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242<br />

Cod 5Th—From their scarcity on the coast; these fish are seldom seen in the<br />

markets; an occasional one is sometimes taken among other fish.<br />

Rock fi.h, fiat fish and other varieties are taken in proportion to the increased<br />

population.<br />


Oysters—These have been taken in larger quantities within the past year; the<br />

beds are limited and the variety small. The largest portion of the catch was taken<br />

from the Vancouver Island beds. The Victoria Arm lease has been dropped; the<br />

imported oysters which were planted there proved a failure.<br />

Referring to Guardian Lomas' report, I would recommend that an annual close<br />

season be adopted for this Province, from 1st May to 3 t August botb days inclusive;<br />

that a license fee of ten cents per barrel be placed on all oysters fished exclusive<br />

ot those taken on leased beds, and that a regulation be made defining the size<br />

of the oysters that should be marketed.<br />


The United States Fish Commission landed on 22nd January 150 parent lobsters<br />

at Cape Disappointment, 100 were females containing about 7,500,(OO eggs. The<br />

same number was planted at Port Townsend. Out of the total shipment it is said<br />

that only one lobster died. it is also reported that the 339 lobsters brought to<br />

Montreny, California, last season are doing well. As I pieviously made recommendations<br />

and suggestions with regard to the intended shipment of lobsters for this<br />

Province, there is no need dwelling further on the subject.<br />


The catch has largely increased within the last year; but they are so fished<br />

that it is difficult to got at an exact estimate of the quantity. They are growing in<br />

favor and considered a great delicacy.<br />

FJ5H WAYS.<br />

None have been built so far; the construction of the one ordered at Nicola Lake<br />

was found to be unnecessary.<br />

The amount authorized to be expended on the Ccwichan River was reported by<br />

Guardian Lomas to be unnecessary, the freshets having effected the falls in such a<br />

manner that the rocks did not require blasting.<br />

Nanaimo River falls have not yet been reported upon by Guardian York, so that<br />

the amount authorized was not expended.<br />

Comox River, according to Guardian Berk&ey's report, has two bad pitches of<br />

falls, which, it would cost about $150 to make passable for the ascent of salmon to<br />

the lakes. This should be done when the river is low during the summer season as<br />

it is an important stream.<br />


The weekly close time was generally well observed throughout the Province<br />

-and few fines were imposed; although there are outlying districts where guardiana<br />

re unable to reach, and at those places parties fish when and how they please.<br />

During the excitement last season on the Skeena Rver, the Indians were very<br />

troublesome. The Hazleton Indians with whom the Government of British Columbia<br />

had trouble, fished with short nets at a place called Kityap; they refused either to<br />

pay license or stop fishing, the cannerymen receivt.d the fiTh from them, stating they<br />

eie not aware that these fish were illegally canght. When Guardian MeNab informed<br />

me of this fact, 1 went to the Skeena River and bad a consultation with the<br />

Indians. I found that fishing was about over for the season and the canneries<br />

closing down. I made arrangements with the canners wbo received the fish from.<br />

the Indians that they must pay the license, of w hich fact I have already advised<br />

your Department.

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