA RK II STf. FI'" ..., PS<br />

Many Traveling;<br />

Agreement Reached<br />

LU. 1140 Ii,0$.eml, NEWPORT NEWS, VA.- Work<br />

for our mdoor w,remen 15 better Ihan II was onc<br />

year ago, but II hu a long way to 10. Many <strong>of</strong> OUI<br />

Brothers arc work.ng out <strong>of</strong> town, thanks to our<br />

s.s ter locals who arc wo.kmg OUI u ayehng Broth<br />

elS.<br />

Our NegotIating Committee reached an agree·<br />

ment with our conuaclon on a conllact for ,nshle<br />

wiremen. Thanh to our Ncgollatmg Commatce<br />

who wele Kermit Ames, Tom Eyeret, Ho ward Day,<br />

Cene )ourdan and Steve Stump<br />

On March 10, <strong>1984</strong>, our local held III Annual<br />

&'nquel. More mlormation In the May /ouTna/<br />

Remember, hemg • good uOlon membe. staru<br />

wnh be.ng a good Amencan, If you are nOl reI'"<br />

{(fed to yote-reg,ster ThIS 15 the year we can get<br />

cYen WIth Rooald Reagan<br />

EDDtti Con , V P.lp,S<br />

Scribe Urges Union<br />

Members to Stick Together<br />

LU. IlS9 luI, CIIlCAGO, I.LL.-On lanuary 16,<br />

<strong>1984</strong>, our local unioo s wore .n Robert C. Kell cr as<br />

our new local pres.denl. AboJworn In were Steycn<br />

Martinez as V.ee pre"dent and r-"chael M.lclI. as<br />

Eneullve Bou d member at Crawford Slallon Th"<br />

Isdue to the re cent retirement <strong>of</strong> Ou r past pruldent,<br />

Ralph Phelps, Ralph has always bee n an aC\lve<br />

membcr 10 union malleu and .n the pU t sllI·and·<br />

a·half years he served u union pruldent, he brought<br />

about a great deal 01 changes, all for the benerment<br />

<strong>of</strong> the local and It' member •. Ralph will be mhsed<br />

by us all, and we all wish hIm the yery ben m h,s<br />

rtrirement. Good luck, Ralph_<br />

Now II the lime for all 01 us .n iJS9 to pye Bob<br />

Keller all the support he needs In the coming ~eau ,<br />

as he 5ervu u our new president It seems to me<br />

Ih.t in the past yean our local has been dIvided,<br />

which only SerVe! one purpose-the decay an d<br />

destruclion <strong>of</strong> • grcat umon body. The Company<br />

loyes to I(e this flghtmg and endlcss argumg.<br />

"Sule," you say , " let 's all coope.a.e, but 1 don '.<br />

Award<br />

Ralpb Pbllp' 01 lIKal I3S9, Chiu,o, m., .bi.d<br />

frOOl Ith, atnpll I n .llf1ulI <strong>of</strong> apprcciltion from<br />

thc NAACP. From Ilh to .Igh. arl William Frank.<br />

lin, Fisk S.ation/Donald Pi.u, Fisk Station, retilcd ,<br />

Ralph Phelps, lo.mrr local prnldent r and Robert<br />

C, Krlllr, Crawford S t~lion, Inca l pre ~ ldent .<br />

hke th'5 guy as a union <strong>of</strong>flcel, or I don't iLke the<br />

wa y my 6hop slewa rd handled my grleyance." GIYe<br />

them. chance, they mIght make a mIStake now<br />

and then, bUI haven't you at one IImc or anothe. 1<br />

Start attendIng the re~la r mon.hly meetings, meet<br />

the <strong>of</strong>flcers and steward5. Get small, get Inyolved<br />

Con~ntUlallon5 to Ihe mcn an d Womtn II Craw·<br />

ford Station's Electllc.1 Mamteunce and Electllcal<br />

Opcra tlng D e p~f\mcnts. hoth wllh 30 ye ars<br />

and no 10$[,"me accidentsl keep up the good work<br />

Also at C raw lord Stallon, M,chael Albano, Op<br />

~rallDg Dtpartmcnt, was named Pro<strong>of</strong> the Ouartcr,<br />

congiat ullllOn5, M.ke<br />

Hltlo <strong>of</strong>f also 10 the men and women In the<br />

Electrical Operating Department at Fl5k Stillion<br />

wnh 14 years and no 10sI-IIme aCCIdents Also It<br />

FISk SlIlIon, good luck to lack Webster and WII ·<br />

lIam Bucnho/er on thell rtCCnt .curcmcn'5, Re'<br />

cent rctlrement! at Crawford Ire Ken T oman,<br />

Harold DaYis, MIk e Kusecck, lohn Galni.k, and<br />

!'re d H a~Jc r Cood luck to al1 <strong>of</strong> you,<br />

In thc future, anyone wh o ha newsworthy m·<br />

formallon concerntnJl our locll's members and<br />

fam.l,n should contact DanIel FIIl:maullcc, fIsk<br />

StallOn, 01 Clarence A 2..mon, Crawford Station<br />

CLAIlUOU A Zr'lON, P S<br />

Linemen<br />

liere Ire SOmt <strong>of</strong> the ntW Hnlmen <strong>of</strong>l,oul 1367,<br />

Chicago, III., It Chingo Sout h, overhud. From<br />

Ifft ,0 ri ght 1ft Mike F.oSt, Plul WUlhersby, Puc<br />

Cooney, StUt Schulu, Dtnni, Ma"n i~, Bill Don·<br />

o~it( h , and Ray Su omek. lIenr, Gomn i~ nOI<br />

piellurd.<br />

Pension Benefit<br />

Agreement Outlined<br />

LU, 1367 luI, CHICAGO, ILL_Stamng the month<br />

0/ <strong>April</strong>, we will be recflvlng OU ! pay Incrcase that<br />

we accep.ed in 1983_ a two' year ~~rcement. Al so,<br />

our pension rc,opene. was voted on .nd counted<br />

February 6, <strong>1984</strong> lust a parllal summary- the <strong>of</strong>fel<br />

