Parent Handbook - Harford County Public Schools

Parent Handbook - Harford County Public Schools Parent Handbook - Harford County Public Schools


Registering Your Child For School Children moving into the community during the school year should register as soon as possible. Application for prekindergarten and kindergarten registration for students takes place on the first Friday in May. Other elementary students and secondary students can be registered at any time which is convenient to the school and the parents/guardians. Parents/guardians are asked to call the school to arrange for appointments for registering their children. It is hoped that this registration will occur as early as possible during the summer. All students should be enrolled at the school that they will attend. Parents/guardians who are unable to apply for prekindergarten or register kindergarten children at the scheduled time in May should call the school for an appointment. At the time of registration, parents/guardians are required to present the child’s birth certificate, immunization record, and proof of residency. In addition, a copy of a current income tax return is required with all prekindergarten applications. All students must meet State immunization requirements before they may be admitted to school. A record of a physical examination is required for students who are entering a Maryland public school for the first time - no longer than nine months prior to entering or within six months after entering. Students entering prekindergarten, kindergarten, and first grade must provide a lead testing certificate. Students living in designated zip codes must provide evidence of blood lead testing. Immunization Compliance Criteria For Maryland Schools The State of Maryland has established immunization requirements for all students entering or enrolled in Maryland schools for the 2011-2012 school year. Requirements to achieve complete immunization status include the following: • Diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis (whooping cough), (DTaP, DTP) – 4 doses vaccine for all students entering PreK-12th grade. If DT is given in place of DTP or DTaP, a physician documented medical contraindication if required. • Polio vaccine - three (3) doses for all students less than 18 years of age or proof of immunity by positive blood test. • Measles - two (2) doses of measles vaccine received on or after student’s first birthday, or proof of immunity by positive blood test for students entering K-12th grade. Preschool students under 60 months of age require one dose of measles; preschool students 60 months of age or older require two (2) doses of measles vaccine. • One (1) dose of rubella vaccine on or after the student’s first birthday, or proof of immunity by a positive blood test for students entering K-12th grade. Preschool students 60 months or older require two (2) doses of rubella vaccine. • One (1) dose of mumps vaccine on or after the student’s first birthday or proof of immunity through a positive blood test for students entering K-12th grade. Preschool students 60 months of age or older require two (2) doses of mumps vaccine. • Varicella: one (1) dose required for students under 13 years of age administered on or after student’s first birthday; or two (2) doses required for previously unvaccinated students 13 years of age and older. History of chicken pox documented by a health care provider including month and year of disease or a positive blood test will be accepted as proof in lieu of vaccination. • Hepatitis B vaccine - three (3) doses or a positive blood test for students entering PreK—12th grade. Students enrolled in preschool programs must also: • Have received one (1) dose of Pneumococcal vaccine (PCV7, PCV 13, Prevnar) if they are under 60 months of age. • Have received Haemophilus influenza- type b vaccine (Hib) if they are under 60 months of age. At least one (1) dose of Hib must be administered on or after the first birthday. (Upon record review a vaccine dose given less than or equal to four (4) days before the minimum interval or age may be counted as valid.) Official documentation is recorded on the Maryland Immunization Certificate, DHMH 896. This form is available from the schools. If you have documentation from another source, please consult with the school nurse. Proof of Residency The following are the types of acceptable documentation: • settlement papers • rental lease agreement • utility bill *All documents must be dated within three (3) months of registration. Examples of documents that are unacceptable as proof of residency: • driver’s license • property tax bill In instances where the owner/leasee of the home in which the student lives is not the parent/guardian of the student, the owner/leasee of the home will provide a signed, notarized affidavit verifying that the student and student’s parent/guardian reside at that address. Reporting Student Progress Pupil progress is formally reported to parents in November, February, April, and June (at the end of the school year). In addition, teachers communicate with parents informally by means of conferences, letters, and telephone calls. The Edline online system is used to communicate progress of secondary students through the use of an assigned PIN number. No report card is issued in November to elementary school children. Instead, a conference is scheduled for parents and teachers so that they may discuss each child’s rate of progress, expected standards for learning and discipline, school curriculum, and school goals. Elementary school students receive report cards in February, April, and June. Students in grades six through 12 receive report cards at the end of each of the four marking periods. Students in prekindergarten, kindergarten, and grades one and two receive a non-graded report card. In grades three, four and five, letter grades are used to indicate the level of student progress in integrated language arts, social studies, science, and mathematics. Handwriting, art, music, media, and physical education, as well as 17 habits and attitudes listed on the report card, are marked S (satisfactory) or N (needs improvement). Progress at the secondary level is recorded by means of the letter grades A, B, C, D, or E. 18

