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Index<br />

I Z2J<br />

Index<br />

Advertising: pragmatic function, 141, 143, 145,<br />

153; agencies, 143, 151; language of, 143,<br />

145, 148, 153; deceptive, 144, 146, 147,<br />

148, 153, 154; formal structure, 145; ideology<br />

of, 145, 149; regulation of, 146-55<br />

passim. See also Meta-ads; Visual images<br />

Aesthetic function, 131<br />

Analogy, 112, 160, 166, 171, 172<br />

Arbitrariness: of convention, 107, 173, 188; of<br />

the sign, 169, 197,16, 198,1,17,2<br />

Archaeology, historical, 141<br />

Aristotle, 3, 42<br />

Authoritative speech, 70-72, 79, 92<br />

Awareness, III, 145, 166, 167, 177<br />

Ayer, A. J., 193,14<br />

Bakhtin, Mikhail M., 70, 71, 92, 123, 159,<br />

196«6<br />

Baldwin, James M.,<br />

194x10<br />

Barthes, Roland, 141<br />

Baruya, 130, 132, 186, 187<br />

Belau: funerals, 47—69 passim, 194/13, 195^6;<br />

burial practices, 49-50, 54, 56; social organization,<br />

49, 63, 187; titles, 49, 50, 56, 60,<br />

77, 195,1,111,15; rank, 56, 187, 188; religion,<br />

56, 75, 77, 95; kinship, 63, 69, 194,12;<br />

ethnographic background, 73-78; history,<br />

73, 74, 188; political factions, 74, 188,<br />

195,16; language, 76, 194m; political rhetoric,<br />

78; rules of speaking, 87, 90, 94, 96<br />

Benveniste, Emile, 175, 177, 190<br />

Bimin-Kuskusmin, 170, 171, 173, 198,111<br />

Boon, James, 123<br />

Bourdieu, Pierre, 123, 176, 177, 188<br />

Bourgeois society, 181, 188<br />

Buddhism, 170, 173<br />

Classification: symbolic, 176; kinship, 182,<br />

183, 185; linguistic, 184<br />

Code, cultural, xiii, xiv, IZI, 122, 126, 127<br />

Collectivizing symbolization, 105, 109. See also<br />

Symbolic obviation<br />

Colonial Williamsburg, 135-42, 196,1z<br />

Commercial speech, 143, 145, 148-53<br />

Commodity: magical spells as, IZI; historical<br />

reproductions, 141,14z, 143; embodiment of<br />

social value, 150, 184; form, 176; fetishism,<br />

192, 197,15<br />

Communication, by signs, 3<br />

Comparison: as metalanguage, 159, 160, 171;<br />

genetic, 160, 161, 163; historical stances,<br />

160, 166, 169, 173; cross-cultural, 161, 162,<br />

197,14; methodology, 163, 174, 197,17; local<br />

models, 166, 167; pragmatics of, 167; typology<br />

of, 197,14<br />

Connotation, 30, 31, 105, 154<br />

Confucianism, 170<br />

Consumption, culture of, 14z, 145<br />

Context: and indexicality, xv; of performance,<br />

xvi, 96, 101, 128, IZ9; entailment, 96, 122<br />

Contextualization: of ritual, 68; of sign systems,<br />

125; institutional, 126<br />

Contract, social theory of, 180, 182<br />

Conventionality, 19, 133, 169, 177, 178, 185<br />

Conventions: normative, 107, 118; Peircean,<br />

107; social, 171, 172, 175, 176, 187, 189;<br />

agreement, 175, 179; and arbitrariness, 175;<br />

artistic, 176, 198,1z; relativity, 186; of naturalness,<br />

197,16<br />

Cosmogony, 134<br />

Creativity, semiotic, 14, 7z, 1Z3<br />

Cultural semiotics, xiv, 108, 109<br />

Decontextualization, xvii, 103, 130, 131, 13z<br />

Carter's Grove Plantation, 138, 139<br />

Decontextualized discourse, xvi, 166, 167, 173<br />

Caveat emptor tradition, 143, 144, 145, 150, Degeneracy, in sign relation, 35-38<br />

