Information from State Historical Society of Iowa ... - State of Iowa

Information from State Historical Society of Iowa ... - State of Iowa

Information from State Historical Society of Iowa ... - State of Iowa


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Standard Form For Members <strong>of</strong> the Le9islature<br />

Name <strong>of</strong><br />

1. Birthday and place<br />

place<br />

· ~~ If?& - /ytY<br />

for<br />

a. ~·· . -IIi'. I' _.~_ -·7" ;: --/. / 0 . ,.<br />

A. Business ____ ~·_F _· _, .. ·=·' ~f~· -- ~~·-=~~=- ·l~···-~- ~=~~\ ~~--·~, ~~/~,. ~· ·~# ~~~-~~·· __________ __<br />

B. Civic responsibilities_~d~~-----------------------------<br />

6. Public Offices<br />

A. Local lJzhtAH/ {],( ~;{; 4/;-h~.tl) -3 1;;1." . .;,/<br />

f "<br />

IMfJ 11!12.<br />

B. <strong>State</strong> ________________________________________________ ___<br />

-<br />

C. National ______________________________________________ __<br />

Source: <strong>Iowa</strong> Territorial and <strong>State</strong> Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the <strong>State</strong> <strong>Historical</strong> <strong>Society</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iowa</strong> Library, Des Moines, <strong>Iowa</strong>.

lO.Education ______________________________________________ __<br />

11. Degrees ______________________________________________ ___<br />

12. Other applicable information __________ ~~~~~~-------<br />

l Ul·'tJ i :hi vre/ {h, { '~ ld' 53<br />

--<br />

Source: <strong>Iowa</strong> Territorial and <strong>State</strong> Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the <strong>State</strong> <strong>Historical</strong> <strong>Society</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iowa</strong> Library, Des Moines, <strong>Iowa</strong>.

·' .<br />

OE COUNTY, lOW A. THURSDAY, JANUARY 14, 1909. Offic !r<br />

NoWGJ . lilt it. A Good FrieD. I u} ~<br />

The report has been current fn the<br />

Sallna, Kas., Jan. 9, '09.<br />

city the past week thn.t A. R. DArnes Editor Rcpub!lcan:<br />

had been protrered, ana accepted a Find enclosed order !or One Dollar I 1<br />

~ Q ~<br />

u ~<br />

position fn the government service as for whkh give m" cr·edlt for nnothcr -u<br />

Inspector oC forests or rwmctblng <strong>of</strong> year on tho· good old Albia Republ!can.j 'flnlr v T"<br />

Tells that sort ana that ho would 11oon go Veteran and Sfatesmlln An11wers the Our winter haR been warm and dry, . ·- ·i,-'Mt· ·<br />

to tho siate <strong>of</strong> Washington to assume Call <strong>of</strong> Death Very Unexpectedly only twice below zero thlll winter, and ell ,~ 'i<br />

1<br />

1 J<br />

the dutlell o! the poolt.lon. Tho report Last Saturday Morning. today 111 drizzling and may snow. Ali i -· .<br />

! and was further given ont tbnt the ap- The people o! Albin. and vicinity well with uH here. Ktncl regardK to 'fho I 111 "Y J~<<br />

final polntmcnt wa.a made through tho ln- j wero shocked to learn or tho death Republican a.nd all the old !rlcndll In i at Bu x 1":<br />

1 late fluence o! Gov. CummlnA. There Is o r l-r on .. r ames ". •t R o b b 11111t Saturday Albia. The latch string Is alwo.ys out lllegrJI ·- J" :<br />

e o!- nothing to tho report. Mr. TJarnPI! morn I ng. T .. "e 11rcv 1 onR TI IUrllc 1 ay b e to Albia people who may call. bi;,ne thai.<br />

court han ot aeked nor been given any po- hncl been at hfs <strong>of</strong>llce nncl had fallon YourK truly, .<br />

TlH~ J'(~ Ill''<br />

hand Rltlon under the government. Ho de- upon the floor and rPcelvcd such an T . H. Luca11 and !amlly. tell you 1<br />

::! on cl::.rcg he w!!l not ~~copt any such I I n_ j ury as to r racturc · hi 11 hlo. F or , . Buxton a ,<br />

1<br />

pro- position If It Is pro1Iercd him, but three hours he lay upon tho floor and 1t Is funny bow things move nrouncl : Ker!m to ''<br />

ne is will remain In Albia and eventually heat UjlOn It In an endeavor to ar- In this world. When Dcrt Porter wnH ! or lWl:dn J;<br />

vldes get Into the newspaper huRiness. He trnc.t the attention or thoHe nt work here !rom Wyoming a couple or weekH ., raid. A r.<br />

