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2 '6<br />

in the Little Saskatchewan, which prevented them reaching their usual spawning<br />

gounds. 1?he catch in this district for the trade was 247,5(0 lbs of whitefish, 16,000 lbs.<br />

of pickerel, and valued at $6,620 in Fairford. In addition to this, about 00,000 lbs.<br />

of different kinds of fish were caught by Indians and settlers for their own use.<br />

About a hundred persons were employed in fishing, using ninety boats and canoes,<br />

valued at $700. They used 9,000 fathoms of gill net, valued at $2,400. The<br />

pincipal buryers at Fairford during the year were: Wm. Robinson & Co.,<br />

Hudson's Bay Company, Wm. Hepworth, John McKenny and Wm. Sit ton. The fish<br />

caught in this district, like all others for the trade from Lake Manitoba, are hauled<br />

in sleighs a distance of 130 miles to Westbourne Station on the Manitoba and North-<br />

Western Railway, and to Reaburn Station on the Canadian Pacific Railway.<br />


Guardian John Wood reports having kept a careful superrision over the various<br />

'fishing stations in his district, extending from the north of Red River along the east<br />

side of Lake Winnipeg, as far north as Loon Straits. The catch in this district has<br />

been less than last year, owing to the tact of a portion of it, viz, Black, Deer and<br />

Big Islands having been asbigned to the charge of Officer Helgason o' the west<br />

side of the lake. The principal fishing points are Broken Head River, Grand Marais,<br />

Elk island, Fort Alexander, Black River, Bad Throat River and Loon 'itraits.<br />

The total catch for the trade for the past year was as follows: 20,000 pounds of<br />

'whitefish, 10,000 pounds pickerel, l+,350 pounds pike, 11,000 pounds sturgeon, 14,000<br />

pounds catfith and 7,500 pounds tullibee; all valued at $2,417. Twenty-four fishermen<br />

took out licenses in this district to fish for the trade, and they had in use 4,000<br />

fathoms of gill net, valued at $800. They also had 20 boats and canoes engaged in<br />

fishing, one being a small tug; the total value being about.$800. He estimates the<br />

home consumption at 144,000 pounds of all kinds of fish, principally used by Indians.<br />


In the immediate vicinity of Winnipeg, on the Red River, there were four<br />

licensed fishermen operating during the summer months, using five boats and four<br />

seines, and giving employment to seven other men. They caught 3,001) pounds<br />

whitefish, 40,000 pounds pickerel, 35,000 pounds pike, 1,000 pounds sturgeon, 2,50G<br />

pounds catfish and 75,000 pounds mixed fish, at an aggregate value for the catch of<br />

$2,725. The total value of plant, consisting of boats and nets, being about 8300.<br />


As explained in a previous part of my report, there is little or no record of fishing<br />

in the adjoining territories, except in Assiniboia, which is under the able<br />

supervision of Overseer Gilchrist. I trust, however, to see some steps taken another<br />

year towards ascertaining the resources of other territories, particularly those of<br />

Alberta, in the vicinity of. Calgary and Fort McLeod, where I am informed there<br />

are some excellent mountain trout. The waters of Athabasca and Saskatchewan<br />

are also highly spoken of, and the appointm;nt of an overseer for each would result<br />

in securing information that might be useful in view of the early prospect of their<br />

being opened up to railway communication. I append hereto the report of Overseer<br />

Gilchrist for the year ending 31st December, 1888<br />


FORT QU'APPELLE, 31st December, 1888.<br />


inspector of Fisheries, Manitoba and North-West Territories.<br />

SIR,—.-I beg to submit my Annual Report for the year ending 31st December,<br />

1888, of the fisheries of the Qu'Appelle River and adjoining lakes.

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