Report to the Republic of Palau: 2008 update on Invasive Plant ...

Report to the Republic of Palau: 2008 update on Invasive Plant ... Report to the Republic of Palau: 2008 update on Invasive Plant ...


Table 4. Invasive species ong>ofong> environmental concern present on Kayangel Scientific Name Common Names (abridged) Family Habit Abelmoschus moschatus English: fautia, musk mallow, musk okra; ong>Palauong>an: gongul Malvaceae herb Acacia auriculiformis English: Papuan wattle, earleaf acacia, norong>theong>rn black wattle, ear-pod wattle Fabaceae tree Asystasia gangetica subsp. gangetica English: Chinese violet, Philippine violet, coromandel Acanthaceae herb Axonopus compressus English: blanket grass, carpetgrass Poaceae grass English: kapok tree, silk-cotong>toong>n tree, pacae; ong>Palauong>an: kalngebárd, *Ceiba pentandra kalngebard, kerrekar ngebard Bombacaceae tree Cenchrus echinatus English: burgrass, sand-bur, souong>theong>rn sandbur, Mossman River grass (Australia) Poaceae grass Clerodendrum buchananii var. fallax Clerodendrum quadriloculare Dactyloctenium aegyptium Digitaria ciliaris Eleusine indica English: red clerodendrum, pagoda-flower; ong>Palauong>an: but a cherechar, butcherechár, butecherechar Lamiaceae shrub English: bronze-leaved clerodendrum; ong>Palauong>an: kleuang Lamiaceae shrub English: beach wiregrass, butong>toong>n grass, coast butong>toong>n grass, comb fringe grass, crowfoot grass, duck grass, finger comb grass English: Henry's crabgrass, smooth crabgrass, tropical crab grass, large crab grass, souong>theong>rn crabgrass, fingergrass, summer grass English: goosegrass, wiregrass, goose foot, crow's foot, bullgrass; ong>Palauong>an: deskim, kelelamalk, keteketarmalk Poaceae Poaceae Poaceae Erigeron bellioides English: bellorita, fleabane daisy Asteraceae herb Muntingia calabura English: jam tree, strawberry tree, Jamaican cherry, Singapore cherry, Panama cherry, Panama berry, ornamental cherry, calabura, sirsen; ong>Palauong>an: budo Tiliaceae tree Paspalum conjugatum English: T grass, ti grass, sour grass; sour palpalum, buffalo grass, carabao grass, Hilo grass (Hawai'i); ong>Palauong>an: udel ra ngebel Poaceae grass Pilea microphylla English: artillery plant, gunpowder plant, pisong>toong>l plant, rockweed Urticaceae herb *Pseuderanong>theong>mum carruong>theong>rsii English: false eranong>theong>mum Acanthaceae shrub *Samanea saman English: monkeypod, rain tree, saman Fabaceae tree *Tecoma stans English: yellow bells, yellow-elder, yellow trumpetbush Bignoniaceae small tree *Thevetia peruviana English: yellow oleander, be-still tree, lucky nut Apocynaceae small tree English: Bengal trumpet, blue trumpet vine, clock vine, skyvine, largeflowerd thunbergia; ong>Palauong>an: bung el *Thunbergia grandiflora Acanthaceae vine etiu *Timonius timon English: liberal (ong>Palauong>) Rubiaceae tree *Tradescantia English: oyster plant, boat plant, boat lily, moses in a boat; ong>Palauong>an: spathacea kobesos Commelinaceae herb Tradescantia zebrina English: wandering zebrina, wandering jew, inchplant Commelinaceae herb Turnera ulmifolia English: yellow alder, sage rose, West Indian holly, ramgoat dashalong Turneraceae shrub *Cultivated grass grass grass 114

