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4.—LICENSES.<br />

A prevalent practice is for the "buyer" of a particular locality to apply forand<br />

obtain the licenses br all the fishermen whose fish he purchases. By retaining these<br />

till the end of the -eason he secures a sort of hold on the fishermen to the extent of<br />

practically controlling their catch. This practice also affords a plausible excuse to<br />

the fishermen for the non-production of a license when demanded by the fishery<br />

officer.<br />

As a remedial measure, and because of the destructible nature of a paper license,<br />

I would suggest that every fisherman to whom a license has been issued, or for whom<br />

one has been obtained, should be supplied with a small metal tag, properly stamped<br />

with a device not easily counterfeited, bearing its number, the quantity of nets<br />

licensed and the year for which issued. I would also, suggest that fishing boats be<br />

numbered, and a record of them kept at the Department; thus enabling the in-.<br />

spector to detect unlicensed boats after sufficient time had been allowed to obtain<br />

licenses.<br />

5.—POUND-NETS.<br />

I would strongly advise that no more pound.net licenses be issued under any<br />

oircumstances, for the following reasons: Owing to the small size of the meshes,<br />

large quantities of fish are caught which are too small to be of any marketable value;<br />

hence they are thrown overboard to rot and foul the fishing grounds, and the large<br />

numbers caught in these nets as compared with gill nets accounts for the greatly<br />

reduced catch reported from year to year. The fouling of fishing grounds by dead<br />

£sh and offals is well known to cause the fish to desert the localities where such<br />

practice p evails, and to this, as well as to the large numbers of pound-nets set, is to<br />

be attributed the depletion of the whitefish fisheries of Lakes Ontario, Brie and<br />

fluron, especially on the American side.<br />

From conversations with fishermen of from twenty to forty years experience, I<br />

m induced to believe, that it would be greatly to the interests of the fisheries and<br />

the fishermen were pound-nets entirely prohibited, at least for a term of years. But<br />

should this be deemed too abrupt a measure, without one or two years' notice, then<br />

I would recommend that the leaders be of 2 or 3 inch mesh, and the hearts not less<br />

than 4 or 5 inch, thus allowing the smaller fish to escape, instead of destroying<br />

•verything which comes into the pound. No doubt, this measure cannot be adopted<br />

without meeting with vigorous opposition from the fish "buyers" in Canadian<br />

waters, who have no regard for the future of these valuable fisheries, so long as their<br />

present needs are supplied; but, I have reason to believe that the bona fide fisher-.<br />

men, and all others interested in the perpetuation of the Canadian fisheries would<br />

approve of any action on the part of the Government, with a view to fostering and<br />

protecting the valuable i.nterests from which they derive their livelihoods.<br />


Lake Ontario :—From personal observation and diligent enquiry, I am war-.<br />

ranted in saying that fishermen come over from Saclrett's Harbor and Cape Vincent,<br />

more especially duiing the months of September and October, set their nets in the<br />

vicinity of Amherst Island, and the Ducks, lift their nets and return before the over-.<br />

aeer can get there.<br />

Lake Erie :—So far as I have been able to learn United States' fishermen do not<br />

resort to Canadian waters. With a few exceptions in the vicinity of Druinmond<br />

Island, where the boundary line is not well defined, there are no Americans fishing<br />

in the waters of Lake Huron.

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