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98<br />

assistance from the hatching house, more nets and more men have this year takerr<br />

but 1'1l,I1 pounds.<br />

Overseer McPlierson, of the Coast division, reports as follows :—" The catch of<br />

salmon, which is the main branch of fishing in my district, has been very far below<br />

the avernge—bt'ing only about three-fifths of the usual catch. All the stands have<br />

been licensed, aid the usual number of nets have been fished with a full complement<br />

of men. This tailure may be partly explained by the prevalence of unfavorable<br />

winds, which drove ashore a number of nets and no doubt caused the fish to keep off<br />

shore in their course to the spawning grounds." This may explain the reduced<br />

catch in Mr. McPherson's district on the coast; but this cause should have increased<br />

the catch in the estuary and in the river; for if the fish came at all they must have<br />

traversed both these waters, no matter how they approaeh€d them. The quantity of<br />

lobsters taken is again less than last year's catch, which he thinks was caused by the<br />

shorter time during which the traps were fished. it is worthy of note that neither<br />

fishermen, dealers, nor even the officers ever account for a poor catch by the failing<br />

upp1y. Any other cause than this is always asigiied for the decreased supply, for<br />

none will admit the possibility of exhausting the fishery, no matter how clearly the<br />

facts show that this is beng done very rapidly.<br />


Overseer Hickson reports as follows :—" The catch of salmon was fair; in the<br />

upper district rather better than last year, and on the whole fishermen are satisfied<br />

with the season's work. The lobster fishery continues to get worse. Pish are getting<br />

smaller and scarcer all the time, but the shortened season, no doubt, reduced the<br />

catch in this district. Mackerel have almost deserted our bay, formerly the great<br />

rendezvous for the spawning fish. Very few were taken. One trap took about enough<br />

to pay expenses. A schooner fitted out in Bathurst for deep sea fishing got only<br />

twenty barrels the whole season, and lost her owners $,5OO. Herring has not given<br />

an average catch, and those engaged in cod fishing have suffered loss from continued<br />

wet weather during the latter part of the summer, which made it very difficult, in<br />

some cases impossible, to dry their fish, much of which was consequently spoiLt.'<br />

'Mr. Hickson says he has great difficulty in enforcing the Smelt Regulations, as fisher—<br />

men and dealers evade the law in every possible way.<br />

Overseer Haché, of Upper Caraquet, reports a fair catch of lobsters, for the single<br />

factory that operated in his district, but a very large decrease in the quantity of<br />

oysters raked. He also complains of the difficulty he has in enforcing the Smelt<br />

Regulations or preventing illegal fish from being exported by railway.<br />

Overseer Cormier, of Lower Caraquet, reports a reduced catch of herring, mackerel<br />

and lobsters; owing to the scarcity of these fish. The catch of cod was good; but con.<br />

tinued wet weather in summer and fall was very unfavorable for curing, and some<br />

loss was experienced from this cause.<br />

Overseer Ache, of Shippegan, reports a fair catch of salmon; but a total failure<br />

in mackerel, which did not come in shore all summer. In spring herring were plenti.<br />

liii, but in fall scarce, and only a small catch sufficient for home use was made. Cod.<br />

were abundant; but unfavorable weather made the catch shorter than last year.<br />

Prices, however, were better and fishermen did a fair season's work. The catch of<br />

smelt was less than last year, while that of lobsters was better.<br />

Overseer Boyd, of Miscou, reports that smelt fishing has greatly increased since<br />

the Caraquet Railway has been extended to Shippegan. Mackerel fishing was very<br />

poor, and the catch of cod and herring was much less than that of last year. Out of<br />

eleven lobster factories in operation last season, only six were opened this year, and<br />

consequently these found less difficulty in getting fish to keep runing on full time,,<br />

and more cans were put up in less time than in former years.<br />

I have no detailed reports from Overseer W. C. Robichaud, of Pokemouche, nor<br />

from Olivier Bobichaud, of Tracadie, both being new officers, but from their letters I<br />

learn that in both districts a fair average catch of fish has been made. Since thesmelt<br />

business opened this season, great irregularities in both places have prevailed,

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