Report to the Republic of Palau: 2008 update on Invasive Plant ...

Report to the Republic of Palau: 2008 update on Invasive Plant ... Report to the Republic of Palau: 2008 update on Invasive Plant ...


Table 1. Invasive plant species ong>ofong> environmental concern not seen or reported ong>toong> be present in ong>Palauong> Hydrocotyle ranunculoides Species Common Names Family Habit Hydrolea zeylanica Hygrophila polysperma 74 English: water pennywort Apiaceae herb high risk English: East Indian hygrophila, Indian swampweed, Miramar weed Hylocereus costaricensis English: Costa Rica nightblooming cactus Hydrophyllaceae Acanthaceae Cactaceae Hylocereus polyrhizus English: pitahaya Cactaceae Hylocereus undatus English: night-blooming cereus, strawberry pear, red pitaya, dragon fruit, pitahaya Cactaceae Risk assessment† aquatic herb aquatic herb succulent succulent succulent high risk Hymenachne amplexicaulis English: hymenachne, trompetilla, West Indian marsh grass Poaceae grass high risk Hyparrhenia rufa English: jaragua grass, thatching grass Poaceae grass high risk Hypericum androsaemum English: amber, sweet amber, tutsan Clusiaceae shrub high risk Hypericum canariense English: Canary Islands St. Johnswort Clusiaceae shrub high risk Hypericum perforatum English: goatweed, Klamath weed, St. John's-wort Clusiaceae herb high risk Hypochoeris radicata English: hairy cat’s ear, gosmore Asteraceae herb Hyptis brevipes Lamiaceae herb Hyptis mutabilis English: tropical bushmint Lamiaceae herb Hyptis rhomboidea English: knobweed Lamiaceae herb Hyptis sidifolia Lamiaceae herb Hyptis suaveolens English: stinking Roger, wild spikenard, chan Lamiaceae herb high risk Ilex cassine English: dahoon, dahoon holly Aquifoliaceae shrub/ tree evaluate* Ilex paraguariensis English: Brazilian tea, mate, Paraguay tea, Paraguayan tea, Aquifoliaceae yerba mate tree high risk Indigong>ofong>era spicata English: creeping indigo Fabaceae herb evaluate* Indigong>ofong>era suffruticosa English: indigo Fabaceae shrub high risk Inga spectabilis English: silky inga Fabaceae tree Ischaemum indicum English: batiki blue grass (Fiji) Poaceae grass Jasminum dichoong>toong>mum English: Gold Coast jasmine Oleaceae vine Jasminum fluminense English: Brazilian jasmine Oleaceae vine high risk Juglans neotropica English: Andean walnut, Ecuador walnut Juglandaceae tree Juncus acutus English: sharp rush, spiny rush Juncaceae rush high risk Justicia carnea English: pink plume-flower, pink jacobinia Acanthaceae shrub Kalanchoe beharensis Crassulaceae herb evaluate* Kalanchoe fedtschenkoi English: lavender scallops Crassulaceae herb Koelreuteria elegans English: Chinese rain tree, flame gold, golden rain tree Sapindaceae tree evaluate* Kunzea ericoides English: tree manuka, tree manuba, kanuka (New Zealand), burgan, white teatree Myrtaceae tree Kyllinga polyphylla English: Navua sedge Cyperaceae sedge Lablab purpureus English: hyacinth bean, lablab, bonavist, Egyptian kidney bean, dolichos Fabaceae vine evaluate* Laccospadix australasica Arecaceae tree evaluate* Lagarosiphon major English: African elodea, African oxygen weed, aquatic Hydrocharitaceae lagarosiphon, oxygen weed herb Lagurus ovatus English: hare's-tail, hare's-tail grass Poaceae grass high risk Lantana montevidensis English: creeping lantana, purple lantana, small lantana, trailing lantana weeping lantana Verbenaceae herb high risk Leersia hexandra English: cutgrass Poaceae grass Lemna spp. English: duckweed Lemnaceae aquatic herb Leonotis nepetifolia English: lion’s tail, lion’s ear, Christmas candlestick Lamiaceae herb high risk