B her looks upon the rumor 1111 emnnntln~ In the bank beneath him. Ho tinnily ago he 1mld hn ba.c.l been at Omaha !l lxt c: •:n ,. ,,<br />

mel 7 <strong>from</strong> sources unfrleoclly to hlmsBlr nltrnctrrl their nttentlorr and wllllng 1 for severn! days where he hac.l en- ! clc!!:l1roy• ·d<br />

prop- and by tho11e who Vlould lnJuro his ru- l!nnus carefully nnc.l tcnc.lerly rem.ovec!l dcn.vorcd to sell t110 crop or potatocfj j hy thr.· 1 :'·<br />

~ the ture mo\·ements. Mr. Dnrnes IH too I tlm to II 1 K ) 10me w h ere h c Willi g l von <strong>of</strong> the Monroe county peo)tlc wbo arc , "Th•·<br />

l11<br />

real full <strong>of</strong> Hcrap to go way out among the t.he beRt or medical nttcntlon and ali i now located In Wyoming. He was for C:l'\1 ·!,<br />

nong blg trees and report OJ! to what the wna tone I that could b c, I JUt . )t he l unn!Jlo to do this and came to Alhln o'cloc:k i11<br />

Nye, J lowly Insects are doing to them. Tl!c Ahoc k to his system had been great Whllo hero he met s. M. Grunt, tl!e Iff I'lr•r;·, .<br />

l lfv- ' life o! a government IJH1pectnr ha8 no n ncl clenth followed clo11ely. Early proclttce man, and they tal keel potato !Jeer k.: ·<br />

ittraetlons-lt Is the life that 111<br />

too Saturclny morning the girl who wa~ I and Grant told hlm he wns In the i thin! H!ll r<br />

!hare I tame. Klcepln1th or night. r!J c II ('(~!" hu(l<br />

t h r. R:l l \11'<br />

llnH pr! 1·1

- -- - - ~ i U I.V J..l .l V>..; ~IV \I.,I.J\.J T ~ l"' ),lf.lJ\.d '-'V J..lJl .l J& \oo""~'-' , --···--~ · ~ ·· ·- o~ •<br />

1<br />

rustccs 1 will bo held Saturday, .January 16i.h, 1\lr. H.obb waR on1! <strong>of</strong> the long-tlmc II ; ·;, " ·,~ l·;i· !,.: · ·~~·/·.•:; ·,·! · ·;·!~·.. ;!! ; ;~·l~u ·~ ~ d ~~t : ~"I'H <strong>of</strong> 11<br />

He!en'B • at 2 p. m., In the city hall, A'bla, !or cltlzenR or Alhla and the news or his ovf' r the country <strong>from</strong> th!e point. Af- 1 IlllglttY v.<br />

to se!J tho c JectJo~ O! <strong>of</strong>Ylcers and other !m- death CflUSCd !t gcnPrnl Wt!.Vfl Of 1!01'- ter t1JC den! hn~ been made nert j 1·d a gal<br />

essary, portant business. tow over the community. For two dropJtcd the remark that "this Ia not I Burns. ·:<br />

become W. A. Rowles, Sccy. terms he rC'prescntcd 1\!onroc county the flame old Albia I used to know." brewery :<br />

· closea In the leglslntlve halls at DeR Molnoa I erty to<br />

1<br />

1t they The discouraging word has been and for three tcrmH !: c wall sheriff <strong>of</strong> Jud JenklnR, <strong>of</strong> MlaKourl, Is a young the eir ~rrt•<br />

1<br />

A ( rece1vcd tho past week that Mrs. Arch I tho county. He was one or tho big mnn who ha!l .como to Albia to make tho lJilrl<br />

Edwards, who went to Roswell, New and brnlny men <strong>of</strong> the community, hill home. He Js a jl!weler and hllll glunct!H :<br />

it any, Mexico, has failed<br />

1 nlry greatly In' and tho old soldiers who followed the employment .at t~e store or J. B.l 1 t run °<br />

teld by 'health and It is now necessary that remains to the graYe Sunday after- Johnson. About tho flrBt thing he did the <strong>of</strong>ll t'<br />

V. Nye she be conveyed to · the doctor'o or- noon were In deepeH t Horrow for they on arriving fn Albia was to meet with rnust 1 "'<br />

a held flee In a cab, ·abe not having the had lost more than a comrade-they a misfortune to one <strong>of</strong> his feet and went un<br />

1um or atreugtb to make th.o trip. Albia bad loHt a. loyal and true friend. blood polsolhg has developed to such left. Tl<br />

H. W. fr!ends will have the greatest 11ym- The funeral services were held an extent tJ1at he has been confined that th e<br />

to the pathy for the husband who is with her <strong>from</strong> tho United Presbyterian church to hiR room at the hotel.<br />

