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105<br />

Overseer Lord, of Deer Island and Letete district, reports as follows ' There<br />

has been an increased catch of all kinds of fish. Cod and pollock have not been so<br />

plentiful in the dstnct for the last twenty years. Hake and haddock were also<br />

more numerous in our waters. Large herring were unusually abundant and brought<br />

good prices, both frozen and pickled. The facilities now given by rail for access to<br />

western markets, has directed a large portion of the fish trade to St. John, where<br />

transportation is offered on bettor terms than from Eastport; and this competition<br />

is favorable to fishermen. The catch of sardine herring has not been large, but<br />

the fish have been more generally distributed over the district, giving a more equal<br />

division to the weirs. The unfortunate depression in the sardine market has kept<br />

prices low, and prevented fishermen from utilizing the unusual abundance of fish<br />

with which the waters of Charlotte teemed the whole season. The low price of<br />

sardines led to a large increase in srnoked herring, the price having risen so as to<br />

make the business remunerative"<br />

Overseer Brown, of Campobello, reports a good catch of fine fish for which<br />

improved prices were obtained. Pollock were very plentiful, and cod, bake anti<br />

haddock all gave better catches than hacie been known for years. "Sardine herring<br />

were plentiful hero, as elsewhere, but low prices at the factories gave no inducement<br />

to fish the weirs, and many of them have made nothing this season. Had it not been<br />

for the excellent fine fishing our fishermen would have had a hard time."<br />

Overseer Mc Laughlin, of Grand Manan, reports as follows :—" The season about<br />

closing has been successful in all kinds of fish taken in these waters. Herring have<br />

been more than usually abundrnt on all the shores of the island, and most all the<br />

weirs have fished succesfulty. The quantity of smoked herring exceeds that cured<br />

in any former year. Sardine herring are beginning to be more generally utilized,<br />

and it prices rise to their former level, this business will form an important item in<br />

our industries. To enforce the close time at Southern Head spawning grounds requirc<br />

my constant attention and personal exertion for three months. With less help thin<br />

in past years I have effectively protected the spawning flh, and the results are seen<br />

in the continued abundance of young flh notwithstanding the drain made on them<br />

for the past ten years to supply the sardine, factories. Transiert fishermen from St.<br />

John and elsewhere, come to these waters under pretence of line fishing, with all<br />

appliances for seining and grll net fishing, which they are prepared to pursue withia<br />

the limits whenever they can evade detection. All the line fish were abundant,<br />

large fares have been made, and our people are now convinced that the enjoyment of<br />

our own fishing grounds, free from foreign intrusion, is all they need, believing that<br />

markets will take care of themelves, and that the demand must and will be supplied.<br />

as long as there are fish to be caught."<br />

Respectfully submitted,<br />

W. H. YENNING,<br />

Inspector of Fisheries, NTew BrunswicF.

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