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Research papers<br />

A.-C. Eliasson<br />

<strong>RESEARCH</strong> <strong>PAPERS</strong><br />

Ann-Charlotte Eliasson<br />

1. Carlson, T. L.-G., Eliasson, A.-C., and Nair, B. M. (1980). Note on the<br />

determination of maximum amount of cereal storage protein in foods, J. Sci. Food<br />

Agric., 31: 223-224.<br />

2. Eliasson, A.-C. (1980). Effect of water content on the gelatinization of wheat<br />

starch, Starch/Stärke, 32: 270-272.<br />

3. Eliasson, A.-C., and Hegg, P.-O. (1981). Thermal stability of gluten, Cereal<br />

Chem., 57: 436-437.<br />

4. Eliasson, A.-C., Carlson, T. L.-G., Larsson, K., and Miezis, Y. (1981). Some<br />

effects of starch lipids on the thermal and rheological properties of wheat starch,<br />

Starch/Stärke, 33: 130-134.<br />

5. Eliasson, A.-C., Larsson, K., and Miezis, Y. (1981). On the possibility of<br />

modifying the gelatinization properties of starch by lipid surface coating,<br />

Starch/Stärke, 33: 231-235.<br />

6. Eliasson, A.-C., and Bohlin, L. (1982). Rheological properties of concentrated<br />

wheat starch gels, Starch/Stärke, 34: 267-271.<br />

7. Rajapaksa, D., Eliasson, A.-C., and Larsson, K. (1983). Bread baked from<br />

wheat/rice mixed flours using liquid-crystalline lipid phases in order to improve bread<br />

volume, J. Cereal Sci., 1: 53-61.<br />

8. Eliasson, A.-C., and Karlsson, R. (1983). Gelatinization properties of different size<br />

classes of wheat starch granules measured with differential scanning calorimetry,<br />

Starch/Stärke, 35: 130-133.<br />

9. Holm, J., Björck, I., Ostrowska, S., Eliasson, A.-C., Asp, N.-G., Larsson, K., and<br />

Lundquist, I. (1983). Digestibility of amylose-lipid complexes in vitro and in vivo,<br />

Starch/Stärke, 35: 294-297.<br />

10. Karlsson, R., Olered, R., and Eliasson, A.-C. (1983). Changes in starch granule<br />

size distribution and starch gelatinization properties during development and<br />

maturation of wheat, barley and rye, Starch/Stärke, 35: 335-340.<br />

11. Eliasson, A.-C. (1983). Differential scanning calorimetry studies on wheat starchgluten<br />

mixtures I. Effect of gluten on the gelatinization of wheat starch, J. Cereal<br />

Sci., 1: 199-205.<br />

12. Eliasson, A.-C. (1983). Differential scanning calorimetry studies on wheat starchgluten<br />

mixtures. II. Effect of gluten and sodium stearoyl lactylate on starch<br />

crystallization during ageing of wheat starch gels, J. Cereal Sci., 1: 207-213.<br />

13. Björck, I., Asp, N.-G., Birkhed, D., Eliasson, A.-C., Sjöberg, L.-B., and<br />

Lundquist, I. (1984). Effects of processing on starch availablitity in vitro and in vivo.<br />

II. Drum-drying of wheat flour, J. Cereal Sci., 2: 165-178.<br />

14. Eliasson, A.-C. (1985). Starch-lipid interactions studied by differential scanning<br />

calorimetry, Thermochim. Acta, 95: 369-374.<br />

15. Eliasson, A.-C., and Krog, N. (1985). Physical properties of amylosemonoglyceride<br />

complexes, J. Cereal Sci., 3: 239-248.<br />

16. Eliasson, A.-C. (1985). Starch gelatinization in the presence of emulsifiers. A<br />

morphological study of wheat starch, Starch/Stärke, 37: 411-415.<br />

17. Bohlin, L., Eliasson, A.-C., and Mita, T. (1986). Shear stress relaxation of native<br />

and modified potato starch gels, Starch/Stärke, 38: 120-124.<br />

18. Schweizer, T. F., Reimann, S., Solms, J., Eliasson, A.-C., and Asp, N.-G. (1986).<br />

Influence of drum-drying and twin-screw extrusion cooking on wheat carbohydrates,<br />


II, Effect of lipids on physical properties, degradation and complex formation of<br />

starch in wheat flour, J. Cereal Sci., 4: 249-260.<br />

19. Eliasson, A.-C. (1986). On the effects of surface active agents on the<br />

gelatinization of starch - a calorimetric investigation, Carbohydr. Polym., 6: 463-<br />

476.<br />

20. Eliasson, A.-C. (1986). Viscoelastic behaviour during the gelatinization of starch.<br />

I. Comparison of wheat, maize, potato and waxy-barley starches, J. Text. Stud., 17:<br />

253-265.<br />

21. Eliasson, A.-C. (1986). Viscoelastic behaviour during the gelatinization of starch<br />

II. Effects of emulsifiers, J. Text. Stud., 17: 357-375.<br />

22. Lindahl, L., and Eliasson, A.-C. (1986). Effects of wheat proteins on the<br />

viscoelastic properties of starch gels, J. Sci. Food Agric., 37: 1125-1132.<br />

23. Eliasson, A.-C., Larsson, K., Andersson, S., Hyde, S. T., Nesper, R., and von<br />

Schnering, H.-G. (1987). On the structure of native starch - an analogue to the quartz<br />

structure, Starch/Stärke, 39: 147-152.<br />

24. Muhrbeck, P., and Eliasson, A.-C. (1987). Influence of pH and ionic strength on<br />

the viscoelastic properties of starch gels - a comparison of potato and cassava starch,<br />

Carbohydr. Polym., 7: 291-300.<br />

25. Eliasson, A.-C. (1988). On the thermal transitions of the amylosecetyltrimethylammonium<br />

bromide complex, Carbohydr. Res., 172: 83-95.<br />

26. Lundh, G., Eliasson, A.-C., and Larsson, K. (1988). Cross-linking of wheat<br />

storage protein monolayers by compression/expansion cycles at the air/water<br />

interface, J. Cereal Sci., 7: 1-9.<br />

27. Siljeström, M., Björck, I., Eliasson, A.-C., Lönner, C., Nyman, M., and Asp, N.-<br />

G. (1988). Effects on polysaccharides during baking and storage of bread - in vitro<br />

and in vivo studies, Cereal Chem., 65: 1-8.<br />

28. Eliasson, A.-C., Finstad, H., and Ljunger, G. (1988). A study of starch-lipid<br />

interactions for some native and modified maize starches, Starch/Stärke, 40: 95-100.<br />

29. Holm, J., Lundquist, I., Björck, I., Eliasson, A.-C., and Asp, N.-G. (1988). Degree<br />

of starch gelatinization, digestion rate of starch in vitro, and metabolic response in<br />

rats, Am. J. Clin. Nutr .47: 1010-1016.<br />

30. Eliasson, A.-C., and Ljunger, G. (1988). Interactions between amylopectin and<br />

lipid additives during retrogradation in a model system, J. Sci. Food Agric., 44: 353-<br />

