Breakout Session A - US Pharmacopeial Convention

Breakout Session A - US Pharmacopeial Convention

Breakout Session A - US Pharmacopeial Convention


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Theory, Instrumentation and<br />

Sampling Techniques for<br />

Vibrational Spectroscopy<br />

Peter R. Griffiths<br />

Department of Chemistry<br />

University of Idaho<br />

Moscow, ID 83844-2343<br />

Food Protein Workshop: Developing a Toolbox of Analytical<br />

Solutions to Address Adulteration<br />

June 16 and 17, 2009: <strong>Breakout</strong> <strong>Session</strong>: “Theory and application<br />

of rapid mid-infrared, near-infrared and Raman methods and<br />

chemometrics to measure protein and prevent adulteration.”<br />

Handbook of Vibrational Spectroscopy<br />


Number of Vibrational Modes<br />

Molecules have three degrees of translational freedom,<br />

corresponding to motion in the x, y and z directions, and three<br />

degrees of rotational freedom, corresponding to motion<br />

around the three principal axes.<br />

y<br />

z<br />

O<br />

x<br />

H<br />

H<br />

The other 3N - 6 degrees of freedom are manifested as<br />

vibrational modes.<br />

Vibrational Transitions<br />

Each vibrational mode is<br />

quantized and the molecule<br />

can exist in the ground<br />

vibrational state (v = 0) or an<br />

excited vibrational state. The<br />

energy to promote the<br />

transition from the ground to<br />

the first excited vibrational<br />

state (v = 0 → 1) corresponds<br />

to absorption of radiation in<br />

the infrared spectrum.<br />


Energy of a Harmonic<br />

Vibrational Mode<br />

The energy of a harmonic vibration is:<br />

E<br />

~<br />

iv<br />

= h cν<br />

i<br />

(vi<br />

+ 0.5)<br />

where<br />

~ ν<br />

i is the wavenumber of the i th mode<br />

and v i is the vibrational quantum number<br />

The only transitions allowed for harmonic<br />

vibrations are for Δv i = ±1.<br />

Fundamental Transitions<br />

Fundamental Transition: v = 0 → v = 1<br />

v = 0<br />

v = 1<br />

v = 2<br />

v is the vibrational quantum number<br />


Fundamental Transitions<br />

All fundamental transitions absorb radiation<br />

in the mid-infrared region of the spectrum<br />

(wavelengths from 2.5 – 25 μm);<br />

Wavenumber is the number of waves per<br />

unit length - usually given as cm -1 ;<br />

Therefore the wavenumber region of the<br />

mid-infrared spectrum is 4000 – 400 cm -1 .<br />

Energy of an Anharmonic<br />

Vibrational Mode<br />

The energy of an anharmonic vibration is:<br />

E<br />

iv<br />

= h c<br />

~ ν (v + 0.5) −<br />

~<br />

i i<br />

h cν<br />

i<br />

xi<br />

(vi<br />

+<br />

2<br />

0.5)<br />

where x i is the anharmonicity constant;<br />

and ~ ν is the wavenumber of the i th mode.<br />

i<br />

The transitions allowed for anharmonic vibrations are<br />

for Δv i = ±1, ±2, ±3, etc…. but as Δv i gets larger, the<br />

probability of the transition decreases and the band<br />

becomes much weaker.<br />


First Overtone<br />

Fundamental Transition: v = 0 → v = 1<br />

First Overtone: v = 0 → v = 2<br />

v = 0<br />

v = 1<br />

v = 2<br />

Second Overtone<br />

Fundamental Transition: v = 0 → v = 1<br />

First Overtone: v = 0 → v = 2<br />

Second Overtone: v = 0 → v = 3<br />

v = 0<br />

v = 1<br />

v = 2<br />

v = 3<br />


Combination Bands<br />

It is possible for one photon to excite two different<br />

vibrational modes, so that an absorption band is<br />

seen at a wavenumber equal to the sum of the<br />

wavenumbers of the two fundamentals. Such<br />

bands are known as combination bands.<br />

The two modes must have at least one atom in<br />

common.<br />

Overtone and Combination Bands<br />

Overtone and combination bands may absorb light in<br />

either the mid-infrared or the near-infrared region of<br />

the spectrum.<br />

Overtone and combination bands involving C-H, O-H<br />

or N-H stretching modes usually absorb radiation in<br />

the near-infrared spectrum.<br />

They are weaker than the fundamental modes from<br />

which they are derived, but this is not necessarily a<br />

bad thing.<br />


1st Overtone Bands<br />

H 2<br />

O<br />

ROH<br />

R‐NH 2<br />

Ar OH<br />

Ar C‐H<br />

CH 3<br />

CH 2<br />

CH<br />

CH‐Bend Fundamental<br />

Combined with CH‐<br />

Stretch 1 st Overtone<br />

CH 3<br />

CH 2<br />

CH<br />

1350 1400 1450 1500 1550 1600 1650 1700 1750 1800<br />

Wavelength (nm)<br />

2nd & 3rd Overtone Bands<br />

H 2<br />

O<br />

R‐NH 2<br />

R‐NH 2<br />

ROH<br />

Ar C‐H<br />

Ar C‐H<br />

CH 3<br />

CH 2<br />

CH 3<br />

CH 2<br />

CH<br />

CH<br />

750 800 850 900 950 1000 1050 1100 1150 1200 1250<br />

Wavelength (nm)<br />


How Do Molecules Interact With Light?<br />

For a vibration to absorb infrared radiation, there must<br />

be a change in the dipole moment during the vibration.<br />

The vibration is sometimes described by a normal<br />

coordinate, Q.<br />

The absorptivity is proportional to the square of the<br />

change in dipole moment with the normal coordinate.<br />

a<br />

=<br />

k<br />

⎛<br />

⎜<br />

⎝<br />

2<br />

μ ⎞<br />

⎟<br />

⎠<br />

d<br />

dQ<br />

where k is a constant.<br />

Raman Spectroscopy<br />

Sample is illuminated with monochromatic light from a<br />

laser.<br />

Assume that the sample is transparent, i.e., no absorption.<br />

Not quite all the light passes through the sample; a small<br />

fraction is scattered in all directions.<br />

This scattered light is collected and passed into a<br />

monochromator or an interferometer and hence to a<br />

detector.<br />


Rayleigh Scattering<br />

Most of the scattered radiation is of the same wavelength<br />

as the incident laser radiation.<br />

This is known as Rayleigh scattering, or to elastic<br />

collisions between the photons and the molecule.<br />

Rayleigh scattered light is about 10 -5 or 10 -6 times the<br />

intensity of the laser radiation and is actually a nuisance<br />

for Raman spectroscopy.<br />

Raman Scattering<br />

Some extremely weak additional features in the scattered<br />

light are found at slightly different frequencies.<br />

They are displaced from the “exciting line” by exactly the<br />

vibrational energy spacings.<br />

These new features are called Raman lines bands and are<br />

due to inelastically scattered radiation.<br />

They are very weak - about 10,000 times weaker than the<br />

Rayleigh scattered radiation.<br />


Collision Model for Scattering<br />

Rayleigh Scattering<br />

hν 0 hν 0<br />

Raman Scattering<br />

hν 0 h(ν 0 - ν vib )<br />

Raman Scattering<br />

An elastic collision gives Rayleigh scattering - a change in<br />

direction but no change in frequency.<br />

An inelastic collision leaves an amount of energy in the molecule<br />

equal to hcν ~ vib, where ~ ν vib is in cm -1 . Therefore, the scattered<br />

photon has less energy than the incident photon. Because it has an<br />

energy hc (ν ~ 0 - ~ ν vib), it will appear at the new position (ν ~ 0 - ~ ν vib).<br />

Thus there is a change in direction and frequency.<br />

Thus for a Raman band, ~ ν obs = (ν ~ 0 - ~ ν vib). This can be rearranged<br />

to ~ ν vib = (ν ~ 0 - ~ ν obs). Since the latter two can be measured, one can<br />

