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192<br />

catches of salmon trout took place instead, where none had been caught for years<br />

before, and vice versa. When one takes into consideration the enormous quantity of<br />

nets used betweeu Kingston and Toronto, it is not to be wondered at that the yield<br />

of former years has materially declined. Mr. Redmond suggests planting some fry<br />

in the depleted waters of his division. The close seasons were well observd. TheY<br />

total value of the fisheries of this division is set at $24,120.<br />


Overseer A. .D. Sills, who has charge of the fisheries of the Oounty of Lennox,,<br />

Teports that, though the number of fishermen has fallen, there is still a surplus over<br />

last year's catch. Owing to a vigorous surveillance, the close seasons were well<br />

observed, and not a single violation of the law cam'e to his knowledge.<br />

Overseer B. B. Finkle, who attends to that part of Lake Ontario fronting on the<br />

1'ownship of Ernestown, states that owing to rough and unfavourable weather the<br />

catch has been inferior to that of previous years. With the help of guardians he<br />

can safely state that fishermen were compelled to respect the close seasons.<br />

Overseer George Lake, who has charge of the inland waters of the County of<br />

Frontenac, reports a fair catch of salmon trout and herring. Other kinds of fish are<br />

scarcer, owing to the want of a suitable fish-pass in the dam at the foot of Bob's<br />

Lake. Some complaints were made against mill-owners which failed for want of<br />

viclence.<br />

Overseer Robert Gilbert, who has charge of the upper waters of the County of<br />

Frontenac, states that owing to the prevention of netting, fish are again becoming<br />

plentiful. Occasionally one hears of good catches by angling or trolling; all used for<br />

bome consumption. Several applications for licenses to use nets had to be refused..<br />

Close seasons were well observed, and rio breaches of the law reported.<br />

Overseer H B. Purcell, who has charge of the inland waters of Addington, states<br />

that, generally speaking, fishing was not so good as in former years. This he<br />

attributes to the low state of the water, which caused the growth of weeds and imipeded<br />

angling and trolling. This dllcer seized and destroyed five sets of hoop-nets<br />

and two small gill nets in lakes where netting is prohibitted. Sawmill owners, with<br />

one exception, fairly complied with the regulations.<br />

The total value of the fisheries of these divisions is set down at $14,135.<br />


Overseer T/ios. ff1 erritt, who has charge of the lake shore fronting on tbe County<br />

of Frontenac, reports a decided improvement in all kinds of fish, except sturgeon.<br />

A particularly large run of herring visited this coast late in the fall and proved of<br />

excellent quality. Trolling and fly-fishing for bass on the shoals was good, and:<br />

numerous sportsmen, especially from the States, visited these grounds.<br />

Overseer F. Kiel attends to the fishing grounds around Wolfe Island. Fishing<br />

is not carried on so vigorously as formerly. Thi great demand for labor at other<br />

• industries, the low price of fresh fish, and the seemingly perceptible absence of fish<br />

on our shores, explain the decrease in the catch. A great waste of young fish is made<br />

by foreign sportsmen for bating hooks. Another plasible explanation of the scarcity<br />

of whitefish and salmon-trout in the waters of this division, is that, their feeding and<br />

breeding grounds are visited early in the spring by schools of pickerel, pike and<br />

other ravenous fish who winter in the muddy bottom bays on the other side of the<br />

boundary.<br />

The total value of the fisheries of Wolfe and Kingston divisions is given at<br />

$4,631.<br />


Overseers W. H. Johnston, Jas. Greer and Wm., flicks have charge of Charleston,<br />

Gananoque and other lakes in County of Leeds. :No netting being allowed in these

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