on the penSIon plan IS C5u mated 10 avera~e 4633<br />

cen lS pc. hour It movu our ullmated funge<br />

bc:neflts to a new average oiaboul S6 8678 In hour<br />

There is I new fOlmub for harga.ntng Unl1 em·<br />

ploytes rellllnr; early tn <strong>1984</strong>--rctirce', tnC renes<br />

an lY~rage <strong>of</strong> 19 pClcem or .n avcra]te ,"Clta~ o(<br />

51 9000 Ind full penSIon al a8e 60. The prov,"on<br />

w.1I be rc .. lsed to proy.de . spouse'l beneAt lor the<br />

s urvlvltlg SpOUSt <strong>of</strong> an em ployee who dies belole<br />

. ell r~lO cnt after complcllnJ\ iO o. mOrc years <strong>of</strong><br />

Anniversary<br />

loseph StAO and his wifl Julia celebrale their SOth '"<br />

wddinr; In niYClury. Congrallllarions 10 the happy<br />

couple.<br />

credit se rv,ce PenSIon beneflts will be calculated<br />

as th ough the employee rellTed at age SS the day<br />

before h •• death The spo\l $e .... 11 continue to<br />

reeclve medIcal npen~e plan coverage with pte·<br />

mlums plld for tnmely by Ihe Company_ Tbe ...<br />

med.cal (oyerage Will be IClmtnalcd .f the surviv·<br />

.ng spouse r(marlles<br />

The pensIOn plan, effecllye January I, <strong>1984</strong>, for<br />

Se rV. Ce aher December 31, 19J6, the sum <strong>of</strong> 1.40<br />

percent <strong>of</strong> the h.ghe" average annual base pa y<br />

'llal ned dunng a pen od <strong>of</strong> /lye Con.Ccullve years,<br />

multiphed by a clcdit scry.ce to a maxImum <strong>of</strong> 3S<br />

yurs plus (was 1.2S percenrl. The Social Security<br />

adjustment w.ll be reduced to 30 percent ladjust· ...<br />

ment was 4() pe rcent). Th.s was just apulia!<br />

summary, evtryone was milled the complete<br />

apeem~nl<br />

AI the regular mcellng <strong>of</strong> Loca! 1367, held It the<br />

HIlIstde Hohday Inn, President AUen Young an· ,<br />

nounced the new appointment <strong>of</strong> stewards to Brothel<br />

Ronald Royse, stockman, Chtcago South, and 10<br />

Blother Arthur Tuckcl, Purchasing Dcp.rtment,<br />

<strong>of</strong>fice apphllrlce. .,<br />

CongrallllallonS to the follow.ng on thell recent<br />

promollons, B.other lerry Clo'nI~ k promoted to<br />

crew leader, \lndergrouod, ChIcago Sout h; Brother<br />

Raymond Stakenas prom()lcd to s.cnlor \tee tnm·<br />

mer, Brother Henry Ctllen promote d 10 s.cnlor lice<br />

1I1mmCl; and Brothel )nc Wasek Ichld steward<br />

overhead) p.omoled 10 crewleadet, Ch,cago South.<br />

Atthe Decembel uecul1ve Board meellng, Pres·<br />

Ident Allen Young announced thai Ihe Utility<br />

Conferenee, held Fe bruary 21-24, was to be attended<br />

by Vice Prcsldent John Quealy, Execull ye · ~<br />

Board Chi llman Bill K o ~l owsk i and ExeCUllve !Ward<br />

Sec l et~r y Gabc figunoa. The IlhnOls Sute Con·<br />

fer ence and U-2S Council meeting was held March<br />

5-8 and was to be attcnded by President Allen ,<br />

Young, V,ce Presidenc John Ouealy and E~ecu llve<br />

Board <strong>of</strong>ficer RIch Rubas<br />

Ne ws from ChIcago Central-congratulallons to<br />

the followlOg on theu promollons co hnemen on ..<br />

Dtcember 19, 1983 Bro thers AntOniO Cun·<br />

nlngham, LUll R.yell, Steven Shereyk and Dennis<br />

Duckworth<br />

Celebrating a company ann.yersary, wllh 30 J<br />

years, congratulations to Edward Biehnski, oyer·<br />

head (IiCUllman, <strong>April</strong> S, 1954.<br />

The nClIr legoLar mee llng <strong>of</strong> loul 1J67 will be<br />

heldon Apnl II at Ihe HLilside Hol .day Inn starting<br />

al 800 pm The ExeCUllve Board wili meet on ~<br />

Ap,,1 2S al 7;00 I' m<br />

W'shlnl all our members and thell bmlhcs a<br />

h.ppy and blcs'

Picnic Fun<br />

Socializing<br />

wtlh Prizes ,.ven OUI] ISomelh.ng hke our 1"<br />

onee ... l11 you are ",!erested, all you have 10 do IS<br />

Knd me you. Plme and address. Send It 10 me, AI<br />

V. Cellno, 1 Cemnl Avenue, Kurny, New Jeney,<br />

[BE W Local 147007032 I th.nk th., '$ a wonderlul<br />

,dea, and each yca. we can all sec each olhel one<br />

day a year. Se nd your Iellel n soon as pOSSIble, 01<br />

it 'I too late<br />

Many 01 Out ,cured members ",.11 b

52<br />

clanduunc patch <strong>of</strong> cannabl~. A reprC$cmauve <strong>of</strong><br />

Ihe local conslabulary was ,ummoned ,mmed"<br />

alely 10 dlSpalCh the IlIepl weed. Doc. 01 course,<br />

QUerw hIS §(C,VICU and flaIled Ihe hItless stalks<br />

unlll Ihe all was ahve wIth pollen. Well done,<br />

B, Olhe. James<br />

Everybc)dy hku 10 be promoted, even cici muns<br />

haVing 10 move. Brother James Johns, IlOubleman,<br />

!)eLand, has ldl us for greener pislures. 'ames has<br />

been WIth us for IWO yean and bas comflbuled<br />

pcaliy 10 Ibe effiCient 'Yllem IkLand is known<br />

lor I w,lI eSpCzed nalLon In the world, e:r:cepl the Untied Slalu, ..<br />

bas a Ict <strong>of</strong> Indusln.1 snateg'ts for deYdopmg<br />

IDduSlnal compelitlveness and ,obs. No longer can<br />

we rely on the Rep ... bhcan clllm Ihal what's good<br />

for b'g b ..."nen II good for the economy. ]n .ecent<br />

years we have seen Ihe pr<strong>of</strong>its <strong>of</strong> co, p or~t l ons rise »<br />

wh,le they IIlvcst more and mOle in overseas<br />

manufactu.ing. In to

Dinner-Dance<br />

Andy and 8,,10 Zitlinski (Dtp •. 121) 11 .hc union<br />

danet tniO)'ed a d.ink Iotlo.t .ht donei .. , 5untd .<br />

Almond. and Cra., Shorr for o .gan':In~ "u, party<br />

a,a,n<br />

A good lime W1$ had hy all<br />

local 1516 also mourned .he sudden death 01<br />

B.othe. r,m S,mk, .... who WI5 k.lled ,n an au.o<br />

ace.dent lU51 before Chnslmas Donations we,e<br />

colkcted. and a nus. fund wu 51arted fOI hIS small<br />

chIld ht Iell behmd<br />

We .Iso slarted nc,Ol1aUOM 101 OUI new '84-'86<br />

COntrael<br />

RAv Huu •• F S<br />

Christmas Party Held,<br />

Retirees Attend<br />

LU. 1607 (em). MILWA UKEE, "-IS.-On Dccem<br />

bo:. 10, 198.3, ou. Aonual Chnslmas Pany wu<br />

held The local's ICtHCes wert Invlled and many<br />

"tended We had a buffctlunch (tha. was plepared<br />

by OUI members) and nume.ous door pnus (also<br />

&>nated by the membersl Aftel lunch a short skrt<br />

was p.c5ented A ,nod ume was had hy all<br />

We hope to see m o.t membels and ""lItts at<br />

nCI' yur's Ch""mas Party 50 we can make <strong>1984</strong><br />

blgge. and better<br />

RUTlI C""VltWHI, F S<br />

Santa<br />

'~.nta·' 1810110., , UO'OI Wellsl. Already plans are<br />

bem~ fOlmed lor a b.gge. and better pUly for nell t<br />

year<br />

10 luly, 1983. , new bUSiness agent, Mike HoI·<br />

land. took <strong>of</strong>fice along wllh a new Elleeulive 80ard<br />

Thest men have betn wo""nl hard to (leate new<br />

IIIte.esU III tht local. Commrnees have been fe'<br />

kmdled, aod .mplovcmenu arc beeommll ev.dent<br />

The Bu.ld.nl Commlt' ce. SafelY Comm,ttee, Con·<br />

Itaet Commlllee, En.cnltnmen. Commlt.ee Ap·<br />

p,enucesh.p Comm.ttee, cle arc all aeUve and<br />

show.n, results<br />

Ahhoullh work m OUI area " not 100 plentiful.<br />

morale IS up The economy shows ""I! <strong>of</strong> .m·<br />

p,ovement and hopefully <strong>1984</strong> w,ll see more 10M<br />

fo, OOJ I members In cio.,ng, local 1852, C'J'C<br />

8leton, Sydney. Nova SCOl1~. Canada, ..... hc. all<br />

18EW lQ(:als ,ood health and SueetsS In .ht ne w<br />

yu r<br />

New Officers<br />

• enon for mo~on,<br />

Don'. the!.C w mpan,u ,uIo:"<br />

we Imle ptople dOll'1 Ioke tuu enhel' OUf home<br />

.cspons,b,htlcs make II utlemely dllfieuh to mOve<br />

hke 1ar,t compan,n do It seems to me the ,ov'<br />

--_,m,."",, u "'ell as bl,e compan.u, fa.1 to ,uh:e<br />

ou. iobs made them whal they afe ,oday If no One<br />

works, no one buys' Whn ,oad ue p.oduets .f no<br />

one un affold 10 buy Ihtml<br />

Upse.un&.o me '5 Ihe &'lvernment <strong>of</strong>fieral' who<br />

you .hemStI~ti a faiSt. yel we hllie pt09k ale<br />

ouppoHd tu takc cu" on pay and f"nce benefits<br />

No way' We lousht lon, and hard 10 ,C. thc h " l"<br />

w" have ~ •• he <strong>of</strong>fictals make the conCtsS'OnS<br />

.hos "mc The ptople pay theu salanes, .he ptople<br />

should hav" the .. ,lot .0 vOle them a uose d. no.<br />

I don't , cmembe, rcadon, thc rapt's and Stconll<br />

ne ..... about any I"".blors Cutlln, the" IlIa"es<br />

T ax time IS he.e W"h unemployment up we<br />

w,1l se" how Ru,anomlCJ app.eCllt eS Itss tn<br />

doll.1S to make the budget balance h w,1l take<br />

SOme ,,"cky pcnc,1 work and pruhably be at the<br />

up"nse <strong>of</strong> Ihc 1o"lc pcople. as u,ual<br />

Please ,ememhe, 110" even . hc unemployed have<br />

thc lIghl '0 vOle! Lct you, lovernm"n. <strong>of</strong>fiCIals<br />

koo .. · how you fecI about UIts, unemploymenl,<br />

socIII scrvlee c .. h,p<br />

LUi:.1 1898. you can stand plOud because you .11<br />

p.oved th.t you ale No. I<br />

All <strong>of</strong> ou, membe .. on lav '<strong>of</strong>f hive been lecalled<br />