\ llOlldays<br />

i ahare and caring for her every,.want. ~fonday ·afternoon, tho servlccfl being I demned :<br />

l, their conducted by the pastor, Rev. T. R.<br />

sposed Aiken, and the remains were later fr R. H.<br />

' ~aw the time or the funeral:- u u lber and<br />

<strong>of</strong> the laid to rest In Oak VIew cemetery. \lJ 1 tlon ln<br />

The following obituary was read at<br />

!money w<br />

fi James M. Ro!Jb wns born March 10, when tl<br />

p,ubllc 18:!6, n.t Service, Beaver county, Penn. th "Ta<br />

r. Gm- Doclslon <strong>of</strong> the Conrtl! I!; that Liquor I!e r emoved to thiH county w ith h!fl Whole Car l ,oad <strong>of</strong> Beer Ilnrncd at callc~ ehlldran ·.ware .born dreds o( .thirs. tY, .. mino~.s_, sto,od abo!tt ~ e aste rn<br />

e wtst. o·lcga! sa!~ or liquor a~ the Appan- only on~ o! ~!ch l!.~rviv?~ him, Mra. and watched ~lle cars be!n i('c~nsumed · west at<br />

to h 8 0080 county attorney has ·. taken the .Jennie Cox, .or J .. tncoJn, Ne.o. but the <strong>of</strong>ficers · prevented them !rom short t:<br />

same vlow aa that · given by Judge Mr. Robb, on Nov. 2, 1898, was un'M:- secutln~ any o.! the liquor, und all the I Hugh<br />

Preston. Concemlng th.() ca.scn that ed In marriage with 1\IIHs TJaura Peters contents <strong>of</strong> the car were dest!oyed amonR<br />

ia real have been tr'!ed the Centerville .lowe· <strong>of</strong> this city, who sul"VlveH hlm. Mr. The ot;iy lnsur~nce In a c~ge · o! th!~ , ,, ,.,. , .. ,<br />

1 "n.te 1 . ~<br />

rooms glan has the to! lowing . to say: Robb died ·last Suturd11y morning, Jan. kind Is that the Iiqour wlll not r~ach 1 w. A.<br />

d now "Tho point raised when H. Chapman 9, 1909, 73 years and 10 months or age t'he miners and -cause them to get on I them In<br />

and D. Bromberg were arrested about lacking one day.<br />

another <strong>of</strong> their rampages where mur- others<br />

a month ago for soliciting liquor or- He united with the Unt~ed Presby- der and cain In general are raised. t hat f'(<br />

Jturned<br />

ders baR been decided by Judge Pres- terlan church or service in youth, and<br />

been on<br />

.r!z.ona.<br />

to at Wn.shlugton In a. similar case transferred bis membership to the Mrs. Martha Skean cntcrtaitied at who ,.,.<br />

to !the brougbt there by tbe county attorney church in Albia In Aprll, 1883, re- Blx o'clock dinner Monday evening In farm fc<br />

1~ ~e<br />

with other assistance. It was<br />

·<br />

t~at malning a moAt Interested, faithful honor <strong>of</strong> Mrs. Bert Buck, <strong>of</strong> Durango, go trJ<br />

health. soliciting orders ill contrary to the and active member till ca'led !rom t'!Je Colo. Covers were laid for an even ~n nn t.v<br />

Wiley, prohibitory law, even if It ls for firms church .militant to lhe church trlum- dozen ladles and a most enjoyable time\ ;l~O Jl 1 ; .<br />

·ned to outRide <strong>of</strong> the state. The soliciting phant. He was an n.ttorney-at-lnw. was 'had by alL J and rtl l<br />

has been done for years under cover he!ng admltletl to the bar in the '80s. ,<br />

venlng.<br />

in the<br />

or the Interstate<br />

·<br />

commerce<br />

·<br />

law<br />

·<br />

Bttt He served three terms sheriff <strong>of</strong> Mo11<br />

Anderson Dettls, who lives between<br />

I<br />

Con ::<br />

parents a recent dec!alon o! the U. S. Rllpremt\ roe county and was a representative Alula and Hlteman, has been making I ou t tit"<br />

court In a Dakota case reverAcs thr. <strong>from</strong> thL!! county to tho state legis- lee W'hile the freeze held on. The 1 mst<br />

Ralph lature. he W

I<br />

I<br />

r<br />

I<br />

J<br />

!<br />

; _[<br />

Place i Beaver Co. ,<br />

. ) . \<br />

. I '. I . '<br />

Fa<br />

Place! Albia,l"owa<br />

Place btirial A11Aa.Io~ .<br />

.<br />

<strong>Iowa</strong><br />

I<br />

Inf.<br />

Rezlmenti lltite, Orpnlsatlon<br />

. _ Albi ~ , r, ~t. Penn<br />

k.Je 1 1~,· . 1862~:"c~st<br />

· • . l'

