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seems more reasonable to suppose that they simply withdraw to the deeper waters of<br />

the Atlantic, at the edge of the Gulf stream or to the south of the banks. The time<br />

of spawning ranges from the latter part of May on the United States coast, to the<br />

end of July in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. It varies slightly from year to year, but is<br />

always later to the north, the variation in the different years being doubtless due t<br />

the climatic conditions of the individual season.<br />

THE METHODS <strong>OF</strong> CAPTURE.<br />

The methozis of capture are: (a.) hook and line; (b.) shore haul seines; (c) drift<br />

nets (d) trap nets; (e.) the purse seine.<br />

(a.) Until the purse seine was invented almost the entire catch of mackerel was<br />

made with hook and line, the fish being raised and held by toll bait, i. e., herrings,<br />

porgies, and clams ground in a mill and mixed with water to the consistency of thin<br />

porridge. This was continually thrown into the water in small quantities and the fish<br />

rising to this bait take the hooks. No serious damage was ever done to the fishery<br />

when prosecuted in this way ; first, because schools might be decimated, but were<br />

never annihilated ; second, because immature or unsaleable fish were immediately<br />

jerked back into the water, but little damaged by their adventure; and, thirdly, because<br />

nature herself protected the fish, because they would not rise to bait, when near the<br />

spawning tine, and the large catch of fish was thus made after the fish had spawned.<br />

The hook and line method is still that by which the greater part of the Canadian catch<br />

is made; a fact to which we owe the hitherto continued productiveness of our mackerel<br />

fishery.<br />

(b.) Shore haul seines are used to a very limited extent indeed, the places where<br />

they can be used advantageously being few and scattered.<br />

(c.) The drift net is anchored at one end and pivots with the tide, this net is<br />

not much used in the Gulf but is largely used on the Nova Scotia coast.<br />

(d.) Trap nets can only be used by special license, each permit applied for is<br />

considered on its own merits.<br />

(e.) The purse seine is a large fine mesh net made out of tarred cotton twine.<br />

These nets were at tlrst both clumsy and costly, but of late years not only has the<br />

net been made simply perfect, but the price has been put at such a figure that they<br />

have been adopted by Canadians more extensively and entirely by United States<br />

fishermen. 'Ihe basis of operations for this fishery is a schooner carrying two seines<br />

and two seine boats; the seines are called, the deep and shallow seines,'the one being<br />

about 15 and the other about 10 fathoms deep.<br />

The relation between the reduced produotivenees of our mackerel fishery and<br />

the adoption of the purse seine is one of the problems now most urgently presented<br />

for solution.<br />

In protecting a fishery, the required conditions are, first, proper means must be<br />

used for the capture of the fish; second, these means must only be used at proper<br />

times; and the question then arises: is the purse seine a proper means of prosecuting<br />

the fishery, when used as it now is?<br />

In order to prevent the harassing of the schools of unspawned fish on the United<br />

States coast, a law was passed by Congress prohibiting the landing in the United<br />

States of mackerel caught with a purse seine before 1st June in any year; thus in<br />

practice admitting that the use of the purse seine prior to that date was liable to in<br />

jure the fishery. The condition of the fish which prevails on the United States coast<br />

up to 1st June is precisely that of the Gulf of St. Lawrence up to say 20th July, and<br />

therefore this date of prohibition, which may afford adequate protection to the fish on<br />

the United States coast, affords none to those on ours. But the point is none the less<br />

established that a Government, whose ruling principle of fishery legislation has been<br />

to interfere as little as possible with the liberty of the fisherman, has definitely<br />

concluded that the purse seine, used prior to the spawning season, is injurious to the<br />


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