obtain vibrational frequencies from Raman scattering.<br />

By convention, Raman frequencies are displacements from the<br />

exciting line, ~ ν 0 - ~ ν obs. They are always given in cm -1 .<br />


Energy Level Diagram<br />

“Virtual State”<br />

Origin of Raman Scattering<br />


Nature of Raman Scattering<br />

It is not an absorption process. It is a scattering<br />

effect and closer to emission than absorption.<br />

The displacement, ν ~ 0 - ν ~ obs cm -1 , corresponds to<br />

the infrared range.<br />

Raman scattering offers a means of measuring<br />

vibrational bands using ultraviolet, visible or<br />

near-infrared light, where detection is far more<br />

sensitive.<br />

Raman intensity is proportional to (ν ~ 0 - ν ~ obs) 4 , so<br />

the shorter the wavelength the better – except<br />

when the sample fluoresces!<br />

Comparison of Infrared and<br />

Raman Spectra<br />

Both infrared and Raman are vibrational spectra<br />

Provided that both spectra are of samples in the<br />

same physical state, the wavenumber of a give<br />

vibrational mode is the same in the IR and Raman.<br />

The relative intensities of bands in the IR and<br />

Raman may be very different as the mechanisms<br />

are very different.<br />

In many respects, IR and Raman spectroscopy are<br />

complementary.<br />


Forbidden Bands in the Infrared<br />

If the dipole moment doesn’t change during the<br />

vibration, I = 0 and the band is “forbidden in the<br />

infrared.<br />

(The vibration still occurs but it cannot be excited by<br />

absorption of infrared radiation.)<br />

If ∂μ/∂Q is large, the band is intense. (Remember the<br />

squared dependence.)<br />

Strong Bands in the Infrared<br />

Bands that are strong in the infrared:<br />

Stretching of polar bonds: O-H, C-O, C=O, C-Cl<br />

Out-of-plane wags of unsaturated C-H, as in olefin<br />

and phenyl rings<br />


Weak Bands in the Infrared<br />

If the electronegativities of the two atoms forming the<br />

bond are nearly equal, stretching the bond usually gives<br />

rise to a weak band, e.g.:<br />

H-H, C-C<br />

C≡C stretch in H- C≡C-H, R- C≡C-R and R- C≡C-R′<br />

C-H stretch; the intensity per C-H group is usually low.<br />

Intensity in Raman Bands<br />

The intensity of Raman bands is determined by a<br />

change in polarizability during a vibration:<br />

I<br />

⎛ ∂α<br />

⎞<br />

α ⎜ ⎟<br />

⎝ ∂Q<br />

⎠<br />

2<br />

where α is the polarizability<br />

Q is the normal coordinate.<br />

The polarizability measures the ease with which an<br />

external electric field can induce a temporary dipole<br />

momemt, i.e., the ease with which electrical charges in<br />

a molecule can be displaced.<br />


Strong Raman Bands<br />

The polarizability is large when there is a high<br />

concentration of loosely held electrons in a bond that is<br />

involved in the vibration, since ∂α/∂Q is also large<br />

then. Some examples:<br />

Multiple bonds: C≡C, -C≡N, C=C, C=O;<br />

Stretching and bending of -Cl, -Br and -I bonds;<br />

Other many-electron atoms: S, Hg, other heavy metals<br />

For bonds that are strongly polar, Raman bands tend to<br />

be weak, e.g.:<br />

Stretching of O-H and C-F.<br />

Infrared Spectral Regions<br />

Now classified as follows:<br />

cm -1<br />

μm<br />

Near-Infrared 12,500 - 4000 0.8 - 2.5<br />

Si region 12,500 - 9,100 0.8 - 1.1<br />

PbS region 9,100 - 4,000 1.1 - 2.5<br />

Mid-Infrared 4,000 - 400 2.5 - 25<br />

Far-Infrared 400 - 10 25 - 1,000<br />


Sources<br />

Mid Infrared<br />

Incandescent SiC rod at ~1200K (Globar)<br />

Near Infrared<br />

Standard tungsten filament light bulb<br />

Quartz-tungsten-halogen lamp<br />

Raman<br />

Nd:YAG or Nd:YAlO 4 (1064 nm)<br />

Diode laser (785 nm usually)<br />

Helium-neon (633 nm)<br />

Frequency-doubled Nd:YAG (532 nm)<br />

Detectors<br />

Mid Infrared<br />

Deuterated triglycine sulfate pyroelectric (298K)<br />

Mercury cadmium telluride (77K)<br />

Near Infrared<br />

TE-cooled lead sulfide<br />

Indium gallium arsenide<br />

Silicon (for λ < 1100 nm)<br />

Raman<br />

TE-cooled charge-couple device array (CCD)<br />

LN 2 -cooled Ge or InGaAs<br />


Spectrometers<br />

Mid Infrared<br />

Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR)<br />

Near Infrared<br />

Filter<br />

Grating monochromator or polychromator<br />

FT-NIR<br />

Tunable laser<br />

Raman<br />

Polychromator<br />

FT-Raman<br />

Smiths Detection IdentifyIR TM<br />

Portable FT-IR Spectrometer<br />


Concept<br />

Reality<br />

Miniature Optical Bench<br />

14mm<br />

How do you make an optical<br />

bench that is just 14mm long?<br />


The Platform<br />

BENCH<br />


Optical Module<br />

Ahura Hand-Held Raman Spectrometer<br />


Sampling Techniques for Mid-Infrared<br />

Transmission<br />

KBr disks and mineral oil mulls (rare today)<br />

Diffuse Reflection<br />

Needs dilution in an IR-transparent powder<br />

Attenuated Total Reflection (ATR)<br />

ZnSe or diamond (n = 2.4)<br />

Germanium (n = 4.0)<br />

Diffuse Reflection<br />


Beam Paths Through Powders<br />

Specularly reflected<br />

light<br />

Diffusely reflected<br />

light<br />

Diffusely transmitted light<br />

Attenuated Total Reflection<br />


Refraction<br />

Low refractive<br />

index, n 1<br />

θ 1<br />

θ 2<br />

High refractive<br />

index, n 2<br />

Snell’s Law: n 1 sin θ 1 = n 2 sin θ 2<br />

Behavior Above and Below the Critical Angle<br />

Low refractive<br />

index, n 1<br />

High refractive<br />

index, n 2<br />

θ C<br />

Beam below critical<br />

angle obeys Snell’s<br />

Law<br />

θ C = sin -1 (n 1 /n 2 )<br />

Beam above critical<br />

angle reflects<br />

internally<br />


Optical Properties of Infrared<br />

Transmitting Materials<br />

Material n 2 θ C (for n 1 = 1.50)<br />

Potassium bromide 1.51 90º<br />

Silver chloride 1.90 49º<br />

Zinc sulfide 2.20 43º<br />

KRS-5 2.37 40º<br />

Zinc selenide 2.40 40º<br />

Diamond 2.41 40º<br />

Silicon 3.41 26º<br />

Germanium 4.00 22º<br />

Depth of Penetration<br />

d p<br />

=<br />

λ<br />

2<br />

2<br />

2π<br />

n<br />

1<br />

2<br />

sin θ −<br />

⎛n<br />

⎞<br />

⎜ n ⎟<br />

2 ⎠<br />

⎝<br />


First-Order ATR Correction<br />

(divide by wavelength)<br />

650 to 4000 cm -1 @ better than 4 cm -1 resolution<br />

Single-bounce diamond ATR for ‘press-and-shoot’<br />

ZnSe beamsplitter, laser-referenced interferometer<br />

Temperature/shock/drop rugged (-20°C to +40°C operation)<br />

“MIL-STD 810F” certified<br />

DLTGS<br />

ATR (diamond)<br />

fixed mirror<br />

broadband source<br />

beamsplitter<br />

moving mirror<br />


MIL-SPEC-810F Compliance<br />


Mechanical shock<br />

Vibration<br />

Transit Shock<br />

Humidity<br />

Sand/dust/dirt<br />

Thermal shock<br />

Low temp. (op)<br />

High temp. (op)<br />

Low temp. (store)<br />

High temp. (store)<br />

Immersion (op)<br />


40g in 11ms, saw-tooth 1 day<br />

1hr/axis, composite wheeled vibration<br />

4 foot drop onto plywood on concrete 26 times<br />

5X (48hrs) @ 60C & 95% RH<br />

Blowing dust<br />

-30C to +60C in 1 meter of water<br />

Sampling Techniques for Near-Infrared<br />

Transmission<br />

Usually in the short-wavelength region<br />

Diffuse Reflection<br />

Needs no dilution<br />

Transflection<br />

Mount liquid or semi-solid sample on reflective<br />

base and then use diffuse reflection optics.<br />


Sampling Techniques for Raman<br />

Liquids<br />

Hold sample in glass capillary or in glass bottle<br />

Solids<br />

Measure as received<br />

Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS)<br />

Evaporate solution on roughened silver or gold.<br />

Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering<br />

(SERS)<br />

Enhancement of the<br />

Raman spectrum of<br />

molecules on the<br />

surface of roughened<br />

silver or gold metal<br />

plates, colloids or<br />

nanoparticles.<br />

5-nm thick layer of silver<br />


SERS Spectrum of a Self-Assembled Monolayer<br />

of p-Nitrothiophenol on Silver Surface<br />

Produced by Physical Vapor Deposition (10 s)<br />

Counts (Normalized and Corrected)<br />

2000<br />

1000<br />

0<br />

2000<br />

1500<br />

1000<br />

Raman Shift / cm -1<br />

500<br />


NIR Technology to Help<br />

Food Technology<br />

Karl H. Norris<br />

Consultant<br />

11204 Montgomery Rd,<br />

Beltsville, MD 20705<br />

knnirs@gmail.com<br />

Food Protein Workshop: Developing a Toolbox of Analytical<br />

Solutions to Address Adulteration, June 16-17,2009<br />

NIR Merits<br />

1. Many food constituents have an NIR signal.<br />

2. The absorption bands are of the correct magnitude for<br />

measurement with little or no sample preparation.<br />

3. Radiation sources are readily available.<br />

4. Rapid data collection, with good signal to noise.<br />

5. Detectors and associated electronics exist, and they<br />

continuing to improve.<br />

6. Windows, lenses, fibers, and standards are available.<br />

7. Chemometrics has grown with NIR technology.<br />

8. Computer technology is readily available.<br />

9. Many technologies available for collecting NIR spectra.<br />


Error Sources for NIR of Scattering Samples<br />

1. Sampling Errors<br />

2. Sample Stability<br />

3. Packing Effects<br />

4. Sample Temperature Effects<br />

5. Reference Data Errors<br />

6. Instrument Noise<br />

7. Humidity Effects<br />


Source Fibers<br />

Collecting Fibers<br />

Blocking Metal<br />

Interactance Probe<br />


Photo by Kayla Dowell 9th Grade Germann Hills Christian School<br />


Beam Paths Through Powders<br />

Specularly reflected<br />

light<br />

Diffusely reflected<br />

light<br />

Diffusely transmitted light<br />

DIFF<strong>US</strong>E REFLECTION: 1850-2500 nm<br />

1. Small Particles, less than 0.5 mm<br />

2. Low Moisture, less than 15%<br />


DIFF<strong>US</strong>E REFLECTION: 1350-1850 nm<br />

1. Medium Particle Size, less than 2 mm<br />

2. Medium Moisture, 15-30 %<br />

DIFF<strong>US</strong>E REFLECTION: 700-1350 nm<br />

1. Large Particle Size, greater than 2 mm<br />

2. High Moisture, 30-90 %<br />


Human Hand<br />

Water<br />

Fat<br />

Deoxyhemoglobin<br />


B<br />

B<br />

A<br />


Protein Measurements in Food Products<br />

• The official method measures nitrogen to<br />

obtain protein content.<br />

• NIR does not sense nitrogen.<br />

• NIR senses overtones of NH vibrations of<br />

the amino acids to sense protein.<br />


Detecting Adulterants and Unwanted Synthetics in Ingredients<br />

by Cynthia Kradjel, Application Development Manager, Buchi Corporation<br />


References to use of NIR to detect melamine in food powders:<br />

Melamine Detection in Infant Formula Powder Using Near- and Mid-Infrared<br />

Spectroscopy<br />

Lisa J. Mauer, Alona A. Chernyshova, Ashley Hiatt, Amanda Deering and Reeta<br />

