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54<br />

COUNTY <strong>OF</strong> INVERNESS.<br />

Overseer D. J. McLean, of Port Hood, reports an increase in the following<br />

branches of fishing, viz: Salmon, herring, hake, trout, lobsters and eels, and a fall..<br />

ing off in mackerel, cod, haddock, squid and smelts. The high prices obtained by<br />

fishermen for the various kinds of fish, however, made up for the deficiency in the<br />

catch. The fishing season has therefore been as remunerative to fishermen as for..<br />

zuerly. There is a material decrease in the catch of mackerel, and a slight falling<br />

off in cod, with a large increase in herring. Herring are generaUy classified as<br />

"spring," "summer" and "fall" herring. The catch of spring herring was ex—<br />

ceedingly large, and almost altogether sold to vessels for bait. Some boats realized<br />

$200 in a week, selling bait to Nova Scotia vessels. The increase in salmon shows<br />

the beneficial results of protection to the spawning grounds. The vigorous prosecution<br />

of the fisheries in several districts of this division is largely due to the impetus<br />

given to the irdustry by the Fishing Bounty. Nearly every fishermen strives to<br />

catch the uccessary quantity of fish and serve the time required. There were five<br />

lobster canning establishments in operation during the season of 1888, an increase of<br />

two as compared with 1887; the additional one being Iccated at Red Banks, Port<br />

Bood, and Coal Mines, Mabon, respectively.<br />

The proprietors of all these factories complied with the law in closing on the<br />

date prescribed, and, although the fishing season was sborter there was an increase<br />

in the catch. It is true there were two additional canneries, but in the whole, the<br />

quality of the iobsters was much better than during t'he three previous years.<br />

Overseer David Ross, of North-East Margaree, reports that owing to unfavorable<br />

weather and other natural causes, there is a decrease in the catch of cod of 9,630<br />

quintals compared with last year's catch. Mackerel were scarce throughout the on-<br />

'tire season, consequently there is a falling off of 1,234 barrels. On account of the<br />

present high prices for codfish and mackerel as compared with former years, fisher-.<br />

men will not feel the decrease in the catch as much as they otherwise would. The<br />

catch of salmon in this district was almost the same as last. The shortage in<br />

pickled fish is made up by the additional quantity shipped fresh in ice to American<br />

markets. There was only one lobster factory in operation during the season; this<br />

factory was situated at Pleasant Bay; the factory at Eastern Harbor being closed<br />

down during the past season. Margaree River is known now as the Sportsmen's<br />

Paradise, and this season it was indeed a real paradise to the large number of anglers<br />

who visited it; fly fishing being much better than for many years past. The last<br />

week in June and the first part of July found the north.east branch literally alive<br />

with salmon and sea trout, particularly the former, which are supposed to be the result<br />

of salmon from the fry deposited in the river from the Sydney Hatchery.<br />

Poaching was often attempted, but owing to the vigilance of fishery officers, the law<br />

breakers were not successful.<br />

Overseer James Coady of S. W. Margaree, reports a marked decrease in the catch<br />

of mackerel in his district, chiefly due to the absence of these fish on the coast4 The<br />

catch of cod, haddock, salmon and alewives shows a small increase over last year.<br />

This officer reports a slight decrease in herring, salmon and trout. The lobster catch<br />

is about half that of l87. This industry is not carried on very extensively in this<br />

district. Drift ice remaining upon the coast until late in the season, caused to a<br />

certain extent the shortage in the lobster catch; fishermen being unable to set their<br />

traps before the last of May and the season being so short they did not care to engage<br />

in the lobster fishery. The Margaree pools were filled with salmon and trout during<br />

the season. There were only two violations of the Fishery laws. The guilty parties<br />

who set salmon nets in Margaree harbor, could not be discovered; their nets, how—<br />

ever, were seized.<br />


Overseer D. .McRae, of Baddeck, reports a small increase in the catch of herring<br />

and mackerel over l?.st year. The July run of herring made but a brief stay, so that<br />

fishermen who were not prepared with salt, &o, fared badly. Taking evei ything into

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