U.S. Civil War Soldier Records and Pr<strong>of</strong>iles- Ancestry.com<br />

Page 1 <strong>of</strong> 1<br />

ancestry<br />

You searched for James M. Robbin <strong>Iowa</strong><br />

Name:<br />

Residence:<br />

James M Robb<br />

Albia, <strong>Iowa</strong><br />

Age at Enlistment: 25<br />

Enlistment Date: 15 Oct 1861<br />

Rank at<br />

enlistment:<br />

<strong>State</strong> SetTed:<br />

Sunived the<br />

War?:<br />

Senice Record:<br />

Private<br />

<strong>Iowa</strong><br />

Yes<br />

Enlisted in Company H, <strong>Iowa</strong> 13th Infantry Regiment on<br />

02Nov1861.<br />

Promoted to Full 1st Lieutenant on 17 Sep 1862.<br />

Promoted to Full Sergeant on 12 Jun 1862.<br />

Mustered out on 20 Aug 1864 at Chattanooga, TN.<br />

Birth Date: abt 1836<br />

Sources:<br />

Roster & Record <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iowa</strong> Soldiers in the War <strong>of</strong> Rebellion<br />

Source <strong>Information</strong>:<br />


THE<br />

(,<br />

ANNALS OF ·. lOWA.<br />



E.liiTBD BY<br />


Curator <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Historical</strong> Department <strong>of</strong>iowa; Member <strong>of</strong> th~ American <strong>Historical</strong><br />

Association; Corresponding Member <strong>of</strong> the Minnesota <strong>Historical</strong> <strong>Society</strong>; Corresponding<br />

Member <strong>of</strong> the Nebraska <strong>State</strong> <strong>Historical</strong> <strong>Society</strong>; Corresponding<br />

Member Missouri <strong>State</strong> <strong>Historical</strong> <strong>Society</strong>; and one <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Founders <strong>of</strong> the Mississippi Valley <strong>Historical</strong> Association.<br />




1909-1910<br />

Source: <strong>Iowa</strong> Territorial and <strong>State</strong> Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the <strong>State</strong> <strong>Historical</strong> <strong>Society</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iowa</strong> Library, Des Moines, <strong>Iowa</strong>.


He was appointed to the ministry by the Annual Conference <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Methodist Episcopal church in 1851 and continued in church pastorates<br />

throughout <strong>Iowa</strong> for nearly 40 years. He was a member<br />

<strong>of</strong> the first Methodist Conference in <strong>Iowa</strong> and when that was divided,<br />

was appointed to the <strong>Iowa</strong> Conference. · Among his charges<br />

were the churches at Burlington, Washington, Mt. Pleasant, Albia,<br />

Ottumwa, Oskaloosa and Knoxville. He was one <strong>of</strong> the oldest members<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Methodist Conference when he retired <strong>from</strong> the ministry<br />

in 1890, removing permanently to Des Moines to become a lecturer<br />

for rthe Odd Fellows Lodge, which he served as Grand Chaplain. He<br />

also lectured on Masonry and on temperance subjects. He served<br />

as Chaplain <strong>of</strong> the 35th <strong>Iowa</strong> for two years during the civil war.<br />

He was a forceful and eloquent speaker.<br />

LEMUEL KINKEAD was bor.n in Guernsey county, Ohio, May 10,<br />

1846; he died at his residence, 415 Center Street, Des Moines, December<br />

11, 1908. · He immigrated when a boy to Knoxville, <strong>Iowa</strong>,<br />

with his father's family. At sixteen he enlisted in Company E, 8th<br />

<strong>Iowa</strong> Infantry, the youngest enlisted man in his regiment. He was<br />

shot through the left lung at Shiloh, lying in the enemies' territory<br />

all the night <strong>of</strong> April 6, 1862, escaping the capture <strong>of</strong> his regiment.<br />

After his recovery he rejoined the army in the Union Brigade, participating<br />

in the siege <strong>of</strong> Vicksburg. He was mustered out in 1864<br />

as a corporal. He was a painter•.by trade, but being possessed <strong>of</strong> a<br />

voice and presence suited adm.irab1Y to the stage, he became an actor<br />

and pursued that calling .for sorrie five years, studying law iri the<br />

meantime. He was admitted to· the bar in 1880, and attained success.<br />

Through his legal praCtice and . upon the platform in the delivery <strong>of</strong><br />

his thrilling lecture· on the Battle <strong>of</strong> Shiloh, he was widely known<br />

throughout the <strong>State</strong>: As a member <strong>of</strong> the staff <strong>of</strong> Governor Drake<br />

he acquired the honorar_YJitle <strong>of</strong>:Colonel.<br />

GEORGE S.>..r~r was born. in Highland county, Ohio, April 22, 1814;<br />

he died at the residence · <strong>of</strong> his daughter, Mrs. Robert Johnson, at<br />

