English Idioms and Exercises

English Idioms and Exercises

English Idioms and Exercises


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<strong>English</strong> <strong>Idioms</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Exercises</strong><br />

eloquence in the <strong>English</strong> language

Food<br />

<strong>Idioms</strong><br />

apple of his eye<br />

cool as a cucumber<br />

couch potato<br />

full of beans<br />

gravy train<br />

half baked<br />

hot potato<br />

nutty as a fruitcake<br />

sell like hot cakes<br />

worth one’s salt<br />

What do they mean?<br />

someone or something that is most important<br />

not nervous<br />

somebody who is lazy<br />

energetic<br />

job that is paid more than its worth<br />

not prepared<br />

a controversial issue<br />

crazy<br />

sell quickly<br />

deserving of one’s pay<br />

Exercise<br />

Write a short story with idioms connected to food.<br />

Here is my story to give you an idea of what you can do:<br />

Once upon a time there was a princess named Anna. She was an apple in her father’s eye. Unlike most<br />

princesses who only wanted to look pretty <strong>and</strong> wait for their perfect prince, Anna was full of beans <strong>and</strong> wanted<br />

to be worth her salt.<br />

She always thought that princess’s job was a gravy train – all you had to do is to be a couch potato that looked<br />

<strong>and</strong> smelt good.<br />

Anna wanted to do something fun <strong>and</strong> challenging – something that would change her boring life. Anna<br />

decided to open a juice bar.<br />

Anna’s shop became a hot potato – everybody talked about it.<br />

The court was divided: some thought Anna was nutty as a fruitcake others believe that her drinks, fruit desserts<br />

<strong>and</strong> shakes would sell like hot cakes.<br />

On the day before the opening it turned out that the suppliers have failed Anna <strong>and</strong> that her desserts were half<br />

baked. Anna remained cool as a cumber <strong>and</strong> worked all night to have everything ready for the gr<strong>and</strong> opening.<br />

Her shop turned out to be a huge success.

Colours<br />

<strong>Idioms</strong><br />

What do they mean?<br />

as black as a stack of black cats very black<br />

red tape excessive bureaucracy<br />

as white as a ghost<br />

very pale because of fear or shock<br />

black <strong>and</strong> blue<br />

bruised<br />

chase rainbows<br />

to try to achieve something difficult<br />

green eyed monster<br />

jealousy<br />

have a yellow streak<br />

to be cowardly<br />

in the pink<br />

in good health<br />

in a brown study<br />

in a state of deep thought<br />

rosy<br />

lovely, nice<br />

Exercise<br />

Fill in the gap with an appropriate word or words.<br />

1. John became ___________ as a ghost when he saw a face in the window<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

She fell down the stairs, she is black <strong>and</strong> ___________<br />

4. If there wasn’t so much red ___________ , the company would be up <strong>and</strong> running already.<br />

5. <br />

6. <br />

<br />

<br />

My gr<strong>and</strong>ma was in the ___________ when I last saw her.<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

John cannot hear you. He is in a ___________ study.<br />

The little boy was as ___________ as a stack of ___________ cats after playing outside all day.

Numbers<br />

<strong>Idioms</strong><br />

eighty six<br />

have one over the eight<br />

fifth wheel<br />

have forty winks<br />

half an eye<br />

look like a million<br />

dollars<br />

be on cloud nine<br />

be in seventh heaven<br />

two peas in the pod<br />

zero in on something<br />

What do they mean?<br />

an item is no longer available<br />

slightly drunk<br />

unnecessary<br />

snooze, nap<br />

not paying all attention to something<br />

look great<br />

very happy<br />

really happy<br />

two people that are very similar<br />

focus all attention on something<br />

Examples<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

5<br />

th<br />

My boss is very observant, he immediately zeros in on our mistakes.<br />

Do not take her seriously, she has had one over the eight.<br />

It is very hard to tell them apart, they are almost the same. They are two peas in the pod!<br />

Everyone had something to do – they were given a specific task. I felt like a fifth<br />

wheel – I had absolutely nothing to do!<br />

Since he met Joan , he’s been in seventh heaven.<br />

Exercise<br />

Rewrite the explanation of the all the idioms in your own words.