'53<br />

Demythologization, 164<br />

220<br />

Diachrony, 67, 69, 172<br />

Dialogicality, 23, 41, 70, 19419, 196,16<br />

Dialogue, cross-cultural, 159, 164, 166, 169<br />

Differentiating symbolization, 104, 105, 106.<br />

See also Symbolic obviation<br />

Discourse. See Authoritative speech; Decontextualized<br />

discourse; Metapragmatic discourse;<br />

Novelistic discourse; Reported speech<br />

Distinction. See Social distinction<br />

Dobu, 196,120<br />

Dumézil, Georges, 163<br />

Dürkheim, Emile, 105, 133<br />

Eliade, Mircea, 133<br />

Ethnocentrism, 160<br />

Ethnometapragmatics, 144<br />

Evolutionism, 161, 18z, 183<br />

Exchange: valuables, xv, 5 z, 65, 196,1z,<br />

198,111; affinal, 48, 65, 67, ioz, 110, 184;<br />

gift-giving, 48; modalities of, 48, 68; food,<br />

53; obviational, no, nz; of texts, 1Z7<br />

Exchange-value, 184<br />

al-Farabi, 169, 170<br />

Federal Trade Commission, 146-54 passim<br />

Fetishism, of commodities, 197,13'<br />

Fieldwork, anthropological, xii, xiv<br />

First Amendment, 148, 149, 153<br />

Fisch, Max, 193,13'<br />

Foi, ioi-zz passim<br />

Fox, Robin, 184, 185<br />

Gadamer, Hans-Georg, 197,15<br />

Geertz, Clifford, 162<br />

Gender: of exchange valuables, 66; differentiation,<br />

67, 184; complementarity, no; and<br />

domination, 186, 187<br />

Genres, 72<br />

Ginzburg, Carlo, 164<br />

Godelier, Maurice, 186, 187<br />

Greek thought, 160, 170, 179, 180<br />

Ground: semiotic, 3, 6, 9, 27, 32, ioz; of<br />

comparison, 17z, 174<br />

Gurevich, Aaron I., 196,16<br />

Gurulogomi, 173<br />

Hawaii, 131, 132, 198,15<br />

Hegel, G. F., 162, 173<br />

Herder, Johann Gottfried, 162<br />

Hermeneutical circle, in, 164<br />

Hermeneutics, 126, 164, 170<br />

Herodotus, 160<br />

Heteroglossia, 70, 123, 159<br />

Hierarchy, social, 69, 123, 137, 138<br />

History, signs of, 135, 140, 141. See also Interpretation,<br />

historical<br />

Hobbes, Thomas, 180, 181, 182<br />

Hyper-conventionality, 134, 190<br />

Hyperstructure, IZ9-33 passim<br />

Hypostatic abstraction, z8,Z9<br />

Iconicity, 4, 7z, 172<br />

Iconic signs, 6, 194,17<br />

Ideology: of texts, 113; of history, 142; gender,<br />

186; of museums, 197,14; mentioned, 126,<br />

!<br />

r<br />

37. 73- See "lso Advertising, ideology of;<br />

Reference, ideology of; Semiotic ideology<br />

Incest, 184<br />

Indexical function, 1Z7, 188<br />

Indexical icon, xvii, 94, 97, 171<br />

Indexicality, xv, 1Z5, 13z, 144<br />

Indexical sign, 6, 144<br />

Indo-European culture, 163<br />

Information, 30, 150<br />

Interprétant, 5, 7, 10, 13, 18, Z5, 91, iz8<br />

Interpretation: as dynamic process, 18, 170; indigenous<br />

models, in, 123, 166; historical,<br />

135. 137, 139, 141; rule of, 144, 151,<br />

197,16; standards of, 149<br />

Interrextuality, 126, 127, 128, 172<br />

Iroquois, 183<br />

Islamic tradition, 169, 170, 172, 173, 177<br />

Jakobson, Roman, 127, 129, 196,11<br />

Kant, Immanuel, 30, 33, 34, 174, 179<br />

Khaldûn, Ibn, 170<br />

Kinship, 184, 185<br />

Kluckhohn, Clyde, 163<br />

Koran, 172<br />

Kubary, J. S., 49, 58, 66<br />

Language: as communication, 6; forms, 7; semiotic<br />

character, 11, 12, 13, 15, 103, 108; and<br />

logic, 15, 16, 42, 43; philosophy of, 179,<br />

180; development of, 184. See also Authoritative<br />

speech; Commercial speech<br />

Law: as contract, zi, 180; as Third, 40; Islamic,<br />

17z. See also Advertising, regulation<br />

Legal fictions, i8z<br />

Legisign, 8, 9<br />

Leone, Mark, 135, 141<br />

Lévi-Strauss, Claude, 161<br />

Linguistic ideology, 142

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