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40<br />

shore. In connection with the mackerel and herring fishery Mr. Tory is strongly<br />

of opinion the great bulk of those fish are being greatly reduced, and that unless<br />

some regulations are made to protect them the day is not far distant when there<br />

will be none. Catching of fish in their spawning season and the purse seine are the<br />

great destructive elements of those fish. The other kinds of fish apparently have<br />

been as plentiful as formerly, although in several instances not so many taken, lie<br />

has no complaints to report. The usual quantities of fish ascended the rivers.<br />

The sawdust order gave the mill owners a scare, and the most of them went to<br />

work putting their mills in order, to prevent the rubbish, &c, from escaping into<br />

the streams.<br />

Overseer Allan McQuarrie, of Sherbrooke, reports the value of the fisheries of his<br />

4listrict as showing a slight increase over last year, owing to importations by traders<br />

taken from Labrador. Salmon were not up to the average of former years. Fat<br />

summer herring did not visit his district in numbers worth mentioning, but fall her.<br />

ring were more plentiful, though they were continually, on the move, so that the<br />

fishermen, in the face of diligent and faithful efforts, did not strike the fish, and, oon<br />

sequently, are ill prepared to meet the hardships of a cold winter. It is very probable<br />

the Government may be called upon to help tide some over the winter months.<br />

Alewives were scarce and very few were taken. Cod were also less plentiful than<br />

usual, and of smaller size, but yielding a large percentage of oil, in some cases<br />

gallon to the cwt. All the old lobster factories and two new ones, making seven in<br />

all, were in operation. These fish were plenty and of good size, but rough weather<br />

made a short season, still shorter, and it is a surprise that so many were taken. The<br />

weather averaged extremely stormy and boisterous all the fall, and fish kept off shore,<br />

so that small boats have comparatively nothing laid by fr the winter.<br />

The law was fairly well observed, but Mr. McQuarrie insists on having a warden<br />

appointed in the Sherbrooke district, as the head of the tide requires more<br />

watchfulness than other localities. The inspection of the lobster factories was careS<br />

fully kept up during the season, and the result was quite satisfactory. He imposei<br />

some small fines for taking of small lobsters, but on the whole the laws were well<br />

observed in his district. This officer is satisfied that three or four months of close<br />

season, together with our long winters, would be sufficient protection for lobsters<br />

from Cape Canso to Cape Sable. The obstructions of Indian Harbor beach were<br />

attended to by the Department, and a man is employed to keep a passage open for<br />

fish. The sawdust law has been enforced and there has been a general, though not<br />

reluctant, acquiescence. The upper portion of Country Harbor River is in a very<br />

bad state with several jams of rubbish, so that at low water fish have no passage.<br />

4Two hundred dollars is recommended to bs expended to remove these obstructions<br />

which are very injurious to the fish of the river. The fishways are all right arni<br />

working well—more of them are wanted, as the new patent is so universally<br />

approved of. About ten miles of the west River St. Mary's is without a warden<br />

This portion is thickly settled and exposed, not only to the local poachers, but also<br />

to those of Pictou County, who make nightly raids on salmon in the fall, when they<br />

go up to spawn. This evil should be wiped out, and a resident warden would be a<br />

wholesome check. From the want of this the inhabitants feel somewhat sore and<br />

elaim they are entitled to the same protection as is given to other rivers. Wine<br />

Findlay, of Caledonia, is recommended as the proper man for the place, he having<br />

been requested to name him by the citizens. Mr. MoQuarrie thinks purse seining<br />

should be prohibited in preservation of valuable fish.<br />


Overseer John Fitzgerald, of Portuguese Cove, is sork\to report that the catch of<br />

all kinds of fish for the current year has been below the average. He tears considerable<br />

distress will he experienced among the fishermen during the coming<br />

winter. The failure of the mackerel and herring fisheries was a severe blow to<br />

those living oh the shore between Ferguson's Cove and St. Margaret's Bay, those<br />

fisheries being their mainstay. The lobster law was fairly well carried oat. Tlia

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