Davis<br />

J. Agric. Food Chem., 2009, 57 (10), pp 3974–3980<br />

Publication Date (Web): April 22, 2009 (Article)<br />

DOI: 10.1021/jf900587m<br />

doi: 10.1255/jnirs.829<br />

Rapid detection of melamine in milk powder by near infrared spectroscopy<br />

Chenghui Lu, Bingren Xiang, Gang Hao, Jianping Xu, Zhengwu Wang and<br />

Changyun Chen<br />


0.9<br />

2 Melamine Reflection Spectra<br />

0.8<br />

0.7<br />

Log(1/R)<br />

0.6<br />

0.5<br />

0.4<br />

9 nm bandpass monochromator-<br />

0.3<br />

0.2<br />

0.1<br />

-High Resolution FT<br />

0<br />

1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500<br />

Wavelength nm<br />


Proposed Method for Detecting Adulteration<br />

1. Develop 6 or more different calibrations for protein on the<br />

product to be tested.<br />

2. Perform an NIR scan of the sample to be tested.<br />

3. Predict the protein content of test sample with each of the<br />

different calibrations.<br />

4. Observe the range of the predicted proteins.<br />

5. If the predicted range exceeds a value (~5% of the average),<br />

the sample is declared as adulterated.<br />

Derivative-Ratio Regression<br />

• % Protein = A + B(WL1-WL2)/ WL3<br />

• WL1 is second derivative at wavelength 1<br />

• WL2 is second derivative at wavelength 2<br />

• WL3 is second derivative at wavelength 3<br />

• A, B, WL1, WL2, and WL3 are optimized<br />

to provide the minimum SEC for %Protein<br />

on a group of sample spectra.<br />


Results of Adulteration Tests on Flour<br />

% Protein = A + B(WL1-WL2)/ WL3<br />

Calibration No.<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

5<br />

6<br />

7<br />

WL1 nm<br />

1977.0<br />

1687.0<br />

1223.5<br />

2209.0<br />

1068.5<br />

1845.0<br />

1139.0<br />

WL2 nm<br />

1625.0<br />

1961.5<br />

1978.0<br />

1971.5<br />

1976.5<br />

1978.5<br />

1978.0<br />

WL3 nm<br />

1333.0<br />

2293.0<br />

1965.5<br />

1966.5<br />

994.0<br />

872.5<br />

868.0<br />

SEC %PRO.<br />

0.102<br />

0.139<br />

.0114<br />

0.122<br />

0.118<br />

0.114<br />

0.124<br />

0% RMSEP<br />

0.008<br />

0.214<br />

0.135<br />

0.030<br />

0.084<br />

0.092<br />

0.072<br />

0.1%M RMSEP<br />

0.132<br />

0.246<br />

0.258<br />

0.335<br />

0.163<br />

0.097<br />

0.071<br />

1.0%M RMSEP<br />

1.300<br />

1.292<br />

0.987<br />

2.201<br />

1.425<br />

0.207<br />

0.272<br />

.<br />

Results of Adulteration Tests on Flour<br />

% Protein = A + B(WL1-WL2)/ WL3<br />

Calibration #<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

5<br />

6<br />

WL1 nm<br />

1692<br />

1982<br />

1736<br />

2184<br />

2112<br />

1188<br />

WL2 nm<br />

816<br />

748<br />

2170<br />

774<br />

2330<br />

1184<br />

WL3 nm<br />

1606<br />

1816<br />

1516<br />

1518<br />

1896<br />

976<br />

SEC %PRO.<br />

0.116<br />

0.076<br />

0.086<br />

0.076<br />

0.132<br />

0.123<br />

0% RMSEP<br />

0.070<br />

0.101<br />

0.037<br />

0.062<br />

0.046<br />

0.162<br />

0.1%M RMSEP<br />

0.075<br />

0.172<br />

0.127<br />

0.123<br />

0.153<br />

0.251<br />

1%M RMSEP<br />

0.181<br />

1.715<br />

1.627<br />

1.452<br />

1.474<br />

2.209<br />


Results of Adulteration Tests on Flour<br />

% Protein = A + B(WL1-WL2)/ WL3<br />

Calibration No.<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

5<br />

6<br />

WL1 nm<br />

1692<br />

1982<br />

1736<br />

2184<br />

2112<br />

1188<br />

WL2 nm<br />

816<br />

748<br />

2170<br />

774<br />

2330<br />

1184<br />

WL3 nm<br />

1606<br />

1816<br />

1516<br />

1518<br />

1896<br />

976<br />

SEC %PRO.<br />

0.116<br />

0.076<br />

0.086<br />

0.076<br />

0.132<br />

0.123<br />

0% RMSEP<br />

0.070<br />

0.101<br />

0.037<br />

0.062<br />

0.046<br />

0.162<br />

0.1%M RMSEP<br />

0.075<br />

0.172<br />

0.127<br />

0.123<br />

0.153<br />

0.251<br />

1%M RMSEP<br />

0.181<br />

1.715<br />

1.627<br />

1.452<br />

1.474<br />

2.209<br />

0.2%Urea RMSEP<br />

0.575<br />

0.181<br />

0.166<br />

0.116<br />

0.438<br />

0.222<br />

1.0%Urea RMSEP<br />

3.507<br />

1.078<br />

0.822<br />

0.621<br />

3.187<br />

0.992<br />

Results of Adulteration Tests on Flour<br />

NIRSystems 6500, year 1990<br />

Calibration No.<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

5<br />

6<br />

STD<br />

Max-Min<br />

SEC % Pro.<br />

0.116<br />

0.076<br />

0.086<br />

0.076<br />

0.132<br />

0.123<br />

0.025<br />

0.056<br />

NIR % P, Clean<br />

NIR % P, 0.1%M<br />

NIR % P, 1.0%M<br />

NIR % P, Clean<br />

NIR % P, 0.1%M<br />

NIR % P, 1.0%M<br />

NIR % P, Clean<br />

NIR % P, 0.1%M<br />

NIR % P, 1.0%M<br />

13.94<br />

13.92<br />

13.76<br />

10.78<br />

10.77<br />

10.64<br />

8.51<br />

8.50<br />

8.37<br />

13.76<br />

13.93<br />

15.45<br />

10.84<br />

11.01<br />

12.59<br />

8.59<br />

8.78<br />

10.45<br />

13.88<br />

14.07<br />

15.89<br />

10.75<br />

10.90<br />

12.26<br />

8.56<br />

8.69<br />

9.91<br />

13.87<br />

13.99<br />

15.72<br />

10.83<br />

10.84<br />

11.01<br />

8.52<br />

8.46<br />

7.60<br />

13.88<br />

13.87<br />

13.78<br />

10.76<br />

10.68<br />

9.80<br />

8.54<br />

8.39<br />

6.48<br />

13.72<br />

13.93<br />

16.08<br />

10.86<br />

11.05<br />

12.91<br />

8.72<br />

8.92<br />

10.92<br />

0.084<br />

0.069<br />

1.061<br />

0.046<br />

0.041<br />

1.249<br />

0.077<br />

0.206<br />

1.750<br />

0.22<br />

0.20<br />

2.32<br />

0.11<br />

0.37<br />

3.11<br />

0.21<br />

0.53<br />

4.44<br />


Results of Adulteration Tests on Flour<br />

NIRSystems 6500, year 1990<br />

Calibration No.<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

5<br />

6<br />

STD<br />

Max-Min<br />

SEC % Pro.<br />

0.116<br />

0.076<br />

0.086<br />

0.076<br />

0.132<br />

0.123<br />

0.025<br />

0.056<br />

NIR % P, Clean<br />

NIR % P, 0.1%M<br />

NIR % P, 1.0%M<br />

NIR % P, Clean<br />

NIR % P, 0.1%M<br />

NIR % P, 1.0%M<br />

NIR % P, Clean<br />

NIR % P, 0.1%M<br />

NIR % P, 1.0%M<br />

13.94<br />

13.92<br />

13.76<br />

10.78<br />

10.77<br />

10.64<br />

8.51<br />

8.50<br />

8.37<br />

13.76<br />

13.93<br />

15.45<br />

10.84<br />

11.01<br />

12.59<br />

8.59<br />

8.78<br />

10.45<br />

13.88<br />

14.07<br />

15.89<br />

10.75<br />

10.90<br />

12.26<br />

8.56<br />

8.69<br />

9.91<br />

13.87<br />

13.99<br />

15.72<br />

10.83<br />

10.84<br />

11.01<br />

8.52<br />

8.46<br />

7.60<br />

13.88<br />

13.87<br />

13.78<br />

10.76<br />

10.68<br />

9.80<br />

8.54<br />

8.39<br />

6.48<br />

13.72<br />

13.93<br />

16.08<br />

10.86<br />

11.05<br />

12.91<br />

8.72<br />

8.92<br />

10.92<br />

0.084<br />

0.069<br />

1.061<br />

0.046<br />

0.041<br />

1.249<br />

0.077<br />

0.206<br />

1.750<br />

0.22<br />

0.20<br />

2.32<br />

0.11<br />

0.37<br />

3.11<br />

0.21<br />

0.53<br />

4.44<br />

Results of Adulteration Tests on Flour<br />

NIRSystems 6500, year 1990<br />

Calibration No.<br />

SEC % Pro.<br />

1<br />

0.116<br />

2<br />

0.076<br />

3<br />

0.086<br />

4<br />

0.076<br />

5<br />

0.132<br />

6<br />

0.123<br />

STD<br />

0.025<br />

Max-Min<br />

0.056<br />

NIR % P, Clean<br />

13.94<br />

13.76<br />

13.88<br />

13.87<br />

13.88<br />

13.72<br />

0.084<br />

0.22<br />

NIR % P, 0.2%Urea<br />

14.63<br />

14.01<br />

13.94<br />

13.98<br />

14.50<br />

13.94<br />

0.276<br />

0.69<br />

NIR % P, 1.0%Urea<br />

18.08<br />

15.11<br />

14.12<br />

14.40<br />

18.08<br />

14.92<br />

1.584<br />

3.96<br />

NIR % P, Clean<br />

10.78<br />

10.84<br />

10.75<br />

10.83<br />

10.76<br />

10.86<br />

0.046<br />

0.11<br />

NIR % P, 0.2%Urea<br />

11.31<br />

11.03<br />

10.94<br />

10.96<br />

11.15<br />

11.03<br />

0.148<br />

0.37<br />

NIR % P, 1.0%Urea<br />

13.94<br />

11.87<br />

11.53<br />

11.45<br />

13.40<br />

11.78<br />

0.96<br />

2.41<br />

NIR % P, Clean<br />

8.51<br />

8.59<br />

8.56<br />

8.52<br />

8.54<br />

8.72<br />

0.077<br />

0.21<br />

NIR % P, 0.2%Urea<br />

9.02<br />

8.77<br />

8.83<br />

8.68<br />

8.86<br />

8.88<br />

0.096<br />

0.24<br />

NIR % P, 1.0%Urea<br />

11.63<br />

9.52<br />

9.72<br />

9.29<br />

10.88<br />

9.57<br />

0.94<br />

2.34<br />


Results of Adulteration Tests on Flour<br />

NIRSystems 6500, year 1990<br />

Calibration No.<br />

SEC % Pro.<br />

1<br />

0.116<br />

2<br />

0.076<br />

3<br />

0.086<br />

4<br />

0.076<br />

5<br />

0.132<br />

6<br />

0.123<br />

STD<br />

0.025<br />

Max-Min<br />

0.056<br />

NIR % P, Clean<br />

13.94<br />

13.76<br />

13.88<br />

13.87<br />

13.88<br />

13.72<br />

0.084<br />

0.22<br />

NIR % P, 0.2%Urea<br />

14.63<br />

14.01<br />

13.94<br />

13.98<br />

14.50<br />

13.94<br />

0.276<br />

0.69<br />

NIR % P, 1.0%Urea<br />

18.08<br />

15.11<br />

14.12<br />

14.40<br />

18.08<br />

14.92<br />

1.584<br />

3.96<br />

NIR % P, Clean<br />

10.78<br />

10.84<br />

10.75<br />

10.83<br />

10.76<br />

10.86<br />

0.046<br />

0.11<br />

NIR % P, 0.2%Urea<br />

11.31<br />

11.03<br />

10.94<br />

10.96<br />

11.15<br />

11.03<br />

0.148<br />

0.37<br />

NIR % P, 1.0%Urea<br />

13.94<br />

11.87<br />

11.53<br />

11.45<br />

13.40<br />

11.78<br />

0.96<br />

2.41<br />

NIR % P, Clean<br />

8.51<br />

8.59<br />

8.56<br />

8.52<br />

8.54<br />

8.72<br />

0.077<br />

0.21<br />

NIR % P, 0.2%Urea<br />

9.02<br />

8.77<br />

8.83<br />

8.68<br />

8.86<br />

8.88<br />

0.096<br />

0.24<br />

NIR % P, 1.0%Urea<br />

11.63<br />

9.52<br />

9.72<br />

9.29<br />

10.88<br />

9.57<br />

0.94<br />

2.34<br />

Testing for Adulteration with Different Materials<br />

Model XDS-RCA, year 2002<br />


Testing for Adulteration with Different Materials<br />

Model XDS-RCA, year 2002<br />

14.5<br />

14<br />

13.5<br />

Testing for Adulteration with Different Materials<br />

on a high protein flour spectrum<br />

NIR % Protein<br />

13<br />

12.5<br />

12<br />

11.5<br />

11<br />

No Contamination<br />

0.1% Melamine<br />

1.0% Melamine<br />

1.0% Talc<br />

1.0% Urea<br />

5.0% Soy Protein<br />

10.5<br />

10<br />

9.5<br />

1 2 3 4 5 6 7<br />

Calibration Number<br />


Acknowledgements<br />

• Dr. David Hopkins for the melamine spectrum.<br />

• DR. Ron Rubinovitz, Buchi Corp., for a high<br />

resolution melamine spectrum.<br />

• Foss-NIRSystems for access to flour spectra.<br />

Conclusions<br />

NIR Technology can help Food Technology.<br />

A simple method is proposed using multiple<br />

protein calibrations on a single NIR scan to<br />

detect adulteration in food products.<br />

Test results are provided with computer simulation<br />

of wheat flour spectra adulterated with a<br />

melamine spectrum, and shows definitive<br />

detection at the 1.0% level.<br />

Results are also presented for detection of<br />

adulteration with talc, soy protein, and urea.<br />

The procedure needs to be tested with actual<br />

samples on different types of food products.<br />


“Intuitive” Chemometrics for<br />

Protein Measurements and<br />

Adulterant Detection<br />

David B. Funk, Ph.D.<br />

Technical Services Division<br />

Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration<br />

U.S. Department of Agriculture<br />

Kansas City, Missouri<br />


What is an NIR Calibration?<br />

• An equation (or, particularly, a set of<br />

equation coefficients) that expresses a useful<br />

relationship between electro-optic parameters<br />

and a constituent of interest.<br />

• Many different mathematical methods exist<br />

for deriving “optimum” equations.<br />

• Most NIR calibration equations have a simple<br />

common form.<br />

NIRS Prediction Equation Forms<br />

Sum of products<br />

%P K 0 + K 1 ⋅L 1 + K 2 ⋅L 2 + .... + K n ⋅L n<br />

Summation Notation<br />

Vector/Matrix Notation<br />

∑ ( )<br />

%P K 0 + K n ⋅L n %P K⋅L<br />

n<br />

L 0 1<br />


An NIR Calibration Defines:<br />

• The wavelengths used<br />

• Few wavelengths<br />

• Many wavelengths<br />

• All available wavelengths<br />

• The form of the equation<br />

• Usually linear sum of products<br />

• Data pretreatment required<br />

• Derivative math (smoothing, gap)<br />

• Scatter correction<br />

• Specific coefficients associated with data<br />

collected at each wavelength or linear<br />

combination of wavelengths<br />

Typical Wheat NIRT Spectrum<br />

200<br />

Coefficient Absorbance Value<br />

3.2<br />

100<br />

3.1<br />

0<br />

3<br />

100<br />

2.9<br />

0<br />

200 2.8<br />

860 880 900 920 940 960 980 1000 1020 1040<br />

Wavelength (nm)<br />

.<br />


Wheat Protein Calibration Coefficients<br />

200<br />

Coefficient Value<br />

100<br />

0<br />

100<br />

0<br />

200<br />

860 880 900 920 940 960 980 1000 1020 1040<br />

Wavelength (nm)<br />

.<br />

Products of Spectral Values and Coefficients<br />

+<br />

∑ ( )<br />

%P K 0<br />

n<br />

K n ⋅L n<br />


NIRS Calibration Visualization<br />

• “Simple” geometric interpretation<br />

• Extensible to many dimensions<br />

• Unifies calibration methods<br />

Calibration Contours:<br />

Surfaces of Constant Predicted Values<br />

% C K + K L + ⋅⋅⋅+<br />

= 0 1 1<br />

K n L n<br />

0 = ( K + K L + K L<br />

0<br />

− % C)<br />

1<br />

1<br />

2<br />

2<br />

0 =<br />

B + Mx +<br />

Ny<br />

y= -(B/N)-(M/N)x y=a+bx<br />


Technicon 400 Wheat Moisture<br />

Calibration Contour Lines and Data<br />

0=(3.05-%M) + 63.4*L 1940 - 58.5*L 2230<br />

12% M<br />

K 1940 = 63.4<br />

Log (1/R) @ 1940 nm<br />

0.55<br />

10% M<br />

8% M<br />

No effect<br />

on results<br />

0.5<br />

0.4 0.45<br />

Log (1/R) @ 2230 nm<br />

K 2230 = -58.5<br />

Thinking in Spectral Space<br />

Log 1/R values shown as points in spectral space<br />

1680 nm<br />

Data shown as spectra<br />

0.5<br />

Log(1/R)<br />

0.4<br />

2100 nm<br />

0.3<br />

2180 nm<br />

( L 〈〉 2 , L 〈〉 3 , L 〈〉 5 )<br />

0.2<br />

1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200<br />

Wavelength (nm)<br />


3-Wavelength NIRR Data and Calibration<br />

Contour Planes:<br />

12, 14, 16 % Protein<br />

1680 nm, K= -131.5<br />

2100 nm,<br />

K= -337.8<br />

2180 nm, K= 426.6<br />

L < 2><br />

, L < 3><br />

, L < 5><br />

, ( XY , , Z12)<br />

, ( XY , , Z14)<br />

, ( XY , , Z16)<br />

3-Wavelength NIRR Data and<br />

Calibration Contour Planes:<br />

12, 14, 16 % Protein<br />

1680 nm , K= -131.5<br />

2180 nm,<br />

K= 426.6<br />

2100 nm,<br />

K= -337.8<br />

L < 2><br />

, L < 3><br />

, L < 5><br />

, ( XY , , Z12)<br />

, ( XY , , Z14)<br />

, ( XY , , Z16)<br />


3-Wavelength NIRR Data and Calibration<br />

Contour Planes:<br />

12, 14, 16 % Protein<br />

1680 nm , K= -131.5<br />

2180 nm,<br />

K= 426.6<br />

2100 nm,<br />

K= -337.8<br />

L < 2><br />

, L < 3><br />

, L < 5><br />

, ( XY , , Z12)<br />

, ( XY , , Z14)<br />

, ( XY , , Z16)<br />

Generalized Calibration Contours of<br />

Constant Predicted Values<br />

0 1<br />

= ( K −%<br />

C)<br />

+ K L + ... + K L 0<br />

1<br />

n n<br />

Dimensions (n) Contour Type<br />

1 Points<br />

2 Lines<br />

3 Planes<br />

>3 Hyperplanes<br />


Calibration Contours for<br />

Linear Equations<br />

• Contours are linear (straight/flat).<br />

• Contours are parallel.<br />

• Contours of regular prediction increments are<br />

evenly placed in spectral space.<br />

• Wavelength axes with zero coefficients are<br />

parallel to contours.<br />

Calibration Contours for Linear<br />

Equations<br />

• All linear calibration methods attempt to find<br />

the direction, spacing, and offset of the<br />

“calibration contours” that maximize<br />

sensitivity to the desired quantity while<br />

minimizing the effects of interfering factors.<br />

• Multiple linear regression, Fourier regression,<br />

principal components regression, and partial<br />

least squares regression are basically<br />

equivalent in that sense.<br />

• Each method has certain advantages for<br />

finding the optimum solution.<br />


Calibration Contours for<br />

Non-Linear Equations<br />

• Non-linear calibrations<br />

• Artificial Neural Networks<br />

• Support Vector Machines<br />

• Some data pre-treatments<br />

• Same as for linear calibrations except:<br />

• Contours are not linear (not straight/flat).<br />

• Contours are not parallel.<br />

• Contours of regular prediction increments are not<br />

evenly placed in spectral space.<br />

• The “curviness” of the contours depends on how<br />

non-linear the equations are.<br />

Statistics for Evaluating Calibrations<br />


Bias<br />

Bias or<br />

Mean Error<br />

N<br />

∑<br />

i =<br />

1<br />

y pi − y<br />

( i )<br />

N<br />

SD( y)<br />

Population<br />

Standard Deviation<br />

i<br />

N<br />

∑<br />

=<br />

1<br />

( ) 2<br />

y i − mean( y)<br />

N − 1<br />

• Average prediction<br />

residuals for a data set.<br />

• The differences<br />

between predicted and<br />

reference values are<br />

“errors” or “residuals.”<br />

• A measure of the<br />

“scatter” in data set.<br />

y p : predicted values<br />

y : reference values<br />

N: number of observations<br />

Standard Error of Estimate or<br />

Standard Error of Calibration<br />

SEE<br />

SEC<br />

i<br />

N<br />

∑<br />

= 1<br />

N<br />

(<br />

y pi − y i ) 2<br />

− K − 1<br />

• Standard deviation of the residuals within the<br />

calibration data set.<br />

• Corrected for the number of degrees of freedom by<br />

“K” in the denominator. K is number of coefficients.<br />

• Estimates calibration accuracy for unknown samples.<br />


Standard Error of Prediction<br />

Standard Error of Performance<br />

SEP<br />

i<br />

N<br />

∑<br />

=<br />

1<br />

⎡<br />

⎣<br />

y pi<br />

− − mean y p − y<br />

y i<br />

(<br />

N − 1<br />

( )<br />

2<br />

⎤<br />

⎦<br />

• Standard deviation of the residuals due to<br />

differences between predicted and reference<br />

values for samples NOT in calibration set.<br />

• Note exclusion of the mean difference.<br />

Coefficient of Multiple Determination<br />

“R-squared”<br />

N<br />

∑<br />

R 2 i = 1<br />

N<br />

∑<br />

i = 1<br />

(<br />

y pi − mean ( y ) ) 2<br />

( ) 2<br />

y i − mean( y)<br />

y p<br />

y<br />

predicted<br />

reference<br />

• Gives the fraction of the population variance that<br />

is “explained” by the regression.<br />

• Population variance= square of population<br />

standard deviation.<br />


Relative Performance Determinant (RPD)<br />

Estimate of Practical Value<br />

RPD<br />

SD pop<br />

SEC<br />

1<br />

1 − R 2<br />

(Approx.)<br />

RPD<br />

Practical Value<br />

10 Excellent<br />

5 Good<br />

2.5 Dubious (screening?<br />

1<br />

Relationship between RPD and R 2<br />

10<br />

9<br />

8<br />

7<br />

6<br />

10<br />

9<br />

8<br />

7<br />

6<br />

X<br />

RPD<br />

5<br />

RPD<br />

5<br />

4<br />

3<br />

2<br />

1<br />

4<br />

3<br />

2<br />

1<br />

X<br />

0<br />

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1<br />

R-squared<br />

0<br />

0.8 0.82 0.84 0.86 0.88 0.9 0.92 0.94 0.96 0.98 1<br />

R-squared<br />

R 2 of 0.90 gives RPD of only 3<br />

RPD of 10 requires R 2 of 0.99<br />


Overview of Chemometric Methods<br />

• Spectra as Vectors<br />

• Multiple Linear Regression<br />

• Principal Component Regression<br />

• Partial Least Squares Regression<br />

• Artificial Neural Networks<br />

Dimensionality of Spectral Space<br />

• A spectrum defines a point in spectral space<br />

(but we can’t plot more than three<br />

dimensions).<br />

• The number of dimensions = number of<br />

variables (wavelengths)<br />

• Number of wavelengths is usually determined<br />

by the instrumentation.<br />

• How many wavelengths are needed?<br />

• Why not use all available wavelengths?<br />


Vector Characteristics<br />

Length of vector<br />

Normalized vector<br />

v<br />

vn<br />

v<br />

∑ ( n )2<br />

n<br />

v<br />

vn 1<br />

v<br />

Orthogonal vectors<br />

v1⋅v2<br />

0<br />

Orthonormal vectors<br />

vn1 1 vn2 1 vn1 ⋅vn2<br />

0<br />

Length = 1 and<br />

mutually “perpendicular”<br />

(vector product = 0)<br />

Basis vectors<br />

• A vector space is the combination of all possible<br />

vectors in the system considered.<br />

• Line: 1-D vector space<br />

• Plane: 2-D vector space<br />

• Volume: 3-D vector space<br />

• NIRS spectra: 10, 100, 700, etc.-D vector space<br />

• For n-dimensional vector space any vector (or<br />

any point in space) can be exactly expressed as a<br />

linear combination of n linearly independent basis<br />

vectors. That is, none of the basis vectors can be<br />

expressed as a linear combination of the other basis<br />

vectors.<br />


Multiple Linear Regression (MLR)<br />

y Xb b ( X T ⋅X)<br />

− 1<br />

⋅X T ⋅y<br />

• Mathematically extend simple linear<br />

regression to multiple independent variables<br />

• If rows or columns of X are not independent,<br />

the inverse “blows up”<br />

• High correlation between wavelengths<br />

(multicollinearity) makes regression noisy,<br />

unstable<br />

• Need to reduce correlation between<br />

independent variables<br />

Why reduce dimensionality<br />

( number of fitted coefficients)?<br />

• Using many independent variables leads to "overfitting"<br />

of the data.<br />

• Very large coefficients<br />

• Larger calibration transferability errors<br />

• Greater sensitivity to random noise<br />

• Overly optimistic performance estimates<br />

• General recommendations call for about 10<br />

independent calibration samples for each<br />

coefficient fitted.<br />

• Very large sample sets are needed to avoid overfitting<br />

and other problems with large numbers of<br />

variables.<br />


Why reduce dimensionality?<br />

Wheat Protein Coefficients<br />

1.5 . 10 4 PLS Coefficients<br />

1 . 10 4<br />

Coefficient Value)<br />

5000<br />

0<br />

5000<br />

1 . 10 4<br />

1.5 . 10 4<br />

860 880 900 920 940 960 980 1000 1020 1040<br />

Wavelength (nm)<br />

.<br />

MLR with 50 wavelengths<br />

MLR with 100 wavelengths<br />

MLR with 4 wavelengths<br />

Multiple Linear Regression Model<br />

X<br />

Weights (B-coefficients)<br />

X<br />

Inputs<br />

X<br />

X<br />

∑<br />

B0<br />

Output<br />

1<br />


Multiple Linear Regression<br />

• Find limited number of most useful<br />

independent variables<br />

• Step up<br />

• Step down<br />

• Step up, down, up, down<br />

