Parent Handbook - Harford County Public Schools

Parent Handbook - Harford County Public Schools Parent Handbook - Harford County Public Schools


severity of the behavior and other factors related to the student’s school record. In addition, the appropriate police agency will be notified promptly. 8. When a student is determined to be in violation of these drug and alcohol policies, parent(s)/guardian(s) and the student will be provided with information regarding available resources in the community and encouraged to seek appropriate evaluation and treatment for the student. Use Of Tobacco Products Definitions A. Tobacco means products derived in the tobacco plant that are smoked, chewed, sniffed or otherwise consumed. B. School property means any building or land owned or leased by Harford County Public Schools/Board of Education. C. School day means 12:00 a.m. to 11:59 p.m. of each day of the calendar year. Use of tobacco products in Harford County Public Schools’ buildings, property, or school buses (including leased vehicles) is prohibited 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Visit for the entire procedure. With respect to students who violate this rule, the following disciplinary procedure shall be followed. 1st offense 2nd offense 3rd offense a. The school administrator will schedule a required conference with the parent/ guardian during which the student, parent and administrator will discuss the violation. b. The student shall receive a one-day suspension. c. The student shall attend a one-session, (one-hour) tobacco education awareness program offered or approved by the Harford County Health Department. d. The student shall provide appropriate documentation of completion of the tobacco education program. e. Failure to attend or successfully complete the tobacco education program shall result in the student receiving an additional four-day suspension. a. The school administrator will schedule a required conference with the parent/ guardian during which the student, parent and administrator will discuss the violation. b. The student shall receive a five-day suspension. c. The student shall attend a three-session (six-hour) tobacco education awareness program offered or approved by the Harford County Health Department. d. The student shall provide appropriate documentation of completion of the tobacco education program. e. Failure to attend or successfully complete the tobacco education program shall result in the student receiving an additional five-day suspension. a. The student shall receive a ten-day suspension from school and a referral to the Superintendent of Schools for further disciplinary action. The Superintendent of Schools shall, thereafter, determine the extent of any additional suspension at his/her discretion. Meanings Of Key Words And Phrases In Policy Controlled Dangerous Substance - Controlled dangerous substances include, but are not limited to, the substances listed in Title 5 of the Criminal Law Article. In addition, substances, and this includes medicine not registered with the school nurse, which are intended, implied, or are thought to produce the same or similar effects as substances listed in the Code are also regarded as controlled dangerous substances. Medicine - Any preparation used in treating disease or illness. This includes prescription and over-thecounter drugs. Inhalant or Other Intoxicant - Any compound or substance (such as glue and solvents) which may cause a loss of self-control or inebriation. Under the Influence - A principal may suspect or determine, depending on the evidence, that a student is under the influence when in any setting in which the student’s responsibility is charged to a school authority: 1. Information has been received from another student, a bus driver, a teacher, or any other employee of the school system that the student had been seen taking the drug, or 2. The principal observes unusual behavior on the part of the student such as drowsiness, dilated or contracted pupils, motor imbalance, slurred speech, unaccountable excitability, aggressive behavior, hallucinations, needle marks, vomiting, blank expression, etc., or 3. Evidence shows that the student used or consumed a controlled dangerous substance, drug, and/ or alcohol, except for such drugs as authorized by a physician and which meet the provisions of the Harford County Public Schools policies on medication. Material Evidence - Drugs, alcohol, substances misrepresented to be drugs or alcohol, medicine not registered with the school nurse, and/or paraphernalia used in taking controlled dangerous substances. Possession or To Be Using - The student has or has had in his/her possession or has used a controlled dangerous substance. Possession of Paraphernalia - The student has or has had in his/her possession paraphernalia which indicates that its presence is for the intended use of a drug. Typical paraphernalia would be pipes for the smoking of marijuana, manufactured paper, homemade clips or wire-formed devices used for holding marijuana “roaches,” gelatin capsules, measuring spoons, scales, strainers, and other items as defined by law. Substance Misrepresented - A substance which a student misrepresents to be a controlled dangerous substance, or thinks to be a controlled dangerous substance, implies is a controlled dangerous substance, or will produce the effects of a controlled dangerous substance. Transference - To pass to another person or to make reasonably available to another person a controlled dangerous substance or medicine or alcohol or paraphernalia or a substance misrepresented to be a controlled dangerous substance. Remember... The law protects students who seek help to overcome a drug or alcohol problem. Admission of drug abuse is not a criminal offense. Students will not be punished for seeking help and school officials are required under the law to maintain the confidentiality of any information students share with them in their efforts to overcome the problem. But... When it is determined that a student is using, in possession of, or transferring a controlled dangerous substance, a student will be suspended or expelled from school in accordance with the policies of the Board of Education. 8