Anamosa, <strong>Iowa</strong>, July 2, 1908. He. r emoved to Lee county, <strong>Iowa</strong>, in<br />

1839, and to Jones count)i"in 1840. He acquired 320 acres <strong>of</strong> land<br />

at the Dubu.que land 5ales· <strong>of</strong> the·. same year, residing on that land<br />

until 1878, by which time he had acquired 2,000 acres. In 1842<br />

he brought <strong>from</strong> Richmond, Ill;diana, the first apple, pear and cherry<br />

trees planted in Jones county. He introduced three Short Horn<br />

cows and the bull Locomotive, an animal imported <strong>from</strong> England,<br />

these being the first in Jones comity. He purchased the first McCormick<br />

reaper introduced into that county in 1844. H e introduced<br />

metal moldboard plows. He had ·his first log cabin used as the first<br />

school in his township in 1842, and two years later erected a new<br />

schoolhouse with the labor <strong>of</strong> his own hands and men. He introduced<br />

Poland China hogs into his section <strong>of</strong> the <strong>State</strong>. He lived<br />

to see rthe land he acqufn!d at $1.25 per acre reach a value <strong>of</strong><br />

$150,000.<br />

JAMES M. Ronn was born March 10, 1836, at Service, Beaver<br />

county, Pa.; he died at Albia, <strong>Iowa</strong>, January 9, 1909. He removed<br />

to Monroe county, <strong>Iowa</strong>, in 1853, settling in Bluff Creek township.<br />

He enlisted in the 13th <strong>Iowa</strong> Infantry, serving three years and being<br />

severely wounded. He was admitted to the bar about 1882. He<br />

served three terms as sheriff <strong>of</strong> Monroe county and as a Representative<br />

in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth General Assemblies .<br />

•<br />

1<br />

!<br />

i<br />

;<br />

Source: <strong>Iowa</strong> Territorial and <strong>State</strong> Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the <strong>State</strong> <strong>Historical</strong> <strong>Society</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iowa</strong> Library, Des Moines, <strong>Iowa</strong>.

t ' i<br />

f<br />

l<br />


OF THE<br />


OF THE<br />


OF THE<br />



JANUARY 11, A. D. 1909, AND ADJOURNED<br />

SINE DIE APRIL 9, A. D. 1909.<br />




1909<br />

Source: <strong>Iowa</strong> Territorial and <strong>State</strong> Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the <strong>State</strong> <strong>Historical</strong> <strong>Society</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iowa</strong> Library, Des Moines, <strong>Iowa</strong>.

+§@*<br />

rrz<br />


Adopted by the House <strong>of</strong> H.epresentatives <strong>of</strong> the Thiety-third<br />

General -A~semhly.<br />

no:-;. J .ur;cs )f. TIOH!l.<br />

Mr.. SPE.\ Kt:n-Your commitee appointed to prepare and present suitable<br />

r e solutions respec-ting the life, character and public service <strong>of</strong> the<br />

~ Honcrablc> James l\l. Tiobb, late a member <strong>of</strong> this Hou~e in the 13th and<br />

19th G€neral Assemblies, beg leave to" report the following:<br />

1\' n r:m-: .\S. The Honorable James ~I. Robb, one <strong>of</strong> the pioneer citizens <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Iowa</strong>; '·was born in B eaver county, PPilllsylvania on the ·10th day <strong>of</strong> Match,<br />

1836. an r1 remoYec! to :-.:01:roe co;mty, <strong>Iowa</strong>, at a!1 early age, residing in<br />

l\Ionroe r ounty l!'ltil the elate <strong>of</strong> his death, January 9, 190(), with the exceptim't<br />

<strong>of</strong> the time sp2nt in the spryice <strong>of</strong> his country during the Civil<br />

war. He voluntperecl in defense <strong>of</strong> his country's flag at the outbreak <strong>of</strong><br />

the \\·ar <strong>of</strong> the Rebellion, enlisting· r..s a private in the 13th <strong>Iowa</strong> Volunt<br />

eer I n fantry, and served until the end <strong>of</strong> the war. being mustered out<br />

<strong>of</strong> serYice '': ith the rank <strong>of</strong> first l ieutenant..<br />

He s en·ed the people <strong>of</strong> his county in an effic ient manner as sheriff<br />

