Complete Cases Chart - Supreme Court of Canada - On the Identity ...

Complete Cases Chart - Supreme Court of Canada - On the Identity ...

Complete Cases Chart - Supreme Court of Canada - On the Identity ...


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Case Name (<strong>Court</strong>)<br />

(Judge)<br />

Location/Method <strong>of</strong> Search Relevant Statutes Issues/Holdings<br />

- (1) whe<strong>the</strong>r <strong>the</strong> search violates s. 8 <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>C<strong>Chart</strong>er? - Y/N<br />

- (2) whe<strong>the</strong>r to exclude evidence by s. 24(2)? – Y/N<br />

Reasoning<br />

- (1) relevant to s.8 + CASES (Kokesch, Plant, Hunter, Tessling, Edwards)<br />

- (2) relevant to 24(2) + CASES (Collins)<br />

s.24(2)?<br />

• NO<br />

R. v. Wise<br />

[1992] 1 S.C.R. 527,<br />

Cory J. with<br />

Gonthier and<br />

Stevenson JJ. and<br />

Lamer C.J. (con);<br />

La Forest J. (dis),<br />

Sopinka and<br />

Iacobucci JJ. (dis)<br />

- Police installed a tracking<br />

device in <strong>the</strong> suspect’s car<br />

after a warrant had expired<br />

and used <strong>the</strong> information<br />

gained against <strong>the</strong> suspect on<br />

ano<strong>the</strong>r charge.<br />

- <strong>Chart</strong>er, ss. 8, 10(b),<br />

24(2).<br />

- (1) Did <strong>the</strong> warrantless installation <strong>of</strong> a<br />

tracking device in <strong>the</strong> suspect’s car constitute<br />

a breach <strong>of</strong> his s.8 rights?<br />

• YES, but a minor infraction only<br />

- (2) Should <strong>the</strong> evidence be excluded under<br />

s.24 (2)?<br />

• NO<br />

- (1) There is a lower reasonable expectation <strong>of</strong> privacy in one’s car and <strong>the</strong> tracking<br />

device was unsophisticated so represented only a slight violation <strong>of</strong> s.8.<br />

- (2) The evidence was not excluded because police were acting in good faith in<br />

attempting to stop a series <strong>of</strong> murders in <strong>the</strong> area.<br />

- Ref. to Kokesch (police must act in good faith when conducting a search)<br />

- Ref. to Hunter (s. 8 protects people and not places)<br />

Surveillance –<br />

tracking device in<br />

car<br />

R. v. Wiggins<br />

[1990] 1 S.C.R. 62,<br />

La Forest J., with<br />

Dickson C.J.,<br />

L’Heureux-Dubé,<br />

Sopinka, Gonthier<br />

and McLachlin JJ.<br />

(con); Lamer J.<br />

(con)<br />

- A police informant recorded<br />

conversations with <strong>the</strong><br />

accused, an alleged drug<br />

trafficker, without his<br />

knowledge or consent.<br />

- <strong>Chart</strong>er, ss. 1, 8, 24(2). - (1) Did <strong>the</strong> police’s use <strong>of</strong> a “body pack” on<br />

<strong>the</strong> informant to record conversations violate<br />

s.8<br />

• YES<br />

- (2) Should <strong>the</strong> evidence be excluded under<br />

24(2)?<br />

• YES<br />

- This decision follows Duarte<br />

Surveillance –<br />

audio<br />

R. v. Ladouceur<br />

[1990] 1 S.C.R. 1257<br />

Cory J. with<br />

Lamer, L’Heureux-<br />

Dubé, Gonthier,<br />

and McLachlin JJ.<br />

(con); Sopinka,<br />

- The accused was randomly<br />

stopped by police for a license<br />

and insurance check.<br />

- He admitted his license was<br />

suspended and was sentenced<br />

by a Justice <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Peace.<br />

- <strong>Chart</strong>er, ss. 1, 7, 8, 9,<br />

24(1), (2)<br />

- (1) Do random traffic stops without<br />

reasonable cause violate s.8 <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Chart</strong>er?<br />

• NO<br />

- (1) The stops violate s.9 but not s.8: police have <strong>the</strong> statutory right to randomly<br />

conduct license checks.<br />

- Ref. to Hunter (unreasonable search only takes place if <strong>the</strong>re is a breach <strong>of</strong><br />

reasonable expectation <strong>of</strong> privacy)<br />


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