• All possible combinations<br />

Another way: Define new “latent” variables<br />

(basis vectors) that are linear combinations of<br />

data from all wavelengths<br />

• Fourier regression<br />

• Sine and cosine functions<br />

• Principal components regression<br />

• Principal components<br />

• Directions in space that explain most variance<br />

• Partial least squares<br />

• Loading factors<br />

• Directions in space that are most highly correlated<br />

to constituent of interest<br />

• Each of these simply define orthonormal sets<br />

of basis vectors in spectral space.<br />


Assume that we want to<br />

“describe” a spectrum<br />

Sines and Cosines as Basis Vectors<br />


Calculate T-scores<br />

• Use projection (sum of products) to test “how much” of<br />

each basis vector is represented in each of the spectra.<br />

• The result is the Discrete Fourier Transform of the spectrum<br />

1<br />

SS q :=<br />

CS q :=<br />

〈〉<br />

L⋅SIFN q<br />

〈〉<br />

L⋅COFN q<br />

Fourier T Scores<br />

SS q<br />

CS q<br />

0.5<br />

0<br />

0.5<br />

1<br />

.<br />

1.5<br />

0 5 10 15 20<br />

q<br />

Factor Number<br />

Reconstruct the spectrum from basis<br />

vectors and T-Scores<br />

“Length” of residual<br />

(unexplained) spectrum<br />


Can’t we find something more efficient<br />

than sines and cosines to describe spectra?<br />

• Yes! Principal components<br />

• Eigenvectors of the variance-covariance matrix<br />

• Find the set of directions in spectral space that<br />

explain the most variance.<br />

• The first principal component is in the direction of the<br />

greatest variation.<br />

• Second is in the direction of the greatest variation<br />

after the first component direction is removed.<br />

• Etc.<br />

• It’s like squishing a football!<br />

First principal component<br />


Second principal component<br />

Third principal component<br />


Principal components in wavelength space<br />

Normalized Principal Components<br />

Display the final three principal component vectors.<br />

1<br />

0.5<br />

0<br />

0.5<br />

1<br />

1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200<br />

PC1<br />

PC2<br />

PC3<br />

Wavelength (nm)<br />

Principal Components in 100 Dimensions<br />


Partial Least Squares Factors: Directions most<br />

highly correlated with desired constituent<br />

Log 1/R Values, Normalized Weights, and B-Vector in Centered Log Space<br />

W3<br />

B-vector<br />

W1<br />

W2<br />

( LC 〈〉 0 , LC 〈〉 1 , LC 〈〉 2 ),( Wn1x, Wn1y,<br />

Wn1z)<br />

, ( Wn2x, Wn2y,<br />

Wn2z)<br />

,( Wn3x, Wn3y,<br />

Wn3z)<br />

, ( BVx, BVy,<br />

BVz)<br />

Bilinear Models<br />

Loading coefficients<br />

Sine & Cosines, PC’s,<br />

PLS factors, etc.<br />

“How much” of each basis vector<br />

is in the input spectrum?<br />

T-scores<br />

∑<br />

Chemical<br />

Weights (from MLR)<br />

∑<br />

“Raw”<br />

Inputs<br />

∑<br />

∑<br />

Output<br />

∑<br />

1<br />

B0<br />

∑<br />


Creating Bilinear Prediction Equations<br />

Find “chemical weights” from T-scores and<br />

chemistry with MLR.<br />

CW TS T − 1<br />

:= ( ⋅TS)<br />

⋅TS T ⋅C<br />

Form B-vector from basis vector matrix and<br />

chemical weights<br />

BV<br />

BasisVectors ⋅ChemicalWeights<br />

Predict chemical values from B-vector and<br />

spectra<br />

CPred<br />

L⋅BV<br />

Artificial Neural Network Models<br />

“Hidden” layer<br />

weights v i,j<br />

∑<br />

∑<br />

Non-Linear<br />

Transfer function<br />

∫<br />

Output layer<br />

weights w j<br />

∑<br />

1<br />

“Raw”<br />

Inputs<br />

∑<br />

∑<br />

∑<br />

∑<br />

1<br />

∑<br />

∫<br />

∫<br />

∑<br />

1<br />

∫<br />

Output<br />

Pre-process to create orthogonal<br />

normalized input variables<br />

x p,i<br />

y p,j z p<br />

1<br />


Artificial Neural Networks<br />

• Massively interconnected “nodes” simulate<br />

neuron connections in the brain.<br />

• Inputs at each node are summed and applied<br />

to special non-linear “transfer function.”<br />

• May have multiple layers of nodes and<br />

weights.<br />

• May have multiple outputs.<br />

• Networks are “trained” by iterative search for<br />

minimum error.<br />

Methods for Detecting “Outliers”<br />

• Create calibrations to “look” for suspected<br />

adulterants.<br />

• Detect extreme examples of spectra (leverage).<br />

• Detect spectra that weren’t represented in the<br />

calibration (spectral residuals).<br />

• Other?<br />


1985!<br />

Mahalanobis Distance<br />

H= 2.5<br />

x<br />

2 σ<br />

3 σ<br />

1 σ<br />

Distances are normalized<br />

by the standard deviation of<br />

population variation in the<br />

specified “direction”.<br />

“Global” distance from center<br />

of population.<br />

“Local” distance between points<br />

representing different spectra.<br />


Triplets of Principal Component Scores in<br />

3D Space with Chemical Weight Vector<br />

Not Normalized<br />

Principal Component Scores Plotted<br />

Normalized<br />

TN i<br />

T i<br />

StDev( T)<br />

Global Mahalanobis Distances<br />

Normalized Distances from Population Center<br />

Global Mahalanobis Distance (normalized)<br />

X<br />

3<br />

2<br />

1<br />

0<br />

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 .<br />

Sample Index<br />


Maximum T-Scores<br />

Maximum T-Score for Sample<br />

15<br />

X<br />

10<br />

5<br />

0<br />

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200<br />

Sample Index<br />

Local Mahalanobis Distances<br />

Comparing All Pairs of Spectra<br />

Sample Index<br />

Sample Index<br />

Greatest<br />

Distance<br />

Medium<br />

Distance<br />

Closest<br />


Principal Component Spectral Decomposition<br />

Spectral Residual (unexplained)<br />

(HRWW, 16 factors)<br />

1.4<br />

X<br />

1.2<br />

Sjpectral Residual (x 1000)<br />

1<br />

0.8<br />

0.6<br />

0.4<br />

0.2<br />

0<br />

0 50 100 150 200<br />

.<br />

Sample Index<br />


Causes of Large Spectral Residuals<br />

• Instrument noise<br />

• Sample or instrument temperature extremes<br />

• Poor instrument standardization<br />

• Unusual sample physical condition<br />

• Sample adulteration<br />

Automatic Outlier Detection to<br />

Detect Adulteration<br />

• Instruments offer automatic outlier detection<br />

• Constituent ranges<br />

• Mahalanobis distance<br />

• Spectral residuals<br />

• Difficult to set outlier criteria to avoid false<br />

positives<br />

• Need to test outlier capabilities to detect<br />

adulteration<br />

• Need processes to follow up on “hits”<br />


Summary and Implications<br />

• Near-infrared spectroscopy has fostered<br />

many mathematical methods for dealing with<br />

difficult data such as found in NIRS.<br />

• The bilinear methods (FR, PCR, PLS) are<br />

fundamentally very similar except for the<br />

choice of basis vectors.<br />

• ANN calibrations can deal with greater data<br />

complexity and nonlinearity—at the price of<br />

needing many more calibration and validation<br />

samples.<br />

• Chemometric methods offer outlier detection.<br />

Wisconsin Center for Dairy Research<br />

A dairy perspective on the<br />

use and applications,<br />

challenges ahead<br />

<strong>US</strong>P Food Protein Workshop<br />

Developing a Toolbox of Analytical Solutions to Address Adulteration<br />

June 16 – 17, 2009<br />

<strong>US</strong>P Headquarters, Rockville, Maryland<br />

Juan Romero<br />

Coordinator Analytical Services<br />


Why Milk ?<br />

Amino<br />

acid<br />

score<br />

Digestibility<br />

% PDCAAS PER<br />

Egg 121 98 118 3.8<br />

Milk 127 95 121 3.1<br />

Beef 94 98 92 2.9<br />

Wheat 47 91 42 1.5<br />

International Dairy Federation<br />

• Membership<br />

• 56 Countries<br />

• 86% World Milk Production<br />

• Advisor to Codex<br />

• CCMMP<br />

• CCMAS<br />

• CCNFSDU<br />

• Analytical methods<br />

• ISO<br />

• CEN<br />

• DHIA<br />

• ICAR<br />




Situation:<br />

• Trust in the (regional) dairy sector is suffering<br />

• Market requests to test dairy products for presence of<br />

melamine & cyanuric acid<br />

IDF actions aiming at (re)building trust:<br />

• Provision of methods to determine the presence of<br />

melamine & cyanuric acid in dairy products (short<br />

term)<br />

• Provision of effective and recognized approaches to<br />

counteract intentional adulteration (long term)<br />


Provide a non-prescriptive inventory of means (tools,<br />

procedures, methods, including screening<br />

techniques, etc) that:<br />

• can be used alone or in combination to indicate systematic<br />

and/or large scale adulteration of suppliers´ milk,<br />

• are internationally recognized as effective and appropriate,<br />

• are intended to assist the dairy sector in showing due diligence<br />

by selecting the most feasible approaches that suit the specific<br />

and local needs<br />



• Adequate food safety skills<br />

All players along the food chain should have a general understanding of the nature and impact of<br />

all hazards that may occur at all stages in the food chain, and an in-depth understanding of<br />

those hazards that need be controlled at the step(s) for which they are responsible<br />

• Reliable suppliers<br />

Suppliers of products (ingredients or raw materials) and services should only be accepted by the<br />

receiving food business if it has been approved and/or recognized (certified or else) as<br />

being able to meet agreed outputs and/or to follow agreed procedures<br />

• Shared responsibility<br />

The individual food business responsible for a particular step in the food chain has the primary<br />

responsibility for meeting the requirements with regard to the safety of their products and<br />

services, when they are supplied to the subsequent step of the food chain<br />

• Effective communication<br />

Food businesses involved in the same food chain* should establish effective communication with<br />

the other key players operating in the same chain<br />


Unintentional deviations<br />

• Caused by accidents, failures and/or ignorance<br />

• Foreseen/known from experience and risk assessments<br />

• Sporadic in nature<br />

• Preventive measures can be targeted (i.e. efficient)<br />

Intentional deviations<br />

• Driven by economic gains(fraud, crime)<br />

• Difficult to foresee<br />

• Systematic in nature<br />

• Preventive measures difficult to target (i.e. not likely to be<br />

efficient)<br />



Assessment of vulnerability for fraud<br />

• Payment system<br />

Criminal gain related to the value of individual components of the<br />

payment scheme (fat, protein, snf, volume, quality parameters)<br />

• Milk collection infra-structure<br />

Number of steps involved, communication patterns, and degree of<br />

commitment (feeling of “ownership” and responsibility)<br />


Preventive measures<br />

•Procurement strategy motivating high standards<br />

Examples include continuous communication, training & education (farmers & vets),<br />

providing advisory services, farm QA programs, etc)<br />

•Monitoring procedures on individual farmers milk<br />

– Benchmarking/trend analysis<br />

– Gathering of intelligence.<br />

Awareness of these activities reduces potential for fraud in the supply chain<br />