Ind .he work ,eenc looks (ltce llen. at "u, lime<br />

We would s.y welcome 10 ,he nc'" employers<br />

Also the employn .hat have relocated he.e f.om<br />

Ihc varrou, closm, laClhilU<br />

The sad Ume II> be Icmcmbc,td was .he .. eppmg<br />

down 01 Pasquale Gino.5 ples.dent <strong>of</strong> Local 1898,<br />

P. es,d~ n. GinO accep.ed Ihe pos;Ilon <strong>of</strong> <strong>IBEW</strong> Thi.d<br />

Dlstllct IntClnallon.1 Rcp.csentatrve. He WIS pru·<br />

Ident 01 Loc.l 1898 fOl!5 yurs and EM ·J Counc,l 53

54<br />

Ilr~sldem for 11 ye ... s Congraudallon5, M. GinO,<br />

on your new pos'tion and goad Iud: in the fUIlITe<br />

We lake Ihl' opportunity to ",dcome VIce P.n­<br />

Idenl Be. nard S.oh;15 p. uldem <strong>of</strong> Local 1898 and<br />

Geo.ge Grosby a5 "'CC p.uldcnl <strong>of</strong> LocII 1898<br />

Their dedlcauon u shown In Ihe p .. SI " a ,oad<br />

u:ample <strong>of</strong> Ihe ClIcellent le .. de.shlp wc will hne<br />

with MI Sroka and M. Grosby<br />

Visitors<br />


hard n work 10 destroy us We m ust fight bad; tf<br />

we arc to surVI ve. Sell eve m e. Srothers alld Sisters.<br />

they Wanl 10 destroy all those things ,hat we In<br />

orgam zed la har have worked 10' all om lives. 11.13\<br />

,,!.t:w k al 0 lew' The Rusiness Roundtable-nut 1[1<br />

ehminate collective bargaining Irom the con~lIuc·<br />

tion Industry, PA TCQ-viJluaJly destroyed, Hell,<br />

they endorsed Rugan. What In the wo rl d would<br />

he do to those 01 us who did not1 Continemal<br />

l\" hoe1--a ban kruptcy 01 convenience, 10 cancel<br />

collecl1ve batgaming COll tracts legally negollltcd,<br />

fac loTles closed and re-Iocated to whal are called<br />

~(}{)d l.bo. chm ~t c._" !l gh t · l o·wo rk " Ifor leul<br />

,"states,<br />

Involvement In polItIcs" certaInly nOl the Single<br />

answer to the many problems lacmg us, Howevc.,<br />

we working people must unitc and elect poilllclAnl<br />

al every level <strong>of</strong> governmem who a.e on ou r side<br />

The.e tan be nO doubt tlut we Oemocrau elected<br />

Ronald Reagan and h.s henchmen There can be<br />

no dlluhl th., wf mlJ'T 'I"nd Itwm h~r~ TIl \~Iiln r '<br />

.. 111. wllh Tlicky Dicky N,xon, Ge .. ld Ford and all<br />

the orhers who are l,Ving well and laughing It am<br />

exp ense. Srothe.s and S,S ters, we must ~ct flOW III<br />

this election yea!, Get Involvcd as neveT bdole<br />

Get ~Cllve, It may bt our last Clt3ncc_ Be pwud <strong>of</strong><br />

. organized bbor Talk II up Se p.oud to be • u",on<br />

electrtcI~n Keep III mllld, Srolher. and S,sten,<br />

,h., polmcs h

hive bren done differently How could they know<br />

thn thml' could be done dilferenlly, II Ih" I. Ihe<br />

only way Ihey l'Vet did 111 l.bnagement'. aunude<br />

tYPlc,ll y 15, " If you dOn'l like Ihe way we do .hing,<br />

here. kG back where you came from"<br />

Sf: .1'111 If II may, contildCI Ihe YOU bc.or You<br />

have I specific ,upons,b,lity to youl JOb You<br />

cannOI IccCI" one plcmne on ru)(juc!lvIlY .nd<br />

,Clcct Ihe olhc. BOlh SltU'II0nS ale Intc,,~1ated.<br />

Wc •• e lookmg al IWO side. 01 Ihe umc coin We<br />

may br lookllll " I CauSe Ind cffeci condllion<br />

Attitudes and Indl~ldual<br />

values Kern to be In'<br />

"olved II bOlh man.semenl and employee Inds,<br />

fOrnCllmu In conn,el<br />

AIII.ude' Say, aren'l you Ilad Ihu you don'l<br />

work In r"vate Industry! They leally Kcm 10 havr<br />

Ihell rroblems O,d you know Ihal m,oy good<br />

WOlken 'Urn 1010 bad bosKd Do you know Ihal<br />

.he b"ul nllns Amellcan eXJIOrI IS Amelle,n<br />

,0b.1 Do you know Ihal a vut numbt:r <strong>of</strong> Ihe<br />

Amenean unemployed In Ih" COUnt I)' would live<br />

Ihcli eye .telh to hive Ihe JOb you h"'e "ti" now,<br />

wuh .11 <strong>of</strong> Iherroblems' Iha' .oulonlle you, II<br />

half 01 .he p,y you IIC geHinAI lowe you .n<br />

ohllgulon U. union olficer In Iell you how I! IJ<br />

These I re chang"'!: 1\mc~<br />

IOSlPIl s/';AV,,';() ye,,, I!; , member ()f 01,11 BIOIh<br />

elhood l1e wu mmlled 10 1932 In local 561, Ind<br />

n ,hal lunc he wu wOlkmlllol C,nld,an PaclAe<br />

Railw~y We InvIted him to attend Our .CglJlll ,_<br />

monlhly meellng 10 Novcmbcl 1983, .. whICh<br />

Ilme we handcd hIm, ee.ufiule l!tetonn, 10 hI,<br />

SO years H a memNI ,nd also the bUllon thl! 'OU<br />

wllh II AII.he <strong>of</strong>ficers and membrrs Plesent wcre<br />

,mrrened w1Ih Ihe vIIII"y and Ihe enel/O' entoyed J<br />

by B,olhe. Foley ..... ho IS now SO yun old l1e WII<br />

accomr.n,!d by hIS son, Donald, who lifO wOlkl<br />

U an eleell,e,an II CP 11.111, and ..... e were mlolmrd<br />

hn \1'01,1,"" WU ,Iso 10 ,oad hnlth<br />

Srolhe. Foley 101.1 1,1, a Ie ...· UOTIU 01 whcn he<br />

Ix:gan In w

Shown illlhi, piCIUf~ a", rur, It I! 10 fiShl. Brolh·<br />

tr5 1. fredtriek. R. Larocht, W . ... Redhud and M.<br />

LamMrt. frOOI .ow, It II II) riShl, R. LansuaFf, R.<br />

WilionlOlympkeonlendtr}aod I. Trtmbby, prtl·<br />

idtnl 01 Local 2253, Montrul, Qut.<br />

Retiree<br />

In thi$ pholo a.t lhoWIl, Iff! 10 rishl, B,olh!n G.<br />

Talbal, rteo.dillS $ttrtllry, Donald Folcn Ttlirc~<br />

Leo f olty rectivins his eertificalc from I. Trtm·<br />

bl" , pruidenl 01 LOCiI 2253, C. LeulrMau ... ice<br />

ttlidenl 1 ,..". L:amM rt, Iinancial ltCrtlar" and W.<br />

K. Redhud. Stnelll chairman, Syuem Cou ncil 3'.<br />

<strong>IBEW</strong>.<br />

14 Ihey un CooUnue eo,oy.nl a well dCHned<br />

.cU.emcnl<br />

The olhcr C"enl Ihl! hu haJlpc::ned '$ Ihc one<br />

cODcem.nl B.othel ROMI! WlboTl. eleClnCI,n at<br />

CP Rail Angus ShoJls a memMf <strong>of</strong> ou.local umon.<br />

wbo represenled OUr counlry. Canada. I! the Win<br />

.. Ie. Olymp'cs beld al SaralCvo, YUlosl,vla. In <strong>1984</strong><br />

He was ,he bfa.eman 00 Ihe babslClgb lum <strong>of</strong><br />

four He was on Ihe same lum In 1976 al Ihe<br />

Wmler Olymrllcs hdd .n lake PlaCId. New Yo.k.<br />

I: and .t wu h., l,,{ pan.c.pauon .n any Olymplu<br />

m the fUlur e<br />

B ..,>Ihe. Wdl4n began hIS app.cnucnhlp for CI'<br />

Rill In 1972. He beume an eleclllc.an m 1976<br />

and preuntly wo.k$ as an eleelllclID at AD""<br />

Sho P l OUI local UnIOn .uhzes that the cho.ce <strong>of</strong><br />

Btolher w,lwD "a .er.tsenla\lve <strong>of</strong> our country<br />

I{ the Olymp'u " an honor <strong>of</strong> whIch we lie pToud,<br />

and a cOmmittee wat lo. mtd .n o.de. to bdp h,m<br />

.... delray SOme upcnlCS not eo .. ered by Ihe OlympIC<br />

Commmet. B,orhel I,mes ffedellck wu Ihe co·<br />

old'nilOI 01 thIS campallfl <strong>of</strong> SUbseTlpllon Ma ny<br />

nems we' e 141d. and Ihe camp"ln wu a ,uccu,<br />