Animals<br />

<strong>Idioms</strong><br />

as awkward as a cow on roller<br />

skates<br />

as blind as a bat<br />

as conceited as a barber’s cat<br />

as drunk as a skunk<br />

as gruff as a bear<br />

as sly as a fox<br />

badger someone<br />

bark up the wrong tree<br />

<br />

a cock <strong>and</strong> bull story<br />

<br />

very clumsy<br />

blind<br />

vain<br />

very drunk (we also say drunk as a lord)<br />

unsociable<br />

clever, devious<br />

to get someone to do something by<br />

bothering them<br />

to choose the wrong course of action<br />

cheerful<br />

story that is untrue<br />

Exercise<br />

Match idiom with their synonyms: sightless, intoxicated, rude, canny, inelegant, animated, false,<br />

big headed, annoy<br />

1. as awkward as a cow on roller skates ___________<br />

2. as blind as a bat ___________<br />

3. as conceited as a barber’s cat ___________<br />

4. as drunk as a skunk ___________<br />

5. as gruff as a bear ___________<br />

6. as sly as a fox ___________<br />

7. badger someone ___________<br />

8. bark up the wrong tree ___________<br />

9. bright-eyed <strong>and</strong> bushy-tailed ___________<br />

10. a cock <strong>and</strong> bull story – story that is untrue ___________<br />

Exercise<br />

Now add antonyms: seeing, polite, honest,<br />

help, clarify, true, sad, graceful, modest,<br />


Business<br />

<strong>Idioms</strong><br />

ball park figures<br />

banker’s hours<br />

bean counter<br />

cut corners<br />

finger in the pie<br />

give someone the green<br />

light<br />

heads will roll<br />

in black <strong>and</strong> white<br />

in the red<br />

take a nose dive<br />

<br />

a rough or approximate estimate<br />

short work hours<br />

accountant<br />

save, economize<br />

involved in something that is happening<br />

to give permission to do something<br />

someone will be punished<br />

in writing<br />

losing money<br />

fail<br />

Exercise<br />

When you are using idioms accuracy is crucial. Take a couple of minute to revise idioms connected with business<br />

<strong>and</strong> than choose the correct word.<br />

1. To save or economize is to cut ___________<br />

a. holes<br />

b. nooks<br />

c. corners<br />

2. Anna wants to be involved in everything – she does not believe that we can do it ourselves. Anna wants to have her<br />

___________ in pie.<br />

a. toe<br />

b. nose<br />

c. finger<br />

3. To be in the black means to be financially stable. The opposite is to be in the ___________<br />

a. pink<br />

b. red<br />

c. purple<br />

4. A rough estimate is a ball ___________ figure.<br />

a. green<br />

b. garden<br />

c. park<br />

5. Our company’s ___________ counters spent two days searching for 2$ in the books.<br />

a. bean<br />

b. grain<br />

c. spot<br />

6. They’ve just been ___________ the green light to build two new supermarkets in the town.<br />

a. made<br />

b. granted<br />

c. given

R<strong>and</strong>om<br />

<strong>Idioms</strong><br />

curiosity killed the cat<br />

monkey business<br />

beating around the bush<br />

chow down<br />

cry wolf<br />

devil’s advocate<br />

excuse my French<br />

full monty<br />

hold your horses<br />

kick the bucket<br />

What do they mean?<br />

if you are to nosy it can get you into<br />

trouble<br />

dishonest<br />

avoiding the main subject<br />

to eat<br />

intentionally raise a false alarm<br />

someone who takes a position for the sake<br />

of argument without believing in what<br />

he/she is saying.<br />

please forgive me for Swearing<br />

the whole thing/ completely nude<br />

be patient<br />

die<br />

Exercise<br />

Create the flashcards that would illustrate the r<strong>and</strong>om idioms. You may find some inspiration below.

6. Which two idioms mean the same<br />

a. in the red = rosy<br />

b. couch potato = hot potato<br />

c. have forty winks = have half an eye<br />

d. to be in the seventh heaven = to be on cloud number nine<br />

7. Allan is incredibly vain, all he thinks about are his looks. He is:<br />

a. as conceited as a barber’s cat<br />

b. bright-eyed <strong>and</strong> bushy-tailed<br />

c. as awkward as a cow on roller skates<br />

d. as gruff as a bear<br />

Exercise<br />

1. 1. John had a car accident yesterday. He is…<br />

a. bright-eyed <strong>and</strong> bushy-tailed<br />

b. black <strong>and</strong> white<br />

c. black <strong>and</strong> blue<br />

d. grey<br />

2. Someone who has had ‘one too many’ has drunk too much alcohol. What are the other idioms describing being drunk?<br />

