1984-06 June IBEW Journal.pdf - International Brotherhood of ...

1984-06 June IBEW Journal.pdf - International Brotherhood of ... 1984-06 June IBEW Journal.pdf - International Brotherhood of ...




POWER OF<br />





It is a matter <strong>of</strong> record that ever<br />

since its beginning organized labor<br />

has heen a stalwart champion promoting<br />

and fighting fo r the economjc<br />

and social progress <strong>of</strong> union<br />

members and thei r fa milies. Labor's<br />

political views always have<br />

been pointed in that direction.<br />

The mai n political concerns <strong>of</strong><br />

labor have been the bread-andbutter<br />

issues and how they affect<br />

the standard <strong>of</strong> living for affiliated<br />

members. And in carrying out this<br />

obligated duty, all workt:rs have<br />

reaped the benefits <strong>of</strong> labor's efforts.<br />

Down through the years through<br />

hard work and progressive actions,<br />

lhe working people have become<br />

the backbone <strong>of</strong> the nation. Trade<br />

unionists are loyal, dedicated citizens<br />

who beli eve fi ercely in protecting<br />

the freedoms they enjoy<br />

under our trul y democratic form<br />

<strong>of</strong> government.<br />

When the mEW and olher affiliates<br />

<strong>of</strong> the AFL-CIO sponsor and<br />

work for the passage <strong>of</strong> legislation<br />

that will bring union members<br />

more protection and security, the<br />

effort is done on a bipartisan basis.<br />

The labor movement is not now,<br />

or ever has been, bound to any<br />

one pohtical party or parties. The<br />

Democratic Party has had a favo r­<br />

able balance <strong>of</strong> legislators who<br />

have lined up on the side <strong>of</strong> the<br />

workers, and organized labor has<br />

supported those politicians who<br />

are friends <strong>of</strong> trade unioni sts. This<br />

does not mean that we do nOt<br />

judge each politician on his or her<br />

own merits, or his or her voting<br />

record or his or her stand on issues<br />

vi tal to the we lJare <strong>of</strong> labor. Si m·<br />

ply stated, we work for the eJection<br />

<strong>of</strong> friends <strong>of</strong> labor!<br />

However, each and every affili·<br />

ated member <strong>of</strong> our <strong>Brotherhood</strong><br />

and members <strong>of</strong> other unions have<br />

had, and still have, the right and<br />

the privilege <strong>of</strong> voting to the dictates<br />

<strong>of</strong> thei r conscience and the<br />

political candidate <strong>of</strong> their choice.<br />

This is the way it should be and<br />

there is no other way in a democra<br />

cy <strong>of</strong> free people.<br />

However, I feel that your elected<br />

<strong>of</strong>ficers have an obliga tion to render<br />

honest and sincere advice ac·<br />

cording to our best knowl edge and<br />

experience. This is not a prerogative<br />

which we choose to assume.<br />

It is a responsibility which we are<br />

duty-bound to carry out. We want<br />

only to keep the record clear, as<br />

we relate to mEW members. Unless<br />

we can effect a change and<br />

we rid ourselves <strong>of</strong> the anti-union,<br />

union busting crowd that now occupies<br />

the White House, and rid<br />

oursel ves <strong>of</strong> some <strong>of</strong> the unnecessary<br />

legal restrictions fo rced on<br />

legitimate la bor unions by our<br />

enemies in the Administration and<br />

the Congress, it will be the end<br />

very shortly <strong>of</strong> all the gains won<br />

by our life- line-the collective<br />

barga ining system- as we know<br />

it today.<br />

We also think that our prestige<br />

as a world power will continue to<br />

deteriorate as it has in the past<br />

fe w yea rs, unless there is a change<br />

in tht: Administration. They ta lk<br />

a good game <strong>of</strong> human rights, while<br />

at the same time they are insensitive<br />

to the wants <strong>of</strong> workers, the<br />

poor, the sick and the elderly.<br />

The Reagan Administration by<br />

using the power <strong>of</strong> the presidency,<br />

is trying to wipe out all the gains<br />

the trade union movement has<br />

made for workers in the past SO<br />

years. In this issue <strong>of</strong> the {Dumal<br />

and in the two previous months,<br />

the Research and Education Department<br />

articles ha ve thoroughly<br />

outlined the power <strong>of</strong> the <strong>of</strong>fice <strong>of</strong><br />

the President. T he articles also<br />

have cl early laid out the way the<br />

Reagan Administration is using<br />

the power <strong>of</strong> the presidency to<br />

literally destroy the legislation that<br />

gives workers protection and se·<br />

curity under laws passed by Congress.<br />

The articles al so discuss the<br />

way that President Reagan is<br />

claiming economic recovery while<br />

usi ng budget cutS to cause further<br />

suffering for millions and millions<br />

<strong>of</strong> the unemployed, the poor, the<br />

sick and the elderly, which in<br />

rea lity causes the COStS to taxpayers<br />

to increase.<br />

I am sure that after reading these<br />

most informative artic les, our<br />

members will have a better understanding<br />

<strong>of</strong> why the AFL-ClO<br />

and its affiliates want union members<br />

and thei r families to turn out<br />

on Election Day in substantial<br />

numbers to make sure trade union<br />

votes help vote the Reagan<br />

Administration out <strong>of</strong> the White<br />

House. Labor correctly wants to<br />

replace Ronald Reagan with a triedand-true<br />

friend <strong>of</strong> working people<br />

and their unions, Walter F. Mondale.<br />

Charl es H. Pillard<br />

<strong>International</strong> President<br />

...<br />

...<br />

1<br />


-<br />

..<br />

Volume 83, No. 6<br />



•<br />

JOURNAL ' JUNE ' <strong>1984</strong><br />

I<br />

CHARLES H. PILLARD. Editor<br />

FEF1TLI~ES<br />

President Pi1Iard Announces Completion <strong>of</strong> Electrical<br />

Industry Pension Reciprocal Agreement<br />

tSEW Construction Local Unions Participating In The<br />

Electrical Industry Health & Welfare Reciprocal<br />

Agreement<br />

ISEW <strong>1984</strong> Regional Utility Conferences<br />

Per Capita Tax Rebate Procedure<br />

ISEW Local Union 1510, Starkville, Mississippi,<br />

Ratifies New Agreement, Phelps Dodge Wire &<br />

Cable, Inc.<br />

<strong>IBEW</strong> Fifth Oistrict Leadership Training Program<br />

New Brunswick Locals Hold Founding Meeting <strong>of</strong><br />

tSEW Provincial Council<br />

Phelps Dodge Corporation: A l esson in Union<br />

Buslingl<br />

Your Vole is Your Voice<br />


Editorial Comment<br />

Research and Education<br />

Safety Tips<br />

Local lines<br />

In Memoria m<br />

Rel1ections<br />

ON OUR COVER-This beautiful<br />

summer scene is 01 the Teton Range,<br />

Grand Telon National Park, Wyoming<br />

ISEW Reoptocal Agreements, the Per<br />

Capita Tax Rebate Procedure, t984<br />

Utility Conferences, and numerous<br />

other imp<strong>of</strong>1ant stories highlight this<br />

most Inlormauve <strong>June</strong> Issue<br />

<strong>June</strong>, <strong>1984</strong><br />

2<br />

3<br />

6<br />

11<br />

12<br />

13<br />

15<br />

16<br />

17<br />

Inside Front Cover<br />

19<br />

21<br />

22<br />

67<br />

Inside Back Cover<br />

•••••<br />

- .<br />

~. : ... ~ \ 1<br />

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•<br />

<strong>1984</strong> <strong>IBEW</strong> Construction and Maintenance GI ~<br />

<strong>International</strong> President Charles H. Pillard Is shown announcing the completion <strong>of</strong> the Electrical Industry Pension Reciprocal Agreement during the<br />

ISEW Construction Conlereoce held on March 31 , <strong>1984</strong>, In Washington, D.C. President Pillard slaled thaI he 9Kp&Cted lull participation in the<br />

agreement by all <strong>IBEW</strong> construction local unions.<br />




<strong>International</strong> PreSident Charles H.<br />

Pillard, in his comments to the lBEW<br />

Construction Conference held March<br />

31, <strong>1984</strong>, in Washington, D.C., announced<br />

the completion <strong>of</strong> work on<br />

the Electrical Industry Pension Re·<br />

ciprocal Agreement. His announcement<br />

was greeted by enthusiastic<br />

applause from over SOD local union<br />

delegates at the Conference.<br />

Pn:sident Pillard noted that members<br />

<strong>of</strong> the <strong>International</strong> Office staff<br />

had worked diligently during the past<br />

year on this program in conjunction<br />

with the mEw attorneys and the<br />

Martin E. Segal Company, a wellknown<br />

pension consulting finn. They<br />

reviewed existing local union pension<br />

plans and reciprocity agree-<br />

2 I lBEW JOURNAl! JUNE <strong>1984</strong><br />

ments covering construl:tion members<br />

and did extensive research on<br />

reciprocity administrative procedures<br />

and related legal issues. President<br />

Pi ll ard stated that developing<br />

a pension reciprocity agreement had<br />

proved much more difficult than the<br />

welfare reciprocity agreement because<br />

<strong>of</strong> the many legal requirements<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Employee Retirement Income<br />

Security Act and other legislation.<br />

In introducing the agreement, he<br />

stated, " <strong>International</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficers, members<br />

<strong>of</strong> the <strong>International</strong> Office staff<br />

who have worked on this agreement,<br />

the mEw attorneys and the Martin<br />

E. Segal Company are satisfied that<br />

the agreement is the best possible<br />

arrangement, given all <strong>of</strong> the administrative<br />

and legal complcxit.ies and<br />

the existing Structure <strong>of</strong> the local<br />

union pension funds and local reciprocity<br />

agreements." President Pil·<br />

lard then discussed the benefits <strong>of</strong><br />

the welfare reciprocal agreement that<br />

[HEW members have enjoyed and ..,<br />

pointed out the need for immediate<br />

action by the trustees <strong>of</strong> all mEW<br />

local union pension funds to adopt<br />

the pension reciprocal agreement. In<br />

concluding his comments, President<br />

Pillard to ld the delegates, " Your In - ~<br />

temational <strong>of</strong>ficers fully believe that<br />

this is the right thing to do and will<br />

be mOSt beneficial to all mEW construction<br />

membt:rs, and we intend<br />

to do everything we can to obtain<br />

full participation in thiS agreement."<br />

-<br />


At the end <strong>of</strong> April, COplCS <strong>of</strong> the<br />

agreement and explanatory materials<br />

were se nt to the business managers<br />

<strong>of</strong> alllBEW construction local unions<br />

In the United States for thelT review<br />

and fo r review by the boards <strong>of</strong> trustces<br />

<strong>of</strong> their local union penSion funds.<br />

It IS anticipated that local unions'<br />

funds will begm becoming partlcs to<br />

the agreement in latc Mayor early<br />

<strong>June</strong>, at which time the agreement<br />

will start to function. Lists <strong>of</strong> local<br />

uOIon funds partiCipating In the reciprocal<br />

agreement will be published<br />

In the 18£W {ouma] periodically and<br />

will be supplied monthly to local<br />

umons whose funds arc participat­<br />

Ing_<br />

The Welfare Reciprocal Agreement allows a parttc­<br />

Ipant'S home fund to request payment for the difference<br />

in the home fund contribution ratc and the<br />

participating fund contribution rate if it is small er.<br />

Some funds arc requiring these payments. Traveling<br />


employees should be aware <strong>of</strong> the rules <strong>of</strong> their home<br />

fund and make the additional paymcms in

C./flomia Georgia 100% lInlal 100% Michigan (COII 'I) 100%<br />

11 '&0 los Angeles 84 0 Atlanta 226 Topeka 557 Saginaw<br />

100 1&0 Fresno soa I Savannah 271 • Wichita 665 lansing<br />

234 1&0 castroville 511 I Valdosta 304 0 Topeka 692 i Bay City<br />

302 1&0 Pleasant Hill 613 i&o AUanta 661 Hutchinson 876 0 Grand Rapids ~<br />

340 1&0 Sacramento 779 1&0 Columbus 948 Flint<br />

413 1&0 Santa Barbara 1316 i&o Macon 979<br />

Kentucky<br />

Escanaba<br />

100%<br />

428 1&0 Bakersfield 1531 I Albany 1070 MarQuette<br />

440 1&0 Riverside 1579 i&o Augusta 101 0 Somerset 1251 Sault Ste. Marie<br />

442 i&o Redding 183 i leXington<br />

477 i&o San Bernardino 369 i&o louisville<br />

Minnesota 100%<br />

482 1&0 Eureka H.wall 816 i&o Paducah<br />

828 i&o Bowling Green 110<br />

•<br />

51. Paul<br />

551 1&0 Santa Rosa<br />

1701 i&o Owensboro 160 0 Minneapolis<br />

569 1&0 San Diego<br />

Idaho<br />

591<br />

100% 242 Duluth<br />

i&o Stockton<br />

617 i&o San Mateo 291 1&0 Boise<br />

292 Minneapolis<br />

louisiana 100% 294 Hibbing<br />

639 i&o San luis Obispo 449 1&0 Pocatello<br />

130 i&o New Orleans<br />

684 i&o Modesto<br />

343 i le Sueur<br />

~<br />

194 1&0 Shreveport<br />

952 1&0 Ventura<br />

329 0 Shreveport<br />

1245 0 Walnut Creek IIIlnoll 100%<br />

446 1&0<br />

Mlnlsslppl 1000/.<br />

Monroe<br />

9 0 Chicago<br />

576 1&0 Alexandria 480 i Jackson<br />

34 I Peoria<br />

661 1&0 lake Charles 605 0 Jackson<br />

Colorado 100% 51 0 Springfield<br />

901 1&0 Lafayette 852 i&o Corinth<br />

117 1&0 Elgin<br />

12 '&0 Pueblo<br />

995 1&0 Balon Rouge 903 1&0 Gulfport<br />

134 I Chicago .-<br />

68 I Denver 1077 1&0 Bogalusa 917 1&0 Meridian<br />

145 1&0 Rock Island<br />

111 0 Denver<br />

1529 I laurel<br />

146 I Decatur<br />

113 1&0 Colorado Springs<br />

ISO Waukegan<br />

969 1&0 Grand Junction<br />

Maine 100%<br />

176 Joliet Mlnourt<br />

567 i Portland<br />

100%<br />

193 i&o Springfield<br />

1253 i Augusta I SI. loUiS<br />

196 0 Rockford 2 0 51. loUiS<br />

Connecticut 100% 197 I Bloomington 53 0 Kansas City<br />

35 i Hartford 309 1&0 Collinsville Maryland 100% 95 Joplin<br />

42 0 Hartford 364 Rockford 24 i Baltimore 124 Kansas City<br />

90 New Haven 461 Aurora 307 i&o Cumberland 257 Jefferson City<br />

208 Norwalk 538 Danville 350 Hannibal<br />

488 Bridgeport 601 i Champaign & Urbana 453 Springfield<br />

649 1&0 Alton Mauachusettl 100% 545 St. Joseph<br />

701 I Glen Ellyn 7 Springlleld<br />

702 i&o West Frankfon<br />

Del.ware 100%<br />

36 Northampton<br />

Montana 100%<br />

313 i Wilmlnglon 96 Worces ter<br />

103 i Boston 44 0 Butte<br />

Indiana 100%<br />

104 0 Boston<br />

122 Greal Falls<br />

16 i Evansville 223 I Brockton 185 i Helena<br />

Olstrld 01 Columbl. 100% 153 i South Bend 224 New Bedford 2<strong>06</strong> 0 Helena<br />

305 Ft. Wayne<br />

26 i WaShington<br />

235 Taunton 532 i&o Billings<br />

481 IndianapoliS<br />

70 WaShington<br />

256 i FitChburg 623 I Butte<br />

0<br />

531 La Porte 259 Salem<br />

768 i&o Kalispell<br />

668 lafayette 284 Pittsfield<br />

697 Gary & Hammond 437 Fall River Nebras.ka toO%<br />

Florid. tDO% 725 Terre Haule 522 lawrence<br />

1<strong>06</strong> 0 Tampa 855 MunCie<br />

588 ; 22 I Omaha<br />

Lowell<br />

177 1&0 Jacksonville 873 i Kokomo 265 I Uncaln<br />

308 i&o 51. Petersburg 1393 0 Indianapolis 507 i Grand Island<br />

323 i&o West Palm Beach MIChigan 100% 1525 0 Omaha<br />

349 1&0 Miami 17 0 DetrOIt<br />

551 i&o Santa Rosa low. 100%<br />

19 I Houghton Neyada<br />

-<br />

6<strong>06</strong> 1&0 Orlando 13 i Burlington 58 Delroit 357 i&o las Vegas<br />

676 1&0 Pensacola 55 0 Des Moines 107 Grand Rapids<br />

728 1&0 Ft. lauderdale 173 I Ottumwa 131 Kalamazoo<br />

756 1&0 Daytona Beach 231 SIOUX City 219 Iron Mountain N,. 100%<br />

915 i Tampa 288 Waterloo 252 Ann Arbor HampShire<br />

1001 i&o Panama City 347 Des Moines 275 Muskegon 421 Concord<br />

1205 i&o Gainesville 405 Cedar Rapids 445 Battle Creek 490 Dover<br />

1965 1&0 Tallahassee 704 Dubuque 498 Traverse City 719 ManChester<br />

4 \ <strong>IBEW</strong> JOURNAl! JUNE <strong>1984</strong>

Ne. Jell.Y 100% Ohio 100% Pennsylyania ('Oft'U 100% Ulah 100%<br />

0 Salt lake City<br />

52 i&o Newark 8 I Toledo 414 , Lancaster<br />

"<br />

102 1&0 Paterson 32 1&0 em. 607 Shamokin 354 Salt Lake City<br />

1&4 1&0 Jersey City 38 Cleveland 654 , Chester<br />

211 1&0 Atlantic City &4 I Youngstown 6IlS Hazleton<br />

Vennont 100%<br />

262 i&o Plainfield 71 0 Columbus 712 Beaver<br />

269 i&o Trenton 82 1&0 Dayton 743 Reading 300 , Montpelier<br />

35B 1&0 Perth Amboy 88 i&o Chillicothe 812 I Williamsport<br />

400 1&0 Asbury Park 129 '&0 lorain 1319 0 Wilkes-Barre<br />

Virginia 100%<br />

439 1&0 camden 212 1&0 CinCinnati<br />

SO ,&0 Norfolk<br />

, 456 1&0 New Brunswick 245 0 Toledo<br />

Rho de 'sland tOO% 467 i&o lynChburg<br />

581 1&0 Morristown 246 i&o Steubenville<br />

637 i&o Roanoke<br />

592 i&o Vineland 3<strong>06</strong> 1&0 Akron 99 I PrOVidence<br />

666 i&o Richmond<br />

675 1&0 Elizabeth 411 0 Warren<br />

672 I Front Royal<br />

540 1&0 Canton<br />

South Carolina 100% 1340 i&o Newport News<br />

573 I Warren<br />

New Mexico 100% 382 1&0 Columbia<br />

575 I Portsmouth<br />

611 1&0 Albuquerque 485 0 Columbia<br />

&48 i&o Hamilton<br />

776 1&0 Charleston Washington<br />

&43 I Carlsbad 669 I Springfield<br />

46 Seattle<br />

673 i&o PaineSVille<br />

76 Tacoma<br />

883 I Columbus South Dakota 100%<br />

New Yort 100% 77 0 Seattle<br />

688 1&0 Mansfield 426 1&0 Sioux Falls 89 0 Seattle<br />

3 1&0 New York 762 i&o Ashtabula 1250 1&0 Rapid City 191 Everett<br />

25 1&0 long Island 867 1&0 Sandusky<br />

483 0 Tacoma<br />

.,<br />

41 I BuHalo 972 Manetta<br />

970 Kelso-longview<br />

43 Syracuse 1105 Newarlt Tennessee 100%<br />

86 Rochester 175 1&0 Chattanooga<br />

1<strong>06</strong> , Jamestown 270 1&0 Oak Ridge West Virginia 100%<br />

139 Elmira Oklahoma 100% 429 1&0 NashVille 141 '&0 Wheeling<br />

166 Schenectady<br />

3B4 , Muskogee 474 1&0 MemphiS 317 '&0 Hunllngton<br />

181 Utica<br />

444 Ponca City 760 1&0 Knoxville 425 i&o Fairmont<br />

215 Poughkeepsie<br />

584 Tulsa 835 i&o Jackson 466 , Charleston<br />

237 Niagara Falls<br />

590 Lawton 846 0 Chattanooga 596 i&o Clarksburg<br />

241 Ithaca<br />

1002 0 Tulsa 934 ,&0 Kingsport 872 i&o Beckley<br />

325 Binghamton<br />

1141 Oklahoma City 1925 1&0 Martin 96B '&0 Parltersburg<br />

328 , Oswego<br />

363 New City<br />

438 I T .. y Texas 100%<br />

Wisconsin 100%<br />

501 1&0 While Plains<br />

Oregon 100%<br />

59 1&0 Dallas 127 , Kenosha<br />

631 I Newburgh 48 , Portland 60 I San AntOOIO<br />

135 La Crosse<br />

724 I Albany 125 0 Portland 66 0 Houston 158 Green Bay<br />

781 , Plattsburgh 280 I Salem 72 Waco 159 I Madison<br />

B<strong>06</strong> Ellenville 659 i&o Medford 116 Fort Worth 276 I Superior<br />

840 Geneva 932 I Coos Bay 278 1&0 Corpus Christl<br />

377 0 Beaver Dam<br />

910 Watertown 301 i&o Texarkana 388 I Stevens Point<br />

> 1049 0 long Island 324 i&o longvJew 430 Racine<br />

1249 0 E, Syracuse Pllnnsylvania 100% 390 0 Port Ar1hur 494 Milwaukee<br />

5 I Plnsburgh 460 i&o Midland 577 Appleton<br />

10 , Bulter 479 I Beaumont 890 JaneSVIlle<br />

North Clrolina 100% 56 foe 520 I Austin 953 , Eau Claire<br />

238 1&0 AsheVille 81 Scranton 527 I Galveston<br />

, 379 1&0 Charlone 9B Philadelphia 583 i&o EI Paso<br />

.<br />

495 1&0 Wilmington 126 0 Phllade(phia 602 1&0 Amanllo Wyoming 100%<br />

553 ,&0 Raleigh 143 Harnsburg 681 i&o Wichita Falls 322 i&o casper<br />

163 Wilkes-Barre 716 I Houston 415 , Cheyenne<br />

229 I York B50 i&o lubbock B60 I laramJe<br />

North Oakola 100% 367 '&0 Easton 898 1&0 San Ange lo<br />

71 4 i&o MlOot 375 I Allentown 920 i&o Abi lene<br />

1426 1&0 Grand Forks 3BO Nornstown 1151 I Tyler Tennesslle VallllY ~ulhori ty<br />

<strong>IBEW</strong> JOURNAL! JUNE 1964 I 5

<strong>IBEW</strong><br />

<strong>1984</strong><br />




-<br />

The <strong>1984</strong> senes <strong>of</strong> 1SEW RegIOnal Utll·<br />

II)' Conferences marked the 26th con-<br />

5CCUUVC year for the annual four-cities<br />

meetings <strong>of</strong> local union <strong>of</strong>ficers and del ­<br />

egates representing mEW members employed<br />

in the electric, gas, water, and<br />

mansn unllty systems In the Umted<br />

States.<br />

A total <strong>of</strong> 667 local umon and utility<br />

System Council delegates responded to<br />

international PreSident Pillard's letter <strong>of</strong><br />

conference announcement and registered<br />

dunng the conferences, which were coodueted<br />

by Robert W. Macdonald, Utility<br />

Dcp3rtmcnt Dlrecwr, and <strong>International</strong><br />

Representatives Pau l R Shoop, Robert<br />

L Bicntz, James L. Dushaw, and James<br />

M. 022cllo, all serving on the Utility<br />

Dcpanmcnr staff<br />

The first conference was held In Indl'<br />

anapolis, Indiana, where delegates from<br />

the 4th, 6th, and 8th <strong>International</strong> Vice<br />

Presidential Districts met on February<br />

22, 23, and 24. Nashvt!le, Tennessee,<br />

was the Site for the meeting <strong>of</strong> dcleg:Hcs<br />

from the 2nd, 9th, :md 12th Lnternatlonal<br />

Vice Presidential Dlstncts on March 27,<br />

28, and 29. Kansas City, MISSOUri, was<br />

the host city for the 3rd and I I th lnll:r·<br />

national Vice PrCSldential DistrictS on<br />

April 17, 18, and 19 1 and Tucson, ArI ·<br />

zona, welcomed the eombmatlon <strong>of</strong> the<br />

5th and 7th Intern:1tLonal Vice PreSidential<br />

Dlstncts with delegates from the<br />

southernmost portion <strong>of</strong> the Umted States<br />

The coruerence sessIOns were held over<br />

a two-and-onc-half-day period at each<br />

location. The agenda started With earlymornmg<br />

registration <strong>of</strong> delegates and<br />

dlstnhulion <strong>of</strong> conference work materials<br />

overseen by thc Utility Department<br />

!Half. The Department st3ff prepares for<br />

each yca.t's conferences by producmg new<br />

and updated surveys and materials whi ch<br />

are deSigned to mform and assist local<br />

unions III the conduct <strong>of</strong> utility industry<br />

relations and aid In labor agreement negotiations.<br />

Kenneth Edwards, Director, <strong>IBEW</strong> Skill<br />

Improvement and Tr;umng Department,<br />

was present at each conference to speak<br />

to the delegates about ,ob testing III the<br />

utility mdustry. Director Edwards' presentation,<br />

as introduced by Bob Macdon·<br />

aid, "addressed the Issue <strong>of</strong> employers<br />

testing for job transfers, promotions, and<br />

6 I <strong>IBEW</strong> JOURNAL f JUNE t964<br />

career entrance poSitiOnS, one <strong>of</strong> the<br />

most Important cha ll enges <strong>IBEW</strong> utility<br />

local umons will face m the years to<br />

come."<br />

Commenttng on the yearly roullne <strong>of</strong><br />

Utility Conference scheduling. Director<br />

Macdonald remarked that the continued<br />

good attendance at all <strong>of</strong> the meeting<br />

locations hkely reflects a combll1atlon<br />

<strong>of</strong> factors. "The Regional Ullin), Conferences<br />

arc deSigned to prOVide mEW<br />

utility local ulllons with an overall exposure<br />

to nallonal and local variations<br />

In working condl tlons, safety procedures,<br />

and gene ral developmcnts In the utility<br />

mdustry. Also, changing the mectlng<br />

sites provides local umons at least an<br />

occasIOnal opportumty to send delegates<br />

where travel IS IlllnlmIZed," said Uob<br />

Macdonald after the conclUSion <strong>of</strong> thiS<br />

year's Utility Conferences.<br />

"The working plan for the conference<br />

agenda is tht resuit <strong>of</strong> ongOl1lg InterolCtlon<br />

on utility Issues between <strong>IBEW</strong> unl­<br />

Ity local umons, with the Intcm:Hlonal<br />

VIce PreSidents and the <strong>International</strong><br />

Office and Utility Department with the<br />

support and approval <strong>of</strong> PreSident PII<br />

lard," explained Bob Macdonald.<br />

Acting as conference chairman at each<br />

location, Director Macdonald welcomed<br />

the delegates on behalf <strong>of</strong> <strong>International</strong><br />

PreSident Pillard, and Introduced the respective<br />

Internallonal Vice Prcsldents<br />

and <strong>International</strong> Executive CounCIl<br />

mcmbers prescnt for each conferencc.<br />

Each Vice PreSident commented briefly<br />

on matters <strong>of</strong> Importance and concern to<br />

delegates from thelT respective geograph ­<br />

Ical areas. Without exception, the indi ­<br />

Vidual <strong>International</strong> VIce PreSidents<br />

shared with the delegates their views on<br />

the Importance <strong>of</strong> the <strong>1984</strong> nauonal cleclion<br />

year. The coming clectlon k>r pres·<br />

Ident <strong>of</strong> the Untted States was also the<br />

tOpiC to which <strong>International</strong> ExeculJve<br />

CounCil Chalrnlan Wesley I. Taylor spoke<br />

at each location except Tucson, where<br />

hc WdS unable to attend due 10 other<br />

demands <strong>of</strong> hiS schedule.<br />

The delegates also heard theIT respcclive<br />

<strong>International</strong> Executive Council<br />

members urge the Importance <strong>of</strong> local<br />

ullIon members taktng an active role 10<br />

the primary and general elections and<br />

con tributing to the education and regiStrauon<br />

<strong>of</strong> potential voters by every avail ­<br />

able means, especially by suppomng mEW<br />

COPE.<br />

The first morning geneml ~ess l on con- ...<br />

tlnued with Director Macdonald address~<br />

mg the delegates with the Report and<br />

Outlook <strong>of</strong> the Utility Department. ThiS<br />

report was a comprehenSive revlcw <strong>of</strong><br />

the Dcp:mment's activities and a prolected<br />

look Into areas <strong>of</strong> general Importance<br />

to local unIOns haVing utility IU- ....<br />

risdictlon. Explored dUring the Duector's<br />

report, with the aid <strong>of</strong> charts pro1ected<br />

overhead, were statiStiCS <strong>of</strong> employment,<br />

negotiated wage Increases, and orgamz·<br />

Ing activity In the uulity Industry Macdonald<br />

commented, " You have heard<br />

about massive lay<strong>of</strong>fs, wage cutS, givebacks,<br />

take·aw:IYs, etc., In Amenca's Industnes.<br />

In the utlhty Industry we have<br />

been IIIvolved in some tough negotiations,<br />

but we have been able to resIst<br />

mnst proposa l ~ for malor changes."<br />

DlTector Macdonald urged the deleg;ttCS<br />

10 become personally mvolved In<br />

orgamzmg efforts saymg that "The best<br />

orgamzer IS the mdlvidual !BEW local<br />

union member who IS known, trusted, ~1<br />

and respected by hiS or her fncnds and<br />

nClghbors who work In the unrepresented<br />

sector <strong>of</strong> the mdustry, and Will<br />

let them know that the mEW wantS to<br />

help them "<br />

Workshops were the order <strong>of</strong> the enme .,<br />

second day, With the Utility Department<br />

staff presldm~ as moderators fo r the ses·<br />

slons. Paul Shoop conducted the Generation<br />

Workshop, Bob SI CntZ the Gas<br />

Workshop, '1m Dushaw the Electncal<br />

Workshop, and Jim Quello the Clerical<br />

Workshop. Films, photo slide prcsenlations,<br />

and videotape programs on safetyrelated<br />

ncm~, work u:cbmques, and tOp-<br />

ICS <strong>of</strong> general interest to utllity local<br />

umons were scheduled through the conference<br />

sess ions and workshops. The Department<br />

staff gave mdlvidually prepared<br />

presentaUons dUring the general sessions<br />

on the first or thud day.<br />

At the conclusion olthe <strong>1984</strong> Regional<br />

UuLty Conferences, Director Macdonald<br />

bncfed the delegates on legal developments<br />

which have occurred over the paSt<br />

year and which affect mEW local umons<br />

havmg utility jurisdiction. A complete<br />

(Con tinued on Page 66)<br />

.<br />

Indianapolis, Indiana<br />

.~. :~ ::::::::)<br />

63 Delegates<br />

Partial view. <strong>of</strong><br />

general sea,lonl<br />

#4 Delegates<br />

*5 Delegates<br />

#6 Shown here Is • portion <strong>of</strong> those participating In the Clerical<br />

Workshop al Indlanapolla.<br />

.... #7 In this photo delegate.er. shown during 8 Generation Workshop<br />

se •• lon.<br />

#8 Pictured In Indlanapolla are, 181110 righi, Jon Wallers, 8th District<br />

Vice President; Glen McCall, 71h lEe District member; Wes Taylor,<br />

lEe Chairman: Bob Missey. 5th tEe District member; and Jim<br />

Conway, 6th Dlatrlct Vice President,<br />

ISEW JOURNAL / JUNE <strong>1984</strong> I 7

..<br />

Nashville, Tennessee<br />

..<br />

".2 Delegates<br />

Delegates<br />

'3<br />

Delegates Par1lal views 01<br />

..<br />

Delegates general sessions<br />

.S Delegates<br />

Delegates<br />

117 Shown here In a humorous moment, a bit ot HawaII II brought<br />

to Nalhville for the benefit <strong>of</strong> t2th District Vice President John<br />

Hightower, wearing hat, who had voiced asplraUons <strong>of</strong> visiting the<br />

Aloha State. Local 1260 Business Manager Norm Ahakuelo, right,<br />

presented the would-be traveler with. poster, lela, sun hat, and<br />

flowers. Sharing the tun waa 2nd District Vice President John Flynn.<br />

left, and 9th District Vice President Jack McCann.<br />

#8 <strong>International</strong> Officers attending the Nashville Conference were.<br />

left to right. 9th District Vice PreSident Jack McCann, 12th District<br />

Vice President John Hightower, IEC Chairman Wes Taylor, 7th IEC<br />

District member Glen McCall, 2nd District Vice President John Flynn.<br />

4th IEC District member Harry Bexley, and 6th IEC District member<br />

Tom Pursley.<br />

< •<br />


.<br />

,><br />

Kansas City, Missouri<br />

#1 Delegate'l<br />

112 Delegates<br />

#3 Delegates<br />

#4 Delegates Partial vIews <strong>of</strong><br />

general sessions<br />

.+'5 Delegates<br />

J<br />

#6 Delegate.<br />

.... #1 Delegate.<br />

I #8 Taking lime oul to pose tor this photo In Kansas City, Mo., left<br />

to right, are 11th OI.ltlct Vice President Jack Moore, 5th lEe District<br />

member Bob Missey, l at lEe DIstrict member Jack McNulty, lEe<br />

Chairman Was Taylor, and 3td District Vice President Jack Barry.<br />

<strong>IBEW</strong> JOURNAL JUNE <strong>1984</strong> I 9

•<br />

Tucson, Arizona<br />

#1 Pictured here ent the Utility Department staff, lett to right,<br />

<strong>International</strong> Repre.entatlves Jim Dushaw, Sob 8leritz, and JIm<br />

Onello, Utility Department DIrector 80b Macdonald, and <strong>International</strong><br />

Repre.entatlve Paul Shoop.<br />

112 Shown In this photo Is Sth District Vice President Dan Waters<br />

addressing the meeting. Left on the dal. are 7th District VIce President<br />

Orville Tate and Bob Macdonald. Right lire 6th lEe DI.trlct member<br />

Tom Pursley, Sth IEC District member 80b Missey, and 4th IEC<br />

District member Hany Bexley.<br />

113 Ken Edwards, ISEW Director 0' Skill Improvement and Training.<br />

In thIs photo II explaIning a personality-type test the delegatel had<br />

lust finIshed takIng.<br />

#4 The weather in Tuclon cooperated to make polslble outdoor<br />

reglstrallon <strong>of</strong> delegates.<br />

*' Deleg .... }<br />

116 Delegates Partial views 01<br />

117 Delegates general seaalons<br />

#8 Delegates<br />

, ,<br />

10 I ISEW JOURNAL! JUNE <strong>1984</strong>


FOR FISCAL YEAR <strong>1984</strong>-a5<br />

In 1981, the <strong>International</strong> Encuuve Counctl approved a<br />

procedure to enable members and agency Icc-payers to request<br />

a refund <strong>of</strong> that portion <strong>of</strong> their annual per capita which the<br />

InternatIOnal spends on political and Ideologu:al activities that<br />

arc not reasonably related to the <strong>IBEW</strong>'s coUecttvc bargalnln&<br />

responsibilllle5, The opcn period for requesting a rebate <strong>of</strong><br />

dues or fees paid durmg tbe ,uly I, <strong>1984</strong>-/une 30, 1985, fiscal<br />

year is ,uly I- ,uly IS, <strong>1984</strong> If you Wish to rC&lsler your<br />

objection to these kinds <strong>of</strong> expcudnurcs and to request a rebate<br />

for the next fiscal year, your request must be recel vcd In the<br />

<strong>of</strong>fice <strong>of</strong> the <strong>International</strong> Secretary, 112S-15th Street, N.W.,<br />

Washmgton, D.C. 20005, between July I and luly 15, <strong>1984</strong>.<br />

Dunng the year, your request Will be kept on file and your<br />

per capltas will be deposited In an Interest-beanng escrow<br />

. accounl. You will receive your rebate, With mterest, In November,<br />

1985, after the close <strong>of</strong> the <strong>1984</strong>-85 fiscal year<br />

No special fonn IS requited 10 register your objection<br />

Howevcr, If you request a rebate, please Include your full<br />

name, your malhng address, the local unIOn to which you pay<br />

fees or dues, and your card number !if known)_ In addition, if<br />

you move dunng the year, please advisc the <strong>International</strong><br />

Secretary, to make sure you can be located when the rebate<br />

checks are mailed<br />

The exaCt amount <strong>of</strong> the rebate c.1nnOt be calculated until<br />

the close <strong>of</strong> the <strong>1984</strong>-85 fiscal year. However, as an cstlmate,<br />

the rebalLlble share for the 1982-83 year [the last year for<br />

which figures arc presently aV;lJlablel was 4.9%. Thus, the<br />

rebate for the 1982-83 fiscal year [when the annual per c3plta<br />

was $ 54 .001 was $2.70.<br />

The <strong>IBEW</strong> per capita rebate plan, as approved by the IEC, IS<br />

as follows:<br />


'<br />

I . Any member <strong>of</strong> the IDEW, and any nonmember who pays<br />

agency shop fees pursuant to a collective bargaining agreement,<br />

sha ll have the right to object to expenditurcs <strong>of</strong> his or her per<br />

capita tax by the mEW for political and Ideological purposes<br />

not reasonably related to collecllve bargaining. A member or<br />

nonmember who perfects hIS or her obleeuon pursuant to the<br />

. . procedures set forth below shall be enutled to a rebale <strong>of</strong> that<br />

proportion <strong>of</strong> percaplla tax paid to the <strong>IBEW</strong> which is allocated<br />

fo r such purposes.<br />

2. Expenditures for poh ucal and ideological purposes not<br />

reasonably related to collective bargamlng mclude any made:<br />

fal toor on behalf <strong>of</strong>candid3tes fo r pollucal <strong>of</strong>fice, orpollucal<br />

pan ies or organlzatlonSI<br />

(bl to support activities du ected at IDJlueneing le&J.slation<br />

which is not re.asonably related to terms and conditions<br />

or employment <strong>of</strong> those represented by the lBEW, and<br />

fc) to or on behalf <strong>of</strong> ideological, charitable or religious<br />

activit ies or causes not reasonably related to collective<br />

bargaining.<br />

3. Objections must be madc annually, m wriung. addressed<br />

. ' to the <strong>International</strong> Secretary !I.S.) at the <strong>International</strong> OfBce,<br />

1115- 15th Street, N.W., Wuhmgton, D.C. 20Cl05. For the firs t<br />

year this plan is m effect, Jul y I, 1981, to <strong>June</strong> 30, 1982,<br />

objections must be recclved In the <strong>of</strong>fice <strong>of</strong> the I.S. between<br />

Oclober I and Octohcr 15, 198 1. For eaeh year thereafter,<br />

objections must be received between July 1 and July 15 <strong>of</strong> that<br />

yea r. Objections received during that period shall be effective<br />

...., only for expendlturcs m.ade dunng that fiscal year, July I to<br />

<strong>June</strong> 30.<br />

4. By November 1 <strong>of</strong> c.ach yur, the 1.5. shall calculate the<br />

rcbatable share <strong>of</strong> per capita tax for the preccdmg fisca l year<br />

as follows; The 1.5. shall determme the total operating expenditures<br />

made by the <strong>IBEW</strong> for 311 purposes during that fiscal<br />

year, and the total expendHures made for rebatable actlvitlcs.<br />

....- The 1.5. will then calculate the ratio <strong>of</strong> rebatable expenditures<br />

to t0l31 expenditures. Th:1I ratio will constitute the reba table<br />

share <strong>of</strong> per capita lax owcd to an obiector for that year.<br />

The 1.5. will then rebate the appropriate amount to each<br />

objector who has perfected hiS or her obJection, along with an<br />

explanation <strong>of</strong> how Ihe amount was detcrmined. The rebate<br />

check and explanation will be sent by registered or certi fied<br />

mail.<br />

5. An obJeclor who disagrees With the proporuonaJ allocation<br />

made by the I.S., III the belief that It docs nOt accurately<br />

reflect the expenditures <strong>of</strong> the LBEW In the areas defined as<br />

rebatable, may appea l to the <strong>International</strong> Executive Council<br />

!the IEq. The appeal must be made In wntlng and must be<br />

reccJVed 10 the <strong>of</strong> Ace <strong>of</strong> the 1.5. wlthm 21 days <strong>of</strong> receipt <strong>of</strong><br />

the rebate check. The lEe shall conSider and decide the appeal<br />

at 115 first regular meellng after receipi <strong>of</strong> the appea l. The IEC<br />

shall nOllfy the objector In writing <strong>of</strong> ItS decision and ItS<br />

reasons Iherdor, by registered or certified mall.<br />

6. An objector who disagrees with the determlIlatlon <strong>of</strong> the<br />

IEC may appeal to an Independent Umplle appointed in<br />

accordance With paragraph 7. The appeal must be made In<br />

writing and must be received in the <strong>of</strong>fice <strong>of</strong> the 1. 5. within<br />