_ Our employer, CP Rill, dId nOI want 10 COntnbUle<br />

a cem for IhlS eVCnt, and tbts IS one 01 Ihe reuons<br />

we deCIded 10 do lomelhm, ro help Brolher Wilson<br />

'J\CQlJU T"l.Ma ...... 't', P S<br />

Vice President Ripp<br />

Is Guest At Party<br />

LU. 2270 ' n }, WILMINGTON, DEL_On o.:cem·<br />

M. 10, 191U, Our local held the member Chn"ma~<br />

ParlY 10. children and the memMI ChriSlmas<br />

Parl Y. The pitUU Wele he!.l" the Corpus ChILs lL<br />

Soclll Hall In El, mele, Debware The chl ld.en's<br />

parly was allended by 120 child.en II was the<br />

mOSt-attended children ', p"ty .n Ihe local's b.s·<br />

tory. The children were enlenained by • Sltal<br />

.- malic ac t perfo.med by .etired membel Brothel<br />

Mclvin lannan. Cafl oons we.e , hown and story·<br />

book cbaracte., Raggedy Ann, Ragedy Andy, Frosty<br />

the Snowman and Rudolph the Red·No.ed Rein·<br />

deer we.e also present There WII, 01 course, I<br />

ShOwnlllhe Local U70, Wilminglon, Del., Ch,in·<br />

mu hrtf "1' rtli.ed members, leI! to tilhl, back<br />

row, Bill Hubelski, lohn Mfen. And, E!t.ue.owin,<br />

8i11 Barbie, Charles Socono, GeorKC Ih u<br />

Ind Nick Christianl, front .ow, lim McKinne"<br />

Jim Ha,,·tr, Charlu Wortham, E.nen Garyantn,<br />

I ~ Zoli , loho Dick, GC-O'Ke Seidle. lohn BUllon,<br />

John Falkow5ki and Lou Dionisi. AliO . ho,,·n ne<br />

Inle. natiOo&l Vice p.uidcnl And.ew ,\\. Ripp,<br />

Internllional Rep.t5cn,alivc limes McA lcc. and<br />

P,esident William Bohnc.<br />

Showll at Ihe Chriumas Parry lor the ehild.tn uc<br />

Miu Christina Bobnc lioowmanl. Blolhrr Albtll<br />

O' Ne ill. I'.,ISanll CIaLU!. Mil. Cath, l ohne IRag·<br />

,c-cI, Annl, .~ i" Liscllc .\\uhlcib ' Raged, Andy!.<br />

Min Annelle Yi iSle. (Rudolphl, Thomas Bohnc<br />

and Yiilliam Bohne, III.<br />

"ISII Irom Sanll Claus who banded J.1t Slock.o,s<br />

10 the chlldlen<br />

ThaI ~~enmg the membel Ch,ulmu P,ny ... a~<br />

held It " 'as well a"cnded wllh 11>0 membe.s and<br />

tCUreCl p.tunt A surp"sc lue$l wa$ Inle.nallonll<br />

V.ce PrcSldent Andre"" M RIPP V,ce PleSldcm<br />

RIPP WiS a key 1111 labol lude • • esponSlble for<br />

uv,nl tbe Ra.lroad ReILtCmenl SYllem du. ms .hll<br />

laS! sesSIOn <strong>of</strong> Congress Accompany.n,; V.ce PIU<br />

Ident RIPP was Intemallonal Rep,ucnlauve !ames<br />

McAteel V.ce PleS1dcm R.pp ... sLled the pa'ly<br />

whIle on hiS way 10 Washm,lOn, D C<br />

DUling .he Pi"y Vice P.eSldenl RIPP utended<br />

holIday greeun,s 10 the local members VICe Pres<br />

,dent Rlpp commended the local 101 115 SUPPOfl <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>IBEW</strong>·COPE ICOPE 15 the political ICllon arm <strong>of</strong><br />

the Aft·ClOI ind ul,ed continued membersh.p<br />

.upport. Tb.ougb member support. COPE RgblS<br />

Ihe temble anlL'r,,1 labo. pollc.et <strong>of</strong> ,he prcscol<br />

adm.n.slrauon lu ~t as member VOLeet Wele nec<br />

elSary 10 uve RlIlr~d Retlremem, SO w.1! memM.<br />

"01Cet be neccsury at the poUs th" c1eclLon yea r<br />

10 yOle "plnSt ann-Ta.1 pohucuns The huffet<br />

dlnne •• ncluded pnme lib and ente .... nmem wlS<br />

supplied by Ihe band WTPM Doo. r"Zt5 wt.e all4<br />

gryen away<br />

Mlny Rne people we.t .esponSlble 10' makLll'<br />

the partlCS successful. The Or ... m2l1l0n WIshes 10<br />

Ihank Ihe 10ll nwLllS the I'ell mal.eun, B.othe.<br />

MelVin larman. our le."fie Santa Cl~us, B'o,hcl<br />

AIMI! O'Ne.II, Raggedy Ann played bf Mn Calhy<br />

Bohne, Raggedy Andy played by MI n LISette Mec h<br />

lelb, Rudolph played by M.ss Annelle W,slel.<br />

flouy the Snowman played by M.ss ChllSllRI<br />

Bohne. Ibe w.ves <strong>of</strong> membe .. who helped wLlh the<br />

childlen's party and ,hose memM .. who sold the<br />

lIekels, kd by uccu.ive, William Connell<br />

An add.lLonal word <strong>of</strong> thanks 10 Brolhets Chlrles<br />

Wortham, III, and Michael McConnell who used<br />

thei ..... deo camera equipment 10 tapc hiShllllh l$<br />

<strong>of</strong> Ihe ch.ldren's party and showed Ihe hi,h1i&bu<br />

n the evening party.<br />

KAM.U AHMED, P .S.<br />

These IWO plelD.n show shop newardJ P'rllt!·<br />

patin, in the All P,o .. ince Shop Stewards Mce tinl<br />

held on October I , 1983, in Fredelicton.IPic.u.u<br />

COUll tly <strong>of</strong> Local 2309, f . ede.icton, N. B.I.<br />

Members Retire Early;<br />

Provincial Meeting Held<br />

LU. 2]09lu), fREDERICTON, N.B._Thl,local's<br />

ma)Ol emplo~., The New Brunsw.ck ElteULC PO"'Cf<br />

COmmlfJlOn, lecendy <strong>of</strong>feTcd an early leUlement<br />

schemeol whIch 26 members look ad"lIIlage They<br />

lie lohn Temp1cmen Lyle foley. Thomas Lynch.<br />

Eileen Qul"ef. Phllhp M.lls. Iuilus Vahl. I. MUriel<br />

Scali. lamC$ lackRln. Smclur MacDonald, AII,n<br />

Theriault. RUlh Canley, Lorena Birch. Mane Bo·<br />

urque, Brydon McKmgbl, Glen Cunnmghlm law<br />

tence Hoyt, The.ese Arsenauh. ROMI! V,ulour,<br />

Vilma Mllchdl, Lc-o C,ulreau. Stephen Chnlten<br />

Hn, Clarence Spence. Carohne R.ckard, lames<br />

SeOLL, Ed .... Tlrd.ff and James O.aon Tnhule wu<br />

raod to .CILleu I! pa.tLrs Ihroughout the provIDce,<br />

"'c w.sh them Ihe ben 01 luck In Ihe fUIU'e<br />

LocallJ09 Jnd Ou r S.~ler local. \133. h,,-e de<br />

cllied to ,hare olRce faC.hIICS; a mm'e should r.ove<br />

MneRe,"1 10 both Iroups. ThIS " hy no means Ihe<br />

IllSt !lep 10 amallJmillOn, II 15 SImply a way lor<br />

both locals to upand olfke space, Implove eov'<br />

elise and uuh::c sec.ctanal help mO.e efRclently<br />

Our ncw add.u, '$ 127 MILn Street, f.edencton,<br />

N B I the phonc numbel, 412-3295, lemaLOS un·<br />

cban,ed All memben a.c ",dcome to drop .0 and<br />

LOspecl Ihe new prem,"cs BusLOess f.hnagelS John<br />

Cole and Bert Enns ,Iways have the c<strong>of</strong>fee On and<br />

maybe evcn stale b.nd from Ihe bikery down'<br />

StaLlS<br />

Well nC,OllaILOnS 10. oul lechmcal youp ha~c<br />

Mgun and •• e prOSlCSSlnl slowly wLlh the empha·<br />

s •• thIS yell bem, on umon ueulLlY, lay<strong>of</strong>fs, and<br />

plld eduulIooal lea ..... Del"ls 01 talks w.1I M<br />

d.seuIHd at all unll meellnl' dunnlthe nUl few<br />

monlh., memM., Ire urged 10 anend The memo<br />

Mrs nl Ihe NelolLalLons CommJl tee arc BusLOen<br />

Mana,er lohn Cole, Pr(S.dent Cohn N.chols. shop<br />

Itewa.d, Dan McCask.l. lack Maynl.d, Chff Hum<br />

ble and SI Sierhen unll chamnan Grant Good<br />

We cannot nelOUlle ID a yacuum 14 ke~p .n roucb<br />

and above all ,.ve us YOUI suppo"<br />

Th., local was a cO'SpanSOI 10. meellAls <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Atlanuc Uuhly Councd .n SlLnt lohn's on feb·<br />