•Bio-security measures during transports<br />

To prevent milk from being tampered<br />



1. Introduction<br />

2. Purpose, scope and use<br />

3. Maintaining the integrity of the food chain<br />

4. Assessment of the vulnerability for adulteration of<br />

milk<br />

5. Measures suitable for the purpose of counteracting<br />

possible adulteration<br />

– Preventive measures<br />

– Benchmarking and trend analyses<br />

– Intelligence gathering<br />

FTIR technology for routine<br />

milk screening<br />

Steve Holroyd<br />

Per Waaben Hansen (Foss)<br />


What is FTIR?<br />

• Fourier transform infrared<br />

spectroscopy<br />

• Allows rapid quantification of<br />

composition of complex<br />

matrices<br />

• Uses absorption of infrared<br />

frequency radiation<br />

• Fourier transform –<br />

mathematical function used<br />

for collecting data<br />

177<br />

Milk and water FTIR spectra<br />

178<br />


Milk – water difference spectrum<br />

Lactose<br />

Protein<br />

Fat<br />

179<br />

Quantification<br />

• The amount of infrared<br />

absorption is directly<br />

proportional to the<br />

concentration of an absorbing<br />

chemical bonds<br />

• Allows precise quantification<br />

of concentration<br />

• Must have reliable<br />

instrumentation and link to<br />

calibration from chemically<br />

known samples<br />

180<br />


How a rapid screening method can work<br />

• FTIR is already used widely for<br />

rapid compositional analysis of<br />

liquid dairy products<br />

Two potential methods to detect<br />

economic adulteration of milk:<br />

• Quantitative - a calibration for a<br />

specific adulterant<br />

• Qualitative – a method for<br />

differentiating adulterated and<br />

non-adulterated milk<br />

181<br />

Quantitative analysis<br />

• Use the relationship between absorption and<br />

concentration to measure specific adulterants<br />

• Adulterants must have different spectral signatures<br />

and absorption strengths<br />

• Detection will be dependent upon the type of<br />

adulterant<br />

• Must create a calibration set with known reference<br />

values<br />

182<br />


Difference spectrum - melamine<br />

Melamine dissolved in milk - FT6000<br />

absorbance difference<br />

0.1<br />

0.05<br />

0 ppm<br />

250 ppm<br />

500 ppm<br />

1000 ppm<br />

1500 ppm<br />

2000 ppm<br />

2500 ppm<br />

3000 ppm<br />

0<br />

1600<br />

1500<br />

1400<br />

1300 1200<br />

wavenumber<br />

1100<br />

1000<br />

183<br />

Difference spectrum – ammonium sulphate<br />

Ammonium sulphate dissolved in milk<br />

absorbance difference<br />

0.1<br />

0.05<br />

0 ppm<br />

500 ppm<br />

1000 ppm<br />

2000 ppm<br />

3000 ppm<br />

4000 ppm<br />

5000 ppm<br />

6000 ppm<br />

0<br />

1600<br />

1500<br />

1400<br />

1300 1200<br />

wavenumber<br />

1100<br />

1000<br />

184<br />


Difference spectrum - urea<br />

Urea dissolved in milk<br />

absorbance difference<br />

0.1<br />

0.05<br />

0 ppm<br />

250 ppm<br />

500 ppm<br />

1000 ppm<br />

1500 ppm<br />

2000 ppm<br />

2500 ppm<br />

3000 ppm<br />

0<br />

1600<br />

1500<br />

1400<br />

1300 1200<br />

wavenumber<br />

1100<br />

1000<br />

185<br />

FTIR to quantify melamine in milk<br />

Added melamine, ppm<br />

1000<br />

900<br />

800<br />

700<br />

600<br />

500<br />

57 samples in 3 replicates<br />

%CV: RMSEP=8.31 SEP=8.33 SEPCorr=8.35 SDrep=3.77<br />

Slope: 1.0013<br />

Intcpt: -1.8636<br />

r: 0.9969<br />

Bias : -1.4116<br />

400<br />

300<br />

200<br />

100<br />

0<br />

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000<br />

186<br />

FT-IR detected melamine, ppm<br />


Quantification of specific adulterants<br />

• With the current generation of FTIR instruments, the<br />

melamine LoD (Limit of Detection) is 75-100 ppm<br />

(0.0075-0.0100 %)<br />

• Hurdles for use in routine screening<br />

– The adulterant must be known<br />

– A large number of samples must be collected to<br />

ensure robustness over time<br />

– Good reference results must be available<br />

187<br />

Qualitative analysis<br />

• Assess the “quality” of normal milk via FTIR spectra<br />

• Use statistical techniques to distinguish variation<br />

greater than “routine”<br />

• Principal component analysis – PCA<br />

– A data reduction technique<br />

188<br />


2000 FTIR spectra of liquid milk<br />

189<br />

Principal component analysis<br />

• An orthogonal linear transformation<br />

• Separates out the major features of variation from a<br />

large data matrix<br />

• Transforms a large number of possibly correlated<br />

variables (spectra) into a smaller number of variables<br />

called principal components<br />

• Plot principal components against each other and<br />

establish trends<br />

190<br />


Deliberately adulterated milk by FTIR and PCA<br />

0.15<br />

0.1<br />

• Normal milk<br />

• Adulterated milk<br />

Melamine+water<br />

Cyanuric acid<br />

Score PC5<br />

0.05<br />

0<br />

Urea<br />

Melamine<br />

-0.05<br />

Ammonium sulphate<br />

-0.1<br />

191<br />

-0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4<br />

Score PC2<br />

FTIR for qualitative analysis<br />

• Gather spectral information from ”normal milk”<br />

– Critical that no adulteration is present in such data sets<br />

• No reference measurements needed<br />

• Spectra from unknown samples, deviating from ”normal<br />

milk”, can be identified to a certain level<br />

• The LoD for un-specific adulteration is higher than for<br />

specific adulteration<br />

– The LoD for melamine as unknown adulterant is 250-<br />

500 ppm (0.025-0.050%)<br />

192<br />


Essential features<br />

• FTIR must be in widespread and effective routine use<br />

– Instruments properly maintained<br />

– Calibrations up to date<br />

• Sensitivity to potential adulteration must be<br />

demonstrated<br />

• Calibration models may be created to cover individual<br />

sample types, sites, regions, countries, breeds. Some<br />

current composition models are global in nature<br />

193<br />

Challenges<br />

• FTIR not sensitive at low concentration levels – will<br />

not detect trace adulteration or contamination<br />

• Knowledge of normal variation vs variation due to<br />

adulteration<br />

• Must ensure unadulterated milks used to define<br />

“normal” and data must cover routine variation in milk<br />

spectral data<br />

• Must keep model up to date with new “normal” data<br />

194<br />


FTIR Summary<br />

• FTIR is an excellent rapid tool for determining liquid<br />

milk composition<br />

• FTIR can be used to detect economic adulteration of<br />

milk using commercially available equipment<br />

• Quantitative analysis<br />

– Requires knowledge of the adulterant<br />

• Qualitative analysis<br />

– Requires an understanding of FTIR variation in<br />

“good” milk<br />

195<br />

The Future of FTIR<br />

• A robust network of FTIR instruments measuring milk<br />

• Each instrument compares the spectrum of every<br />

sample to a spectral database of normal milks<br />

• A red flag appears if any samples deviate<br />

• A mechanism is in place to identify an causes of<br />

deviation<br />

196<br />


IDF-ISO Guideline to the measurement of MEL and<br />

CYA<br />

• Guideline to the measurement of Melamine and<br />

Cyanuric Acid<br />

• LC-MS/MS<br />

• Performance Criteria<br />

– 2002/657/EC. Performance of analytical<br />

methods and the interpretation of results<br />

– ISO 11843. Capability of detection – Parts 1-5<br />

LC-MS/MS<br />

• Any method which combines either high performance liquid<br />

chromatography (HPLC) or ultra performance liquid<br />

chromatography (UPLC) with a triple quadrupole mass<br />

spectrometry instrument.<br />

• Ionization shall be performed by either electrospray (ESI),<br />

atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI), atmsopheric<br />

pressure photospray ionization (APPI) or any other ionization<br />

mode with appropriate performance.<br />

• The acquisition mode shall be carried out in the selected<br />

reaction monitoring (SRM) mode. The quantification of both<br />

melamine and cyanuric acid is based on an isotope dilution<br />

approach using isotope stable internal standards for both<br />

analytes.<br />


A dairy perspective on the use and<br />

applications, challenges ahead<br />

Questions<br />

Food Protein Workshop: Developing a Toolbox of Analytical<br />

Solutions to Address Adulteration<br />

<strong>US</strong>P Headquarters, Rockville, Maryland<br />

<strong>US</strong>P Meeting Center<br />

Wednesday, June 17, 2009<br />

6a. <strong>Breakout</strong> <strong>Session</strong> A<br />

Possibilities of FTIR and NIR for the detection of adulteration<br />

in food and feed<br />

By<br />

Jürgen Möller<br />

FOSS Analytical, Sweden<br />

Dedicated Analytical Solutions<br />


TCD – Team Chemometric Devopment contribution<br />

”FT-IR for the detection of adulteration in milk”<br />

Per Waaben Hansen, Ph. D., R & D Scientist,<br />

FOSS Analytical A/S, Denmark<br />

”NIR possibilities for the detection of adulterants”<br />

Martin Lagerholm, Ph.D., R & D Scientist<br />

FOSS Analytical AB, Sweden<br />

Dedicated Analytical Solutions<br />

Where we come from…<br />

Höganäs<br />

• ….<br />

Hilleröd<br />

Copenhagen<br />

Dedicated Analytical Solutions<br />


Adulteration of milk<br />

• Milk trade is often based on weight<br />

- Fraudulently added water is a general problem<br />

• Authorities therefore check for added water by analysing for a protein decrease<br />

- Kjeldahl (total N) is used<br />

• Kjeldahl detects all types of N – i.e. not only protein<br />

- Melamine is rich in N and therefore a popular adulterant<br />

- 0.3 % added melamine corresponds to an artificial protein increase of<br />

approx. 1.2 %<br />

Dedicated Analytical Solutions<br />

Consumer protection and prevention of adulterations<br />

• Detection of adulterants at contamination levels is<br />

obviously important for consumer protection and<br />

tracking of adulterations<br />

• For the prevention of adulteration fast and simple<br />

analytical solutions are needed to detect fraud already<br />

at collection points and payment stations for the raw<br />

material<br />

• Different analytical challenges?<br />

- Contamination levels: ppb – ppm<br />

- Fraudulent addition levels: 0,1% - 1%<br />

Dedicated Analytical Solutions<br />


Melamine<br />

66% Nitrogen<br />

”Protein” content = >400%<br />

Solubility in water: 3,2 g/l<br />

Dedicated Analytical Solutions<br />

FTIR spectra of Melamine<br />

Melamine dissolved in milk - FT6000<br />

absorbance difference<br />

0.1<br />

0.05<br />

0 ppm<br />

250 ppm<br />

500 ppm<br />

1000 ppm<br />

1500 ppm<br />

2000 ppm<br />

2500 ppm<br />

3000 ppm<br />

0<br />

1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600<br />

wavenumber<br />

Dedicated Analytical Solutions<br />


FTIR spectra of Urea<br />

Urea dissolved in milk - FT6000<br />

absorbance difference<br />

0.1<br />

0.05<br />

0 ppm<br />

250 ppm<br />

500 ppm<br />

1000 ppm<br />

1500 ppm<br />

2000 ppm<br />

2500 ppm<br />

3000 ppm<br />

0<br />

1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600<br />

wavenumber<br />

Dedicated Analytical Solutions<br />

FTIR spectra of Ammonium sulphate<br />

Ammonium sulphate dissolved in milk - FT6000<br />

absorbance difference<br />

0.1<br />

0.05<br />

0 ppm<br />

500 ppm<br />

1000 ppm<br />

2000 ppm<br />

3000 ppm<br />

4000 ppm<br />

5000 ppm<br />

6000 ppm<br />

0<br />

1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600<br />

wavenumber<br />

Dedicated Analytical Solutions<br />


FTIR: Adulterants have different mid-IR signatures<br />

Melamine dissolved in milk - FT6000<br />

Urea dissolved in milk - FT6000<br />

absorbance difference<br />

0.1<br />

0.05<br />

0 ppm<br />

250 ppm<br />

500 ppm<br />

1000 ppm<br />

1500 ppm<br />

2000 ppm<br />

2500 ppm<br />

3000 ppm<br />

absorbance difference<br />

0.1<br />

0.05<br />

0 ppm<br />

250 ppm<br />

500 ppm<br />

1000 ppm<br />

1500 ppm<br />

2000 ppm<br />

2500 ppm<br />

3000 ppm<br />

0<br />

1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600<br />

0<br />

1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600<br />

wavenumber<br />

wavenumber<br />

Ammonium sulphate dissolved in milk - FT6000<br />

0 ppm<br />

500 ppm<br />

1000 ppm<br />

2000 ppm<br />

3000 ppm<br />

• Adulterants have different spectral<br />

signatures, making it easy to distinguish<br />

even related compounds<br />

absorbance difference<br />

0.1<br />

0.05<br />

4000 ppm<br />

5000 ppm<br />

6000 ppm<br />

• Adulterants show different absorption at<br />

similar concentrations – detection limits<br />

are therefore dependent on the adulterant<br />

0<br />

1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600<br />

wavenumber<br />

Dedicated Analytical Solutions<br />

Example: Limit of detection is lower if the adulterant is known<br />

1000<br />

900<br />

800<br />

57 samples in 3 replicates<br />

%CV: RMSEP=8.31 SEP=8.33 SEPCorr=8.35 SDrep=3.77<br />

Slope: 1.0013<br />

Intcpt: -1.8636<br />

r: 0.9969<br />

Bias : -1.4116<br />

Added melamine, ppm<br />

700<br />

600<br />

500<br />

400<br />

300<br />

200<br />

100<br />

0<br />

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000<br />

FT-IR detected melamine, ppm<br />

• With the current generation of FT-IR instruments, the melamine LoD (Limit of Detection) is 75-100 ppm<br />

(0.0075-0.0100 %)<br />

• However,<br />

- The adulterant must be known (in this case melamine)<br />

- A large number of samples must be collected to ensure robustness over time<br />