21 days <strong>of</strong> the date on which the objector receives the lEe's<br />

deCision. The Independent Um pire shall have the authority to<br />

review the 1.S.'s determination as to the reba table proportion<br />

<strong>of</strong> the ob,ector's per capitn tax. The Umpire's deciSIOn' shall<br />

be in writing and shall be issued within a reasonable lime.<br />

DeCISions <strong>of</strong> the Umpire shall be fi nal.<br />

7. The lndependent Umpu e shall be appointed by the <strong>International</strong><br />

President, with the approval <strong>of</strong> the lEe, and shall<br />

be .a person who is not otherwise associaled with the lBEW or<br />

any <strong>of</strong> its afA hates. The cost <strong>of</strong> the Umpire's services and<br />

costs <strong>of</strong> any proceedings before the Umpire shall be borne by<br />

the <strong>IBEW</strong>. Indlvidually incurred cOSts sha ll be borne by the<br />

party incumng them.<br />

8. Objections to rebatable expenditures made by the local<br />

union to which a member pays dues, or to whlch a nonmember<br />

pays agency fees, must be made directly to the appropriate<br />

local uruon. Each local unIOn shall estabhsh procedures whereby<br />

objections may be made, shall determine the rebatable proportion<br />

<strong>of</strong> ItS expendllures for each year for which an objecllon<br />

IS properly filed, and shall make annual rebates, with wTltten<br />

explanations <strong>of</strong> how the amount was determined, in response<br />

to properly Aled objections.<br />

An objector who disagrees With the proportional rebate made<br />

by his or her local union, in the belief that it docs not accurately<br />

reflect the local union's expenditures in areas defined as<br />

rebalable, may appeal to the IEC, and then to the Independent<br />

Umpire, according to the procedures set forth in p3ragraphs<br />

5-7 above.<br />

lBEW JOURNAL I JUNE <strong>1984</strong> I 11

.SEW Local Union 1510, Starkville, Mississippi,<br />

The members <strong>of</strong> TSEW Local 1510<br />

voted to r~tify their new agreement<br />

on February 18, <strong>1984</strong>, after lengthy<br />

negotiations which started on Jul y<br />

22, 1983, with their employer, Phelps<br />

Dodge Wire & Cable, Inc.<br />

This is the first agreement with<br />

our employer si nce the bargaining<br />

unit voted to be represented by Local<br />

1510 on <strong>June</strong> 6, 1983. We were delayed<br />

during these negotiations due<br />

to the State <strong>of</strong> the economy and the<br />

price <strong>of</strong> copper decreasing cO. Istantly<br />

along with the fa ct that Phelps Dodge<br />

was in the process <strong>of</strong> se lling thei r<br />

wire and cable manufacturing plants.<br />

We were assisted to our contract<br />

negutiations by <strong>International</strong> Representative<br />

Herman E. Holley from<br />

Ratifies New Agreement<br />

Phelps Dodge Wire & Cable, Inc.<br />

the mEW Fifth District Office.<br />

At the writing <strong>of</strong> this <strong>Journal</strong> article,<br />

the membership drive is going<br />

very well. Of the potential bargaining<br />

unit total <strong>of</strong> 183 employees, we have<br />

signed up a dues-paying membershjp<br />

<strong>of</strong> 13 1 members. We will continue<br />

to encourage membership in our new<br />

local union as we know that the<br />

strength <strong>of</strong> a local union is no stronger<br />

than its weakest member. We must<br />

encourage OUI <strong>of</strong>fice rs and stewards<br />

to continue the good job <strong>of</strong> contacting<br />

non-members for their membership.<br />

On February 25-26, <strong>1984</strong>, I attended<br />

the scheduled Fifth District<br />

Leadership Training Program held in<br />

Birmingham, Alabama. Vice President<br />

Dan Waters and his staff conducted<br />

a very informative program,<br />

and J am sure it will be helpful to<br />

me as a new <strong>of</strong>ficer.<br />

'"<br />

We received our first general increase<br />

in wages after 22 months at<br />

the signing <strong>of</strong> the new agreement.<br />

Our bylaws have been approved and<br />

we have elected <strong>of</strong>ficers. Our charter<br />

has been installed and our new COIl- ....<br />

tract has been approved. We now<br />

face the future with enthusiasm that<br />

we have a voice in our destiny. Thank<br />

you all for your support during our<br />

times <strong>of</strong> need.<br />

Submitted by:<br />

Robert Evan~ ,<br />

President<br />

OfIicers 01 local 1510 taking oalh 01 oHico, lett 10 righi, are Donald<br />

Gandy, Presidenl Robert Evans, Dona Walker, Kenny Ward, Howard<br />

Cooper, Johnny Watson, Bemard Roberson and Robef'I Stallings.<br />

In this rear-Ia-Iront view 01 the ratllicatlon meeting Is InlematlOflal Rep- ' 1<br />

resentative Herman HOlley Pfesentlng contract lor ratification: Internationat<br />

Representative Joe Davis is on extreme right.<br />

Rlght-Iront 10 leh-rear view 01 Ihe ratilicalion meeting.<br />

12 I ISEW JOURNAL/ JUNE 1964<br />

Lett·lront to right-rear view 01 the ratilication meeting.<br />


.. <strong>International</strong> Vice President Dan H. Waters welcomes the delegates to<br />

\he Fifth Olstrkt leadership Training Program.<br />

Founh District <strong>International</strong> Executive Council member Harry BeKley,<br />

second Irom lelt, attended the two-day session.<br />



-<br />

r ~<br />

Business Manager Bob Benton 01 local 824, Tampa, Florida, Is shown at the microphone during<br />

~ , a question-and-answer period.<br />

A Iront-to-rear view 01 the 177 delegates In 8nendance al the !wo-day leadership Training Program.<br />

The Fifth District held a districtwide<br />

Leadership T rai ning Program<br />

on February 25-26, <strong>1984</strong>, in Birmingham,<br />

Alabama, for all local union<br />

<strong>of</strong>fice rs from Alabama, Florida, Georgia,<br />

Louisiana, Mississippi, Puerto<br />

Rico and the Canal Zone. According<br />

to the comments <strong>of</strong> th e delegates in<br />

attendance, the program was well<br />

received and very timely. Many <strong>of</strong><br />

the delegates, due to a large number<br />

<strong>of</strong> elections in the District, had not<br />

had an opportunity to attend a prior<br />

Leadership Training Program. There<br />

were 177 delegates in attendance.<br />

Local 136 Business Manager Jim<br />

Mulli nax and other <strong>of</strong>ficers and<br />

members graciously acted as the host<br />

local union. Their cOlllributions to<br />

this important conference contributed<br />

to making the program a tremendous<br />

success. The red carpet<br />

treatment, hospitality, shuttles to<br />

and from the airport, and the sightseeing<br />

tours furnished to the delegates'<br />

spouses, reflected the planning<br />

and hard work put mto preparing fo r<br />

the success <strong>of</strong> the program.<br />

<strong>International</strong> Vice President Dan<br />

Waters, his staff and the delega tes in<br />

attendance want to take this opportunity<br />

to thank Business Manager<br />

Mullinax and all the other <strong>of</strong>ficers<br />

and members <strong>of</strong> Local 136 for their<br />

dedication and contributions to the<br />

success <strong>of</strong> the Program.<br />

ISEW JOURNAL! JUNE <strong>1984</strong> I 13

<strong>International</strong> Vice President Dan<br />

Waters called the Training Class to<br />

order promptly at 9:30 a.m. on Sat·<br />

urday, February 25, complimenting<br />

the delegates on the good attendance,<br />

thanking his home local union, 136,<br />

for the hospitality furnished the delegates<br />

the previous evening, and<br />

wishing all a successful Training Pro·<br />

gram, Vice President Waters intra·<br />

duced Local 136 Business Manager<br />

Jim Mullinax <strong>of</strong> the host local union,<br />

and Brother Mullinax welcomed the<br />

delegates to Birnlingham, Alabama.<br />

Vice President Waters introduced<br />

the international Representatives as·<br />

signed to the program as instructors:<br />

Maurice Conway, Joe Davis, Mike<br />

Emig, John Erickson, Wade Gurley,<br />

Hennan Holley, Mel Horton, Bob<br />

King, Doug Monson and Jimmy Russ.<br />

Representative Holley acted as co·<br />

ordinator <strong>of</strong> the program. The in·<br />

structors were well prepared and<br />

pr<strong>of</strong>essionally delivered their as·<br />

signed portiulls <strong>of</strong> the program. The<br />

format <strong>of</strong> the program was proiected<br />

toward furnishing most·needed in·<br />

fonnation to the local union leader·<br />

ship for their everyday operation <strong>of</strong><br />

the local union. Subjects covered were<br />

the mEW Constitution, basic laws<br />

and policies <strong>of</strong> the lBEW, organizi ng<br />

techniques, history and structure,<br />

citizenship responsibilities and po·<br />

litical education, and how to conduct<br />

a hearing.<br />

in response to the very ImpOrtant<br />

<strong>1984</strong> upcoming national elections<br />

and the importance <strong>of</strong> the <strong>IBEW</strong>·<br />

COPE, a motion was made at the<br />

closing <strong>of</strong> the program to accept can·<br />

tributians from the delegates 10 at·<br />

tendance to be forwarded to <strong>International</strong><br />

Secretary Ralph Leigon for<br />

COPE. A total <strong>of</strong> S 163 was contrib·<br />

uted by the delegates and forwarded<br />

to international Secretary Leigon.<br />

Vice President Waters adiourned<br />

the meeting on Sunday by thanking<br />

the delegates far their attentiveness<br />

at the mt!t.:ling, for their contributions<br />

to COPE, and to Local 136 for<br />

the hospitality shown to the dele·<br />

ga tes during the two·day program,<br />

stating that there would be subse·<br />

quent Leadership TralOin~ Programs<br />

in the future.<br />

The left Iront-to·rear view <strong>of</strong> Ihe delegates in attendance.<br />

•<br />

..<br />

•<br />

14 ! <strong>IBEW</strong> JOURNAl! JUNE 1964<br />

Here are several parllal close·ups 01 Ihe delegates In attendance al the Program

.<br />

New Brunswick Locals<br />

Hold Founding Meeting<br />

Of <strong>IBEW</strong> Provincial Council<br />

. -' -<br />

Shown In this view <strong>of</strong> the delegates at the meetll'lg Bre. left to right. John Cole, business manager,<br />

Local 2309: Ed Thornton, U. C .. Local 1733; Kirby Daley, president. local 1150; Gary Savoie,<br />

business manager, local 2166; l.Joy(I French. business manager. Local 1555; and Kevin Daley,<br />

business manager, Local 502.<br />

,<br />

In this picture <strong>of</strong> the deleg8l8S In 811endance are, lel1 to nght, WOfmclc Pnc9, U C, Local 2228,<br />

Paul McGee, treasurer, Local 2282: Francis Isaac. financial secretary. Local 2282: " Pop" Henry.<br />

president, local 2282; Jim Stubbs. treasurer, local 1688. Andy Reid. president, Local 1688, and<br />

Gregg King, U. C., Local 2166.<br />

On March I, 14 delegates repre·<br />

senting 10 <strong>of</strong> the 13 <strong>IBEW</strong> locals in<br />

New Brunswick met to diSCUSS the<br />

fo rmation <strong>of</strong> a provincial mEW council.<br />

<strong>International</strong> Representative Bob<br />

Whitehead chaired this first meeting;<br />

lnternational Representative Ken<br />

Woods from the Toronto <strong>of</strong>fice was<br />

in attendance to convey the support<br />

<strong>of</strong> Vice President Rose to this initiative<br />

<strong>of</strong> the New Brunswick locals.<br />

Items <strong>of</strong> mutual concern discussed<br />

at the meeting were organiZing, raiding,<br />

public rclations, courses and<br />

fi lms, negotiations and local union<br />

membership involvement. It was<br />

shown that an <strong>IBEW</strong> provincial council<br />

would be beneficial to all, bnnging<br />

all branches <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Brotherhood</strong><br />

together throughout the province and<br />

on a local basis, Le., Moncton area,<br />

Saint John area, etc. It was decided<br />

to ho ld further meetings <strong>of</strong> this nature<br />

once a yea r in the fall. At the<br />

next meeting we will di scuss "terms<br />

<strong>of</strong> reference," <strong>of</strong>ficers and the like.<br />

Negotiations are proceeding at a<br />

snail's pace, with New Brunswick<br />

Power attempting to remove timehonoured<br />

provisions <strong>of</strong> the collective<br />

agreements. We still maintain that<br />

these arc to be retained, and also we<br />

arc looking to an 1I1crease in wages<br />

and benefits contrary to what other<br />

people might be domg.<br />

The Clencal Committee has been<br />

struck and is at work negotiating a<br />

collective agreement. Members <strong>of</strong><br />

this Committee arc Gloria Lindsay,<br />

V. P. St. Stephen; Marsha Simms, Pt.<br />

Lepreau; Sheila Chase, Fredericton;<br />

Pat Murray, Moncton; and Roger<br />

Daigle, Bathurst. During this period<br />

<strong>of</strong> negotiations, the Committees<br />

would appreciate your support and<br />

feedback on various items. This is<br />

best done by attending your unit<br />

meetings<br />

Fnlternally yours,<br />

Colin Nichols, President<br />

ISEW JOURNAl/JUNE <strong>1984</strong> I 15



A Lesson in Union Busting!<br />

In an attempt to set the record straight,<br />

a close exa mmatlon <strong>of</strong> the Company's<br />

actions during the past two years IS<br />

necessary. 1 his Company dalllls that<br />

"umon busting" is not ItS pnmary goa l<br />

and that us actions are simply an attempt<br />

to conllnue operating In a depressed markel.<br />

Anyway, here arc the (acts; draw<br />

your own conclusions.<br />

On Apnl 7, 1982, Phelps Dodge announced<br />

that due to the deflated pnce <strong>of</strong><br />

copper, which was selling for 70 centS a<br />

pound at that time, the Company waS<br />

shutting down operations for an indefinite<br />

period. George Munroe, president<br />

and chairman <strong>of</strong> the boord, stated that<br />

the Company could no longer afford to<br />

sell capper for less than It cost to produce.<br />

On April 27, 1982, Jack Ladd, director<br />

<strong>of</strong> Labor Relations, infonncd all unIOns<br />

representing Phelps Dodge employees that<br />

the Company was mterested m mterlm<br />

negotiations for the purpose <strong>of</strong> negotlatmg<br />

concessIOns. Also mcluded In the<br />

letter was an announcement that George<br />

Munroe planned to VISit each <strong>of</strong> Phelps<br />

Dodge's Anzona properlles com mencmg<br />

with AiD. Mr. Munroe planned 10 hold<br />

public mccungs with employees and their<br />

families In May [0 explain the economic<br />

conditions and reason for the shutdown<br />

The response to Munroe's VISit was nm<br />

to hiS hkmg. Only a few laid-<strong>of</strong>f workers<br />

listened to his attempt at Individual bar·<br />

gammg. The general consensus <strong>of</strong> opm·<br />

ion was, " We have an agreement until<br />

July I, 1983, and we can live with It."<br />

The Joint Bargaining Committee also<br />

Informed the Company that It was not<br />

mterested in mterim negouatlons, which<br />

did nOt make Phelps Dodge Corporation<br />

particularly happy, to say the least!<br />

Phelps Dodge's Arizona properties remained<br />

closed until October, 1982, at<br />

which time the Company resumed operations<br />

and ca ll ed back 70 pereent <strong>of</strong><br />

those who were laid <strong>of</strong>f in Apnl. Thirty<br />

percent remained unemployed. Copper,<br />

at thiS time, was selling for about 115<br />

cents a pound.<br />

In January, 1983 Phel ps Dodge an·<br />

nounced that It would contract OU t all<br />

mamtenance work on the companyowned<br />

IOwnsue, hospual and general<br />

<strong>of</strong>fices III Morenci lOa pnvate Contractor,<br />

disregarding the faCt that craft uni ons<br />

had been dOing this work for over 30<br />

yea rs. Invitations to bid the work were<br />

sent to several non-union contractors. In<br />

February the work was given, over the<br />

oblections <strong>of</strong> the umons, 10 a non-union<br />

contractor who had almost no experience<br />

m the maintenance <strong>of</strong> hospu3l 3nd <strong>of</strong>fice<br />

equ ipment.<br />

Negotiations with all copper compa·<br />

nies began in March <strong>of</strong> 1983 which wa !o<br />

somewhat earli er than the regular May<br />

contract opemng date. The umons and<br />

most companies felt that for the first<br />

time in 20 yea rs a stnke could be avened<br />

10 1983. A pattern settlement was reached<br />

....'1th Kennecott Corporation m May which<br />

called for retenuon <strong>of</strong> COLA, no wage<br />

Increases fo r three years, concessions 10<br />

work rules and the medical plan. Before<br />

the July I, 1983, expi ration date, all<br />

companies, with the exception <strong>of</strong> Phelps<br />

Dod~e, agreed to the pattern settlement.<br />

On <strong>June</strong> 28, 1983, Phelps Uodge gave<br />

the JOint BargalOmg Committee ItS final<br />

"take it or leave il " <strong>of</strong>fer. The <strong>of</strong>fer<br />

contained so many concessions Ihal the<br />

terms put forth were ones the unions<br />

could nOt reasonably be expected to 3C'<br />

ccpt, alld the Company's mSlstence upon<br />

these terms could only provoke a smke.<br />

Picket hnes were fonned 011 July I, 1983,<br />

while at the same time Phelps Dodge<br />

announced that it would continue to<br />

operate with salaried personnel and ul1lon<br />

members who chose to cross the picket<br />

lines.<br />

At thiS pomt the events that took place<br />

between April, 1982 and July I, 1983,<br />

must be analyzed. When the picket lines<br />

were fonned 10 Jul y, 70 percent <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Company's employees had only worked<br />

eight uu t <strong>of</strong> the last 15 months, and nOI<br />

to be forgotten were the remaming 30<br />

percent who had not worked al all for<br />

15 months. Those who had returned to<br />

work, as well as those who had nOt, were<br />

In debt to the Company fo r company·<br />

owned housing and credit extended to<br />

them at the company Store. The Com·<br />

pany had an outside non-umon contractor<br />

(Q maintain the company·owned<br />

townsite, hospital and general <strong>of</strong>fices.<br />

WIth unemployment runmng at 10 per·<br />

cent nationwide and at 50 percent in the<br />

Editor', Note: The above arucle was submmed by Ronald L Magoon, assistant<br />

bUSiness manager and press secretary <strong>of</strong> Local Union 518, Globe, Arizona.<br />

Also partiCipating Ul the smke against Phelps Dodge arc members <strong>of</strong> the<br />

following IceaJ unions: Local 434, Douglas, Arizona; Local 523, Aio, Anzona,<br />

and Lucal 583, [ I Paso, Texas.<br />

St:He's copper mdustry, a large labor pool<br />

was ava ilable to the Company. So It<br />

appeolrs that everything was progressmg<br />

according to plan. The groundwork had ~<br />

been laid.<br />

The eventS that followed July I, 1983,<br />

arc history now; 400 National Guard<br />

troops and 325 state police were sent to<br />

MorenCI. The Company has con tinued<br />

to operale their plants in MorenCI, Aio,<br />

Bisbee and Douglas using "sC1bs" hired

~<br />


ISYOUR<br />

VOICE<br />

Your vole is your voice. If you<br />

didn't vole in the last. presidential<br />

election-and then were<br />

aULOr work due to the high inter·<br />

est rale I>oiicics <strong>of</strong> the current<br />

Adrninistr-ation -don't voice<br />

your anger now.<br />

If you didn't vote in 1980. don't<br />

voice yOlll'unger' now hecause<br />

your Davis-Bacon wuge prot.ections<br />

have been gutled by this<br />

Administration.<br />

If you didn't vole in the last<br />

presidential elcction. don't voice<br />

your frustration now because the<br />

CUlTcnt Administration raised<br />

your taxes to give rich I>coplc a<br />

tax break.<br />

No. Don't just scream ahout<br />

your troubles. J)n sOlllrlhillfl<br />

a/WId it - register and vale!<br />

The President we eleclthis<br />

year will decide our nation's<br />

course for the rest <strong>of</strong> this century.<br />

We can continue down lhe<br />

same rocky path which the<br />

Administration took tiS ovC'r the<br />

las t. foul' )'Car5, or we can change<br />

for the hetter. Take a quick look<br />

at. the record <strong>of</strong> the presenl<br />

Administration:<br />

• Forced more construction<br />

workers out <strong>of</strong> work lhan at<br />

all.\' time since World War II.<br />

• Caused workers to go without<br />

work IOIl(l!T than at. any time<br />

in history. Johless workers<br />

searched an average 20 weeks<br />

in 19&'3 hefore finding a joh.<br />

• Forced workers to pay 11/0/'('<br />

in taxes, while the rich pay<br />

less. Workers who earn<br />

825.000 per year pay $185<br />

morc in laxes. while those<br />

earning' mOI'c than $200.000<br />

per year gct II SGO.OOO tax<br />

break each year.<br />

Waller :'Ilondalc would change<br />

all that. lie understands thc needs<br />

and concerns <strong>of</strong> workers. lie<br />

won't sacrifice our johs just to<br />

reduce inflation. He will lead liS<br />

. "<br />

.....<br />

II<br />

'.<br />


•<br />

toward prosperity Cor (1/1<br />

Americans. not jllst the rich ancl<br />

the powerful.<br />

The first step down that path<br />

is for you and every voting·uge<br />

memher<strong>of</strong> your family to register<br />

to vote. If you don'l take the<br />

first step. don't bother coming<br />

hack in a year and complaining<br />

ahout the latest anti·worker<br />

aclion <strong>of</strong> this Administration.<br />

YOlll' vote is yoU!' voice.<br />

Use it.<br />

FOR<br />


HTlw 1\ FI. ('10 suppurt.s Ihl' ,'an<br />

did:u'\ <strong>of</strong> \\'aitl'r F. l\londal.· fur<br />

1'1'\'~i; ll'nl "I thl' t' niled Stat,,~_<br />

Thl' l'~l'l'rJl( 10('1




Since OllT last repOrt in the January,<br />

<strong>1984</strong> !oumal, participation in the<br />

Reci procal Agreement has again increased.<br />

Ninety-seven percent <strong>of</strong> all<br />

welfare funds covering <strong>IBEW</strong> construction<br />

members in the United<br />

States now participate in the Agreement.<br />

Only 10 <strong>IBEW</strong> local union<br />

funds are not currently participating,<br />

and many <strong>of</strong> the trustees <strong>of</strong> these<br />

funds arc continuing their effons to<br />

secure the benefits <strong>of</strong> reciprocity for<br />

thei r members.<br />

Now that participation in the<br />

Agreement has grown so dramaticall<br />

y, tbe Agreement was recently<br />

modified to require traveling employees<br />

to have a closer rel atiunship<br />

with their home fund. Specifically.<br />

an employee's home fund will be the<br />

welfare fund covering the <strong>IBEW</strong> local<br />

union <strong>of</strong> which he is a member if he<br />

has worked or been eligible (or benefits<br />

in that fund within the paSt six<br />

years. The alternative definition <strong>of</strong><br />

Instead <strong>of</strong> mvcsting 10 new plants and<br />

machinery and creatlOg lobs for the future<br />

<strong>of</strong> Amenca, corporations have gone<br />

on a takeover binge and have engaged in<br />

leveraged buy-outs, stock speculauon and<br />

wild bidding Wllrs.<br />

These actions arc designed to achieve<br />

enormous pr<strong>of</strong>its for till.: already rich<br />

without adding a single additional job.<br />

They do nothing to improve th e competitiveness<br />

<strong>of</strong> American 6rms in the<br />

international arena but rather amount to<br />

little more than execu tive mud-wrestling.<br />

Tax policies and bank lending policies<br />

fuel the craze for the buying and<br />

selling <strong>of</strong> corporations.<br />

In these takeovers, no account is taken<br />

<strong>of</strong> the interests <strong>of</strong> the employees involved.<br />

Employees arc traded and bartcJC::d<br />

as chattel in the corporate wars for<br />

control and fast pr<strong>of</strong>its. Workers' wages,<br />

working conditions, pensions and even<br />

their jobs arc threatened by divestitures<br />

and takeovers.<br />

The takeovers arc encouraged by the<br />

Reagan deregulation feve r and the failure<br />

to rigorously enforce antitrust l:aws. In<br />

the oil industry, takeovers have substantially<br />

reduced competition, leaving COIlsumers<br />

at the mercy <strong>of</strong> a few large conglomerates.<br />

Takeovers have changed the make-up<br />

<strong>of</strong> financial institutions. Bank and thrift<br />

bolding companies engage in interstate<br />

banking.. as well as in brokerage activities,<br />

savings and loans, insurance and<br />

other activities all intermingled in a new<br />

On a Takeover Binge<br />

an employee's home fund is the fund<br />

in which he is currently eligible for<br />

benefits if he intends to return to<br />

work in the jurisdiction <strong>of</strong> the local<br />

union covered by that fund as soon<br />

as work is available.<br />

An additional amendment rcstriets<br />

a traveling employee 's right<br />

to elec t reciprocity transfers if he has<br />

become eligi ble for benefits in the<br />

participating fund in which he is<br />

working. The Agreemclll continues<br />

to limit an employee's right to elect<br />

reciprocity transfers if he is working<br />

in the jurisdiction <strong>of</strong> the local union<br />

<strong>of</strong> which he is a member. As noted<br />

before, the reason fo r these amendments<br />

is to provide a closer relatio n­<br />

ship with the fund that is named as<br />

the home fund and to carry out the<br />

purposes <strong>of</strong> the Reciprocal Agreement<br />

to provide coverage for the<br />

employee and hi s family whclc they<br />

li ve.<br />

conglomerate operation.<br />

In the media, concemrafl nn 01 ownership<br />

threatens the promise <strong>of</strong> a free<br />

press.<br />

Executives have devised special pro·<br />

tectlve devices to take care <strong>of</strong> them·<br />

selves- so-ca lled "golden parachutes"­<br />

that provide large hanuses and buy-outS<br />

if a fum is sold or merged.<br />

The new tax law's accelerated depreciation<br />

provisions encourage the acquisition<br />

and divestiture <strong>of</strong> assets strictly<br />

for tax avoidance, not for investment<br />

purposes. Some firms are bei ng bought<br />

solely for their tax losses, to be used to<br />

reduce (aX liabilities.<br />

Banks aid and abet the takeover mania<br />

by extending tens <strong>of</strong> billions <strong>of</strong> dollars<br />

in credit to competing takeover aspirants.<br />

These credit commitments tend<br />

to raise overall interest rates and limit<br />

the ability <strong>of</strong> banks to make other, more<br />

productive loans. In thc leveraged buyout<br />

schemes, a few executives obtain<br />

bank loans collateralized by the corporation'S<br />

assets to purchase controlling<br />

slOck interest in a corporation.<br />

The laissez-faire poHcies <strong>of</strong> the Reagan<br />

administration encouraging takeovers<br />

and cannibalization <strong>of</strong> corporations must<br />

be changed. The interests <strong>of</strong> employees<br />

and consumers must be taken into account.<br />

The tax policit:s and credit policlcs<br />

that favor takeovers need to be changed.<br />

-From a statement adopted by the<br />

AFL-CIO Executive Council, May 9, <strong>1984</strong>,<br />

Piney Point, Maryland.<br />

<strong>International</strong> Representative<br />

Ralph T. Mack Dies<br />

The <strong>Brotherhood</strong> was saddened by<br />

the death <strong>of</strong> lntcmational Representative<br />

Ralph T . Mack who passed<br />

away suddenly on May 2, <strong>1984</strong>.<br />

Brother Mack was born on September<br />

19, 1920, in C lark, South Dakota,<br />

and was initiated into Local 472 in<br />

Redfield, South Dakota, 011 September<br />

12, 1952. He latcr transferred his<br />

membership into Local 330 located<br />

in Webster, South Dakota. Brother<br />

Mack served as business manager <strong>of</strong><br />

Utility System Counci l U-26 (ro m<br />

1958-1961 and also served in that<br />

capacity <strong>of</strong> System Council U-26 from<br />

1971- 1974_ He a lso served as business<br />

manager <strong>of</strong> Utility System<br />

Council U-13 from 1965-1974_<br />

Brothel Mack was very active as a<br />

member <strong>of</strong> the System Councils' Negotiating<br />

Committees while serving<br />

as business manager <strong>of</strong> the Councils_<br />

He also served on the South Dakota<br />

Personnel Policy Board which covers<br />

all State employees under the merit<br />

system . On March I , 1974, Brother ,<br />

Mack waS appointed an lnternational<br />

Representative by Lnternational<br />

President Charles H. Pillard and was<br />

assigned to the Eleventh District Vice<br />

Presidential Staff. As an Internati<br />

onal Representative, Brother Mack<br />

served the <strong>Brotherhood</strong> in servicing ...<br />

all the branches <strong>of</strong> the mEW loca ted<br />

in the Dakota areas. Brother Mack<br />

WaS known as a devoted trade uniunist<br />

and was a loyal member <strong>of</strong> the<br />

<strong>IBEW</strong>. Sincere sympathy is expressed<br />

to Brother Mack's family and friends_ ,<br />

18 \ <strong>IBEW</strong> JOURNAl/JUNE <strong>1984</strong>

depal'bnent <strong>of</strong> Research<br />

and Education<br />

The registered voters <strong>of</strong> our nation 3fC<br />

facing 3 prcsldcnual election, thc outcome<br />

<strong>of</strong> whlch IS vlul to thc healthy<br />

funcl/OIung <strong>of</strong> our economYI the wellocing<br />

<strong>of</strong> all American cItizens; and thc<br />

continuation <strong>of</strong> legis lation that provides<br />

fo r safe and healthy work places, decent<br />

wages, and thc fIght to 10111 lIIllons for<br />

311 Ameri ca n workers. Because <strong>of</strong> thc<br />

Importance <strong>of</strong> thIS election, we have<br />

call ed thc attention <strong>of</strong> thc voters to thc<br />

powers that reside wuh thc <strong>of</strong>fice <strong>of</strong> thc<br />

President The two precedmg Department<br />

<strong>of</strong> Research :lOd Education columns<br />

pointed out the PreSIdent'S powers to gct<br />

IcglsJalJon through Congress, thc PresI ­<br />

dent's ability 10 affect eXlsllng legislatIon,<br />

:md thc PreSident's lI cense to extend<br />

hiS philosophy through the hundreds <strong>of</strong><br />

people he appOlll1S to Cabmet positions,<br />

federal agenC Ies, federalludgeshlps, commISSIon<br />

.. , t:lsk forces, workm,l; groups,<br />

etc.<br />

SpeCIfically, the Reagan AdnUlusualion's<br />

rewriting <strong>of</strong> regulations and nonenforcement<br />

<strong>of</strong> laws deSIgned 10 help<br />

Amenca's workers and all <strong>of</strong> ItS citIzens<br />

have dlmlllished safety and health protecllons<br />

In the work place and envltonmelli,<br />

h:lve undenntned consumer pro·<br />

tectio ns, and hllve weakened laws<br />

designed 10 protect workers. children.<br />

the elderly, and the poor<br />

In aclchllon, the Presldcnt's sense <strong>of</strong><br />

priorities III :llIocatlng federal funds to<br />

vanous departments and :lgenClcs h:ls<br />

destroyed the effecllveness <strong>of</strong> those departments<br />

and :lgenelcs 111 carrying OUt<br />

thelT duties. The lack <strong>of</strong> funds and the<br />

subsequent cut III personnel have cnp·<br />

pled the enforcement <strong>of</strong> labor standards,<br />

the gathenng <strong>of</strong> vllal labor StatiSti cs,<br />

occupal1onal safety and health regula·<br />

tlons, environmental rules, and consumer<br />

protection laws, whlledevast:lttng<br />

programs set up to aid the needy people<br />

<strong>of</strong> our nation<br />

The admlllls tmtlon's clallTlS <strong>of</strong> economic<br />

recovery arc a cover-up <strong>of</strong> the<br />

unj ust Reagan budget cuts ami mIsgUided<br />

allocation pnontles that, through cuts<br />

III food stamps, otlH'r nutrition programs,<br />

educatio n, and loh tralmng. cause further<br />

suffenng for the mdiJons <strong>of</strong> Jobless, poor,<br />

chddren, and elderly who already suffer<br />

from inadequate nOUrishment, eduea·<br />

tlon, and tramlllg. These budgct cuts only<br />

increase long-term public cOSts.<br />


The Executive Branch and the Allocation <strong>of</strong> Federal Funds<br />

Budgetary I'rocl.'ss<br />

Every year, the President submits hiS<br />

budget fOJ the new fiscal year wnhlll IS<br />

days after Congress convenes. There arc<br />

three malll steps III the budgclHry process:<br />

! II executive formulation and trans·<br />

mltul, (2) congressIOnal action, and<br />

(31 budget execution and control The<br />

President controls th e first and thml<br />

StCpS <strong>of</strong> thiS process and exerts conslder:lble<br />

IIlfluence on the second step.<br />

The Prcsldent's budget, or finanCia l<br />

plall for th e federal govcrnment, reveals<br />

hiS philosophy and priorities It IS the<br />

climax <strong>of</strong> many months <strong>of</strong> plannlllg and<br />

analYSIS throughout the executive branch<br />

and <strong>of</strong> preparation <strong>of</strong> budget requests by<br />

the vanous agencies and departments.<br />

The President's budget covers the budget<br />

year and presents gUidelmes for the four<br />

fiscal years beyond the budget yea r. The<br />

budget transmitted to Congress thiS pa~t<br />

February IS for fiscal year 198.1, which<br />

begins OctObcr I, <strong>1984</strong>, and ends September<br />

JO, 198.1.<br />

Congress can approve, nuxhfy, or diSapprove<br />

the PreSident's budget propos:lls.<br />

Usu:llly, however, the PreSident's budget<br />

scrves as :I st:lttlllg pomt for eonJ.:res·<br />

sianal budget pl:utnlllg, and many <strong>of</strong> the<br />

less'comroverslal elements <strong>of</strong> the Pres­<br />

Ident's budget arc adopted with little or<br />

no change. First, Congress enacts legiS'<br />

latlOn to authorize agency and depart·<br />

ment programs :lnd to proVide gUid:lllce<br />

on funding levels It then enacts budget<br />

aUlhorny, which pennllS agenCies to<br />

spend money. Some spendmg IS author·<br />

IZed annually, !'tome fo r several years,<br />

and some IIldefimtcly. Congress consld·<br />

ers budget totals :lnd then completes<br />

action on mdlvldual appropnatlons and<br />

revenue measures. The congressional<br />

budget aCllon beglDs 10'/1 months before<br />

the new fiscal year, and <strong>of</strong>ten concludes<br />



MARCH, <strong>1984</strong><br />

.<br />

1981 • 100<br />

H.ILlh & Ree, ..·<br />

All It.ml Tr.nlpor· P.r50nll<br />

Month V.al Combined Food Houllng Clothing 1II10n c.~ RI.dlng '""<br />

March ' 964 121.2 1168 1238 1125 122.8 121 3 1178<br />

February 1964 120.9 115.9 123.2 111.5 124.1 121 .0 117.5<br />

January 1964 120.2 114.6 123.1 109.0 124.2 120.3 1164<br />

December 1983 119.6 112.5 122.7 111.1 122.7 120.0 117.5<br />

November 1983 119.2 112.1 122.3 111.4 121.3 120.1 1180<br />

Oc1ober 1983 119.2 112.7 122.2 111.1 121.1 119.7 117.9<br />

Seplember 1983 118 5 111.5 121.4 110.6 121.6 119.5 117.7<br />

August 1983 118.5 1126 1208 110.3 122.6 1190 117.3<br />

March 1983 115.8<br />

March 1982 108.0<br />

1089 1190 I09S 1197 116.6 1138<br />

March 1981 96.8<br />

March 1980 86 1<br />

March 1979 788<br />

NOTE Canada s Consumer Pnce InGell lot .. i1&m1 II'Creased 0 3 poinIS dunng !he pasl month, or 0 zo..-.<br />

thIS equlned an annual .al. oi inc( 12) The inclaase In CPI doling Ifill pa.!lt<br />

yeai' was S 4 poiIlIS. or. -,..<br />


Tight at the deadlme. It someumes IS not<br />

completed by September JO, so then,<br />

Congress enacts temporary appropriations.<br />

After the appropriations and tax<br />

hlllll arc approved by Congress, they arc<br />

transmitted to the President for his approval<br />

or veto. Sometimes, the thrent <strong>of</strong><br />

a presidential veto !e.g., Reagan's warn·<br />

ing. "Any further reductions would be<br />

counter to our national secunty and could<br />

not be :1ccepted "1 keeps congressIOnal<br />

aeuon In check.<br />

Once approved by the President, the<br />

budget becomes the baSIS for the finan·<br />

cial operations <strong>of</strong> federal agencies and<br />

departments dunng the fiscal year.<br />

Amount!> appropnatcd may be withheld<br />

by the President for policy and othcr<br />

reasons. However, any admlnJStratlvcac·<br />

tlon to postpone or eliminate authOrized<br />

spending must be reported to Congress,<br />

which may overturn deferrals and which<br />

muSt approve any rescission (pennancnl<br />

cancellation <strong>of</strong> eXisting budget author·<br />

ny).<br />

The budget dollar for fiscal ye::ar 1985,<br />

as prolecled by the President's budget,<br />

will come from the folloWing sources:<br />

S .36 indiVidual mcome taxes<br />

.29 social Insurance receipts Ipnmanly<br />

payroll taxes on wages<br />

and salanes, most <strong>of</strong> which arc<br />

paid equally by employees ::and<br />

employersl<br />

.20 borrowing<br />

.08 corporallon Income taxes<br />

04 excise taxes<br />

.03 mlscell::ancous receipts<br />

S 100 budget dollar<br />

It IS easy to sec that the o rdinary<br />

CItiZenS, the workers <strong>of</strong> Amenca, mordmatcly<br />

provide the largest source <strong>of</strong><br />

Income for the feder::al government.<br />

Reagan Budgets<br />

Since assummg <strong>of</strong>fice, the Reagan<br />

Admmistratlon, without concern for the<br />

consequences, has CUI the fundmg <strong>of</strong><br />

p ro~rams deSigned to protect 10bless<br />

workers, cut support for education and<br />

tralmn&. weakened SOCial programs,<br />

slowed down energy development, diminished<br />

support for economic development<br />

and mfrastructure mvestment,<br />

and cut funding for health care and cd·<br />

ucation :111.1 fUI millions <strong>of</strong> ehlidrcn lind<br />

the poor. The Census Bureau reports a<br />

sharp increase in the number <strong>of</strong> Amencans<br />

hving below the poverty level; more<br />

children and needy mothers than ever<br />

arc m poverty. The admlrustration's sense<br />

<strong>of</strong> pnOfltles In allocating federal funds,<br />

coupled with ItS tax cuts that have benefited<br />

corporations and wealthy indiViduals,<br />

IS dlvidmg America into a two·class<br />

system <strong>of</strong> the " haves" and the " havenots,"<br />

or the rich and the poor.<br />

The follOWing shows the funds CUI by<br />

the Reagan Administration since 1981<br />

from programs deSigned to help the people'<br />

20 11BEW JOURNAL / JUNE <strong>1984</strong><br />

S 260-bilhon CUI from retirement<br />

programs overall-Social<br />

Seeunty, elvli serv­<br />

Ice penSions, veterans'<br />

benefits<br />

27.0·bdhon CUt from mcome sccumy<br />

programs overallfood<br />

stamps, unemployment<br />

IIlsurance,<br />

housing aid, Aid to<br />

Families with Dependent<br />

Children jAfOC)<br />

18.S·blllion cut from health programs<br />

overall (Yet, in<br />

the case <strong>of</strong> Medicare<br />

cove rage for the elderly<br />

alone, the federal Advisory<br />

Council on Social<br />

Security is recommendmg<br />

flIl sing the age<br />

<strong>of</strong> ellglbihty, imposing<br />

new taxes on workers,<br />

and rompciling Amer­<br />

Ica's elderly to pay more<br />

for hospital care.1<br />

13.7-bllhon cut from education and<br />

social service programs<br />

overall<br />

25.0-bllhuLI cut from employment<br />

and trammg programs<br />

overall<br />

SIIO.2-bilhon total funds cut 1981-<br />

<strong>1984</strong><br />

The PreSident h:ld asked for evcn dceper<br />

cuts. HIS last three budgets reduced the<br />

rate <strong>of</strong> growth uf nondefense spendLng,<br />

yet spendmg In fiscaJ 1985 Will exceed<br />

the 1981 levels by 41 percent, and the<br />

President is asking for even more cuts<br />

II) programs dcslgned to help people.<br />

The Occupational Safety and Health<br />

Administration jOSHAI, the Mme Safety<br />

and Health Administration, and the En ­<br />

vlfonmental Protection Agency have had<br />

thcir congressIOnally-mandated progums<br />

for elean air, clean water, control<br />

<strong>of</strong> tOxic substanre!i, clean and s::afe work<br />

sites, etc. drastically underfunded, understaffed,<br />

and undcrnuncd since the<br />

Reagan Admimstratlon came mto <strong>of</strong> Ace.<br />

The 1985 budget speCifics that OSHA<br />

and the Mme Safety and Health Admmistratton<br />

Will COnlll1UC to revise or ehminate<br />

standards that employers conSider<br />

burdensome.<br />

The President's 1985 budget is tilted<br />

tOward heavy military spcndmg. with<br />

more cuts in progmms to help workers,<br />

students, the elderly, the Sick, alllI the<br />

poor. The budget calls fOT reduced fundmg<br />

for the Department <strong>of</strong> Labor's Employment<br />

and Training Admmlstratton,<br />

unemployment benefits for railroad<br />

workers, and retirement benefits for fed ­<br />

eral workers, beSides another year <strong>of</strong><br />

severe pay curbs for federal workers.<br />

Under the proposed budget, the elderly<br />

and needy would be reqUiTed to pay more<br />

for health serviccs; most students would<br />

(Continued on pal;c 66)<br />





REFERENCE BASe. U.S. AVERAGE 1\M1 '" 100<br />

MARCH,<strong>1984</strong><br />

ApPflrel<br />

Ailltemi Tranlpor- Medical<br />

HaUling Upkeep • tatlon Co"<br />

Monlh Vee. Combined<br />

'''''''<br />

Ma rch <strong>1984</strong> 303.3 302.1 322.9 198.0 308.9 372.6<br />

February <strong>1984</strong> 303.3 302.1 324.2 195.4 307.7 371.3<br />

January <strong>1984</strong> 302.7 299.4 324.7 195.3 307.9 367.5<br />

Decembe, 1983 301.5 294.0 324.2 198.1 308.2 364.3<br />

November 1983 301.4 292.6 324.5 199.7 308.2 362.9<br />

October 1983 301.3 292.9 325.2 199.8 3<strong>06</strong>.9 360.9<br />

September 1983 300.8 292.6 3253 1993 305.5 359.2<br />

AU9uSt 1983 299.5 292.2 324.3 196.3 304.1 357.9<br />

March 1903 293.0 290 7 319,2 194.0 288.6 350.0<br />

March 1982 282.5<br />

March 1981 265.2<br />

March 1980 239.9<br />

March 1979 209.3<br />

NOTE eon....mer Pnee II'IdoIt kif .. Items remalflftd IJOChanged .. 303 3 (Iunng !he monIto 01 March The<br />

inae.,. M1 CPI during the past year was 10.3 poonlS. or 3.5"4<br />

P8fCWlI inctease between two dates Is calculaled by IUbIracmg !he ~ numbef 100 me Nf\oeI<br />

date rrom that kif !he later dale and dividIng !he rnuh by !he Index number tor !he " ...... dele then<br />

rru~bylOO<br />

EXAMPLE' For the pe.-Ioci at March, 1983 to March, <strong>1984</strong> 3033<br />

by 2930 • we:. "I( 100 - ;':''110<br />

Prepared by' Oepartmenl or A,"arch and Educat~n. ISEW, April, <strong>1984</strong><br />