Table 5. Invasive species ong>ofong> environmental concern present on Peleliu Scientific Name Common Names (abridged) Family Habit †Abelmoschus moschatus *Acacia auriculiformis English: fautia, musk mallow, musk okra; ong>Palauong>an: gongul Malvaceae herb English: Papuan wattle, earleaf acacia, norong>theong>rn black wattle, ear-pod wattle Fabaceae *Agave sp. English: American aloe, century plant Agavaceae succulent Axonopus compressus English: blanket grass, carpetgrass Poaceae grass +Bacopa procumbens Scrophulariaceae herb *Barleria lupulina English: hophead, Philippine violet Acanthaceae shrub Bothriochloa bladhii English: plains bluegrass, Australian bluestem, Caucasian bluestem; Palaluan: desum Poaceae grass English: life plant, air plant, resurrection plant, Canterbury bells, †Bryophyllum pinnatum caong>theong>dral bells, Mexican love plant Crassulaceae succulent *Calotropis gigantea English: calotrope, crown flower, madar Ascelepiadaceae shrub †Cenchrus brownii English: burgrass, burr grass, sand-bur, slimbristle sandbur Poaceae grass Cenchrus echinatus English: burgrass, sand-bur, souong>theong>rn sandbur, Mossman River grass (Australia) Poaceae grass Chloris barbata English: swollen fingergrass Poaceae grass Chromolaena odorata English: chromolaena; ong>Palauong>an: kesengesil, ngesngesil Asteraceae shrub Clerodendrum English: red clerodendrum, pagoda-flower; ong>Palauong>an: but a cherechar, Lamiaceae buchananii var. fallax butcherechár, butecherechar shrub Clerodendrum paniculatum Clerodendrum quadriloculare English: pagoda plant, pagoda flower; ong>Palauong>an: butcherechár, butecherechar Lamiaceae tree shrub English: bronze-leaved clerodendrum; ong>Palauong>an: kleuang Lamiaceae shrub *Crotalaria retusa English: devil-bean, wedge-leaf crotalaria, wedge-leaf rattlepod Fabaceae herb Cynodon dactylon English: Bermuda grass, giant Bermuda grass, bahama grass, devil's grass, couch grass, Indian doab, grama, devilgrass, couchgrass, Poaceae grass balama grass Cyperus rotundus English: nut grass, nutsedge, purple nutsedge, cocograss; ong>Palauong>an tamanengi Cyperaceae sedge Dactyloctenium aegyptium *Datura metel English: beach wiregrass, butong>toong>n grass, coast butong>toong>n grass, comb fringe grass, crowfoot grass, duck grass, finger comb grass English: datura, downy thorn-apple, Hindu datura, hoary thorn-apple, jimson-weed Poaceae Solanaceae Dentella repens English: dentella Rubiaceae herb *Dieffenbachia seguine English: dieffenbachia, dumb cane Araceae herb English: Henry's crabgrass, smooth crabgrass, tropical crab grass, Digitaria ciliaris Poaceae grass large crab grass, souong>theong>rn crabgrass, fingergrass, summer grass *Duranta erecta English: duranta, golden dewdrop, pigeon-berry, sky-flower Verbenaceae shrub Eleusine indica English: goosegrass, wiregrass, goose foot, crow's foot, bullgrass; ong>Palauong>an: deskim, kelelamalk, keteketarmalk Poaceae grass Erigeron bellioides English: bellorita, fleabane daisy Asteraceae herb *Hamelia patens English: redhead, scarletbush Rubiaceae herb Imperata conferta English: plume grass Poaceae grass English: aquatic morning glory, swamp cabbage, water spinach, ungchoi, kang kong; ong>Palauong>an: kangkum, kangum, kankum †Ipomoea aquatica Convolvulaceae aquatic herb Ipomoea triloba English: Aiea morning-glory, little bell; ong>Palauong>an: orech, ong>toong>rech Convolvulaceae vine Lantana camara English: lantana Verbenaceae shrub English: leucaena, wild tamarind, lead tree; ong>Palauong>an: telengtungd, Leucaena leucocephala telentund Fabaceae tree Mikania micrantha English: mile-a-minute weed, Chinese creeper, American rope, bittervine; ong>Palauong>an: teb el yas Asteraceae vine Muntingia calabura English: jam tree, strawberry tree, Jamaican cherry, Singapore cherry, Panama cherry, Panama berry, ornamental cherry, calabura, sirsen; ong>Palauong>an: budo Tiliaceae grass herb tree 115

Table 5. <strong>Invasive</strong> species <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> envir<strong>on</strong>mental c<strong>on</strong>cern present <strong>on</strong> Peleliu<br />

Scientific Name Comm<strong>on</strong> Names (abridged) Family Habit<br />

†Abelmoschus<br />

moschatus<br />

*Acacia auriculiformis<br />

English: fautia, musk mallow, musk okra; <str<strong>on</strong>g>Palau</str<strong>on</strong>g>an: g<strong>on</strong>gul Malvaceae herb<br />

English: Papuan wattle, earleaf acacia, nor<str<strong>on</strong>g>the</str<strong>on</strong>g>rn black wattle, ear-pod<br />

wattle<br />

Fabaceae<br />

*Agave sp. English: American aloe, century plant Agavaceae succulent<br />

Ax<strong>on</strong>opus compressus English: blanket grass, carpetgrass Poaceae grass<br />

+Bacopa procumbens<br />

Scrophulariaceae herb<br />

*Barleria lupulina English: hophead, Philippine violet Acanthaceae shrub<br />

Bothriochloa bladhii<br />

English: plains bluegrass, Australian bluestem, Caucasian bluestem;<br />

Palaluan: desum<br />

Poaceae grass<br />

English: life plant, air plant, resurrecti<strong>on</strong> plant, Canterbury bells,<br />

†Bryophyllum pinnatum<br />

ca<str<strong>on</strong>g>the</str<strong>on</strong>g>dral bells, Mexican love plant<br />

Crassulaceae succulent<br />

*Calotropis gigantea English: calotrope, crown flower, madar Ascelepiadaceae shrub<br />

†Cenchrus brownii English: burgrass, burr grass, sand-bur, slimbristle sandbur Poaceae grass<br />

Cenchrus echinatus<br />

English: burgrass, sand-bur, sou<str<strong>on</strong>g>the</str<strong>on</strong>g>rn sandbur, Mossman River grass<br />