361.<br />

31. Holm, J., Björck, I., and Eliasson, A.-C. (1988). Effects of thermal processing of<br />

wheat on starch: I. Physico-chemical and functional properties, J. Cereal Sci., 8: 249-<br />

260.<br />

32. Gudmundsson, M., and Eliasson, A.-C. (1989). Some physicochemical properties<br />

of oat starches extracted from varieties with different oil content, Acta. Agric.<br />

Scand., 39: 101-111.<br />

33. Siljeström, M., Eliasson, A.-C., and Björck, I. (1989). Characterization of<br />

resistant starch from autoclaved wheat starch, Starch/Stärke, 41: 147-151.<br />

34. Holm, J., Hagander, B., Björck, I., Eliasson, A.-C., and Lundqvist, I. (1989). The<br />

effect of various thermal processes on the glycemic response to whole grain wheat<br />

products in humans and rats, J. Nutr., 119: 1631-1638.<br />

35. Eliasson, A.-C., and Lundh, G. (1989). Rheological and interfacial behaviour of<br />

some wheat protein fractions, J. Text. Stud., 20: 431-441.<br />

36. Gudmundsson, M., and Eliasson, A.-C. (1990). Retrogradation of amylopectin<br />

and the effects of amylose and added surfactants/emulsifiers, Carbohydr. Polym.,<br />

13: 295-315.<br />

Research papers<br />

A.-C. Eliasson<br />


37. Eliasson, A.-C., and Tjerneld, E. (1990). On the influence of added lipid phases<br />

on the rheological properties of wheat flour doughs, Z. Lebensm. Unters. Forsch.,<br />

191: 35-39.<br />

38. Björck, I., Eliasson, A.-C., Drews, A., Gudmundsson, M., and Karlsson, R.<br />

(1990). Some nutritional properties of starch and dietary fiber in barley genotypes<br />

containing different levels of amylose, Cereal Chem., 67: 327-333.<br />

39. Eliasson, A.-C., and Tjerneld, E. (1990). Adsorption of wheat proteins on wheat<br />

starch granules, Cereal Chem., 67: 366-372.<br />

40. Muhrbeck, P., Eliasson, A.-C., and Salomonsson, A.-C. (1990). Physical<br />

characterization of bromine oxidised potato starch, Starch/Stärke, 42: 418-420.<br />

41. Eliasson, A.-C., Silverio, J., and Tjerneld, E. (1991). Surface properties of wheat<br />

flour-milling streams and rheological and thermal properties after hydration, J.<br />

Cereal Sci., 13: 27-39.<br />

42. Gudmundsson, M., Eliasson, A.-C., Bengtsson, S., and Åman, P. (1991). The<br />

effects of water soluble arabinoxylan on gelatinization and retrogradation of starch,<br />

Starch/Stärke, 43: 5-10.<br />

43. Gudmundsson, M., and Eliasson, A.-C. (1991). Thermal and viscous properties of<br />

rye starch extracted from different varieties, Cereal Chem., 68: 172-177.<br />

44. Muhrbeck, P., and Eliasson, A.-C. (1991). Influence of the naturally occuring<br />

phosphate esters on the crystallinity of potato starch, J. Sci. Food Agric., 55: 13-18.<br />

45. Wannerberger, L., and Eliasson, A.-C. (1991). Dispersions of wheat proteins<br />

obtained by alkali-acid treatmeant - flow properties, J. Dispersion Science and<br />

Technology 12: 337-347.<br />

46. Larsson, I., and Eliasson, A.-C. (1991). Annealing of starch at an intermediate<br />

water content, Starch/Stärke, 43: 227-231.<br />

47. Muhrbeck, P., Svensson, E., and Eliasson, A.-C. (1991). Effect of the degree of<br />

phosphorylation on the crystallinity of native potato starch, Starch/Stärke, 43: 466-<br />

468.<br />

48. Muhrbeck, P., and Eliasson, A.-C. (1991). Rheological properties of<br />

protein/starch mixed gels, J. Text. Stud., 22: 317-332.<br />

49. Lindahl, L., and Eliasson, A.-C. (1992). A comparison of some rheological<br />

properties of durum and wheat flour doughs, Cereal Chem., 69: 30-34.<br />

50. Eliasson, A.-C., and Silverio, J. (1992). Interfacial and rheological behaviour of<br />

some commercial gluten samples, Acta Agric. Scand., Sect B, Soil and Plant Sci.,<br />

42: 1-5.<br />

51. Mani, K., Eliasson, A.-C., Lindahl, L., and Trägårdh, C. (1992). Rheological<br />

properties and breadmaking quality of wheat flour doughs made with different dough<br />

mixers, Cereal Chem., 69: 222-225.<br />

52. Eliasson, A.-C. (1992). A calorimetric investigation of the influence of sucrose on<br />

the gelatinization of starch, Carbohydr. Polym., 18: 131-138.<br />

53. Lindahl, L., and Eliasson, A.-C. (1992). Influence of added enzymes on the<br />

rheological properties of a wheat flour dough, Cereal Chem., 69: 542-546.<br />

54. Kim, H.-R., Eliasson, A.-C., and Larsson, K. (1992). Dynamic rheological studies<br />

on an interaction between lipid and various native and hydroxypropyl potato starches,<br />

Carbohydr. Polym., 19: 211-218.<br />

55. Gudmundsson, M., and Eliasson, A.-C. (1992). Some physical properties of<br />

barley starches from cultivars differing in amylose content, J. Cereal Sci., 16: 95-<br />

105.<br />

Research papers<br />

A.-C. Eliasson<br />


56. Gudmundsson, M., and Eliasson, A.-C. (1992). Comparison of thermal and<br />

viscoelastic properties of four waxy starches and the effect of added surfactant,<br />

Starch/Stärke 44: 379-385.<br />

57. Eliasson, A.-C., and Kim, H.-R. (1992). Changes in rheological properties of<br />

hydroxypropyl potato starch pastes during freeze-thaw treatments. I. A rheological<br />

approach for evaluation of freeze-thaw stability, J. Text. Stud., 23: 279-295.<br />

58. Mani, K., Trägårdh, C., Eliasson, A.-C., and Lindahl, L. (1992). Water content,<br />

water soluble fraction, and mixing affect fundamental rheological properties of wheat<br />

flour doughs, J. Food Sci., 57: 1198-1209.<br />

59. Wannerberger, L., and Eliasson, A.-C. (1993). Differential scanning calorimetry<br />

studies of rye flour-milling streams, Cereal Chem., 70: 196-198.<br />

60. Kim, H.-R., and Eliasson, A.-C. (1993). Changes in rheological properties of<br />

hydroxypropyl potato starch pastes during freeze-thaw treatments II. Effect of molar<br />

substitution and cross-linking, J. Text. Stud., 24: 199-213.<br />

61. Kim, H.-R., Muhrbeck, P., and Eliasson, A.-C. (1993). Changes in rheological<br />

properties of hydroxypropyl potato starch pastes during freeze-thaw treatments. III.<br />

