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Some treaty articles, which require the Council to act unanimously when adopting an act, were used as main search criteria and applied to the ield indicating the legal basis of an act. the time frame concerning the date of the document and some limitations to certain collections (Sector 2: international agreements; Sector 3: secondary legislation; Sector 4: supplementary legislation) were translated into additional search criteria. the resulting query in the advanced search, which produced 25 hits, looked like this: [Date_of_document > = 2003/05/01 < = 2004/04/30 AND (Legal_basis = 12002E018 OR Legal_basis = 12002E042 OR Legal_basis = 12002E047?P2 OR Legal_basis = 12002E151P5) AND (Type_Sector = 2 OR Type_Sector = 3 OR Type_Sector = 4)] the legal basis ield, which is of central importance when performing this example query, is not available from the simple search screen. to get a comparable result for the one-year period after the enlargement of 1 may 2004 and consequently with 25 instead of 15 member States being represented in the Council, one only has to adapt the period covered in the ‘date of document’ part of the query. for the irst year after the date of enlargement the query results in seven hits; for the period 1 may 2005 to 30 April 2006 nine references are retrieved. for further information, and when looking for a general introduction to the advanced search, it is recommended to consult the ‘Visual quick start guide: advanced search’, which is available online in the EUR-Lex help section ( (last visit 24.11.2006). this irst part of the presentation aimed at fuelling the user’s imagination when it comes to searching not only for individual references, but for welldeined sets of documents, and exploiting the more than 120 ields available in the advanced search for that purpose. 2. EXPLOItING EUR-LEX AS A mULtILINGUAL DAtABASE the second part of the presentation will elaborate further on some of the multilingual aspects of EUR-Lex and focuses on the Eurovoc thesaurus and the classiication of the ‘Directory of Community legislation in force’. 01_2007_5222_txt_ML.indd 62 6-12-2007 15:13:41

MEETING OF THE COUNCIL WORKING PARTY ON LEGAL DATA PROCESSING Both tools aim at supporting the user and both tackle certain language issues related to the database. 2.1. The Eurovoc thesaurus the irst edition of the Eurovoc thesaurus dates back to 1984. today this controlled vocabulary is available in version 4.2 in 18 oficial languages (exceptions are maltese and Estonian) and comes with approximately 6 400 descriptors, an almost equivalent number of reciprocal hierarchical relationships (broader– narrower term) and around 3 500 reciprocal associative relations (related term). the added value that this tool provides for EUR-Lex users cannot immediately be derived from these purely statistical igures. But queries based on natural language search terms already come with certain weaknesses when applied to a monolingual database. Cases of homonymy and synonymy can be referred to as blurring the results of that kind of query. Nevertheless, quite a few users tend to perform this kind of search irst — and sometimes only this kind. the natural language search term ‘electricity’ was found in the title of 573 documents (EN advanced search query [tI=electricity]). for comparison, in the Italian language version of the database, the search in the title for the synonyms ‘corrente elletrica’ AND ‘elletricità’, combined with a Boolean OR, produced only 278 hits (It advanced search query [tI=corrente elletrica OR tI=elletricità]) and applying ‘Strom’ OR ‘Elektrizität’ in the German language (DE advanced search query [tI=Strom OR tI=Elektrizität]) gathers only 149 references. One reason for the comparably low number of hits in the German example is the availability of numerous composites in the German language which are not retrieved by that example of a query. Consulting the Eurovoc thesaurus results, for all ive terms that were used for the above queries, in only one common descriptor, which is ‘electrical energy’ in English, ‘energia elettrica’ in Italian and the corresponding ‘elektrische Energie’ in German. the terms previously used for the search in the title all serve as non-descriptors in the controlled vocabulary and provide a reference to the descriptor. Applying the descriptor for a search exploiting the Eurovoc ield in the EUR-Lex database (e.g. [DC=electrical energy]) results, for all the three language versions mentioned, in the same number of hits (which was 1 123). 62 | 63 01_2007_5222_txt_ML.indd 63 6-12-2007 15:13:42

Some treaty articles, which require the Council to<br />

act unanimously when adopting an act, were used as<br />

main search criteria and applied to the ield indicating<br />

the legal basis of an act. the time frame concerning the<br />

date of the document and some limitations to certain<br />

collections (Sector 2: international agreements; Sector 3:<br />

secondary legislation; Sector 4: supplementary legislation)<br />

were translated into additional search criteria.<br />

the resulting query in the advanced search, which produced 25 hits,<br />

looked like this:<br />

[Date_of_document > = 2003/05/01 < = 2004/04/30 AND<br />

(Legal_basis = 12002E018 OR Legal_basis = 12002E042 OR<br />

Legal_basis = 12002E047?P2 OR Legal_basis =<br />

12002E151P5) AND (Type_Sector = 2 OR Type_Sector = 3<br />

OR Type_Sector = 4)]<br />

the legal basis ield, which is of central importance when performing this<br />

example query, is not available from the simple search screen.<br />

to get a comparable result for the one-year period after the enlargement of<br />

1 may 2004 and consequently with 25 instead of 15 member States being<br />

represented in the Council, one only has to adapt the period covered in the<br />

‘date of document’ part of the query. for the irst year after the date of enlargement<br />

the query results in seven hits; for the period 1 may 2005 to 30 April<br />

2006 nine references are retrieved.<br />

for further information, and when looking for a general introduction to the<br />

advanced search, it is recommended to consult the ‘Visual quick start guide: advanced<br />

search’, which is available online in the EUR-Lex help section (<br />

(last visit 24.11.2006).<br />

this irst part of the presentation aimed at fuelling the user’s imagination<br />

when it comes to searching not only for individual references, but for welldeined<br />

sets of documents, and exploiting the more than 120 ields available in<br />

the advanced search for that purpose.<br />


the second part of the presentation will elaborate further on some of the<br />

multilingual aspects of EUR-Lex and focuses on the Eurovoc thesaurus and the<br />

classiication of the ‘Directory of Community legislation in force’.<br />

01_2007_5222_txt_ML.indd 62 6-12-2007 15:13:41

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