ruary nlnd 24 There were dele",le5 Irom all lour<br />

Atlanuc Provmccs wLlh a ,DOd cachan,e 01 .dcas<br />

and compaTlson 01 each local's IlIualLon Delllis<br />

<strong>of</strong> theu mccune' Will M ava.lable .n luture lour<br />

n .. 1t<br />

On Oclobel I, 1983, we held a .. cry succusful<br />

All Pro"',"ce Shop S.cwards Meeting '0 F.edellc<br />

ton Nearly all a.us <strong>of</strong> the p.o .. mce we.e reple·<br />

sentcd and we dIScussed a host <strong>of</strong> lIems .nc1udmg<br />

ne,olLalions, grievances, boycons. One main .d·<br />

unllie to this type <strong>of</strong> meetinl was thaI members<br />

from the d.fle.ent a.eas olthe p.ovlnce gotlo meC!<br />

one another and app.ec.ate the dLlle.em problem,<br />

other ueas h .... e and 10 Stall thinkm, as One local<br />

.atbe. thin diffe.ent l ' OuP ' 57

58<br />

The loeal mOUrnS the sudden loss 0/ Alan Kut<br />

In" Op

·nd Add·Ben Lc~ sc ht / I al,o Flo/cncc DonRiomo,<br />

wI le <strong>of</strong> Dick Bongiolno They wIll hc R'C'lly mlued<br />

by aiL<br />

. We regrcl Ihll OUI FIn.nelli Seclcl.ry Lu~e.<br />

JQ[ul v.h.ll has ,ulgned hia po$1tion .nd wIsh to<br />

Ihank h,m for h,s umillng dlons on behalf <strong>of</strong> OUI<br />

eh_ plc. 8.0lher Bill Sm.lh hn Ivctd 10 finish<br />

LUlu', Icrm 01 <strong>of</strong>flec and we wllh hnn well<br />

Brolhet Allhul Mansfldd hu been appOInted In<br />

Ihe Bw,ngnew letoreU<br />

... . nlo OUI chapler Frank Camma/~I" Mlchad Cn<br />

celh, Richard Conway, Slinley '.ckewlh.l, !'clcr<br />

Nowak .nd M.ke Smmkov,ly, We ho~ Ihey enlOY<br />

the good lellowsh.p .nd comr.ny 01 OUI ChaPICI<br />

memben. We look forwald 10 wdcomlnll.1I new<br />

.elHen InIO our ch.plcr We meel Ihe aecl>nd<br />

Wednesday <strong>of</strong> Ihe month II Ihe Ikrgcnfleld Rec·<br />

ruuon Cemcl, l.eglon DI1ve, BC I ~~nfleld, New<br />

lersey al 100 p m<br />

Festive Occasion<br />

.....-<br />

..<br />

are SO Ult <strong>of</strong> Ihf rf lheel enl"y lll ~ Ih cocklall<br />

hOIl' n Ihf Chr;~lm" rarl y,<br />

Retirees Enjoy Party;<br />

Good Year In '83<br />


CAL- Elghly member~ .nd Ihell w've, Ind II1cnd,<br />

"\ &'Ilhe red at our unIOn hall 10 celebrale Chl1'lmU<br />

on December IS, 198J. The l.d.es 0111 did Ihem<br />

selves .. 'uh Ihc wondelful lood unelulu, salld~,<br />

lurkey, ham and baked bean5, uku and cook,e)<br />

- , can't glv~ enuugh pla.,e 10 Sam Schneller ud<br />

hiS crew, who IOlIk c ar~ 01 Ihe kllcben and sc.Vlllg<br />

Ihe lood NOI un I ovellook Ihe m~n whu pilI up<br />

th e ubles and challs and Ihe w"m~n whu 5CI ~nd<br />

deCOlalcd Ihem wllh beaulIIIII Chflumn dc~orl<br />

tloo,<br />

MIS. Bub Lyle played Ihe p .. no, and we .11,1,""Cd<br />

.n s.nglllg Chl15Ima$ ulO15 We .Iso had aquancI<br />

- wh o dId some ~rcal ha"nonl~lIlg There wele gil"<br />

for Ihe lad,u and bottled loud, IlI r Ihe mcn ,$<br />

Prizes The bU'lIlc5!i agcot, Franz Glen, hIS tllff<br />

_nd Ih~ ~lfl' lrum Ihe olflce 10lned .n the lun<br />

Befo.e the plrty We had a Ihotl meetlllg and<br />

ag,eed Ihal 1983 was a guud yur 101 U5 We rece.ved<br />

an IncrCUe In OUI penSitm checks IhloLlj\h Ihe<br />

hndneu and efforu 01 OIL. workll1/; Bruther, We<br />

had many good ' peakcrs at uur meellng. a"d I<br />

_V1511 10 Ihe maIO PG.!I.E Power 1'1,"t In San F.an·<br />

cisco, We lie looklnll lorwald to ,"mhe, good ycu<br />

.n 198. 1<br />

Wllh leg. et we InnOUilce ..... e 1011 OUr oldnl<br />

leuree, 94·ycar·old Ma unce O'Connor who Waf<br />

known lor h.s work on ship rcpall durll1~ WOIJd<br />

W" II We shall ml~S h,m<br />

We Ife looklog lorwa.d II> _ fun·packed mp 10<br />

Reno and Sparh. Nevada tn <strong>April</strong><br />

Hu,,,,,,,"1 DU""I, 1'11.£\<br />

Talented<br />

IJrolh~1 Ellgf nt and Sisl., lIu Cole, lI.lirer, Club<br />

<strong>of</strong> weal I I, l.os An gelu, Cal., display Ihd r baud.<br />

e"nd .. ·/l"d bi.d, .nd aR;,n. ls at an All Ft

Party<br />

•<br />

AnnLl~1 Ch.iumu Pan)' <strong>of</strong> .he Re­<br />

A ..,ndi"l Ih~<br />

,i,uI Club <strong>of</strong> Loc:~1 175, Chlll'Don,a, Tun" 00<br />

Dcumbe.12 wnt, lell 10 ,i,hl, Mn. Ann MCCOld,<br />

M ... Ma.,ie Bank. and ROlf f loyd.<br />

Club Varies Site <strong>of</strong><br />

Monthly Meetings<br />


I! wu dcclded by the membel5hlP for vallelY and<br />

a change 01 scenery 10 meet II dllferent placu. fa,<br />

OUI Noycmbc.r meeling we met 1\ Wtilem Stter<br />

FanHly Stelk Houst In MOlllnlon. The ..... ulhcr<br />

cooperated beluufully./ W IS InEd by those dn ... mg<br />

down the mountain from the weSlern artl It WII<br />

I lovely drive<br />

At OUI Oectmbel mettlng al Ihe Iiallmuk C.f·<br />

cttl;a, Tunnel ROld, AsheYllle, we carned OUI the<br />

Ch" nmll theme A 5IOg'alon& QI ChoJtmu songs<br />

and the .elaung <strong>of</strong> ~hlldhnod mem

January Meeting Features<br />

Distinguished Speakers<br />


A MBOY, N. j._As plOrn.ud by Pres,dem frank<br />

Smuh, th~ january mectlng would be a mon en<br />

IIghtcn.ng and a fully Important mecl1n, 10' our<br />

group, and" was<br />

We were very plcutd and qUilt honored 10 have<br />

a5 oul ,ucst spukers, M. lamn E MeG/cevey,<br />

EsqUlrt, prcKn,]y wo.klnK "'lIh the SlltC legull'<br />

lUre and as the ]cpl adVIsor 10. B.shop Theodore<br />

""Mteamk and the Dux:cn <strong>of</strong> Metuchen, and Mrs<br />

Edith Edlnan, who ;s affhncd wllh .he N I Fed<br />

nallon <strong>of</strong> Semo. Citizens, and ccrtaml y no !!ranger<br />

10 Our group Both M. McGree"cr Ind Mrs Edleson<br />

gave most .nform,lIve talks on the RlSIn!:<br />

Health Cafe Cos. 10' .he ScnIO' Cuuen and the<br />

Dugnosllc Rda.cd Croup System. and wme Qf th ..<br />

ma,o. drawbacks <strong>of</strong> the system The need 10' "­<br />

belie. home CI.C syslem wu ~]so rdleeted on by<br />

the .wo very .nformed ~~~k.tu<br />

The Med,ca.e p.og.am and IWO recommend.<br />

tlOoS that should be totally unacceptable to Ihe<br />

5eOl or clllzen liVing on a fixed mCOme were al~o<br />

. dIscussed by the group The fiut being the Mun.<br />

Te .. aod second the HSIao Plan A$ Staled by NCSC<br />

Executive DucctOI W,lliam R HUlton, " MedIcare<br />

"a program fOI wtllch evcry Amcncan contnbutu<br />

.a ponlon 01 hIS Income Ihrou,hout h.s worlung<br />

hfe .... 11 Amel1uns thelefore a.e entllied 10 bene<br />

fiu thn lenCCI theu COnl11bUIlOnS 10 the system,<br />

Med,care I. nol welfare, .t ., a pro,ram <strong>of</strong> soclIl<br />

Ins ... rance, '0 apply a Muos TeM ' 0 Med.care IS<br />

to du •• oy .he very fo ... nda\1on on whIch Ihe pro·<br />

gram was bUIlt<br />

80lh ~h McGreevey and MIS Edlesun WeTC<br />

thanked for .hell dlorlS on behalf 01 Ihe SCOIO.<br />

""zens and were Invited back whenever thell very<br />

busy sched ... les would pe.ml!<br />

A specul meeting was also called by PrClldeo.<br />

Smllh to convene on January 2.B to .eVlew and<br />

change. whue n«ded, ,he bylaws <strong>of</strong> Ihe group<br />

We ,hank reUrCeS ,... hus Donees, Dan.el Zboyan,<br />

Andre ... Do.uch, Sam ... el K ...,hman, W.lham So<br />

fidd. PreSIdent Frank Smith, V.ce P,n.dcol W.I<br />

ham Coyle and Sec.c.ary Don POllen,cl lor the<br />

una dian they putlouh on the new bylaws W"h<br />

appmval we wIll 1M: known as ,he "<strong>IBEW</strong> RClllcd<br />

i> Mem""-u CI ... b <strong>of</strong> LocaI3S8." 81mhel .e\lrees. you,<br />

club g'oup, association o. whatever name yuu g'V(<br />

thIS galhe .. ng can only endu.e so long as each 01<br />

yo ... gIve <strong>of</strong> yoursdf by your acuve paruClpal10n<br />

_ As you are aware. we celebrated OUI 14th yur a5<br />

ao organ.~ed reluees group on March 21, Some<br />

thlOg we cao all be very ploud 01 You U .n<br />

md, .... d .... 1 arc rcsponslble lor ,h,s, keep up the<br />

effo.t by conllou.ng to attend youl meetings and<br />

by aCllvely pafllc'l'~ung Cong.atulatlons and con<br />

tmued Success each and every one 01 you vely fine<br />

gentlemen and Brothe. s<br />

II IS IOdced ... lIh buvy hurt and a deep l(ellnK<br />

. <strong>of</strong> I

Our club et..·(lIon <strong>of</strong> "£flee,, fur the next tWO<br />

yu.s comn up In M~y Then OUI annu~1 P'CniC<br />

wIll M In lune We look forward to th.1<br />

Cu¥ C ... rn\. P S<br />

Retirees Kick Off Year<br />

With Two Great Meetings<br />


TEX._The 479c15 kIcked olf84 "'lIh ''''0 ~rut<br />

mcetill&l If OUI comm.llen keep up the ,00II "'olk<br />

we un look fo ...... d to .nothe. luper yeal<br />

Oul JanualY meeun, lutured Dale ~"Jler . IIIIn<br />

tn8 director <strong>of</strong> OUI are' lATe. Dal .. brou~ht UI an<br />

tnfOrmallve n.rr allye Ind queillon period ~on'<br />

cerning the hl. tory, methods, "m, .nd resu!15 <strong>of</strong><br />

OU I ve ly ,ueeenlu! ap P,entlee rraintnll p,oVam<br />

He left ul "'lIh Wllm leprd, for hIm penonally<br />

and lot <strong>of</strong> lcaptCt 101 the vaSt knowledge fOI h'5<br />

wo.k that he evulenced Dale even lI.ye uS nld<br />

limen a pat on the blck ... hen he uld thlt the<br />

ucuAcct we made "'CIC nor In vain Then he also<br />

poroted out that the lourneyman Wileman II slIlI<br />

Ihe most Import.nt I.tl(ll In the education 01 an<br />

appreouce<br />

In Febluary we enloyed a V.lenune PallY and<br />

welcomed fOUl new mem~.. Bob l'II,cr. lack<br />

Taylor, and Dor01hy and Paul Smllh IOlIled uS In<br />

,he coronation <strong>of</strong> ou, "Sweethurt 01 the D.y,"<br />

5In"n, <strong>of</strong> V.lentlne son", pteknlalJ(ln <strong>of</strong> OU·<br />