Rights And Responsibilities Of Students Use Of School Facilities The Board of Education of Harford County encourages the use of Harford County Public Schools (HCPS) facilities by the school community in accordance with Section 7-108 of the Education Article of the Maryland Annotated Code and the HCPS Use of Public School Facilities Procedure. Students and parents who are part of a school-affiliated group may be allowed to use HCPS facilities for any curricular or co-curricular program or activity that is directly affiliated with the programs of the school system and under the supervision of a particular school within HCPS. School-affiliated groups may be allowed to use HCPS facilities to sponsor programs or activities that are directly affiliated with the school’s educational program and sponsored by the Parent- Teacher-Student Association, the Harford County Council of PTSA (HCPTA), and officially recognized employee organizations. Requests for school-sponsored activities must be submitted and processed, and once approved must be conducted, in accordance with Board policy and the HCPS Use of Facilities Procedure. Local schools must document the intended use by the school-affiliated group by completing the Use of Facilities Form B. The Use of Facilities Form B must be forwarded to the Office of Operations prior to the scheduled program or activity. Any group that intends to use an HCPS facility for a non-school related program or activity that is not school sponsored or school affiliated must be granted approval for the intended use by completing and submitting, to the school administration, a Use of Facilities Form A. All facility use by groups, both affiliated or non-affiliated with HCPS, must adhere to HCPS policy, procedure, rules, and regulations as they relate to approval for use, responsibilities during use, requirements and conditions of use, safety and security requirements, as well as care and condition of facility requirements. The HCPS Use of Facilities Procedures can be found on the HCPS website, Religion • Students have the right to practice their own religious beliefs provided they neither violate the rights of others nor disrupt or interfere with school operations. • Students have the right to study, examine, discuss, and analyze religious ideas and institutions just as they might study any other subject. • Schools shall neither conduct religious exercises nor encourage or support any religious beliefs or practices. Patriotic Exercises Schools are to encourage the devotion to their flag and their country by displaying and properly caring for the American flag on the school site and in each classroom. Students shall have the right to participate in or observe patriotic exercises in their schools. They shall not, however, be required to take part in such exercises nor may they interrupt the participation of other students in such exercises. Students shall not be penalized in any way for exercising such rights. *Students have a variety of other rights that are outlined by school board and additional policies can be found on our website. Dress Code Students have the responsibility to choose their attire and to arrange their personal appearance in a manner that is safe, healthy, inoffensive, and not disruptive to the educational process. The student dress code is intended to create and preserve a positive climate for teaching and learning, reduce the possibility of discipline problems, and preserve school order and safety. The intention of the policy is to seek compliance from students and to avoid disciplinary action unless there are repeated offenses or serious aggravating circumstances. Students’ style of dress or grooming must meet the reasonable requirements of a course or activity. Accordingly, students are prohibited from wearing clothing, headwear, jewelry, tattoos, sunglasses, bookbags, or other articles of personal appearance that: • Depict profanity, obscenity, the use of weapons, or violence. • Promote the use of tobacco, drugs, alcohol, or other illegal or harmful products. • Contain sexually suggestive messages. • Unduly expose or reveal skin or undergarments such as tank tops*, tube tops, haltertops, mesh tops, bare midriff tops, spaghetti straps, pants worn below the hips, short-shorts, miniskirts, or bedtime attire. • Contain language or symbols that offend or demean an identifiable person or group or otherwise infringe on the rights of others in violation of the Board harassment or discrimination policies. • Cause, or is likely to cause, a substantial or material disruption to school activities or the orderly operation of the school, including but not limited to swastikas and gang-related attire. • Contain profane, disrespectful, or discourteous expressions inconsistent with civil discourse and behavior. • Endanger health or safety. *A tank top is a sleeveless garment with wide shoulder straps that dips well below the neckline. The top is typically “U” or “V” shaped, exposing a broad area of the shoulder, upper chest, and neck. Tank top straps are typically two to four inches wide. Tank tops, especially those with thinner straps, do not sufficiently conceal components of the undergarments and or body parts. Exceptions under this policy shall be given consideration in the following instances: • When a reasonable accommodation is made if a student wears an article of dress or other item which is a lawful exercise of his/her right to freedom of expression or freedom of religion. • When a reasonable accommodation is necessary due to a documented medical or health reason, but only as authorized by the school principal. • When an authorized activity, such as athletics or band, requires different attire, but only upon the direction of the coach or faculty sponsor of the activity. Special Provisions and Restrictions The following examples are provided for guidance in implementing the policy and are not intended to list every possible violation or circumstance. Physical Education • Proper physical education apparel and shoes are to be worn. For secondary students, the appropriate school physical education uniform should be worn. • The following jewelry items will not be worn in physical education classes: earrings, bracelets, rings, and necklaces. • Pierced ear studs are permitted to be worn by elementary students only. • Jewelry which needs to be removed for physical education class shall be the responsibility of the student. Clothing • Clothing worn in such a manner so as to reveal undergarments or bare skin between the upper chest and mid-thigh is not permitted. • Skirts, dresses, and shorts must be no shorter than the student’s longest fingertip when the student’s hands are held at his/her side. • Pants shall be secured at the waist; must not touch or drag on the ground; must not reveal undergarments or bare skin while sitting or 19