- Good reference results must be available<br />

Dedicated Analytical Solutions<br />


FTIR: Spectral integrity / Principle Component Analysis (PCA)<br />

0.15<br />

• Normal milk<br />

• Adulterated milk<br />

Cyanuric acid<br />

Score PC5<br />

0.1<br />

0.05<br />

0<br />

Melamine+water<br />

(diluted samples)<br />

Urea<br />

Melamine<br />

-0.05<br />

-0.1<br />

This particular score combination (PC 2 vs.<br />

PC 5) is good for detecting cyanuric acid or<br />

ammonium sulphate; other combinations<br />

can be used for detecting adulteration caused<br />

by melamine or urea<br />

Ammonium sulphate<br />

-0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4<br />

Score PC2<br />

Dedicated Analytical Solutions<br />

FTIR: Spectral integrity<br />

• By reasonable choice of ”factor” (% of unexplained variance) and ”threshold” (determines<br />

the detection limit and the number of acceptable false positives) PCA calibrations can<br />

successfully detect ”unnormal” samples<br />

Dedicated Analytical Solutions<br />


Spectral integrity in general (FTIR)<br />

• Only spectral information from ”normal milk” is needed<br />

- Critical that no adulteration is present in such data sets<br />

• No reference measurements needed (unless required to confirm that<br />

the milk samples are un-adulterated)<br />

• Spectra from unknown samples, deviating from ”normal milk”, can be<br />

identified<br />

• The reason for the deviation must be identified by alternative means<br />

• Models can be created to cover individual sample types, sites,<br />

regions, countries, depending on relevance<br />

Dedicated Analytical Solutions<br />

Spectral integrity, ctd.<br />

• The LoD (defined as 3xSEP) for un-specific<br />

adulteration is higher than for specific adulteration<br />

- The LoD for melamine as unknown adulterant is<br />

250-500 ppm (0.025-0.050 %)<br />

- The LoD for melamine as a known adulterant is 75-<br />

100 ppm<br />

• The LoD for other adulterants will be different from the<br />

LoD for melamine, and will depend on the absorptive<br />

intensity of the adulterant and on how much the<br />

spectrum differs from that of milk.<br />

Dedicated Analytical Solutions<br />


NIR spectra of pure Melamine and skim milk powder<br />

• Melamine<br />

• Skim milk powder<br />

Dedicated Analytical Solutions<br />

NIR example: PCA plot incl adulterated samples<br />

Cal set<br />

Test set 1<br />

Test set 2<br />

Dedicated Analytical Solutions<br />


NIR: Validation of melamine calibration<br />

Values in<br />

% melamine<br />

• Test set 1: 27 samples, SEP 0.03<br />

Dedicated Analytical Solutions<br />

NIR: Validation of NIR calibration<br />

Values in % melamine<br />

• Test set 2, 144 samples, SEP 0.05<br />

Dedicated Analytical Solutions<br />


NIR<br />

• Spiking experiments indicate a LoD of about 0,1 %<br />

melamine in milk powder<br />

• Using this LoD, a computer simulation of a database<br />

of 5000 spectra gave no false positive results<br />

• Using a similar spectral integrity technique as<br />

described above might be used to identify deviating<br />

patterns at higher levels, e.g. 0,3% melamine<br />

Dedicated Analytical Solutions<br />

Other sample types<br />

• Soybean meal<br />

- At levels around 45% protein Dumas and Kjeldahl methods show a standard<br />

deviation of reproducibility of about sdR = 0,4% protein, corresponding to<br />

about 0,1% melamine<br />

• Wheat flour<br />

- At levels around 13% protein the N-based methods show a standard<br />

deviation of reproducibility of about sdR = 0,2% protein, corresponding to<br />

about 0,05% melamine<br />

• Fraudulent additions of adulterants are supposingly made at levels above the<br />

measurement uncertainty of current N-based methods<br />

• Screening for adulterants at these levels seems to be feasable with NIR<br />

Dedicated Analytical Solutions<br />


Conclusions<br />

• FTIR and NIR are usually optimized for measuring quality<br />

parameters such as protein, fat etc<br />

• As these platforms are fast, cost-effective and widely used in the<br />

dairy and food processing industries it is of interest to further<br />

evaluate the extent to which they can be used to detect adulterations<br />

• Specific calibrations maybe developed and used for known<br />

adulterants<br />

• The analysis of spectral integrity offers a good chance of detecting<br />

higher levels of a broad range of adulterants, also of unknown nature<br />

• Spectra and reference data of unadulterated samples must be<br />

available<br />

• FTIR and NIR should only be used for screening at the raw material<br />

source or intake and should be complemented with other methods<br />

for final prove<br />

Dedicated Analytical Solutions<br />

“Advanced” Vibrational<br />

Spectroscopic Techniques for the<br />

Investigation of Adulterants<br />

Peter R. Griffiths<br />

Department of Chemistry<br />

University of Idaho<br />

Moscow, ID 83844-2343<br />

Food Protein Workshop: Developing a Toolbox of Analytical<br />

Solutions to Address Adulteration<br />

June 16 and 17, 2009: <strong>Breakout</strong> <strong>Session</strong>: “Theory and application<br />

of rapid mid-infrared, near-infrared and Raman methods and<br />

chemometrics to measure protein and prevent adulteration.”<br />


Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy:<br />

Attenuated Total Reflection<br />

Spectroscopy<br />

Melamine in infant formula<br />

Low-Concentration Melamine Detection with the IdentifyIR Diamond ATR Spectrometer, S.<br />

Sumair, P. E. Leary and J. A. Reffner, Spectroscopy Application Notebook, Feb 1, 2009.<br />


Detection limits: melamine in infant<br />

formula<br />

Low-Concentration Melamine Detection with the IdentifyIR Diamond ATR Spectrometer, S.<br />

Sumair, P. E. Leary and J. A. Reffner, Spectroscopy Application Notebook, Feb 1, 2009.<br />