Table 1. Invasive plant species ong>ofong> environmental concern not seen or reported ong>toong> be present in ong>Palauong> Species Common Names Family Habit 75 Risk assessment† Lepidium ruderale English: peppergrass Brassicaceae herb high risk Lepong>toong>chloa chinensis English: Asian sprangleong>toong>p, red sprangleong>toong>p Poaceae grass Lepong>toong>chloa fusca English: Malabar sprangleong>toong>p, Mexican sprangleong>toong>p Poaceae grass Lepong>toong>chloa mucronata English: red sprangleong>toong>p Poaceae grass Lepong>toong>chloa panicea English: mucronate sprangleong>toong>p, red sprangleong>toong>p, sprangle ong>toong>p Poaceae grass Lepong>toong>spermum laevigatum Lepong>toong>spermum polygalifolium Lepong>toong>spermum scoparium English: Australian myrtle, Australian tea tree, coast teatree Myrtaceae shrub/ tree English: tea tree Myrtaceae shrub English: New Zealand tea, manuka (New Zealand) Myrtaceae tree high risk Leucaena trichodes Fabaceae tree Licuala grandis English: ruffled fan palm Arecaceae tree Ligustrum japonicum English: Japanese privet Oleaceae shrub evaluate* Ligustrum lucidum English: Chinese wax-leaf privet, tree privet Oleaceae shrub/ tree evaluate* Ligustrum robustum English: tree privet, wild privet Oleaceae shrub/ tree Ligustrum sinense English: Chinese privet Oleaceae shrub/ tree high risk Limnocharis flava English: sawah-flower rush, sawah-lettuce, velvetleaf, yellow bur-head Limnocharitaceae herb Linum usitatissimum English: flax, linseed Linaceae herb high risk Liriope spicata English: creeping lilyturf, creeping liriope Liliaceae herb high risk Litsea glutinosa English: Indian laurel Lauraceae tree Litsea monopetala English: yati Lauraceae tree Lolium multiflorum English: Italian ryegrass Poaceae grass high risk Lolium perenne English: English ryegrass, perennial ryegrass Poaceae grass Lolium temulentum English: bearded darnel, bearded ryegrass, darnel, poison darnel, poison ryegrass Poaceae grass Lophostemon confertus English: brush box, Brisbane box, vinegar tree Myrtaceae tree low risk Ludwigia adscendens English: water primrose Onagraceae herb Ludwigia longifolia English: longleaf primrose-willow Onagraceae herb Ludwigia peruviana English: ludwigia, Peruvian primrose, water primrose Onagraceae herb high risk English: angled loong>ofong>ah, Chinese okra, dish-cloth gourd, Luffa acutangula ribbed gourd, ribbed loong>ofong>ah, ridged gourd, silk gourd, sinkwa Cucurbitaceae herb ong>toong>welsponge, sinqua melon, vegetable sponge Luzula sylvatica English: great wood-rush Juncaceae rush high risk Lycium chinense English: Chinese boxthorn, Chinese desert-thorn, Chinese matrimony vine, Chinese wolfberry, wolfberry Solanaceae shrub Lycopersicon pimpinellifolium English: currant ong>toong>maong>toong> Solanaceae herb Lygodium japonicum English: Japanese climbing fern Schizaeaceae fern Lysimachia fortunei Primulaceae herb high risk Macaranga mappa English: bingabing Euphorbiaceae tree Macaranga tanarius English: parasol leaf tree Euphorbiaceae tree Macfadyena unguis-cati English: cat's-claw climber Bignoniaceae vine high risk Maesopsis eminii English: umbrella tree, musizi Rhamnaceae tree evaluate* Malachra alceifolia English: malachra Malvaceae herb Malvastrum ong>toong>menong>toong>sum Malvaceae shrub Manihot glaziovii English: Ceará rubber tree Euphorbiaceae tree Marrubium vulgare English: common horehound, horehound, white horehound Lamiaceae herb high risk Marsilea minuta English: small water clover Marsiliaceae herb Marsilea quadrifolia English: European water clover Marsiliaceae herb Medinilla cummingii English: medinilla Melasong>toong>mataceae shrub evaluate*

Table 1. <strong>Invasive</strong> plant species <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> envir<strong>on</strong>mental c<strong>on</strong>cern not seen or reported <str<strong>on</strong>g>to</str<strong>on</strong>g><br />

be present in <str<strong>on</strong>g>Palau</str<strong>on</strong>g><br />

Hydrocotyle<br />

ranunculoides<br />

Species Comm<strong>on</strong> Names Family Habit<br />

Hydrolea zeylanica<br />

Hygrophila polysperma<br />

74<br />

English: water pennywort Apiaceae herb high risk<br />

English: East Indian hygrophila, Indian swampweed,<br />

Miramar weed<br />

Hylocereus costaricensis English: Costa Rica nightblooming cactus<br />

Hydrophyllaceae<br />

Acanthaceae<br />

Cactaceae<br />

Hylocereus polyrhizus English: pitahaya Cactaceae<br />

Hylocereus undatus<br />

English: night-blooming cereus, strawberry pear, red pitaya,<br />

drag<strong>on</strong> fruit, pitahaya<br />

Cactaceae<br />

Risk<br />

assessment†<br />

aquatic<br />

herb<br />

aquatic<br />

herb<br />

succulent<br />

succulent<br />

succulent<br />

high risk<br />

Hymenachne<br />

amplexicaulis<br />

English: hymenachne, trompetilla, West Indian marsh grass Poaceae grass high risk<br />