2930 _ 10 31nde. poonll. 103 dMded<br />

•<br />

•<br />

,<br />

~<br />


for you and your family<br />

..<br />


,<br />

'<br />

In 1962 the Brothers and Sisters<br />

who were delegates to the <strong>International</strong><br />

Convention in Montreal, Quebec,<br />

added a provision to our intcrnational<br />

Constitution requinng Safery<br />

Committees. This provision (Anicle<br />

XVlI S(.'C. 16) stales, " Each Loca l Ullian<br />

shall have 3 safety committee which<br />

shall : investigate and report serious<br />

accidents and fatahties; cooperate<br />

with the lntcmauonal Office In safety<br />

matters; promote safety; and cooperate<br />

with safety organizations as<br />

determined by the Loc31 Union and<br />

as directed by the <strong>International</strong> Office.<br />

"<br />

The <strong>IBEW</strong> has for many years urged<br />

jOint Safety Committees where employers<br />

Will cooperate to promOte<br />

safety and health In the workplace.<br />

These committees are advisory only,<br />

as federal law clearly provides that<br />

it is the employers' responsibility to<br />

provide a safe and healthful workplace.<br />

These committees do have a<br />

very important function, as they provide<br />

a means for employee coopcration<br />

and input to safe and healthful<br />

work practices. They do not, however,<br />

replace the local union's Safety<br />

Committee required by the Constitution.<br />

The local uOIon's Safety Commit·<br />

tee has specific duties that have been<br />

outlined in detail many times 10 '.he<br />

past. One <strong>of</strong> the very important duo<br />

ties is to review all accidents involv·<br />

ing local llOion members, and to<br />

investigate IOdependently sen ous and<br />

fatal accidents. Serious accidents<br />

would IIlclude any IIlcidents <strong>of</strong> elec·<br />

trlcal shock o r any other accldcnt<br />

requiring lost time. If any inlury<br />

prevents a member from performing<br />

the normal duties <strong>of</strong> his job, it should<br />

be classified as sen ous.<br />

Many local unions report a ll 10-<br />

juries to our <strong>International</strong> Office<br />

Safety Department whe ther or not<br />

they arc se riOliS . These reports arc<br />

deeply appreciated, as they make it<br />

pOSSible for the Internallonal Office<br />

to detect trends and to advise <strong>International</strong><br />

Representallves servlOg on<br />

various standard-setting commlltees<br />

as to the nature and extent <strong>of</strong> accIdents<br />

and injuries III any particular<br />

arca. The Safety Committees <strong>of</strong> all<br />

local unions, however, should be reportlllg<br />

at least on the serious and<br />

fatal accidents.<br />

In IIlvestlgaltng an aCCident the<br />

Safety ConullIttee IS attemptlllg to<br />

find the true ca use <strong>of</strong> the aCcident<br />

ThiS IS sought not to place blame,<br />

but rather to make recommendatiOns<br />

which can be furlllshed to the<br />

responsible employers as 10 preventallve<br />

measures th"t would aVOid<br />

future aCCidents <strong>of</strong> a Similar nature.<br />

QUlle <strong>of</strong>ten we find accident reports<br />

that give no true Indication <strong>of</strong> the<br />

causative factors. Safety Committees<br />

frequently overlook factors such<br />

as Inadequate training given to the<br />

employee, inadequate supervision,<br />

lack <strong>of</strong> proper tools and/ or safety<br />

equipment, defective tools or equip·<br />

ment, or pressure 10 speed up the<br />

job. Many times onc or more <strong>of</strong> these<br />

factors arc the truc undcrlymg cause<br />

<strong>of</strong> the aCCident. EqUipment f:Hlure <strong>of</strong><br />

ladders, aerial baskets, scaffolds o r<br />

other work eqUIpment should be re'<br />

ported to the <strong>International</strong> Office<br />

Safcty Department when discovered,<br />

regardless <strong>of</strong> whether or not an injury<br />

IS caused by such fadure.<br />

In addition to IOvesligaung and<br />

reportmg these aCCidents and recommendations<br />

to the <strong>International</strong><br />

Office, the Safety Commlltee should<br />

make short reports to the regular<br />

local union meetings. Members <strong>of</strong><br />

the local union Safety Commlltee<br />

may also be appomted by the umon<br />

to a Jomt labor-management safety<br />

and health committee If such IS negotiated<br />

with their employer. Any<br />

work involving inspection <strong>of</strong> the<br />

workplace must be coordinated<br />

through the business manage r in cooperation<br />

wllh hiS responSibilities<br />

for negotlatmg with the employer.<br />

The <strong>IBEW</strong> has, at various Conventions,<br />

including the most recent In<br />

Los Angeles, California, rccOIllmended<br />

that local uniOns affiliate<br />

With the Nallonal Safety CounCIL<br />

President Pillard has on several oc·<br />

caslons written all local ulllons urgms<br />

them to do so. Membership and<br />

paruclpatJon, where poSSible, III the<br />

National Safety Council provides resources<br />

through pubhcallons and<br />

matenal which can be helpful to the<br />

locallllllon Safety Committee. Local<br />

uOIon s deslTlng information as to<br />

membership and particlpallon mthe<br />

National SafelY Council should write<br />

to the <strong>International</strong> Office Safety<br />

Departlllent for IIlformation. Among<br />

the matenals available from the Na·<br />

tlonal Safety Council IS a book <strong>of</strong><br />

over 300 pages enlltled Prorectl1lg<br />

Workers Lives (a safety and health<br />

gUide for unIOns). Thjs book was<br />

written by and for ullIons. It can be<br />

<strong>of</strong> great va luc to local union Safety<br />

Commlllees, as it explains methods<br />

<strong>of</strong> investigating aCCidents, as well as<br />

providmg gUldclmes on common<br />

safety problems and health hazards.<br />

While a copy <strong>of</strong> thiS book is furnished<br />

to the local ullIon with the Council<br />

membership, additIOnal copics can<br />

be purchased, If deSired, for all Safety<br />

Committee members.<br />

The local union Safety Committee<br />

does not hnm ItS activities to safety<br />

and health on the job. The lives <strong>of</strong><br />

our members arc Important to us<br />

whetheron or <strong>of</strong>f the job. As marc than<br />

three-fourths <strong>of</strong> their time is spent <strong>of</strong>f<br />

the Job, <strong>of</strong>f-the-job safety programs<br />

should be considered a very Important<br />

part <strong>of</strong> the local ullion Safety Com·<br />

mlllee's program_ DefenSive dnving<br />

courses, seat bel t campaigns, fires.lfety<br />

programs, first aid and CPRclassesarc<br />

JUSt some<strong>of</strong> the activities in which the<br />

Safety Committee can serve in this<br />

important arca .<br />

<strong>IBEW</strong> JOURNALIJUNE <strong>1984</strong> I 21

LOCflL LII\IES<br />

Caucus<br />

-----.<br />

Local 1 Hosts<br />

Mock Political Caucus<br />

L U. I II,em ,§pak ' ul, ST. LOU IS, MO.- Wednu<br />

day, Mareh 28, laW lou! I ', Votunlary fund hosl<br />

a mock political caucus In conlunctlon with Sheet<br />

Metal Wo rkers Local J6 for tht pU'po$C 01 cducat·<br />

mil: both membership. U 10 what wu 10 be cx·<br />

~clcd dutlng the upcolnlng MISSOU ri Ucmoc'lllc<br />

Wud and Township mus mtellnk' on Apnl 18.<br />

Sellmn.nll "",h an mllOOuctory specch by Locil I<br />

Presiden' Donald Gr.hkc uho/lmg the audience<br />

on the cllileal need 'Of ,rail 100\' labor 5Ul'port<br />

101 Walter Mondale, the ""',,'\lntl', p.allram I'roceeded<br />

wIth rhepnncip.1 speaker, Pr <strong>of</strong>essor George<br />

Bayk IPoliliul Science DcpJllmcm, UmvuSIIY <strong>of</strong><br />

1011Slo1I1I1 prO\l,dmll the memlxrshrpi w'lh I dctailed<br />

account <strong>of</strong> the procuses mllercnt In the<br />

~l! lsoun nliClI, system The d,nus"on rndudtd<br />

"hpbIIIlY, requuemems 10. aucu. VI.b,llly, ddegne<br />

~Iecuon In the fOUl "ages 01 the system,<br />

melhodology 01 caucus 1 .... "ehlOs. and tlClicl UKluI<br />

10 mUlmlIln, d«bled VOle l rle~nce 10'0<br />

dcleptc rldelence As <strong>of</strong> thll W'lIIn" the effect<br />

0/ labo. JLJrIICIJLJllOn 101 MlSsou,,', IDle 10 the<br />

Dcmocullc campJ1&n <strong>of</strong>198~ hn YCIIO be detftmlncd,<br />

but Ihal dClelmlnllLOn Will nOi be lor lack<br />

<strong>of</strong> plepllIlion <strong>of</strong> our membershIp In thIS mOSI<br />

crucial elcelOon yu.<br />

On , mOlc &ambel nOle, .... c Wish 10 Inform thc<br />

membership 01 Ihe du.h <strong>of</strong> Ihe 10CJI '1 oldest<br />

p.uenl membel, Brolhel WLlh,m A Pillman<br />

Brother Pallman, Inllllted In lO L~al I on Aplil<br />

12, 1912, died on Malch 21, <strong>1984</strong>, ~I age 94, haVing<br />

been a membel LR good standlOg 101 71 yu.s. It 15<br />

" 'lIh IlI"Ith iI .... C and respect we nOie thc PUSIn! 01<br />

a Brothel who hvcd thrOUkh almost all 01 the<br />

loc.I', forrul1vc yun and who wu 5ti!! allcndlng<br />

lunClLons <strong>of</strong> Ihe Retuce', Club I I lite 93'<br />

Pleasc be 11,0 adVised <strong>of</strong> Ihe follOWing dCJths<br />

du.ing the month 01 Ma.ch Earl Kl ein, ...·!I"man<br />

on pensIOn, Initiated May, 1941 , Vernon Reslngel,<br />

r.oductlon. Novembel. 1979, FOlle,t A.mUlon"<br />

producuon on penSIOT!, November 195 1, Ed .... ard<br />

~dlo. fr , Wllem,n on penSion, October, 1946;<br />

JOKph S Llbelton, ...-ueman on pens.on, Apilt<br />

1950 1 OlIver W",hhn, .... "eman on penSIon, luly,<br />

1924, A"hol Peck. ma,ntenance on pen~lon. No·<br />

\'embel, 1945, Gcolge Ricc, .... "em.n on penSIOn,<br />

Apnl, 19-17, and Huold G,neu, .... "eman. luly,<br />

19M<br />

Ronn El:AN, P S<br />

Pic'ured with Ihe Lou l ) df leg u ion lhil allended<br />

Prf5 idenl Clu ry" instillation are AFL-CIO Sec,<br />

rt ury,Trtuuru Thomas Donahue, etnte. , Ihild<br />

' rom right, ' ront lOW, Pru ide nl Clu ry, Ind .eeond<br />

'rom light, I.onl ......, TI,olllu V.n Arsd. lt, b u ~ i .<br />

neu mJRlge. <strong>of</strong> LIKII l.<br />

Former Officer Named<br />

President <strong>of</strong> State AFL-CIO<br />

LU. J ji,o,em,u,gon llmu), NE W \'OAI(, N. Y.-In<br />

h,s IOlugu •• 1 .

l<br />

•<br />

Banquet<br />

menl If mtt/ested to attendlllg, caU tbe hall and<br />

Iuervc ~ SpOt fOI you and yo ur spouse_<br />

The Local I 118EW Apl"cnllCC Dlnner·Dancc 15<br />

,cheduled for Seplember 21 PU I IhlS date on your<br />

calend~1 and nonty Ihe h.1I ,f you are mterU led<br />

III attending<br />

BIOIher Lcs McNally <strong>of</strong> Wyandolte look a fall<br />

ID Malch and 15 in the hospital w'lh a broken back.<br />

Our prlyers and Ihou!thu arc wllh 001 other Broth·<br />

cIS, Ihchard Thocl wbo I. hospitalized, and Terry<br />

lones who suffclcd a hean attack<br />

Unul the nUl luue, work ... fc. wear your safClY<br />

,I,utl Ind Cod ble"<br />

Power Plant<br />

Also ~ h o ... n I I tbf plonl ore Roger I .. ash, lr., local<br />

p.r.CUIIOn<br />

III 197J and was mcxhReJ 10 handle coal m 1979<br />

due to Ihe ""ng eosl <strong>of</strong> lI,l and the aVlllablilty <strong>of</strong><br />

coal The r rOlccl IS Ioc.lted belween fort Small·<br />

wood Road and . be Palapseo RIver and " adlacenl<br />

10 the uisting Wagner Slat Ion POWCI House Unit<br />

I, when on hne, will burn 257 tOni nl COil per<br />

hour and WIll produce 'pprOJ.,mately 620 mesa'<br />

Wattl <strong>of</strong> loul power. Thecoal Juppl y, when comiq<br />

<strong>of</strong>f the bUlel, WIll be handled firSI b~ Ihe bJrle<br />

unloadu, operatmg al 4,4SO Ions pel hou., loaded<br />

onto a conveyor sy~tcm, whICh wtll ellher tauy 1I<br />

to a lIorage .ru, 01 !raMpart ;t dileclly 10 ,he Unit<br />

I elUsher where II IS crUShed. burned m bml~l ,<br />

cr.haulled Inlo Ihe prcelp"atOI syslem, cleaned.<br />

and Ihe pUle exhaust UtlS IhlOUdt Ibe 70~ 1001<br />

smokestack The tOlal opel~unn 01 th,s pl.nl .nd<br />

its backup, conllol and survc,lI~nce !yncm' IS In<br />

tOO U.ltnSlve 10 dcscnbe here<br />

The Blumenthal Kahn Electrical Comrany han<br />

died the An,l coal converSIOn inSIde Unit I The<br />

Comrany b., a tOial <strong>of</strong> Il men hue .1 Ih" time<br />

10 comrlelC tbe JOb S ...!'CIVIJIOn Indud~J Cener.1<br />

fOleman lohn Penn 'nd fortm.n Ron 8bck"wICz<br />

BIOIhcl Lou Clark" Ihe shop Slew~ld ~nd clInducted<br />

Ihe tour lhrough Ihe plant The 81umenthal<br />

COn traC I Slaned III November, 1982 and ended In<br />

M.y, <strong>1984</strong> They peaked OUt 1\ 12 men<br />

Many <strong>of</strong> our othCl COntraCIOI$ conmbuted Ihe<br />

10lal cleetliClI tonSUUClLon " SIIndon Sbores<br />

Among all <strong>of</strong> Ihem, II limes, there .. cre l'iO men<br />

on Ih,s JOb. ThIS JOb Ian a loul <strong>of</strong> II yu'~ .nd<br />

w,lI be completed at a IOtal cost <strong>of</strong> S4 U m.lllon<br />

Baltimore Cas and Eleclllc le]1,eStnIaIlVe<br />

[)Qug Bayne clImmcndcd the Local 24 membtfS<br />

who particIpated III Ih" proleCt for tbeLl bUt<br />

slandlllg workmanlh,p and fOI an "."ellent ufel~<br />

rtcord<br />

For Ihe fUIUre, Unit 1 Itands dLleClly nC~1 to<br />

and in an aimosl mlllOl ImalCe <strong>of</strong> Unit I bITIng<br />

any Unlolenen holdups In Rnanclll&, demand o.<br />

mattll.ll, Unit 21S scheduled In St311 UI 1911~ and<br />

reach complellon In 1988<br />

R1.":.u M t..A~1l ,_ , P S<br />

Scribe Asks Members<br />

To Boycott Montgomery Wards<br />

L.U. 26 (iau), WASIIINCTON, D.C._ Local 26<br />

would l,ke t(l bOnOl tbe follow,ng B,olhcu thaI<br />

have 'tILted .,oce the Iir" <strong>of</strong> the ytlr. <strong>1984</strong> S~en<br />

l . AOIlelM-r~ nonn,1 relllemen', Allon'" M Bn­<br />

.It, urly letLlemenl, Edward S. Clerlllak, nmmal<br />

retllCmenl. WIlham I Creamer, nonnal reltlc·<br />

ment, Wyatt T . Hackncy, d,ub,luy reUlemenl,<br />

Lloyd D. Lott, early retitement, lohn I, Noone,<br />

tally rcmcment, lohn J Reclor, dl5ab,hly tCli rc'<br />

ment, Malcolm E. Co~, tally reurcmenl, TillY B<br />

Milam, ca,ly retircmenl, and frederick ShcfAcld,<br />

w<br />

z<br />

,<br />

"<br />


urly retuemenl<br />

We ue very I'roud <strong>of</strong> IheK BrothelS thai have<br />

pven many YUII 01 10y.1 serVice 10 Ihe <strong>IBEW</strong> .nd<br />

Loc.1 26, We wl$h ueh Ind every one <strong>of</strong> Ihem<br />

God" speed and a healthy and h.ppy ICllltmenl<br />

AI Ihi, wliling. local 26 i. knocking on thc dool<br />

<strong>of</strong> ~ leured Blolhel! We arc very r lused Ihn<br />

01,11 pensIon lund 15 "ill Vtry healthy and able 10<br />

support this flne ! ' OUP 01 BrOlhels and 5poUse.<br />

In Ihe Wuhm,lon_ DC, a.u we are very U",SCI<br />

aboul Monl,l!Ome ry Wa,,11 For yUI$ "'C hne done<br />

IhclI wo.k and have done I ,000.1 lob lor them, but<br />

It "cm! s.nct MobIl 011 hn liken conllol <strong>of</strong> them,<br />

Ihey have dedded to ,0 non union "'"h no concc.n<br />

for Ihe wO lkms people In 01,11 area, 101 we wC le<br />

Ihe oncs that supponed them by our buying pOWCI<br />

Now we arc uklq for youl help We hne ",Ickeled<br />

Ihelt Slorcs and IIMI handbilled Ihem We hope<br />

Ihat II you hue. credit card Irom Monl,omery<br />

Wards you Will CUI II up, .nd mill n blck 10 Ihcm<br />

and uplam In a short nOle why you dld!lO 11 Ihty<br />

cln let by wnh ",ayln' lub-standard wages 10 Ihe<br />

conltr1JCIIOn workers, whal do you thlOk Ihey will<br />

do 10 Ihe\l employecsl ThclI own lob. WIll nOI be<br />

,.Ic A5 rna$! 01 you know, ,he WashmglOn, DC,<br />

area IIID Ihe lOp flve /0' coS! 01 liVing. Fo r a young<br />

eieclIInan mechanIC 10 buy a hOl..lsc to Ihe Wuh·<br />

mSton area. tl lake. nOI only h.s "'ages but hl5<br />

w,le ', aha So, p/C

Credit Union<br />

."..-=-<br />

- ,<br />

•<br />

)<br />

••<br />

• Lonl 4], SY.lt UU, N. Y., Cordit Un io n Vier P,uidut<br />

Funk "ilf and SU'rU' " lim Corbett loo k<br />

, On 8! P'nidcn, Bill Ryan rud5 a britf hislo,,, <strong>of</strong><br />

tile Cndi. Union" Iht' fi,n Annual PInyon<br />

Mao ch 24.<br />

First Aid Class<br />

Snond-yur .ppornliet Paul Bon prltlicu m oo.h.<br />

lo·m(lLuh rcuuciulion on Hainin5 nunnr~uin<br />

.. dUlinl fi,ii Aid Cion held by Ihe Saft'I)' Commlun,<br />

Ihe lIut OM My adVIce: would IK III IN you.<br />

I!ckel~ early. I WIll run PICIUIC$ <strong>of</strong> the pUly In the<br />

upcom.nl .stun <strong>of</strong> , he /oufnlll<br />

To acco modalc the 1UI" number <strong>of</strong> members In<br />

ancndance, OUI "pnl union merlln& was held II<br />

rhe Kni ghts <strong>of</strong> Columbus Hill ThIs mee ting was<br />

pUIICU].,]y rmpolt"nt because 8U5m.,SI ~bna,cl<br />

O .. n So .., d,Kuncd at l'Ut Icnl:.h the ,""ukel<br />

Recovery P lo~ , am bemg undertaken by OUI local<br />

and other bUilding .radu In the .,ea The mem<br />

bershlp hurd m~ny rntNUllng ~nd, in most cues,<br />

d"turb,n, eomm .. nts fr om the ,uUt spu k .. rs ",ho<br />

Iddrused us Am ong thc Jpukeu "'cre Mr Orc",<br />

G.bson, chlptu <strong>of</strong> NE CA, MIke BI ....)', reglonll<br />

d"eClO r <strong>of</strong> NECA, fr~nk flcarrJ, bUSiness manager<br />

<strong>of</strong> Plumbeu LoeJI S4, Ind Mr Elrl Ibll <strong>of</strong> th ..<br />

Syracusc BUIlders Ex chanle All spoke on vanous<br />

tOplU andlocund on the many problem, orpmud<br />

labor ,s havlnK 10 Ih.s aru and around Ihe country,<br />

especially Ihe nOn union problem ",hleh has be<br />

come the llOlle b'"C51 th,UI to orpmud labor<br />

Many quullons from the Ooor wCle a,."",ered by<br />

Ihe tpe~kelS, Ind Ihe members' 5u"eJ1l005 "'ere<br />

d"cusscd at glen kngth Bu, incu Manlgu Ilova,<br />

who, along "'lIh thc <strong>of</strong>ficelS<strong>of</strong> Loeal4J, hu ",orked<br />

vcry hlld Ind lonloo the mllket Iccovery luue,<br />

asked everyone .n auendan .. e 10 ,ubmlt Ideas o.<br />

ton$lrUCIlVC comments III the board as they snug<br />

lIe 10 find a solution to IhlS moststnOUJ problem<br />

In the pUI, olpnlzed llbo, has IU IVIVed the all.ck,<br />

and und"rmln,nl <strong>of</strong> bl, bUSIness, th .. I",edelence<br />

Ind apathy <strong>of</strong> ,ov.. rnm .. nt, and d,fficult econom,c<br />

times. Su rv,val depended upon membell slandrn,<br />

loltelhel "'''h a commllment 10 Ihell unlllns and<br />

to the labol movement 10 general. No one should<br />

thrnk Ihll uMbY'Slh,c",u arc any Ie" Knous,lhe),<br />

arc nOI . The names have changed, but Ihe game IS<br />

sull the same-the totll ..!tmlOallon 01 olpnl!eed<br />

labor We mUll not leI thl' hlppen<br />

Buy Union, buy AmellCln<br />

S"MUEl C. B A~.UI, PS<br />

Over 400 on The Book;<br />

PAC to Hold Casino Night<br />

l..u. 48 HlIl m ), PORTl.AND, ORl.-Well, ag~m<br />

II'. my ud duty to .cport that the "'ork Il!llallon<br />

hur IS pool Although "'e rolled through the book<br />

onte thl' lut yell thmks 10 the Camas Papc. 1'01111<br />

lob. II .5 cxpccttd Iha, th .. re WIll be ave, 400 on<br />

the book a g~m III june LeI'. hore thu ,orne <strong>of</strong><br />

thue ,umored lob, b, eak loose soon<br />

The Ed,,!)n Pen'lon T,uII h.~ reddlned Ihe<br />

'·(sIIng ICljullcmcnu to alia", 101 pensIon ray<br />

menl, 10 members ..·.. h five Q' mo,e yun or<br />

tredlted ,cr" Iec. I'Jymcnls "'Ill be bJscd on a<br />

pcrcenu, .. u/ a lully VUltd pen ...,onel er hour, look whal II COS tS u. loope.ate<br />

and CUIS In.o proAls. They "'erc pleu ed thlt M •<br />

Reapn .... If dOlnl somethlnl aboul umons; and<br />

th .. y were lure that when he , I rcelectcd, th .. unJOn<br />

working man Ind ",omln would be nothing more<br />

than an unplcasant memory<br />

[n thc othct famtly, a lillie boy asked whac leam<br />

those men belonl ro. "'el" they on h,s dd'llelm<br />

A. h15 dad nplalned "'hy people arc UnlOO .nd<br />

thn because <strong>of</strong> thc un,on he "'IS able 10 r,ovlde<br />

his bm,ly wllh the s.andard <strong>of</strong> loVing Ihey ellloyed<br />

,,>day. ",hy unIOns IIC Importanl Ind Ihe ,Mit<br />

Ihey slIlve 10 Iccomrhsh, I felt hope thll nO! III<br />

15 lost for .hel Novembel ",e w,lI hve RUIt~n .<br />

$200 pcr·hol,ll ,obs and no ",hiS. 01 "'e ""II hiVe<br />

,nti, wllh fall wages and benefit~ and a chnnce \0<br />

re~a! the unlU5t JaW) Ind CUl tLSC OU I nplIs The<br />

chUlcc " cludy ours<br />

Allend your locII unll mccunl, that I} wbere "<br />

all beltlnS<br />

[)oM RI VA RA, P 5<br />

Honorees<br />

Pic"ned bele aff hono.ees Ca.y Prejean, lell, ~nd<br />

C .. I Wert!, riShl, Robel! M(Klnemb., bUJinu.<br />

manasel <strong>of</strong> l.oul 60, S~n Anlonio, Tn., b ill thf<br />

crnU I .<br />

Two Local Members<br />

Honored at Banquet<br />

LU. 60 {ii, SAN ANTONIO, TEX.-On March ' II<br />

the Sin AnlonlO AFLelO .ecogmud IU51 I few <strong>of</strong><br />

the many, m.ny OUl5tlndmg Brothe,s and SlSte"<br />

<strong>of</strong> orpmzed labo, dUflnllhe Fourth Annu,l "Labo,<br />

Honors Its O",n" Banquet n Vllllta Assembly HIll<br />

Aiter thc introducllon <strong>of</strong> mlny dlSllngulShed guestS,<br />

and opemng ,,"em.. nlS by M.Ster <strong>of</strong> Cercmomn<br />

Lopn S I ~wa n and Harry HubbJ,d, ple"dent, Tens<br />

AFL,CIO, Ihe rca' ~tuS <strong>of</strong> the Iho'" "'e.e ,"uo·<br />

duced These "'cre , 01 course, the BtOthtIJ and<br />

Siner. who "'cle choscn ., hono,en from Ihe<br />

.. ariou. local unions lor Ihell oU I5t,nd,", conlfl·<br />

bUI;on. 10 Olpnlzcd labor<br />

Th" yur Loc,1 60 deCIded Ihlt "'e had IWO<br />

descr","g Blothers, Ind the follo"'lng. reprmted<br />

from Ihe banquel r,oglam. tells about Ihell dedI·<br />

cllion aod .ehlevements bellet than I could<br />

"The Internauonll B,othe,hood <strong>of</strong> Elcctucal<br />

WOlkerl LOClI Ulllon 60 I, Jlmud to lubmll 15 our<br />

honOltes fm <strong>1984</strong>, Brothen Gary PrelCJn and Carl<br />

Weyel<br />

Ihmhct P,eltan has been I membe, 01 Loc.1<br />

Unton 60 SInce NovemMI 6. 1957, dunnl whICh<br />

tIme he served on the Local Un.on E..,cu t l~e Board<br />

and 'spltsenlly .e r vrnga5 , eg1Str ~r Brothel Plclean<br />

II also pretend y lelv'"g on Ihe Afl.·CIO CouncIl<br />

Execullve lIoald. ' s lXmOClllle execu"v .. tOm'<br />

mlltCCman Ind h~1 donlted countless houll <strong>of</strong> hIS<br />

lime to helJl wllh d"ferent I.bor fun ch ons and<br />

Jl0]; IIul clmp'l,os Brother Ple)Cln K r~ ed IS co·<br />

thallman <strong>of</strong> thc labor Day Jlar adc fOI three yean<br />

and 11 co·chaHman uf Ihe " L.bo, Honou Its O ..·n"<br />

A",,,ds Banquet Blather P,c,ean sull finds lime<br />

and enelgy to parllCl pale m h,s nCIghbolhood<br />

allllls. He ,I sponsor <strong>of</strong> C,ey f Oltsl, Tens. Youlh<br />

Club .• e,ved on the C I ~y FUlcS!, Te~lI, Cur Coun­<br />

CIl fm Kveral years and se, ved as pollce chId <strong>of</strong><br />

C , ey FOlesl for twO ),ellS Local UOlon 60 II rloud<br />

01 Brother P,clun 10' hIS cOnlnbuuons to the labor<br />

movement and the communHy, and "'e Ire ploud<br />

10 honor him ""th th,s .",.rd<br />

BrOlhel Weye' hu been I rnembcr<strong>of</strong> Loul Union<br />

60 slIlce February 7,1968 PUOIIO rnlennl min<br />

I.L\Cmen t ","h Nnh ~n Alterman Elec m e Company,<br />


!I.mhe. Weyel dunaled countlen hours nf h., ume<br />

to help with difle,enr I.bol funcuons, JH1hucal<br />

campa.gnl, loul un'[)n cnmmitteu, served ci~ht<br />

ycar' as p.t:Sldtnt "I the local unlun-from 1973<br />

10 1981-.nd It presenl]y Ocmoc:rlut p.eclnCI<br />

CQmmHleCm~n m h .. p.umct, Brother Weydlull<br />

limb "me and enel~y 10 help wllh Ihe riecrncal<br />

.nstalbuun (li lhe " Runald McDonald House'" now<br />

~Lng bUill. sc, vel on Ihe Baud <strong>of</strong> Dnectoll uf<br />

COSS ... T ICh.ldren'. Oncolugy Serv.ce1 Qf San<br />

Antonio. TUIS!, is involved with thc YMC ...·<br />

Ind.an Cu.du·Flther/Son P,ol •• m Ind WIS pIcked<br />

" Fa.her ollhe Yu." for 1979-80 'or T"o"y UnLled<br />

Melho"h,1 Weekday School<br />

local Umon 60 IS I'llOud alld thank'ul 10' .he<br />

cODtnbuuorll made '0 the bbot moyemem Ind<br />

Ihe communilY by Brolher Weyd U "'·e honor him<br />

wi.h .h.J awa rd "<br />

To"l"'v DAVI~. P S<br />

Retiree<br />

B,olhu V'rner, .ighl, . rceivu Onr 01 hi l Ifl;'r·<br />

mUl gif .. " bit pillr.<br />

Credit Union Meets;<br />

Brother Varner Retires<br />

LU.1611,cm,ruIlJpal, T ACO.'tlA, WASII.-C.eel<br />

.ngs from Locil 76, hope IhlS nude flnds ,II<br />

mem~rs m good health, npeclilly those uavdLl\g<br />

Work ' $ 51111 ,low Jlound the area with no relic!<br />

.n .ht nUl future<br />

Thr Annual Credit UllIon Mreung WIS held on<br />

March 3. <strong>1984</strong>, n Ihe Local 76 bUlldmg The<br />

meeunl WII very well attended, wllh III havLI\' a<br />

good ume aite' Ihe merunl pUI <strong>of</strong> the evening<br />

wu linlshed, Many Ihanb tU the Crcdh Union<br />

olflcers and Ilaf' who d.d Ihe $CtUP work<br />

,.0.5 the summer scason draw. ncur. let', not<br />

oye.do the suenuous SJH111 af;I'Wlt,tf_ [yel)' ~e ••<br />

members suffer pulled musclu, heart attacks and<br />

.elatcd ,uffenngs by tl)'lnl to do tOO much, tOO<br />

qu.ckly W .. m up!<br />

Mo.e and mo.e we in the bUildmg Irades are<br />

~,nl ...,eked by the anll'umon .,cuu <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Rugan admimsllanon. l ook I.ouml you, how<br />

