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191<br />

have they become numerous, but they are of uncommonly large size, some weighing<br />

over three pounds. In fact, they have become of such importance that Mr. Kerr is<br />

in favor of having a close season for their protection during spawning time, and<br />

limiting the size of the mesh to 2 inches extension measure. No contraventions o!<br />

the law *ere noticed. The total value of the fisheries of this division is set down at<br />

$85,000.<br />

Overseer Chas. Gilchrist has charge of that portion of Lake Ontario coast front..<br />

ing on the County of Northumberland, together with Rice Lake. He reports a<br />

catch of 7,000 pounds of whitefish, while there was none in 1887. Maskinonge were<br />

plentiful, 220000 pounds being returned, half of which were caught by Indians.<br />

There were 508 angling permits issued in Rice Lake, 100 of which were to Indiana<br />

and 32 to foreigners. The total value of the fisheries in this district is put down at<br />

$23,730, being an increase of $7,330 over last year.<br />

Overseer H. Simmons, in charge of the Trout River, reports an increase of fish,<br />

especially coarse fish. The toial value of the fisheries of this division is given at<br />

$ l0,580<br />

Overseer Geo. B. McDermot has charge of that portion of Lake Ontario extend.<br />

ing from Oshawa Harbor to Ashbridge's Bay, as well as of Lake Scugog. He reports<br />

that the Lake Ontario portion is showing signs of renewed activity. Licenses were<br />

granted to nine boat fishermen for ciscoe fishing, and it is expected that 25 boats will<br />

engage in this fishery next season. As ciscoes are rapidly coming to the front as an<br />

edible fish, and the demand is always exceeding the supply; Mr. MeDermot recornmends<br />

the making of a close season to cover the spawning time, say, from 15th Novein.<br />

her to 15th December. He saw 10,000 of these fish taken from nets on the 28th<br />

November, and sixty per cent. were full of spawn, but not quite ready to flow. Ho<br />

is gatherixtg more information on this point, so as to send a definite recommendation<br />

at a later date.<br />


Fishing at Lake Scugog was in excess of last season,especiaUy during the first part<br />

of the year; immense catches of black bass and maskinooge being made. The In<br />

dians of Scugog Island derive quite a revenue from the sale of their fish. The<br />

close seasons were thoroughly enforced; twelve parties being fined for violation of<br />

the "Fisheries Act." The only drawback in this division, is the annual lowering of<br />

the water in the lake by the large mills at Lindsay, which spoils fishing during ibe<br />

summer months, as it allows weeds to grow much quicker, making it mpossible to<br />

troll during the laiter part of August, September and October. This lowering of the<br />

water also destroys thousand' of bass and maskinonge fry which are lift high and<br />

dry when the water recedes from the spawning beds. This evil threatens to destroy<br />

all the benefits secured by six years of efficient protection, and should winter ba<br />

prolonged and severe, thousands of black bass will be destroyed on account of the<br />

water freezing to the bottom in certain portions of the lake.<br />


Overseer Ohas. Wilkins, who has charge of the Bay of Quinté division, reports an<br />

increase in the yield of all kinds of fish in his division, more especially in the finer<br />

grades, such as whitefish. This he attributes to the stocking of the bay with fry from<br />

the Newcastle hatchery. Whitefish made its appearance in Bay of Quinté earlier<br />

than formerly. Coarse fish were also more plentiful than for many years past.<br />

Mr. Wilkins complains of the reluctance with which fishermen give retur ns of<br />

their catch. They always underrate it, apprehending that they would be charged<br />

increased fees for their next year's license. The total value of the fisheries of thia<br />

district is reckoned at $44,740.<br />

Overseer Joseph Redmond, whose division comprises the coast of Lake Ontario<br />

around the County of Prince Edward, reports a slight improvement over last year's<br />

catch. In some localities known to be whitefish resorts, none were taken, but fair

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