Report to the Republic of Palau: 2008 update on Invasive Plant ...

Report to the Republic of Palau: 2008 update on Invasive Plant ... Report to the Republic of Palau: 2008 update on Invasive Plant ...


Table C. Critical species that should be subject ong>toong> inter-island quarantine Scientific Name Common name Present on: Sesbania grandiflora katurai, hummingbird tree, scarlet wisteria tree Koror, Malakal, Babeldaob Solanum ong>toong>rvum prickly solanum, devil’s fig Babeldaob louch beluu, blue rat’s tail, dark blue Koror, Malakal, , Babeldaob, Angaur, Kayangel, Stachytarpheta cayennensis snakeweed Peleliu, Ngidech, Urukthapel Syngonium angustatum arrowhead plant, goosefoot plant Koror, Malakal, Ngerkebesang, Babeldaob, Angaur, Peleliu Tephrosia candida white tephrosia Babeldaob Thunbergia grandiflora bung el etiu, blue trumpet vine, Bengal trumpet Koror, Babeldaob, Kayangel Timonius timon liberal Ngerkebesang, Angaur, Peleliu, Kayangel, Bkul a Chesemiich, Ngercheu (Carp Resort), Ngerchong, Ngchelobel, Ngeanges Turnera ulmifolia/subulata yellow alder, sage rose/white alder Koror, Malakal, Ngerkebesang, Babeldaob, Angaur, Peleliu Vitex parviflora small-leaved vitex Malakal (Toirechuil) Wedelia trilobata ngesil ra ngebard, Singapore daisy Koror, Malakal, Ngerkebesang, Babeldaob, Angaur, Peleliu Note: This table lists only ong>theong> most serious invasive plants ong>ofong> environmental concern. See Appendices 6 and 7 for complete lists ong>ofong> species not yet present on each island or island group. • Table D (beginning next page) shows ong>theong> most serious invasive plant species in ong>Palauong> and summarizes recommendations for ong>theong>ir management. In a number ong>ofong> cases, more detailed information and recommendations follow ong>theong> table. 36

Table D. Summary ong>ofong> major invasive species present in ong>Palauong> with recommendations for ong>theong>ir management Scientific Name Common Names (abridged) Family Comments and recommendations *† Acacia farnesiana Ellingong>toong>n curse, klu, sweet acacia Fabaceae Eradicate if still present. Adenanong>theong>ra pavonina telengtúngd, telentundalel, coral bean tree Fabaceae Assess extent and rate ong>ofong> spread, control as appropriate in sensitive and natural areas. Aeschynomene americana American joint vetch Fabaceae Map extent ong>ofong> infestation, determine if control or eradication is needed. *† † Allamanda cathartica allamanda, yellow trumpet vine Apocynaceae Discourage planting; remove when a problem. Alternanong>theong>ra brasiliana Brazilian joyweed, Joseph’s coat Amaranthaceae Alternanong>theong>ra ficoidea [=A. tenella] ‘Bettzickiana’ Discontinue planting; be alert ong>toong> escapes from cultivation; eradicate single plant on Ngercheu Island (Carp Resort) and oong>theong>r isolated plantings. sanguinarea Amaranthaceae Evaluate for invasiveness (request or conduct risk assessment). Antigonon lepong>toong>pus dilngau, chain ong>ofong> love Polygonaceae Arundo donax giant reed Poaceae Discourage furong>theong>r planting; map current distribution and work ong>toong> eradicate over time. Map infestations; limit burning and moniong>toong>r for spread after wildfires; control as needed in sensitive and natural areas. Asparagus densiflorus asparagus fern, sprengeri fern Liliaceae Eradicate this and oong>theong>r ornamental Asparagus species. Barleria lupulina hophead, Philippine violet Acanthaceae Eradicate if ong>ofong> limited extent. Bryophyllum pinnatum life plant Crassulaceae Control outside ong>ofong> cultivation. Bryophyllum delagoense chandelier plant Crassulaceae Control outside ong>ofong> cultivation. * Calamus sp. rattan, bangerenguis ra ngebard Arecaceae Map distribution; evaluate and possibly propose for eradication. Calaong>theong>a majestica [=C. Moniong>toong>r for possible spread and ong>toong> determine if control or eradication is no common name Marantaceae princeps] needed. Calotropis gigantea calotrope, crown flower, madar Ascelepiadaceae Moniong>toong>r for spread. † Calliandra calothyrsus powderpuff, red calliandra Fabaceae Discourage furong>theong>r planting; eradicate if ong>ofong> limited extent. † Calliandra surinamensis pink powder puff Fabaceae Discourage furong>theong>r planting; eradicate if ong>ofong> limited extent. Casuarina equisetifolia ngas, casuarina, ironwood, Australian pine Casuarinaceae Chloris virgata feaong>theong>r finger grass, feaong>theong>ry Rhodes grass Poaceae Chromolaena odorata ngesngesil, chromolaena, Siam weed Asteraceae Chrysopogon aciculatus iul, Mackie’s pest, lovegrass Poaceae Eradicate on Tobi and Helen’s Reef; exclude from Sonsorol and oong>theong>r islands ong>ofong> Sonsorol State; consider replacement with more suitable species on Rock Island beaches. Map extent ong>ofong> infestation and evaluate wheong>theong>r control or eradication is needed. Introduce new biological control agents if practical and maintain existing ones; extirpate on Ngidech Island and any oong>theong>r isolated areas in ong>theong> Rock Islands. Provide advice on control ong>toong> Sonsorol and Tobi; promptly eradicate if found on new islands. Cinnamomum verum ochod ra ngebard, cinnamon tree Lauraceae Eradicate if found and ong>ofong> limited extent. 37