merOUl ~Ift" .nd Ihe enloyment <strong>of</strong> I vcry laSlY<br />

luncheon prepated by Oul lady membC"lf-aJl <strong>of</strong><br />

thiS alon~ WIth ou"e,ulal bUllncl, meelln~ Vcral<br />

Nerilnd was our "sweethea,t and she Won eyery<br />

body', hUrl with he. charmro, penonallty Jt WI5<br />

I ,rell pally Ind thelc .re 1-0 many people 10 think<br />

Includln~ Lteand Aby McNeel. JohnOle Ind Faedcll<br />

No.m, Mildred F.,I, M.udmr ~nd Harold W,I<br />

illms. R L Webb, Lu cy FOICC, VI Clrouard, Lou.<br />

ena Young. Sedalll Balllrd, Leoda Copeland, June<br />

H.mllton, Ind Emml DavlJ A spec,,) lhlnks ,ll:OCf<br />

OUI 10 Gamet Lee who furnIshed the musIc fo, our<br />

HlngleS!<br />

Brother lack Taylo. was .eeo,ltOl:cd for h.s 60<br />

yurmem~l5 hlp.n Ihe IDEW leelnd AbyMeNeel<br />

were ~Iven In ovallOn on then SSth ... eddm,<br />

anOlvelUry We.ll welcomed Druce '.cobson, our<br />

"eumer, blck f,om h" ~IIIt wnh hi' d,u,l;h,e. tn<br />

Wnhln~ton , DC<br />

We mee, II 1000 a m the flu, Saturday 01 each<br />

monlh In the un,on hill, 10 .11 you arel retllces<br />

come and loin 10 the lellowsh,p<br />

It.oy F",,~. S(C<br />

Scribe Notes Labor's<br />

Fight for Survival<br />


LA UDERDALE, FLA._ We filSt ~clm( ac·<br />

quamted wllh the labol moYCmenl, lxil In .nolhel<br />

crafr in the carly 19JOs ,od Ih,' 'I the WOIS' antt·<br />

un",n. anll-labor penod we've evcr c.xpellenccO<br />

Do you know we arc the only eounlly In the free<br />

.. orld whe.e ,he labo. movement 15 fipunll for<br />

sun'Ival<br />

The Food Workc" Imem.llonll Unum worltCIJ<br />

are bC"In~ thlown OUt <strong>of</strong> ... ork by the thousands<br />

and rcplaeed by nonuOlon employee. fOI lUI th.n<br />

half Ihen hourly wa,u. Ind to ordcr 10 lurVlve,<br />

th~y h"'e 10 accept 11. Automobile, Stcel. Rubber,<br />

Mmlng and Trochu arc leally taktn~ I be.llng<br />

ThiS anli·labor altitude he,.n wilh the IIrin, <strong>of</strong><br />

Ihe II, 4OOal . ".flle controllers l,thc.e"Clalion<br />

somewhere' The economy,s now up.ndlO,I; and<br />

labor should be .el('lnln~ the" fOrint. b.rA.mmA<br />

muscle, but Ihey h.,·c fa.led to do 50 M.naAemenl<br />

d"ms , hat liS taclles arc ncce".,y for survival<br />

Isn'l II IUS' plato old unlnn·busunA' What un we<br />

as labor .ell.en do'<br />

Many Members in Florida:<br />

Others Busy at Home<br />

RETI REES CLUB OF LOCA L 948, FUNT, Mlc n.­<br />

OUf femen club IS sull r'O'IeS!lO~ and keepln~<br />

aCtIVe e,'en though a 101 <strong>of</strong> OUI mem~,s Ire sl111<br />

In Floncb lookIng lor wa,m 'pou<br />

Had a Irtte. from Slrm S.mmons. who was south<br />

<strong>of</strong> S, PettlSbur&. flonda Scems lIke Slim, AI,el<br />

Ruthe.ford, Grant Wilcox, V,,!ll Haake Ind thell<br />

Wlve$ had qWlr a P'CniC and lei to,ethel_almos,<br />

enough to Slart a flollda branch <strong>of</strong> 948 rellleCi<br />

On January 25, <strong>1984</strong>, OUI club mem~ r l and Ihell<br />

Wives ancnded a buffellunchcon II Pecl', Restau·<br />

rani here In Fhnt, John Bond, local 948', bu"nen<br />

man'Ae" wlS a ",e$t. Thelc wele no speethe. 0 1<br />

formahltes. JU"' ~ood food<br />

S,nce my last lelle" Tom LeWIS. one <strong>of</strong> ou.<br />

relllCCS, pISsed away. Tom was 78 ycar50ld Mem<br />

ben ... ho h"'e worked 10 our IUII~,cllon m the<br />

pUt WIll 'emem~, Tom U I lupertOlemlen. <strong>of</strong><br />

lohn Jl,hllci E1ectoe Co. 11m "BuIBcr" Dav" I' "<br />

home reeuperanng f,om open hun su"ery " lISt<br />

rcpoll Jim 15 51111 plenty SOTe<br />

Relllee 11m Plllen,cr has bC"~n havmg 'Iune a<br />

Nllie over • streel·w,d,.nln, p.Olcet 10 Holly,<br />

Mlchl,an I.m IS protestlO, the Jl IOtrct because <strong>of</strong><br />

the Ananc .. 1 h •• d~hlp to the P'opc"y owners on<br />

low .nd find tncomes. Our group IS suppomn,<br />

hm In hIS plOteSt<br />

To III <strong>IBEW</strong> membeu pilnnln, a Vleallon Ih"<br />

.umme., we would hke to uk thll you try to VIlli ~<br />

Au,oworld, fhnl's oew Iheme palk opening luly<br />

" <strong>1984</strong> Maybr we wtll see you thele<br />

GOOllel NtCHoLS, Pau<br />

Meeting Speakers Discuss<br />

Income Tax and Health Costs<br />


CAL 2088 SPONSOR)--AI our Februlry meel1ng.<br />

newcomcis Elht .nd Marione Norton, Dan and<br />

Mary Connolly, and !amcs Williams were wei·<br />

cumed EIIII rC'lIed from Local 177, Dan hom 358,<br />

.nd 11m frOm 20R8. We app,eciate Ihem showtn,<br />

up, .nd look forward ro ,helt pafllClpallon Iwe<br />

need.lI the help we c.n gel l]<br />

Gunts introduced wele Ed Lone'gan and Lew ~<br />

lohnson Ed ,•• membC"1 <strong>of</strong> the Steelworkerl, and<br />

i. consldelln, .. amng I locil S,ecl ... orker .etl,ce<br />

, roup Lew il from Ihe lTV Ind Newspaper GUild<br />

He wOlked In New York ducctly under Crolge<br />

Melny, Ind helped And uylum fO I lIade unlon •• ts<br />

PlllOlled in CommuniS! or fl5{:l5\ countries<br />

Ceo.ge ~hlltl <strong>of</strong> the AARP an$,.,e,cd in detail<br />

'IuClIIOnt .ubmnted aboul Income .., prOVISion,<br />

Ceorge .• ellled from ,he U.S Deparlment <strong>of</strong> State . ....<br />

m.nafiU the IRS·AARP Tn Counsehn, for Ihc<br />

E.lderly [TCE! Plogram ,n B.evard and Indran R,ver<br />

CounuCi<br />

On ,he Itate !ellul,IIVe hont, a bill to permn<br />

lenlOl1 the usc <strong>of</strong> absentee bllton hIS been .t<br />

introduced In the House ThIS IS Ihe ume b.lllhat<br />

AOI c1ob~,ed tn I Sen"e comm", .. e lUI YU I, due<br />

to pan to a eommumcallon I"Jure Imon~ InIC.<br />

eSled pallles<br />

Of much VUle, Imponance 15 a bill 10 .r,"ato<br />

skYlockelin, hospital COSts DUlin, lhe pUt th.ee<br />

yurs, Ihey hve n$Cn at a ra te ,h,ee limes that <strong>of</strong><br />

the CPI Thele IS no IUSI1AUIIon lor Ihls nulla·<br />

Keou, ,0u,lOg The b.1I would hmlt tnc.eases to<br />