man~ union mem~n do you kn ow our <strong>of</strong> WQ.kl<br />

LOSing thell s.cJf.e5leeml We mu!' WUll to Ihe<br />

~St <strong>of</strong> 01,1. Ib.lily 10 ciCCI Walle. Mnndale .. OUI<br />

nut p.elLldem<br />

Brother Ha.old Varner <strong>of</strong> Tacoma .elLled in ea.ly<br />

February. Harold has h\'ed 10 Tacoma, on and <strong>of</strong>f,<br />

tlOC" 19-' I He JOIned th .. 18EW in 19-'2 and hu<br />

g.vcn 42 ~u •• 01 ded.caled sc.vlce Fo •• he lasl<br />

few yeall, he had been employed by T.cQma Boat·<br />

buildmg, whe.e he was p.omoted 113 ~u~"nund<br />

ent lor the day on hll lasl day 01 ~"'Ice Srothe.<br />

W.~ne TnUI ".tacnted " Hal" wl1h • plaque .nd<br />

gIft ecrunca,e purchncd WIth donanQns gathered<br />

f.om lellow wOlkera, There W •• lllO a pany Jl:lyen<br />

for h.m rn the electric Ihop wl1h cake Ind dllnk,<br />

whc.e 1cllY Hahn, shop IUjlCnnlclldenl, p.escntcd<br />

h.m wl1h a Tacoma Boat belt buckle Plel50C 10m<br />

UJ .11 .n w.sh.ng fhl and hll w,fe Alice a happy<br />

and wonderful relLlement. Thanks. Hal<br />

fkA"'~ Hrnozon, P S<br />

Bowling Tournament Held;<br />

Negotiations in Progress<br />

LU. 19 lui. SYR .... CUSE, N,Y.-Thc Service Dcpanmen,<br />

<strong>of</strong> t.oc:al 79 hdd then Nrnlh Annual<br />

Ik.>whng Tournament on AI',,1 I ~I r.tmollt unn,<br />

We had IO·R ve man tc.ms Bowlml\. dmn .. r ..,d<br />

doOl pnles made II • Jlnl )"OUt turns loge,ht. for<br />

nel.l yea.<br />

OUt COntraCI wllh N.ap" Monawk eapLled MIY<br />

31 Th.s .. "de IS be.ng wflncn 10 Apfll so " It<br />

Impon.ble to .. ~ .nYlhmg at Ihllume. P.oposall<br />

f.om bolh tht System Counc.1 and NMPC haye<br />

befn each.nged Ind n"sollallOns Ire in prog.ess<br />

You. <strong>of</strong>ficen and Eneu"'·e I\o.Jrd w.1I ~ on lOp<br />

<strong>of</strong> all ac"v.uu Ilopdully. we Will have a wo,kable<br />

conllact al Iht' lime In any event, you. <strong>of</strong>Aeeu<br />

Ind EnculI\'e Board mtmbC'n WIll be ablf 10<br />

answer Iny q,ueStions you may have<br />

Summ .... 5 hCfC and II'S vaC.llon 11m .. We WISh<br />

III a safe summel<br />

We haye a local <strong>of</strong> uYe r 9-'0 members; thele arC<br />

many aCILVLtlu 10101 nn. and wc would hke to<br />

Write about .hem, but we need you. mpul We<br />

can 't wnre about Ihmgs .f you donI lell us So.,<br />

you gel a hole m-one 0. catch I lIophy Ash, lei us<br />

know<br />

w C WAII. Nt~, P S<br />

Work Scene Slightly Brighter;<br />

Retirement Benefits Increased<br />

L U, 80 li,o,.ullspa), NORFOLK, VA,-Well, wh.t<br />

do you knuw, II looks as If wOlk If bcgmmng to<br />

look a lilrl .. hlightci afound Local 80. Several on<br />

the ~nch hne ~en .eferred our, .nd hopelully<br />

many mo.e Will be PUt 10 wo.k 10 the weeks ahead<br />

Bustness Manale, Richard Sykcs Italed that "<br />

looks 1 101 belle. now than II hll In the p.aSt yea.<br />

o. IWO. Mlnagemenl and labor Ire workmg 10·<br />

lether to do Iheir be5' to tccaplure work Ih.1 hu<br />

tradLlLonilly Ront UOlOO, WorkmR IOgcther, and<br />

nOI 38'1Inll neh orh ..., i ~ the Inlwer 10 many <strong>of</strong><br />

th .. problems The pnma'r ,oal 01 ou.lotll unIon<br />

IS to secu.e lob. locally 10. our membeuhip. When<br />

thIS happens. Ihen Ihese conlllClO1l and Ihe 10\1"<br />

neymen whu wenl open shop WIll have w,~hed<br />

Ihey had Sllyed union.<br />

F.om ,he W"e Ole lourneyman, "Cood ludge,<br />

ment CUOlU fr om upeflence. EXjlCILence comes<br />

frnm 1

wt' mlJJed aU~lnC>5 R~pl~~cnlatlv~ I ~y w,l·<br />

h~mt, bolh In Ihe Qfllct' a!)ll at the Conle. ent'e,<br />

bUI undersland he " rccQvcnng nIcely f.om hIs<br />

1 ,u' lIny and w,1l be: back soon<br />

Th,. ),u. ~nd Ih,s PUtICU!J1 lime IS a .. cry hu§y<br />

one fm uu. local Within thl§ nUt Ih.ee monlh<br />

r f!Cngd ..'e have h.d tn.1 bo"d hUlln!:., Ife ne·<br />

,0ll'llng nr ..· CQntraCII for ou ' Ceneral TelephQne<br />

people, bolh O.e&on and W.sh'n,ton Cuntd em<br />

pIQYt'u, and w,lI abo host thc Telephone Confe. ·<br />

tncc in Seattle, W a~hlllgton, which ht:~n Apnl<br />

JO<br />

Outs.de conStructIon members wo. klng at I kn·<br />

kel •• nd McCoy "e lull on ~llIh, .nd oUI~,de<br />

COOSINCtloo Eucultv" bId mt'mbel Da .. e W~lke.<br />

~ has be:"n workon, tcmpouIIly for Ihe local trymg<br />

IQ .un down Iud. ,nd pIckel thIS unton bu§lt.<br />

LcRuy Sml lh w,1I be filling III lUI CellY Nagel on<br />

the JOulhcfII ale. ud Rue Highlower wtll be dUll'll<br />

rhe .,me lor Sandy NICholl. In the nQllhefll ~ICa<br />

dUlin, the upcumml: Gencul Tclephnne nelOlI'<br />

UQn.<br />

We"e hoping all oU I membe,s w,1I unne III help<br />

and ben wlihes fo' Ihese 1"'0 mtmbeu, Ihe stall<br />

and the NegollUtng Comm"'ee wllh Cene.al Tel,<br />

ephone Dun'l ~lluwQth eu to bad mouth the URlun<br />

Th.n .11 <strong>of</strong> us wurkmJ: toltelhel, and that '~ ·all<br />

We ,01 '<br />

Local Endorses<br />

'" Four Candidates<br />

L U. 90 (i&em), NE W II A \' EN, CONN.· -AI our<br />

Apnl meeung ou, loc.l unton endo.sed 10111 u.n·<br />

dllLltu fo, Cong.en ThQ5C mcumbenl~ .Ie rust<br />

D"I/1CI, Da,bua Kennelly, Second DIS"ICI. Sam<br />

Celdensen, Thud Dl~"'CI, Bruce MQlII WIl, and<br />

Flllh Dmll'l. Wilham R'lchfo, J Tltell endOlSe·<br />

ment was hued on thell bbo. vmlllg .t'cOI d whlcb<br />

IS 94 pe.ce", lor Kennelly and RJtchlu'd acca.dm&<br />

10 Ihe AFL·Cla YOUI 'UPPOH lUi Ihese candida lei<br />

's UHnu,1 IQ Iht Iab(Of mQ\'Cmcnt u .. dl .. OU r<br />

awn loc.1<br />

AI the same mct'llIlg We h.d 1Il""ed Con!llus·<br />

man MOlJlwn to speak tOOll. mcmbcuhlr Unabk<br />

to attend ,n pC I~m because <strong>of</strong> a budget m(etln& In<br />

Washmgl"n, wc WCle .bk 10 set up a commUni'<br />

caUons system with him dlleell), from hIS Qiflec<br />

m Wuhm,IQn He ~pokt Qn rHlblemt toncemlng<br />

Ihe budgel, unemployment, Impo.ts . nd the DIYIS·<br />

Bacon Act HIS mntage .boUI Rug.nomln nm<br />

wo.kong was obvlQUI. and the need ,0, a new<br />

,dmmuuauun I' <strong>of</strong> lhe IItmost ,mpotlance<br />

UpcQmmg evenu ,nclude the men', ouung. the<br />

family QUltng and QUI Annual Golf Toutnament<br />

pl.not.! 101 lune<br />

RnnllT COllllAll.\), P S<br />

Brother Frank Groome Dies;<br />

AFL-CIO-COPE Banquet Held<br />

L.U. '18 \i&em l, PJllLADELPIJIA , PA.-Loe,1 98<br />

bas bceo .,dden~ by Ihe death III Btothe. Flank<br />

C .oome F.ank. wlto was $t. uck by, ca. whIle on<br />

a picket lone, had been ,n a CQma smce May 25,<br />

1911J, hc nC"Clle,'lnt'd CQnKIQUinU$ The <strong>of</strong>Rnls<br />

and membels <strong>of</strong> Local 98 send Ihell c"ndolences<br />

10 Frank', ... ·,fe and hil lamlly<br />

The 351ft Annual AFL,CIQ-COPE Ball'lUCI was<br />

heldQn i'blch 10, 1994 at the Phlladdph" Ctnue<br />

HOlel All <strong>of</strong> the mllm labol O'pntZiIiUnS m Ihe<br />

CLl~ wele leplcJented mcludm& Local 98 OUI<br />

dclepuon ..·as huded b~ Buslnnl Mlna,c. I,m<br />

Mackm and Plu,denl r,cd Compton Many p"'m<br />

menl labol and poliucal figolcJ addlcJsed the<br />

gathelln!:. Two malol Ihemes no!!c flom the<br />

speeches. The fI.sl WU that labo, hu IQ IUe old<br />

bshlooed mt'lhods to help Ihell candldlltS "'In,<br />

they have 10 gQ doOi 10 door and lei th~ VOtt VUI<br />

Tht' Ktvnd Iheme. ICpelled by man~ spe.kers,<br />

wu Ihlt labol, m Ihe Phlladdrhll Uti. w'"l;o all<br />

Out for 'UPPOI! 01 Waher Mondale fQ' plu,denr Qf<br />

Ihe UnIted Statn The 110'0 mlm spe,keu <strong>of</strong> Ihe<br />

ntJlltt we.e Un,,~d Statn St'nator Arlen SpeCIOI<br />

Ind Phlladelphll's Mayol W Wtl!lOn Coode Sen<br />

11m Speelo' , who made hg.ht <strong>of</strong> bem& lite Qnly<br />

Rcpubltun In the ....,m. ~laled Ihlt "I~b", " ~<br />

vcry ,,"hle IVICe m PennsylYanll," and .he c"II~~1<br />

IlSue fQl all P~l1n\ylv~ntan5 ,s to gct ~"rlc h~ck<br />

IQ willk The last ipc~k Cf uf tlte e",·ntng was Ihe<br />

newly eI~c l cd and hIghly enclgCllC \\~Ylli W,hon<br />

Goode The mayor Silted thn tht' ""y " on .ltt'<br />

move, 'nd .hat Ihe hlpest PI"''''Y QI It" .dmm·<br />

,Straunn I) 1 "bu,n a sIIonl; IQC~1 ecnnomy and<br />

to keep rhlbJclrhlan. w

w<br />

Z<br />

,<br />

"<br />

28<br />

8i11 5w~nson will Ix takl~ Bob', rllce, IS 8111<br />

was apP

hIm the ~C'1' be!t In h,s MW JOb Wdcom~ batk.<br />

Austin'<br />

I krln Ihls amde purposcly shorl fOi 5p~~C<br />

~ 'U&Qns, bUll want [0 add my personal admlrallon<br />

fo. g,,;nhc. Henry from Ihe ~e. y H.5lume I vlmw<br />

h,m In Ihc h05pllal ' honly .£tt. tht acc,dent, until<br />

." Ihls day, hIs cheerfulness and p05111~C a Ullude<br />

h.~ e be:en a .cal m~PlJallon 10 me In my book he<br />

10. .cal rna ..<br />

Award<br />

Life Saving Award Presented;<br />

Picnic Location Changed<br />

L U. Ill io.ul, DENVER, COLO.-lIlt wllh &rUI<br />

plulule Ihall am .epollln! Ihll Ihe hl!hesl hono.<br />

wail beStowed 10 ou r me","'" SlOlhc. LlIuy Hathon<br />

Busl .. en M~na lle . Muon p.uenled Ihe <strong>IBEW</strong> L,fe<br />

SavlfI, Awald 10 Brolhe. 1I0lhon al the Icgular<br />

u .. lon meCting held during th e month <strong>of</strong> Milch<br />

for Ihe Intumountam RUf.1 Eleetne A'soc,a,i"n<br />

~mployeel<br />

On luly 12. 1983. B'Olhe. L .... y Howl .. nd ~nd<br />

BrOlhel La"y Hlthon wele .nl~ed 10 check OUI<br />

a Ihree phase tra .. sformcl b~nk m the Suubu. ,<br />

DIStIICI LallY tlowland climbed Ihe pole 10 e:.hcck<br />

one <strong>of</strong> Ihe CUI·OUIS 10 sec If II nceded IU be: Icpbced<br />

Uc wu In the procus<strong>of</strong> conneC lln", Ihe fuse lump~ r<br />

blck On Ihe main Ime when he time InlO eOn!.le:.1<br />

wllh Ihe p"m"y vohaK~<br />

8'0Ihe:.1 Hathon's COnKICnllOUI wOlk allllude<br />

and qUick luponsc 10 Immedille poJe. tOf! .escue<br />

. lesulted m p.eclOus lime Broth~. Howland needed<br />

lor ant chance:. <strong>of</strong> .u. vlval<br />

Once agam the tUlOln, and u/ety P'OII, amS lhe<br />

<strong>IBEW</strong> hn wOlkcd ha"l and Ions ' 01 havc affo.'!ed<br />

Ihe 0ppollunll Y fOI conllnufd well be: ... S for one<br />

<strong>of</strong> Ou r memb e l ~<br />

On behllf <strong>of</strong> Loul I I I, Internallonal Brothc.<br />

hood <strong>of</strong> Elecl!1ul WOlke.s. I would like ' 0 con<br />

""ubec BIOlher Ha.hon<br />

The Ptcmc Commmec hn mformed Ihal Ihl5<br />

tnr', p,cmc ., be,.., moved 10 a new locallon<br />

A,a ... II will have a mounlam K llln& wh.ch w,1I<br />

be nUr Barley, Cololldo. The p,cnrc hu been<br />

planned for ' une II wllh mlny neW add u Ions<br />

Hopefully Ihl, t n. MOlhcl NIIU.e wHi prOVIde us<br />

wi lh plenanl wcalhe. UOWeVCI, to the evem . he<br />

doc!n 'l, the , h e will ,ccommodate all OUI memo<br />

bers and Iheir fam,lies indoors should il become<br />

necel .. ry<br />


30<br />

Graduation<br />

Shown nctiving plaquu II the Lou] 1l0, Ne w<br />

O,lnnl, La" guduuion ctlcmoniu "t, 10ftground,<br />

Joe T.uuh and Sand,a Verdun, back­<br />

, round, Funk P" lIio i, Mrs. Jo.t T.usch, lohn<br />

TIUI)'. lot foslu .nd "pp.colin Directo. "huy<br />

8nni , II~ II.<br />

Delegation<br />

Thuf I rt Loul 130'1 dtlrgun 10 this fUt'S AFL·<br />

CIO Convention, I' Qnl , ow, Id. 10 righl, .. t Charlie<br />

AU$lin, lo.t Pudo .nd Don.ld Mtytr" buk<br />

lOW, Id.lo right, l.r Eddir C,t tin, Mike Dell'O, I. no,<br />

Pit Rodriguu, Vic Buu lt ILouisiln1 AFL·CIO<br />

,.uidtntl. AI Bon ick !L

Teams<br />

ShO"' 1I al ,bt <strong>IBEW</strong> Bowlins TOUmlmfnl it NtwJl:ud<br />

0'Il El ec tric', Tnm. From 1, 11 10 .i,hll,., Mike Soduo,<br />

Aay 110hz, Bob Vedder, Phil Lolb .. i, and Phil<br />

Vedder.<br />

A.lso In Aususl Ihfft W,II ~ • plcmc held 10'<br />

the mcmlM:.s <strong>of</strong> Local 1:'0 and .hell fam,lu:5. This<br />

p.cnoc w,1I1M: held from noon 10 sunKI on Sunlby,<br />

"Ug"IiI 26, and w,ll be fre., Thefe w,1I be plemy<br />

. <strong>of</strong> food and dronk. a5 well as pmu fOI tht kIds<br />

For the adulu the.t ....," be fOhball, ~olltyb:o.lI,<br />

and hOl3cshocl, so rcmembtr 10 keeJl .hal date<br />

open<br />

The I'lcluru lh,~ month uc hum Ihe lBEW<br />

BowlHl~ Tournament held 111 A!I~n!lc ClIr, New<br />

lersey, dunns .... rnl The men wuuldn't lell me<br />

how Ih,,)/ placed, but they dId have a ,fI;ood lime<br />

bowlm«. drlnk,ng ond g.:.mbhn,fl;<br />

Tom Rneo ,ndu;"IU \hl' .bulll the lime you<br />

rud lhll IlIlCk he w,1I be lIymS 10 fOlm a code·<br />

Upd4\C dass ThIS wtll be about a th'ff nlAht

•<br />

Not to Vote<br />

Is Inexcusable<br />

LU. 180 (i&o), VALLE IO, CA L.-C.eeungl from<br />

V,U(IO, Br(>lh~n and SISlfrs. /fopduJJy, by .ht<br />

Ilmt Ih'5 IS jI,il1'f,1 Wt will lit tx~nencm.llllll<br />

tmr10ymcnt again<br />

L h(l~ cveryone \,'H', In .he I'rcsuJcnhal pnmuy<br />

All lime .. ,hen"c mu~r 'urr"" bbor,und,dalct,<br />

[ find n mncusablc nm 1(1 vOle' The J"ncnl<br />

admmuuauon 15 nOI I ..... ,·s tncod, we mil,. do<br />

('vetylhm! In OUI 1'0"'('1 10 ddul It Mosl <strong>of</strong> the<br />

I,, ()blcms bemg tBEW labm (an be .unhUlc.1 III<br />

polltlc_lun thmk aboullI From CI'Y councilmen<br />

10 the pruldent <strong>of</strong> the Unlled SUtU, pohtlcs I,<br />

the name <strong>of</strong> the game, lnd we Irt t05mgl One vote<br />

clln make a d,lfcfI:ncc<br />

Remember, 5afelY.s C~Cl1'onc'J ,ob Ancnd your<br />

unIon mecllngs'<br />

,.<br />

O"SIP A />1WUlH.I>, P 5<br />

--<br />

Billboard<br />

.-", ~<br />

r Union EI.

Scribe Denounces<br />

Ex-Members<br />

L.U. 23 1 (i,u,em,nb,ClI¥&spa). SIOUX CIT Y,<br />

IOWA- Early In the momh <strong>of</strong> Ap ril, Local 2Jl<br />

.., 105t II vc ry respected member wIth the passmg 0/<br />

Brothe. William Bleth. II 's always $.ad [0 .tport<br />

a death <strong>of</strong> a mem~r , but especially when it's an<br />

a~tivc membu w ho has been cheated in life by nOI<br />

bemg IIble to tnlOY any <strong>of</strong> the Jc,ucml'nl YC:1II5 we<br />

aU work fo r and hope to CnJoy. adl w ill be mIssed<br />

by all <strong>of</strong> us as he was II good mechamc, and [ never<br />

met anyone who dIdn't conSIder hIm II fnend<br />

OUf deemc,. ordmancc he re In SIOUX CIty, the<br />

Board 01 Eumincr5and their lun have come under<br />

fire by OUI non-Union comJ\C'llUon. h', lromc Ihat<br />

In thiS local union, to due, 1111 01 our pro blems arc<br />

commg from lormel <strong>IBEW</strong> members With the<br />

advent <strong>of</strong> OUt slow economy, we had thl! handful<br />

<strong>of</strong> weak members who wue looking fo r Ihe nsy<br />

wayOUI and Ihe qUick buck I »y " wnk" member$<br />

as Ihey we re the ones who rnely attended union<br />

meetings, never lin fOI an <strong>of</strong>fice or volunteered<br />

for a commmee, They look whatevel Ihe system<br />

had to olfer, bOI neve. con m boted aOYlhlng, TheIr<br />

acno", make II most dIfficult 10' Ihe rut <strong>of</strong> U5 In<br />

the electncal mdustry who have fought for what<br />

we have and would b ke to sce our standard 01<br />

linllg tmproved m the yurs to come By uymg 10<br />

double and tuple the number <strong>of</strong> electrical contractor!<br />

without mcreanng the aVlllable wo rk. com-<br />

J'lC'lIl1on w,ll dnve Ihe .ate down 10 what was p"d<br />

in the 1940, and 50,. T hese are the same type 01<br />

members who weren't happy WIth the ncgollated<br />

senlcments because they weren 't high enough and<br />

werc always grumbhng about everything m gene.a)<br />

After the plumbers hemg on Slnke fOT Ihe Lasl<br />

II months, it's aheady happemng to their industry.<br />

Thelf one·mln shops arc now apprlnchmg 30, and<br />

I've heard 01 cuu whe. e Ihey' rc losmg lobs to<br />

each other at $5,00 an hour and Ius. JI we're really<br />

the mOSI mtelhgent <strong>of</strong> the craft,. I hope we wake<br />

up bdo.e II'S tOO la IC. One-man shops, which<br />

continue in businus lor an extended period <strong>of</strong><br />

time, aTe defeating what we are trymg to aceomphsh<br />

10 thIS lime 01 hIgh unemployment. We don'l<br />

need <strong>IBEW</strong> contuetOlS; we need <strong>IBEW</strong> "employ­<br />

Ing" contraeto. s If we all SUrt pulhng mlhe lame<br />

di rcction instud 01 trying to self·destruct, we<br />

mighl be around lor the list century<br />

This IS election yeu lor the p.esldent 01 our<br />

country and many 01 OU r local unton$ A ,oad<br />

voter turnout I~ the $Iarl <strong>of</strong> plrtlCIPltIng 10 our<br />

SYSlem, whIch l et~ thost who ale candIdates know<br />

you ate interested and clle about shapmg Ind<br />

prolectlng your fu tore.<br />

GAilY GIUEH, PS<br />

Local Registers Voters,<br />

Discusses "Striking"<br />

L.U. 245 (o, u,Bovt$.rtb), TOLEDO, OHIO_VOter<br />

reglstullon has been one <strong>of</strong> the focal pomts m the<br />

last seve .. ! months. QU r COPE Committee and<br />

some aClIve members, depulY reglstran, have ex·<br />

J'lC'dlled the dnve As 01 Milch ]1, ]984, OhIO'S<br />

new, mai]-m Votet Icglsl/alton should be a poslove<br />

aClion 101 all OhIOans wllhng II) .egI5Ie. Fou.<br />

mOle yean <strong>of</strong> ReaganomlC! WIll he dCVlstnmg to<br />

the Amencan worker.<br />

March 3] marked 245', Annual Stewards and<br />

Officers SemInar. Labor lawyers and a ledcral medlllor<br />

we re leatmed speakers. The luue <strong>of</strong> IlIIke<br />

was the '"P' C discussed, mcludmg pICket hne duty<br />

It wu n Oled that the beSI strike IS the onc that<br />

doesn't OCCUI, when the membershIp IS satisfied<br />

w" h Ihe proposals No lob action hal to be taken.<br />

The present l,bor ellmatc ha rdlydlclalu Ihe afo. e·<br />

menlloned, whICh necessitates our ptCSentlllon.<br />

Mock picket !tnes we te assembled as well as<br />

ca plains 10 review aCllon on strtke hnes The four ·<br />

hour bnefing was followed by • luncheon.<br />

)'10'1 ROUlITS, PS.<br />

Service Awards<br />

Pausing 10. a mOlll enl alter rtcei"ing 2S-yu, serv_<br />

iet awuds I I I recent Loul 146, Sleuben,·ille.<br />

Ohio, Dinner-Danef are Rrothcn " Bulch" ,'l1 c­<br />

Elhanty, Idt, and Don Cronll. 'l:ot piclulfd lie<br />

Brotheu Ku Lantz aD d Bill Skttns_<br />

Tht Local 246 l O- ycu ·Jtrviee·award w innfl ~ in·<br />

clude Buuhers Bill Durbin, left , and loe lI.ger.<br />

NOt piclun d il Blothel Dick Funck hauscl.{Phot05<br />

submitted by Bob l. E n~e ll , pr es~ secretary.)<br />

Locals Struggle<br />

With Late Winter Storm<br />

loU. 249(u), GENE VA, N. Y.-On Wcdnesday, March<br />

29, Wt received a laIC wmtel snowstorm Of an<br />

early spnng one AI any ,ate It dlopped OVCI a foot<br />

<strong>of</strong> Wet heavy snow on ou r arca In the local 249<br />

alta, we dldn'l hive tOO much lIouble However,<br />

local I] II 10 Elmlla, one <strong>of</strong> ou. brOlhel locals,<br />

had many problem! There wu over th. ee feCI <strong>of</strong><br />

snow on the Inri dropJ'lC'd by the storm Mlny <strong>of</strong><br />

the othu locals 01 Syslem CounCil u- 7 sent crews<br />

to ElmHa to aUISt wllh the $101m reSIOUllon<br />

Auburn SCnt SIX mcn' chlcf hneman Ken Smuh,<br />

Paul Granato, Ran "Birthday Bay" Pucoek and<br />

fi rsl-c]an linemen T R Goodellc, Roger Tumbef<br />

and Nell Vanllcw. Geneva and Newllk hnemen<br />

we.t chId lmeman Norm Lee and first·class<br />

hneman Ted Youngs Newark chief was Charhe<br />

Tomaln and Jobn " Ha'l'PO" Evangelist!!,<br />

Wllh thc eXlfa crew! the malOIllY <strong>of</strong> the problems<br />

the Slo.m "used we.e cluned up and moS!<br />

everyone's power was back an by lue Friday mght<br />

We can all be thankful thaI II finally qUIl snowmg<br />

and II wa.med up some to allevllle problems. l eI'S<br />

hope thaI is all the snow ..... e get unlll December<br />

I'm sorry I don't have very much new mforma­<br />

\lon to fepOIl on OUI re'OfgamZi\lOn <strong>of</strong> OUI local<br />

unIOns ThiS IS a bIg undertaking. and the plesent<br />

System CounCIl mem~1S are pumng much lime<br />

and h.ud wo.k IntO Ih>~ . When you do sce nOIlRcallon<br />

01 this SJ'IC'Clal meellng. to explam thl! new<br />

concept and .e-organlzallon, make sUle you attend<br />

as It WI!] he an eXltcmely ImpOrtant mceltng You<br />

WIll ~ gIven much advance nouce <strong>of</strong> II, so let',<br />

not hear any ncuses why you ~ n ' l make the<br />

meeting Bcheve me, they h,,'c all been used<br />

~fo.e, and most alcn 'l really 100 vahdl<br />

Along these . ame hnes I lU51 Want to say II<br />

doesn't take tan much 10 ruhle thaI wllh Ronn ie<br />

Reagan 10 <strong>of</strong>fice the pUt Ihree yeu s, o.,.nlzed<br />

l.bor has been hiS prime "whlppmg boy," and We<br />

have had a very hud row to hoe So It 15 lime we<br />

all stalled woklng up and ge umg mvolved 10<br />

UntOnlSm agam beforc It IS tOO laIC Remember,<br />

the unIon IJ only as strong as liS members because<br />

you lie the uOlonl<br />

The Loeo] 249 union OIeeling IS Ihe fourth Thu. ,­<br />

day <strong>of</strong> every month at the Amencan l egIOn .n<br />

Geneva, 800 p.m. sba.p! Be there><br />

T It Cooouu, V P./P,S<br />

Record Breakers<br />

Ont <strong>of</strong> tht , eeo.d-settin, working ItanlS al Elutric<br />

BOl t thaI ,howed Iht wOlld thl there is "ill pride<br />

and ~ kil1 in the Ame.ica n craluman. Left 10 righ I,<br />

back lOW, lie Le nny Ziolkowski, Tony Stu'g;s,<br />

SItVC Doylci front row, left to rig hl,a. e len Tanley,<br />

Rick Sanzi, Doug Howard ,nd ICily Weu, m ~ m belJ<br />

<strong>of</strong> llxa1 16], GrOton, Conn_<br />

Local Members Show<br />

Great Skill , Pride<br />

L U. 261 (mar,mo&'ct), GROTON, CONN.-In thiS<br />

everyday workm,!! world, c r aft~ p eople arC pomted<br />

at and critiCized wtlh d~l m 5 made by some that<br />

tod.y's working people are nOI perfolmmg Ihtll<br />

skIlls at the levels e~pccted <strong>of</strong> Ihem 11'5 hard to<br />

belIeve Ihey are talkmg about the Amencan crainman<br />

In the last tWO years, our members have<br />

receIVed congratulations from Bustncu Managel<br />

Arnold Pmk$lon and management people at the<br />

Eleclllc Boal for outstandtllg performances m submarine<br />

conSlfUCllon The fir" 01 these ~w a fd ·<br />

wmntng tum elfons went to a group 01 outSIde<br />

cleelllClans that tesled and loaded 126 two-volt<br />

battefies mto a nudear submanne Each 01 the<br />

batlenes weIghed 2,600 pounds and bad 10 be<br />

placed m a tallm made ballcry compartment. Thl8<br />

ope' atlon was done m lecoTd·bru kmg lime and<br />

needed a high level 01 skI ll 10 petform ThIS record<br />

has been challenged but never broken<br />

The second and mosl recent <strong>of</strong> the ''''ards went<br />

to anOlhe. group <strong>of</strong> OUISIde cleCIIIClanS who, wllh<br />

some well ·CJ(ec uted learn work, set a new record<br />

for the tn5lallallOn 01 cellam wlleway hangclS<br />

abolfd one 01 our neweSI Tlldent submarines.<br />

Aboard a TIldent subma.ine srace IS always a<br />

luxury and mIles and miles 01 elecmcal, electromc<br />

and special·purpose cables mun be mstalled '"<br />

sJ'lC'CI.lly made cable hangers to operate the so·<br />

phtJllcated eqUIpment so neeenary 10 the lunCllon<br />

01 loday'a modern nucleI! submallne The award·<br />

wmmng wOlkmg team conSisted <strong>of</strong> Lenny Z,ol·<br />

kowskl, Tony Sturgis, SIeve Doyle, len Tansey,<br />

R>ck Sanzi, Doug Howard and lerry Wesl ThIS<br />

group <strong>of</strong> outsIde e)ectnClan$ combmed Ihell s kIlls<br />

and talent and mstalled 474 Wll eWay cable bangers<br />

in one eight·hour shift usmg the electrical a.c slud<br />

weld'"g method ThIS mme Ihan doubled the old<br />

record <strong>of</strong> 172 Thl' record wtll be part 01 Loul161<br />

and Electric Boat h'5Iory fo. a long IImc COllgrat ·<br />

ulallons to thIS wo.kmg team agam 101 Showm8<br />

the wo rl d that thcre IS stIll pndc and 5hllm Ihe<br />

Amencan craftsman<br />

B.ll Bode, Max Ranhel and PCle lamu )Olned the<br />

ranks 01 the Tellled In March, <strong>1984</strong> The olflce!!<br />

and members .....'sh them a long and healthy reo<br />

tHemen!. ;t<br />

The nut generauon <strong>of</strong> nuclear·powcred attack en<br />

5ubmallncs WIll be called the "SSN-l1 Class." The<br />

firsl SSN-21 Class submallne would enter Ihe neet W<br />

In 1995 5<br />

A Ipeetal thanks to lean Ruudl, Elccme Boat'S ...,<br />

IOPI CS td1\or, 10. g.antmll my PICIUIC requcu<br />


w<br />

z<br />

~<br />

,<br />

34<br />

Members<br />

Shop S I~w~ld Tony Corsinl and Gent ral Fort man<br />

Jack wumt ra <strong>of</strong> Loc31262, Plainfield, N. J., discuss<br />

the mo~in& and handlins 01 compute r equipment.<br />

luly I. <strong>1984</strong>. The SIO mllhon deemca! contract<br />

wu awarded to Mus Electrlc Company from Rus·<br />

ton, Musachusctu, on 100ni VentUrC wllh the Nordling<br />

()(:an Elecuie Company <strong>of</strong> Summit, New<br />

Jersey<br />

Jersey Central Power nd light 1$ supplYIng t ..... o<br />

15 K V f~ .. ders. The buildw/: IS clecuieally selfcontamed<br />

wllh emergency powel supplied by two<br />

3200 K.W Ulrbmc5 U IS K. V. The 120,OOO-squarc-<br />

1001 data tenter has a raI sed computer floo r uea<br />

<strong>of</strong> IWO acre". T he ckctncal WOIk 15 bc:mg compitIed<br />

HI thrtt phases. The fiul phase was completed<br />

In ome weeks and consisted <strong>of</strong> the rnam<br />

compute. 1100' I ,ra, enyltonm~ ntal systems and<br />

clecmul systems, all <strong>of</strong> whIch are operatlonal.<br />

Work on the second ph a~e (the completed bUlldmg)<br />

15 prescnlly under way The third phase, the UI'S,<br />

WIU come on hne luly I, <strong>1984</strong> TOlal manpower<br />

pc~ked al 9Q men with tWO shlhs. Supc,,·islOn IS<br />

being efficlcmly handled by field Prolcct Super·<br />

Intl'ndem Nicholas Cocn frnm l ocal IOJ, BoslOn,<br />

Ma uachu~ctls, and General Foreman lack laca·<br />

men from Local 262.<br />

At-rnfONY CoII.SlNI, I~ ., l'S.<br />

Members Receive Awards;<br />

Twelve New Members Join<br />

L U. 266 (u), PHOENIX, ARIZ.- Ou. !oca! I~ proud<br />

to .cporl that tWO 01 our members havc received<br />

CUStOme r Service Awards from the Salt River<br />

PrnleCt. Wanda Waldo ltom the NO rlhwest 8usiness<br />

Office was named Cunomer ServIce Cll'rk <strong>of</strong><br />

th~ 'l!l~ rt cr. Wanda recclved a certlflcate hononng<br />

her accomplishment as well as a $SO.OO savings<br />

bond Wanda IS not only a tremendous U5el to the<br />

Northwest Offi ce, but ,he also serves Local 266 as<br />

our very ca pablc recordmg secretary. Shllley Spor·<br />

rer wu selected the CUStomer Service Clerk olthe<br />

Year. Shilley IS from the Mesa Business Olfice and<br />

receIved a rolMllIe, a 5100 saVIORS bond, and dinner<br />

for two at her favori le .eSlaurant. In addition to<br />

being chosen for that mosl presllglous award,<br />

Shi rl ey re ceived the " Money Bag" award lor the<br />

most accurate cash balanCing. The Customer Servo<br />

ICes Department places a great deal 01 Impollallce<br />

nn ex pen, yel congenial, customCI relations. Each<br />

cUSlom~. Jervice Aff"nI is tethnically the "Salt<br />

Rlvel P,Olett" 10 Ihe I'yes 01 OU r customeu Bolh<br />

Wanda and Sh illey have ploven themselves to be<br />

model examples 01 Ihe type <strong>of</strong> agent that projects<br />

a pomlve Image <strong>of</strong> the Salt RIver PrOlect to the<br />

service community. The PIOject conllnually smVe!<br />

to malOlain 11 respectful code 01 conduct-lrom<br />

Ihe 'OUline dally arl'VIIlCS \0 the aC lions Ihat may<br />

become the oblecl <strong>of</strong> public anenllon It 15 Wllh<br />

Ihu th ought that lotal 266 15 utremcly proud <strong>of</strong><br />

Ihese lad,es SlOce they !epreStnl the quality <strong>of</strong> our<br />

unton membership!<br />

OU I aSSIstant bUSi ness manage", Danny Me·<br />

KlOn ey and Terry MI1\ CI, attended the Industrial<br />

Rebllons Researrh .... sSOClauon yearly conference.<br />

"AmNlea Works When .... mellca Works," held from<br />

February S Ihrough February 8. Delegates Irom<br />

bolh management and labor toralled about 650 and<br />


Ihould CMHOI .11 polmca! <strong>of</strong>ficn Tht fWeD!,<br />

Jllle, counl)' and CII)' polmca! <strong>of</strong>ficn COnt IO! all<br />

OUI Ilvu by Ihe .alu we ray 10 dcclnclty. Pl.<br />

lood. dOlhln&, etc , Ltt U$III wOlk togelhel 10 gel<br />

iflendl 01 labor In <strong>of</strong>fice to p' Otcet our ,obs, homes<br />

and OUI ve.y lives<br />

We a.e hippy to announCe IWo ItCenl blllh!<br />

BrOlher And.e ..· M'Slle and hl~ Wife Deborah h ~d<br />

a baby boy bo.n nn rohrch II. 19114, B.nlh ~ 1 B,uce<br />

Blclland and hl~ Wife DOI!)!h), had ~ b~by b"v.<br />

N~lhan I'~ul . bolO on March 21 . <strong>1984</strong> Congrltu<br />

lauonl.nd beSt w.shu 10 bolh <strong>of</strong> the~e bmll,cb<br />

Now on a nd note, we report Ihede.thol Brolhc.<br />

Kenneth r Gddakn Brothe. Ken nelh died on<br />

March 1.1 He WU lOlUIIW mloou.local 10 August,<br />

• 19,,1 and .elUed ApllI I , 1981 Our condolences<br />

&0 to hl~ fam.ly<br />

BrOther5, we hue une uf the malor contnhutolJ<br />

to the con'!Cr~~Il~e Hcru"'g" foundation the NalIonal<br />

" R.ght co WO lk" Ilur lcs~ 1 Commlll""'. the<br />

Mounlam St~ICJ L..,;.:rl Foundation Ifrom wh e.e we<br />

gOt lames Wattl and Phylhs Schlally's aRll EMA<br />

Eagle Fo.um fh" cumpany's nam" IS Adolph<br />

Coo. s, which makes Ihe scab bi:e n called Cours,<br />

Coou L.ghl, ilelman Joseph's 1868 and George<br />

Kllhan's IIl)h Red Ale The Coo. s lI.ewery has<br />

been on the ArL CIO Execul1v" Council's ulluul<br />

bo)'cutt list SIIlce APIlI, 1977 Picas

36<br />

be"n We will contmue [0110 ahead [t hal come<br />

down to. delayed pu,h by lab<strong>of</strong>j If we ever pUI.<br />

I.fllel on.n issue, thIS 1$ [he ume. We hne many<br />

people on our sIde Many bo:oheve we should hive<br />

• fll, nandard <strong>of</strong> Ilvl~ nOl liken away<br />

Recemly the counlY commlUloners met, and<br />

Ihe prev.ilinC wace was the luue Due 10 lOme <strong>of</strong><br />

the commISSIon bemg absent It Ihe IImc 01 the<br />

meetin" the remllntng commissioner, t.bled Ihe<br />

mouon 10 appe.1 to a I.ICI dlle The commISSIOn<br />

ch.mbel wu filled 10 capacity WIth Loc.l 349<br />

members and other t!llde ~ Our ludeu wele there<br />

to rcprestnt us, md udmg 8ulmcJS Managel Art<br />

fernandez, Plesldenl Mart y Chew, AUluants 8 11<br />

Riley, ROel SImpson and MIke 8eU, and AI Clynn,<br />

fin.ncial secretary Kenny Weill, preSIdent 01 the<br />

bulldmll n.dn, lind the KJut Ed Steventon, Judel<br />

<strong>of</strong> the AfL·CIO m South Flonda wue thelc 1I1so,<br />

To Illy Ihe leul, II WIS IIlledl but I would like 10<br />

tee the 8rothers overflow InIO the Illeen 10 Ihow<br />

this com minIOn we lIe Stf(1011 We meln bU.lnul<br />

10 Cet the prev"hng wlIlle back 1010 the COUnty<br />

We lie looklnll forward for the .ppcalto comr up<br />

.galn loon. Our mayor and the commiuionetl<br />

wililhen h.ve to lIive the prev'lling w.ge .tronll<br />

con.ider.tion for III working people,<br />

8rothers, let 1,1$ b.ck the florid. AfL-CIO, b.ck<br />

up you r local, .ttend your unton meetings, thIS IS<br />

Important to make Local 349.tronger Mond.le il<br />

labor'. min, this II the time when we e.n ellcrClte<br />

oUl llren,lth Let'l sbow Ihem how IIIOng we can<br />

&l:t We can help put Mondale in II our next<br />

pruident CO OUI Ind vOle.<br />

Unul next monlh, may God proteCI ~nd be wuh<br />

you and your famIly<br />

CHAIlUS E " BoBn" ELLIQTT, V P · P.S<br />

Officers<br />

Pieturd II 8rother Larry Roach, presldenl <strong>of</strong> Local<br />

]51, La nl lng, Mich.<br />

!telt I. 810ther Mill G. Zemer, bUl inell m. nager<br />

<strong>of</strong> Loe.1 ] S2.<br />

Officers Spotlighted;<br />

Local Helps Community<br />

L U. ]:.2 (II ), LANSING , MIC!t.- Mecl P'Uldent<br />

Lar!}' Ro.ach and 8uslness Mlnager Mill C Zemer<br />

<strong>of</strong> Loc.1 3S1, 18EW In answer to • qucstlonnlllre<br />

I h.ve developed for union <strong>of</strong>ficers, 80ard membcrs<br />

Ind IIId,Vldu.1 members, 8rotber. Rouh Ind Zc<br />

mer gave me the lollowmg Informanon Prelldent<br />

Ro.ach, ale J6, was born In Lanlms. MichIgan, and<br />

attended Lanamg E-utern HI&h School and Lansln&<br />

Community College, He has worked for Ihe 801rd<br />

<strong>of</strong> Wa ter Ind L.&ht for 18 yurs and has been a<br />

member ul the unton for 16 yea ts. A lourneyman<br />

hneman worklllg OUt <strong>of</strong> the Construction ServIces<br />

Centrr at I UO South PennsylvanIa Avenue, Lan<br />

lIn" h •• hohbin IIC bowlln,l and skiIng and he<br />

sen ed on the Safety Commlttcc pliO! 10 bellll<br />

dected r .esldent H .~ concernl !'Crtamlnll 10 the<br />

unIOn movement ~'e the lack <strong>of</strong> cnncernlintercst<br />

<strong>of</strong> UntOn OIembcn 10 &et lnvolved m LID-IOn busmas<br />

(Loc.1 3S21 and the m~ ny compantes who arc IfYI~<br />

to bre.k L1nlOns He tecently mlllled Clthy Sin •<br />

dmOl, r«Old,n& se

served and lhe <strong>of</strong>l1cel5 fur the ynl we re ticcld<br />

0001 pilUS .... ~re ~IVCil 10 erc"e mtelnt dunn~<br />

the meelln,and to Ihedell,f(hl <strong>of</strong> the lucky .... mneu<br />

DancIng 10 lIve music followcd umd midnight<br />

We Wish 10 conl.uulale Ihe elected <strong>of</strong>ficen and<br />

Ihe <strong>of</strong>fice manale., hll lee Cox, and h,s Ible stall<br />

lor anolhel good Credit Unton yur ;tnd anothel<br />

Sne rany<br />

Our regul" P,OVO Unit Mcellng and SlIg Puty<br />

was hdd In February The pallY 15 an annual.ffall<br />

The bUlmen mel'''", was ,hon, but the rany<br />

IIscif and Ihe .00ull~,"1\ take a lot longer A<br />

dellclOu~ buffet dmner was selved 10 Ihe deli&ht<br />

and enlOymenl <strong>of</strong> evelyone The funned lumbo<br />

. shllmp seem to I\et bo:ttcr each yeu and the members<br />

who attend IUlcly cilloy them I have bo:en<br />

trYlnll 10 "UCI/be the ~ood food Rived 1/ thll<br />

P,ovu 5lKiai fU I .cveTaI years now, bUI benellllll,<br />

you membe., thaI have ne"er a"e",led should<br />

come nell' YUI and be the ludIC ConK ratulatlonS<br />

10 the commilict fnr anolher fun r~"y<br />

Tml'iM A Bl1~l ... ftARIt, P S,<br />

Local Adopts New<br />

Residential Agreement<br />

L.U. J571i,0&'cllAS VEG AS. NEV. At a )reclal<br />

mccl/ng the mrmm,rshlp vO/ed /0 adupt a ' esldcn<br />

lial agreemenl The VOle WIS lJ2for andJI ag.unll,<br />

Ihls comn to a tO/al <strong>of</strong> 263 VOlct CUI ThiS IS<br />

arr",xlmalcly 25 percenl <strong>of</strong> Ihc Conlilrucllon Unit,<br />

which seeml like a velY pool _how'"l1 for such an<br />

Important Inue, Thc member~hlp had lurneddown<br />

two prevlou~ res.denllal agreements It looks hke<br />

Ihey have begun 10 ~e the h,hl, thai we Ire be.n,<br />

u'en ,live hy Ihe non unton IaClor The name <strong>of</strong><br />

the game .s 10 com~tc with Ihe non un",n work<br />

force ThiS hu been a lIeSi m the n&ht dllt

w<br />

z<br />

=><br />

~<br />

phySIc' Jt nerythlng i. approved, the wOlk will<br />

stan In the late '80s with completion scheduled<br />

10 1990 n I con <strong>of</strong> $1 to S5 billton. At present<br />

DeKalblS In eompt'tHlon wllh areu In euher Texas<br />

or Utah.<br />

Thr newly formed PoiLucll Action Committee<br />

(PAq hu started .Iund d",·c to suppon candidates<br />

for labo. The Idea we have IS 10 have every member<br />

donJle one hour <strong>of</strong> pay per yeal The response hn<br />

been uemendous wtth mo,e than ISO memlX'n<br />

joining the fi rst week Thanh to Larry Klelgaard<br />

lot Ihe wO lk he hu pUI ,nto this In making it I<br />

5urr,~ ~ .<br />

Locil 364 IS In the proceu <strong>of</strong> ehangm~ the local<br />

pension fund . Hopefully we WIll be able to cover<br />

members from difluent 1~15 so Ihey would be<br />

able 10 lecelVe cvuythmg Ihey pot mlO the fund<br />

Recip,ocal agreement ;s the InSWc t 101 all locals<br />

but unul that happt'n" lei'S all try tn make some<br />

"""uv, ehanges to help oor tnvthns Brothe,s<br />

Rememhcr to talk positively about union l.bo.<br />

and uninn jobs because you lUSt don 't know who<br />

may be hstcnm,.<br />

TOM KINI>RlI), P ,S<br />

Union Members Join<br />

Electrical Clearing House<br />

L U. J69 (l,o,u,em,rlb,rll,es3tfpa), LOUISVILLE,<br />

I\Y._ The Electrical Clearing House 01 LOUisville<br />

,$ an or,an,:/:alion whose litated purpose is to<br />

promole the pr<strong>of</strong>essIonal ImprOVeml'nt <strong>of</strong> ItS memo<br />

bers, 10 cncoura/:e fellowsh,p between COntraCtors,<br />

dlstnbutors, utillty companies, inspection depan·<br />

mentl, etc., 10 promOle edocatlon nf LIS members<br />

and to promotC leg,slallon for safety l!I the usc<br />

and dis1flbul1on <strong>of</strong> electricily. The moulhly meel·<br />

lOgs I .e generally een leled on. presentalion grven<br />

by I factory representalive about hll produci. Re<br />

cent lopk. h n~ included p!entm cables and Aber<br />

OP" ' ''', troubleshooung bigh·intensity d,scharge<br />

hghlin, and a very .nfo.mauve ,eport on ehangCl<br />

m the <strong>1984</strong> Natlond Eleclnca! Code ,Iven by Dan<br />

Strube <strong>of</strong> Ihe Sine Fire Marsh.l's OIHce.<br />

In the pUt Ih'5 forum hu been used as a trammg<br />

ground for nou-union electnctans and W", spanc]y<br />

~ lI tnded by union members. Throu,llh the eflorts<br />

<strong>of</strong> the <strong>of</strong>Hcers <strong>of</strong> Local 3611, nVCr ] 20 un,on memo<br />

