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52<br />

abundance greater during the winter season. These happy circumstances of nature,<br />

thrown open to easy railway communication, will open up an immense fish supply<br />

to every inland town from Montreal to the extreme west of Ontario This supply<br />

eannot be surpassed for excellence and will furnish fresh fish to the west at cheaper<br />

rates than the people there have been accustomed to get it heretofore. These benefits<br />

will not extend only to Cape Breton fishermen, but will increase the traffic<br />

of railway and develop a greatly enlarged inter provincial trade.<br />

Appended hereto will be found statistical tables showing in detail the various<br />

phases of the fishery production of Cape Breton Island.<br />

I have the honor to be, Sir,<br />

Your very obedient servant,<br />

A. C. BERTRAM,<br />

Fishery Officer for Cape Breton.<br />


COUNTY <strong>OF</strong> CAPE BRETON.<br />

Overseer Francis Qvinan, of Sydney, reports that there is not much ground for<br />

congratulation over the season's fisheries in his district. The most noticeable<br />

decrease is in the catch of mackerel and salmon, and the fishermen who prosecuted<br />

those branches of the fisheries fared badly. The usual fall run of mackerel did not<br />

appear this year to any great extent, while the salmon fishery, although reported<br />

good in other districts of the island, was very poor in his division. The herring<br />

fishery, however, was much better, particularly towards the close of the season,<br />

while the total catch of codfish exceeded that of last year. Towards the latter part<br />

of the season this fishery was good and made up for the light catch of the first part<br />

of the summer. Engaged in this branch of the fishery there are now a large<br />

number of fishermen from Newfoundland, who have settled at Lingan. They are<br />

an excellent class of settlers and understand their business. There is a slight<br />

increase in the catch of halibut as well as in that of alewives, which seem to be<br />

returning to their old haunts. Small fish of every kind were more plentiful than<br />

usual. A falling off in the lobster catch is reported as compared with last year<br />

owing largely to unusually stormy weather during June and July, and to the des..<br />

truction by fire of the Cow Bay factory, although this factory was rebuilt and<br />

operations commenced again, long before the season was over. After the lobster<br />

fishing season the factory at Cow Bay engaged in canning herring, which, if found<br />

to take in the market, will become an important industry on this island. There are<br />

very few saw-mills in this district and none cause injury to the streams frequented<br />

by fish. These are situated on small streams running from lakes, the water being<br />

so low that they run only a few weeks in the year during high water. The fishery<br />

laws were well observed, and only a few violations came under this overseer's notice.<br />

Overseer Alexander lWcDonald, of East Bay, reports a large falling off in the<br />

catch of codfish and mackerel, owing to the presence of drift ice, which remained on<br />

the coast to the end of May, thereby preventing fishermen from going to the fishing<br />

grounds. Another cause for the falling off is to be found in the unusually stormy<br />

weather and high winds during nearly the whole season, which caused codfish and<br />

mackerel to keep in deep waters, out of the reach of shore fishermen. A further<br />

drawback was found in the scarcity of bait. Mackerel appeared in the spring as<br />

usual, but their stay on the coast was brief, and the fall run was a disappointment to<br />

the fishermen, who had made extensive preparations in consequence of the advance<br />

in prices. Berring fishing was much better than last year, although these fish made<br />

a much shorter stay than usual. They were, however, plentiful, and of a superior'

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