Mid- and Near Infrared Diffuse<br />

Reflection Spectroscopy<br />


NIR/DR Spectrum of Pure Melamine,<br />

6 nm resolution<br />

Courtesy of Eli Margalith, Opotek Corporation<br />

NIR/DR Spectrum of Pure Melamine,<br />

2 nm resolution<br />

Courtesy of Eli Margalith, Opotek Corporation<br />


NIR/DR Spectra of Pure Gluten<br />

6 nm resolution<br />

2 nm resolution<br />

Courtesy of Eli Margalith, Opotek Corporation<br />

NIR/DR Spectra of Melamine<br />

and Infant Formula<br />

L. J. Mauer et al. J. Agric. Food Chem., 2009, 57 (10), pp 3974–3980<br />


Mid-Infrared Spectra of<br />

Melamine and Infant Formula<br />

Diffuse reflection<br />

spectra (no<br />

dilution in KBr)<br />

ATR spectra<br />

L. J. Mauer et al. J. Agric. Food Chem., 2009, 57 (10), pp 3974–3980<br />

Raman Spectroscopy<br />


RTA’s Portable Raman Analyzer<br />

Sample Compartment<br />

Advantages:<br />

• No sample preparation<br />

• Simple integration via fiber optics<br />

• Remote analysis, multi-component<br />

• Complete spectral coverage<br />

• Wavelength stability<br />

• Confident spectral subtraction<br />

• and library search/match<br />

• Real-time, On-demand analysis<br />

• Long term stability<br />

• Temperature and vibration immune<br />

• Shock resistant<br />

• 25 Pounds<br />

• 5 hour battery<br />

Providing Chemical Information When & Where You Need It<br />

Raman Spectra of Baby Milk Formula<br />

785 nm Laser<br />

1064 nm Laser<br />

Providing Chemical Information When & Where You Need It<br />


1% Melamine in Baby Milk Formula<br />

1% in Formula<br />

Pure Formula<br />

Difference spectrum<br />

Pure Melamine<br />

Providing Chemical Information When & Where You Need It<br />

Surface-Enhanced Raman<br />

Scattering (SERS)<br />


Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering<br />

(SERS)<br />

Enhancement of the<br />

Raman spectrum of<br />

molecules on the<br />

surface of roughened<br />

silver or gold metal<br />

plates, colloids or<br />

nanoparticles.<br />

5-nm thick layer of silver<br />

SERS Spectrum of a Self-Assembled Monolayer<br />

of p-Nitrothiophenol on Silver Surface<br />

Produced by Physical Vapor Deposition (10 s)<br />

Counts (Normalized and Corrected)<br />

2000<br />

1000<br />

0<br />

2000<br />

1500<br />

1000<br />

Raman Shift / cm -1<br />

500<br />


SEM of Klarite<br />

Melamine on Klarite by SERS<br />

Aliquots of melamine<br />

solutions were applied to<br />

Klarite and the SERS<br />

spectrum measured in<br />

10 s (20 mW, 785-nm<br />

laser.)<br />

A. 10 -2 M;<br />

B. 10 -3 M;<br />

C. 10 -4 M;<br />

D. 10 -5 M;<br />

E. 10 -6 M;<br />

F. 10 -7 M;<br />

G. 10 -3 M on bare gold<br />

He et al., Sens. & Instrum. Food Qual. (2008), 2:66-71.<br />


Quantitative Result<br />

He et al., Sens. & Instrum. Food Qual. (2008), 2:66-71.<br />

SERS Spectra of Melamine and Cyanurate<br />

1 x 10 -3 M melamine<br />

1 x 10 -3 M cyanuric acid<br />

Solid cyanuric acid (not SERS)<br />

Mixture of 1 x 10-3 M<br />

melamine and 1 x 10-3 M<br />

cyanuric acid on Karite<br />

He et al., Sens. & Instrum. Food Qual. (2008), 2:66-71.<br />


4 Ag + Ge 4+<br />

4 e -<br />

Ag + Ge 4+<br />

e -<br />

Ag + 4 e -<br />

Ge 4+<br />

e -<br />

“Electroless Deposition”<br />

AgNPs Formed by Electroless Deposition<br />

1 mM AgNO 3<br />

20 min 10 mM AgNO 3<br />

3 min<br />

10 mM AgNO 3<br />

15 min 10 mM AgNO 3<br />

24 min<br />


AuNPs Formed by Electroless Deposition<br />

SERS of Melamine<br />

0.5 PPM in Solvent<br />

(X20)<br />

Glass<br />

Luminescence<br />

5 PPM in Solvent<br />

250 PPM extracted<br />

from Baby Formula<br />

Simple SERS<br />

Sample Vial<br />

Providing Chemical Information When & Where You Need It<br />


Mid-Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging<br />

Either the transmission (thin section) or ATR mode<br />

Wheat Kernel<br />


Wheat Kernel<br />

Feline Kidney Tissue<br />


λ<br />

40 x 40 µm<br />

FT and<br />

Background Subtraction<br />

FPA detector<br />

128x128 pixels<br />

Absorbance<br />

Wavenumber cm -1<br />

IR Spectra from Multiple Kidney Crystals<br />

Crystal<br />

Surrounding<br />

tissue<br />

Absorbance<br />

Sample<br />

3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000<br />

Wavenumber (cm -1 )<br />

•Most of the crystals in the kidney tissue are the same material<br />

• Kidney crystals inconsistent with pure crystalline melamine<br />

•Hypothesis = melamine is paired with something<br />

melamine cyanurate<br />

Absorbance<br />

Wheat Gluten<br />

Particle<br />

Kidney<br />

Particle<br />

Urine<br />

Crystal<br />

Melamine<br />

cyanurate<br />

3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000<br />

Wavenumber (cm -1 )<br />

• Crystals recovered from wheat gluten, kidney tissue,<br />

and urine samples match melamine cyanurate<br />


Section of the extensive two-dimensional<br />

hydrogen bond network (dashed) between<br />

melamine (blue) and cyanuric acid (red)<br />

NIR Hyperspectral Imaging<br />

(usually in the diffuse reflection mode.)<br />


Why Use Near-IR Imaging?<br />

• Universal –works with all organic molecules<br />

• Reflection or transmission modes<br />

• Thick samples (no sample preparation)<br />

• Large range of spatial resolutions<br />

• Low cost room temp. large format high performance arrays<br />

• Rugged, no‐moving parts<br />

• Real‐time capability<br />

• Technology driven by communications industry<br />

Spectral Imaging as a Data Cube<br />

A spectrum is collected at every pixel<br />

in a 2‐dimensional image, resulting in<br />

3‐dimensional cube of data: x, y, λ<br />

(x, y) = x, y spatial description<br />

(z) = λ spectral description<br />

Wavelength (λ, nm)<br />

Image Pixel (y)<br />

Two ways to think of this:<br />

• Each pixel in the image stack results in a full spectrum at that point.<br />

• Each image is recorded at a different wavelength of light.<br />

Image Pixel (x)<br />


Current Technology for NIR<br />

Hyperspectral Imaging<br />

• “Push‐Broom” or “Stare‐Down” configurations<br />

• The presentation is focused on “Stare‐Down”<br />

• Broadband light sources to illuminate the target then filter<br />

the reflected light<br />

• Tunable filters (e.g., LCTF or AOTF): ~6 nm spectral resolution<br />

Courtesy of Eli Margalith, Opotek Corporation<br />

Broadband Light Sources<br />

• Slow Data Collection<br />

• Dark noise, low Signal to Noise<br />

• Small Field of View (FOV)<br />

• Limited Spectral Resolution<br />

• Generation of Heat, may be harmful to the sample<br />

Courtesy of Eli Margalith, Opotek Corporation<br />


Concept of Using Tunable Laser<br />

for Hyperspectral Imaging<br />

• The tunable laser (Optical<br />

Parametric Oscillator ‐ OPO) scans<br />

the NIR wavelength range<br />

• The light is transmitted via fiber(s)<br />

to the target<br />

• The reflected light is collected by<br />

an IR camera<br />

Courtesy of Eli Margalith, Opotek Corporation<br />

Tunable Laser (OPO) Illumination<br />

Attribute Effect Advantage<br />

Wide Tuning<br />

Range<br />

Narrow Spectral<br />

Linewidth<br />

410 – 2400nm<br />

High Spectral Resolution<br />

(1 –2.5nm)<br />

Short Pulse (5ns) Short Integration Time Camera Gating<br />

Not affected by Ambient Light<br />

High Intensity Single frame data acquisition Short scan time<br />

Large FOV<br />

Low Avg. Power Sample not subjected to heat No sample damage<br />

Wavelength<br />

Measurement<br />

Real‐time calibrated wavelength<br />

High spectral accuracy<br />

Fiber Delivery Easy and efficient fiber delivery Flexible configurations<br />

Courtesy of Eli Margalith, Opotek Corporation<br />


Opotek HySPEC TM System<br />

Camera:<br />

FOV:<br />

Wavelength:<br />

Spectral<br />

Resolution:<br />

InSb or InGaAs<br />

640x512 or 320x256<br />

13 –50 mm, 20 cm<br />

1000 – 2400 nm (InSb)<br />

1000 – 1700 nm (InGaAs)<br />

1 ‐ 3nm<br />

Courtesy of Eli Margalith, Opotek Corporation<br />

Melamine in Gluten<br />

2 nm resolution<br />

Image of Scores on PC 4 (3.10%)<br />

Image of Scores on PC 3 (3.61%)<br />

Image of Scores on PC 2 (5.20%)<br />

50<br />

50<br />

50<br />

100<br />

100<br />

100<br />

150<br />

150<br />

150<br />

200<br />

200<br />

200<br />

250<br />

250<br />

250<br />

50 100 150 200 250 300<br />

50 100 150 200 250 300<br />

0% 0.05% 0.5% % !% 1%<br />

50 100 150 200 250 300<br />

Image of Scores on PC 2 (5.76%)<br />

Image of Scores on PC 1 (10.38%)<br />

Image of Scores on PC 1 (14.96%)<br />

Image of Scores on PC 1 (14.60%)<br />

50<br />

50<br />

50<br />

50<br />

100<br />

100<br />

100<br />

100<br />

150<br />

150<br />

150<br />

150<br />

200<br />

200<br />

200<br />

200<br />

250<br />

250<br />

250<br />

250<br />

50 100 150 200 250 300<br />

50 100 150 200 250 300<br />

50 100 150 200 250 300<br />

50 100 150 200 250 300<br />

2% 3% 4% 5%<br />

Courtesy of Eli Margalith, Opotek Corporation<br />


30 ppm Melamine in Wheat Gluten<br />

Image of 1454<br />

50<br />

100<br />

150<br />

200<br />

9000<br />

8500<br />

10 frames, 1 nm step<br />

2 of 64,074 pixels<br />

250<br />

300<br />

8000<br />

350<br />

400<br />

450<br />

Mean<br />

7500<br />

7000<br />

500<br />

100 200 300 400 500 600<br />

6500<br />

6000<br />

1300 1350 1400 1450 1500 1550 1600<br />

Wavelength<br />

Raman Hyperspectral Imaging<br />


Chemical Imaging Instrumentation<br />

Falcon II TM , Condor TM and Macro Raman Chemical Imaging<br />

Wide‐field Chemical<br />

Imaging offers:<br />

• High Spatial and spectral<br />

resolution<br />

• Little to no sample<br />

preparation<br />

• Nondestructive analysis<br />

• Fast, automated acquisition<br />

• Multiple imaging<br />

modalities<br />

• Near-IR<br />

• Fluorescence<br />

265<br />

• Colorimetric<br />

System<br />

Macro Raman Chemical<br />

Imaging System<br />

Falcon II TM<br />

Condor TM<br />

Food & Beverage Adulteration<br />

Raman Chemical Imaging for the Detection of Melamine<br />

670 cm ‐1<br />

Brightfield Reflectance Raman Chemical Image Brightfield/Raman Fusion Image<br />

670 cm ‐1<br />

Raman Intensity<br />

Average spectra from region 1<br />

Average spectra from region 2<br />

600 700 800 900 1000<br />

Raman Shift (cm ‐1 )<br />

Y. Liu, K. Chao, M. Kim, D. Tuschel, O. Olkhovyk and R. Priore “Potential of Raman spectroscopy and imaging<br />

266methods for rapid and routine screening of the presence of melamine in animal feed and foods,” Appl. Spec.,<br />

63(4), 477-480 (2009).<br />


Macroscopic Raman Chemical<br />

Imaging<br />

Melamine Identification in Wheat Flour<br />

Brightfield Reflectance (880 nm) Raman Chemical Image Brightfield/Raman Fusion Image<br />

267<br />

Courtesy of Ryan Priore, ChemImage Corp.<br />

Condor TM NIR Chemical Imaging<br />

Melamine Identification in Wheat Flour<br />

100 %<br />

0 %<br />

0.2 % 0.5 %<br />

1.0 %<br />

3.0 %<br />

6.0 %<br />

Calibration<br />

Validation<br />

268<br />

6.0 % 3.0 %<br />

Raw NIR image<br />

1.0 %<br />

0.5 %<br />

0.2 %<br />

100 %<br />

0.25 in<br />

• Six wheat flour samples were prepared with<br />

melamine concentrations ranging from 0.0 – 6.0 %<br />

• Samples were placed in a 96-well plate in two<br />

groups: Calibration (model development) and<br />

Validation (model challenge) sets<br />

0 %<br />

Courtesy of Ryan Priore, ChemImage Corp.<br />


Condor TM NIR Chemical Imaging<br />

Melamine Identification in Wheat Flour<br />

Mixture Spectra<br />

(Calibration)<br />

Calibration<br />

Spectra ROIs<br />

269<br />

1 st Derivative Absorbance (1490 nm)<br />

0.25 in<br />

Courtesy of Ryan Priore, ChemImage Corp.<br />

Falcon II TM Fusion Imaging via CIdentify TM<br />

Melamine Identification in Skim Milk Powder (w/ HDPE interferent)<br />

270<br />

• Raman and NIR imaging data sets may be fused together for<br />

improved accuracy in class discrimination<br />

– Raman possesses higher specificity than NIR but requires a<br />

longer integration time than NIR<br />

– NIR alone may not offer 100% discrimination due to<br />

spectroscopic similarities between the analyte and matrix<br />

• Can be used for either macroscopic or microscopic data<br />

analysis and provides a visual output for decision making<br />

• Useful for determining intentional vs. unintentional<br />

adulteration identification<br />

– melamine is a known intentional adulterant<br />

– HDPE may be an unintentional adulterant from a can liner<br />

Courtesy of Ryan Priore, ChemImage Corp.<br />


Falcon II TM Fusion Imaging via CIdentify TM<br />

Melamine Identification in Skim Milk Powder (w/ HDPE interferent)<br />

Melamine & HDPE<br />

Melamine & Skim Milk Powder<br />

Brightfield Reflectance<br />

50 µm 50 µm<br />

Brightfield Reflectance<br />

HDPE<br />

Melamine<br />

Skim Milk Powder<br />

Concatenated ROIs<br />

Ground Truth<br />

50 µm<br />

271<br />

Courtesy of Ryan Priore, ChemImage Corp.<br />

Falcon II TM Fusion Imaging via CIdentify TM<br />

Melamine Identification in Skim Milk Powder (w/ HDPE interferent)<br />

272<br />

• Pure components were measured using Raman<br />

and NIR over identical fields of view;<br />

• Raman full spectral range was measured;<br />

• NIR absorbance data was converted to 1 st<br />

© ChemImage Corporation 2009. All Rights Reserved. ChemImage Products and Services are protected by U.S. and International issued and pending patents.<br />

derivative and cropped from 1350-1600 nm.<br />


Acknowledgements<br />

• Curtis Marcott, Light Light Solutions<br />

• Eli Margalith, Opotek Corporation<br />

• Stu Farquharson, Real-Time Analyzers<br />

• Ryan Priore and Pat Treado, ChemImage Corporation<br />


Classification Technology<br />

Changing from diagnosing calibrations to<br />

diagnosing products<br />

Dr. David Honigs- Perten Instruments,<br />

Springfield, IL<br />

Two Types of Classification<br />

• Similarity -Is this sample similar to other samples?<br />

• Dissimilarity - Is this sample unlike another samples?<br />

• Samples are always both similar and<br />

dissimilar in some respects.<br />

– e.g.. an apples and oranges are placed together in the<br />

breakfast fruit basket. However, they are as different<br />

as “comparing apples to oranges”.<br />


Similarity<br />

• Looking at similarity of vectors<br />

Correlation (R)<br />

Melamine in Correlation<br />

Gluten (%) Coefficient<br />

0.000 0.9996<br />

0.001 0.9996<br />

0.005 0.9996<br />

0.010 0.9996<br />

0.050 0.9996<br />

0.100 0.9996<br />

0.500 0.9996<br />

1.000 0.9995<br />

5.000 0.9981<br />

10.000 0.9954<br />

100.000 0.7784<br />


Going From ‘How Similar?’<br />

to<br />

‘How Different?’<br />

• Similarity is measured by cross multiplication<br />

(correlation)<br />

• Differences are measured by subtraction<br />

• Generally express the difference as a root<br />

mean square sum (RMS) difference<br />

Looking At Differences<br />


RMS Difference as an Indicator of<br />

Contamination<br />

Melamine RMS Diff.<br />

0 0.010<br />

0.001 0.111<br />

0.005 0.119<br />

0.01 0.122<br />

0.05 0.125<br />

0.1 0.121<br />

0.5 0.113<br />

1 0.132<br />

5 0.538<br />

10 1.285<br />

100 55.166<br />

Is the difference abnormal or an<br />

adulteration<br />

• What is a normal difference?<br />

– This requires more than 1 sample and subtraction.<br />


How to View Atypical Differences<br />

• Need to subtract several spectra<br />

• The problem is that the different spectra are so<br />

very similar to one another.<br />

Create Ideal Sample Spectra to<br />

Subtract (Loadings)<br />


Sample Scores are typically<br />

calculated and measured already<br />

• H statistic, M distance, Leverage<br />

M, H, or Leverage Measure the<br />

Distance from the Mean of the Data<br />


Typical NIR Manufacturer<br />

• If a sample has a large distance, don’t trust the<br />

answer and send it to the lab. Use it for future<br />

calibration.<br />

• In calibration the first step is to throw out the<br />

high M distance samples and use the rest.<br />

Distance Depends on What is<br />

Called ‘Typical’<br />


Pet Food Melamine Contamination<br />

• Measured by NIR, showed high M distances,<br />

sent to wet lab, showed reasonable<br />

Kjeldahl/Dumas results.<br />

• The apple-cart is upset because of human<br />

intervention. The odds of an accidental<br />

contamination matching the Kjeldahl/Dumas<br />

techniques are slim.<br />

• Someone has practiced to make oranges look<br />

like apples in the eye of this beholder.<br />

First Things to Fix<br />

• The M distance is not commonly used for<br />

product qualification because the calibrations<br />

are not fully trusted.<br />

• Best practices are that one must find the<br />

reason for the high M distances.<br />

• This becomes challenging on evenings,<br />

weekends and with just-in-time product flow.<br />

• Ultimately, one must separate out high M<br />

distances caused by contamination from those<br />

caused by instrumentation, calibration and<br />

operator error.<br />


Qualify before Quantify - SIMCA<br />

• Create Several Categories of Materials and<br />

Measure the Distance to Them.<br />

• Each distance is measured based on that own<br />

model ellipse.<br />

SIMCA Analysis of Gluten<br />

Samples<br />


Gluten and Melamine Models<br />

Discrimination Power<br />

Similarity/Dissimilarity<br />

• Looking at dissimilarity of vectors<br />


A Commercial Set of 45 Corn<br />

Gluten Samples<br />

Harmonized Spectra of Corn<br />

Gluten Data Set<br />


Conclusion<br />

• Changing the standard practice response to<br />

an incorrect M Distance onexisting equipment<br />

would do a lot<br />

• One can easily add classification testing for<br />

modest cost and effort to current testing.<br />

• Both similarity and difference techniques are<br />

useful. One does not have to use only one.<br />

• These Classification techniques are applicable<br />

to NIR, FTIR, or other spectral signatures of<br />

the products.<br />


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