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69<br />

all along the whole line of country, where the planting of young fish has been done<br />

from this hatchery, some of whom at one time refused to recognize the benefits of<br />

fish culture, are all now loud in praising the Sandwich Fish Hatchery for the good work<br />

which it has done. To show how very large the catch of whitefish has been this year<br />

I will just quote the number of pounds of fish caught at one station in Lake St. Clair,<br />

in order to compare it with that of last year. At this station last year with four nets<br />

there were caught 5,404 pounds; at the same station this year with three nets 21,835<br />

pounds were taken. t other fishing stations in the same lake the catch was equally<br />

as large—in fact the catch was so large that the Detroit fish market was over-stocked<br />

with these fish. Last year the market price of whitefish in Detroit was from 7c. to<br />

8c. per pound, whereas this year it is very difficult to get more than 5 cents er<br />

pound. I cannot say as much for the catch at the Bois Blanc Island Fishery<br />

this season, although it has always been considered a great fishing station. Westerly<br />

winds prevailed almost all the time through the season, and the water, in consequence,<br />

was shallow and was very much like a low tide. The fish that were caught<br />

here were much smaller than those of former years.<br />

Enlargement of the Hatchery.<br />

I might mention in this report the almost absolute necessity of having more<br />

hatching room in the hatchery for nearly every branch of the culture of fish. We<br />

need a great deal more tank room than we have, but cannot make the room without<br />

making use of the private apartments of my family—which is already small enough<br />

for any degree o comfort. Th:s fact I have before pointed out in my previous reports<br />

and I think it would be highly advisable for the Department to build a dwelling for<br />

the officer in charge of this hatchery, and then the whole hatchery could be turned<br />

into use for the purpose for which it was built.<br />

Very satisfactory accounts are to be found in a number of letters, hereto<br />

appended, from fishermen, and others, showing the undoubted success of this<br />

hatchery, and of the greatly increased supplies of whitefish and pickerel in this section<br />

of the country. Statements made by the fishermen themselves, clearly show<br />

that this improvement in the fisheries is very largely due to the great number of<br />

young fry which have been bred and turned out from this Sandwich Hatchery.<br />

These evidences in favor of the work performed at this establishment should be sufficient<br />

to induce the Fishery Department to enlarge the hatching facilities of the<br />

building to its greatest capacity.<br />

This report is respectfully submitted.<br />


Officer in Charge Sandwich Hatchery.<br />

Iom.—The letters above referred to from fishermen and others will be found in the general<br />

report under "Practical Results from Artificial Fish-Breeding."

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