Rights And Responsibilities Of Students<br />

Use Of School Facilities<br />

The Board of Education of <strong>Harford</strong> <strong>County</strong> encourages the use of <strong>Harford</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Public</strong> <strong>Schools</strong> (HCPS) facilities by the school<br />

community in accordance with Section 7-108 of the Education Article of the Maryland Annotated Code and the HCPS Use of<br />

<strong>Public</strong> School Facilities Procedure. Students and parents who are part of a school-affiliated group may be allowed to use HCPS<br />

facilities for any curricular or co-curricular program or activity that is directly affiliated with the programs of the school system<br />

and under the supervision of a particular school within HCPS. School-affiliated groups may be allowed to use HCPS facilities<br />

to sponsor programs or activities that are directly affiliated with the school’s educational program and sponsored by the <strong>Parent</strong>-<br />

Teacher-Student Association, the <strong>Harford</strong> <strong>County</strong> Council of PTSA (HCPTA), and officially recognized employee organizations.<br />

Requests for school-sponsored activities must be submitted and processed, and once approved must be conducted, in<br />

accordance with Board policy and the HCPS Use of Facilities Procedure. Local schools must document the intended use by the<br />

school-affiliated group by completing the Use of Facilities Form B. The Use of Facilities Form B must be forwarded to the Office of<br />

Operations prior to the scheduled program or activity.<br />

Any group that intends to use an HCPS facility for a non-school related program or activity that is not school sponsored or school<br />

affiliated must be granted approval for the intended use by completing and submitting, to the school administration, a Use of<br />

Facilities Form A.<br />

All facility use by groups, both affiliated or non-affiliated with HCPS, must adhere to HCPS policy, procedure, rules, and<br />

regulations as they relate to approval for use, responsibilities during use, requirements and conditions of use, safety and security<br />

requirements, as well as care and condition of facility requirements. The HCPS Use of Facilities Procedures can be found on the<br />

HCPS website,<br />

Religion<br />

• Students have the right to practice their own religious beliefs provided they neither violate the rights of others nor disrupt or<br />

interfere with school operations.<br />

• Students have the right to study, examine, discuss, and analyze religious ideas and institutions just as they might study any<br />

other subject.<br />

• <strong>Schools</strong> shall neither conduct religious exercises nor encourage or support any religious beliefs or practices.<br />