Effect of cooking conditions and concentration of the starch paste, J. Sci. Food<br />

Agric., 61: 109-116.<br />

62. Kim, H.-R., and Eliasson, A.-C. (1993). The influence of molar substitution on<br />

the thermal transition properties of hydroxypropyl potato starches, Carbohydr.<br />

Polym., 22: 31-35.<br />

63. Lindahl, L., Eliasson, A.-C., Larsson, E., and Hall, G. (1993). Vergleichende<br />

Studie zwischen Durum-Weizen und anderen Mehlmischungen für die Teig-waren-<br />

Herstellung, Getreide, Mehl und Brot, 47: 57-60.<br />

64. Wikström, K., Bohlin, L., and Eliasson, A.-C. (1994). Biaxial extensional flow of<br />

wheat flour doughs, Rheology 94, 4: 192-197.<br />

65. Eliasson, A.-C., Gudmundsson, M., and Svensson, G. (1995). Gelatinization of<br />

wheat starch in flour - relation to flour quality, Lebensm.-Wiss. u. -Technol., 28:<br />

227-235.<br />

66. Svensson, E. and Eliasson, A.-C. (1995). Crystalline changes of native wheat and<br />

potato starches at intermediate water levels during gelatinization, Carbohydr.<br />

Polym., 26: 171-176.<br />

67. Eliasson, A.-C., and Kim, H.-R. (1995). A dynamic rheological method to study<br />

the interaction between starch and lipids, J. Rheology, 39:1519-1534<br />

68. Larsson, H. and Eliasson, A.-C. (1996). Phase separation of wheat flour dough<br />

studied by ultracentrifugation and stress-relaxation I. Influence of water content,<br />

Cereal Chem., 73: 18-24.<br />

69. Larsson, H. and Eliasson, A.-C. (1996). Phase separation of wheat flour doughs<br />

studied by ultracentrifugation and stress-relaxation II. Influence of mixing time,<br />

ascorbic acid and lipids, Cereal Chem., 73: 25-31.<br />

70. Wannerberger, L., Wahlgren, M. and Eliasson, A.-C. (1996). Adsorption of<br />

protein fractions from wheat onto methylated silica surfaces, Cereal Chem., 73: 499-<br />

505.<br />

71. Svensson, E., Gudmundsson, M. and Eliason, A.-C. (1996). Binding of sodium<br />

dodecylsulphate to starch polysaccharides quantified by surface tension<br />

measurements, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 6: 227-233.<br />

72. da Cruz Francisco, J., Silverio, J., Eliasson, A.-C. and Larsson, K. (1996).<br />

A comparative study of gelatinization of cassava and potato starch in an aqueous lipid<br />

phase (L2) compared to water, Food Hydrocolloids, 10: 317-322.<br />

Research papers<br />

A.-C. Eliasson<br />


73. Silverio, J., Svensson, E., Eliasson, A.-C., and Olofsson, G. (1996). Isothermal<br />

microcalorimetric studies on starch retrogradation, Journal of Thermal Analysis,<br />

47: 1179-1200.<br />

74. Mani Lindborg, K., Trägårdh, C., Eliasson, A.-C. and Dejmek, P. (1997). Timeresolved<br />

shear viscosity of wheat flour doughs - Effect of mixing, shear rate, and<br />

resting on the viscosity of doughs of different flours, Cereal Chemistry, 74: 49-55.<br />

75. Wannerberger, L., Eliasson, A.-C., and Sindberg, A. (1997). Interfacial properties<br />

of rye flour-milling streams and secalin in comparison with gluten, J. Cereal Sci., 25:<br />

243-252<br />

76. Wannerberger, L., Nylander, T., Eliasson, A.-C., Tatham, A., Fido, R., Miles,<br />

M.J. and McMaster, T.J. (1997). Interaction between α-gliadin layers, J. Cereal Sci.,<br />

26: 1-13.<br />

77. Larsson, H. and Eliasson, A.-C. (1997). Influence of the starch granule surface on<br />

the rheological behaviour of wheat flour dough, J. Texture Stud., 28: 487-501.<br />

78. Wikström, K. and Eliasson, A.-C. (1998). Effects of enzymes and oxidizing<br />

agents on shear stress relaxation of wheat flour dough: Additions of protease, glucose<br />

oxidase, ascorbic acid and potassium bromate, Cereal Chem., 75: 331-337.<br />

79. Fredriksson, H., Silverio, J., Andersson, R., Eliasson, A.-C. and Åman, P. (1998).<br />

The influence of amylose and amylopectin characteristics on gelatinization and<br />

retrogradation properties of different starches, Carbohydr. Polym., 35: 119-134.<br />

80. Larsson, H. and Eliasson, A.-C. (1998) A comparison of equilibrated lipid water<br />

systems and the effect of added lecithin on dough rheology of flour milling-streams,<br />

J. Sci. Food Agric., 77:552-558.<br />

81. Svensson, E., Autio, K. and Eliasson, A.-C. (1998). The effect of sodium<br />

dodecylsulfate on gelatinization and gelation properties of wheat and potato starches,<br />

Food Hydrocolloids, 12:151-158<br />

82. Villwock, V.K., Eliasson, A.-C., Silverio, J. and BeMiller, J. (1999) Starch-lipid<br />

interactions in common, waxy, ae du, and ae su2 maize starches examined by<br />

differential scanning calorimetry, Cereal Chem, 76:292-298.<br />

83. Cies´la, K. Svensson, E. and Eliasson, A.-C. (1999) Preliminary studies using<br />

differential scanning calorimetry of radiation-induced transformations in starch and<br />

flour, J. Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 56:1197-1202.<br />

84. Larsson, H. and Eliasson, A.-C. (1999) Rheological behaviour of mixed gels of<br />

wheat starch and ethyl(hydroxyethyl)cellulose (EHEC), J. Texture Stud., 30: 181-<br />

196.<br />

85. Örnebro, J., Wahlgren, M., Eliasson, A.-C., Fido, R.J. and Tatham, A.S. (1999)<br />

Adsorption of α-, β-, γ- and ω-gliadins onto hydrophobic surfaces., J. Cereal Sci.,<br />

30: 105-114.<br />

86. McMaster, T.J., Miles, M.J., Wannerberger, L., Eliasson, A.-C., Shewry, P.R. and<br />

Tatham, A.S. (1999) Identification of microphases in mixed α-and ω-gliadin protein<br />

films investigated by atomic force microscopy, J. Agric. Food Chem., 47: 5093-<br />

5099.<br />

87. Silverio, J., Fredriksson, H., Andersson, R., Eliasson, A.-C. and Åman, P. (2000)<br />

The effect of temperature cycling on the amylopectin retrogradation of starches with<br />

different amylopectin unit-chain length distribution, Carbohydr. Polym. 42: 175-<br />

