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41<br />

factories purchase by the hundred and insist on getting large fish. All the.fishways<br />

in his district, with one exception, are in good order. The dam at Snake Lake, Ia<br />

.ghram River, Is completely choked up so that no fish can pass it.<br />

Overseer George Rawlng, of Musquodoboit Harbor, cannot give as favorable a<br />

report on the fisheries this year as last. The shore fishermen did not do nearly so<br />

well, owing to the scarcity of fish and the blustering weather. The vess&s, however,<br />

that fished about Magdalen Islands, all did very well. Considering the length of the<br />

season, lobster fishermen did a good business. The catch of herring and mackerel<br />

was very small on the shore of this district and they did not seem to touch there at<br />

all. Gaspereaux were unusually scarce, very few coming into their best resorts.<br />

Salmon were about as plentiful as last year. Mr. Wilmot took a large number at<br />

Musquodoboit River, for the Bedford establishment, and could have taken at least<br />

half as many more, but some person opened the passage and allowed them to go up<br />

the river. A. great source of annoyance to Mr. Rawling is that during the months<br />

of October and November several of the fishermen pack lobsters in small lots, in out<br />

of the way places, on islands sometimes two or three miles from land, where in<br />

rough, foggy weather you cannot get to theta, and in fine weather they can see one<br />

-coming an hour ahead. The law during packing season was well kept. The<br />

puckers did not want small lobsters, particularly those who bought by count. This<br />

-officer believes it would be a great prevention to make it compulsory on the part of<br />

the proprietor to have the man who counts and weighs the lobsters, sworn to coinS<br />

,ply with the law,<br />


Overseer J. B. Colter, of Milford, reports a smaller catch of salmon this year than<br />

last. During the first two weeks in August the river was alive with small bass, butt<br />

they were scarce at the time when they should bo caught. Both alewives and river<br />

shad were more plentiful than for severtl years previous, and there was a good run,<br />

of these fish into Grand Lake. Last winter was the first attempt at taking eels in the<br />

Shubonacadie, and the result was very satisfactory, some making as high as $5.OG<br />

per day. The close season was well observed.<br />

Air. J. Al. O'Brien, who reports in place of the late overseer T. B. O'Brien, do..<br />

ceased, says the catch of salmon and shad was about an average with last season.<br />

Fewer boats were engaged in the business and owing to the small catch last year, no<br />

new outfits were employed, which accounts for the nets being shorter. All the mill<br />

owners in this district were notified to take care of their sawdust, and he is pleased<br />

to say the law is being obeyed better than heretofore. He has not been made aware<br />

of any poaching in this district.<br />


Overseer B. F. Bead, of Wolfville, is glad to state that the catch of alewives in<br />

the Gaspereau River was much larger than for several years previous. Salmon fell<br />

off quite materially, from some unknown cause. The fishways at Benjamin's Mills.<br />

are working satisfactorily, but there is great necessity for a ladder at Dodge's 1Mill<br />

At Ayleslord there was an increase in the catch of salmon, and much larger quanti.<br />

ties were observed in the river the past autumn than usual.<br />

Overseer James S Ithiler, of Canning. reports a large increase in the catch of<br />

salmon as compared with last year. Herring on the bay shore were also a fine catch.<br />

The shad fishing still continues very poor both in Scott's Bay and the Basin of Minas.<br />

The Medford and Pereaux herring fishery also shows an improvement. The increase<br />

in value of about $9,000 is mainly due to the splendid catch of salmon on the hay<br />

shore.<br />


Overseer David Evans, of Chester, reports the catch of salmon as far below that<br />

of last year. The ice remained in the bays and rivers much later than usual au4<br />

may have protected the fish from the fishermen. He again urges the nepsaity of

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