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60<br />


1888.<br />

lay 23<br />

do 24<br />

do 25<br />

do 29<br />

do 30<br />

do 31<br />

Nfasawippi Stanstead ..<br />

Orford. ..<br />

Brome and Compton.<br />

Megantic<br />

egantic<br />

Memphremagog.. .. Stanstead and Brome . ...<br />

do do .<br />

do do .<br />

Total<br />

200,000<br />

200,00G<br />

100,000<br />

300,000<br />

300,000<br />

250,000<br />

1,350,000<br />

Many of these young fish were transported long distances by rail, and On<br />

waggons in very warm weather, but by constant agitation of the water in which<br />

they were carried, and the use of ice they were all apparently strong and healthy<br />

when deposited in their new homes. The above mentioned large number of eggs,<br />

and fry had constant attention given them during the unusually long time in hatching,.<br />

and developing and on the long journeys to the several waters in which the fry were<br />

deposited. Some of the lakes which were almost inaccessible caused a greater<br />

expenditure than usual, but the instructions given by the superintendent to carry<br />

out all work connected with the hatchery as economically as possible were duly<br />

attended to, and it will be found that the expenses were not unnecessary or exorbitant.<br />

increase of Fish.<br />

I have made enquiries regarding the opinions of fishermen, as to the result produced<br />

in the various waters in which salmon.trout and whitefish fry have been deposited,<br />

and from reports which I have received, both written and verbal, the conclusion<br />

is that salmon.trout and bass are increasing in the waters of Lakes Memphremagog,<br />

Orford and Megantic. The whitefish have been seen in large numbers,<br />

and appear to be growing satisfactorily wherever they have been placed, and that<br />

within a few years fish food in these Eastern Townships will be much more abundant.<br />

To substantiate the foregoing conclusions I have forwarded to your Superintendent<br />

the written opinions of a large number of old fishermen residing near the shores of<br />

Memphremagog who are good practical judges respecting this matter. I have also<br />

received reports from other lakes in which small fish have been placed, and they are<br />

all confirroative of the success of this hatchery in its operations. I haves however,<br />

confined the certificates to a great extent to the effect that our establishment has had<br />

upon Lake Memphromagog, on account of its being the most important body of water<br />

in the Eastern Townships, in which fry have been placed, in fact being as large as<br />

all the others combined.<br />

From the foregoing it may be safely concluded that the effoits of the Departmont<br />

of Fisheries have been successful in increasing the numbers of salmon-trout, bass,<br />

and whitefish in the various waters of this portion of the Province of Quebec, through<br />

the work of the Magog Hatchery.<br />

I may further state that the hatchery, building and machinery are all in good<br />

order and condition, and that no repairs are necessary the present season.<br />

All of which is respectfully submitted,<br />

A. H. MOORE,<br />

Officer in charge of Magog ilatchery.

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