<strong>of</strong> the coun-ty for three consecutive terms, and served as representative<br />

in tho JSth and lflth General AEsemblies. I _n al l his rmblie services he<br />

proved to be a public servant <strong>of</strong> unimpeachable integrity, and one who always<br />

hac! 1c1Jp2rmost in his mind, the welfare <strong>of</strong> the people.<br />

ThE' life, character and public service <strong>of</strong> the deceased, commend him<br />

to tlw respect, CO!lfidenc\' and high esteem <strong>of</strong> a!! \\·ho !wew him, therefore<br />

be it<br />

Rrsolrctl: That in his death the county and state have lost a citizen<br />

and pu!ic servant, ,,·hose life was aboYe reproach , and whose jJUblic service<br />

was one cf fidelity and devotion to duty, and v.-e extend to his bereaved<br />

relath·es and friends our sincere sympathy in their sorrow; and be it<br />

further<br />

I~r s olt'ecl: That a copy <strong>of</strong> these resolutions be spread upon the Journal<br />

<strong>of</strong> the House, and that the Chief Clerk be directed to send an enrolled<br />

cop~ - o f the same to the family <strong>of</strong> the deceased.<br />

Adopted, January 28, 1909.<br />


P.u·r. E. STILDH'\.<br />

Gr:o. IV. Cnozrr:n,<br />

Committee.<br />

Source: <strong>Iowa</strong> Territorial and <strong>State</strong> Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the <strong>State</strong> <strong>Historical</strong> <strong>Society</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iowa</strong> Library, Des Moines, <strong>Iowa</strong>.

<strong>Iowa</strong> Marriages, 1851-1900 - Ancestry .corn<br />

Page 1 <strong>of</strong> 1<br />

ancestry<br />

You searched for James M. Robbin <strong>Iowa</strong><br />

Name: James M . Robb<br />

Spouse: Kate D. Presley<br />

Marriage Date: 13 Apr 1864<br />

County: Louisa<br />

<strong>State</strong>: IA<br />

Source lnfonnation:<br />

Dodd .. Jordan, Liahona Research, comp .. <strong>Iowa</strong> :\rlarriage.". J851 -19DO {dat

<strong>Iowa</strong> Marriages, 1851-1900 - Ancestry.com Page 1 <strong>of</strong> 1<br />

ance 't ...,<br />

, 7<br />

You searched for James M. Robbin <strong>Iowa</strong><br />

Name:<br />

Spouse:<br />

James M. Robb<br />

Laura E. Peters<br />

:;vrarriagc Date: 2 Nov 1898<br />

Count\·:<br />

<strong>State</strong>:<br />

Monroe<br />

IA<br />

So.J.rt' ~ Info-r1 Jatio•J:<br />

ncdd. Jnrd ~H1) Liahon_~ Rc· .:~1rch, t.'(1111p .. !t u. .J .1 i drt'!Ufjr',"\, 18;)1-!

Roots Web's WorldConnect Project: The Kluska, Elnicki, Zamorski, Wood, McNutt, Rob... Page 1 <strong>of</strong> 4<br />

roots<br />


Roots Web's WorldConnect Project: The Kluska, Elnicki, Zamorski, Wood, McNutt, Rob... Page 2 <strong>of</strong> 4<br />

1910 Census (Monroe County, <strong>Iowa</strong>): LauraP. Robb, 60,<br />

born Indiana, widowed, no children. She was in the same<br />

place in 1930.<br />

Civil War records said he enlisted as a private, age 25, on<br />

November 21, 1861; mustered in September 17, 1862.<br />

General Affidavit -1891- Monroe Co., <strong>Iowa</strong>: "James M.<br />

Robb, 55 years old, a resident <strong>of</strong> Albia, Monroe Co. <strong>Iowa</strong>,<br />

in the matter <strong>of</strong> Joseph Robb, father <strong>of</strong> Thomas R. Robb,<br />

Sgt. Co. "I", 8th <strong>Iowa</strong> Reg't., req. pension under Act <strong>of</strong>27<br />

Jun 1890, states on 27 Apr 1891 that he is a Justice <strong>of</strong>the<br />

Peace in the City <strong>of</strong> Albia, <strong>Iowa</strong> and is personally<br />

acquainted with Joseph Robb and his son the soldier,<br />

before and at the time <strong>of</strong> the soldier's enlistment in about<br />

Aug 1861 in Monroe Co., <strong>Iowa</strong>. Claimant is about 80<br />

years old. The soldier, Thomas R. Robb, was about 26<br />

years old at the time <strong>of</strong> his enlistment in Co. "I", 8th <strong>Iowa</strong><br />

Inft. He (Thomas) was killed in battle <strong>of</strong> Shiloh, Tenn. 6<br />

Apr 1862, left no widow, child or children under 16 years,<br />

or <strong>of</strong> any other age, at his death. He (Thomas) was the son<br />