Penalties Suspension and Expulsion A. Suspension for not longer than 10 school days. 1. In accordance with the rules and regulations of the county board, each principal of a public school may suspend for cause, for not more than 10 school days, any student in the school who is under the direction of the principal. 2. The student or his parent/guardian promptly shall be given a conference with the principal and any other appropriate personnel during the suspension period. B. Suspension for more than 10 school days or expulsion. At the request of a principal, a county superintendent may suspend a student for more than 10 school days or expel him/her. C. Procedure for more than 10 day suspension or expulsion. 1. If a principal finds that a suspension of more than10 school days or expulsion is warranted, he immediately shall report the matter in writing to the county superintendent. 2. The county superintendent or his/her designated representative promptly shall make a thorough investigation of the matter. 3. If after the investigation the county superintendent finds that a longer suspension or expulsion is warranted, he/she or his/her designated representative promptly shall arrange a conference with the student and his/her parent/ guardian. 4. If after the conference the county superintendent or his/her designated representative finds that a suspension of more than10 school days or expulsion is warranted, the student or his/her parent/guardian may (i) appeal to the county board within 10 days after the determination; (ii) be heard before the county board or its designated committee; and (iii) bring counsel and witness to the hearing. 5. Unless a public hearing is requested by the parent/ guardian of the student, a hearing shall be held out of the presence of all individuals except those whose presence is considered necessary or desirable by the board. 6. The appeal to the county board does not stay the decision of the county superintendent. 7. The decision of the county board is final. Discrimination/Harassment Policy Harford County Public Schools is committed to providing an educational environment for all students that is safe, optimal for academic achievement, and free from any form of discrimination or harassment including sexual harassment. Members of the school community are expected to treat each other with mutual respect.Visit for specific policy. Harrassment Reporting Form - If you are the student victim, the parent/guardian of a student victim, or a close adult relative of a student victim, and wish to report an incident of alleged harassment or intimidation (bullying) on school property, the school bus, school event or on the way to or from school, you are asked to complete a harassment or intimidation reporting form and return it to the principal at the student victim’s school. The form is available on the HCPS website ( or at any school. Contact the school for additional information or assistance at any time. Harassment, Sexual Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying, and Retaliation Harassment, intimidation, bullying, and retaliation are prohibited and not tolerated by the students, volunteers or employees of the Harford County Public Schools. If you believe your child has been the victim of bullying, harassment, or intimidation, you are asked to complete a Bullying, Harassment, or Intimidation Reporting Form and return it to the principal at the student victim’s school. The form is available on the HCPS website ( or at any school. Prohibition of Gang Related Activities Definition - Gang means any ongoing organization, association or group of three or more students, whether formal or informal, having as one of its primary activities the commission of criminal acts or violations of school discipline policies and having a common name or common identifying signs, colors, or symbols. Students shall not engage in any act furthering the interest of any gang or gang activity including but not limited to the following: • soliciting, with or without coercion, membership in or affiliation with any gang; • painting, writing, or otherwise inscribing gang related graffiti, messages, symbols, or signs on school property; • engaging in violence, extortion, or any other illegal act or other violation of school discipline policies in furtherance of gang activity; • soliciting any person to engage in physical violence against another person in furtherance of gang activity; • wearing, possessing, using, distributing, displaying, or selling any clothing, jewelry, emblem, badge, symbol, or items which evidence membership in, identification with or affiliation with any gang and/or is representative of any gang; • engaging in any act, either verbal or nonverbal, including gestures or handshakes which demonstrate membership or affiliation in any gang and/or is representative of any gang. Students who violate this policy are subject to disciplinary actions including suspension pursuant to Section 7-305 of the Education Article. Portable Communication Policy Portable communication devices provide the ability to send and receive information utilizing radio frequencies. Such devices include, but are not limited to, cell phones, pagers, personal data assistants (PDA), laptop computers with cellular/phone capability, and two-way radios. Instructional use of wireless communication devices in Harford County Public Schools shall be determined in accordance with the needs of students as jointly agreed upon by the child’s parent/guardian and school. The parent and school shall, in accordance with the student’s individual education plan or as jointly established, agree upon the use of a wireless communication device by a student with specific educational concerns or disabilities. The Board of Education prohibits the use of certain wireless communication devices, which in its opinion, have limited or no educational value or their use creates learner distraction and learning environment disruption. In light of this concern, the Board of Education prohibits student possession of pagers on school property at all times. The Board of Education permits high school students to possess cell phones during the regular school day (as noted below); however, students are prohibited from using cell phones during the regular school day for any reason. Student possession of cell phones shall conform to the following restrictions: • students shall not use cell phones or otherwise be capable of receiving an activation signal at any time while riding any form of Harford County Public Schools provided transportation • during the course of the regular school day for students, cell phones shall not be used to transmit or receive calls and shall be turned off or rendered incapable of activation 9

severity of the behavior and other factors related to the student’s school record. In addition,<br />

the appropriate police agency will be notified promptly.<br />

8. When a student is determined to be in violation of these drug and alcohol policies,<br />

parent(s)/guardian(s) and the student will be provided with information regarding available<br />

resources in the community and encouraged to seek appropriate evaluation and treatment<br />

for the student.<br />

Use Of Tobacco Products<br />

Definitions<br />

A. Tobacco means products derived in the tobacco plant that are smoked, chewed, sniffed or<br />

otherwise consumed.<br />

B. School property means any building or land owned or leased by <strong>Harford</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Public</strong><br />