184.<br />

88. Örnebro, J., Nylander, T. and Eliasson, A.-C. (2000) Critical Review: Interfacial<br />

behaviour of wheat proteins, J. Cereal Sci. 31: 195-221.<br />

Research papers<br />

A.-C. Eliasson<br />


89. Fredriksson, H., Björck, I., Andersson, R., Liljeberg, H., Silverio, J., Eliasson, A.-<br />

C. and Åman, P. (2000) Studies on α-amylase degradation of retrograded starch gels<br />

from waxy maize and high-amylopectin potato, Carbohydr. Polym. 43: 81-87.<br />

90. Tufvesson, F. and Eliasson, A.-C. (2000) Formation and crystallization of<br />

amylose-monoglyceride complex in a starch matrix, Carbohydr. Polym. 43: 359-<br />

365.<br />

91. Larsson, H., Eliasson, A.-C., Johansson, E. and Svensson, G. (2000) Influence of<br />

added starch on mixing of dough made with three wheat flours differing in high<br />

molecular weight subunit composition: Rheological behaviour, Cereal Chem. 77:<br />

633-639.<br />

92. Elofsson, U., Eliasson, A.-C., Wahlgren, M., Loosveld, A-M.A., Courtin, C.M.<br />

and Delcour, J.A. (2000) Adsorption studies of interaction between water -<br />

extractable nonstarch polysaccharides and prolamines in cereals, Cereal Chem. 77:<br />

679-684.<br />

93. Granfeldt, Y., Eliasson, A.-C. and Björck, I. (2000) An examination of the<br />

possibility of lowering the glycemic index of oat and barley flakes by minimal<br />

processing, J. Nutr. 130: 2207-2214.<br />

94. Repeckiene, A., Eliasson, A.-C., Juodeikiene, G. and Gunnarsson, E. (2001)<br />

Predicting baking performance from rheological and adhesive properties of rye meal<br />

suspensions during heating, Cereal Chem. 78:193-199.<br />

95. Tufvesson, F., Skrabanja, V., Björck, I., Liljeberg, H., and Eliasson, A.-C. (2001)<br />

Digestibility of starch systems containing amylose-glycerol monopalmitin complexes,<br />

Lebensm.-Wiss. u -Technol. 34:131-139.<br />

96. Örnebro, J., Nylander, T., Eliasson, A.-C., Shewry, P.R., Tatham A.S. and<br />

Gilbert, S.M. (2001) Adsorption of the high molecular weight glutenin subunit 1Dx5<br />

compared to the 58 kDa central repetitive domain and α-gliadins, J. Cereal Sci.<br />

34:141-150.<br />

97. Ortega-Ojeda, F.E. and Eliasson, A.-C. (2001) Gelatinisation and retrogradation<br />

behaviour of some starch mixtures, Starch/Stärke, 53:520-529.<br />

98. Santacruz, S., Koch, K., Svensson, E., Ruales, J. and Eliasson, A.-C. (2002) Three<br />

underutilised sources of starch from the Andean region in Ecuador Part I. Physicochemical<br />

characterisations, Carbohydr. Polymer, 49: 63-70.<br />

99. Watanabe, A., Larsson, H. and Eliasson, A.-C. (2002) Effect of ohysical state of<br />

nonpolar lipids on rheology and microstructure of gluten-starch dough and wheat<br />

flour doughs, Cereal Chem., 79: 203-209.<br />

100. Lundqvist, H., Eliasson, A.-C. and Olofsson, G. (2002) Binding of<br />

hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide to starch polysaccharides. Part I. Surface<br />

tension measurements. Carbohydr. Polym. 49: 43-55.<br />

101. John, J.K., Raja, K.C.M., Rani, S., Moorthy, S.N. and Eliasson, A. (2002)<br />

Properties of arrowroot starch treated with aqueous HCl at ambient temperature. J.<br />

Food Sci. 67: 10-14.<br />

102. Lundqvist, H., Eliasson, A.-C. and Olofsson, G. (2002) Binding of<br />

hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide to starch polysaccharides. Part II.<br />

Calorimetric study. Carbohydr. Polym. 49:109-120.<br />

103. Lundqvist, H., Nilsson, G., Eliasson, A.-C. and Gorton, L. (2002) Changing the<br />

amylopectin-sodium dodecyl sulphate interaction by modifying the exterior chain<br />

length. Starch/Stärke 54:100-107.<br />

104. Ciesla, K. and Eliasson, A.-C. (2002) Influence of gamma radiation on potato<br />

starch gelatinization studied by differential scanning calorimetry. Radiation Physics<br />

and Chemistry 64:137-148.<br />

Research papers<br />

A.-C. Eliasson<br />


105. Santacruz, S., Ruales, J. and Eliasson, A.-C. (2003) Three underutilised sources<br />

of starch from the Andean region in Ecuador Part II. Rheological characaterisation<br />

Carbohydr. Polym 51: 85-92.<br />

106. Tufvesson, F., Wahlgren, M. and Eliasson, A.-C. (2003) Formation of amyloselipid<br />

complexes and effects of temperature. Part 1. Monoglycerides Starch/Stärke<br />

55:61-71.<br />

107. Tufvesson, F., Wahlgren, M. and Eliasson, A.-C. (2003) Formation of amyloselipid<br />

complexes and effects of temperature treatment. Part 2. Fatty acids<br />

Starch/Stärke 55: 138-149.<br />

108. Ortego-Ojeda, F.E., Larsson, H. and Eliasson, A.-C. (2003) On the dispersion<br />

and small-amplitude oscillation measurements of high amylopectin potato starch<br />

Starch/Stärke 55: 121-130.<br />

109. Watanabe, A., Yokomizo, K. and Eliasson, A.-C. (2003) Effect of physical states<br />

of nonpolar lipids on rheology, ultracentrifugation, and microstructure of wheat flour<br />

dough Cereal Chem. 80: 281-284.<br />

110. Örenbro, J., Nylander, T., Eliasson, A.-C., Shewry, P.R., Tatham, A.S. and<br />

Gilbert, S.M. (2003) The behvaiour of the high molecular-weight glutenin subunit<br />

1Dx5, the 58 kDa central repetitive domain and α-gliadins at the air-aqueous<br />

interface J. Cereal Sci. 38: 147-156.<br />

111. Karlsson, M.E. and Eliasson, A.-C. (2003) Gelatinization and retrogradation of<br />

potato (Solanum tuberosum) starch in situ as assessed by differential scanning<br />

calorimetry Lebensm.-Wiss. u.-Technol. 36: 735-741.<br />

112. Karlsson, M.E. and Eliasson, A.-C. (2003) Effects of time/temperature<br />

treatments on potato (Solanum tuberosum) starch: a comparison of isolated starch and<br />

starch in situ Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 83: 1587-1592..<br />

113. Ciesla, K. and Eliasson, A.-C. (2003) DSC studies of gamma irradiation<br />

influence on gelatinisation and amylose-lipid complex transition occurring in wheat<br />

starch Radiation Physics and Chemistry 68: 933-940.<br />

114. Georgopoulos, Larsson, H. and Eliasson, A.-C. (2004) A comparison of the<br />

rheological properties of wheat flour dough and its gluten prepared by<br />

ultracentrifugation Food Hydrocolloids 18: 143-151.<br />

115. Arfvidsson, C., Wahlund, K.-G. and Eliasson, A.-C. (2004) Direct molecular<br />

weight determination in the evaluation of dissolution methods for unreduced glutenin<br />