<strong>of</strong> claimant by his wife Mary A. who died, some years<br />

before the war <strong>of</strong> the rebellion, in the <strong>State</strong> <strong>of</strong> Ohio.<br />

Claimant is my Uncle, and the soldier was my cousin. I<br />

testifY <strong>from</strong> personal knowledge. Signed, James M.<br />

Robb."<br />

General Affidavit-22 Apr 1891, Monroe Co., <strong>Iowa</strong>, James<br />

M. ROBB, age 55 a resident <strong>of</strong> Albia, Monroe County,<br />

<strong>Iowa</strong> a Justice <strong>of</strong> the Peace, uncle <strong>of</strong> Joseph ROBB (?),<br />

states that he personally knows Joseph Robb, that Joseph<br />

is about 80 years <strong>of</strong> age, & the father <strong>of</strong> Thomas R. Rob b.<br />

Obituary <strong>from</strong> the Annals <strong>of</strong>lowa, Vol. 9, No. 1, Third<br />

Edition, April 1909:<br />

"James M. Robb was born March 10, 1836, at Service,<br />

Beaver county Pa.; he died at Albia, <strong>Iowa</strong>, January 9,<br />

1909. He removed to Monroe county, <strong>Iowa</strong>, in 1853,<br />

settling in Bluff Creek township. He enlisted in the 13th<br />

<strong>Iowa</strong> Infantry, serving three years and being severely<br />

wounded. He was admitted to the bar about 1882. He<br />

served three terms as sheriff <strong>of</strong> Monroe county and as a<br />

representative the the Eighteenth and Nineteenth General<br />

Assemblies."<br />

According to the Monroe County (<strong>Iowa</strong>) Genealogical<br />

<strong>Society</strong> a business in 1889 was Robb & Hobson which<br />

included J. M. Robb and Joseph Hobson, dealers in<br />

lumber, lath, shingles, paint, etc. They were brothers-inlaw.<br />

James' will bequeathed everything to his wife, Laura, and<br />

daughter, Jennie Cox (Will Book C, 197, Monroe County<br />

Clerk's Office).<br />

Source: <strong>Iowa</strong> Territorial and <strong>State</strong> Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the <strong>State</strong> <strong>Historical</strong> <strong>Society</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iowa</strong> Library, Des Moines, <strong>Iowa</strong>.<br />

http:/ /wc.rootsweb.ancestry .com/cgi-binligm.cgi ?op=GET &db=kluska&id=I 1600 10/19/2010

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• Ancestry Hints for James M. Robb<br />

4 possible matche~_found on ,A.ncestry.com<br />

ancestry<br />

Father: William M. Robb b: ABT 1806 in Beaver County,<br />

Pennsylvania<br />

Mother: MargaxetNelson b: 9 MAY 1812 in Pennsylvania<br />

Marriage 1 J11lia W. [ --?--1 b: 1842<br />

• Married: BET 1860 AND 1864 in <strong>Iowa</strong> 4<br />

Marriage 2 KateD.Presley b: 16 SEP 1839 in Rush County, Indiana<br />

• Married: 13 APR 1864 in Louisa County, <strong>Iowa</strong><br />

• Note: A book on the Service Chapel Cemetery in Bluff Creek,<br />

Monroe County has a Willie Robb, child <strong>of</strong> J.N. and K.D. Robb,<br />

died July 6, 1855. It also had Hattie and Harry as children <strong>of</strong><br />

J.N., so that was mis-typed. The gravestone definitely has "J.M."<br />

and has all three children on it, one on each side. A family<br />

member visited the cemetery and took pictures <strong>of</strong> the stone<br />

which looks like it says Willie died in 1863, but it has to be<br />

1865. They are in Row 4, #222. Margaret Robb (b. May 9, 1812<br />

d. Nov. 17, 1881) is also in Row 4.<br />

Children<br />

1. Willie_Rphb b: 1865 in Monroe County, <strong>Iowa</strong><br />

2. Harry _Eg~_h;jpn JSpQ_l:J b: FEB 1867 in Monroe County, <strong>Iowa</strong><br />

3. Hattie CordeliaRobb b: 26 OCT 1868 in Monroe County,<br />

<strong>Iowa</strong><br />

4. • Jennie Margaretta Robb b: 20 JAN 1871 in Monroe County,<br />

<strong>Iowa</strong><br />

Marriage 3 Laura Peters b: 31 MAR 1850 in Greensburg, Decatur<br />

County, Indiana<br />

• Married: 2 NOV 1898 in Monroe County, <strong>Iowa</strong> 56<br />

• Note: Laura filed for James' Civil War Pension, but the date on<br />

the record cannot be read.<br />

Sources:<br />

I. Title: Cemetery Records<br />

Repository:<br />

Media: Official Document<br />

Text: Oakview Cemetery, Albia, Monroe County, <strong>Iowa</strong><br />

2. Title: Annals <strong>of</strong>lowa<br />

Repository:<br />

Media: Book<br />

Text: by <strong>Iowa</strong> Division <strong>of</strong> <strong>Historical</strong> Museum and Archives<br />