<strong>Schools</strong>/Board of Education.<br />

C. School day means 12:00 a.m. to 11:59 p.m. of each day of the calendar year.<br />

Use of tobacco products in <strong>Harford</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Public</strong> <strong>Schools</strong>’ buildings, property, or school buses<br />

(including leased vehicles) is prohibited 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Visit for<br />

the entire procedure.<br />

With respect to students who violate this rule, the following disciplinary procedure shall be<br />

followed.<br />

1st<br />

offense<br />

2nd<br />

offense<br />

3rd<br />

offense<br />

a. The school administrator will schedule a required conference with the parent/<br />

guardian during which the student, parent and administrator will discuss the<br />

violation.<br />

b. The student shall receive a one-day suspension.<br />

c. The student shall attend a one-session, (one-hour) tobacco education awareness<br />

program offered or approved by the <strong>Harford</strong> <strong>County</strong> Health Department.<br />

d. The student shall provide appropriate documentation of completion of the<br />

tobacco education program.<br />

e. Failure to attend or successfully complete the tobacco education program<br />

shall result in the student receiving an additional four-day suspension.<br />

a. The school administrator will schedule a required conference with the parent/<br />

guardian during which the student, parent and administrator will discuss the<br />

violation.<br />

b. The student shall receive a five-day suspension.<br />

c. The student shall attend a three-session (six-hour) tobacco education awareness<br />

program offered or approved by the <strong>Harford</strong> <strong>County</strong> Health Department.<br />

d. The student shall provide appropriate documentation of completion of the<br />

tobacco education program.<br />

e. Failure to attend or successfully complete the tobacco education program<br />

shall result in the student receiving an additional five-day suspension.<br />

a. The student shall receive a ten-day suspension from school and a referral to<br />

the Superintendent of <strong>Schools</strong> for further disciplinary action. The Superintendent<br />

of <strong>Schools</strong> shall, thereafter, determine the extent of any additional suspension at<br />

his/her discretion.<br />

Meanings Of Key Words And Phrases In Policy<br />

Controlled Dangerous Substance - Controlled dangerous substances include, but are not limited to, the<br />

substances listed in Title 5 of the Criminal Law Article. In addition, substances, and this includes medicine not<br />

registered with the school nurse, which are intended, implied, or are thought to produce the same or similar<br />

effects as substances listed in the Code are also regarded as controlled dangerous substances.<br />

Medicine - Any preparation used in treating disease or illness. This includes prescription and over-thecounter<br />

drugs.<br />

Inhalant or Other Intoxicant - Any compound or substance (such as glue and solvents) which may cause a<br />

loss of self-control or inebriation.<br />

Under the Influence - A principal may suspect or determine, depending on the evidence, that a student is<br />

under the influence when in any setting in which the student’s responsibility is charged to a school authority:<br />

1. Information has been received from another student, a bus driver, a teacher, or any other employee of<br />

the school system that the student had been seen taking the drug, or<br />

2. The principal observes unusual behavior on the part of the student such as drowsiness, dilated or<br />

contracted pupils, motor imbalance, slurred speech, unaccountable excitability, aggressive behavior,<br />

hallucinations, needle marks, vomiting, blank expression, etc., or<br />

3. Evidence shows that the student used or consumed a controlled dangerous substance, drug, and/<br />

or alcohol, except for such drugs as authorized by a physician and which meet the provisions of the<br />

<strong>Harford</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Public</strong> <strong>Schools</strong> policies on medication.<br />

Material Evidence - Drugs, alcohol, substances misrepresented to be drugs or alcohol, medicine not<br />

registered with the school nurse, and/or paraphernalia used in taking controlled dangerous substances.<br />

Possession or To Be Using - The student has or has had in his/her possession or has used a controlled<br />

dangerous substance.<br />

Possession of Paraphernalia - The student has or has had in his/her possession paraphernalia which<br />

indicates that its presence is for the intended use of a drug. Typical paraphernalia would be pipes for the<br />

smoking of marijuana, manufactured paper, homemade clips or wire-formed devices used for holding<br />

marijuana “roaches,” gelatin capsules, measuring spoons, scales, strainers, and other items as defined by<br />

law.<br />

Substance Misrepresented - A substance which a student misrepresents to be a controlled dangerous<br />

substance, or thinks to be a controlled dangerous substance, implies is a controlled dangerous substance, or<br />

will produce the effects of a controlled dangerous substance.<br />

Transference - To pass to another person or to make reasonably available to another person a controlled<br />

dangerous substance or medicine or alcohol or paraphernalia or a substance misrepresented to be a<br />

controlled dangerous substance.<br />

Remember...<br />

The law protects students who seek help to overcome a drug or alcohol problem. Admission of drug abuse is<br />

not a criminal offense. Students will not be punished for seeking help and school officials are required under<br />

the law to maintain the confidentiality of any information students share with them in their efforts to overcome<br />

the problem.<br />

But...<br />

When it is determined that a student is using, in possession of, or transferring a controlled dangerous<br />

substance, a student will be suspended or expelled from school in accordance with the policies of the Board<br />

of Education.<br />


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