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96<br />

scarce the following summer. Since the practice has been prohibited, they were<br />

never more plentiful in the waters of Charlotte County.<br />


The failure recorded last year in this fishery has again occurred, and this year is<br />

more complete. In 1880 the catch was 19,650 barrels and 66,427 cans. In 1886 the<br />

catch was 17,868 barrels and '10,128 cans; in 1881 only 3,607 barre1s<br />

and 44,278 cans were caught. After making all allowance for the.<br />

alleged erratic arid uncertain movements of mackerel, their pelagic wanderings<br />

and changing habitat, so great a decreas in a few years wonlu indicate some general<br />

and hitherto unknown cause. In my opinion, based on many years' observation, extensive<br />

reading and converse with old and experienced mackerel fishers, these causes<br />

are: first, the great destruction, by purse seines, of gravid parents and half-grown<br />

young fish; second, the failing supply of food in Bay Ohaleur and the Straits consequent<br />

on the great destruction of smelts, frost fish and flounders in all the counties<br />

bordering these waters where alone this fish is pursued by our fishermen. 'The myriads<br />

of young fry which formerly crowded all our estuaries, and afforded the kind of food<br />

that the mackerel seeks inshore, are no longer there. The waters are depleted of'<br />

this food; consequenty the schools are no longer attracted to the inshores. We see the<br />

asme result in American waters where purse seines have destroyed the gravid parents<br />

and immature young fish and the porgies on which they feed. The scarcity of mackerel<br />

in American waters, coupled with the continued demand for them, has led to the<br />

importation of large quantities from England, whence the future supply will probably<br />

come. While purse seines and bag-nets are allowed without restriction, I<br />

can see no reasonable hope of any improvement in the mackerel fishery. My<br />

present conviction is that there should be a close time to cover the spawning season,<br />

and that purse seines should be prohibited in Canadian waters. I have seen our<br />

Ealrnon, shad, bass, alewives, oysters arid lobsters all dwindling away for want of<br />

protective laws, and now the most valuable fish of all is being exterminated by the<br />

unrestricted use of destructive implements arid the wanton waste of spawning fish.<br />

COD.<br />

A serious decline in the catch of this fish appears from the returns. Last year<br />

93,542 cwts. were caught. This year the quantity has fallen to 86,695 cwts. By<br />

mueh the largest quantity is caught in the northern counties, and it is altogether<br />

probable that a failing supply of food is closely connected with the decrease. The<br />

vast drain made on smelts, frost.fish and flounders for the last five years has no<br />

doubt made food scarcer in-shore, and the fish have not come in as formerly. In the<br />

southern counties, wher the abundance of young herring affords ample supplies of<br />

food, the catch has not declined. A scarcity of codfish in northern waters would be<br />

deplorable, for the closing of the lobster canneries will leave only the cod fishery as<br />

a source of employment for large numbers who have heretofore been engaged in the<br />

lobster fishery<br />

HALIBUT.<br />

The returns show a catch of only P1,970 pounds against 50,234 pounds last year.<br />

But fishermen say the catch exceeded that of last year if correct figures could be<br />

had. Almost the whole catch, with the exception of the small part used in home<br />

consumption, goes direct from the fishing grounds to the United States' markets,<br />

and there are no means within my reach by which I can get even an approximation<br />

to the real quantity caught by our fishermen.<br />


The catch of all these fishes exceeds that of last year. These fisheries are confined<br />

almost wholly to Charlotte County, and have not been pursued with much<br />

energy since the sardine fishery has given fishermen more profitable employment at.<br />


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