(all have to be correct)<br />

a. drunk as a skunk, drunk as a lord, have one over the eight<br />

b. drunk as a skunk, drunk as a king, have one over the eight<br />

c. drunk as a pig, dead drunk, tired <strong>and</strong> emotional<br />

d. drunk as an elephant, to be a bar fly, well-oiled<br />

3. To be as nice as pie’ means to be extremely nice so that you can easily fool people. What does it mean to have your finger in<br />

the pie?<br />

a. to be devious<br />

b. avoiding the main subject<br />

c. to eat<br />

d. to be involved in something<br />

4. John always plays ……… He loves when we argue.<br />

a. cry wolf<br />

b. devil’s advocte<br />

c. full monty<br />

d. hard to get<br />

5. 5. One slang name to call an accountant is a number cruncher. What is the other one?<br />

a. nut cracker<br />

b. pea counter<br />

c. bean counter<br />

d. grain counter<br />

8. Which idioms describe a crazy person<br />

a. half baked, zero in on something, bark up the wrong tree<br />

b. full of beans, zero in on something, chow down<br />

c. nutty as a fruitcake, to have bats in the belfry, to have a kangaroo loose in top paddock<br />

d. nutty as a fruitcake, full of beans, half baked<br />

9. One of the idioms derives from a story.<br />

The story is about a shepard boy who repeatedly tricks nearby villagers into thinking a wild animal is attacking his sheep.. When th<br />

animal actually does appear, the people do not believe the boy’s cries for help, <strong>and</strong> the sheep are killed. What did the boy cry out?<br />

a. Fox<br />

b. wolf<br />

c. tiger<br />

d. snake<br />

10. You tell somebody ‘to cut to the chase’ or get to the point’ when they are<br />

a. beating around the bush<br />

b. kicking thhe bucket<br />

c. looking like million $<br />

d. back to square one<br />

11. When we want to say somebody has gone into a rapid emotional or financial decline we say that they have taken<br />

a _________ dive<br />

a. head<br />

b. nose<br />

c. foot<br />

d. shoulders<br />

12. Nobody in the group has achieved their targets; head will __________<br />

a. roll<br />

b. spin<br />

c. reel<br />

d. fall<br />

13. I would have never believed it was true – had I not seen it in _________<br />

a. black <strong>and</strong> blue<br />

b. black <strong>and</strong> white<br />

c. black<br />

d. grey

Answers<br />

Food:<br />

The idiom on the picture is: couch potato<br />

Colours<br />

The idiom on the picture is: as white as a ghost<br />

Exercise<br />

1. as white<br />

yellow<br />

blue<br />

4. tape<br />

5. rainbows<br />

6. rosy<br />

pink<br />

green<br />

brown<br />

black, black<br />

Numbers (examples)<br />

The idiom on the picture is: to look like million $.<br />

1. My boss is very observant, he immediately pays attention to our mistakes<br />

Do not take her seriously, she is tipsy.<br />

It is very hard to tell them apart, they are almost the same. They look like twins.<br />

4. Everyone had something to do – they were given a specific task. I felt useless – I had absolutely nothing to do.<br />

5. Since he met Joan, he is very happy.<br />

6. <br />

I’m tired – I’ll go <strong>and</strong> have a nap. Call me in a quarter of an hour.<br />

She checked on the kids from time to time while she was cleaning.<br />

On the day of the wedding she looked gorgeous.<br />

<br />

Animals<br />

The idiom on the picture is: as sly as a fox<br />

1. as awkward as a cow on roller skates inelegant graceful<br />

as blind as a bat sightless seeing<br />

as conceited as a barber’s cat modest<br />

4. as drunk as a skunk intoxicated sober<br />

5. as gruff as a bear rude polite<br />

6. as sly as a fox canny honest<br />

badger someone annoy help<br />

bark up the wrong tree mistake clarify<br />

<br />

animated sad<br />

11. a cock <strong>and</strong> bull story false true<br />

Business<br />

The idiom on the picture is: heads will roll<br />

1. a)<br />

c)<br />

b)<br />

4. c)<br />

5. a)<br />

6. c)<br />

The last exercise:<br />

1. c)<br />

a)<br />

d)<br />

4. b)<br />

5. c)<br />

6. d)<br />

a)<br />

c)<br />

b)<br />

a)<br />

11. b)<br />

a)<br />


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