Hyparrhenia rufa English: jaragua grass, thatching grass Poaceae grass high risk<br />

Hypericum<br />

androsaemum<br />

English: amber, sweet amber, tutsan Clusiaceae shrub high risk<br />

Hypericum canariense English: Canary Islands St. Johnswort Clusiaceae shrub high risk<br />

Hypericum perforatum English: goatweed, Klamath weed, St. John's-wort Clusiaceae herb high risk<br />

Hypochoeris radicata English: hairy cat’s ear, gosmore Asteraceae herb<br />

Hyptis brevipes Lamiaceae herb<br />

Hyptis mutabilis English: tropical bushmint Lamiaceae herb<br />

Hyptis rhomboidea English: knobweed Lamiaceae herb<br />

Hyptis sidifolia Lamiaceae herb<br />

Hyptis suaveolens English: stinking Roger, wild spikenard, chan Lamiaceae herb high risk<br />

Ilex cassine English: daho<strong>on</strong>, daho<strong>on</strong> holly Aquifoliaceae<br />

shrub/<br />

tree<br />

evaluate*<br />

Ilex paraguariensis<br />

English: Brazilian tea, mate, Paraguay tea, Paraguayan tea,<br />

Aquifoliaceae<br />

yerba mate<br />

tree high risk<br />

Indig<str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g>era spicata English: creeping indigo Fabaceae herb evaluate*<br />

Indig<str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g>era suffruticosa English: indigo Fabaceae shrub high risk<br />

Inga spectabilis English: silky inga Fabaceae tree<br />

Ischaemum indicum English: batiki blue grass (Fiji) Poaceae grass<br />

Jasminum dicho<str<strong>on</strong>g>to</str<strong>on</strong>g>mum English: Gold Coast jasmine Oleaceae vine<br />

Jasminum fluminense English: Brazilian jasmine Oleaceae vine high risk<br />

Juglans neotropica English: Andean walnut, Ecuador walnut Juglandaceae tree<br />

Juncus acutus English: sharp rush, spiny rush Juncaceae rush high risk<br />

Justicia carnea English: pink plume-flower, pink jacobinia Acanthaceae shrub<br />

Kalanchoe beharensis Crassulaceae herb evaluate*<br />

Kalanchoe fedtschenkoi English: lavender scallops Crassulaceae herb<br />

Koelreuteria elegans English: Chinese rain tree, flame gold, golden rain tree Sapindaceae tree evaluate*<br />

Kunzea ericoides<br />

English: tree manuka, tree manuba, kanuka (New<br />

Zealand), burgan, white teatree<br />

Myrtaceae tree<br />

Kyllinga polyphylla English: Navua sedge Cyperaceae sedge<br />

Lablab purpureus<br />

English: hyacinth bean, lablab, b<strong>on</strong>avist, Egyptian kidney<br />

bean, dolichos<br />

Fabaceae vine evaluate*<br />

Laccospadix australasica Arecaceae tree evaluate*<br />

Lagarosiph<strong>on</strong> major<br />

English: African elodea, African oxygen weed,<br />

aquatic<br />

Hydrocharitaceae<br />

lagarosiph<strong>on</strong>, oxygen weed<br />

herb<br />

Lagurus ovatus English: hare's-tail, hare's-tail grass Poaceae grass high risk<br />

Lantana m<strong>on</strong>tevidensis<br />

English: creeping lantana, purple lantana, small lantana,<br />

trailing lantana weeping lantana<br />

Verbenaceae herb high risk<br />

Leersia hexandra English: cutgrass Poaceae grass<br />

Lemna spp. English: duckweed Lemnaceae<br />

aquatic<br />

herb<br />

Le<strong>on</strong>otis nepetifolia English: li<strong>on</strong>’s tail, li<strong>on</strong>’s ear, Christmas candlestick Lamiaceae herb high risk

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