J. Cereal Sci. 39: 1-8<br />

116. Ortega-Ojeda, F., Larsson, H. and Eliasson, A.-C. (2004) Gel formation in<br />

mixtures of high amylopectin potato starch and potato starch Carbohydrate<br />

Polymers 56: 505-514.<br />

117. Ortega-Ojeda, F., Larsson, H. and Eliasson, A.-C. Gel formation in mixtures of<br />

amylose and high amylopectin potato starch (2004) Carbohydrate Polymers 57:55-<br />

66.<br />

118. Elfstrand, L., Frigård, T., Andersson, R., Eliasson, A.-C., Jönsson, M., Reslow,<br />

M. and Wahlgren, M. Recrystallisation behaviour of native and processed waxy<br />

maize starch in relation to the molecular characteristics (2004) Carbohydrate<br />

Polymers 57: 389-400.<br />

119. Ciesla, K. and Eliasson, A.-C. (2005) DSC studies of g-irradiation influence on<br />

amylase-lipid complex transition in wheat flour J Thermal Analysis and<br />

Calorimetry 79:19-27.<br />

120. Ortega-Ojeda, F., Larsson, H. and Eliasson, A.-C. (2005) Gel formation in<br />

mixtures of hydrophobically modified potato and high amylopectin potato starch<br />

Carbohydrate Polymers 59:313-327.<br />

Research papers<br />

A.-C. Eliasson<br />


121. Mira, I., Eliasson, A.-C. and Persson, K. (2005) Effect of surfactant structure on<br />

the pasting properties of wheat flour and starch suspensions Cereal Chem. 82: 44-52.<br />

122. Lundqvist, H. and Eliasson, A.-C. (2005) Influence of whey protiens β-<br />

lactoglobulin and α-lactalbumin on retrogradation of starch Progress in Food<br />

Biopolymer research 1: 87-99<br />

123. Georgopoulos, F., Larsson, H. and Eliasson, A.-C. (2006) Influence of native<br />

lipids on the rheological properties of wheat flour dough and gluten J. Texture Stud.<br />

37: 49-62.<br />

124. Moorthy, S.N., Andersson, L., Eliasson, A-C., Santacruz, S. and Ruales, J.<br />

(2006) Determination of amylose content in different starches using modulated<br />

differential scanning calorimetry Starch/Stärke 58: 209-214.<br />

125. Leeman, A.M., Karlsson, M.E., Eliasson, A.-C. and Björck, I. (2006) Resistant<br />

starch formation in temperature treated potato starches varying in<br />

amylose/amylopectin ratio Carbohydrate Polymers 65: 306-313.<br />

126. Elfstrand. L., Eliasson, A.-C., Jönsson, M., Reslow, M., and Wahlgren, M.<br />

(2006) From starch to starch microspheres: Factors controlling the microspheres<br />

quality Starch/Stärke 58: 381-390.<br />

127. Karlsson, M.E., Leeman, A.M., Björck, I.M.E. and Eliasson, A.-C. (2007) Some<br />

physical and nutritional characteristics of genetically modified potatoes varying in<br />

amylose/amylopectin ratios Food Chemistry 100: 136-146.<br />

128. Elfstrand, L., Eliasson, A.-C., Jönsson, M., Larsson, M., Simpraga, A., Thelin,<br />

B. and Wahlgren, M. (2007) Recrystallization of waxy maize starch during<br />

manufacturing of starch microspheres for drug delivery: Influence of excipients<br />

Carbohydrate Polymers 69: 732-741.<br />

129. Ciesla, K. and Eliasson, A.-C. (2007) DSC studies of gamma irradiation effect<br />

on the amylose-lipid complex formed in wheat and potato starches Acta Alimentaria<br />

36: 11-126.<br />

130. Ciesla, K. and Eliasson, A.-C. (2007) DSC studies of retrogradation and<br />

amylose-lipid complex transition taking place in gamma irradiated wheat starch<br />

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 265: 399-405<br />

Research papers<br />

A.-C. Eliasson<br />


1. Eliasson, A.-C. (1983). Physical Properties of Starch in Concentrated Systems<br />

such as Dough and Bread, Lund University, Lund (thesis).<br />

2. Eliasson, A.-C. (1988). Physical and chemical characteristics of legume starches,<br />

ISI Atlas of Science, Animal and Plant Sciences 1: 89-94.<br />

3. Eliasson, A.-C. (1990). Rheological properties of cereal proteins, In "Dough<br />

Rheology and Baked Product Texture" (Faridi, H. and Faubion, J., eds), van<br />

Nostrand Reinhold, New York, pp 67-110.<br />

4. Eliasson, A.-C., and Larsson, K. (1993). Cereals in breadmaking: A<br />

molecular/colloidal approach, Marcel Dekker, New York.<br />

5. Eliasson, A.-C., (1994) Interactions between starch and lipids studied by DSC,<br />

Thermochim. Acta 246:343-356.<br />

6. Eliasson, A.-C. (editor) (1996) Carbohydrates in Food, Marcel Dekker, New<br />

York.<br />

7. Eliasson, A.-C. and Gudmundsson, M. (1996). Starch: Physicochemical and<br />

Functional Properties. In "Carbohydrates in Food" (Eliasson, A.-C., ed) Marcel<br />

Dekker, NewYork, pp 431-503.<br />


8. Eliasson, A.-C. (1998) Lipid-carbohydrate interactions. In "Interactions: The<br />

Keys to Cereal Quality" (Hamer, R.J. and Hoseney, R.C., eds) American<br />

Association of Cereal Chemists, St. Paul, USA, pp 47-79.<br />

9. Eliasson, A.-C. and Silverio, J. (1997). Fat in baking. In "Food Emulsions"<br />

(Larsson, K., ed) Marcel Dekker, New York,pp 525-548.<br />

10. Örnebro, J., Nylander, T. and Eliasson, A.-C. (2000) Interfacial Behaviour of<br />

Wheat Proteins. A Critical Review. J. Cereal Sci. 31: 195-221.<br />

11. Eliasson, A.-C. and Tatham, A. (2001) Cereal Starches and Proteins. In "Cereals<br />

and Cereal Products. Chemistry and Technology" (Dendy, D. and Dobraszczyk,<br />

B. J., eds.), Aspen Publishers Inc., pp 68-89.<br />

12. Eliasson, A.-C. (2003) Starch structure and bread quality. In “Bread<br />

making:improving quality” (Cauvain, S., ed), Wood head Publishing Ltd,<br />

Cambridge pp 145-167.<br />

13. Eliasson, A.-C. (2003) Utilization of thermal properties for understanding baking<br />

and staling processes. In "Characterization of Cereals and Flours: Properties,<br />

Analysis, and Applications" (Kaletunc and Breslauer, eds.), Marcel Dekker, pp 65-<br />

