Ćetković, A., Mokrousov, M., Plećaš, M., Bogusch, P., Antić, D ...

Ćetković, A., Mokrousov, M., Plećaš, M., Bogusch, P., Antić, D ... Ćetković, A., Mokrousov, M., Plećaš, M., Bogusch, P., Antić, D ...


96 A. ĆETKOVIĆ et al. Figure 1. Distribution map of Sceliphron (Hensenia) deforme [black stars] and Sceliphron (Hensenia) curvatum [black dots] in Europe (question mark symbols denote the ambiguous identity of the recorded species). Most characteristic years of first detection are shown (no precise locality available from Romania).

Status of Asian Sceliphron spp. in Europe 97 Figure 2. Distribution map of Sceliphron (Hensenia) deforme [gray star: published record; black star: new record] and Sceliphron (Hensenia) curvatum [empty dots with point: published records; black dots: new records] in the Balkans and adjacent areas (the remark on question mark symbol and the years as in Fig. 1).

Status of Asian Sceliphron spp. in Europe 97<br />

Figure 2. Distribution map of Sceliphron (Hensenia) deforme [gray star: published record; black star: new record] and<br />

Sceliphron (Hensenia) curvatum [empty dots with point: published records; black dots: new records] in the Balkans and<br />

adjacent areas (the remark on question mark symbol and the years as in Fig. 1).

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