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43<br />

arrived here I took one lot of 60,000 to Lochaber, Antigonish County, and a second<br />

lot of 50,000 to Sheet Harbor; these were placed in the troughs of the temporary<br />

hatcheries erected there and with these the most perfect success was met with<br />

in hatching them. These hatcheries, being used only for a few weeks in<br />

the spring of the year, while well and conveniently arranged for the purpose,<br />

have not the numerous appliances for carrying out the work that the main or central<br />

establishment is provided with, and in consequence large quantities of filth and sedi.<br />

mentary matter are at times carried in to the troughs and deposited upon the ova.<br />

This occurred at these points on several occasions and necessitated severe handling<br />

of the ova, in order to cleanse them, but notwithstanding this, almost every egg<br />

hatched and the young fish, after emerging from the shell, was stronger and more<br />

lively than were the salmon ova hatched under similar circumstances, and I am<br />

informed by the parties in charge of them, that, when turned into the lakes they were<br />

in perfect condition and had outgrown the salmon. The reverse was the case with<br />

those retained in this hatchery; as stated before, nearly all died when bursting from<br />

the shell, and the few that survived I found almost impossible to save until the proper<br />

time for distribution. Fearing the supply of water to the troughs set aside for the<br />

hatching of these fish was insufficient, I procured four large galvanized tanks, which<br />

were placed on a foundation outside of the hatching room, and the young fish put in<br />

them, and a bountiful supply of water turned on, but in spite of every effort they<br />

continued dying, so that when at the proper age for distribution, but a small percentage<br />

of them was left.<br />

These eggs, from the time they were placed in the troughs here until hatched,<br />

received the closest attention, and no sediment or fungoid matter permitted to remain<br />

upon them for a moment. Having failed in past years with this particular kind of<br />

ilsh, I was determined to succeed this season if possible, yet I was doomed to disap.<br />

pointment. I have now concluded that the water with which this hatchery is<br />

supplied is of such a nature as to be injurious and detrimental to the growth of the<br />

young salmon trout, and that it will be useless to make any further attempt here.<br />

Should the department contemplate continuing the effort to stock the lakes of this<br />

Province with salmon trout, the little hatcheries erected throughout the more remote<br />

counties can be utilized for that purpose, and to this end I would respectfully suggest<br />

that they be enlarged so that room may be provided for the usual number of salmon<br />

ova, in addition to the numbers of trout ova, that may be sent them.<br />

This hatchery can be used as a point at which the ova may be reed ved from<br />

Ontario and from which the several quota may be sent to the outlying points. Since<br />

the first attempt on the part of your department to introduce the whitefish and<br />

salmon trout into the inland waters of this Province, a very general desire has arisen<br />

amongst fishermen and others interested that these efforts be continued on a liberal<br />

£cale, Covered, as this Province is to one-fifth its area, by large and deep lakes, it<br />

presents a very favorable field for the creation of an extensive inland fishery, which,<br />

if once established and properly nurtured thereafter, might attain almost unlimited<br />

possibilities. The completion of new lines of railways, now under construction and<br />

in contemplation, will open the interior of the Province where the best of these lakes<br />

are situated to the markets of the continent, and add materially to the value of the<br />

fisheries of Nova Scotia.<br />

Distribution of Fr'.<br />

The distribution of the various kinds of young fish hatched in this institution<br />

last spring was successfully effected amongst the lakes and rivers as per following<br />

£chedule :—<br />

Salmon Fry.<br />

Musquodoboit River, Halifax County ... 80,000<br />

Sackville do do do 80,000<br />

Nine Mile do do do 80,000<br />

Pennant do do do 40,000<br />

Indian do do do 40,000

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