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55<br />

consideration, however, it has been a fairly prosperous season for those who followed<br />

Zahing in this division. The various rivers throughout this district were visited by<br />

a much larger run of salmon and trout than formerly; this was particularly the case<br />

wit h Middle River, where the oldest inhabitant states, that never were there so many<br />

salmon seen in that river during the spawning season. There were 275 salmon and<br />

O large sea trout taken from the Middle River for use in the Sydney Fish Hatchery.<br />

As many more could have been secured had they been required. The various rivers<br />

and streams were well protected and few violations of the law occurred.<br />

Overseer William Bin yham, English town, reports a more successful fishing season<br />

thaai was at first anticipated. Although herring were scarce the cod fishery was good,<br />

sad the increase in the price of mackerel more than compensated for the falling ofF<br />

in the catch. Old fishermen attribute the decrease in the catch of fish to the appearnce<br />

of what is known as "white water," which has a tendency to drive the fish away.<br />

'The surface of the water over the best feeding grounds was covered with a white<br />

frothy substance for the greater part of the summer. During the lust of June and<br />

July storms proved very injurious to the lobster fishery in this district, hundreds of<br />

lobster traps being destroyed. Owing to the presence of drift ice on the coast, which<br />

ialled the harbors and bays until the second week in June, lobster fishing was short,<br />

end, together with stormy weather, accounts for the small catch.<br />

everseer Jfa/col,n McIntosh, of Aspy Bay, reports a falling off in the catch of cod<br />

fish us compared with last year. The fishermen in this division engage extensively<br />

in cod fishing. Of late years the fish are found more plentiful late in the season,<br />

bat the weather is invariably so blustering that fishermen cannot prosecute this calling<br />

with vigor. The salmon-fishery, especially at White Point ant Bay St. Lawence,<br />

was good, considering the number of nets employed. The mackerel.fishery<br />

was up to former years, most of the fish being caught with hand lines. Mackerel<br />

struck plentifully in Aspy Bay early in September, be Nova Scotia seiners soon<br />

drove them away from the coast. Large numbers of herring were taken in seines<br />

and thrown overboard to pollute the waters. Lobster fishing was, practically, a failure,<br />

owing to the lateness at which the season opened and the disastrous storms which.<br />

break up traps and moorings.<br />

COIJNTY <strong>OF</strong> RICHMOND.<br />

Overseer D. Cameron, of St. Peters, reports a decrease in the catch of nearly all<br />

kinds of fish in his district. This he attributes to the presence of drift ice on the<br />

coast until late in the season and unusually stormy weather at different periods o' the<br />

summer. The lobster fishery suffered severely from storny weather, at the factories<br />

at L'Ardoise only fished thirty-six days and at Fourchu twenty.five days This short<br />

ueason was caused by drift ice and stormy weather, the latter proving very destructive<br />

to traps. Bad it not been for the advance in the price of mackerel and cod,<br />

fishermen would fare badly. This officer recommends the employment of special<br />

ocers at the lobster factories during the season. He finds a disposition on the part<br />

it some fishermen to take lobsters under the legal size of nine inches.<br />

Overseer Francis .Marmeau, of Arichat, reports a very large increase in the catch of<br />

codfish, haddock and herring. The mackerel fishery was a failure in this district.<br />

Fishermen attribute this failure to seiners who visit Chedobucto Bay in the early<br />

part of the season, breaking up the schools and frighten mackerel away. Lobster<br />

fishing was good in this division during the past season. Several packers were fined<br />

1Gr baying lobsters in thcir possessiou under the legal size; no other violation of the<br />

alery laws occurred.

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