115.<br />

14. Eliasson, A.-C. (ed) (2004) “Starch in Food Structure, function and<br />

applications”, Woodhead Publishing, Boca Raton.<br />

15. Eliasson, A.-C. and Wahlgren, M. (2004) Starch-lipid interactions and their<br />

relevance in food products In “Starch in Food Structure, function and<br />

applications”, Woodhead Publishing, Boca Raton, pp 441-460.<br />

16. Eliasson, A.-C. (ed) (2006) “Carbohydrates in Food Second Edition” Taylor &<br />

Francis, Boca Raton.<br />

17. Eliasson, A.-C. and Gudmundsson, M. (2006) Starch: physicochemical and<br />

functional properties “Carbohydrates in Food Second Edition”, Taylor & Francis,<br />

Boca Raton pp 391-469.<br />

18. Eliasson, A.-C. and Autio, K. Rye starch. In "Starch: Chemistry and<br />

Technology" (BeMiller, J.B. ed) Academic Press, (submitted).<br />

19. Autio, K. and Eliasson, A.-C. Oat starch. In "Starch: Chemistry and<br />

Technology" (BeMiller, J.B. ed) Academic Press, (submitted).<br />

Research papers<br />

A.-C. Eliasson<br />


(• invited speaker)<br />

1. Eliasson, A.-C. (1983). Starch-lipid complexes in bread, Fats (Lipids) in Baking<br />

and Extrusion, Lipidforum, Göteborg, 11-12 April (Proceedings pp 50-51)<br />

2. Eliasson, A.-C. (1984). Rheology of starch gelatinization, Tagung für<br />

Lebensmittelrheologie, Detmold, 12-16 March.<br />

3. Eliasson, A.-C. (1984). Retrogradation of starch as measured by differential<br />

scanning calorimetry, New approaches to Research on Cereal Carbohydrates,<br />

Carlsberg, Copenhagen, 25-28 June.<br />

(In "New approaches to Research on Cereal Carbohydrates", eds R.D. Hill and L.<br />

Munck, Elsevier Science Publishers, Amsterdam, 1985, pp 93-98)<br />

4. Eliasson, A.-C. (1984). Some studies on effects of polar lipids on bread volume and<br />

on bread staling, International Symposium on Advances in Baking Science and<br />

Technology, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas, USA, 27-28 September.<br />

(Proceedings pp X-1-X-14)<br />

5. Eliasson, A.-C. (1984). Starch gelatinization in the presence of lipids, AACC 69th<br />

Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, USA, 30 September - 4 October.<br />


6. Eliasson, A.-C. (1985). Starch-lipid interactions studied by differential scanning<br />

calorimetry, 9th Nordic Symposium on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry,<br />

Chemical Center, Lund, Sweden, June 3-5 .<br />

7. Lindahl, L. and Eliasson, A.-C. (1986). Effects of wheat proteins on the<br />

viscoelastic properties of starch gels, Rheology in Food Science and Biotechnology,<br />

Lund, March 11-12 .<br />

8. Eliasson, A.-C. (1987). Starch retrogradation in bread staling, 23. Nordic Cereal<br />

Congress, Copenhagen, Denmark, 17-20 August.<br />

9. Lindahl, L. and Eliasson, A.-C. (1987). Viscoelastic properties of starch gels with<br />

added gluten and of dough systems, 3rd International Workshop on Gluten<br />

Proteins, Budapest, Hungary, May 9-12.<br />

(In "Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Gluten Proteins", eds R.<br />

Lasztity and F. Bekes, World Scientific, pp 507-517)<br />

• 10. Eliasson, A.-C. (1988). Rheological and interfacial behaviour of some wheat<br />

protein fractions, Cereals 88, Lausanne, Switzerland, May 30 - June 3.<br />

11. Eliasson, A.-C. (1988). Rheology and structure of wheat flour dough,<br />

International Symposium Cereal Science and Technology in Sweden, Ystad, June<br />

13-16.<br />

12. Eliasson, A.-C. (1988). Starch gelatinization in the presence of sugars and<br />

polysaccharides, Starch Round Table, San Diego, USA, October 6.<br />

• 13. Eliasson, A.-C. (1988). Characterization of wheat starch and gluten as related<br />

to end-use properties, Wheat is Unique, San Diego, October 7-8. (In "Wheat is<br />

Unique", Y. Pomeranz, ed., AACC, St Paul, pp 177-192).<br />

14. Eliasson, A.-C. and Tjerneld, E. (1988). Adsorption of wheat proteins on wheat<br />

starch granules, AACC 73rd Annual Meeting, San Diego, October 9-13.<br />

• 15. Eliasson, A.-C. (1988). Characterization of wheat starch and gluten as related<br />

to end-use properties, International Wheat Gluten Association, San Diego,<br />

October 13.<br />

16. Eliasson, A.-C. (1989). Some physico-chemical properties of wheat starch, ICC<br />

'89 Symposium Wheat End-Use Properties, Lahti, Finland, June 13-15.<br />

(In "Wheat End-use Properties. Wheat and Flour Characterization for Specific Enduse",<br />

Salovaara, H., ed., Helsinki University, Helsinki, pp355-364)<br />

17. Eliasson, A.-C. (1990). On the possibility to improve baking performance with the<br />

addition of gluten or polar lipids, 24 Noric Cereal Congress, Djurö, Sweden, 20-23<br />

May.<br />

• 18. Eliasson, A.-C. (1990). The influence of cereal processing on the behaviour of<br />

starch, ICC 13 Congress, Wienna, May 29-31.<br />

19. Eliasson, A.-C. and Silverio, J. (1990). Interfacial behaviour of gluten proteins<br />

after heat treatment, IV Gluten Workshop, Winnipeg, June 27-29.<br />

(In "Gluten Proteins 1990", eds W. Bushuk and R. Tkachuk, AACC, pp 11-20)<br />

• 20. Eliasson, A.-C. (1990). Lipid-starch interactions, New Horizons in the<br />

Analysis of Oils, Fats, Lipids and Lipoproteins, AOCS, Rebild Bakker,<br />

Denmark, July 15-19.<br />

21. Eliasson, A.-C. (1993). On the surface activity of wheat proteins, VIth<br />

Workshop on Gluten Proteins, Detmold, June 7-9.<br />

(In "Gluten Proteins 1993", Association of Cereal Research, Detmold, pp 198-206)<br />

22. Eliasson, A.-C. (1993). Some mechanisms for the starch-lipid interaction, Starch<br />

Round Table, Miami, USA, September 30 - October 2.<br />

Research papers<br />

A.-C. Eliasson<br />


23. Eliasson, A.-C. and Tjerneld, E. (1993). Influence of the starch granule surface on<br />

starch-protein interactions, 78th AACC Annual Meeting, Miami Beach, USA,<br />

October 3-7.<br />

24. van Gijssel, J. and Eliasson, A.-C. (1993). Effect of fat on rheological behavior of<br />

high-fat doughs, 78th AACC Annual Meeting, Miami Beach, USA, October 3-7.<br />

• 25. Eliasson, A.-C. and Kim, H.-R. (1993). A dynamic rheological method to study<br />

the interaction between starch and lipids, The Society of Rheology 65th Annual<br />