bers now belong 10 thIS urgaOlullon and I\lend.<br />

ance ,s way up ]n February the dection 01 o/Hcen<br />

was held and Ihree union members won key posu.<br />

Augre Schoenbaehler, Hayef Electric, pru.dent,<br />

Ed HIldreth, v.ce presidentl Ken Rice. sergeant"<br />

3rm. Thue m~mbers will be assctS 10 this orga·<br />

mUllon. There II valuab]e "amm,ava,lab]e herc<br />

lor I modesl Ice. Local members ale encouraged<br />

to cheek With thc hall for dellils on membership.<br />

Perhaps as good union members we can alsn en·<br />

hghtcn $Orne <strong>of</strong> the olhen .n auendance as well<br />

There arc still (joue a few <strong>of</strong> our consuuclion<br />

memben working nut <strong>of</strong> town. Unemployment<br />

here IS near 30 percent and thele IS no bllt ,ob m<br />

SIght Ihal will allev'ate thissiloatron The solul1on<br />

is to , egain Ihe Walk thn has been lost to the non·<br />

unIon (On"actoll. Reuntly Ibe local chapter <strong>of</strong><br />

NECA sem cards to the members <strong>of</strong> Local 369<br />

urging Ihem to ·'Get Involved- 'flend your unIon<br />

m~Iing5" Thai" gond dVlce. It IS I1me to take<br />

aClion nn Our problems<br />

Sec you at Ihc mecllngs.<br />

GR.Ee'6 dde!:"ion con"~"Jlg <strong>of</strong> Merlc Gile,<br />

bUSlnCSS manager/ finane.al.eerelary; B,lly BUllon,<br />

h" quahfled wtldel, Nevada Powel Company, VIC·<br />

toril Hams, senior cle, k, Ne\'ldal'nwer Company,<br />

Ind Ira Patnck, journeyman hneman, Nevada Pnwer<br />

Company, recently ,clurned Irom NashVille, Tennnset,<br />

after attendong Ihe <strong>IBEW</strong> 26th Annual<br />

Rcgronll Uuhty Confer~nce. Oc!cv.IC& reJ>O rl ed<br />

that the UnltlY Conference was held in COnlunC·<br />

lion wilh IntelOotional Vlee Prcsldenlial D.suicu<br />

Twn, NIne, and Twelve, and was well organo:ed<br />

wllh very enh,hlening and mlormillve wOlkshops.<br />

MedIcal coSl conl3l!1mC!ll5. calelena benefil<br />

plans, abuse and stress in the work pilce, labor<br />

and Ihe <strong>1984</strong> elections, plus an updat( vf , e(.enl<br />

lellai dcvdopmen\5 thn alieci olliity Inc al un,onS<br />

by Rob Macdonald, Ol r ~cto., Utility Department,<br />

were among the many SUbleC\5 coveled thlOUghOUI<br />

the conference wotkshop5<br />

The Las Vegas delegnion would hkc 10 lake thiS<br />

opponUfllty 10 Ihank the Internallonal Vice Pres·<br />

Idenl$, alon, wllh Ullhly Department D"~L t o r<br />

Bob Macdonald, for conductln, and dcsigning a<br />

conference thaI will Im prove the posi lion 01 unions<br />

In the utilily IIIdustry.<br />

Wilh election yur at hand, be aCllVC ,n the<br />

po1ilIcal process and ta kc a lLllle tl1 \1a t>me to be<br />

proud <strong>of</strong> you. UOLon,<br />

MrRLl CIll, B.MJ f .S.<br />

Sign<br />

ElECfRlCITY<br />

We Delivet:n<br />

24-Service.U<br />

This Ilgn tells it like it Is! (Photo submiltt d by<br />

Local 19H. Charl eston, S.C.)<br />

Local Welcomes Its<br />

Newest Members<br />

LU. J98 (u), CII ARLESTON, S.C.- Fiut I would<br />

like 10 welcome our newest members into lhe Incal<br />

union Ind Brothe,hood-I.L. Wright, I.A. Horley,<br />

limn Smllh, B.S. Bad,ell, K. R. Marlin, W R. Par<br />

kcr, Paul Fruie" W.A. Stewan, A. T , Rodden, E T<br />

Spnru, G.O. Bowen and R.E. Slmerly.<br />

The CharlCSIOli Apnl meeILn8 dool pn le was<br />

won by 10hfL Vlck. John .. a lourneyman hneman<br />

II the Mount Pleasenl Electric OpellllOnt. The<br />

CharlC5ton Ap ril meCtin, waunended by B,others<br />

hom the followi", wOlk alell Hollywood, Ha·<br />

good, Garage, Sob·Sullon. Stores. th,h LlOe, MI.<br />

Pleasenl and Ashley Phosphale. The ran k .nd Ak<br />

now has receIved Ihe new COntract books. Please<br />

remember Ihu \•• three·year boo k, so (tid it,<br />

know It, Slick by It, and keep II In I u fe pllce.<br />

Aho remember SlOp Ihe free·riders Ind scabs.<br />

SIgn Ihem upl<br />

Who's the union I You II~, get IIIvolved. don't<br />

be a dummy. Anend yom untOn mecungs, look<br />

for the umon lahel. and buy umon products and<br />

services as you wOllld h~ve umon wallU paId UnlO<br />

, 0 0<br />

What I rcally w,lIIed 10 report on hasn 't hip·<br />

pened y~I, and mOSI hktly won ·1 take place due<br />

tn. Bcs. nnt uy anymore Some people can'l<br />

"'In hut for," long. Thele .sn'I IOO much to leport<br />

on thIS month, so I 'll close fnr now<br />

f L §Mlnt, TREA§ IPS<br />

Dance<br />

Commhlee C hairm ~ " Ptlt M,ycf<br />

400, A, bur), Park, N.J., left nnltl, a Dd relind<br />

member Lou IIlIvey, right, and others en joying<br />

Local 400'5 dinner-dance.<br />

Blood Drive<br />

Brothel Don11d Eallwood dnnaling blood It Local<br />

400', ' t eenl blood dri'·e.<br />

Service Pins Awarded ;<br />

Brother Maxwell Retires<br />

L U. 400 (1,03tcw), ASBURY PARK, N.I.-OUllocal<br />

held 115 AnnOll Omner·O.nce rn February I t Chlls·<br />

lie's Rest.urant III Ocean Townsh,p. A vanelY <strong>of</strong><br />

deliCIOUS hor5 d'ntuvrt s, an opt'n bar. full·course<br />

dInner and musIc fOI d.ncln, wcre enioyed by<br />

those who a\lended. Years·<strong>of</strong>·service pms we,e<br />

grven OUt In members with a mmimum <strong>of</strong> five<br />

yelr~ .n the local.nd lor eleh IddIllonal Hwe year,<br />

<strong>of</strong> s.crvtCe. SpeeLlI recognillon waS grven 10 Brother<br />

William Dc Rosa who reee,ved his 6O·year pili and<br />

10 Brnther Loo Harvey, h.s 55·yca. pin. An added<br />

tooch wu the prcsentallon <strong>of</strong> g,flS by BuslIIc.ss<br />

Man.ger 'ames C rallon to thc <strong>of</strong>flee staff in ap·<br />

preClIuon <strong>of</strong> the fine lob they do.<br />

(1)l Annual Blood DTI~e wa, abo held III Feb·<br />

ruary . The dnve thIS yeat d,d not meet the expee·<br />

IJuons <strong>of</strong> the Committee as at timn there seemed<br />

to be more techniCian, and volunleers than blood<br />

dnnors. The Blood Olive I, one <strong>of</strong> the most 1m·<br />

portant funclion, held by Ihe local. II allows us 10<br />

,<br />

•<br />

luv~ the av •• lab.l"y <strong>of</strong> blood for OIl1selv~s nil (lu r<br />

famll.u in lime, <strong>of</strong> need and .Iso the grau/YIIII<br />

knowledge thai the lurphu wIll be used fOT IhOH<br />

less fOllunue. There .5 nO .oom lor Ipathy In Ihl5<br />

program Donaung should be eon1.d .. red a pnVlleged<br />

obhgauon by all IhOli~ ..... ho are med.cally<br />

able 10 110 so<br />

At a I~cem meelln&, Cen.ge MuweJl, our w~ld<br />

Lng school Instructor <strong>of</strong> seven yeus, announced<br />

h., re",emrnl anll wu presenrcd .....,,11. p laqu~ by<br />

Pres.dent f.ank Van DUlcn Durmg the paSI seven<br />

YUII Ceorge has turned OUt many But-cl.ss ,,'dd<br />

ers who hne been a c.cd" to OUr local A plaque<br />

wu Ibo r.esentd to B.other Ph,1 Heneman for<br />

h,s wo.k In "mng up and be,mnm, Ihe oll,ll;mll<br />

weldmJl school<br />

Brother tbrohl Cross WIS p.es .. nted "'nh Ilold<br />

wuch In recoJlnlllon <strong>of</strong> h.s .eeent .etu.. menl W~<br />

woold like 10 w.,h Ha.old a healthy and hlrry<br />

lutu,e<br />

On a lid nOI~, we would hkc 10 up.en OUI<br />

sympathy 10 Ihe famIly <strong>of</strong> B'Olh~r Ron Cahou.y<br />

who passed away I~~ently Run was one "I 0'"<br />

yoon,el members IOd w.ll be m.ssed<br />

[n closlDg, let'. keep .n m.nd Ihat Ihe uadc<br />

deficit 01 the Uoiled Slaiu is sull mcrea~IDJI , hIS<br />

un only eonllnue 10 lead to 105tlob, Ind lDeom ..<br />

It may take a little 10nJln 10 shop but. "huy<br />

Amenun<br />

Scribe Acknowledges<br />

Political Participation<br />

L.U. 405 (i,lp'& II b), CEDAR RAPID S, 10 W" _<br />

Htte II hOJlin!: In /lnd all Our tuvclH'A B,olhelS<br />

.nd SIUtts ule and well As fa. 15 wo.k, thele IS<br />

nOlhin/: ]l:o.,d 10 '(poll<br />

W~ do have some .elLlees 10 .ellOlI Ch~de, R<br />

Swope .cll.ed Ma.ch I, <strong>1984</strong>, was Initiated 111101<br />

to Ihe board The board K.cen, ,II plOlt"m~ md<br />

has onrut 10 !USI what c"mp.mel Ie' people 10.<br />

on lh"'lob Iu.nonlt 101T ). If , cenaon ~omplny<br />

applte! for reople 10 wOlk for" '00 .he orr, Ihe<br />

employe. gets .e.mbursed LD lome cues op to SO<br />

pe.eent 01 the person's wage II Ihe company has<br />

• unum, the labo. pe.son on the bond hn to make<br />

'UI~ thu they gel Ihe UntOn's hlessong ~Io.e the<br />

company geu any p~ople<br />

In the eon$truclLon bo"nus Ihe I,bo. pelson<br />

musl Ite thai the non un",n "nt"ctO' dOUD I<br />

gel any <strong>of</strong> these Ia,d,otl JICC>plc Our ,ood un.on<br />

connaelo.s have a harll enoo/th lime eompelln,<br />

..·"h the non·onlon conllaClor now; Ind .f he we.c<br />

10 ,et some OIT ~oplc ~nd gCI Ic.mbLLrs~d (wLlh<br />

001 tax money), our (onu.elms wouldn'l Sllnd a<br />

chlDc~ blddLD, "OIk 'galnS! that kond <strong>of</strong> eompe<br />

11110n<br />

The ITPA p,o,l;l.ms Ire good JI.og.ams tf thcy<br />

Ue .-un IIghl , and to be . un fight, the labo. pelsoll<br />

On that h

..<br />

fam.lles. Ii anyonc Ihmks • membl:. n,y' ,cu~e<br />

m h.s un.on lor r.(~uge or peno",1 pm, he .s<br />

(r.:y Some h,.c I .... dly bl:cn Invol~ed 10 use Ihe<br />

Union as I Slcrrm,ll: IlonC, but ,hey have bl:cn few<br />

Molt meellnBs some <strong>of</strong> us I!lend you don', set<br />

rresllge, you dont droJl names, you don't mike<br />

money Every membl:r 01 the 1\,11;.1 (.411 help, we<br />

deJlcnd 011111 <strong>of</strong> you Othel than the <strong>of</strong>Rcen, mon<br />

<strong>of</strong> UI IrC on aJl~mlcd lObs, fUSI becaUK we Ire<br />

hue The pay 18 bad, but , he benelhs many_<br />

On the locil scene, I 1m .heady comJl lling .hc<br />

nc .... lener for luoe. I eneoulage all <strong>of</strong> you 10 Knd<br />

me .nylhinB you would like .u sec In 1.- .ec.pCl,<br />

pOems, ,oyullng worthwhIle Thl. new.lctlu un<br />

bI: I good link In our cham <strong>of</strong> communicalion<br />

Le.', n y 10 mike n work I can'l ~IOml'IC IU usc<br />

Ill. bu. SoC> bl I h"'en I lecel~ed much !>O .helt'J<br />

plenlV 01 'race '0 fill<br />

A, ,hl~ I""nl I would lIke 10 think ,he Ann'¥cl<br />

ury Comm.nn mcmbl:u lor III the ",olk they<br />

dill Thcy ga~e I'lenty <strong>of</strong> lime, lalel1l, and dl ..." .0<br />

makt ,he celcb.luon • • ulny Mike WtJsh. Vera<br />

Ilunell, RICk Schubl:rt. Gelry So",elh, Bob Hanley.<br />

Ed SchullZ and Bill Young d,,1 a fine lnb Thanks<br />

fOI helping Ihe local<br />

In dOLling. buy UnHm, huy Amuican, and 8I~t<br />

us VOUI SIlPI'OIt<br />


Ihal a comrany may rdocale frum a unIon IU a<br />

non·unlon pl.nl cvtn while. conl" CI wllh a unIon<br />

15 ID fo rcc-.f Ihe comr ,ny has .. usfled 'ny ohh·<br />

lalion it has 10 harl'1D .boul lhe ded'!on Such a<br />

move would h.ve been h.arred only If Ihe union<br />

had s~c l flc contflcluallangu.ge r rohlhlllng man·<br />

agemenl hom unilalcrally makmll the dccision 10<br />

movc Now, the Suprcmc COUll wllh lIS bank·<br />

ruptcy rulin, Ih.ellens col1ecllve ba'lamm, In<br />

Ihe un.DlmOUJ deCision, the COUll ruled Ihal a<br />

h.ankruplCy coun m.y free • company hom 115<br />

UniOn (OnllaCtS w"houl rcqulII", pro<strong>of</strong> Ih.t Ihe<br />

COnl rae!! Ihreaten Ihe company" survival. The<br />

comrany mU~1 SImply show lhll Ihe Contrac" lie<br />

• financl.l "burden " Thele IS no .ellon to ne,o'<br />

IIl1e Wllh the UDlon when Ihe company un un,·<br />

laleully Implemenl changes liter flhng for bank·<br />

ruplCY, Now lei'S lalk about i" cOme lUes 00 you<br />

fcah~e that the mllomy <strong>of</strong> Ihe l,,&c eorJlOralions<br />

pay hltle, and mosl pay no, Incnme In but recelvc<br />

large refunds from the 111.51 ThiS IS due 10 Ihelr<br />

,blIIlY 10 use tn Ihdlu, Ind 10000holu Thll IS<br />

unfal! to the wOlklng ~nple <strong>of</strong> Ihe Urulcd States<br />

wh o carry the bUIIlen <strong>of</strong> the Inc(lme IU syslem<br />

We need a work,.,g min'. pru,denl, and Walter<br />

Mandate IS II<br />

Vale for Ihe cand,d~IU endnn(d by YOUI local,<br />

Ihey ne Ihoroughly IUCllChed by you. Pohuca[<br />

Educallon Commlllee.Jf Y(lU hne any qUC5tinns,<br />

nur new PEC ch.i,man il MIke Fishel<br />

tklNAU) l ADAMS, pS<br />

---<br />

Family Outing<br />

Shown hUf, Idl 10 ri&hl, . rr Gu.ld Johnw n,<br />

uelSllrer, holdinl d.LI, htrl Mr lody, Annond Souu)<br />

and 811ddy C.,ba, ,rfo.din, 5ft.CII' y,.t the 1'84<br />

famil y OUlin"<br />

Scribe Reports On<br />

. Leadership Training Program<br />

L V. S08 Ha n), SAVANNAII, GA.-Buslln, the<br />

bUIlding Ifades .s lu51 r.ft I'll the bIg bU5lntJs<br />

attack on work,n, Amelleans Throul,h the 8u!1<br />

ness Roundllbk Amellca'. top corporate cucu'<br />

lives du(cted the hlllh JIOwe.ed 10bbYlnl camp",n<br />

thll defuled ubo. l aw Rdorm In 1978. They are<br />

the ones whn h"e .nll·labol cunsulunts and law·<br />

.. ye rs {O Ilnp worke" from JOlmn, unIOns The lamc<br />

cnrpo •• le glanll thaI p,omote "lJ1Ifn·thop" can'<br />

urucllon work push 101 Slate "1I,hl·tO-work" laws<br />

and lie ag.lnS! cuJleelivr h.arllalnlng IIghlS for<br />

public wo. kers. They close dnwn pl.nt. In unIon<br />

10Wnl, mOVIn& the work ehtwh~ r e, lu dC_lioy<br />

[nd u5l lLai unions<br />

The labor mn~emen l .sn't Ihelt only talgel In<br />

1977 the Husine" Roundtable beal [(II,.latton tn<br />

... lei up • federll .gency 10 proleel eoruumell. In<br />

1978 II successfully backed bIg las: CUll ' or the<br />

l u ~ r Itch. ThiJ year, 11 ', lead!ng thc .\lack on<br />

health and nfcty laws and trYlllg to kIll a hill<br />

.1I0wlng consumers 10 ILle convLClcd p"ce ftxc .,<br />

fo r dam.gu. Please suppon YOUI bUlldlll1l .nd<br />

cnnSHuClion trdes and help us fight back<br />

Duling the mnnth <strong>of</strong> Febluary, Intelll.llnn.1 V'ce<br />

President Dan Waten conducted • lc.dcuh,p<br />

Tlllnlll, Prnv.m In Bllm'ngham, Al.b.m., fn.<br />

lepresenUIiYH from rhe Y'flOUS 1000ls oIlhe Flflh<br />

D'SlnCI We were V,clously gleelcd by hU$1 loc.1<br />

lJ6 <strong>of</strong> Bumlngh.m BUSlnus Mana,er MLllImn<br />

.nd hll Slaff d.d .n execllent lOb ,., m.klng .11,.,<br />

Illend.nce fecI .t home DUlln& Ihe thlce day.<br />

Ihal followed, VICe Presuknl W,ICrS .nd hiS ,"ff<br />

prcscnled • very IOformattve P'OVam, prnYldlnll<br />

Intern.uon.1 Rep. esentatlves and loca[ umon .ep<br />

resentallYU wllh mfOlmallOn on Ihe hlSiory and<br />

IlruelLlle <strong>of</strong> the IHEW, thell dUIIC5 and le5I"II$I'<br />

blhuu under Ihe Cnnnituunn, Ihe pohClu and<br />

procedures nf Ihe Inleroallnn.[ Office and .fOme <strong>of</strong><br />

Ihe problems bCIn, oul umon loday m carrymg<br />

OUI In neC(llsary attiVlUe5, I persnnally enjnyed<br />

Ihe rlogum ~nd Iht orportunllY <strong>of</strong> meellnl Ihe<br />

lepruent.IlVU on the local and Inlernallona[ [tY·<br />

e[s Jnd lhe Invltatlnn 10 mect WIth Intcrnatlon.1<br />

VIce P' (5,dCnl Waters .nd BLI'lnus M.nalle. Hi llY<br />

8edcy. 1.o

w<br />

z<br />

"<br />

~<br />

mOllal Award fOI outstandm~ ~pplcnllce wu p.e<br />

~nted by Ralfth Moo.e 10 Keilh Butle. A fine<br />

Ichluement by Kenh Also gradu.llnt; but unable<br />

.0 .tlen'" ,,·e.e Sco.l\()ume, Robe .. Emhorn, Wayne<br />

Hudy and Let Mc.nck Congtatullllons 10 .11<br />

It',"'u.te, YOII tOO, lohn<br />

Sec you a' the Coil Toumamentl<br />

l"c K Tt TU~, l'.!l<br />

Members Walk Picket Line ;<br />

New Apprentices Sworn In<br />

L.U. SS I 11.011(' 01 1, ~ ... NT A ROSA, CA L._Grcel<br />

mgt. B.Olher, and S,sters. from dr)' .nd be,ull!ul<br />

nonhem C.hlomu<br />

The bustnelt manage., R CIa.ey. ~nd the <strong>of</strong>fice'li<br />

<strong>of</strong> our loul would hke to thank Ihc followml<br />

B.olhen 101 w.lkoo, the p,cket hne 10. ,he loc:l.I<br />

umon O.n Bell. I.ek Buckhorn, ScOIl Gorhard.<br />

Hal G.o,beck. W,lliam Johnson. Slc¥C lohll'>'l'"<br />

Blld ,ones. Bob Key. Vance lo~c . RIch Mahe •• RIch<br />

Mlytolfa .nd Tom Plepe-nbllnk These B.othelS arc<br />

to be commended lot dOll"lng thcu tunc !O hcl~<br />

.he localm thue tryIng times<br />

AI thIS lime We want to welcome .ht follOWing<br />

'rrlenllce5 who we.e sworn into the local IlI1Inn<br />

n Ihe Union mee'"ll& In March I Bro ... n. 8 Cun<br />

nm~Jum K lenntnl5. S Leshe. F Lowale •. /lot<br />

McClean. L Mellen. I Na~ar<strong>of</strong>f. V Whltehurn and<br />

f Zielke lusl •• cmlnder to IhcH ne'" membe ..<br />

Ihat they should .IIcnd the unIon meellngs anJ<br />

,el InvolveJ In the local umon<br />

At Ihlt IIme.l ... ould hke.o aJd.csllhe lI,olhe.<br />

.. ho l(temly .... ote me de~rlboog h,mself IS •<br />

.e~lslered Democ.at and <strong>IBEW</strong> mcmbe ••" whIle<br />

10 Ihe ume pen· stroke decleelOg hl l dC~OI'on 10<br />

Ronald Re~gan<br />

You sty [ "Iound all ... el." Th.s ell he. means<br />

Ihlt I Ilosh when [ write. or yoo bel,eve my<br />

IhlOlllng II '·.U weI" II Ihe I."el I I the c.st. I<br />

belone yours moSI have d.o ... ned some lime ago<br />

You lear W.lt~ . MOlldale because you belong 10<br />

a &rOUp <strong>of</strong> peorle ... ho "have more drive. highel<br />

]05" and '"treale wulth .. You ,hlOk Ihal hc "<br />

gOlOg lO " lake it a ... ay ..."h Ia"nus" Could II be<br />

thl! l'part hom you. hlghe. 101 '1'011 I.t: able 10<br />

"crUle Ih,' ..·t:l.lth because: <strong>of</strong> the deeeni unIon<br />

w'lu you earn .... agt:s Ihat arc due 10 no ,mall<br />

rart 10 Iht: po!tUC'lns and b",·m.ker. put 10 oillce<br />

by AfLCIO hacklOg]<br />

Pe rh.pl l am "all weI. " bUI] belle~e .hlt:l. man<br />

should be .ble 10 folly support hIS ...,fe .nd I~mlly<br />

wllh the ... agu he ea,ns from an honnt e,gh. hoon<br />

wo.k. I dun't bcl,rvr. he should have '0 spen'" his<br />

other w.king hou.s "s",vlllg to improve hIS wealth'<br />

III Older 10 accomph~h Ih.,<br />

I e.n'l help bUI wonder ... here the IlbOl mo~e·<br />

mentlO ,h., coontry would be today II ou.lI.oth",.5<br />

<strong>of</strong> yeu. pUI. ""ho risked rhys,cal .buse and ,n<br />

CI.eCIUlon for 00' uke . ... ou1d have had YOUI<br />

rhllOiophy<br />

You .150 $Urpon Rugan on m01l1 g.ounds be<br />

cause: fClry t"false prorhCI5 ,h.ll I1se', hl ... ell<br />

soppo.u h.m Th,s ihould come 15 no lurpfLse. u<br />

Rugan would be Ihe pelfecl Instrument <strong>of</strong> Fal<br />

... cWs 20,h centu,y nuclear holy "'u agamn the<br />

huthen commuOls" hlwdJ mUSt beltcve, as<br />

Rcag.n does, Ihl1 II is beltro In apend muncy on<br />

nudu. IIms Ihan soclIl r . o~.ams . 11m IUU I neW<br />

Ch"'IIan. but I have p.oblems behcvlng thn nuk<br />

109 'he Soviet tlderly, while Jelling ours starve to<br />

dUlh, II' ,'cry Chruu:l.n IIOlullon 10 Ihe ploblcm<br />

01 senIOr ClfLUIIS bulth CarC<br />

It is doubdul I could evcr IWlY you. thinking.<br />

but JW,h.p5 I m.ghl IUge51 ,h.t '1'01.1 leUlm.ne<br />

youl patlllOIl IS a [)croOCIII•• umon membel .n'"<br />

I Chrlsuan<br />

In clOilng. lun remember 10 .epste., 10 VOle and<br />

to IUpport you. loc.1 uOIon<br />

ScOTT L GOTlI""I(). I'S<br />

Dow H GonlA.RD, P S<br />

NASA Researches<br />

TVA Coal Plant<br />

I." U. SS8 11,II.U.cat ",nb.n •. r m8L.p.). SII El'FIELD.<br />

ALA.-C.eellngl. B,o.hers. Congr .. ulatH)n, 10<br />

memben <strong>of</strong> our local who .. e.e IOvolved m Iht<br />

construclLon and maontenance <strong>of</strong> TV ... ·s ~0~1,""·<br />

IRC~lIon plallt bu,h on the TVA .e!>C'VlIIQn hele<br />

NASA <strong>of</strong>fiellis arc vls"'ng .he rlant 10 r~!>C.rth<br />

the fea$lb,lny 01 bUl ldm& such a rlant at thc<br />

Kennedy Space CeOle. at C.pe Canave r~l . flo!!d.<br />

If hoilt NASA oll1clal, t,lIm.le Ihe plam could<br />

u~c Ihe Sl'aCe ~&ency .bout SI mllhon p ~ . shunle<br />

rh~1 10 fucl co,"s alone. and .hen surply decme,<br />

lIy fOl .he lac,hlltl loclled .. the Kennedy Spa~e<br />

CenlU. Wt h~ve always been ploud 01 members<br />

lor bemg 'I'al' <strong>of</strong> Ihl' lechnologic.1 ad~ancement.<br />

and we arc h~rpy to sec someone die be~mlllnl<br />

It) &oCe the ,mportanCt <strong>of</strong> .uth a r.ol~rt<br />

A .emmde. to .11 "hglblt members to gel 10<br />

.. olvN With Ibe /ftuees group A 101 .s areOm<br />

rhshed Ihrough thc tlfnlls <strong>of</strong> IhlS ~roup, and<br />

everyone IOvol~ed has • • eally good lime You'll<br />

be .ble 10 ~el .ucquamled ..."h members you<br />

Ita~cn'l J('en ,n yUIS<br />

rln, lie ""II b .. n~ r . e,ent~J at local umnn<br />

meeting' to members w,lh l5 o. mo.e yurs <strong>of</strong><br />

se . vl~c. II you become ehglhle 10 rece,,'c one,<br />

rlease come and le, us ,ha•• ,t wllh you Many<br />

members hive ~ha . cd evenlllhl' happened in the<br />

PUI 10 ,hclI workmg upellcncC'l. and we baH<br />

1,(1)' cntoyed hurong them<br />

Une final .cmlndcl hJ..,,,~ you to get m tooch<br />

with me .f you have any,hmg you would hkt 10<br />

have submmtd 10 the 'ouma!. ThIS I) your Imcle.<br />

and ",'e want .t 10 be miolmillve as ""ell as<br />

enlrrtamlOl Yoo un help mr 10 :l.ceomphsh .h,s<br />

gUll by sendmg mformalton Ihal .. ould be <strong>of</strong><br />

,nte.eSI 10 OUr local UOlon mcmbcrs. such ..<br />

.etl.emrnts. unosu.llOh$, elC Plus

SISttrs, we should h~ve been noufied hy the chai,·<br />

man <strong>of</strong> the Jomt Benefit Trust Ih'l ou, D

..<br />

Governor<br />

Brorhtr B.uet Pop~ 01 Loul 640, PhorniJ, A.il.,<br />

, .rrll Co v ~ .n o . Brutt Babbi u al Ih ~ Founh An·<br />

nual ACBES Award, Ibn'lUrl.<br />

Picnic<br />

Ilelpin, out on Iht u ,,·in, Hn ~ al Ih r .tctnt lon l<br />

plrnk ale Bloth~n Ernir C Uit irl. clm lI e " ~f h tf<br />

and CafY "Animal" Fuller.<br />

"always good, wholuome Ilm,l)' fun, new membtrs<br />

•• e .I..·.y. welcome For all )'ou unemployed<br />

membt .. <strong>of</strong> Ihe Bus Club, .cmembe.thllthc.e is<br />

no ch.,ge for you who Wlnl to Iltend St.e you all<br />

I I the ntX t dClby.<br />

As <strong>of</strong> ,h,. date Ihue .re now less than 600<br />

10urneymen Ind apprcoIIL". employed II the Palo<br />

Verde Nudu, GeMlIllnl S"llon Wllh. 30·man<br />

lay<strong>of</strong>f laS! week, and more expected Ihis week, the<br />

figules arc npldly gornl down Our in lown wOlk<br />

IS lIi1l nOI pwgrcning hke we wcrc IOlIclpallng<br />

Appareolly OUr conlllCIOII wlnt to Wilt unlll<br />

negouallons 10 deCIde our final ble Lei', nOlII\'e<br />

up; rememhel Ihal moS! loul~ .round Ihe country<br />

are feeling Ihe lime prUIulu Lookoog II the<br />

March ,ssue <strong>of</strong> Ihe Journlll, I $t:e whe.e Local S8,<br />

Delloll, Mlch,,,,n, had I,CXlO membcn on liS boob.<br />

1 would llso hke 10 .nfo. m Ihis membtrshlp Ihal<br />

"'e .Iso hive the Loc.I640 Bible Commllltt avarlable<br />

lor 111 those who ale inte.ested rn parlle'pal'<br />

inl. ThiS ministry II ,vall.ble to meet I],,, sprnfual<br />

needs <strong>of</strong> OUr local uOion membc .. Ind Ihell bm·<br />

Ihes rn • vallety 01 w.ys. ASide from makrnl )·ou<br />

aWare <strong>of</strong> its existence, Ihis Commitlee II plepared<br />

to <strong>of</strong>fer IUldance Ind pllyen to the I.mihes <strong>of</strong><br />

.eeently deceJ$ed membt ... It IS IImel Irke IhlS<br />

when a \rule consolinl may be the key tn our<br />

problems. If you led Ihlt you may need Ihe !re[p<br />

<strong>of</strong> Ih,S Commillee, conllCI Brothcn lohn MeIer,<br />

MIke Fone 01 Blad MoUman.<br />

In conclUSIon, 1 would hke to exprns my CoD'<br />

palulilions 10 the local union C.rdlt UOion<br />

Brothers Russ lenson, lohn Slarkel and Ihell w,ves<br />

were on hand II Ihe picnoe to hand out ,nformauon<br />

10 thr members .nd (Indy 10 the kId, illSl for<br />

showlDl , linlc interest ID th" Commrnu_ You<br />

would bt ~urp . is~d wh., Ihey hive ,01 10 <strong>of</strong>fer If<br />

you Want to live money on C.I insurance or ev~n<br />

life insurance, take lime to fllk 10 Ihe <strong>of</strong>ficers <strong>of</strong><br />

this olganizalion. [I has really come a long way.<br />

Apparenrly for III IhoH membt" ,hal seem to<br />

have 10110tten, the Slullng hme 01 ou, monthly<br />

unIon meelln" i. 7:30 p m. every thud Monday<br />

<strong>of</strong> th~ month. Unlll nUl moolh, 8c:oole and Owlghl<br />

lod the rut <strong>of</strong> Ih., fine memMuhlp .uppol! you.<br />

fUlure ! Buy Amelltan<br />

R.o.v POU$r.Y, P S<br />

oUlllrrl IIull. OUr $J1CClallhanks ,0 OUIIO Blorhel<br />

Travl' Fulle. and hiS w~ll·lo r med l'ouP 01 hrlpeu,<br />

on puttrn~ 00 onc morc very succudul pIcnic.<br />

Thcy made thla an enloy.blc and memorable day<br />

101 cvcryone.<br />

Much 17 was a mOSI memoublc day for Brolher<br />

Brucc Pope, anOlhe. fine membtr <strong>of</strong> Local 640<br />

Brucc 100" pUI pndc ID btlnl': the cmccc .1 the<br />

Founh Annual ACBES A .... ard Banquet .1 Ihc U·<br />

dUJ"'c Hyall Rc,cne),. The Allzonl CouncIl <strong>of</strong> Company Reverses Itself<br />

Blae." En,mttrs and Sc:ienllSIt IACBES) was urabli'hed<br />

lor Ihe purpose <strong>of</strong> providm, a medIum for<br />

After Grievance<br />

the n e.h.n,e <strong>of</strong> mlormallon .mon, mln<strong>of</strong>ltre,ln L.U. 647 (u), LITTLE RO CK, ARK.- ln Ihe Septem·<br />

technology Ind 10' Info.m,n, Ihe mmonty com' btr, 1982 ISsue <strong>of</strong> Ihe <strong>Journal</strong>. [ repolled thn<br />

mum!)' <strong>of</strong> nI'I'0IlUDl\IC5 In the en,ioeelin, Ind A.blllato. Prcston Moore Iwarded Blother Grel<br />

sCIence Aelds S,nec Brothel Pope'l goal In edu· Marshall hIS promollon 10 CICCllic,all'~ bdpcr at<br />

calion I' 10 acqulle an cleclncal rnllneelln, de· the Lake Carhenne Steam Elecllic 5tallon Ab6,<br />

,ree, he ddlnllcJy fit In U a tull mcmbtr <strong>of</strong> thlt al the ume lime, he ruled Ihar complellon <strong>of</strong> Ihe<br />

dIJlln,ui. hed IrouP 01 individuals. Brucc wal,ble TIIC course (In 10· planl "udy coulse) beforc btlO,<br />

10 add a Irul dul <strong>of</strong> 10'11 1011 chlun cven whrn ehg,ble 101 promotloo, WII outS,de Ihe lerms and<br />

In!lnduCln1 d.stlngulshed IUnt speakers such as sc~ <strong>of</strong> rhe agreement He Idused, howeve., to<br />

Covrmo. <strong>of</strong> Am:ona Bwce Babbitt, and krynote direel the company 10 .emove Ihe employee Ihey<br />

spc.ke. Dr Lee B.owne, dIlCCIO. <strong>of</strong> Second.ry had hued from Ihe eleclIlC,.n helpe.'s pv.IIIOD<br />

School RclallOos at the C.lilornl. Instllule 01 natlnl thaI '·such lelief docs not fall w)lh.n rhe<br />

TechnololY In Pasadena, C.lllorDia Brothe. Pope authonty 01 the l,bIUltO. " The company then<br />

,lYe honorable menllon 10 complDiu such IJ was faced wilh I decis,on on .... hal 10 do wllh Ihe<br />

Motorola, GTE, 0"".1 and ITT Coune. fOI Ihrlf employee hi.ed .head <strong>of</strong> the 901119012 hrlpen<br />

pall In recognIzing thiS greal talent that Ihis memo Should Ihey file hIm, demote him (placinl hLm II<br />

btr.hlp hu to olle. the rommunhy. AmonI': Ihe Ihe lowcst seniority <strong>of</strong> Ihe 9011/9012 hel p ~u) 01<br />

dmnrllutsrs represenllnl Local640wNe Busrnen allow hIm to rcmlln as an electrician's helpell<br />

MaOlger DIc k Weiland and his lovely lUes", MI They look Ihe posh ion that they were not wrong<br />

Ind Mn Dale Eutridgc Ind Mr Ind Mrs. Il.Iy to hlle him in the fllJl place, and although the<br />

Polesky Thl.nk you, Bl\lce, 10' lOuooucrng us 10 .. blllalOr dllecrrd Ihem to promote Brothe. Ma r·<br />

thl' flne 0'I,nI21110n<br />

shall, they would also leave Mr AblOD (hlled 10<br />

I onee .pm .... In! to remind Our mcmMllhip good lallh) in Ihe posItron wrth BrOlh .... Manhall<br />

lbou, th~ ml.n)' BJ$s Tourn~mentl th~, IJke pbec IS 10 abtnalloo to .ceommodate the I lluallon II<br />

Ihi' time 01 year Tllls b Ilw.ys an rOloy,ble nenl Mr Aislon ""~re 10 luvc the JOb, br would nOI bt<br />

Ihl! Is app.eculed hy III who allend. Cuh II":CS replaced. Thll deCISion gave rISe to the grleunce<br />

are 11 ..·.y. on hand for ,he wmners rn vaflOUI by .hr remarnlnl90II /90ll helpers, because, ,I a<br />

evenu Blnlcllukc pb)'cd hoSi 10 Ihe latut derby JOb for loother electrlcran', helpe. dId tI.st, 1\<br />

Iha, <strong>of</strong>fcled a few fine trophlts to lOme <strong>of</strong> our should bt filled .ccordlOltO Ihe agreement. Theil<br />

mosl seuoned Inglen Compeun~ 'p,nll a good grievance IdvaRced Ih rough Ihe complarnt prace·<br />

rumout, Brother lerT)' Eastr. was able to take fl,n dure, WI! rescheduled once, and so much atlenuon<br />

and second placc wah 1"-0 fine catches for \hc d,y. given to Arbltrnor Moole'. aWild at the heuinl<br />

BIOIhe. Mike Ka.lyle ,,'1.$ .ble to prove hi' plSl land 10 pou · hcarin~ brie"l, Albillaln, Leeper rc'<br />

flshrn, SlOliel 10 me by IIklnl fl,st PflU for 10111 quested addllional bncfs bt filed lilS deCIsio n WIS<br />

overall welghl compeuuon. Congratulallons, Mike_ received only recenrly. Ir WIS answered In favor <strong>of</strong><br />

As usual the regula. Satulday nisht fish fry was Ihe union. The company musl remove Aiston from<br />

enloyed by all who p.rllclpated. Since Ih" event the lob What shoulll they do wilh him/ Now they<br />

deCIde they .hould consult the Blolhc.hood before<br />

maklOg , hI! deCISion. If they h.d a,lecd wilh thr<br />

Brothelhood In the first pl.cr, Brother M.nh.1I<br />

would have been J'lomoled IDd B.othel ""5Ion<br />

hu ed n a 901119011 without thr discontent .nd<br />

dam'lIe to mOille. The issue Is comrliuted by<br />

lOll' _dllIIlODll 9011/9012 helpers btln, hlled du.·<br />

109 the grlevance/arb.tratlon pracc ... Glen Allton,<br />

the pelion hired OUI <strong>of</strong> line by the comp.ny,<br />

beelmc a membe. <strong>of</strong> Ihe locl.I, Ind one <strong>of</strong> the fou r<br />

helpelS hu accepted a promOllon 1010 ope.alloM<br />

The union'. deCIsion Will be Ihc . ubleCt <strong>of</strong> my<br />

nUl ,mele<br />

Aoa r.1oou. PS<br />

Brothers Provide Fund<br />

For Needy Families<br />

L. U. 64' (1,O, u,lIa,IP'8.",,' "I'), ALTON, 1Ll--A<br />

wrrtmen'. NeIOIlIUn« Commlltre WIS .PPOlOted<br />

by P,esrdenl Admlle. It was .noounced 1\ the<br />

Mlrch union meelinl thaI the Commutee mcm·<br />

ber. would M Brolhcrs Bid Wheaton, Bill Downey<br />

Ind lohn Ad n ~y. A speeial wiremen'. meeting wu<br />

held .. the hili Ip.obably by the time thi' . eport<br />

locS to p.es.). The meellng w,ll be. meanl lo r ,II<br />

WHemen and app.cntices to j!;lve theil in put for<br />

the upcomon, contract The CommUter Will need<br />

.11 the suppon Ihcy can Ie, for IhiJ COOIIICI,<br />

BlothelS, w Ict'S,CI OUr aC I to,ether early.<br />

A round 01 appiauu for our UOion Elecnic<br />

B. olhel5. They we.e .esponsrblt:, aloog with Local f<br />

309 and Local 1439, for the succeSi <strong>of</strong> Ihe cODln·<br />

bUllon "nn to Ihe nollar More Funll ctllbli..shed<br />

by Union Elecrne. By eonrnbullnll peDny In hour<br />

fr om thei r paychech between luly I, 1983, and<br />

)une 30, 198"', Ihese Blo,her, h,vc raised 133,783<br />

so fa, The Fund providct aid 10 familoe, in nced<br />

01 U'l5lanCe on paymenl 01 utility bllli. At the<br />

Nllional Electn cal WeekfEIpo Banquet on March<br />

ll, 11114, held io the Cefnnles CODventlon Centrr<br />

10 St LOUIS. Local 649 lece,ved Ihe "We C.re<br />

AWlld" prurnled by Ihe St. Louis Elecllical Board<br />

AplO, union labol shows com P'SS Ion for others<br />

Well done, B.olhers 01 U.E. The membt"h'p,.·<br />

lute. you<br />

Spe.k,nlol the bro, whlcb seemrd to ,0 over<br />

lu(tculully, I &01 to ICC firsthand the chanl':,nl':<br />

techoololY <strong>of</strong> OUr trade Programm.lble controlle ..<br />

were a b.,p.n 01 the Expo. Square 0, Wutlnghout-C<br />

and Tun InUl\lmenu wele lUll .. few <strong>of</strong> Ihe<br />

companlcs With di~ p lays dcmonslfallng the glOw<br />

Ing usc 01 pelSonal compule" io the ;ndullry. The<br />

Expo proved to bt IOlelestinlt!) say the leut<br />

Rderring blck 10 Ihe NcgollAl\nl Commllteel,<br />

1 would hke to like Ihe IImr to lecognlze thOle<br />

Brothers who selVed on Ihe Committees I.,t YUI<br />

As It i. known, rvery contract npiled lUI yell<br />

11 '. a thankless job at Umrs, but luckily we h.ve<br />

B,olhe .. who I.e concerned Wllh the job The<br />

followmg t-ClVed on the NCloullin, Comlltee for<br />

1983 f(om Cb. k 011: B.othell lohn Wlymire ind<br />

Te.ry Brown, Shell 011 Brothers Dave AYles, Kenl<br />

Lytle, AI Ceor,e and Ed Boone, Olin Co. porallon<br />

BrOlhcrs ~I Simmons, L. Beilovich, G. Atwood Ind<br />

R. ltuteheDt_ Wire Comminee; P.ul OI05le, Bob<br />

Whitlock, hm England ("oemen leprcsenlltive),<br />

lohn Adncy and Gordon Admire. Union Electric:<br />

BrolhelS Ca.y K,,,cald and Bob Campl6n Apprt·<br />

Clallon 11 gIven to you Brothers 101 your ellmu<br />

Special thanks 10 all Brother. who have "rved in<br />

Ihe pa$t Your time hIS grven us all many btncflr$<br />

MOle next lime.<br />

TERRV WrlHm, PS<br />

Construction Looks Bad;<br />

Local Elections in <strong>June</strong><br />

LU. 6S' (l,o, lI,ema.ell vi, MEDFO RD, 0 RI!._I h.d<br />

belle. lei on Ihe ball and gel out . few lines thi'<br />

monlh. I lpolo"ze 10. Ihe ,aI's lD .rticles, bUI<br />

thlllP;> ale so slow hert thaI even [ Ian 0111 <strong>of</strong> laIc.<br />

to tell.<br />

ThIng_ ~re "ill .cal busy .. Ihe hill. whit with<br />

nelouauonl lor", on eoosl.nrly 1\ Item, Alw,<br />

there are In abundance <strong>of</strong> arbluallon elSe. gOIRIl<br />


While I WII In the »n flancl'co B.y • • e.slgnn8<br />

booh, I u n Inlo quite I few <strong>of</strong> our local Brothers<br />

One <strong>of</strong> them WII Brolhel GWlge Pudeen who IS<br />

hvang III lhat a. e~ I kn uw \hll I, lue, bUI our<br />

t.,mgaluJauons go 10 Geolge 011 UVlng .nolhel<br />

. BIOthel 's hfe while wOJklng in the Maltlncz a . c~<br />

I don 't haYE all <strong>of</strong> the detaIl., hUll do knnw Gcolge<br />

IccelYrd .n award IOJ the aC I Keep up the good<br />

wOlk, Geolge<br />

Thangs arc $nll looking plelly bad In conSHUC'<br />

lI un Some <strong>of</strong> OUI Blothe., ale 11111 In North<br />

Oakoll, Call1orl11a and who knows .. hele else, Oh,<br />

al~o "hello" to Du:k In South Carohn. GueS$<br />

Ihere 1$ a Imle work 111 the J.!.>ulh and cut, You<br />

know, Ihe Chinen hn the n~,lnn Ihe head when<br />

they called Ih,s "The Yur <strong>of</strong> the Ral "<br />

This I. an elecllon yur, so leI'S .11 g~1 OUI ami<br />

VOle and get "Bonzo" <strong>of</strong>f our bach'<br />

Unlll nUl lime, If anyone has somelhln~ Ihat<br />

WII] au,,, wllh OUI ncwslellel. send II 10 me or<br />

Ihe hall Remembel. II 'S YOUt news/tllet IltId YOUt<br />

lourn.1 Also, evclyonc gel to Ihell Unt l mcellll&<br />

Our local hu declton <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>flccrs Ih'$ yu. Elec·<br />

