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xi<br />

Fisheries, issue a fishery license for the same, and any net, fishing boat, or fishing<br />

apparatus used before such license has been obtained, and any net, fishing boat, or<br />

fishing apparatus used in exoes or evasion of the description contained in such<br />

license shall be deemed to be illegal and liable to forfeiture, together with the fish<br />

caught therein; and the owner or p rson using the same shall be also subject<br />

to fine and costs under the Fisheries Act.<br />

(b). All salmon nets and fishing boats shall have the name of the owner or<br />

owners legibly marked on two pieces of wood or metal attached to the same, and<br />

such mark shall be preserved on such nets or fishieg boats during the fishing seaS<br />

son in such a manner as to he visable without taking up the net or nets; and any<br />

net or fishing boat used without such mark sball be liable to forfeiture.<br />

5. The Miniter of Marine and Fisheries shall, from time to time, determine<br />

the number of boats, seinos, or nets, or other fishing apparatus to be used in any of<br />

the waters of British Columbia.<br />

Trout Fithery.<br />

No one shall fish for, catch, or kill trout from the 15th October to the 15th<br />

March, both days inclusive, in each year.<br />

Provided always that the Indians may, at any time, catch or kill trout for their<br />

own use only, but not for the purposes of sale or traffic.<br />

It is to be hoped that, a strict enforcement of the above regulations will<br />

put a check to the decline experienced during the past two seasons and ensure the<br />

success and permanency of such a source of wealth to the Province of British<br />

Columbia.<br />

The decrease in the fur seal catch of Behring Sea was principally due to the<br />

unsettled state of affairs by which several British schooners were deterred from<br />

entering these waters at the risk of seizure by the United States Revenue Cutters.<br />

Circumstances again prevented this Department from continuing the experiments<br />

begun in 188G, with the view of locating the cod banks in the neighborhood<br />

of Vancouver and Queen Charlotte [slard; but, it is satisfactory to know that, the<br />

attempts made by private parties in this direction were fairly successful and will<br />

eventually lead to preparations on a larger and more extensive scale for the pursuit<br />

of this fishery next season.<br />

QTJFBEO.<br />

Though the season of 1888 proved to be one of almost unprecedented severity,<br />

the returns show a slight increase in the value of the gulf fisheries of $9,000, and<br />

of $77,000, in the inland districts; amounting to $t3,5O0. Cod was abundant; the<br />

surplus catch of l7,'00 cwts., as compared with last year's would have been greater<br />

had harbors of refuge been provided on the coast of G-aspd especially, in order to<br />

permit of fishermen using larger boats, with which they could remain outside in

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