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104<br />


Overseer O'Brien, reports as Iollows :—" The<br />

catch of salmon was smaller than<br />

last year. A falling off of over 30 per cent. is shown in the catch of alewives coin.<br />

pared with last year, but higher prices in some measure compensated for the short<br />

eatch. Shad and herring gave about the same returns as last year. Lobsters were<br />

out as usual. The catch is very large in St. John County; though of late the<br />

Eurplus from home consumption is sent in ice to Eastport and Boston." Mr. 0' Brien<br />

urges that a close time for alewives be made from 1st July to 1st April, the effect of<br />

which would be very beneficial in increasing the future supply.<br />

Overseer Rourice, of St. Martin's, reports about average catches of herring and<br />

lobsters, which are the oniy fishes the capture of which is pursued with any energy in<br />

this district. Line fishing for pollock and cod is not followed to the same extent as<br />

formerly; but a small quantity of each was taken, principally for home use. The<br />

inland waters abound with fine trout; and some few salmon are still found in Salmon<br />

River, the principal stream in the district.<br />


Overseer Todd, of St. Croix district, reports that, excepting sardine herring,<br />

the catch of all kinds of fish was smaller than last year. Three or four of the her..<br />

ring weirs were very successful, and in the early part of the season brought good<br />

prices. Salmon were scarcer than last year, The fishways are in good condition<br />

and have been kept open at all proper times. The two night guardians, one hired<br />

by the American Commissioners fortheir side of the river, and one hired by Mr.<br />

Todd for the New Brunswick side, have put a stop to the drifting and illegal fishing<br />

which formerly prevented any increase and thus rendered nugatory all efforts to restock<br />

the river. This season 300,OCO young salmon were planted in the St. Croix<br />

below Vanceboro' from which good results are hoped.<br />

Overseer campbell, of St. Andrew's Bay, says: "1 am sorry to have to report<br />

that fishing in the bay has been very unprofitable, not from scarcity of fish, but f?om<br />

want of a market for sardine herring. Winter fishing was not good. The fish dik<br />

enter the bay in large numbers, and our small boats could not pursue them outside.<br />

Lobster fishing was not followed with much energy. The canneries in Maine were<br />

elosed, and the small catch was sold fresh in Eastport. The land-locked salmon fry<br />

that were put into Ohamcook Lakes some year s since appear to have done well. A<br />

number of fine fish were caught there with the fly this summer. The high prices<br />

paid for sardines in l86 and 187 and the good catches made by a few fortunate<br />

'weirs, induced a perfect craze for weir licenses and a large number of new weirs was<br />

-built and preparations made for a large business. In the early part of the season<br />

fish were plentiful and brought good prices, when the Bastport buyers combined to<br />

fix the price at $5 per hogshead. The weir men struck, held a meeting at St. An<br />

drew's and agreed to take no fish from their weirs until the price was left to open<br />

competition. This strike lasted only a fortnight, for, contrary to their usual habits,<br />

the small herring remained about Deer Island, Campo Bello and the American shore<br />

and the factories got all they required from these places, at prices so low that the<br />

mere labor of tending the weirs was not paid for. While sardines were thus more<br />

plentiful than usual, large herring fit for selling or smoking were very scarce, and<br />

some parties commenced using the small herring for manure. The presence of the<br />

cruiser, the "Dream," gave force to my warnings, and the destruct inn of young fink<br />

was prevented. I may add that Captain Pratt was a buy ii keeping our own<br />

fishermen within legal bounds, as in preventing poaching by our American neigh-.<br />

born, and that his presence is much needed in Charlotte County."<br />

Overseer Ash, of Beaver Harbor, reports an increased catch of all kinds of fish.<br />

While sardines were more than usually numerous, the low price was very disco urag-.<br />

ing to fishermen, who made a poor season and would have felt it more severely had<br />

live fish not been plentiful and sold for good prices. An average catch of lo bstera<br />

found a ready market in Eastport. The low price of sardines offered no inducement<br />

for torching and thin objectionable mode of fishing was not pursued this season.

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