. 1I0ni by Icc. el ballol w,1I be In Jun e<br />

Sec you at a Untt meenng<br />

H J\~(JLlJ<br />

Local Prepares for<br />

Contract Negotiations<br />

1 KL[V[, P.S,<br />

LU.61S (ia.ol. ELiZABETH,N.I,-AI OUI februar}'<br />

meeung Ihc memhershlp dlscuued OUr upcomln~<br />

cOOllaet nCItOllallOl'lS BU5lne51 M.n.,r:er Nell Boyle<br />

flul hnefed the membeuh,p on how POllllCS, Ihe<br />

economy and Ihe challenge by non'un,on conu.c·<br />

lors for OUI wOlk mUSI be: consldelcd whcn draft,ng<br />

r .opoul$ fOI negollallons When Ihe membershIp<br />

I'lcsenled the changes Ihey would I,ke 10 see m<br />

the J~lecmenlJ . the meClm,r: Mcame vcr}' Jrulled<br />

.. 101 n IeUt .n hour .nd ~ half. By Ihe ume the<br />

smoke cleucd, Ihe commlllct had I ullOnaJ Ia ~t<br />

0/ r ropos,IslO p,esenl 10 Ihe contllClO'S<br />

The nHI urdcl <strong>of</strong> bUSiness w~~ Ihe mO~I C " l U I<br />

Chance." developed by l oc.1 640 <strong>of</strong> Phocnlx, Ar<br />

l:tona, and IheH local NECA ehaplcl u a tool 10<br />

help combat a non' Unl on Situation '" Iheu area<br />

As I wuched Ihc mone, II cerumly hll home, and<br />

I am ee" 'm the olhel memben r .esenl felt Ihe<br />

ume u I did Although Phoenui IS 2, c:. ~rr'(nllcc<br />

Wallen Hye., son <strong>of</strong> II.Olhel Norman Hyer<br />

ELVIN E hI\N§. P S<br />

Brothers at Power Plant<br />

Take 10 Percent Pay Cut<br />

L U. 692 II&.sl" l, IIA Y CITY. ,,"ICU.-As mOSI <strong>of</strong><br />

yO Il know by no w, the SlOthe" "'Olklllg at Ihe<br />

Midland Nucleal Plan I lie rrurnlly work"'lt 1m<br />

10 pc. celll Iessl th" WII cllecl1ve " PIt! 1 IIhybe<br />

IhlS 10 pe.eenl cut w,11 ,elsume olou. unemployed<br />

<strong>of</strong> I I he Mnch and hack 10 wUlk II Iu.e " .uuullng<br />

\hlt we know OUr [nte.nallonal " working for<br />

" us ..<br />

The <strong>IBEW</strong> IS 5ull surporllns Wallel Mondale 101<br />

the Ocmoclalle c.andldJle fUI rrcs.denl [I IS \'cry<br />

,mponant Ihat wc conllnue 10 surport him when<br />

we YOie<br />

Ounng the month <strong>of</strong> "rrll, Floyd Young, IIUI<br />

businds man.#ef. ~nd Mahlon H.nd., lellIed<br />

B.other, wne bolh ho,plllhted FlopJ Yuung 8ul<br />

Irred • heart allack In carl y ApIII<br />

O ... VIO" C ... NIlY, P S<br />

Scribe Notes Referrats,<br />

Upcoming Elections<br />

1,.U. 100 {I.o&~p. l, FT. SMIT H, ARK-Some .e<br />

fenals IIC tw,"'g Wllllen .n Ihe olAce 01 Loc.1 700<br />

Thl' is indeed. wdtume thangt J wllh [ (Quid<br />

Sly Ihey were bemg Wllllen .0 local con "~ C I OU,<br />

but th" IJ nor the casc S~ ' lIenl Eleclltc IS uklllg<br />

up Ihe slack al Ihe $Ieel mIll. This IS not 10 say<br />

that local cont/aclou hne nOI picked up somt<br />

ut/. wOlk IOlhe paSI couple <strong>of</strong> ..'eeks. Ihey hlH.<br />

.nd even If mon <strong>of</strong> \I hu been 10' shOll calb, II<br />

sU' e has hcl~d<br />

Thc No I Book 5ull hIS III too<br />

m.ny on II, bUI It sUle look bellcr Ihan, monlh<br />

ago.<br />

Our praye.s IIld condolences 110 10 Ihe fam,llu<br />

<strong>of</strong> 1I<br />

~<br />


w<br />

z<br />

=><br />

•<br />

..<br />

yourstJf ... h" mosl <strong>of</strong> them h.d to SO baek to "'0' 10.<br />

for in ... agn and !)codltl_ The Republ,c.n IIckel<br />

tdls you they ...,11 reduce your UlIU, well, friend,<br />

they SUrE will do th~t , You ... ill And tha, you ... 11]<br />

ray no taxn ... hen you don'l have I lob, I .eaUy<br />

dnn't think orplllzcd labor, U ... e know it, un<br />

toounue through 'our mo.e yUrt <strong>of</strong> Rupn We<br />

have .I.... y. beheved there Illtrenlllh III numbcu.<br />

Let'. prove II in November '8.4<br />

Buy Americ.n, buy union, buy COPE!<br />


Committee<br />

PictUrEd is the N'lIoti'linll Co mmiu u 01 l oc:aJ<br />

702, W, Fr.nkfon, III" which birgalned with TCI<br />

G.owlh, Inc, t,.t,ft to .I, hl 3re Bob 11111, sieward,<br />

G.ry Ro.n, businus ' ep,uenillin, .nd Cnill<br />

Fah.ingf.t,<br />

Committee Reaches<br />

Tentative Agreement<br />

LU, 702 II,o,u,uow,em,' U,nb" p',I&'calvl, W.<br />

fRANKfORT, ILL - TCI Growth, lne., <strong>of</strong> Caner·<br />

VIlle, 1Il."OIS, ... hich IU. I purch:ued Clblcvl~mn ,<br />

.nd the Loc.l 702 NClj:ouattng Committee have<br />

rElched lenlallve agreemenl on a Iwo·yell con·<br />

trlCI The Commlllee eon515U <strong>of</strong> Bob Hili, IleW·<br />

I.d, ... ho h .. been wllh C.b!evl.ion 12 yca •• )<br />

Busmen Repruentauve GIfY RNn, .nd CIIII<br />

Fahllngel, • fOUl year employee 01 CablcvlIlon.<br />

TCI Growth p .., .. uiu uble IC rVlce 10 ClllerYllIc,<br />

MU'1'hy. bo.o, HUTln, EnCrllY, CUlllvllle, WUt<br />

franklort, Johnson Cuy, l-iamsbulI .nd Eldorado,<br />

IIlIIIOII. The Comr.ny It hcadquartued III Denver,<br />

Colorado, and cuTtently emploYI eis,ht ~ople III<br />

Ihls bargaining unit.<br />

D .. vII) MeNtElY, P.S<br />

Pageant Winner<br />

This is Beth Ann Rem·<br />

mick, dau,h.er ul<br />

Brother Gene Rem·<br />

mick 01 Local 714,<br />

Minot, N. D., who WIS<br />

HlcclCd " Min Minot<br />

Wi nterlClt,"<br />

Some Members Selected<br />

For State Convention<br />

LU. 714 (l,o,u,llr; nbl, MINOT, N,D,-

.<br />

..<br />

~<br />

I<br />

I<br />

Members<br />

H ~ ' f Ire 100lf <strong>of</strong> tht DlembclJ <strong>of</strong> Locca' 75J,<br />

Sp. ing6tld, Mo., t nioying tht local'. " 6,U-fn,"<br />

music put, . nd gtl-IOlc,h, •. from If II to . ight<br />

lIt Dun Moolf, bu si n ~J managu , Doo Lurnf,<br />

htfOd"f Board m,mw" and M'$. Lu. v" .<br />

Band<br />

Wfrc ,II prov.ded by Iht lout union Culminating<br />

the eycmng'. /UUVIIIU wu the Iw,nhng <strong>of</strong> door<br />

rnzn-thrce union-made Zenull "If viSIon ~I$<br />

Winning Ihe Sprlngfleld mlnUf.flurd TV's Wf'f<br />

Ric hard Smuh, Local 753 memlxl lnd an fmploye,<br />

<strong>of</strong> CU's Elecmc Lme Dcp~ltmCnl, lacque I'laste.<br />

Loul 75J mcmwr and an cmrloyu <strong>of</strong> CU's CUJ<br />

lomel Selvlce De pallment, and D~Vld Dodd who<br />

works In the E.ngmccnnll [)cranmenl II enr<br />

Ullhll'5 Ind" al,o I r roud memhe. <strong>of</strong> Loxal 753<br />

AI In any orpn.zauon. you gft out ,,/ YO\I, umon<br />

wh., you IIU I InID II This WI5 uempllfied by the<br />

luge lu.nOul ~n d g

..<br />

Ih.1 Iht .tno.. ~uont ,,·e.e neeuu..l' ~n.l ..."ul.l<br />

allow III to make bellet 1151.'01001 fllc!oCnt \l t lllliti<br />

In p'rlleul~., we ~Ie very proud 01 OUI new bee.<br />

uuve Board and commlU~ room .nd Ihe tude<br />

Imr.ovcment cbuu wh.ch lie now bem, eon·<br />

dueted m ou. new m~"n, h.:IJI. In Ihe PUI, m.ny<br />

01 our membe.s hid compl:uned aboul Ihe condl'<br />

11011 <strong>of</strong> ou. mcelln, uea, 50 we mMlllited a IOlal<br />

new bee hft mcorpotaun, a new cennal '1. eon·<br />

dillonln~ 8~I~m .nd large ro<strong>of</strong>top ~enltlallnn unllS<br />

Mlny <strong>of</strong> 01,1' members look pnde m pClson.Jly<br />

Ullll1nl with Ihe .enovallons, and unfonunately<br />

due 10 lick <strong>of</strong> ~pacr m Ihi~ a!tlele an~ the feu 01<br />

mluml tomtont'S n.me, we are on.ble 10 rnnl<br />

all YOUI namn In the loum,,/ .rude We would,<br />

howe>'e., hke 10 Ihank each .nd eVfry one 01 you<br />

fa. your ded,e.110n 10 your unIOn, Equally unpor·<br />

t.nt wallhe l urport shown by Ihe member.hlp.t<br />

• lime when unemployment w ... IncfC'ulOl .nd a<br />

/!entr,1I slowdown m con"rucllon u.sl m .. ny daubu<br />

.boUI Iht eomplel1on <strong>of</strong> Ihe wo.k The enllle tffort<br />

wu a Ane e:umrle 01 wb~1 we as lI.de unionists<br />

can accomplish when we PUt OU. mmdl and laboul<br />

to IOmethlnl<br />

Our Hockey Team rttently had the OppoltUnlly<br />

<strong>of</strong> playing m Ihc list AnnuailBEW ol'e Hockey<br />

Tourn.ment honed by loc.189a.n I'elelborough,<br />

Onllllo. OUI learn drew l oc .. 1 J5J, TO.OnI O, IhlS<br />

year', Tourn.ment rUDner·Op m thell f1nt g.me,<br />

and lOCiI 586, On.w., laS! yell's Tourn.ment<br />

",nncl up m thell lecond game II Ihe.1 compclI<br />

lion Althoup OUI liqUid I~t both thell ",mCl.<br />

all <strong>of</strong> UI leI! th~1 Ih.s yeu's tnm wu Ihe finul<br />

tum yet II'~I loc.l 77J h~i fielded nn beh.ll<strong>of</strong><br />

Ihe membe .. h.p. we eon/IInul .. te Coach Roy ScOl t<br />

.nd Tramel lohn flmillne lor much hard "'o.k and<br />

dedlcauon Congtalul.uon. lie allO III o.der lor<br />

hOlI loc.1 89-' lor • succel5ful Toumamenl and<br />

local 530, Slm.a, Ih., yur'. TDurnament wmners<br />

AI the p,uent lime, we have apPloxlmuely SO<br />

pelcem <strong>of</strong> uu, "clive (On5"U£lIon tireilielant<br />

unemrloyed Ind on Dur oUlol,work II~t, ThIS<br />

fllu,II0n has recenlly come upon os .ftel h,vlllg<br />

apPlo.ulIlately JOO 11~>·rllel s .n uur Ilealasl _urn·<br />

mCI II the helpl <strong>of</strong> !.he CII pl.nt C

I wIsh, . , 'hu Ilm~, '0 .[50 «Inlratub,t •<br />

lOu,hw~s' Loulll.n. m.n, Charl~1 Ellil, I m~mbe .<br />

<strong>of</strong> Ope.alln, En'ln~ell Loca[ 4<strong>06</strong>, Be i. con51.uc·<br />

lion Jupt"nn,endenl for Nichols Consnucllon<br />

Compln~ hfrt. He was pin <strong>of</strong> . H.st for NAS A',<br />

Space Shullle .ecovery prolram Charle.walcalled<br />

10 Mobile, AJ.bam., .Ionl wllh • mobIle enlne,<br />

wh Ich I. one·<strong>of</strong>·. kind It i. the only one In the<br />

U.S wuh the aballlY 10 hIt the load lequlled Ue<br />

unlo.ded the S",ace Shuttle Enllrrmc from IIOP.<br />

JI.oeIIl! 141 and loaded u onto. speclIl uailer 50<br />

"could be transported to the World', Fan In Ne",'<br />

Olluns I'm sure Challes felt ,h,s was. "UI<br />

honor 10 be sdcc,cd lor ,hI' ,ob. I have known<br />

Charles fOI 21 YUrI, Ind I fed lIke NASA and<br />

NIchols Con5nucuon eho,e hIm to do Ih,. first<br />

IImc ven,ure becaulloe ,hey needed ,he beSI man<br />

aVllbblc, and he was thell man Coolratulallons,<br />

Charles, and thank you, Lak~ ChJllu, Loumana,<br />

made ,he nallonal new, ""n. Thll Illhe kInd <strong>of</strong><br />

",ubl'CHy we need We're r roud 01 you. Charles<br />

Me you nu, month<br />

MARTIN TROY, l'S,<br />

894 Hosts ISEW<br />

Hockey Tournament<br />

L.U. 894 (i.o), OSIIA W A, ONT._ The ucltcmcnt<br />

II ovet, the equlpmenl packed away lor .nothe,<br />

Kuon .nd the h.!"py ,wlld wmner. hive ,one<br />

home. Thus end, Ihe 21n Annual <strong>IBEW</strong> Hochy<br />

Tou.nament fOI anolhu yu.<br />

11111 ye.I·, Tourn'ment, hosted by Loc.1 894<br />

.nd held In the faIr clly <strong>of</strong> Pelerboroup, attracled<br />

lOme Il turns .nd apllrotlmarcly 100 VIJIIO"<br />

Alter two days <strong>of</strong> uCllm, hockey, the powelful<br />

Local s.J() tum from Sarnll emu,ed II the wonhy<br />

Winners <strong>of</strong> the " A . champIonshIp The Ik,lled and<br />

'wtalented Loc:al586 Ottaw, ,um pIcked up the "B"<br />

champIonshIp<br />

The abov~ ,nfo.mallon II, <strong>of</strong> cou'$(, melely<br />

JUIIUlcal and tells only hall the ,"ory <strong>of</strong> • Hne<br />

weekend. The othel half WI!! tel! 11$ <strong>of</strong> a ,mall but<br />

dedlcncd ,roup <strong>of</strong> Local 894 members who worked<br />

for a yur PUIlIO, to,elh~r a weeltend to remember<br />

Included In the packagc was • "Will to· WI!! pea·<br />

ric" hospltahty room on Fllday evenln" Mlrch 9,<br />

ind i lomptuous binquet and dance on Ibe Sat<br />

urday. Head "hie ,ueul at rhe eveollOcluded h,.<br />

wOIshl!", the mayn' <strong>of</strong> Pcte. bo.ough, Bob B"ku<br />

and h" du.mlng WIfe judy, represcntlng the Na·<br />

lIooal Elecllleal Conlfacrlll, ASSOClll1on WIS Cal)l<br />

Can and hll WIfe Jun, our proud president, BrOlher<br />

Roy Wray, our hard workmg hU5meu mlnasCl,<br />

Brothe, Bob Hlll,nd h,s WIfe Pat The FilS! O,stllct<br />

Office was Ipcndldly replcsenled by Brothcr and<br />

M.s Keo Wood Our VIce p,eSldcnt, Milk LummI',<br />

d,d. Hne ,ob u mastel <strong>of</strong> celemonlU .ndLlltlC<br />

J ohn" Manume bId on I ,rell pro,ram <strong>of</strong> musIc<br />

Ill! the ""ee smlll houn<br />

Also eoolllbolln, to • ,nod weekend was the<br />

~pt"CI,"lly negollated hale! room rlln .nd leaSOn<br />

able bnque, ,"nd lefrnhment ehar,u Th" was<br />

made poSSIble by the fine effoll <strong>of</strong> Local 894<br />

members ""ho ralud some $S.ooo 10 sub5ldl:e the<br />

Tournament It WI' IOdeed a ,rand eumple <strong>of</strong><br />

eooperallon and blotherhood<br />

The weekend al50 turned out fine '01 Local 894<br />

centre Dan Mahoney, D.n nOI only KOICd twv<br />

game, wlOnlnl ,0.1. wllb ,"onds to 'v bu, also<br />

WOn the Pan'50nle VCR<br />

A g'Ut weekend was lIsa ~nloycd by Loul 894<br />

left ,wln,e. Tom Shau&hnuliY Tom was ,"warded<br />

the Local 894 Most Valuable I'layel award Well<br />

done, Toml AI50 In the "hippy" eale,ory IS the<br />

l.oc.1 1681 Sudbury Bockey Tum, they won the<br />

SO-50 draw Ind ldt Petelborou&h lOme $451 better<br />

<strong>of</strong>f Sudbury WIll bc: hoslln, t h~ Tournament fOI<br />

Ihe Ant lime nUl ~ta. Cnod luck, ladsl<br />

A 'peclII vote <strong>of</strong> thanks ,OCI to Loc.1 894<br />

amb.udoll <strong>of</strong> goodwill, namely the good people<br />

WhO hosted our vIsilln8 teams I nd mlnned the<br />

bars, etc In clOS101\. a helny Ihank you 'o.1! our<br />

Vll1l 01S. [t WII , reat ha vlO, you. See you all '"<br />

Sud bury<br />

SAM B AC~INC,<br />

I' S<br />

Local 902 Sponsors<br />

Two S<strong>of</strong>tball Teams<br />

L. U. 'XlZ I,on l, PH ILADELP HIA, PA.-Once apm<br />

it', IImc to phy ball and both Local !ilO2 IOftball<br />

teaml (Shop 67 anJ Shop 5 1 t Ire rc.dy to play bill<br />

Shop 51, ""ho ""On Ihelr d,villon lut scuon bu,<br />

loS! In pl.y<strong>of</strong>fs, hu two new coach" II ,he helm<br />

D,vld Early, Shop 51 eleCIIIClln, IS hud cOlch,<br />

Ind a551$lant coach I. Ted Daku,mow, Shop 51<br />

cleulicun, and member 01 au' Execu,,~e Board<br />

Bmh coaches ~PV I1 that many 01 the ballplayers<br />

on I ... year's champIOnshIp team WIll be returning.<br />

anJ m~ny new ""O!opecu have $Igned up<br />

lohn O'Malley, the pt"renOlal player·hud coach<br />

<strong>of</strong> Shop 67's Bucball TUm, .epoll. he II Iudy to<br />

play lohn, who alw.y. manage. to make thc<br />

play<strong>of</strong>fs, 15 looking forwa .d to I ,nod sea50n Many<br />

<strong>of</strong> tnt yell's vetelans lie .eturnln" and the re arc<br />

many new and promISIng pf(npect~ nYlns 01,11 10,<br />

the tum<br />

Is There A Light At<br />

The End Of The Tunnel ?<br />

L. U. 910 !ib-m), WA TERTO WN, N.y.-tn bad<br />

economIc limes, peorlc arc ,enelilly wllllOg to<br />

acce pt ku IUSI to ply the b,lll, We bave .~en thIS<br />

In IOCINy 15 a whole, and more JpeelHcally 10<br />

orgaOlled labor Vlnu'Uy all malOI labol uOlon,<br />

have made concesSIons to lOme Jelree r.tlny<br />

onIOns .n the Th"d DUInct hue nOI only nego<br />

tIlted 10' less than the" usual ,,105, but some<br />

tuvc even (cne,ollated and m.de concelSlon. 10<br />

thell on"n.1 conllact I gueSllll1 OUI 01 neCe55lty<br />

Ihat when the e«lnomy <strong>of</strong> • nallon IS 10 trouble<br />

Ihen evuyone mUll suffeT 5Omtwhat.<br />

Well, PreSIdent Reagan .. tellm, U5 that our<br />

wo,nes arc ave, The «onomy 15 on an upswing<br />

and 01,11 economIc wo>c:. arc • thlOg <strong>of</strong> the past I<br />

wDuld nuly hke 10 bellcve thH w~ can KC the<br />

h&hl a •• he end <strong>of</strong> the ,eCesSlon tunnel we hue<br />

been In for the la51 few yurs, but I only sec<br />

darkness. The county where Local 910 I. head<br />

qualleled has a 20·percent plus unemployment<br />

IIle. [ wonder If Ihole who If'e unemployed lIoee<br />

any h&htl<br />

A lede •• 1 adVisory panel II gOIng 10 help our<br />

elderly sec Prcludcot Rugan" IIpt at the end 01<br />

the tunnel. They are recommendm, IIISlllg the<br />

fUglb,lity age lor Medicare reclpienu to 61. They<br />

also ,ecommend ta:lInl employe. plld health 10<br />

IUfance benefiu. As SocIal SCCUllty Stand. II prCJ·<br />

cnt, I cannot collect full 551 beneflu unlll 1 ani<br />

66. Only 30 male years and I can lellle! The hllh'<br />

1151,[1 glowln, at the end, but th~ tunnel,s,ettm,<br />

lon,er<br />

Recently I talked WIth lou, ,tlllcd 910 mcmben<br />

anJ theIr consensus <strong>of</strong> OplOlon WIS one <strong>of</strong> pes"<br />

mlsm They wOlked hard In Ihe conStrUCIIOn 10<br />

dutll')'.ll <strong>of</strong> the" lives only to have to worry ahoul<br />

what CUt 10 thell beneHts «Imes neRt They wele<br />

.11 vel')' happy tbat those 01 us who lie workmg<br />

arc conlllbulln, tv thell retirement benefits. bUI<br />

arc .1 ..... glad Ihey are lei lied bee,"use <strong>of</strong> thell<br />

pessImIsm <strong>of</strong> the remement lunds JO Yel., Irom<br />

.ow<br />

All <strong>of</strong> thIS spIel lcads up '0 one thIng nil.<br />

Novembel we all bave a chance '0 Imp,ove eco·<br />

nomIc condlllOIU throu,h vOlin,. please, get YOUI<br />

Blother, and 5"ters. leured o. not, to fell"e( .nd<br />

Yale. G,ve them a "dc, hne • p.lly, bUI VOTE'<br />

Maybe under the nUl admlnlStrallon mOle <strong>of</strong> u.<br />

WIll ICC I lI&ht at the end ollhe tuonel<br />

IAMlS C. !llW!'". rs<br />

<strong>June</strong> Is Election<br />

Month for Local<br />

loU. 9JZ (I.el, coo s BA Y, ORE.- It'J always.,d<br />

to report the death <strong>of</strong> • Blolhel, .nd II seems like.<br />

,hI, local has ha d III ,hale <strong>of</strong> Brothe r, PlUlng<br />

away . ecently. I reyet to .eporl th~ pusin, 01110'0<br />

Brothers, RIC Richter and Harold Com"" B' olhe,<br />

Richter 5erved hIS app.enticeship in COOl Bay<br />

working 101 Ma15hfleld Electnc, whIch hIS fathel,<br />

the lite Tony R, chte., owned RIC was in IVld<br />

IlIlor, .kydlver Ind motorcycle enthu",,1 R,e<br />

wOlked and tuveled in many flatU, and more<br />

lecently In Callfo'OIa where he JUlSii-ed .way March<br />

29, <strong>1984</strong>. B,other Ihehte, WIJ J9. Also, Brolhel<br />

Harold Combs <strong>of</strong> Falcon, Kentucky, a membel <strong>of</strong><br />

LocaI9Jl, pUKd ,"wayan Match 26. <strong>1984</strong> Blothel<br />

Com'" wu 61<br />

Our sympathy ,O>C:! OUt to the<br />

fam lhcs 01 theJ.C loved onu, and OUt local moums<br />

the rllSl", <strong>of</strong> thCJ.C tWO departed Brothers<br />

Th~ month <strong>of</strong> <strong>June</strong> IS e[ettion lime for our local.<br />

50 II'. important Ihat you ane.nd the meellng and<br />

VOle OfRe~fI 10. the nUl thlee years WIll be<br />

elected. InJ yool Input II Important A uOlon If<br />

only.s good .. liS members If you Want a gnod<br />

Illong UniOn, onc that you can be proud <strong>of</strong>, ,et<br />

Involved, allend the m«lIl\&S, have a vorce and<br />

VOte' You can make Ihe dIfference.<br />

Ou, ,ove,nmenl, ,od the Rca",n admlnlSllalion<br />

In parlleular, IS dorng evcrylhm, they can 10 bust<br />

the UnlOnl. A few month Igo Ihe Suplerne COUll<br />

rulcd thll fallln,. busmesJ.Cs may eKapt" union<br />

COntllCIS by fllln, '0' bankruptcy even If they can't<br />

plOVC the" .urvival is It Stike, Can you believe<br />

III They lIy 11 '1 enouch IllS! to show that a umon<br />

conlllCt would be hunlcn!Ome and th" the em<br />

",Ioyeu /aVOI c.ncelling Ihe agreement Ou. AFL·<br />

CIO luderl lie currently leeklng a congrenlonal<br />

reVlllon <strong>of</strong> the nallon's bankruptcy lawl as a result<br />

oI.uch .n OUlla8rous ruhn,<br />

Whal the ,overnment " dOIng '0 us " bad<br />

enou&b, but I JUSt un't belreve it when I hUT 01<br />

employeu vonng to drop the umon I pess pt"ople<br />

lie ,USI plaIR lIupld or they'le ill lor b" buslRen<br />

I know <strong>of</strong> two bU$loUJ.CI In NOllh Bend whele the<br />

employees have voted to d,op the umon, II these<br />

",rople want to wOlk 101 substandard wa,u aod<br />

under .ubuand'rd workln' condmo05 wllh no<br />

representallon, then they deJ.ClVe everythm, they<br />

,el, and I ,\urant~e you they'll ne"c, ,et any <strong>of</strong><br />

my bUllnu.<br />

Wo.k IR th,) area IS snll pleuy poor Th ..<br />

IUmmer mlghl be a hnle bener Ihan iast, bUI I'm<br />

lure II wvn 't even eomc close to pumnl motl <strong>of</strong><br />

01,11 Book I h.nds back to work. So when you come<br />

IOta Ihe hall to SIlO the book, don't IUSI slam you,<br />

hand all the counter and uk to IIllk 10 Ihe owne,<br />

'uS! holler, "Wherc 'S the beef!" Have a grUt sum·<br />

me l, se~ ya II thc hill<br />

New Scribe Talks<br />

Of Poor Work Scene<br />

8'Ll "kCAHIIU, r s<br />

L U. 9H !I,o,ulll.ulvj, KI NCS PORT, TENN.-As I<br />

read ,,"des wll(ten by othel IIr01heu m "Local<br />

Llnu," tl')'IO" to ,et .orne. Ideas 101 my firsl IIlIcle.<br />

I find ,hI! most arllcics .re aboutlhe lime tOPIC_<br />

unemrloymen, and non unIon COmpt"flIIOn We<br />

lie ,"II ,om, to have to PUI our thmkm, CIP' on<br />

Ind flnd the IOlulion to theJ.C problems IoOOn<br />

The WOlk Illuallon maul runsdlCl10n II, 15<br />

ulu,l, t~ lII hle. There IS lou <strong>of</strong> new work gom, 00<br />

helt. bUI non umon Ius absolulely taken over M<br />

we 1Ioee. our umon COntr,Clo .. 5lfUulm, and even<br />

,om, non·umon. 1111 ~ery dllAcult to lake. Need·<br />

leu to "'y, most 01 us lie on the road. CoaSI '0<br />

coa~t Local 9Ja WIshes to Ihank all <strong>of</strong> Ihe locals<br />

IT PAYS<br />

TO<br />



•<br />

m<br />

w<br />

z<br />

~<br />

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'"<br />


50<br />

who have been p",vldmg our travcllng memM'~<br />

w"h wo.k<br />

Cet out ~nd SUppoll labor cho'cts <strong>of</strong> JNlhue~1<br />

eand,dall.·s, attend )·ou. umon meeting! and work<br />

ufdy<br />

Bu....,- H DUlS, P.S.<br />

Local Sends Best<br />

Wishes to All<br />

L.u. 948 U,~m , ns&s pa ), fLINT, ,\\ICtI.- Wuh<br />

spnngtime here ag~ in , thing ~ ale lookmg bette •.<br />

The sol! league " gomg IU'Ong at thIS time<br />

M~ke su.e you get OUt md support Waher Mon·<br />

dale tvelf chance you get, unless you still want<br />

the other man who is break.ng us up<br />

I hope everyone h~5 a good ume over the Fourth<br />

<strong>of</strong> )lIly. We he.e at local9~8 Wish eytryont~ good<br />

summer<br />

DAvrD GoULO, VP P 5<br />

Presentation<br />

Pietu.ed, lell 10 ri , h" Irc R.L. " Bob" Andenon <strong>of</strong><br />

Lo cal 949, Burn5l'iIle, Minn., Robe., Bigwood and<br />

Business Replu"nurive lay Fridrich~.<br />

Scribe Praises<br />

Company Boss<br />

LU. 949 (u,,,m,t&utyl, BURNSVILLE, MINN.­<br />

How many charrmen <strong>of</strong> the Bna.d <strong>of</strong> DlleelO.S <strong>of</strong><br />

an mvtstOf ·owned ulihry can boast <strong>of</strong> re ceiYing a<br />

umon rackct. Not very many I UFC'C I<br />

Robt:n B'gwood can Bob IS the ehnman <strong>of</strong> Ihc<br />

Boa.d 01 D"eclon and past pJeiidenl <strong>of</strong> Orter Tatl<br />

Power Coml'lany, Fergu, f alls, Mmne50ra He 'c'<br />

Uled lanuary I, <strong>1984</strong>.<br />

I flul mel Bob m 1961. He was the company<br />

p"uonncl manager, and 1 WaJ a new bUSiness<br />

• ep. csenlallye 10. Loc:al 949. We became good<br />

fncmh a. Ihe )'cars passed by. Local 949 has always<br />

had a good ,,:I"IIOn~hl p wllh the <strong>of</strong>flce. s <strong>of</strong> Oner<br />

Tall Po ....·cr Company. We beheve we c~n Mlle.<br />

ser~ OUI membe.s by establIshing friendly re!a·<br />

Ilonsh,ps wllh OUI membe. s' employers lithe.<br />

th~n by Mlng m,lnant.<br />

How many local un.ons n"gollare dllectly wllh<br />

the p.esldent <strong>of</strong> an m,·estor·owned utility during<br />

conuact ncgolJatu",s/ We do .. 0"". Talll'owrr<br />

Company Th" hu been so for as long IS I can<br />

.emembcl 1 behc~e It shows rhe company" Slncele<br />

concern 10' thell employeu .... hen rhey scnd Ihell<br />

chId <strong>of</strong>flcen 10 Ihe ncgolulmg uble We on the<br />

Umon Commlliec JOkrngly say, " Well, the man<br />

wc ue ncgOllallng wllh d0C5n'l h..-e to spend a<br />

dIme or a quallel on ~ phone call 10 uc ,f we h ... t'<br />

1 deal." (eonnaerl<br />

I was asked to attcnd Mr. BIgwood', .ellTement<br />

pany bur because 01 a scheduhng conflict wu<br />

unable to do 50. It wu our Inrenuon 10 prneor<br />

Bob wilh a umon jacket at h" party<br />

P,cluled h"re II Bt15rness ReplesentallVe lay<br />

Fnedllchl, Robert BIgwvud and myself the day ..'"<br />

pluented the unIon iaekel. The pictore wu laken<br />

by Bob'. lovdy WIle Barba.a<br />

We all wtsh Bob and Barba.a many happy lellre·<br />

menl years<br />

R. l ANI)[RSON, B M<br />

Fish Story<br />

G ... I" and Tra~ii 10hMon. son~ 01 mtmbe. Gavin<br />

lohnson <strong>of</strong> Local 9:;3, Eau Ciaire, Wis., ~ h ow 011<br />

rhi. crappiu caught on a . retnt Ihhing nip.<br />

A Real Fishy Story;<br />

Labor Supports Mondale<br />

LU. 9:;3(i,lI , t ,e m ,ca tv& ~ pa) , EA UCLA IR E, WIS.­<br />

I kctp hunng about all th" big ones you fdloWl<br />

arc catching out thc.e. bot nobody 5c"ms to want<br />

to oller any proul (plcroltll <strong>of</strong> them. Well, lellows,<br />

lake a look at ,hc.. ~ (;JJPJnes, caught by C.VIn anrl<br />

Tuy .. lohnson, rhe 50nso£ mcmbe,C,vln Johnson,<br />

Black R,ve. Fall$ ElectrIC Utility. Nnr tOO 5habby,<br />

huh, fetlows1 Come on, let', gel 50me <strong>of</strong> those<br />

p.ctu.es In so we can brag 11 op a hllle In youl<br />

I,"'rnal.<br />

Not much 10 ICPOII at rI", lime. IXnnis IS sllll<br />

hard at " u)'mg ro settle Ihe ..... eman _"e,ment<br />

As I h~d reported ta.lIe. , II explled Ma.ch 1 The<br />

contraClors seem to thmk the only cUle 15 for the<br />

members 10 b.eak do ..... n rhell wOlkmg conall:ons<br />

and glYC lip thIngs that we.e negouared In

In bleaks lor Ihe wuhhy will d"vt Ihe economic<br />

dusc. 01 OUI country even IUllhel Irall.<br />

Rea,an ' •• blllty 10 "blo ... on by" the !,lOblcm5<br />

In hIs admlnlnUUOn u il they don't nut 01 1\<br />

lUll "uen'l In th.t bad," 15 Iml:lnJ: The hll ~ I<br />

<strong>of</strong> hi. appOIntee. and .uppan personnel ale lelli<br />

- many u) the admmlsuallon', rroblems At one<br />

ume or another, h.s ~Je have manlged to ahen<br />

"e neafly evuyone In Amellea and hall the rUI<br />

<strong>of</strong> the world 1 would Iurposc Ihey "'ele arpalmed<br />

10 theu fIOSIII01" bcUUK they had beliefs m line<br />

wLlh theH leadel<br />

The sood n,,"'.lllhe.e ,.e people in Ihe polItical<br />

Kene who dlugree "' L1h Ru,~n .nd wIll leve.sc<br />

.. hl$ anll peorle poheiu For our rUI we mUl l help<br />

Ihosc people 1010 <strong>of</strong>Rn, MI they Can help us<br />

Sn'>'( C. Mt\Ulll, 1\ M<br />

Retiree<br />

Brothu Cero CUJlmlno 01 Loc.1 995, Blton Rouge,<br />

La ., il ihown hert ... ith hiendJ u he hngt II all<br />

up. Enjoy rtlir,mt nl!<br />

... Scribe Talks About Union­<br />

Management Partnership<br />

LU. 995 (I,o,nb,fI.6.tpa!, BATON ROUGE, LA._<br />

Cnllclsm IS an ImporUnt functton In, democulic<br />

soclelY How could Ihert poulbly be f.ewom 01<br />

speech wllhoUl III Cn1lcl.m must be used CalC'<br />

fully, or .t. effcctlveness WIll become mOOI<br />

I've been known to use Cl111elSm on occUlon<br />

IOd ... !II wnuoue 10 do 10, bm Ihere will be no<br />

... cover'up, not fO/ the government, the [!:lEW, the<br />

loe"l unIon or anybody elscI Weak I' the orgaOl<br />

uuon 0 1 person Ihlt muu Itclele 111 " gOln~, on"<br />

.nd cannOl ",lrVlyt th., Icrullny <strong>of</strong> honeuy and<br />

decency! This phliotophy 01 alillude, I miVIl .dd,<br />

applies equally al well '0 management!<br />

[ don'l even .emcm]x,r t~[hng anybody thai I<br />

WII a Wfllel, but you can wdl believe ,h .. what<br />

you rud .n Ihese pagu II no ca.dessly fOlmed<br />

opmlOn, hut luher many houn <strong>of</strong> Ic.dmg both<br />

,.del <strong>of</strong> an issuell .... 11, <strong>of</strong> courK, for I mUll, Ilay<br />

