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146<br />

into the bay this summer. Capelin were plentiful, but did not remain long. Squid<br />

was abundant in August and September. Four seines were licensed for smelts. They<br />

began to fish on the 10th of October, but did nothing in November, the weather was<br />

too rough for seining. Mr. Phalen has no contravention of the Fisheries Act to<br />

report this season.<br />


Mr, Vibert reports salmon fishing began at Gaspé on the 21st of May. The<br />

eatch was<br />

Poundg.<br />

:Nets . . . 103,655<br />

Angling . 4,870<br />

108,525<br />

A slight increase over last season's return.<br />

is as follows :<br />

The statement of fish taken by anglers<br />

River. No. of Fish. Weight, Pounds.<br />

Grand Pabos...... 13 172<br />

Little Pabos 44 523<br />

Grand River l0i 1653<br />

York 66 1,428<br />

Dartmouth.... 26 546<br />

St. John's 34 543<br />

285 4,870<br />

Cod appeared from Newport to Point St. Peter from the 11th to the 15th June.<br />

The season was a rough one, frequent storms caused the loss of several lives, and<br />

rendered others timid about venturing on the Banks. Iii this way much time and fish<br />

were lost. The autumn monihs were extremely rough, arid the whole season after June<br />

was very unfavorabL for taidng and curing fish. Fishing in Gaspé Bay was very<br />

poor, and mackerel was again a failure. On the 4th July twenty United States<br />

mackerel schooners came into Gaspé Harbor. They left again next day.<br />

Twenty vessels cleared from the port of Gaspé during the season with cargoes<br />

of cod for foreign markets. Two schooners from Gaspé were stranded at Magdalen<br />

River in October. The whaling schooner "Admiration" made her usual whaling<br />

voyage to Grosse Water Bay. She killed six whales, yielding 2,272 gallons of oil.<br />

She encountered unfavorable weather.<br />

Lobsters were not plentiful, and the run was small; 195,957 lbs. were canned<br />

at sixteen factories in the sub-division, a decrease of 115,066 lbs. from last year.<br />

The quantity of smelts shipped to date, 16th November, was 63,166 lbs. They were<br />

scarce in October but became plentiful in November, and were of fine size and quality.<br />


Mr. Lemleux reports salmon fishing as being about an average. There are very<br />

few nets fished in this sub.division. The cod fishery was better than last year and<br />

the fishermen were not disturbed by the white porpoises. The weather was rough<br />

during the whole season. Had it not been for this, the catch of cod would have been<br />

large, as fish at times were very abundant. Bait was scarce, being kept off shore by<br />

the heavy swell.

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