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10<br />

Under this modus vivendi and until further instructions, fishing vessels of the<br />

United States are to be allowed to purchase bait, ice, seines, lines and all other sup.<br />

plies and outfits, to tranship their catch, and to ship crews in ports of Canada and<br />

Newfoundiand, upon procuring an annual license therefor, which license may be oh.<br />

tamed from any Collector of Customs at any port in Canada and Newfoundland,<br />

upon the payment of the fee of $1.50 per ton of the vessel's registered tonnage.<br />

You will, therefore, be careful in no way to hinder the access to Canadian ports<br />

of any United States' fishing vessel whose master or owner declares his intention of<br />

procuring such license, nor to interfere with any United States' fishing vessel whose<br />

master or owner produces such license, in so far as the carrying out of the purposes<br />

of' the license are concerned.<br />

You will observe, however, that the possession of this license gives no right to<br />

the holder thereof, to fish or prepare to fish in Canadian waters, or to violate any of<br />

the laws of Canada, and to do aught but carry out the objects for which the license<br />

is given.<br />

You will also notice that United States' fishing vessels which enter Canadian<br />

bays and harbors for any of the four purposes mentioned in article 1 of the Conven.<br />

tion of 20th October, 1818, are not to be required to enter or clear at the Customs,<br />

provided they do not remain therein longer than 24 hours, and do not hold any cornmunication<br />

with the shore.<br />

These are the only modifications which are to be observed in carrying out<br />

the instructions previously sent to you, and under which you acted during the season<br />

of 1887.<br />

In commending the efficiency and discretion which characterized your services<br />

during the past year, I have only further to express the desire that you will conti.<br />

flue to perform the delicate and responsible duties entrusted to you in a similar<br />

spirit of discrimination, forbearance and uniform courtesy, which is in every respect<br />

compatible with the due and proper maintenance of the just rights of the Government<br />

of Canada and Canadian fishermen.<br />


For Minister of Marine and Ftsheries.<br />

The season has been an ueeventful one, the better understanding on the part of<br />

the masters of United States' fishing vessels, as to just what rights they had in Canadian<br />

ports; the familiarity of the captains of cruisers with their duties, together<br />

with the issue of licenses under the modus vivendi of the Treaty of Washington, all<br />

tended to harmonize the work of the protection vessels.<br />

The following is the form of license, which was issued under authority of Sche.<br />

dule B of an Act of Parliament intituled "The Treaty of Washington Act, 1388 ":—<br />


(Name) , (Master or Owner) , of the United States fish.<br />

ing vessel<br />

tons register, of<br />

having paid to the undersigned, Collector of Customs at the port of<br />

the sum of<br />

, the privilege is hereby granted<br />

to said fishing vessel to enter the bays and harbors of the Atlantic coasts of Canada<br />

and Newfoundland, for the purchase of bait, ice, seines, lines and all other supplies<br />

and outfits, and the transhipment of catch, and shipping of crews.<br />

This license shall continue in force for one year from the date thereof and is<br />

issued in pursuance of the Act of the Parliament of Canada of 1888, entitled "An<br />

Act respecting a certain Treaty between Her Britannic Majesty and the President of<br />

the United States," and in pursuance of agreement between the Government of<br />

Canada and the Government of Iewfoundland.<br />

This license, while conferring the above mentioned privileges does not dispense

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