wllhm I framework 01 • glvcn "'I <strong>of</strong> rules, bOI I<br />

wltI have 10 do " my way[ Wuh 30 years in<br />

olp.n.ud llbor, 20 II an <strong>of</strong> Ace holder, I thInk<br />

m"ybc I know. hllie lboul wh.1 •• goIng on'<br />

Collrellve b"rgalmng musl be proglculve<br />

RegreSSIon 15 an adm'$slon 01 hlYlng gone too fll<br />

.. Thele can only bc progre'IJ ,f rhere IS confidence<br />

• nd a mUlu.1 underuandlOg ]x,1 ... een workel and<br />

employer! Never, bUI never, should Ihefe be a<br />

vlol.lIon Of a btealung <strong>of</strong> a eonuact II and when<br />

ellher p'lIy, bound 10 a COntrICI, Ines 10 push<br />

Ihe OIher IOro a corne., L1rend, u) b,eed bad filth<br />

and uUlIponJlbllllY Thele muSt bc ""Iulle dcahng<br />

on both 51dCl <strong>of</strong> Ihe uble, Also Import.nt I' Ihat<br />

Ihere musl bc I

52<br />

lU~ee WIS Ihe Impacllnd application 01 alb,uauon<br />

deelllnns on Ihlt lanlUaee,<br />

On Siturday. Reprcseolau~c DavId Hollmer <strong>of</strong><br />

the 57th D,slnct lalked lbout Imp'ctlnll public<br />

rollcy. The Ilewalds we,e lold how laws arc made.<br />

whele Ih~ rnl power In the piocess cornu from<br />

lod wh.t tin be dnne to gel In~ol~cd<br />

Alone the $,Ime sublect matte •• Sam FIshman,<br />

plc.,dent <strong>of</strong> Ihe MichIgan AF L·ClO. spoke 00<br />

laool 'l In~ol~ement In politicI, He sttencd the<br />

ImpoltanCe 01 e ... ery Union member gemne in<br />

volvrd He 1150 c:mphulzed tbe labol movemc:nl ·'<br />

~peclII mtelCSt IS nm being nallow bUI uthcI a<br />

bl~d spectrum <strong>of</strong> I5WC5<br />

AI the Conference ended, the ftewa.ds we.t<br />

asked 10 fill OUI I sUlvey on the p.o,ums Ind<br />

matcllal cove.ed They all felt that " was very<br />

,nformluve Ind Intc.esnn, and gave IIenclal com<br />

menlJ to the s.oome<br />

Kunt A Ft.~wlL~IN C., P !.<br />

Scribe Updates Readers<br />

On Member Activities<br />

LU. 111 6 (u.em&tru). TUCSON. ARIZ.- Con<br />

Jl,lltI.llatLont, S.other 8erme Yuung. on you r com<br />


COOliaCtiog IndlUl ry III Wu h ln~HIn, 0 C III Feh<br />

ro. ty The 1n1ll.1 dispute .tOH when two <strong>of</strong> th~<br />

COnll.CIO.' working on thc PowCl hn k 1 ' , ole~ I ,<br />

Commonwulth Elecnrc .nd Power Clly COMtf\lC'<br />

tou. IcfuM'd 10 p.y Ihc Increased pensIOn Contri<br />

bUllOns which Loc.1 124S had negotlaled w.th thc<br />

!'.Iamm.1 Eleclnc.t ComlaclO' S ASSOCiation dIce.<br />

IIVC lune 1, 198.3 The COntractors claomcd Ih.1<br />

thc mCfuse <strong>of</strong> 75 CCntS 10 hour IIld 001 arply 10<br />

them because <strong>of</strong> the PIOtCCI Av«mcnt ~o"elnln~<br />

wo. k on thc Ime<br />

AI Ihe Couoc.1 On Inllus",~1 Rcl.llons hcanng<br />

held II the ShcIIlonCuhon HOlel, RoblO~n and<br />

Dalzdl ugocd that Ihe I',otect Agreement should<br />

nOi be. IOlnp.eted to I r ply to be.ndltt, lUst wagn<br />

Alte. a p.csentallOn 10 the Council wh ich laS ICIi<br />

mOle Ihan an hoo., the tWo .ep.nem all~ n from<br />

local 124S got hack on I plane anll hradcd back<br />

to C.hfo.ma to ~vc Bosmes~ Mana&c' lack McNally<br />

a .epoll thc nUt day<br />

A wcck latCI the Countll's dee.s.on arr ived In<br />

Walnut CICek Tht Council had votell unanl<br />

mously to uphol ll Local 1245's pns,"on "I kncw<br />

Ihat wc'lI m.lle a good argument," 5alll Dalzell,<br />

"bul with almoS I 5200,000 al itake, I didn'l want<br />

to tempI fa lc wllh Ill)' pledlcllonS BOlh Jerry<br />

Robmson Ind Intcrn allOnal RCpleJC m lliVe AI<br />

Caughltn helped me p l e~ l e the usc, '011 we lUS t<br />

made a good, solid p.elCnlallon'· As a ..,suh uf<br />

Ihe Council's dcc'. ' un, Commonweal th and Po wc.<br />

CHY w.1l be Icqullcd to mah .elloaClive rldmg a luffle .. ~a l clUJ II<br />

Ihe .. n,on hall for (onSUUCllon .nLl m.mtenance<br />

<strong>of</strong> lIaffic s.gnals Mo.e aboUI thIS nUl month<br />

I ha~c dchbtlucly lelt .he wotk SlIuauc:rn unlll<br />

laSI [t 'S nol .'tIY 1l00d 1I&h1 now lobs arc fln"hmg<br />

Up but nOI many new oncs arc 511111n~<br />

Maybt:<br />

whcn nc!ouallons arc "'lIlcd, Ih.nll' WI[] pld up<br />

a huk tlope 10 have belle. news on IhlS nut<br />

lime I'I00ecI you. livelihood' WOlk ufdy' Boy<br />

unIOn' Combat ObSIIUCIIOIll5IS'<br />

R"ItAIII' fUI r,,,,,. I' ~<br />

Several Jobs Possible;<br />

New Contractors Welcomed<br />

L.U. 125) Ii}, AUGUSTA , ME._Weli. ~p"ng has<br />

!iplUnlt, thc g •• ss hI) liZ, wondcl whelc the ,obs<br />

I"<br />

Fu. SI.IIel5, SI. Rcgll Paper Cnlllpany III lIueks·<br />

1'011 has finally I.ven Ihe No 8 boiler thc IIlccn<br />

IIghl aher a one'and a half )'c~ . Llelay Reier" l! to<br />

C T MaIO Wert slow. but picked op by May Ind<br />

Will peak OUt 10 m.d OctO~' Hopefully no morc<br />

dd ays<br />

Bo.dc r EleClIlC h.~ a tub III Mad.son .eplae,n&<br />

geoc.ators <strong>of</strong> 40 cyclcs to 60 cyclu The change<br />

WIll alto allcct mOiors, transfo.mers ~nd olhel<br />

,elatcd cllu.pment fob peak out WiS III m.d MI)'<br />

Thcrc', a poss.b.llty <strong>of</strong> mo.e COn".CIS commg uut<br />

Non·umon Dav" Ele""c domrn~1(d thc wo. k at<br />

M.d.wn fOI qUill' • wh.lc So .• 11 you membeu<br />

Llown thele wOlkrn .. show DavIS what qu~IIty<br />

umOD cllfrsmaMhlp" all .bout'<br />

Two small (onllaets 'I~ manncd by Vanco and<br />

UTE Syslems Inc It I~mu R.vrr Pape. Comp~ny<br />

(folmcrly Dumond Internallonal raper Cumpany!<br />

10 Old Town<br />

Wc'd hke 10 welcome LITE IL.dlllnll InSIlU<br />

n.cntlllon, Telephonc anu Electrlcal rowel In<br />

lIaliallonl SYJtclll. Inc, 10011. hM <strong>of</strong> umon ton<br />

lIaClors Our ne ...·C$1 aJd.uon wn lbll'e<br />

Elcclllclins Elilmmllllt Board by Covemor II'CII'<br />

nan. Second, Blolhel Wood .ow CUtc, I." Un,,"nl<br />

bu,;neu agent, wa' arpo.nled 10 the M •• nc Ad<br />

Lunch Break<br />

tint') a happy bunch n ughl durinl lunch b.o .<br />

.. Ih SI. R c ~ J! iob. On Ih Itft art Blolhel!, f,ont,<br />

Bob McG uilc and, bide, Mikc ''' , quis, on Iht<br />

rilhl lit , hont, Bob Clark, ca.""n" l, nephtw 10,<br />

back, B,olhu Norman Chlk, SI., Lou l 12S) ,<br />

Augul la, Mr.<br />

~ISOly CounCIl on Vocallonal Educ~lI"n Cunll'l<br />

ul"","s 10 Ihe both <strong>of</strong> yuu<br />

We would also li ke to nplns OUI sympathy and<br />

5hare UU I Ihoollhts with BIOIher Danny Motanll<br />

upnn Ihe p~ .! ," g<strong>of</strong>h . ~ w. i ~ And laSt bu t nO I lea~1<br />

leured Blolhe. Unci ··lelly" ltllison had I J" oh<br />

but 15 now back home . ccupe ra ll n ~ and &Ol n ~<br />

Ih.oul!.h hom~ Ihe u p)' Stay wlih Ii'<br />

Hlu", CIKl ... · SOtlU; IInR, P S<br />

Contract Vote<br />

Thuc l ie 10mt <strong>of</strong> Ihe mf mbers <strong>of</strong> Local 1161,<br />

Pl blh , Fla., who IlIfOed oUl lol Ihr eonrrlCI ~Otr .<br />

Fish Fry<br />

1I ~ . e Iff sonlf <strong>of</strong> thf mrmben enjoying Ihc Fit h<br />

fl)' hdd in ,\\lIeh.<br />

Local Rej ects Proposals ;<br />

Everyone is Working<br />

L V. IZ6) lui, 'ALATKA, FLA.-With m.lLIcl<br />

weathe., the &mdls <strong>of</strong> b.J. b' II oC anLl cookouts ;,e ..<br />

In the III In March 00. p . c~.dent, lohn IUlratnck. *<br />

Ind hIS w.lc Tc. ry treated Local Ll6J m~mbc . t<br />

wllh . F.sh Fry Ind liush Puppy Fetd that wou!J ~<br />

make I W ~ldol f b.Jnquel look like I tnlek All 0 1 ::J<br />

Ihe memben wanlto think thcm fo r thclI unll"nA ...,<br />

dfort s Ihal mlde " a hUlle success<br />

II', Ihc !.Ime 0111 nory wllh our conlUCI, IhlOW<br />

a cl,urlc "I "II bus. Ihell shovel c . ~p, I wandel<br />

why nun3!:emenl dou Ih"cooulel aftc. con" ,cli<br />

Looh like Ihcy would have lcarMu thell lesson<br />

hy now L do nOI havc Ihe Jr~CC 01 ,he ;nchn.lion<br />

to &0 inlO dCIl1b. Bot Oclc:rbe.. JO, 19BJ, OUI<br />

contract WU pUllnlo I.mbo. Now fOI fl vc monlhs<br />

negoliations, ZIlch T he COSt <strong>of</strong> II vin& docs not<br />

negollatt, .nlflUt rales do not nego""e; g .. ohnr<br />

~<br />

w<br />

"<br />


54<br />

price. do nOl negou.te Yet we h.ve Ihue L1em,<br />

and m.ny, many mOIl', hUlln! us month .fter<br />

momh wLlho ... ! Delou.llon [t Kerns tbe w'IIIng<br />

,arne is On again. [vcryont know. management<br />

un Win I ""llIIng &arne, we proved thlt the 115\<br />

linke-nobody won Of courK, we dId keep 01,11<br />

KIf-rcspect Management .pm will t"th ncry·<br />

one in I Weill. moment, .nd bmgo, the clap looks<br />

bite. IId-bl!<br />

[can', I.ke c.edlt tor !),e,n,. put Kcr 01. grul<br />

Dude, but I knew the YOle on the ncw propo5.l,<br />

would be: •• uoundlog NO What. turnout we<br />

had! l for one, am ycryJ,oud <strong>of</strong> .11 tbe mcmbc:rs<br />

In 01,1, 10(.1 They.howe dedlc.tlon and, 10' some,<br />

• Imte sacnRcc ICllin& to the hIll 10 CUI thell<br />

ballots. The putI'll pIus-nOlI' 10 .11 IhlJ was the<br />

!null <strong>of</strong> the VOle-A" oyc .... hclmmg NO<br />

The new 500 KV hnc., comlnlt .Iongtmumhly<br />

hcryonc IJ WO, kmlt m::.dy We hue. fe w ContraI' l<br />

(;few. wOlklng, ud It lookt ,ood 10. Ihe nUl yur<br />

lor t"'~ryone , gemng ~ lillie o ... ~rtlme u .hc equIp'<br />

ment arrlvu. E ... eryone .... ants to hring Ih,s one In<br />

early We ~re looking lor I bll co mplellon BUI<br />

ma,cri,1 ;s a problem<br />

We had a little rough wcather dunng Christmas<br />

and New Yel1's, Hele in North Flollda we Ictually<br />

had fOU l hard frcnet. Thll mc~ns 15'0 19degrccs<br />

lor eight 10 10 houri. Believe me. lor the oranges.<br />

lems Ind other crops it ""IS deVlstllln" I know<br />

10 you ~y. up Iherc In 10 degreCi below IerO. my<br />

weather lookt mild to you lI ut belle ... e me, we lie<br />

not prCp;lIW lOT the cold And It , ure ""IS cold 10<br />

" I WIll keep you JIf'\~ted on our eomrlct plogrelSl<br />

I hope II geu berter than II "<br />

nelll meellng<br />

Workshop<br />

St-e evcryone II the<br />

Lu YATU, P 5<br />

Shown 15 Terllncc Connoll, pr<strong>of</strong>eno. a. the Unl·<br />

vU5hy <strong>of</strong> 1l1i" u i ~, "u.i,ult <strong>of</strong> !.aborind In d u ~ tr i ll<br />

Rdatlonl, who il I pu kinS '0 • gloup <strong>of</strong> Local<br />

1J<strong>06</strong>, Decatur, Jll., I.ewardt and <strong>of</strong>ll cen at<br />

(fnlly held Sttwlld T •• lnlng Workshop.<br />

PfoluWlr Connoll'pukl wllh "cwarGI from Local<br />

1J<strong>06</strong>.<br />

Local Conducls First<br />

Stewards Workshop<br />

L U. 1J<strong>06</strong>luow', DECAT UR, ILL - On ~Iurd.ay ,<br />

March 10, <strong>1984</strong>, BUllness M.nage. Ibyes pruenred<br />

the AI" 01 . semI annual Stcw'ld TraInIng Work·<br />

shop Among the l pe.kell were Orley Welkcr hom<br />

Ihr !;uth D,nnct Ind Terry Conno.s. prolessor<br />

Irom thc L.bor and Indust"al Relalions In5litute<br />

at the UmvellllY 01 illinois. O,lcy Weiker pre·<br />

tenled to u • • ome <strong>of</strong> the problem' lhll union'"~<br />

laccd wllh in th~ upcomm.tr; ciettion. He uplamed<br />

10 ul Ih .. thc t.ndidate hatked by organi~ed labor<br />

II Ihe M~I candld .. c lor the Job, and Orl~y en·<br />

eoula&cd us 10 Itllveiy wmk hu the clcellon <strong>of</strong><br />

labor unJ"bte~<br />

Tnr)" Connors rxplalne

.<br />

<strong>of</strong>ficers, [ Bon d and Ile wuds bn n, you Ihe .esull.<br />

<strong>of</strong> man y man hours <strong>of</strong> wOl k, and Ihe delivery <strong>of</strong><br />

Ihls vu t inlorm'lIon IS for Ihe be tlcrment <strong>of</strong> us<br />

.11, speakm, to hur oun.elvu lal k IS not our<br />

hobby<br />

Salurday, April 7, the Anuual Slewards Scm.nal<br />

wn held II the Mar)'&old Manol The ,tewards<br />

who took the time to ;mend, IS d,d the <strong>of</strong>flcell.<br />

shared m a unique learnml cx]!C rl encc Dou, Ban<br />

tic, attorney .nd labor edUC'IO!. dellvtled. lovely,<br />

enh&htenlDI and d,vcrloC' P'Olum Oul thanks 10<br />

Doul and The Cornell School <strong>of</strong> labol Studlcs 101<br />

luch • fine progum Ask YOU I Steward, I'm sUle<br />

he 0 1 Ihe would be ,lid to Ihlle Ihe In fOlmatlOn<br />

.cqulled that SaWlday AI:ro add.essm, Ihc scml<br />

nar welc Bus.nuJ Alent flan'l~n, AS5'SI.nl Busl<br />

nus Alenl Tllu. and Prcsldenl B.nks. All added<br />

Ihell own CXPCIII SC, Pa llLcul.tly tntuuu nx WC IC<br />

Ihe commen ts on COPE . nd Ihe upcoming elec·<br />

IIOn5 lIe(IO'·' commentS on the dues IInrCIUle <strong>of</strong><br />

Ih'$, (ompaled to olher locals, brougbt homc Ihe<br />

faCIi Ihll for Ihc patanee we ray each week we<br />

certamly ue well . e pr e~cnlcd wllb I strcngth<br />

second 10 nonc<br />

The day YOu l(ceiVe IlllS /OIlIllU/ will bc Ihe Jlan<br />

<strong>of</strong> a new contl~ct ,f ,II lOCI well Bellll.n opllml~t<br />

I'm sUle II Will The lonl weeks IIf ne,oltllt"nS<br />

n e OVCI, and thc 1'\LfleatUln VOIC th" m'Huh IS a<br />

glcal lime 10 lIall attendonl Ihe meeunls on a<br />

legulll baSil Plene don't be huklul Cnme up<br />

and 5ec whal'S 10lllx on You. p'C$cnce 15 .mpo.<br />

tanl, youl vote nn the (Qnllan IS Imroll~nt, 11 ,s<br />

YQU. VOte m the n~uonll ciectlQns Nobody II IS<br />

.mpo'laot ., YOu. came on up, yoo m,ghl rven<br />

enl0Y It'<br />

\\AIIIIO" STlIIA" P S<br />

Service Awards<br />

Sho ... o Icceiving hi. 20-yrar ..... rd is Brothtt Gent<br />

Inrdan, lonl 1J40, Ne ... po rt Nt .... , V.,<br />

Recei .. in ~ Ihei. 25-yu. I wa.d~ lie. Itf! In ,il h.,<br />

BlothelS lim PickenJ and Bobb, Ra. bo ur,<br />

Annual Banquet.<br />

Institute Held<br />

L U, IHO (i,o&.eml, NE\\ POAT 1'o£",S, VA.-On<br />

March 10, <strong>1984</strong>. local 1140 hcld liS Annual B~n<br />

quet II the Ch.mb.:daln Hottl on h'llouc FQrI<br />

Mnntoe A fine hulkt WU Klved wh,eh mcluded<br />

evcrythm, from Scaluod Ncwbu ll( to a Sidc <strong>of</strong> ",ast<br />

beef. MUSical ente.tamment wn plov,dd by '·South<br />

Bound" A dozen 1.1, &0 Ane Amcucan made J;.lts<br />

we,clliven oUludoor p,.zes I would like 11.1 thank<br />

Tcn)· C15\Onllu~y and CeOlI~ Martin who went<br />

wnh mc 10 pick OUI Ihe Jl:lltS AWllds Wf le l'ven<br />

10' Rve, 10, L~, 20 and 25 ycali 01 sUV'Ct_ If you<br />

did nOt a tl~nd the b ~n q ue l and you leel .hal you<br />

lie entitled to I serv,ce award, CQntaCI the h.l1<br />

Thanks 10 Ru,.neu Agent SIeve Slump who made<br />

mOSI <strong>of</strong> the arr angemenlS 5lnl(le·handedly<br />

On March 17 Ind II, 19114, Sieve Stump Ind<br />

my"U attended Ihe 181h Annual We ekend Insn ­<br />

lutt nf thc V"I'OU SUIt AF t ·CIO Ex cellent dlt<br />

eUSi.On~ .. ere held Qn un.on buslI"" huhh Ind<br />

safely and Ihe unIOn'S role m pohtie. (pallicul.,ly<br />

Ihe m", meetmp for the Democrallc nQm.na<br />

\\onl<br />

Ithmk <strong>1984</strong> Will pro,·c 10 be an ,ntcrUllnl ye ar<br />

~J far n pohuu 11IlhIY Will be sadly<br />

mISsed<br />

How m,ny <strong>of</strong> yQU BIUlhell wcnl up to P.u,dcnt<br />

Henry Magi( and told h.m how much you app.e<br />

clned Ihe fine lOb done on Ihe peMlon pl~nl II<br />

you have nOI, then you should, becau" II I' one<br />

heck 01 a ,uod IQb lIelllY 's one Qfthe few people<br />

yuu Will neve. hea. aslunl lor wORb <strong>of</strong> Ihaoks o.<br />

blowml( <strong>of</strong>f On .. hn a ... ell lob he has done Well<br />

Blothen. you hellelled,.:e what you h~ve bceaoJt<br />

you w.ll not Rnd anothcr hkt him fOl I lon, lime<br />

Hen.y hn dedlClled hu ume. bolh f'C150n~1 and<br />

wOlktng. ttl keep Ihmgs hummln, He has flen<br />

fleed h,. pnylte lime, money and uen h1l Mh,ng<br />

lime jwhlch ,I probably Ihe latgest ucrtllce 01 ,II'<br />

.nd neve. 5a,d a word about ,lor 11$11 Ihal II be<br />

any d.lfclcm BUI come nn. Brolhe", dOn·1 you<br />

thmk he dcs.:U'u lome words 01 Ih.nk,1 If you<br />

don't I","h,ch IS YOOI IIghll, 1 pe,soullv ","ondel II<br />

you have anYlhm, to thook wllh We arc now<br />

holdOOJl: nUl UOion meellngs" ~ new plact lei·'<br />

~how IIU. ar r ' CC,allOn for 3 Il.Ib ... el1 done by<br />

shOWing up ~t the meet 109, Who knows, you<br />

mlllhl even learn somclhm, aboUI what', go.ng<br />

on be)ldc. whal the company want' you 10 know<br />

ItOY COLLI .."' .... OOO. P S 55

w<br />

z<br />

~<br />

,<br />

56<br />

At Work<br />

Pictured hfl~ ~It Brothel Bill Kelty, leh, lineman<br />

[nu, ~pftia\ l • • nd 8.0Ihe. Gary I(.well, mrehni.:<br />

Ip" ucdlencr), bOlh 01 ChiuKO NOrlh and mem­<br />

~"ol loul 1367, Chingo, III.<br />

Retiree<br />

This i ~ Brolher George Divine, former nrw ludcr<br />

<strong>of</strong> tht Onrhud Department JI Chiugo Soulh,<br />

who is in his 12th yur <strong>of</strong> rtlirrmf n1.<br />

Scribe Reports On<br />

State <strong>IBEW</strong> Conference<br />

Lu. n67[u ). CIIICAGO, I.LL.- Thc Ilhnoi$ St. It<br />

mEW Con!.,,,,,,,.c was hdd In Springfield, IIhnol!!,<br />

n the St.lt House Inn on March 5-8 Au.:ndmg<br />

this lmpOIt~nl Cnnlurnee was Prcs"ltnl Allen<br />

Young. V,ce Pluldent John Qunly and Execuuve<br />

Bolrd <strong>of</strong>Rer! Richard Ruins. On Ihe Am day <strong>of</strong><br />

bUSiness. thaI bemg Ihe System Counc,l U·25<br />

mcctlllg. the '1u",um consisted <strong>of</strong> "II loc.l prcsi·<br />

dents and vice presidents and ddcg.nu. The ICm.iningd.ys<br />

consi,,~d <strong>of</strong> speak~rs from local IJ4,<br />

Brother Joe Duffy, seC retary, Local 165, Brothel<br />

Roben Dahlke, lfea1Urer, telephone company, Sy,·<br />

tem Counc,1 Ch"nnan Jamn lockwood, and<br />

Brother hed Smith, ehamnan/". the Hltno;s S tat~<br />

Conference. Our Sixth DI$lrlct Rcprncnlallve,<br />

Vtee PrCltdent /1m Conway, and the attorney gen·<br />

cuI, Nell Hanigan, spokeaboutlhecurrent admlO'<br />

l$trallOn in governmenl and how they IrC gomg<br />

.boUI trying 10 delele UnionS<br />

There is tng money and big business UlII)'ul& to<br />

&et flehe r by deplivmg cver)'onc <strong>of</strong> a fall wage and<br />

benefits. T hey have the mon~y 10 hirc I.wyell and<br />

to find WIYS <strong>of</strong> ,etung .. d <strong>of</strong> union contracts. It is<br />

I .ulllY and we must nOI gel complacenl with our<br />

jobs. We mun attend union meellngs, support our<br />

<strong>of</strong>ficers and gtt non·union people Itarted In JOlning<br />

the <strong>IBEW</strong> way <strong>of</strong> life. What can w~ du 10 protec t<br />

our lobs and our union way <strong>of</strong> hfel Go to the polls<br />

and Vale for union·supporting candidates. Vote<br />

Rtagan OUI aod ueryone clst that triu to dcstroy<br />

th~ untOns. We have Walked hald aod fought for<br />

what we have, dun't l~t them take 11 away. VUle,<br />

gCt eycryone IOvolved. family, fnends and nelghbolS_<br />

We Can do ii, and we w.ll do 1l at the JI(lJls.<br />

Brothers, don' l becomt eomplaceDl, fight for your<br />

righls and your "mlly.<br />

At the March 14 Tegular [Ilcelll\J: <strong>of</strong> local 1367,<br />

Prcsident Allen Youn, announced the new ap'<br />

plIlntment 01 steward to Brolhe. Joseph Bleers,<br />

Overhead Departmtnt, ChIcago Ceona!.<br />

Congralul.1l0nS ue ClIlended 10 Bloth"r 11m<br />

RlOld~n , who WIS appolOted 10 fill the .. acaney on<br />

the Executive Board lrfr hy Bill KozlowskI , who<br />

was promoted to mana,emenl.<br />

Celebr."ng I JO'year company anOl .. ~ r"ry, con·<br />

gtatulations to B.other Ch.rlu MaeSw.in, Trans·<br />

portallon Departmenl, lune I, 1954. CongT1ltula·<br />

lions to Brother Dennis fudala, promoted 10<br />

circultman 1\ Chicago North BUI <strong>of</strong> health and<br />

hapP,nelS arc ClItcnded 10 Brother 1

dffl510ns on Shol~ham Wcrf nm ours. bU I we suff~ 1<br />

Ihf consequenc.,.<br />

COll.l:r.uub!lons 10 Rusmcis "'tm Funk Lorn·<br />

budl F r~nk rC1:tntly rfcelved an ~wlr d for 20 yeau<br />

<strong>of</strong> SUVICf II I volunlcu IIrtman In Ihe IlIcksvllie<br />

File (kpulment Dunn, thOle 20 yells, Funk hid<br />

,one on 10 become I company capilin P' esenily<br />

he 's .he company KUfllry. Abo. cQlLgratulauDns<br />

10 Ch"I,,:. Walters on hll 351h Krvlct anOlversary,<br />

and 10 AlIhca Kessler lrom Customel Rebuons on<br />

he, Itten, IfUlemenl<br />

The Ma.ch <strong>of</strong> D,mu " W.lkAmencl" "'U held<br />

on Sunday, Apnl 29, belmnlnll al 8 JO a m Aboul<br />

10,000 Long Island r",denu pe<strong>of</strong>Ile <strong>of</strong> all.ges and<br />

from cvel)' K,menl <strong>of</strong> the communuy, parllCI'<br />

pa.ed 10 ,he lOkllomtlc, (18 mllul walk The<br />

monty raIsed help$ Ihe M.rch <strong>of</strong> D'mes conunut<br />

lIS public and r .<strong>of</strong>eulon.1 hulth educallonal pro·<br />

grams and communny and med,c.1 Krv,ccs limed<br />

1\ Ihe p.evenlLon 01 bmh defeclS<br />

Unlll nu, month<br />

AI Su n"IUK II, P S<br />

-: Picnic Set for July 28 ;<br />

Training School Graduates 24<br />

LU. lUI lu\, MA YWOOI>, ILL _Tht dalt <strong>of</strong> Iht<br />

1441 pICniC hn been .nnounced u luly 211. 1 9~4<br />

ThiS year, once '''In, II WIll be held al 1I0hd~y<br />

Park In Inglulde. [. w,ll future free Ice erum,<br />

soda POP and beN for everyone, bingo for Ihe lad'es,<br />

&Jmu lor Ihe kId s, and pee wee Jl:olf ThiS yur<br />

.I-tO Will ftllure a WI.e. shde .nd ILl bwilS .o drlve<br />

on the WaIN Milk you, (.Iend.. and plan HI<br />

'!lend<br />

Ou. loc.1 bids, b,e .. ell and good luck 10 .he<br />

followml .eCenl .NLlees Walte. leschke-Ove.<br />

head, Ellm, Donald W.dolny-Sub SlIlIon Con<br />

"NelLon, Cltnba,d, and Lenny M~n and hm<br />

PhllllpJ, botlt <strong>of</strong> Ovcrhud, Aurora<br />

PresIde", Manln hn asked 10 say .hat penOt!'<br />

cally the WOIker', Compt:n$allon Comm,"cc send,<br />

Out • qucslLonn~L1e 10 ~II mcmbe" that may be<br />

enlliled 10 COmpenS~1I0n due 10 • "'olk lelated<br />

mlury He UatU ,h'l ,n order fOI Iht Comnllttee<br />

10 propedy follow up on ,hek acCident., II il <strong>of</strong><br />

u'mos' Imro"ance ,ha, IheK quellionnaILU be<br />

filled out wmpletcly and relurncd to Ihe Com<br />

,"mec 1/ you have any 4uUllons or problem,.<br />

plnse COlllaCI you, "eward<br />

On Ap,,1 10. We arc proud CO ann"unec ..... e hid<br />

24 men Jl: 1 ~duate from our '>IIIILng Lllleman '&<br />

TUln,nt Sehool Undel Ih~ ueellent ,u'elage <strong>of</strong><br />

hnem~n lury TIl. k·_Glcnhd" l, CUrl Kowalski­<br />

EII'n and BIll GIelow-OVA, Ihe follOWing mcn<br />

ate now "un the hne" Cuy johnson and Pele<br />

Mmaljfa ILl Aurml, luhn Gonzalez and Gralt: Ke '<br />

,elan In EIII'n, Sine Ed"'a,d"loe Klemencle, and<br />

Bob l--Ioovcl ILl Bolingbrook, lohn KIrUIIL., Vern<br />

COVlllglOn, CIa, k Montgomery, SIeve Ikin! and<br />

Itrry I)cBruyne 10 Glenbald, and IIn.ily, Plnkey<br />

,amet, Randy Green, Pelel CISme)l., Cary CII<br />

bellO, TellY Whebn, Woodrow Boone, Mike<br />

McNully, lohn oUKl!, Randy Chipman, I,m<br />

MeCu,l, Mlchul Re and MIchael Vanco 10 OVA<br />

We wI~h Ihf beSI <strong>of</strong> luck 10 all <strong>of</strong> IheK men,<br />

and may Ihe)' all be bles~ed wllh sale ..'o.k .tto.ds<br />

and accldenl free workdays<br />

Scribe Takes Note<br />

Of Mondale's Record<br />

hmH .. n, p,><br />

LU. U 70 lema.ulvl. KEAR N Y, N, J, Many yeau<br />

alo Iioid our cnme membership .hat I .... ould nOl<br />

~el ILIvolved III pollllCS. whether \I be local or<br />

natloul BUI ,hI' "me around In 19114, Ilhlnk and<br />

haH 10 aCI dlffe.ently I ha~( wI.chtd Ihe Dem·<br />

OC,atlC candl(latcJ ~nd .he II"'Y .wo ca nd,d~tc ,<br />

Ihn Imr , c~!('d me Wfle Revclcnd /cHe la ckson<br />

md Wallel " FTllz" Mondale I know that Ihls lime<br />

around" would be villually 1 1I 'p"'~lbJe 10 ciCCI<br />

Reverend Ilck-tOn, bU I .he day w,lI come whcn a<br />

bbek man wtll be elecled prnldem BUI, h ,e"<br />

i5 <strong>1984</strong>. and Ihe onlyundidalc Ihat Iruly Ic r .csel1l,<br />

Ihe ocmoc. allc IdeololY IS Walter Mondale<br />

He WIll ImplfmenL I'.ogums 111 help III "",<br />

Members<br />

No, this WI!; 11 0 . Flo.ida, It wu OUI . id c ou, com·<br />

pany,lIn.<br />

""ople One Ihmg " fOf sure-SoclII SC1:L1 l1 ly wdl<br />

be ""fe I h~~e watched Han and I behne he "<br />

eoniuSln, and Irym~ 10 &lve .he Imp,esslOn Ihal<br />

he 's a new Kennedy Have you watched him lately!<br />

How he pu" hIS ",III hand III h,s JAckel pockel<br />

and uSCJ Ihe ume ,eslu,n a5 Kennedy did ! I fed<br />

we don't <strong>of</strong>ed In Imltato. If one can', be oll,mal<br />

and act ILh Ihey we.e C'Uled, Ihen cOf'ycalJ<br />

should nOI "y 10 fool Ihe people<br />

Scum, lIart vOled 21 Ume, a"",1lS1 b,lI~ .hAI<br />

would ha"e been helpful io, Ihe people He vOled<br />

Reagan 's way, aod Ihese votes us, we.e dls.l~uous<br />

for ou, counu),<br />

FIllz Moodale I~ good for Ihe eOLlnny, llnod fUf<br />

labor and WIll do a magnlllcenl Job. H" cxpellenee,<br />

c(lmbtned w"h h" IIIlel"'y and ltonUty. make.<br />

hIm Ihe bc:st man 10 h~~c Ihc honor <strong>of</strong> runntng un<br />

thc D~mocu"c \lck~1 lor P' UldCnl <strong>of</strong> the Unlled<br />

Su,u<br />

I Inlend 10 camp"'II" VI~Otously fn , Momble, for<br />

lied secu(c Ihn If he $hould hi' elreled, he would<br />

be tht besl man IU help mf III myoid aile UpOII<br />

ICtllel1lCII1 We have One ~C I O ' In W UhLlI~I"n ~I<br />

,hi' lime alld we ctrtalnly don 't need a copyul<br />

"101 to fill Rugan', shoes ILkc lian<br />

"bou, thrce ye~" ago, I JIC.sonally spnkc w"h<br />

FIII2 Mondale at Ihe Mudowland, H,lton lie held<br />

my hand and I rctall h,s words. he SlId, "Allh"<br />

cOUnlly SLlre IS faced ..·"h many problem, clu,ed<br />

b)' Rcapn, .nd I am a""d Ih.t If he hn hIt way<br />

he Will Iry 10 do a ..'ay wllh OUr Soclll SeeuII')'<br />

prOlnm, and SQmc day you WIll rcmember my<br />

wo.ds .nd ... y F"l: .us "lIhl." Well. I do .cmember<br />

h" ,,'ord,. Dldn'l.he Reagan admmls.ulIOn make<br />

In allcmp' 10 make many chanil:C5 III Ihe Snelll<br />

Seeullly r,o"am' H'$ wo,ds hne been flUC Ind<br />

Ihl s , ~ one Slttll1g ,USon why I'm backlnll Mond~le<br />

100 perCent no. because SQmebody ,old me 10<br />

bcack hIm. and nOl because Ihe <strong>IBEW</strong> told me 10<br />

back him I'm backlll, Mond~l e hec~ust h" word.<br />

we.e Indced tNC<br />

TOIII.he employees who ldl Weslcln Eke,"cmake<br />

If your busllless .0 USt youl "ole lor Flit:<br />

MondAlc, ior you kno .. me and b. be 1\ fn. mt 10<br />

back ~nyone, bUI Fill: needs help and I ""elld I"<br />

help him all I can, and wllh YUUI help we un du<br />

11 Your vot( lor Mondalc IS no, a ",,".ed v"'e, II<br />

" a .. <br />

,<br />


58<br />

wllh a Jl-ynr un.on pm and a SlS chcck from our<br />

local 1491 Bcst <strong>of</strong> Luck "Uncle Bud."<br />

The.e WIS a)l:ood lI111lout <strong>of</strong> OUI unUJn Brothers<br />

and Slste., to \'ote on our unton eonuaci. On Ap,,1<br />

5, <strong>1984</strong>. dlCI thrcc-and·J·half months <strong>of</strong> negot.a<br />

ltOn S, nur union con uacl WIS s.gned.<br />

Alocr! W. "Pee Wce" Grellory, on h. ~ way home<br />

one evening. had hIS '114 Fo.d Ranger hIt broadSIde,<br />

caU!Jng It 10 fllpon in sIde. Pee Wee was unlnlured.<br />

We wcre a ll g.ateful for Ihn<br />

In closlnl. lei us .11 work safdy whatevel our<br />

lob mlghl M'<br />

Scribe Notes Absence<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Union Label<br />

I,.. U. 1501 (rm&mol, BAlTIMORE, " l O.-lt ,eems<br />

that a week docsn't go by that I don't nottce the<br />

la~1 on a product Ihlt onL ~ w~, produced to the<br />

UnIted StaltS or Cornada, but t5 now done overseas<br />

It IS " source 01 COn$lanl ""laIlOn to me My<br />

.eaclion is thai I want to fight back. I Wanl 10 lurn<br />

thIS mtoluable $"uallon around I know that you<br />

are concerned, also, bUI JUSt whal can be done!<br />

The Unilcd Slalu speciflcally needs enaClment<br />

uf I." trade bws Ihal WIll prcserv~ A"' ~ f; c~n jobs<br />

agaInSt runaway employers and la .... s Ihat WIll<br />

ulabl"h mdusmal JIIlhcie, to PUI our c"'zen, to<br />

work. unlonunatdy, thc UnilCd State, govern·<br />

menl conllnues to encouragc U.S. manUfaCIUren<br />

10 move thell produ(lion 10 faC IOII C$ ro foreIgn<br />

countnu, Thele en,ou, agemenu I speak about<br />

lie' a body <strong>of</strong> lax lawl glvrog spccbJ tU bl~;

<strong>of</strong> Ihe sludy. Hopefully, we wIll keep OUI lob)<br />

lune 17 II Falher's D~y, Hope.1I dd. ha ve a<br />

"C ~ I dayl <strong>June</strong> .Iso mCln, thc end <strong>of</strong> the school<br />

year, Please witch out for the child.cn Many<br />

btkcn arc out on lhc I II«U and careful dllv'nl "<br />

I mUll Have a ,ood day!<br />

Kecp up wllh youl union! Allend thIS monlh's<br />

m«uns 00 lune 10, 198", ar Pulaski Inn, Cudahy,<br />

W,sconstn .• t 1000 a m Rdlnhmenu arc servcd<br />

aftcr Ihe meelln,<br />

N ...,,

•<br />

Retirees<br />

Retirees<br />

Apprentice Mike B,own 01 Loca11 7n , Ba rrie, Onl.,<br />

is no"," at homr on weekends, in good spirits and<br />

On Ihe road to rccovery.<br />

II<br />

Bit <strong>of</strong> Nostalgia<br />

!<br />

60<br />

Rel;,;ng Ap. il I was Pa. Rkf, ' member<br />

170 1 fo r 20 fu ••.<br />

April I, Par RICC, and May I, FTaOCi5 Murphy<br />

Brothe.s Roust and Murphy lomed tht <strong>IBEW</strong> In<br />

194J and 1946 Icwectlvcly ;15 members <strong>of</strong> Loul<br />

16 BOlh became chafi N members <strong>of</strong> Loul 1701<br />

On Apol IA. 1951. Brothcl Rice was obhgau:d In<br />

lm.al 1701 on March 14, 1964 Togclhcr these<br />

,hrte havc coombutcd 10 organized labor for DYC,<br />

99 yun. II long. happy leisure retirement is w,shed<br />

louch_<br />

[ leglct 10 IIl/OIrn you <strong>of</strong> the deaths <strong>of</strong> BrothelS<br />

Shurlcy McLlmo.c and Gene Welk Brothe.<br />

McLimo.f' wa~ a m~mb cr <strong>of</strong> local L 70] SlIIte May,<br />

1971, ;tnd wu working at tht 0 B WIlson I'ow<br />

c. houst when he became III and died unexpectcdly<br />

al the age <strong>of</strong> 49. BrothCI Wells was a member <strong>of</strong><br />

the <strong>IBEW</strong> tinCt 1945. In 1951 he bec.;amt a charter<br />

member <strong>of</strong> Local 1701 and 'tilled from .he tr~de<br />

m laIC ]973. 80th WIll be mIssed by thell fnends<br />

and eo· w O lk~l~ OUI deepCSI sympathy to thei.<br />

famlhn<br />

Now for olher notes 01 InIC le.1t .... t our Malch<br />

meeting, the Properties Committee reponed that<br />

Ihey hd made the fln~1 paymen! on our p.operty<br />

and bUIldIng and that a mortgage burning was In<br />

o.der. flnallyl au. penSIon plan has recelyed Rnal<br />

IRS apP lOyal .... Summary Plan Descriplion <strong>of</strong> th"<br />

plan wLlI be sent 10 each participant, hopduUy by<br />

the end <strong>of</strong> Ihc quallel. Cuncnlly ovcl400 Brothers<br />

f, om OU I 5'Sle. locab are on OUI out·<strong>of</strong>·work hst.<br />

All members arc encouraged 10 Wille thell cun·<br />

g.cuman and uk Ihem to suppon the Redcn,o<br />

Bill Fm more Inlolmauon concernmg Ih,s bdl.<br />

CO lU aCt YOUI local union 'lfflce.<br />

Propo"1510r a new wo.klng agrcement hclween<br />

Ihe Soulhcrn Ind,an. Ch,pler, NECA lind Local<br />

1701 have been exchanged, b .." no formal meennp<br />

have beeo held as 01 IhIS wrlllng. The Big Rivers<br />

UnH 01 local 170] IS cUllCnrly In negollanons for<br />

line,.· con lllCt, whtch WIJ due Apnl 12. Mo.c<br />

nCWI concerning bolh CO nlrarr.~ in my nellt illlcle.<br />

Unlll Ihen, buy union ind attend the monthly<br />

meetrng<br />


Several Members Retire;<br />

Two Brothers Thanked<br />

L U. 1733 (u), FREDERICTON, N.B._Recent rc·<br />

Ulemenu show memhcu <strong>of</strong> local 1733 oP"o& 10<br />

cmoy hie In the relLled ranks. These members lie<br />

Blolherl Denml Lebllnc, Harry Cole, lames Buck·<br />

ley, Edward C rlnl, lloyd Bnus, Polydore lnille,<br />

The tUm from Lonf 625, Nov, Seotll, Iflf< Ihe<br />

tha ll e n ~e by Ihr Ru clouche Boys. Good rifoll,<br />

Brolhelll.<br />

Gordon Davenport, Alfred POllra5, George .... I$en<br />

auit, CheSter Canam, Rene Thel1auh, SImon label,<br />

Sldn~y Kilpatnck, Wall~~t' HeenaD, Cedi BUill,<br />

Delbert McLeod, lames Molton, Au.de Hachey,<br />

Allbe DOI",n, Roy FranCIS, Marven Celklc, .... lIhur<br />

Donovan, Adci.,d Basque, Beverly Carter, CeCIl<br />

Mac[)onald, Albert Turnbull, Rell Magee, 10( Daley,<br />

Anhur SaUCIer, .... ntoine Soucy, Charles Holt, lun<br />

Lavoie, lohn Mclean, Rnnald StOne, Rosalie Ther·<br />

'.lUll, YYon letel, COldon He ..... ", C.arroll Hoopet.<br />

HUllS Smuh. Gordon Machrlanc, lames Wallace,<br />

lesley Brawn, Pulley G reene and Wivel Dc<br />

Melchanl Best wishes to thcse members 101 a long.<br />

enloyable and healthful letilemenl<br />

OU l lhanks go OU I to Ihe Ruearch and Educatlon<br />

Department for the fASt analySIS, put to~e l her on<br />

short nOIlCC. <strong>of</strong> one <strong>of</strong> OUI cmployn~' RnlillClaJ<br />

