Comprehensive Annual Financial Report - Harford County Public ...

Comprehensive Annual Financial Report - Harford County Public ... Comprehensive Annual Financial Report - Harford County Public ...


Harford County Public Schools RECONCILIATION OF THE GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS BALANCE SHEET TO THE STATEMENT OF NET ASSETS JUNE 30, 2012 Total fund balances - governmental funds (Exhibit 3) $ 37,630,657 Amounts reported for governmental activities in the statement of net assets are different because: Capital assets used in governmental activities are not financial resources and therefore are not reported as assets in governmental funds. The cost of these 578,887,101 assets is $728,061,426 and the accumulated depreciation is $149,174,325. Long-term liabilities are not due and payable from current resources and therefore are not reported as liabilities in the funds. Long-term liabilities at year end consist of compensated absences payable ($26,472,244), an obligation under capital lease ($10,016,647) and net OPEB obligation ($127,410,929). (163,899,820) Total net assets - governmental activities (Exhibit 1) $ 452,617,938 33

Harford County Public Schools Exhibit 5 STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS FOR THE EAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2012 Food Capital Total General Services Projects Governmental Fund Fund Fund Funds Revenues Intergovernmental revenues Local sources $ 217,782,344 $ 189,811 $ 12,068,710 $ 230,040,865 State sources 235,345,597 331,667 15,605,906 251,283,170 Special state and federal programs 28,816,945 - - 28,816,945 Federal sources 1,345,207 7,139,500 - 8,484,707 Earnings on investments 32,894 - - 32,894 Charges for services - 7,858,551 - 7,858,551 Miscellaneous revenues 9,069,657 158,884 708,578 9,937,119 Total revenues 492,392,644 15,678,413 28,383,194 536,454,251 Expenditures Current Administrative services 10,775,663 - - 10,775,663 Mid-level administrative services 24,958,804 - - 24,958,804 Instructional salaries 165,117,796 - - 165,117,796 Instructional textbooks and supplies 8,067,047 - - 8,067,047 Other instructional costs 2,839,519 - - 2,839,519 Special education 40,321,768 - - 40,321,768 Student personnel services 1,614,538 - - 1,614,538 Health services 3,292,312 - - 3,292,312 Pupil transportation services 30,917,343 - - 30,917,343 Operation of plant 28,973,599 - - 28,973,599 Maintenance of plant and equipment 12,606,571 - - 12,606,571 Fixed charges 133,890,608 - - 133,890,608 Community services 373,088 - - 373,088 Special state and federal programs 28,816,945 - - 28,816,945 Costs of operation - food services - 15,274,723 - 15,274,723 Capital outlay 327,415 - 26,758,294 27,085,709 Total expenditures 492,893,016 15,274,723 26,758,294 534,926,033 Excess (deficit) of revenues over expenditures (500,372) 403,690 1,624,900 1,528,218 Other financing sources (uses): Payments to refunded capital lease (9,838,608) (9,838,608) Refunded capital lease issued 10,016,647 - - 10,016,647 Net change in fund balances (322,333) 403,690 1,624,900 1,706,257 Fund balances - beginning of year 26,118,820 2,408,567 7,454,370 35,981,757 Decrease in nonspendable fund balance - (57,357) - (57,357) Fund balances - end of year $ 25,796,487 $ 2,754,900 $ 9,079,270 $ 37,630,657 The accompanying notes are an integral part of this financial statement. 34

<strong>Harford</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Public</strong> Schools<br />



JUNE 30, 2012<br />

Total fund balances - governmental funds (Exhibit 3) $ 37,630,657<br />

Amounts reported for governmental activities in the statement of net assets are<br />

different because:<br />

Capital assets used in governmental activities are not financial resources and<br />

therefore are not reported as assets in governmental funds. The cost of these 578,887,101<br />

assets is $728,061,426 and the accumulated depreciation is $149,174,325.<br />

Long-term liabilities are not due and payable from current resources and therefore<br />

are not reported as liabilities in the funds. Long-term liabilities at year end consist<br />

of compensated absences payable ($26,472,244), an obligation under capital<br />

lease ($10,016,647) and net OPEB obligation ($127,410,929). (163,899,820)<br />

Total net assets - governmental activities (Exhibit 1) $ 452,617,938<br />


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