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187<br />

APPENDIX NQ 6.<br />

ONTARIO.<br />

SYNOPSES <strong>OF</strong> FISHERY OVERSEERS' iEPORTS IN THE PROVINCE <strong>OF</strong><br />



Overseer W. C. Dobie, appointed in the place of Mr. James Dickson, resigned, has<br />

charge of that portion of Lake Superior extending from Pigeon River to Slate Island.<br />

fle states that fishing was very light during part of the summer, so ,much so, that<br />

several fishermen actually raised their nets ; profits being insufficient to pay for<br />

the wear and tear. Fishing was more remunerative on the other side of the boundary..<br />

Fishermen were however fully compensated by the lateness of the fishing season,.<br />

which beats all previous records. The catch of whitefish is given at 30,000 lbs.<br />

fresh, and 810 barrels pickled. That of trout at 187,200 lbs., and 630 barrels. The<br />

total value of the fisheries of this district is reckoned at $67,346, exceeding that of last<br />

year by EO,000.<br />

Overseer J08. Wilson's district extends from Slate Island, on Lake Superior, to<br />

Co1lin's Inlet, on Georgian Bay. He reports a considerable increase in whitefish and<br />

salmon-trout in all the waters of his district excepting at St. Mary's Rapids. Prices<br />

ruled higher than last season. During the month of June, Mr. Wilson visited Spanish<br />

River where he found pound net stakes in the channel, and ordered them to be removed.<br />

Calling about the same time at Squaw Island, he collected fees on forty-three<br />

boat licenses. Guardians Strain and Cameron rendered good service during the close<br />

seasons, which on the whole was fairly well observed. American fishermen were<br />

noticcd fishing on the spawning grounds at Parisienne and Sandy Islands during the<br />

close time; but Mr. Wilson was powerless to act, being unable to procure a tug at<br />

the time, Mr. Wilson urges the adoption of a close season for sturgeon, from 1st<br />

May to 15th June. The total value of both divisions under his charge reach the sum<br />

of $114,924, viz., $91,892 for Lake Superior, and $3,032 for the Manitoulin division<br />

to Spanish River inclusive.<br />


Oversei'r John Marks, of St. Joseph's Island, and Atex Brinkman of Manitowaning,<br />

appointed in paee of D. Cameron resigned, have charge of the waters around Mani<br />

toulin and adjacent islands. They report a large increase in the yield of trout<br />

arid whitefish, and a decline in sturgeon. In order to judge of the importance of<br />

these fisheries, it is only necessary to notice the enormous catch of fish at some of the<br />

Ishing statioib. For instance at Squaw Island, six tugs with over 100,000 fathoms<br />

of nets, taking one million and a half pounds of fish, valued at $120,180. The fisheries<br />

f the Ducks Islands come next in importance, reaching 600,000 lbs. of fish of all<br />

kinds, valued at $l5,200. The total value of the fisheries of this division is given at<br />

$349,201; being double that of last year. No less than 19 tugs, 120 boats, 275,00Grn<br />

fathoms of nets, 48 pound nets, sere employed in the fishing industry during the<br />


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