.cpons OUI membels lie apprec,allve 01 thl'<br />

servICe<br />

A VOIC 01 thanks was extended to Blather! Renc<br />

Thelli"lt and Chalire Pierce from UnItS 5 and 7<br />

101 thc •• efiollS and the support Ihey gave towlld<br />

thea brOlher members dUllng then le rm <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> lice.<br />

Brull,cl Th ..,.. ull hu accepted a lob oUlsidi' Ihe<br />

ba.galnrog unll, and BrOlhel P,ercr has mo,·cd to<br />

Beechwood Plant Wc wish thcm well ro Ihell new<br />

POSlIlOnS<br />

BI n Ev ANS. P S<br />

Negotiations Under Way;<br />

Meeting Stresses Safety<br />

l.U. 1739 (iko), BARR IE, ONT. - ThlS )·ur's new<br />

COOllact negolialHros nC well undcr way ","lIh ve ly<br />

hnle p,o,l:less 10 report II Ih" lime<br />

.... 1 our Februuy meellng the Conslrucllon Safety<br />

ASSOCUllon <strong>of</strong> On

you won'( lun IMO thc Comrany IWIt<br />

And 10 all you blhul, Harpv hthus Day<br />

lOll" R DALlY, I'S<br />

' Scribe Answers Criticism<br />

Of Mondale Candidacy<br />

L,U, 1908 (ul, COCOA, FLA.-At thll wnllnll I am<br />

prtp.nn8 10!,:0 10 Tall.h.n« to .nend the flon d.<br />

AFL·CIO COPE Le815bu~e Conference, alonl with<br />

rrelldcM Schanl::en While Ihnc, we WIll be talk-<br />

1111 10 OUr stale le,,~lalOl5 about blllJ Ihlt Will<br />

dfeel U$ nOl only u union membe l ~, bUI III our<br />

dally llvu 1 upeci Ihat Ihll yur 'u In Ihe put<br />

we Will have 10 slM'nJ more ume 10bbYlOg .galnSt<br />

bad bills than we w.ll "'ork,n!': 101 good ones One<br />

bill, H JJ9 would make a local ulllon and It I<br />

<strong>of</strong>ficera rnpons,ble fo r the .Cllonl <strong>of</strong> any 01 11 8<br />

members on a picket hne, unlus Ihe union could<br />

prove II had nothln5 10 do "·lIh Ihe leI What Ih,s<br />

IS uymg IS the unllm IS ~ulIty unless It can prove<br />

. II 15 Innoccnt ThiS II onc mOle anempl 10 weaken<br />

' unions 10 thll stale and musl be dde~led<br />

I'm proud <strong>of</strong> 0111 mcmbcuhlp'. ,c5p(1nK to Ihe<br />

so·called enntraC! <strong>of</strong>fer the company had Ihe Cum·<br />

millee bnng back 10 a vOle Both the System<br />

Commmee and Ihe System Council unanimously<br />

recommended we lu.n thiS pack.lte dnwn, .nd we<br />

did. In OUI local, 68 pClcenl <strong>of</strong> Ihe membels vOled<br />

.nd lurned 1\ down by I I $-1 mal!,:"', and IYlilem<br />

-w.de II was .bour 24-1 'gainsl II<br />

I have lecelyed lOme CllliCISm .bout my culumn<br />

.eprdm, labor'. endo.semen, <strong>of</strong> Walre, Momble<br />

I would I.h to cxpl~m my feeirngs on ,hI' en<br />

du,Kment and why I Ihlnk It II n&ht When an<br />

Olpnr::allon, be" l.bo,_ the AMA ollhe Nallonal<br />

"Rlgh' to·Wolk"Commltree, cndorsu a cand,d~le<br />

fa, <strong>of</strong>fice. Ihey Iry 10 find the undldate who Will<br />

help therr memMn the mosl m rt,l!ardJ to the<br />

o- &oat, <strong>of</strong> the o.ganrullon ThiS IJ done by sc.ecn<br />

mgs. eheehng rl5t vOlin, Ic(o.ds. Ind whl! the<br />

cand.date', sund on the l,suel II T h( lut Ihrte<br />

yur, hlye shown Ronald Rupn 10 be unbu to<br />

Ihe wOlkl", men and women <strong>of</strong> IhlS (uunrry From<br />

h.s n~c k lO' <strong>of</strong> the NLRB wllh ,nhunlOn pcurle,<br />

10 the Lobo. Departmenl "Yin!,: 10 ,l!UI Ihe Da""<br />

Baeun ACI, tu hiS tax cun Ih.t helped the n ch •<br />

helluya 101 mOre Ihan Ihe wo,kers, Rugan hiS<br />

shown hi' dl~,e,arJ fOI Ihe wUlklOg cllSJ .nd hiS<br />

favontl$m for the nch . nd powe. ful Waitci Mun<br />

d~le h ~ s shown hi' 5UpJlOII fO I us m Ihe pUI .nd<br />

desCfYU OUI IUPPOII now If wc don', 5Urporl and<br />

hel p Ih05c who 5uPPOri us, how c~n wc c~p

62<br />

elecuon, ummll it so Ihat " will be pnnted alter<br />

the elecuon. I certainly hope Ihat the ultimate<br />

impacl <strong>of</strong> chanlle In cuher de",non wIll be a<br />

bcneRdal one to you In due "'OU ISC The Cnnstltutional<br />

proti ScAVONE, IR , PS.<br />

Local 2154 Celebrates<br />

20th Anniversary<br />

L.U. 21S4 {ul, SUFFA LO, N.Y,- In <strong>1984</strong> oUllocal<br />

WIll co mmemorate OUI 20th yellIn uiSlence With<br />

Ihe <strong>IBEW</strong>.<br />

Twenty years ago .he fnllow.nR n enl5 look<br />

pl,ce, as close as can be determtned, on the fol ·<br />

Inwmgdaled: On Febluary 24, 1964, m cascnumbel<br />

3-RC·3287, an elcetlon was hdd 10 dc termme if<br />

the <strong>IBEW</strong> would be th e bat gaming agent for the<br />

P&'M wOlkers nn Ihe propt'rly <strong>of</strong> Iroqun.s Gas<br />

Corporation.<br />

On Malch 16, II .... as de tCrmlOcd by the NLRB<br />

tbat the I8EW waJ, in bct, the winnel in that<br />

eleellon. The fIrI! <strong>of</strong>ficers to hcelected 10 negotiale<br />

the fi . st agreement wele president, Allen Becker.<br />

vi(e pre "dent, TImothy Tolin, rcco. dlng secr~ta r y,<br />

[d Walsh, !lnanetal secretary, Marlm Ernsl, u us,<br />

Ulel, Stanlcy Bosinsk., ExeCUlLve Board chatrman,<br />

Daniel Mlodozenieci Executivc Board, Ray Greenan,<br />

Andlew K)cldgaa rd, Ferdman..! Polinski, Rny<br />

Weaver, Chules PUIV100, Frank Andelson, RIchard<br />

Blood and Norm Koch.<br />

The first contrlct '.-as latifled on .he 7th <strong>of</strong> ,uly,<br />

1964. and appro"ed by Internalloul Plesldent Gor·<br />

don M , Fleeman on Jul y 14, 1964.<br />

The nflltial charter was issued to Ihe local on<br />

M~lrh I, 1964. The follow1Og names are hued 1'1 1'1<br />

Ihal ebaner Bernard K Pearson, Norben Edwatds,<br />

Rob~rt Bahr, Frank Anderson, JO$e ph Flmeno,<br />

William GUlnane, Ted Trewillel, Rny Weaver, Paul<br />

11.055, George Kuh,shlan, John Suchy, Joc Heckert,<br />

Dick Siadelmaiet, Don Murny, John Kellel, Leo<br />

WlDna, Charles Snyder, Paul Ga nnon and Frank<br />

Kimmm.<br />

Ten <strong>of</strong> thue members arc slIll aCllve 10 the local<br />

un IOn, thlce have re s.gned, nyC rellled an d one<br />

plOmoted 10 management.<br />

0 1 Ihe origmal <strong>of</strong>fieeu, S. SOSinski and M EmSI<br />

still hold oillce in the local union. Of the chner<br />

members, R. Bakel IS the only ~c tlve o/fi",< r nf thc<br />

local ull1nn<br />

In 1966 Ihe Wellsv.lle area was acquued In Ihe<br />

following ciccI ion, Jim W~ sson, Arst ExcculLve<br />

Bond member <strong>of</strong> that aru, paruc.pated .n nego·<br />

llalLOnS In L966<br />

In 1914, IroquOIS Cas became Na\!onal Fuel Gas<br />

Respon~.ble for organizing our 10..:.1 werc Inler·<br />

nalLon~1 Rcplcsentallvc Inhn PatlL",k Dalyand Jnhn<br />

MtDermoll, John Da ly .s s'nce deceased and lohn<br />

MeD", rm olt is 51 ill replcscnting the IntemalLonal<br />

staff on our behalf, although 10 1973 and 1975 the<br />

COntraCt mceunllS ..'ere eondueled by RCT'resenl'<br />

auve Ed ward ju per.<br />

We beheve thu under the gu.dance <strong>of</strong> Ihe mEW,<br />

""C hur r.~med not only the beneAls wh,"'h we<br />

negollaled, but rnpeel ollhe company.n aeh.cvlOlL<br />

OUI goals<br />

In a shOll Ave yeau, we w.1I be celebraung nur<br />

~tlvc r annivelsary. It ce n alOly would be pfOpe r 10<br />

cons.der some SOrt <strong>of</strong> funclLnn tn commemorate<br />

our 25·ycar annlverury<br />

In the meantlmr, l believe 1\ gocs wlihoUI saymg<br />

that many Ihanks ale 10 order 10 III those wbo<br />

sacrHlted and had anythmg to dn WIth the Iut 20<br />

years, and conglltulalLons tn all.<br />

STAN BosIN 5 ~1 ,<br />

L'Article de Section<br />

Local 2253 En Fran~ais<br />

8 M<br />

LU. 2251 {Ill, MONTREAL, QUE.- Nouc seelLon<br />

locale a it ~ tondee en Mars 1968, d~ i a 16 ans, .1,<br />

lalbit que des tvtncmCllIs marculS SUrv.ennCm<br />

POUI se d~cider i placer un amele dans ee /oulnal<br />

de la FlOE. Tout de rmt remenl, un de nOS Confrhes<br />

. elllitcs,le Confrere Leo toley Ittcignalt SOa,,"~e ,<br />

com mc membre de nOlfe F utcrnit~ . II lut IOLIL~<br />

en 1931 it ]a Seellon locale 56] C{ il lfaYllllaLl •<br />

ce moment Ii pour Ie Canad.en Pactflquc_ Nous<br />

I',vons lnvilc ~ assisler;i nntre asscmblte rtguJih e<br />

du moi, de novembre 1983 pour lui d ~eer n e l Ie<br />

cerufleat aHCllanl SCi emquanle ans "" lu. re<br />

menle un bouton'; eel elfet, T ousles Olflciers et<br />

lei membres PIClentS onl pu constater la v.tali l ~<br />

etl'cnergie du Confrele Foley qui a mainlen,nl 80<br />

ans. 11 hall a ceo mpa gn~ de son fill Donald qui<br />

travaille aussl l CP Rai! comme clecnicicn el II<br />

nous a d.t quc son cpouse ~lIi t 10ujOllrS i ,et e6tt.. ~<br />

Le Co<strong>of</strong>rhe Foley nnus I l clal~ quelqucs ane",doles<br />

i scs dehuls rranillant .ur Ics locomollvC5 d.esel<br />

CI plusicurs nnl dcrides l'assiStanee. 11 a ttlmmc<br />

son travatl au CP ",omme contremaine. Dans IIeJ<br />

moments de 101S"5, ,IIaJl parlle de clubs $OCIIUI,<br />

.lleneonlie souYenl les aUIlU IC!lai tb de CP rail<br />

1I des rcunions orRani,ctl pour ",cux·d. Nous $OU'<br />

haLlons 'U Confrere Fnley ain51 qu'~ son tpou.$C: ..<br />

plusieulS anntes de bonheul ainsi que 1a sanlt<br />

pou. qu'lls comlnuent 1 jouir plemcment d'une<br />

re\ralle b,en mt r il~e.<br />

L'aulle cvenemenl qUI S'UI dt roult CSt eelul du<br />

Conlrere Robe rt Wil,on, t1eetrieicn aux Alehers<br />

Angus de CP Rail, membre de nOlle Secllon loelle<br />

qui leprcsenlera nntre Pays, I.e Canada l UX Jcux<br />

Olymp.ques d'hlver it Saralevo en Yougos!.YIC en<br />

<strong>1984</strong>. II sera Ie fteineul sur 1 '~q Ulpe de bobsleigh f'<br />

~ qualle personnn, it I'ttait sw- la meme cqulpe<br />

lors des )eux olymp.ques d'hlvel • Lake P1actd,<br />

New YOlk cn 1976 el sa part icipation celie , nnte<br />

sr r ~!l.a delmere aux leux Olymplquu. Le Confdre<br />

W.lson I dtbutt snn . pprenll$uge au CP Rail en<br />

1972, .1 est devenu tlectllc.en en 1976 el II trname<br />

pl~sen (cm e nt enmme t1e",trtelen aux Ateliers An·<br />

gus NOlie Section local rhhse que Ie chOlx du<br />

Confrhe W,bon COmmt reprtsenunt nntre P,y • .A<br />

aux Olympiquel CSt un honneul dont nOU$ snmmCl<br />

tOUS !lers t l un tOmHt fUI formc pour alder celui·<br />

CL • p~yer CerlatneS dtpenses non Icmbourstu p .. r<br />

Ie Comut Olympique. Le Confrhe lames Fredenck<br />

a CtC Ie coordin'leur de Ia campagne de I. sous·<br />

eripllon qui a CIC un luceu CI dlficrenlS L1em<br />

IUlent vendu! pour ohlenlr celie rcussHe, Nntre<br />

employeur CP Rat l n', pas voulu conllibucr un<br />

IOU POUI e etl~ htnemcllt el e'e5t unc du raisons<br />

qu. nous a mCller i faLle quelque chose pour Ie<br />

Confrhc W,]soo, Tous ses compagnnns de travaIl<br />

et les Ollleers de la Fr.temLlc I'ont cncouragt el<br />

nOUS lulsouhaLlnnslnus Ie pl us de l ueeu poSSIble<br />

1015 de cn jtux Olympiquct de <strong>1984</strong>. Nous allen·<br />

dons neC .mpatience lu rtsultllS du tvcncmenu<br />

au~quel. pa rlL tl~ r nn l Ie Confrele W,lson el meme<br />

si I. thance ne Ie lavolise pas nous uvons pem'<br />

ncmmenl qu'd donnclA Ie medlcur de fui ·mcme<br />

pOUI l'bonneul du pays qu'il Icprtsente Bonne<br />

chance. ~<br />


Scribe Calls for Unity<br />

In Face <strong>of</strong> Business' Attacks<br />

L. U. 2286 luI, BEAUMONT, TEX.- Wage coneel·<br />

s.ons and freezes, takeaways, and even the poss.ble<br />

lOll 01 lob, have unfortunately become the f,,·loo· ...<br />

",ommon env"onm~nt m whl~h the Amelle.n<br />

worker hu to surv.ve_ B.g husmess has taken lull<br />

advantage <strong>of</strong> the cUilent eeonnmie slluation 10<br />

order tn allempl to gam Ihe urper hand ovel<br />

orRani:ed labor. With no regard for the I.vehhood<br />

<strong>of</strong> LI S work ers, b.g buslneu hn caocfully B.me "! LIS<br />

wrath al organ.;ed labor. B.g busmess has taken<br />

lull.duntage nf the opportLLnlty affolded Ihem by _<br />

Ronald Reagan and hLS Republican .dmml$tration<br />

In an cflnrl 10 crush organ,zed labol. In some cases<br />

II hu appeared bIg bU$mess has won and Ihe union<br />

has lost, Hnwever, ap pearances can be and are<br />

dece.ving. BIg business ca n dosc liS fac tories, shut<br />

down assembly hnu and lay<strong>of</strong>f tIS worken , but<br />

Ihe onc Ihing b,g buslOns unnOI extlOgu.sh is<br />

the will to surviVe and remam sn onll, We, U onion<br />

members, each possess the lOner strength to SUI- ~<br />

v.vc and wLlhstand any problem plcsented 10 u.<br />

BIg busllless feels the trend today 10 AmeILca "<br />

away from orllanizcd labm IOd lowatd the trend<br />

<strong>of</strong> workIng lor low wagu and no beneflls. How<br />

wlong Indeed i.thll Iheory, Inr Ihe day WIll come,<br />

and very soon, when b.g bus.ness WI]] pay deafly<br />

for Ihe1l cold, unfeehng regard fOI nrganl;ed labor,<br />

Unions and Ihell memberl will indeed Iurvive,<br />

grow, and gain IiI renglh in Ihe knowledge Ihat OUI<br />

delCtminalinn and unity wI[! withstand Ihe hard

ILme~ .nd Insure a bngh!er fu.u.e 101 us all Don '!<br />

lJ~t LIp .arWlJvt in ee! !OUp, and ,o~clhel we<br />

wIll bc:ndh from a bene. way <strong>of</strong> hfe thlOugh<br />

Cl!&ani~ed labor<br />

NfoNCV TIHIIOO ... UK, P S<br />

Bi-Annual Meeting Held ;<br />

Tax Seminar Sponsored<br />

LU.lJ09 [II), FREDERICTON, N,8.- Thls was a<br />

very bUl Y wInter for OUI local, especIally regaILling<br />

negollalLonl. Talks wLlh New IIrunswlck Power<br />

concern.ng our techno cal g.oup arc progreumg<br />

~ , lowly , however, ,orne gams have been realized.<br />

Our group employed by Brewer's EOle.pnsu has<br />

rcac hed an Impaue m negolLalLons wLlh .hell<br />

rmployc. _ MI Paul Le page, a Depanmcnt <strong>of</strong> Labour<br />

conCIliator, has been appomted 10 help resolve the<br />

dlspu.e Mosl <strong>of</strong> the conn aet language IS out <strong>of</strong><br />

Ihe way, however, moncy i~ the big slUmblmg<br />

block The clt"cal group, also employed by New<br />

... BrunSWIck Power, ~thercd proposab and bellan<br />

talks 11'1 Aprd and May<br />

Samt lohn was the host CLlY 1m the b,·annu,1<br />

meellng <strong>of</strong> the Atlanllc UILlllY CounCIl, a body <strong>of</strong><br />

IIIEW locals reprcsenllng work ers empluyed by the<br />

VInous power gencrallng and d'$tnbullon com·<br />

paoles 111 the Adanllc . c~m n These mcellngs ne<br />

very bencAclal 10 all wh u .IL

w<br />

z<br />

,<br />

"<br />

54<br />

01 IDa" "~~IC In JOulh flollda, and he II ~ptln~o/ing<br />

a dme 10 p.d. up 300,000 names 1

second ume Clve him a ullat681-0S12, hc would<br />

apprecluc 11 _ Nick DdConte blOUghl UB mfur<br />

m .. uon on a local cruise Meet our new mtmbel,<br />

lohn Slcnsk,<br />

Door pnzu were won by faye Lott, Belly Dcl<br />

::I COn te, Ella "bye Auer, Ehnbelh ~hJJm er, An" ..<br />

H.awkms_ Irene Hadden, An. Rey", Edythe Creen,<br />

losephme Edelen, 8cny Rllney, Irene BenlCh and<br />

Anne tte Ch.land The mam coune <strong>of</strong> our mul<br />

was prepared by Cladys O'Quendo, whICh WI)<br />

I~U beef wllh a Sp.nlsh flavor, I real latly dish<br />

We had a good lurnout with plenly IU eat "Corky"<br />

Edden and hIS Wife IOR phlne 'UpcrVI~ the lood<br />

placement for our buffet-type meal, they made an<br />

, appetizing display Mike Chiland lang "Danny<br />

8oy" while we Were utlnll Ptuldent Many Chew<br />

and AUI,tanl Bu,mU, Man'Ker B,II R,ley drorl'C'd<br />

by to VISit with u, We wound up our mcelinK<br />

wl1h bmJl:o<br />

T w AIJ(~ , P S<br />

r-~'" Celebration<br />

Left 10 ri ghl l rt Pres ident RobertI, Ruuell, B.othtr<br />

George Gur, Busincu Mana,ller lames W. Ma,all<br />

and Rflirru Club P. uidul Ur .ben l. Llnll ( UIling<br />

the IOlh I nniveru ry ukt_<br />

-Club Members Celebrate<br />

Double Anniversaries<br />


' A_-On Tu(Joday uenln" Feb.uary 16, <strong>1984</strong>. the<br />

relOlen and Ihel( guC$u celeb.ated the .. 10lh<br />

anmversary 15 membe., <strong>of</strong> the <strong>IBEW</strong> Reurers Club<br />

AIMI,n anendance to help cdeh.ate we.e member,<br />

.. mlhe Executive Board Ind thell WIV". commlt\ct<br />

members <strong>of</strong> Ihe locil umun and cunLlaCIO .. "gned<br />

With the local un,on The evenmg Jlaned with<br />

cockla.b, hOIl d '~uv . CJ and a general gCI-lo<br />

gcthe. Th"<br />

was lollowed b, an enloyable bullet<br />

d,nne. whe.e you we.e able 10 Klrel Ihe food 01<br />

YOUI tlSlr and UI u much as yoo deslled Altcr<br />

dlnnerlhe plcsldent 01 Ihe P.ellf



Prayer (or Our Deceased Members<br />

Lord <strong>of</strong> mercy and forgIveness. look WHh gentle kindness on the souls <strong>of</strong> these. our Brothers and<br />

S,sters. who have so recently felt us. Thou who so loved th e workmg people <strong>of</strong> the eanh, that Thou<br />

earnest to earth and lived and worked among them. show co these workers Ule fuJI measure <strong>of</strong> Thy<br />

love and compassIon. Amen .<br />

EWBA Death Claims Paid in March. <strong>1984</strong><br />

ow .......<br />

- .... ...- - - - "'" .... - -<br />

, M_.R l ,.... ........ ,..... ,~,<br />

PtnI<br />

... '"_, N J ".<br />

(ira!, ...... hi •. U B ....<br />

I<br />

, , 10(1$41<br />

...<br />

(51) 8K.oiI. H t 2,000 00 """11341 N<strong>of</strong>tISlIom, C B 2,000 00<br />

J f 2.000 00 Pens (511 1IoIIlIn. J S 2.000011 PlnlII341 0kII1eId. E C 2,000 00<br />

, LJO,tI\j, , ~ 10/2., eo.t, Ii H 2.000 00 ...... (511<br />

...... " uoooo ...... (1301) SCIer9W.If Ii J 2.(100 00<br />

0 (~11<br />

C-... W " 2.00000 """ (~II IIKqy. H 1\ 2.000 00 ...... (1)41 Srdnor. £ G 2.000 00<br />

MlIIJn,wltl. " 2.000 00 PtnI (511 Sln!lglf J L 2.000 00 I'ItItll:16l MtE_. N S 2.000 00<br />

-,<br />

M~fl ~bII G l 2.000 00 PtnI (52) [ 111m, E E 2.000 00 PtnIlfJ6) ~_G L 2.000 00<br />

Boo$. G l 2.000 00 10(1158)<br />

"" , 2.000 00 .... ($1)<br />

-.."<br />

2.000 00 """(I:J11) IIBs.W H 2.000 00<br />

10(11"'1 2CQ1 00 I'IInI (~7) PrInIa. II A 2.CQI00 PaoII(I·~1<br />

, .... , """" "<br />

"""(11 2.CQ1 00<br />

""" (58) _.W 2.000 00 """ (1461 If\n. J J VlO()oo """ (2) 1IcIr!Iw. C l ... . ""<br />

"""'-."<br />

~ EoJns. V II .... ....<br />

"""<br />

~ Md*I. W W , """(31 , ... _U ""<br />

....<br />

2,000<br />

IurU .II J M Moms. H H """<br />

"'- "' .... -, 2.000<br />

,~<br />


... , ... ,.<br />

--- .... ..... - "'" ... - -<br />

~-,<br />

.... .....<br />

"- (405) ProcIIisb. 0 J 2.000.00 Pens.(&tO) S1tp/ltnI, f 2.lXlI 00 Ptns . I~) OiIan, o. V toOl 00 I'InI (I 0) .......,. 2)JOD 00<br />

l'ItIs(oIO!i) S~III , a f 2.000,00 PIns (&019) 8&11, J. L. 2,000.00 Pens_1M) Goodlllill. G E 2,000.00 Ptns (I 0) E".,... 6 l 2.000 00<br />

PIns ('lIS) KMIIr. T II 2.000,00 Ptns (M9) DIllin M. E 2,000 00 Pens (1000) 1IroobhinI. £ '" I'ItIs II 0) EIiI, J. W 2,1;00 00<br />

''''' 00<br />

""(" 3) 1hoIts. 1'1 S 2.00000 PIns (658)<br />

-" 2.000 00 PInI _ I '~ J $nJeIIDft. 0 P l.OOO.OO !'w{10) fM, J W ''''' 00<br />

",",.(427) ScnemeUu. II V 2.000 00 PIns (eM) \'lilly, H A. 2.000 00 """ (11(11) 'htIcuchI. ' C 2,000 00 PIns (I 0 I flAriQlll, C l 2.000 00<br />

"-,1m) SPNf1, S B 2,000 00 I'ItIs (633) [)jcbGn, C 0 2.000 00 Pen, (1111 ) Cuttrllrlt. K G. 2.lXXlOO PInI (I 0 I ~ . D A 2.000 00<br />

I'InI (f37) Mom , A P 2.000 00 PIns (6$41 kline, II M 2.000 !XI Pens·11I2B) $\in'"",O B 1.000.00 Pens (I 0) Har1llwJ'f. J T 2.000 00<br />

PIns (~ 1) .+.JeuM<strong>of</strong>, C M 2.000 00<br />

... '''OJ<br />

PeIerwn.6 E 2.000 !XI PIns (1 1'1) KlrssetIoom. 0 "- UOOOO Ptns II 0 ) !\¥fa. E. f 2.000 00<br />

1'InI(444) 2.DODOO PwIs (688) ..... L<br />

- .' 1,111 " Pens (1186) 'III. M S 2.000 00 PIns (I D) Ht$Itf, f • .<br />

-"<br />

f'IM("91 ..... ( E 2.000 M PIns (692) ''''' 00<br />

Jirdno. L J. 2,000 00 Pens·IUI2) CusO. F J 2.000 IX) Pw(ID) 1Idrs, G, W 2.000 00<br />

PIns (460) MIYII. J C 2.000 00 PIns (700) Allison, C. C 2.000 00 Pens (12:/() Mlms. II f 2,000 00 I'ens (I 0.) ~.P . K 2(1l'100<br />

""".(465) 2,000 00 ""',<br />

M~.J 2,000 00 Pens (12~9) Cothrtft, M l 2,003 00 Pans II 0) lIump/lntS. II N 2.000 00<br />

Ptns (0166)<br />

UOJ 00 AiIIy. f 0 2.000 00 PIns,{l102) Oonery. f J l,(100 on ·PIns (I 0 )<br />

""" "<br />

,"" ...., 2.000 00<br />

PIns (~1~) Ci"", W t 2.003 on<br />

... "",<br />

c.rttr, II t 2,000 on Pens (UIS) Cnsl. A. W uonon """ (I 0) JK:bon, A M 2.DIXI CO<br />

I'tn1 (~14) GIbson, W l 2.000 on Ptn$ (7011) CclI.IIni,O 2,003 00 Pens (1341) M ~ry , 0 .101 2.000 00 PenI (I 0 ) _ .G 2.(100 00 •<br />

"""'Iml We!ItI, J .101 2.003 00 """ (116) Grew. ~ 2.003 00 Pens (1310) UIIIam, E W 2.00000 Pens (I 0) 1 A , II 2.000 ,00 PItts (144) MItIgIIII. II f 2000 00 PIns(I~16) Swat. W l 2.000 on I'InI (1 0) I.u\!¥tig. L ( 2,003 00<br />

I'I1II (tM) WIIttJ C" f 2.000 00 PIns (744)<br />

.., "<br />

2,000 on PwIs (1541) M<br />

St , OE ,~~ "-(10) ...... G. 2,000 00<br />

Ptns.(tlilll lItJcksmilll. 10 I , 000.00 Pens (760) 1111, C 2.000 00 Pens (1541) WIlson , J G 2,DIXI 00 I "-11 0) """"'". L Y 2,000 00<br />

Ptn$ 15(9) um _EO J G 2.DIXI 00 Pens,(7601 lIun, (j 2,000 00 I'e!IS 11555) Smllh, E E 2.000 00 ""-110) PilmK. J f 1.666 61<br />

I'InI(SI7) 2.000 00 Pens (715) Ryan , 0 E 2,000 00 I'Ins (lStlIi) Suns, £. J 2.D00 00 I'enI (I 0 I ~ . J C 1,600 00<br />

... om 2,000 00<br />

'-" ... ",., AndtlOlt. l. 2,000 00 Pens (1701) .....,. 2,000 00 f'InI (I 0) Pyles. E. l. 2.000 00<br />

""""'I Foo-. II W 2,000 00 Pens (8U) WuIdey, G II 2,000 00 Pens [17101 SuItnn, W II 1.600 00 PIN (I 0 ) RfrnoIIII, A P 2.000 CO<br />

Ptns 1S40) GeuIi"ll. I<br />

•<br />

2 000 ,00 I'Ins (816) BI""'ot. W J 2,m 00 Ptns II7Ji) "Ih<strong>of</strong>rIlIson, .101 E 2,000 00 """ II OJ Rhodes. II J 2.000 00<br />

PtnI (S40) , •. J f 2.000 00 Ptn$ (815)<br />

-"<br />

2,(100 on Pens (1717) Smotll, O a 2,OOCI 00 Ptns (1,0,) Robinson, J H. 2.000 00<br />

""" (5581 IIy13m r. W 2.000 on Ptns(811) Pens (1831) Thur$IOn. 0 F 2,000 00 I'InI (I 0 I SdIoies. 0 E. 1.000 00<br />

PenI (561 ) Guiflne J M 2,00CI 00 ...... " ''''' 00<br />

""" IIU)<br />

8om~ H E 2.000 00 Pens (2131) Shots, C M 2.000 00 ""(10) ......., 2.00000<br />

Pens lS6ol) ~ . ~T 2.000 011 Pens 1!I6lI) Iot~ .r.an , T C 2,m OIl Pens II 0) ~ . GP 1.000 00 Pens (1 0) ..... S 2.000 011<br />

Pwj~) 1vV. C, 2.000 00 Pens (812) RItH, C .101 2.00000 I'Ins (I 0)<br />

...." 2.000 00 PtnI (I 0) Thode. £ II 2,000 00<br />

Pens 1511) _ .E 2.000 OIl PIns 118Q) ~ . CH 2.000 011 PtnI (I D) &tdrzydcl. C A 2.000 OIl PtnI (I 0.) Thompson. W ", 2,000 00 -I<br />

I'InI (573) GodOird, W F 2,000 on PIoIs ·lMi) c;"ewood. J W 2.000 on Pens (I 0) BlInd. A A 2,000 Q.) Pensl!OI<br />

- .' ''''' 00<br />

"".($&4 ) en-, s A. 2.000 on Pens (SII) Jones. E II 2.000 on Pens (I 0 I 1Io$bt. II L 2.000 00 I'InI fI (I) T.ertIerO, (I 2.000 00<br />

PfIII!II595) Bruf. C A.<br />

Pens (902) ~.R f 2.000 00 Pens () 0) ~ . HIot 2.000 00 Pens 11 D)<br />

''''' VIIIDr. C " 2.000 00<br />

Pens (595) timchlll. F 2.000 00 Pens (9\9) HiJ'/tY. ~ S 1.00000 "",..,(10) -,<br />

Brumberg. & A 2,000 00 Pens (I n) V .., t B •. 2,000 OIl<br />

Pens (602) Moore . W L 2.000 00 I'Im 1m) .kIIInSOll. O .101 2.000 00 Penlll 0) Chastain, M " 2,000 OIl Pens (1 0) YNr~I. C II 2,000 00<br />

PtmI~13 1 1IrrItIIft, C C 2.000 00 PIns (953) Pen, •. S 2.000 00 Pens (I 0) 2.000 00 Pens (I 0) Young, C S 2.000 00<br />

PIns (6131 h_. 11 W 2.000 on PIns (956) Comloef. II 2,000 00 l'ensflO ) CGIbn. C. 0 2.000 00 TOill ~ . 1'ftItIIlI , ..•,. S911U. 926<br />

Pens (6-'0) -., " 2.000.00 Pens (.1 WIgoons. WM 2.000 00 Pens (I D) CGIIrNn , G l 2,000 00<br />

Pens I~) Huol>ey, ~ , A Pens (969) M,ehI/1, G A 2,000 00 PensIIOI CoIuca, II £ 2,000 00<br />

PIns I~ ) MdCJnnon. T P "'.<br />

PansI~1&) Me,,", R. R 2,000 00 Pens (I 0) tcm!kI. II ~<br />

''''' 00<br />

''''' 00<br />

PwIs (So9!I) G.IItgr.. f P 2.000 00 Pens (932) Klonsbtrg. A C 2.000 00 PensUO) Ilurlljl . W I' 2,001 00 Pcm II (I J Wenc!eII, F E 2000 00<br />

Pens ISM) - ., 2.000 011 """ 1;01.4) &owr!. R .101 2.000 00 Pens (I 0) cu.. l M 2.000 00 1'a'lI(IOJ ~ . GS 2,000 00<br />

Pens (595) Stott. W O. 2,000 00 PItts (M) 1'I\III<strong>of</strong>IS. 1I. W 2.000 00 PIns.(1 0) CntNogtI. J 0 2.000 00 PIns (I 0 J WIIIiImI III l. 2.000 00<br />

","S (601) £ ..... .101 B 2.000 00 PtnI.(949) Pi!!,/, t E 2.000 00 Pens (I 0) ChIpman, W D 2.000 00 Pens I) 0 ) Wym • .101 B 2.000 on<br />

Inlernalional Brolherhood 01 Eleclrical Workers-Pension and Dealh Benefil Payment Report<br />







BENefiT fUND<br />

559<br />

77,131<br />

S 4,405 ,776.73<br />

$51 .933 .057 .84<br />

$ 97,334.69<br />



$ 982.249 .24<br />

NAnONAL rucTRtcAI.<br />

BfNffll FUND<br />

$ 6.963.284.68<br />

$77 ,315.220.28<br />

,<br />

.,<br />


(Con till ued from page 16)<br />

become involved in the dIspute. In·<br />

volved, mdeed! He seems more preoccupi<br />

ed with the president 'S reelection<br />

campaign thim becoming involved with<br />

anythmg.<br />

The dilemma <strong>of</strong> how to StOP union<br />

busting in America is not simple. If ever<br />

orgamzed labor needed to rally around a<br />

common cause, It is now. We must stop<br />

68 I ISEW JOURNAL! JUNE <strong>1984</strong><br />

the trend that IS now upon us. We must<br />

awaken to meet the challenges <strong>of</strong> com·<br />

panics like Phelps Dodge, Continental<br />

A.lflines and Greyhound Corporation. The<br />

most effective way to do this is at the<br />

ballot box in November. The most im·<br />

ponant year In the history <strong>of</strong> organized<br />

labor might iust be <strong>1984</strong>.<br />

A Ana l analysis <strong>of</strong> the actions taken<br />

by Phelps Dodge over the past two years<br />

causes us to question the real reason the<br />

Company shut down operations III 1982.<br />

Ii the Company could not operate wi th<br />

copper selling at 70 cents a pound at that<br />

time, how C3n It contlnue to oper.:ne now<br />

when copper is selling fo r 8 cents less? "1<br />

Doesn't the Company's stated reason<br />

seem ra ther illogical when the fa cts arc<br />

examined? Do the facts lead to the conc1usilJlI<br />

that union busting W3S and still<br />

IS the Company's primary goal? Draw<br />

your own conclusion.

REFLE T<br />

Happy Father's Day<br />

I was his pride and joy as a tiny<br />

arm's·length wonder,<br />

Something <strong>of</strong> a blue color, yet<br />

beautiful in his eyes.<br />

This tiny wonder was the firSI <strong>of</strong><br />

four o f his flock to<br />

Carry on his name, his flesh and<br />

blood, and all th e<br />

Treasures <strong>of</strong> himself.<br />

As she grew into a fragil e young<br />

lady, ca rrying on<br />

So many <strong>of</strong> his trailS, he protected<br />

and taught he r well.<br />

Giving her the best <strong>of</strong> everything<br />

he could ; giving<br />

Himself, his love and caring. She<br />

loved to hear him talk,<br />

listcning endlessly, he was her<br />

love; no o ther man would<br />

Ever know the love that was held<br />

so special in her heart<br />

As this man.<br />

And she grew to be a woman, he<br />

followed her through all<br />

The steps, guiding her every inch<br />

<strong>of</strong> the hea rtbreaking<br />

Way. Hi s lillie girl was growing up<br />

and he knew he was<br />

losing her. Watching it ha ppening<br />

and loving her so that<br />

He knew that letting his little girl<br />

go is what was meant<br />

To be. Becoming harder and harder<br />

to let his only precious<br />

little girl go.<br />

She's exploring the world now as<br />

he once did but, Daddy,<br />

Not losing any <strong>of</strong> your love,<br />

knowing ri ght from wro ng<br />

As you've taught and are still<br />

teaching. Her love for<br />

Him is stronger than ever beforeshe<br />

misses him desperately<br />

At times, wanting only his<br />

company, lo nging to hear him<br />

Talk as he had when she was a<br />

child.<br />

This man in her life has been her<br />

life. He was there<br />

At the beginning and has seen her<br />

through everything, and<br />

As he matures in his age, the roles<br />

will change, fo r she<br />

Will see him through all the steps,<br />

gUiding him through<br />

Every inch <strong>of</strong> the heartbreaking<br />

way- loving and ca ring as<br />

He once did. He will always be her<br />

only true love in this<br />

l ife and the nex t.<br />

8e.....tine~<br />

Wile <strong>of</strong> bnd.lll ~<br />

toe.! 2337, f.iriIeld, Tn.<br />

My Grandfather<br />

He was a very special man<br />

I wish you all could meet,<br />

Tall and thin with big blue eyes,<br />

A charm no o ne could beat.<br />

He broke his back for everyone<br />

And wouldn't take a dime.<br />

I wish 1 could have see n him more<br />

<strong>of</strong>ten ;<br />

It's too late now, it was his lime.<br />

He was a very special man to me,<br />

And giving was his style.<br />

Whether it.was candy, money o r<br />

lays,<br />

He always gave a smile.<br />

Although no one is perfect,<br />

He came very close;<br />

There were times he showed some<br />

anger<br />

E!ut I still loved him the most.<br />

He never showed a bad side to<br />

anyone,<br />

He always stayed on top .<br />

J'Jllove him forever, very much<br />

Because he was my Pop-Pop.<br />

M.ins. Tortorici, . se IS<br />

04ustuer <strong>of</strong> Vk lOt Tortorici<br />

LoeAl 3, New Yorio:, N.Y.<br />

The Master<br />

He was the master and I was the<br />

second <strong>of</strong> his two sons,<br />

Fo r my brother died when I was<br />

only one.<br />

Altho ugh a little man and me his<br />

number one fan ,<br />

I'll always remember him being<br />

one hell'va man .<br />

He taught me to share, care, love<br />

and respect,<br />

Neve r to indulge o n other's privacy<br />

o r retrospect.<br />

His advice, I didn't always take<br />

For I lea rned by my faults and my<br />

many mistakes.<br />

His wisdom <strong>of</strong> lea rning by books,<br />

Doing a challenge <strong>of</strong> chances he<br />

took.<br />

Wo rking hard all <strong>of</strong> his li fe,<br />

Ca ring for his daughters, son and<br />

his wife.<br />

I co uld go on and boast <strong>of</strong> all the<br />

things he's done,<br />

But I want to remember the times<br />

we had the most fun .<br />

Th en life began to pass him by;<br />

He knew his body would never lie.<br />

So he accepted what was meant to<br />

be,<br />

Then he was taken from my<br />

mother, my sisters and me.<br />

So let me say, as the master is laid<br />

to res t,<br />

J became the mister, and I pray to<br />

be his equal best.<br />

Tim Murphy<br />

Menber <strong>of</strong> Lonl ]90<br />

I'ort Arthu" ' e>..<br />

Come <strong>June</strong><br />

I saw the silhouette <strong>of</strong> Jun e<br />

From the waning side <strong>of</strong> May.<br />

Framed by the light <strong>of</strong> a ri si ng<br />

moon,<br />

To cast her shade my way.<br />

And admiration turned desire,<br />

When viewed her gracious cha rms.<br />

In love as hot as burning fire,<br />

I wait with open arms!<br />


,<br />

,<br />

' r .-<br />

C<br />

','<br />

. ,.-<br />

-<br />

Thanks to Four <strong>IBEW</strong> Members<br />

Who Were Wearing Seat Beltsl<br />

Local Union 1116. Tucson. Arizona, ISEW Members Cal<br />

Ishikawa, George Lucas, Jerry Figuera. and Manny Ruiz<br />

were In this truck and thanks to each <strong>of</strong> them wearing seat<br />

belts, no one was seriously injured.<br />

Brothers and Sisters, please buckle up every day, every<br />

timet As evidenced above, seat belts do save lives.<br />

•<br />

•<br />

Photograph compliments o( Joe Kantz. Tucson Electric Power.<br />


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