Table C. Critical species that should be subject <str<strong>on</strong>g>to</str<strong>on</strong>g> inter-island quarantine<br />

Scientific Name Comm<strong>on</strong> name Present <strong>on</strong>:<br />

Sesbania grandiflora<br />

katurai, hummingbird tree, scarlet wisteria<br />

tree<br />

Koror, Malakal, Babeldaob<br />

Solanum <str<strong>on</strong>g>to</str<strong>on</strong>g>rvum prickly solanum, devil’s fig Babeldaob<br />

louch beluu, blue rat’s tail, dark blue Koror, Malakal, , Babeldaob, Angaur, Kayangel,<br />

Stachytarpheta cayennensis<br />

snakeweed<br />

Peleliu, Ngidech, Urukthapel<br />

Syng<strong>on</strong>ium angustatum arrowhead plant, goosefoot plant<br />

Koror, Malakal, Ngerkebesang, Babeldaob, Angaur,<br />

Peleliu<br />

Tephrosia candida white tephrosia Babeldaob<br />

Thunbergia grandiflora<br />

bung el etiu, blue trumpet vine, Bengal<br />

trumpet<br />

Koror, Babeldaob, Kayangel<br />

Tim<strong>on</strong>ius tim<strong>on</strong><br />

liberal<br />

Ngerkebesang, Angaur, Peleliu, Kayangel, Bkul a<br />

Chesemiich, Ngercheu (Carp Resort), Ngerch<strong>on</strong>g,<br />

Ngchelobel, Ngeanges<br />

Turnera ulmifolia/subulata yellow alder, sage rose/white alder<br />

Koror, Malakal, Ngerkebesang, Babeldaob, Angaur,<br />

Peleliu<br />

Vitex parviflora small-leaved vitex Malakal (Toirechuil)<br />

Wedelia trilobata<br />

ngesil ra ngebard, Singapore daisy<br />

Koror, Malakal, Ngerkebesang, Babeldaob, Angaur,<br />

Peleliu<br />

Note: This table lists <strong>on</strong>ly <str<strong>on</strong>g>the</str<strong>on</strong>g> most serious invasive plants <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> envir<strong>on</strong>mental c<strong>on</strong>cern. See Appendices 6<br />

and 7 for complete lists <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> species not yet present <strong>on</strong> each island or island group.<br />

• Table D (beginning next page) shows <str<strong>on</strong>g>the</str<strong>on</strong>g> most serious invasive plant species in <str<strong>on</strong>g>Palau</str<strong>on</strong>g> and<br />

summarizes recommendati<strong>on</strong>s for <str<strong>on</strong>g>the</str<strong>on</strong>g>ir management. In a number <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> cases, more detailed<br />

informati<strong>on</strong> and recommendati<strong>on</strong>s follow <str<strong>on</strong>g>the</str<strong>on</strong>g> table.<br />


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