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46<br />

Musquodoboit River, all the parent fish required might be secured there, it was decided<br />

to concentrate all efforts upon that point and thus avoid the expense and anxiety<br />

attending operations conducted at different points remote from each other. A dam<br />

which crosses this river at its mouth presents an insurmountable barrier to the entrance<br />

of fish. This is removed by a pass around the end of the dam formed by blasting<br />

out the adjacent rock. Up this pass salmon readily go when sufficient water is<br />

found in the river.<br />

Having obtained the privilege of using for this season, a very suitable race-way<br />

in which to retain the salmon until ready for manipulation, a trap was constructed<br />

in this pass and it was confidently expected to secure a full supply of fish there in a<br />

few days, unfortunately, though, through the unwarranted interference of one of the<br />

wardens of the river, a gate which had been temporarily placed at the head of this<br />

pass to keep the fish, was removed by that officer and large numbers of salmon<br />

passed up, and the looked for supply of salmon, escaped. However, as soon as possible,<br />

the work was renewed and in the course of a few weeks, the men succeeded in<br />

capturing 112 salmon. This number not being sufficient for the wants of the hatchery,<br />

more men were set to work on the West River in Pictou County, from which stream<br />

were taken 63 salmon. A further number of 10 salmon, were taken 'from the<br />

£hezzetcook River, a stream about 7 miles distant from the Musquodoboit. The<br />

total catch was as follows :<br />

Males. Females. Ova obtained.<br />

Musquodoboit River. 47 64 700,000<br />

West River. 29 34 350,000<br />

Chezzetcook River.. 4 6 50,000<br />

Total .,.. 80 104 1,100,000<br />

Making a total of 184 salmon, 104 of these were females and from which 1,100,<br />

4)00 ova were obtained. These were safely deposited in the hatchery troughs of<br />

this establishment, and are now in a good and healthy condition, and promise a<br />

£ucoessful hatching.<br />

An effort is being made to find some suitable place for the capture of a fall<br />

supply of parent salmon, where they can be taken during the early summer season.<br />

By the coiistruction of a reservoir into which the tidal waters would be admitted at<br />

every flood tide, there would be no difficulty in retaining the fish until the spawning<br />

season arrives. By this plan, the uncertainty, which exists under the present system,<br />

owing to heavy freshets preventing the setting of nets in the fall, and at times the<br />

low stage of water rendering it impossible for the salmon to enter the river, will be<br />

obviated, The proposed plan has been in operation for some years in connection<br />

with the hatcheries of the Province of Quebec and has been proved to be very satisfactory.<br />

It possesses many advantages over that now in use here, and will materi<br />

ally add to the results of the work by producing an earlier run of fish than can be<br />

expected from those hatched heretofore in this Institution, which were the product<br />

of the late, or fall run of salmon. A. general idea of this proposed plan was laid<br />

before the Department in a preiou report, and as soon as a suitable locality is found<br />

for applying it, details will be given.<br />

There is sufficient room in the hatchery for a large number of salmon-trout and<br />

white.fish ova, and it is expected that the usual quota will be obtained this winter<br />

from the Newcastle Hatchery in Ontario. I have recently found a locality from<br />

which I can obtain large number of sea-trout ova in the spawning months and with<br />

your permission, 1 hope to secure a good supply for next season's operations.<br />

A. B. W1LMOT,<br />

O7cer in charge of Bedford Hatchery.

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