Meeting, Boston, USA, October 17-21.<br />

• 26. Eliasson, A.-C. (1994). Fundamental rheological methods in cereal technology,<br />

3rd Annual Meeting of the Nordic Rheology Society, Copenhagen, Denmark,<br />

June 1-3.<br />

• 27. Eliasson, A.-C. (1994). Lipid-carbohydrate interactions, Quality Cereals in a<br />

Changing World, The Hague, Netherlands, June 5-9.<br />

28. Wannerberger, L., Nylander, T. and Eliasson, A.-C. (1994). Interfacial properties<br />

of gliadin fractions, Wheat Kernel Proteins. Molecular and Functional Aspects,<br />

Viterbo, Italy, September 28-30 (poster).<br />

29. Larsson, H. and Eliasson, A.-C. (1994). A study of the aqueous phases present in<br />

dough, Wheat Kernel Proteins. Molecular and Functional Aspects, Viterbo, Italy,<br />

September 28-30 (poster).<br />

30. Konik, C.M., Eliasson, A.-C., Batey, I.L., MacRitchie, F. and Wrigley, C.W.<br />

(1995). Prediction of starch-related aspects of wheat processing using differential<br />

scanning calorimetry, Cereals '95, Adelaide, Australia, September 10-14. (In<br />

"Cereals '95 Proceedings of the 45th Australian Cereal Chemistry Conference", eds<br />

Y.A. Williams and C.W. Wrigley, Royal Australian Chemical Institute, pp 192-195)<br />

31. Eliasson, A.-C. (1995). Starch-lipid interactions. Some examples from the food<br />

industry, Sixth Annual Symposium on Surface and Colloid Science, Lund,<br />

Sweden, October 18-19.<br />

• 32. Eliasson, A.-C. (1995). Rye proteins at the air/water interface, Rye<br />

Symposium, Helsinki, Finland, December 6-7. (In "International rye symposium:<br />

Technology and products", eds K. Poutanen and K. Autio, VTT Technical<br />

Research Centre of Finland, Espoo, pp 131-136)<br />

33. Eliasson, A.-C. (1996). Some colloidal aspects of bread making, Food colloids -<br />

proteins, lipids and polysaccharides, Ystad, Sweden, April 24-26.<br />

34. Borné, J., Eliasson, A.-C., Si, J.Q. and Dybdal, L. (1996) Lipases in baking: new<br />

approaches to a mechanistic understanding, First European Symposium on<br />

Enzymes in Grain Processing, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, December 2-4<br />

(poster).<br />

35. Larsson, H. and Eliasson, A.-C. (1998) Gels made of wheat starch and<br />

ethyl(hydroxyethyl)cellulose (EHEC): Rheological behaviour. In ”Gums and<br />

stabilisers for the food industry 9, eds P.A. Williams and G.O. Phillips, The Royal<br />

Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, UK, pp 184-188.<br />

• 36. Eliasson, A.-C. (1998) Thermal transitions of starch in relation to food product<br />

quality, Bale Meeting. Chemical and Physical Process Development and<br />

Process Safety. Thermal Analysis in Food Science, Basel, Switzerland, May 26-<br />

28.<br />

• 37. Eliasson, A.-C. (1998) Fundamental rheological measurements on wheat flour<br />

dough, 83rd AACC Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, USA, September 13-17.<br />

Research papers<br />

A.-C. Eliasson<br />


• 38. Eliasson, A.-C. (1998) Carbohydrates in food, XXth National Congress<br />

Calorimetry, Thermal Analysis, Experimental Thermodynamics, Rome, Italy,<br />

december 14-18,<br />

• 39. Eliasson, A.-C. (1999) A physico-chemical approach to the study of starchlipid<br />

interactions, Starch Round Table, Seattle, USA, October 28-30, 1999.<br />

40. Moorthy, S.N. and Eliasson, A.-C. (1999) Starch-lipid interactions of tuber<br />

starches, XIV Carbohydrate Conference, India, Trends in Carbohydrate Chemistry,<br />

vol. 6, 97-105.<br />

41. Ruales, J., Barba, M., Eliasson, A.-C. and Larsson, H. (2001) Influence of the<br />

sugar addition in the rheological behaviour of native starches under-used in Ecuador,<br />

II Latin-American Symposium of Roots and Tubers (SLART II), Lima, Peru,<br />

November 28-30, 2001 (the Best Poster award).<br />

• 42. Eliasson, A.-C. (2001) Starch-lipid Interactions, General Mills, Minneapolis,<br />

USA, July, 11, 2001.<br />

• 43. Eliasson, A.-C. (2002) Starch inclusion complexes, Starch in aqueous<br />

solution, Åbo Akademi, Åbo, Finland, February 21, 2002.<br />

44. Eliasson, A.-C. (2002) Foams in the food industry, Foams, YKI, Stockholm,<br />

Sweden, March 8, 2002.<br />

45. Eliasson, A.-C. (2002) Starch-lipid interactions in batters, AACC Annual<br />

Meeting and Exhibition, Montreal, Canada, October 13-17.<br />

46. Georgopoulos, T., Larsson, H. and Eliasson, A.-C. (2002) Influence of lipase on<br />

the rheological properties of dough and gluten (poster), AACC Annual Meeting and<br />

Exhibition, Montreal, Canada, October 13-17.<br />

• 47. Eliasson, A.-C. (2004) Starch retrogradation and staling of bread Nordic<br />

Starch Network Meeting, Gothenburg, October 28-29.<br />

48. Eliasson, A.-C. (2005) Starch in oral delivery, CAP Annual Meeting,<br />

Ängelholm, May 18-19.<br />

• 49. Eliasson, A.-C. (2005) Amylose, amylopectin, surfactants and<br />

hydrophobically modified polymers – Complexation and gelation, 5 th Annual<br />

Surface and Colloid Symposium Amphiphilic Polymers, Lund, November<br />

16-18.<br />

50. Eliasson, A.-C. (2006) Starch-lipid interactions: Functional and nutritional<br />

implications 2006 Belfort Carbohydrate Lecture, Purdue University, West<br />

Lafayette, USA, May 10.<br />

51. Ciesla, K., Lundqvist, H. and Eliasson, A.-C. (2006) Surface tension and WAXS<br />

diffraction studies of binding cetyltremethyl-ammonium bromide to gamma irradiated<br />

and nonirradiated potato starch XIV International Starch Convention, Cracow,<br />

Poland, June 20-24.<br />

52. Ciesla, K. and Eliasson, A.-C. (2006) DSC studies of retrogradation and amyloselipid<br />

complex transition taking place in gamma irradiated wheat starch IRaP 2006 7 th<br />

International Symposium on Ionizing Radiation and Polymers, Antalya, Turkey,<br />

September 23-28.<br />



(All contributions given or written in Swedish. Some titles are translated to English.)<br />