Ihe CPt plus 4 percent ClI.eepl in most unusual<br />

CllcumSlancCJ. A. 500n u the bill ~elS a numbe"<br />

we .hould III gel bC"hmd II with phone call, and<br />

letteu SllIe Senato, lohn Vogt II I eo·spon50r<br />

Alon~ onc w,"1 <strong>of</strong> Ihe CLC hall was the Mondale<br />

phone bank_till phone • • n all bpen.e <strong>of</strong> Ihc bank .<br />

IS paid from the Mondale camralgll fund, and a<br />

nommal hoully IIle pard Hours arc from S ro 9<br />

pm-which generally doel nOl appell to rellleca<br />

who hke 10 be home ~f(l l e dalk. However, we<br />

can-and will- hclp 10 olhel way •. to thr dayhght ' •<br />

l",clI D. CUUll , PS<br />

•<br />

Internallonal <strong>Brotherhood</strong> <strong>of</strong> Electrical Workers-Pension and Death Benefit Payment Report<br />



IB£W P(NSION<br />

8ENEfIT fUNO<br />

639<br />

76.8<strong>04</strong><br />



NATIONAl rurnlCAL<br />


327<br />

34.755<br />


S 4,343.805 .81<br />

$ 6,554,706.75<br />


S51,649.176 .05<br />

$75 ,446 ,381 .02<br />


S 136.027 88<br />

S 983,219.05<br />

..J<br />

~<br />

~<br />

Q<br />

~<br />

w<br />

~<br />

.,<br />



Prayer (or OUT Deceased Members<br />

Heavenly Farh er. (/$ w e celebrate th e lOyotis Easter season and cnioy the beauties <strong>of</strong> sprlll g. let tiS no/<br />

forget those 0/ our Brothers and Sisters who have departed this life. Welcome th em into your glorious<br />

home, so th ey may dwell with You in a life where spring Is eternal. Amen.<br />

~ loul SUmlml Lou' S., .. m, ....<br />

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(Conflllued fTom Page 16)<br />

prcmc Court rullOg that a company declaring<br />

bankruptcy may lermlll:II C UlHon<br />

contracts-cut ling wages, the work force,<br />

ami fnnr,r ht'ndlrc;-wllhnut "hnwlny, Ihar<br />

the contract threatens Ihe comp.my'!><br />

survival<br />

Ability to Affect Existing Ltgisl:uion<br />

Congresl> passcs Icglslatlon, but II nCI<br />

ther Implements nor cnforces that kg­<br />

I:.I .. IIUII Thu:.c puwcr:. afC dclq,:Hcd IU<br />

the executive-branch agenClcs and the<br />

Jud iCial system. The execullvc-branch<br />

agcncles havc the 3\1thomy to carry out<br />

thc day-to-day adminIstration <strong>of</strong> federal<br />

laws and rCb'\datlons. The:.e executIve<br />

and admu\1strauve powers elllrustcd w<br />

thcse agenclcs allow them to Issue regulallons<br />

that Involvc occupallonal health<br />

and safcty, consume r product safety, cnvlrnnmrnul<br />

PrIll/'C II on, food and dntf,<br />

standards, tnlde pollcle:., work rules, and<br />

many other areas that affect the Itves <strong>of</strong><br />

American workers and consumers.<br />

tn lUSt one speCific example <strong>of</strong> the<br />

admmlstratlon's abIlit y 10 affcct eXlsllng<br />

leglslalJon, the DOL revi sed regulations<br />

for the admlnlstrallon <strong>of</strong> the ServIce<br />

6-4 I <strong>IBEW</strong> JOURNAL I APRil <strong>1984</strong><br />

Contract Act <strong>of</strong> 1965 (SCAI, thereby<br />

cutung back thc numbel <strong>of</strong> service contract<br />

workcrs protected by the prevailing<br />

wage standards COnt.1UlCd III thc SCA.<br />

An example <strong>of</strong> the admllustratlon's<br />

lack <strong>of</strong> proper enforcelllcnt <strong>of</strong> an adequate:<br />

statute IS cle:arly seen In the DOL's<br />

failure to enforce the Landrum·Gnffin<br />

Act requirement that employcrs' labor<br />

relallons consultants filc reports dlsclos­<br />

IIlg their actiVIties and financial arrangements.<br />

According to a ma)onty report<br />

Issued by thc House Edue3110n and Labor<br />

SubcOlnl1l1t1 ec 0 11 Labol -ManagelUclH<br />

Rc1:mons, only about J percent <strong>of</strong> DOL's<br />

Labor-Management Standards Enforcc·<br />

mcnt DIVISion (l.MSE\ time IS now devOied<br />

to employer and consultant rcporllng<br />

requIrementS, while more than<br />

50 percent <strong>of</strong> LMSE time IS spent on<br />

union audits and criminal investigations<br />

Yet, the LMSE dIrector mamtalnS that<br />

hiS agcncy has "scarce cnforccmelll rcsources"<br />

Spacc hmllations on thIS artlclc do not<br />

perml! more examples <strong>of</strong> thc vcry many<br />

abuses <strong>of</strong> presldcntlal powcrs rcgardmg<br />

legisl atIon. Another pOilU to remember<br />

IS the fact tll:H the platform commlttec<br />

<strong>of</strong> each political pa rty submJls to JlS parly<br />

convenliOn a sel <strong>of</strong> prmclples and poll<br />

CICS on Issues(the platform!, which forms ,f<br />

Ihe nucleus <strong>of</strong> legIslation to be proposed<br />

to Congress. When a PreSident IS runnmg<br />

tor reelection, he has the dommant vOIce<br />

m shapmg hiS party's platform.<br />

[t IS obvIOUS that the powcrs <strong>of</strong> the<br />

preSIdency ex lend far beyond the <strong>of</strong> Ace<br />

<strong>of</strong> one mdl vtdual. They are delcgated 10 ..<br />

and arc Imp[emcnted and enforct.'d, by<br />

bundreds <strong>of</strong> presldcntial appomtees m<br />

thc exccullve branch and m thc ludlclal<br />

syStem It IS our mtent to ca ll attentton<br />

to the enormity <strong>of</strong> thesc powers and 10<br />

a:.k evcry registered votcr III the U.S. to<br />

give serious conslderallon to the mdlvtdual<br />

they put mto thc <strong>of</strong> Ace <strong>of</strong> th c Pres·<br />

Ident.<br />


Brothers and Sisters, we want<br />

you to have your JOURNAL! When<br />

you have a change 01 address,<br />

please let us know. Be sure to<br />

Include your old address and<br />

please don't forget to fill In L.U.<br />

and Card No. this Information wilt<br />

be helpful In checking and keep"<br />

Ing our records straight. Use<br />

coupon on page 46.