3. Title: Cemetery Records<br />

Repository:<br />

Source: <strong>Iowa</strong> Territorial and <strong>State</strong> Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the <strong>State</strong> <strong>Historical</strong> <strong>Society</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iowa</strong> Library, Des Moines, <strong>Iowa</strong>.<br />

http:/ /wc.rootsweb.ancestry .com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET &db=kluska&id=I 1600 10/19/2010

ROBB, J. M.- MONROE CO. IOWA- WPA GENEALOGY DATABASE AND ANCE... Page 1 <strong>of</strong> 1<br />

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ROBB, J. M.<br />

Born:<br />

Died:<br />

Cemetery:<br />

1836<br />

1909/1/9<br />


Location: TROY<br />

County: MONROE CO. - IOWA<br />

Record Notes: LOT 3 BLK 2<br />

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The information contained on this website was originally recorded by <strong>Iowa</strong><br />

WPA (Works Progress Administration) workers during late 1930's. In<br />

2006 it was transcribed into a searchable electronic format<br />

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ROBB, Kate D.<br />

Add a Post-em Note<br />

Born:<br />

1839<br />

:·j : How to use post-em no.t~~.,<br />

Died:<br />

1897/1/28<br />

Cemetery: OAKVIEW<br />

Your Name:<br />

(required)<br />

Location: TROY Your Email: [1) (required)<br />

County: MONROE CO. -IOWA<br />

D Notify me when others post to this record .<br />

Record Notes: WIFE OF J. M.<br />

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The information contained on this website was originally recorded by <strong>Iowa</strong><br />

VVPA (Works Progress Administration) workers during late 1930's. In<br />

2006 it was transcribed into a searchable electronic format.<br />

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• Learn more about WPA HistQ.!Y<br />

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• YJslt tile <strong>Iowa</strong> Gravestone Photo ProJect.<br />

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Project Coordinator- Rich Lowe<br />

Copyright© 2010- IAGenWeb, lowaWPAGraves.com<br />

This website is hosted and sponsored by ClickStart<br />

L_ow Cost Web Site l;&_sjgn<br />

Source: <strong>Iowa</strong> Territorial and <strong>State</strong> Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the <strong>State</strong> <strong>Historical</strong> <strong>Society</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iowa</strong> Library, Des Moines, <strong>Iowa</strong>.<br />

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lt•l\7!\1<br />

GRAVES<br />

SURVEY<br />

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_ - S ta rch abl Genealogy Databa e & Family History Resource - Locate Anc -tor w<br />

If'' Yom F·m r f Tree<br />

<strong>Iowa</strong> Marriage Records Instantly Search Over 400,000, 000 Birth , Death, & Marriage Records www_i\rcl1ives _comnowa<br />

UK Census 1841-1901 Fr-eely Search the UK census Find your ancestors fast www Ul\census();,iinemm<br />

Ancestry .com ® Official site_ +6 bil!ion record s_ Discover your story today_ www ancescry_com<br />

Ads by Coogle<br />

RO , Julia' Add a Post-em Note<br />

Born:<br />

Died:<br />

1842<br />

1862/11/5<br />

Cemetery: OAKVIEW<br />

Location: TROY<br />

County:<br />


Record Notes: LOT 2 BLK 2 (MRS, J_ M_)<br />

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The information contained on this website was originally recorded by <strong>Iowa</strong><br />

WPA (Works Progress Administration) workers during late 1930's_ In<br />

2006 it was transcribed into a searchable electronic format.<br />

• Search for additional <strong>Iowa</strong> WPA Records<br />

• Learn more about WPA History<br />

• Get answers to frequently asked questions about WPA accuracy.<br />

• Visit the <strong>Iowa</strong> Gravestone Photo Project<br />

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Project Coordinator- Rich Lowe<br />

Copyright© 2011 - IAGenWeb, lowaWPAGraves.com<br />

This website is hosted and sponsored by Cl ickStart<br />

Low Cost Web Site Design<br />

Source: <strong>Iowa</strong> Territorial and <strong>State</strong> Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the <strong>State</strong> <strong>Historical</strong> <strong>Society</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iowa</strong> Library, Des Moines, <strong>Iowa</strong>.<br />

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