Patriotic Exercises<br />

<strong>Schools</strong> are to encourage the devotion to their flag and their country by displaying and properly caring for the American flag on the<br />

school site and in each classroom.<br />

Students shall have the right to participate in or observe patriotic exercises in their schools. They shall not, however, be required<br />

to take part in such exercises nor may they interrupt the participation of other students in such exercises. Students shall not be<br />

penalized in any way for exercising such rights.<br />

*Students have a variety of other rights that are outlined by school board and additional policies can be found on our website.<br />

Dress Code<br />

Students have the responsibility to choose their attire and to arrange their personal appearance in a manner that is safe, healthy,<br />

inoffensive, and not disruptive to the educational process. The student dress code is intended to create and preserve a positive<br />

climate for teaching and learning, reduce the possibility of discipline problems, and preserve school order and safety. The intention<br />

of the policy is to seek compliance from students and to avoid disciplinary action unless there are repeated offenses or serious<br />

aggravating circumstances. Students’ style of dress or grooming must meet the reasonable requirements of a course or activity.<br />

Accordingly, students are prohibited from wearing clothing, headwear, jewelry, tattoos, sunglasses, bookbags, or other articles of<br />

personal appearance that:<br />

• Depict profanity, obscenity, the use of weapons, or violence.<br />

• Promote the use of tobacco, drugs, alcohol, or other illegal or harmful products.<br />

• Contain sexually suggestive messages.<br />

• Unduly expose or reveal skin or undergarments such as tank tops*, tube tops, haltertops, mesh tops, bare midriff tops,<br />

spaghetti straps, pants worn below the hips, short-shorts, miniskirts, or<br />

bedtime attire.<br />

• Contain language or symbols that offend or demean an identifiable<br />

person or group or otherwise infringe on the rights of others in violation<br />

of the Board harassment or discrimination policies.<br />

• Cause, or is likely to cause, a substantial or material disruption to<br />

school activities or the orderly operation of the school, including but not<br />

limited to swastikas and gang-related attire.<br />

• Contain profane, disrespectful, or discourteous expressions<br />

inconsistent with civil discourse and behavior.<br />

• Endanger health or safety.<br />

*A tank top is a sleeveless garment with wide shoulder straps that dips well<br />

below the neckline. The top is typically “U” or “V” shaped, exposing a broad<br />

area of the shoulder, upper chest, and neck. Tank top straps are typically two<br />

to four inches wide. Tank tops, especially those with thinner straps, do not<br />

sufficiently conceal components of the undergarments and or body parts.<br />

Exceptions under this policy shall be given consideration in the following<br />

instances:<br />

• When a reasonable accommodation is made if a student wears an<br />

article of dress or other item which is a lawful exercise of his/her<br />

right to freedom of expression or freedom of religion.<br />

• When a reasonable accommodation is necessary due to a<br />

documented medical or health reason, but only as authorized by<br />

the school principal.<br />

• When an authorized activity, such as athletics or band, requires<br />

different attire, but only upon the direction of the coach or faculty<br />

sponsor of the activity.<br />

Special Provisions and Restrictions<br />

The following examples are provided for guidance in implementing the policy<br />

and are not intended to list every possible violation or circumstance.<br />

Physical Education<br />

• Proper physical education apparel and shoes are to be worn. For<br />

secondary students, the appropriate school physical education uniform<br />

should be worn.<br />

• The following jewelry items will not be worn in physical education<br />

classes: earrings, bracelets, rings, and necklaces.<br />

• Pierced ear studs are permitted to be worn by elementary students only.<br />

• Jewelry which needs to be removed for physical education class shall<br />

be the responsibility of the student.<br />

Clothing<br />

• Clothing worn in such a manner so as to reveal undergarments or bare<br />

skin between the upper chest and mid-thigh is not permitted.<br />

• Skirts, dresses, and shorts must be no shorter than the student’s longest<br />

fingertip when the student’s hands are held at his/her side.<br />

• Pants shall be secured at the waist; must not touch or drag on the<br />

ground; must not reveal undergarments or bare skin while sitting or<br />


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