REFLE T<br />

.<br />

.<br />

I<br />

'<br />

-<br />

Brother Bill<br />

r need to tell you, <strong>Brotherhood</strong>,<br />

about my brother, Bill.<br />

He died, you know, peace at lasl;<br />

memories are with me sti ll.<br />

It seems like only yesterday, but in<br />

1945,<br />

A 14-year-old electricity buff would<br />

line us up around his bench,<br />

And holding hands (with such<br />

trust), he ran a current through<br />

all <strong>of</strong> us.<br />

We could nol tell our folks<br />

(weren't we dumb?)<br />

Or we would miss out on the tricks<br />

to come.<br />

Brother Bill.<br />

As yea rs went by, high lining was<br />

the love <strong>of</strong> any hour.<br />

He was proud <strong>of</strong> his " lin es," those<br />

big structures, carryin' power.<br />

The tornado at Belmond and Ames<br />

the ice storms around the state,<br />

The men on the job, unending<br />

labor through the night<br />

Till all the folks had heat and light.<br />

Brother Bi ll.<br />

In Sioux City, l. E. Meyers Hdq.,<br />

1974,<br />

My sis and I showed up one day to<br />

pull a trick on Bill.<br />

With go<strong>of</strong>y hats, st reet-ladies' talk,<br />

the station lady gawked;<br />

Before Bill could speak, we laid it<br />

on; the lady knew he'd hit the<br />

skids.<br />

We got him good for all the tricks<br />

he pulled on us when we were<br />

only kids.<br />

Brother Bill.<br />

So it is the master plan called<br />

Brother Bill to rest.<br />

He loved his work on this old<br />

earth , he always gave his best.<br />

He was a Brother, yours and mine,<br />

a generous kind <strong>of</strong> guy;<br />

I think he might be organizing a<br />

local in the sky.<br />

10100. Enenluch<br />

S i s l ~r <strong>of</strong> 8i11 W .. lerbury<br />

Loeal 55, Des Moi,,", Iii.<br />

which Are You?<br />

Some members keep their union<br />

strong,<br />

While others just belong.<br />

Some serve with pride,<br />

Some go along just for th e ride.<br />

So me work for the union, and do<br />

their share;<br />

Some lay back, and just don't ca re.<br />

Some always show on meeting<br />

night,<br />

While there are those who never<br />

go.<br />

When we have non-union men<br />

Working in our city,<br />

What's really on my mind is,<br />

" Where is the picket line?"<br />

Henry 1'. II«k<br />

Relired member <strong>of</strong> locilJ 477<br />

Soln lXm"rdillO, c.1.<br />

Parents<br />

Thank you, Mom, thank you, Dad,<br />

For holding me when I was sad,<br />

For teaching me how to tie my own<br />

shoe,<br />

For being there when I needed<br />

you,<br />

For helping me throughout the<br />

years,<br />

For making me laugh, and for<br />

wiping my tears,<br />

For being there by my side,<br />

For giving me hope, and for giving<br />

me pride,<br />

For loving me as I grew,<br />

Mom, Dad, I really love you!<br />

J~ R .. boos<br />

10-yur-old .... n <strong>of</strong> Richard Rubols<br />

lou11l67, ChicaSO, 111.<br />

Jack Frost's Season<br />

Jack Frost closes his icy grasp,<br />

It seems that winter is here at last.<br />

Snow covers the houses and lands,<br />

Jack Frost has it all in his hands.<br />

"Winter Wonderland" fits this<br />

season well,<br />

Let's sing a verse <strong>of</strong> " Jin gle Bells."<br />

The snow covers the land like icing<br />

on a cake,<br />

Ice and snow now cover th e lake.<br />

Finally the land starts to thaw,<br />

Spring is here. hurrah, hurrah!<br />

SMn Refli .... ge Il<br />

O .. ughler <strong>of</strong> Mib Refli<br />

loe,,_ 88, Chillicolhf, ot.io<br />

My Brothers<br />

My brothers are both union men ,<br />

I watch them every day<br />

Go <strong>of</strong>f to work and do their jobs;<br />

They excel in every way.<br />

Their work is so demanding,<br />

They travel very far,<br />

Returning home late each night<br />

Clothed in soot and tar.<br />

M y father was a union man,<br />

His dad before him, too;<br />

And so it was only natural<br />

Thai my brothers would pursue!<br />

My brothers are both union men<br />

And on this yo u can rely:<br />

W hen you really need them<br />

They are always nearby.<br />

You can count on them for<br />

anything,<br />

Emergencies or whim.<br />

I wish you all could meet them ,<br />

My brothers, Tom and Jim!<br />

Nancy .... Sapey<br />

SiS ler <strong>of</strong> Tom and Jim Roberts<br />

loe.IS01, Whi le I'I"ins, N.Y.

Historically. the IDEW has maintained<br />

a strong Interest in the safety <strong>of</strong> Its members<br />

both on the job and at home. Each<br />

local union Is mandated by the <strong>IBEW</strong><br />

Constitution in Article XVII, Section 16,<br />

to establish a Safety CommlHee.<br />

We know the importance <strong>of</strong> on-tha-Job<br />

safety in our industry, In particular. Including:<br />

personal protection equIpment,<br />

guards and safety devices, the eUmlnatlon<br />

<strong>of</strong> hazards, safe design and construction,<br />

good housekeeping, and good<br />

maintenance <strong>of</strong> equipment.<br />

One 01 our most important perlOna'<br />

alsetl In doing our jobs and earning our<br />

paychecks ara our ay.s. The following<br />

guidelines on face and eye protection<br />

were ISlued by a large electric utility.<br />

They clln help you work ... ely on<br />

your job. Know your specific employ"'.<br />

safety rules and follow them.<br />

•<br />

l<br />

o 00<br />

o<br />

Approved gogo," ""ell '- wom ..,.,..,., Ihe<br />

d.nge, <strong>of</strong> ftytng pertlcJes. dusts, or redlaUon<br />

•• ilt • .<br />

Face shlekl. sha ll also be wom ...... the<br />

poaibility <strong>of</strong> face Injury e.'sts from ....<br />

heurcts. .~<br />

Approved voogtes or face shields .. app,.<br />

pMI. shall be used and property acljuslecl 10<br />

aflord adequate pt'01llCtion ......:<br />

1. Riveting or chipping.<br />

2. Using grinding whHI ...<br />

3. Breaking or drtlNng concrete, .,..,.,..,.1,<br />

rock, brick, etc.<br />

4. Working in boll., fire chambers.<br />

5. Exposed to dltSl 110m handling ..... and<br />

.....<br />

6. Closing cutouts with link type htan and hook<br />

sUck operated line tanslon dlaconneclL<br />

7. Driving tq screwl or bolts whe,. galvantzed<br />

flak .. or pieces 01 metal mar becomrt dI ..<br />

lodged.<br />

6. Performing other operations .... re ftrjng :;,j<br />

partk:fH are a known hazard and a,. .....<br />

10 cause ere Injuries.<br />

9. Charging air conditioning aqulpment.<br />

10. Steam cleaning opIIl1IUons. (In addition 10<br />

approved toni .. or face shields, approved<br />

rubber glo ..... and apron shall also be worn).<br />

Gogo'" and face shield ..... 11 be used when<br />

working with or on aquipmenl containing acids,<br />

causllcs or herbicides.<br />

Combination respirator and goggla units wll<br />

be used where there II • concentraUon or dull<br />

or flynh.<br />

Approved hoodl wll be used when unciblasting.<br />

The outside <strong>of</strong> 00ft1 .. should be wJped orr<br />

before ramovlng Utam from 8)'81.<br />

Either approved goggl .. or shields shall be<br />

used when burning, welding or babbltlng.<br />

Approved erewear shall be worn when work­<br />

Ing around micr<strong>of</strong>ilm equipment where ultra viole'<br />

rare mar be emllled.<br />

. •<br />

• -

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