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33<br />

To permanently improve and maintain a good supply of salmon and other<br />

anadromous fish, and to counteract the loss sustained by the drying up of many of<br />

the smaller streams, consequent upon cutting awry the forests, as the country is<br />

advancing in agricultural development, there are two lines of action clear and plain,<br />

calling for departmental attention.<br />

First.—To open every dam, and supply every natural fall obstructing the ascent<br />

of fish to the inland waters of Canada, with good and efficient fihways.<br />

Second.—To increase the quantity of young fish by artificial culture, at least ten<br />

times its present production, which can be done without materially adding to the<br />

cost of present operations. With these improvements, all the salmon the people<br />

catch during open season, or up to the 15th August, will not check the increase, as<br />

the great body of spawning fish enter the rivers and ascend thorn after the fall rains<br />

swell the streams. They then have pure water and are seldom troubled by poachers.<br />

There are exceptions on a few streams where these fish do not enter the rivers or<br />

estuaries until the fall months ; such streams are confined chiefly to those which<br />

empty into the Straits of Northumberland.<br />

The Clyde River, which was opened on the fall of 1879, still continues to improve,<br />

in the face of much fishing, the present year's catch being 3,975 lbs. of salmon<br />

and 130 .barrels of alewives, which at market prices, as taken out of t'e water, will<br />

pay the interest at 6 per cent. on $25,000, and the cost of the fishway, producing<br />

these results, was less than $200, clearly proving the importance of fish ways. The<br />

same increase is taking place wherever good fishways have been put in the dams<br />

six to eight years ago.<br />


Have fallen off nearly one-half below the catch of 1887, the yield during the<br />

year aggregating but 47,806 barrels, against 93,426 barrels last year.<br />

The following table gives the annual catch in this province for the years mdicated,<br />

and although there has been a large falling off in the quantities gathered<br />

during the past two years, I do not think we have any reason to fear a permanent<br />

decline in the supply upon our coasts. Mackerel are controlled I i their movements,<br />

by water temperattlre and by their searc a for food. They spawn wherever they<br />

may happen to be located, when ready to deposit their ova, which, just as is the<br />

case with spawn of almost all other edible sea fish, floats near the urface of the<br />

water while hatching; hence the untold myriads of birds upon the surface of the<br />

aea, as well as fish and sea animals, are continually feeding upon it, and also upon<br />

Ihe young fish when hatched. Storms and gales of wind, besides, drive quantities of<br />

it upon the beaches and rocks where it of course perishes. In these natural ways,<br />

more fish life is annually destroyed, a thousand times over, than by human agency is.<br />

possible.<br />

Year. Bbls. Year. Bbls.<br />

18t9 4,575 1879...... ... 101,559<br />

1870 85,254 1880 126,432<br />

1871. 228,152 1881 63,373<br />

1872 115,631 1882 73,702<br />

1873. 141,005 1883 88,688<br />

1874. 122,250 1884 129,680<br />

1875 91,232 1885 85,313<br />

1876. 70,964 1886. 102,526<br />

1877 ....... 113,638 1887 . 93,426<br />

1878 129,698 1888 47,806<br />

By dividing the catch into two periods of ten years each, the yield has been per<br />

annum, for the former period, 114,439 barrels, and for the latter 91,242 barrels, a<br />

decline of 23,197 barrels per annum; but by leaving out the catch of 171 from the<br />

former period which was an unusual large one, and the catch of 1888 from the latter<br />

period which was a very small one, we find that the average catch for the former

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