1. Eliasson, A.-C. (1979). Veteproteinerna och deras roll i celiaki, Livsmedelsteknik<br />

21(4): 201-203.<br />

(Wheat proteins and their role in coelic disease)<br />

Research papers<br />

A.-C. Eliasson<br />


2. Carlson, T. och Eliasson, A.-C. (1980). Bakning ur ett nytt perspektiv,<br />

Livsmedelsteknik 22(2): 66-70.<br />

(Baking from a new perspective)<br />

3. Eliasson, A.-C. och Larsson, K. (1981). Stärkelsen i bröd, Livsmedelsteknik<br />

23(7): 332-335.<br />

(Starch in bread)<br />

4. Eliasson, A.-C. och Hernqvist, L. (1981). Livsmedel, Liber Läromedel, Malmö,<br />

112 s.<br />

(Food)<br />

5. Eliasson, A.-C. (1982). Lag och ordning i vetedegen, Bröd/Konditorn 6-7: 10-13.<br />

(Law and order in the wheat flour dough)<br />

6. Eliasson, A.-C. (1983). Vattnets funktion vid gelatinisering av stärkelse,<br />

Livsmedelsteknik 25(5): 216-217.<br />

(The role of water in the gelatinization of starch)<br />

7. Eliasson, A.-C. (1984). Livsmedelstekniska tillämpningar, Perkin Elmer<br />

Termoanalys symposium, Arrheniuslaboratoriet, Stockholm<br />

(DSC in food applications)<br />

8. Eliasson, A.-C., Tjerneld, E. och Larsson, K. (1985). Tillverkning av glutenfritt<br />

matbröd, Livsmedelsteknik 27(4): 150.<br />

(Production of gluten-free bread)<br />

9. Eliasson, A.-C. (1985). Livsmedelsteknologi - forskning med många gränsytor,<br />

ORDO LTH 5.<br />

10. Eliasson, A.-C. och Lindahl, L. (1986). Ett bröd blir till, Bröd/Konditorn 9: 22-<br />

23.<br />

(The making of bread)<br />

11. Eliasson, A.-C. (1988). Växelverkan stärkelse - lipider, Livsmedelsteknik 30(4):<br />

162-164.<br />

12. Eliasson, A.-C. (1991). Brödbakningens kemi, Professorsinstallation, Lund, 15<br />

mars.<br />

13. Eliasson, A.-C. (1991). Vetemjöl - till mycket mera än bakning,<br />

Fakultetsklubben, Lund, 21 oktober.<br />

14. Eliasson, A.-C. (1991). Några aktuella frågeställningar inom cerealieforskningen,<br />

Nordiska kvarnföreningens årsmöte, Göteborg 21 oktober.<br />

15. Eliasson, A.-C. (1991). Brödbakningens kemi, Vår Näring (4): 22-24.<br />

(The chemistry of breadbaking)<br />

16. Eliasson, A.-C. (1991). Vårt dagliga bröd, Lundaforskare föreläser 23: 96-101.<br />

(Our daily bread)<br />

17. Eliasson, A.-C. (1992). Vetemjöl - inte bara till bakning, Rotary-lunch, Lund, 27<br />

mars.<br />

18. Eliasson, A.-C. (1992). Våra sädesslag - råvaror för bröd och mycket mer,<br />

Hemekonomernas förenings årsmöte, Göteborg 10 oktober.<br />

19. Eliasson, A.-C., Molin, G., Lind, I., Persson, K., Skjöldebrand, C., Sjöholm, I. och<br />

Öste, R. (1993). Livsmedelsförädling, Utbildningsradion och Sveriges<br />

Lantbruksuniversitet, 100 s.<br />

20. Eliasson, A.-C. (1993). Vårt dagliga bröd, Ideons 10-årsjubileum, Lund, 3<br />

september.<br />

21. Tornberg, E. och Eliasson, A.-C. (1994). Köttet och brödet i morgondagens<br />

hamburgare, Forskningsfestival 94, Malmö, 10 augusti.<br />

Research papers<br />

A.-C. Eliasson<br />


22. Eliasson, A.-C. (1994). Nya cerealieprodukter - vårt dagliga bröd tar sig numera<br />

många uttryck, Informationsdag med Nyheter, Fakta och Forskning inom Kost,<br />

Miljö och Hälsa, Studiefrämjandet, Linköping, 25 november.<br />

23. Eliasson, A.-C. (1995). Vårt dagliga bröd, Rotary-lunch, Staffanstorp, 30 mars.<br />

24. Eliasson, A.-C och Larsson, K. (1995). Det är bubblorna som gör brödet,<br />

Forskning och framsteg 30(8): 51-55. (It is the gas bubbles that make the bread)<br />

25. Eliasson, A.-C. (1996) Proteiner i vete och havre, Workshop “Havre och celiaki<br />

- en ny syn på den glutenfria kosten”, Norrköping, 6 februari.<br />

26. Eliasson, A.-C. (2000) Varför gör vi som vi gör när vi bakar? Seminarium vid<br />

Wilhelminatävlingen, Stockholm, 5 september.<br />

27. Eliasson, A.-C. (2000) Några glimtar från Livsmedelsteknologi, presentation av<br />

forskning Kungl. Skogs- och Lantbruksakademien, Jordbruksavdelningens<br />

höstsammanträde, Lund, 14 september.<br />

28. Eliasson, A.-C. (2000) Fullkorn. Möjligheter och svårigheter. Fullkorn, Cerealia<br />

R&D utvecklingsdagar 2000, Stockholm, 11 oktober.<br />

29. Eliasson, A.-C. (2000) Brödbakningens kemi. Riksföreningen för Lärarna i<br />

Matematik, Naturvetenskap och Teknik, höstmöte, Lund, 14 oktober.<br />

30. Eliasson, A.-C. (2000) Brödbakningens kemi, Informationmöte med<br />

avdelningsföreståndare och konsultgruppen för Kemicentrums ombyggnad,<br />

Kemicentrum, Lund, 31 oktober<br />

31. Eliasson, A.-C. (2001) Från deg till brödburk. Lunds celiakiförening. Lund, 17<br />

oktober.<br />

Eliasson, A.-C. (2001) 17 oktober. Artikel i ICA-kuriren.<br />

32. Deltagit i Magasin årets kock och Nybakat (AB Svenskt smör), februari-mars,<br />

2002.<br />

33. Eliasson, A.-C. (2002) Professorn har koll på brödet, Sydsvenska Dagbladet,<br />

Sydsvenskan, 2002-08-19<br />

34. Eliasson, A.-C. (2003) Föreningen för svensk näringslära<br />

35. Eliasson, A.-C. (2003) Malmö magasin<br />

36. Eliasson, A.-C. (2003) Bra och bekväm mat i stor skala – stärkelserika<br />

måltidselement. Kick-off för Vinnväxt-programmet ”Innovationer i gränsland”,<br />

Skånes livsmedelsakademis dag, 23 september.<br />

37. Eliasson, A.-C. (2003) Vårt dagliga bröd. Bok- & biblioteksmässan, Göteborg,<br />

27 september.<br />

38. Eliasson, A.-C. (2006) Stärkelse-lipid-växelverkan – ett sätt att modifiera<br />

stärkelse Livsmedelskollegiet, miniseminarium, Kristianstad, 24 maj<br />

Research papers<br />

A.-C. Eliasson<br />


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