(Australia)<br />

Poaceae grass<br />

Chloris barbata English: swollen fingergrass Poaceae grass<br />

Chromolaena odorata English: chromolaena; <str<strong>on</strong>g>Palau</str<strong>on</strong>g>an: kesengesil, ngesngesil Asteraceae shrub<br />

Clerodendrum<br />

English: red clerodendrum, pagoda-flower; <str<strong>on</strong>g>Palau</str<strong>on</strong>g>an: but a cherechar,<br />

Lamiaceae<br />

buchananii var. fallax butcherechár, butecherechar<br />

shrub<br />

Clerodendrum<br />

paniculatum<br />

Clerodendrum<br />

quadriloculare<br />

English: pagoda plant, pagoda flower; <str<strong>on</strong>g>Palau</str<strong>on</strong>g>an: butcherechár,<br />

butecherechar<br />

Lamiaceae<br />

tree<br />

shrub<br />

English: br<strong>on</strong>ze-leaved clerodendrum; <str<strong>on</strong>g>Palau</str<strong>on</strong>g>an: kleuang Lamiaceae shrub<br />

*Crotalaria retusa English: devil-bean, wedge-leaf crotalaria, wedge-leaf rattlepod Fabaceae herb<br />

Cynod<strong>on</strong> dactyl<strong>on</strong><br />

English: Bermuda grass, giant Bermuda grass, bahama grass, devil's<br />

grass, couch grass, Indian doab, grama, devilgrass, couchgrass, Poaceae grass<br />

balama grass<br />

Cyperus rotundus<br />

English: nut grass, nutsedge, purple nutsedge, cocograss; <str<strong>on</strong>g>Palau</str<strong>on</strong>g>an<br />

tamanengi<br />

Cyperaceae sedge<br />

Dactyloctenium<br />

aegyptium<br />

*Datura metel<br />

English: beach wiregrass, but<str<strong>on</strong>g>to</str<strong>on</strong>g>n grass, coast but<str<strong>on</strong>g>to</str<strong>on</strong>g>n grass, comb fringe<br />

grass, crowfoot grass, duck grass, finger comb grass<br />

English: datura, downy thorn-apple, Hindu datura, hoary thorn-apple,<br />

jims<strong>on</strong>-weed<br />

Poaceae<br />

Solanaceae<br />

Dentella repens English: dentella Rubiaceae herb<br />

*Dieffenbachia seguine English: dieffenbachia, dumb cane Araceae herb<br />

English: Henry's crabgrass, smooth crabgrass, tropical crab grass,<br />

Digitaria ciliaris<br />

Poaceae grass<br />

large crab grass, sou<str<strong>on</strong>g>the</str<strong>on</strong>g>rn crabgrass, fingergrass, summer grass<br />

*Duranta erecta English: duranta, golden dewdrop, pige<strong>on</strong>-berry, sky-flower Verbenaceae shrub<br />

Eleusine indica<br />

English: goosegrass, wiregrass, goose foot, crow's foot, bullgrass;<br />

<str<strong>on</strong>g>Palau</str<strong>on</strong>g>an: deskim, kelelamalk, keteketarmalk<br />

Poaceae grass<br />

Eriger<strong>on</strong> bellioides English: bellorita, fleabane daisy Asteraceae herb<br />

*Hamelia patens English: redhead, scarletbush Rubiaceae herb<br />

Imperata c<strong>on</strong>ferta English: plume grass Poaceae grass<br />

English: aquatic morning glory, swamp cabbage, water spinach, ungchoi,<br />

kang k<strong>on</strong>g; <str<strong>on</strong>g>Palau</str<strong>on</strong>g>an: kangkum, kangum, kankum<br />

†Ipomoea aquatica<br />

C<strong>on</strong>volvulaceae aquatic herb<br />

Ipomoea triloba English: Aiea morning-glory, little bell; <str<strong>on</strong>g>Palau</str<strong>on</strong>g>an: orech, <str<strong>on</strong>g>to</str<strong>on</strong>g>rech C<strong>on</strong>volvulaceae vine<br />

Lantana camara English: lantana Verbenaceae shrub<br />

English: leucaena, wild tamarind, lead tree; <str<strong>on</strong>g>Palau</str<strong>on</strong>g>an: telengtungd,<br />

Leucaena leucocephala<br />

telentund<br />

Fabaceae tree<br />

Mikania micrantha<br />

English: mile-a-minute weed, Chinese creeper, American rope,<br />

bittervine; <str<strong>on</strong>g>Palau</str<strong>on</strong>g>an: teb el yas<br />

Asteraceae vine<br />

Muntingia calabura<br />

English: jam tree, strawberry tree, Jamaican cherry, Singapore cherry,<br />

Panama cherry, Panama berry, ornamental cherry, calabura, sirsen;<br />

<str<strong>on</strong>g>Palau</str<strong>on</strong>g>an: budo<br />

Tiliaceae<br />

grass<br />

herb<br />

tree<br />


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