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18<br />

Overseer J. A. Couse, who replaced A. U. M:cKinnon, of Goderich, has charge or<br />

the division extending from Point Clark to Kettle Point. lEle returns an average<br />

catch. Twenty-two pound nets were fished between Kettle Point and Blue Point.<br />

Overseer D. lklcMaster, of Sarnia, sends no report.<br />

Overseer Hugh McFayden is in charge of the Saugeen River. The catch of<br />

speckled trout is estimated at 60,000 pounds, valued at 25 cents per pound. The<br />

aeason was excessively hot and dry. However; numerous tourists from the United<br />

States, as well as from remote parts of Canada, agaill visited this favorite stream.<br />

The close seasons were well observed. Mill owners were not so troublesome as<br />

formerly, only two being fined last season.<br />

The total value of Lake Huron division, exclusive of Georgian Bay, is reckoned<br />

at $89,751.<br />


Overseer C. W. Raymond, who attends to the upper part of Lake St. Clair, reporta<br />

that there was no fishing done in the division under his charge.<br />

Overseer A. Quennevzlle, whose division comprises part of Lake St. Clair. in the<br />

vicinity of the Thames Rtver, sends no report, but his statistical returns show an<br />

average yield of fish, especially of the coarser grades.<br />

Overseer T. Iilc Queen's division extends from the mouth of the River Thames to<br />

Lewisville. Twenty out of twenty-three fishing stations in his district were fished<br />

giving employment to 112 persons. Owing to the severity of the winter, which pro.<br />

eluded open water fishing till late in the spring, there is a slight decline in the yield<br />

of this division. More pike were taken than usual. The close seasons were invariably<br />

well observed.<br />

Overseer John Crotty, who has charge of the central portion of the Thames River<br />

from Lewisville to Wardsville, reports a very poor ca'ch owing to the high water<br />

and late spring.<br />

Overseer P. McCann has charge of the upper portion of the Thames River. Ho<br />

reports a fair catch. Bass fishing was very good on the upper reaches of the river.<br />

No net fishing is carried on in this district. Some persons were suspected of having<br />

speared fish, but the Overseer failed to catch them or to procure sufficient evidence<br />

to prosecute. Two new fishways were built during the last summer to replace those<br />

carried away by the ice. The total value of the fisheries of thn Thames River division<br />

is reckoned at $21,268.<br />


11fr. Joseph Boismier, who has charge of this division, reports an increase of 75<br />

per cent. in whitefish. This he attributes to the millions of fry distributed in these<br />

waters by Canadian and American hatcheries during the past few years. The<br />

decrease in herring is as nOticeable as is the surplus in whitefisa. There was a<br />

decline also in sturgeon and pickerel. The total value of the fisheries of this division<br />

is given at $19,643, being a deficit of nearly $10,000 as compared with 1887.<br />


Point Pelée Island.<br />

Overseer James Gummins, who has charge of the fisheries around Pelée Island<br />

reports a decrease in the yield of whitefish of 50 per cent. In 1887 the catch of<br />

herring was returned at 105,563 lbs. and this season at 566,7.0 lbs., a difference of<br />

461,157 lbs. The catch of pickerel and bass was larger than for the last few years.<br />

Sturgeon is on the decline. The total value of the fisheries of this district is estimated<br />

at $37,956, being an increase of over 300 per cent. over last year, There were 26<br />

pound.nets fished in this division.

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